The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 03, 1914, Image 1

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    the bend bulletin
Vol, Ml.
NO. in.
W Working on Hoof of Now Hchool
lliilldlug mill Fell (ti (Initiml Floor
Acddeut Occurred Saturday
MornliiK Funeral Hiitindiiy.
j The nmt serious iiccldonl lit con
nection with thtt building operations
lu Ileud ooourrml Muturduy morning
when (ImirKo llrouiorliuim loll from
the roof of dm now Jleod School
liiillilitiK to tltn RroiuilLUoor mill win
Instantly klllod. AltmjhlKh n num
ber of men wero working on tho roof
nonr him no olio saw IiIiii (nil nr rea
lised (lint nu ncclilntit hnil taken pine
until thoy heard the tioily crash on
the Iloor below.
(ieorgn llrustorlmus, with his tiro,
ther ICd, liml tho contrnat far tho
orectlon of the now school building:
Tliny sublet various itrtn of tha
ImiIIiIIiik hut with iIoIiik tho oarpon
tr work Ihommilve nml hnil come to
tli n completion of thu rougher outsldi
work except lor thu roof. On Hntur
ilny George hnil boon on tho roof as
hIhiIiik In receiving timbers that wero
being hauled up wlillu'Jtd wnn work
ing Inside llin building on thu Kroim-I
floor. In ItH present tntn nil npnn
well extend up through tin) whole
height of tho building In w1 filch tho
Mtalrwaya oro ultimately to hoplnc
imI. George hnil finished with tho
Umbors for the time being anil when
Inat seen on tho roof was standing
near the edge of the well. Tho cnue
of the full la not known.
Mr. Ilrosterhoun wna 19 yoara old.
lit none to llend 11 yearn ago lat
January. bntoig one of lh earliest unt
il kih In thl locnllty. Iln hnil been
MURnaml practically all of the time
cif hi residence In contracting nml
oarpentnr work, ninny of tho riwl
ilanrM and other building In the
town having been hullt by him end
lila brother. .
Iln leave a widow ami two chit
dren. implln In tho lloml "ichnoU. Ho
wna thu kmo nil child In n family of
nine, of whom lx aro mill Jiving,
lCdwnrd llrutlflrhous, of llond. Hn
ry nml Joseph of Dogden, North Da
V.ota. Charles of 1'ortlnnd and Mr.
A. IX MoNctt mid Tllllu llroslerhoua
of Winona, Minn, Ills inothor, Mr.
Ixiulsn Hroslcrhous of Winona, also
Hiirvlvra. Ho waa n member of thu
Modern Woodmen and carried an In
mtranro policy for $1000 In tho ordur
It It understood that ho had a poli
cy for 1000 In another order, atso
Thu funeral will ho hold from the
Catholic church en Halurda" morning
at 10 o'clock, It having hcen dalaved
until that tlmn for tho arrival of Mr.
llrostorhuus' mother from Winona.
new Nattier who will find oondltionn
propcrod for thorn lu on entirely now
Mr. Flnu'H plnn contemplates tho
division of Mm Ten liar Itniuili Into
0 mid HO ncrn twetn on ouch of
which will Im ended a houso mid tho
nucimnnry furm building r.mly for
occupnpoy. In nddltlun ho will nup
ply ouoli tract with machinery mid
stock no thnt n purchaser onu oomn to
thu land empty handnd nml begin
fnrmliiK nt once,
Tho tracts will ho aold on thn In
atnllmunt plnn with Ionic Hum pay
iiimilB nml low IntoroHt olinrKon,
Whim lu town Inat week Mr, l'lnn
nnuotinced thin now aohomo. Ho
htntod that liu hopml to ko nhend na
noon na iroMKlhlo nml wna IiuvIiir tnatn
liindo of nntlvo rock to lonrn If It
would Im aatlafactory for concrote of
which ho planned to hulld. With
Mr. l'liui wna C. C. Muatun of Ht.
Helen, who la n prominent luniher
man thnro, mid n brother of J. N.
Mimliin of Iu Plnn. Mr. MiiHtnn
looked over noun of Iho Inndi nil
JolnliiR tho Ten Hiir nail may powil
hly Invent (hero nnd co-oiiHrn(ii with
Mr. l'liui n hla umlerlnkiiiR.
J. W. Mooio ICvoIicn Nlmple Srheiuo
I'or lUn-konliiR Aitioutit of I'ontnKe.
J. W. Mooro, Hpilmond'a poatmaa
tnr, who wna hero Humlny, linn work
ed out n now nnd extremely almplo
method of cnloulntliiK tho poatnRo
for pnrcnl pout pnekntcoa. Hereto
fore n larRii nnd complicated tabula
Hon hna hcen In uae, which hna prov
ed hoth alow and cumheraume. Mr.
Moore hna placed IiIh ayatom hoforo
thn attention of the Pontmaitor Oen
ernl. nnd from ncknowlitdRiiienta re
ceived thero la Rood renann to aup
ponn that It inny ho adopted officially.
Thn plan li thla: To determine tho
amount of poatnRo required for the
Unit, and aeonnd xonea, add 1 to the
welRht of the paekaRo, tho roault,
lu centa, lielnK the poatnRo rwiulriHl.
I'or tho third zone multiply the
welRht y 2 and ndd 1. In the fourth
Mine multiply by four and ndd three.
Fifth, multiply by lx and ndd two.
Sixth, multiply by elRht and add one.
Berenth. multiply by ten and add on.
KlRhth. multiply by 13, with no addition.
.Natural Immunity of Drorhutra Tim-
ler front I'Jro to Im Added to by
Hfllcleut I'wtrol nml 1ook-Out
Kyntcm Co-opcriitlo 1'Iniw.
I' IHvIkIdii of Tni llnr Itiuicli
lulo HO Acre Trnrtn on Which
HouoeM Will Ho Itullt for Snlr.
I). J. Finn, tho new owner of tho
Ten llnr Itanch, la working on a plan
for the dovel piient of tho property,
which. If carried out, will m an
liruiuliiK to this aectlo.i n numtiu.' of
llobcrtMin ItunRnlotr Aanln
Snvnl l-'nuii 1'lnmen.
Saturday afternoon shortly after
five o'clock flames wore aeon nt tho
south end of the Frank Itobertson
cottURO In Park Addition, occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. John Dubula. In very
quick time a hose was rushed to the
nearest hydrant at tha end or wail
street, and by quick work the flro was
extinguished before more than a row
hundred dollars worth of datuaRo
was done to tho structure. All tho
boloiiRlnRS of the Dtihuls' were savo
undnmnRod. Mrs. Dubula. who was
111 In bed, was carried out, and suffer
ed connlderablu nervoua shock, rend
ItiR their leaslnR of another houio the
Uubuls nro staylnR at the Altamont.
Tbo orleln of tho fire Is mysterious.
It was shown beyond a doubt not to
hnvo started from elo-trlc wlrlnR, as
first anticipated. Tho rim was en-
lentireiy on me outsiuo oi ine imuw.
rTonuidv the kUclicn. , This Is the sec
ond llmo thrF7V.weoc?liaa beeu
partly burned.
Tho road roller finished Its work
on llond street on last week nnd was
taken out of town for a sliort tlmo to
work on county roads. It Is ex
pected to lie book an Thursday or
Friday nnd will iwKta at one on wan
street on which okfldeni havo ben
From Homo
where you arc not known, avoid all trouble in
regard to your funds by carrying
Thcne cheques aro equally useful for travelers
In America or Abroad. They identify the
holder to hotels, ticket agents and merchants,
' who accept them at face value in payment
of accounts. They are not available to
finder or thief, if lost or stolen.
Let us explain tho system.
Ttaa I JllW n
Deschutes State Bank
Hucceaaor to Uio
DcscHutles Banking & Trust Company
- i i i
'' 11. PBimEMi. Pros. F. O. MINOR, 8oo'y.
H.'m; LAIIA, Onshlor.
D, Ferroll . F, O. Minor, E. M. Lara
AUIiourIi tho flro risk In the tim
ber of tho Deschutes valley Is very
nllRht, due to tho open diameter of
the fowls nnd tho rnwdnm from un
derbrush, tho various imrtlen Inter
ested nro muklnrf double Insurance
URnlnst flro'und plannliiR to aafe
Rtinrd thouisolvea URalusl even the
Hiimll losses that are poMlblo.
Any linmedlato danRer of forest
fires has been postiionod by tho re
cent rains that havo fallon ovor Uio
country but the local forestry offi
cials and tho newly organized tire pa
I trol nisoolatlon are already making
1 nrratifrmtmntfl In MUnnarnln fir fnr.
est protection nnd completing their
plana for tho moat careful and em
olnnt system of flro (Kitrol this section
of the country has ovor known.
The attainment or thla end la made
possible this year by the formation of
the new association, embracing all
the largo timber Interests, as already
described In The ilullotlii. and by the
eonstructlun of many miles of tele
phono lino connecting the various
look-out stat'ons. From these sta
tions, which are placed on the high
IKilnts at different parts of the coun
try, It will be possible to detect any
tire that may start anywhere within
tho district covoroU by the Dosehutas
forest and that part of the Paulina
forest which Is administered from
(lend, ns well ns In the privately own
ed tlmbor of this roRlon.
At a recent conference between
Forest Supervisor Merrltt and J. II.
Honor, reprcsentlnR tho flro patrol
association, plana were made to avoid
duplication of work on tho part of
the two Interests. All fires discov
ered by tho watchmen of either will
bo rcortfd to tho other and eaoh will
Klve tho other nld In flRhtlng any flro
tjiat may break nut whether In tho
national forest or In prlvatoly owned
Temporary location of flro patrol
men has been ntado by Mr. Merrltt
as follows:
Harry Chlldors, Ilosland ranger
station, C. A. Smith, Fine Mountain
ranKor station, U. O. Steovens, Wal
ker Peak look-out, W. 1). Hunt.
Port Rook. L. E. Troyor, Illaok nuttc
George Wilson, Tutnalo. C. C. Bu
chanan, AUInghnm rangor station,
and W. J. Usher, Crane Prairie. All
these wardens wtll have telephone
connection with the six look-outs at
will the othora who are to be added to
tho force at a later time.
100,000 TROUT
All nro Knslcro Itroolc Trout, Which
Already Havo I'rmpcrn! In Dew-
oIiu(h Fifteen Auto Owners
Contribute Assistance In Work
Tho Plonoor Tolephono Company
has prepared a dlreotory which will
cover all their phonos hero, at Prlne
vlllo and elsewhere where their aer
vlao reaches. It Is now being print
ed, nnd will bo Issued probably within
two weeks. After Itn Issue the cen
trals will nbtlgo all patrons to use
number when calling.
Tho Desohutea river has 100,000
morn trout In It than were there on
Monday morning. At least, that
number of fry wore plaeml In the
river Monday, nnd no doubt most of
them have sucoeedod In establishing
resldenco dosplto tho climatic or
urjualle ehango and the unnelgh
bcrllness of the larger fish with tin
0 retlte for Xri it frv.
Thu Stnto's distribution car "Rain
bow" urrlved Monday morning with
tho enrgo of trout, this being the
iar'n first trip of tho season. At
once District Oumo Warden Clyde
McKay got to v.otk, and before noon
all tho trout wero either in tho river
or on their wny to It. Fifteen auto
mobiles assisted In tho work, all do
nating their services free, nnd Aunes
contributed so mo trucking.
The trout In this shipment wore all
Hastorn Itrook Trout, nnd they hnvo
boon placed from llond all tho uy
up to and In Fall river. Last August
othora of this species woro planted,
and during the past month many
have been caught by local flshermon
over eight Inches In length, indicat
ing thu rapidity of their growth.
Home have mistaken the oastern
trout for small Dolly Vardena. They
aro distinctly speckled.
Tom Craig waa In chargo of the
car. Assisting Mr. McKay In handl
ing tho flah wore II. W. Skuso, Lute
Furst, touts Doonar and II. Latham.
H. C. Kills, Dr. Ferrell and tho Rod
& Gun Club hired an auto truck to
help In tho distribution. Tho names
of the car owners who took out 'fish
together with their destination: and
tho n u in ho r of cans of fish they oared
for follows:
Aune'a wagons took 18 cans to
Slsemoro Meadows, and tha Mill
bridge. Geo. Young North Canal
dam, 1; J. A. Hastes, Ilenham Falls,
0. W. II. Stunts, county bridge C.
John Stoldl. Fall river. C Glbb, Fall
river C. Miller, county h rid go 6.
Floyd Dement, Fall River C. J. N.
Hunter, county bridge C. V. A.
"orhes, county brldgo C. Fred Ilozell
county brldgo 4. E. A. Sathor. Rob-
insons bridge 15. O. C. Henklo.
Jones homostcad C. Frank Dibble,
county brldgo S. William Speck.
Shonqucsta E. S. C. Cr.ldwoll (driv
en by Nuto Polndexter) county brldgo
15. Nackcr truck, county brldgo 25.
Each oan holds approximately COO
tha question as to what position this
section of tho county should assume
In tho mntter.
It la generally understood that tho
north endors aro anxious to obtain
tho support of tho west sldo of tho
county on their proposition ns thoy
feel that without It It will bo almost
Impossible for thorn to obtain the
necessary porccntago of votes to put
tho division through. Tho sugges
tion was made on Saturday thnt this
would bo the proper time for tho
southwest corner of the oounty to
start a division on its own account
giving to tho north end all the assis
tance possible In Ita fight and expect
ing tho samo from it. In this way
It would be mora noarly possible for
both sections to achieve tho results
thoy were after.
So definite stand on the matter
was taken at Saturday's meeting htit
a committee waa appointed to eon
slder the question and to confer with
representatives from the proposed
Jefferson county on the different as
pects of tho plnn.
The noxt lunchoon will bo nt tho
Hotel Wright on Saturday.
SugKCHtlon Is Made thnt Soutlnvot
Part or County Also lirrnk Off
Committee l Appointed.
The North end proposition for the
division of tho county waa dlncuSted
t the Commercial Club luncheon at
the Pilot llutto Hotel on Saturday
MHd general consideration given to
Chance for tho Lonely Hnchclors of
tho Mllllcnn Valley.
Tho Itulletln Is not running a mat
rimonial bureau but when Uio mull
brings a totter llko tho following it
has to bo given to Its readers;
Editor The Bulletin:
"I have been told that there are
many good men In your part of tho
country who havo everything to make
them happy but good wives.
I camo west hoping I'd find a good
rancher who might be needing Just
me. I always dreamed about my
ranch. .Will bo glad to send full In
formation to right person. Have a
splendid friend a womau of maturo
years, educated and dignified and
hansomo enough to grace any home.
So If you know of two men of say
4o or 50 perhaps, I'd be glad to havo
you pass this letter to him. Publish
It In your paper if you like, but
kindly omit name, and only give that
to any one who may oare to write
me. I will appreciate your Interest,
and anything you oan do for mo will
be greatly appreciated.
Portland, Oregon.
Name nnd address glvon on application.
CIcneromi Attendance from Westgldo
Communities Hxpccted Member
ship of Committees Olrcn llnso
Ihill Players are Practicing,
While General Huttlue Is Poor, Im
provement Hereafter Expected.
D. E. Hunter, of the Rend Com
pany, returned Monday morning, and
will bo hero probably most of the
8ummer Mr. llunter saya'that
business Is extremely quiet all over
tho country, and that In comparison
with the average conditions Rend's
situation is extremely prosperous and
"Eastern bankers are optimistic."
said Mr. Hunter, "and the general
belief Is that from now on conditions
will Improve. Dumper crops aro as
sured, and that means everything.
Also, the worst of tho Mexican busi
ness seems past, and there la good
reason to suppose that tho railroads
will be grunted their Ave per cent.
Increase In freight rates, which will
loosen things a very great deal."
Ry appointment ot county clerk
Warren Rrown, J. A. Eastes has been
appointed a deputy for Issuing ang
ler's and hunting license. Thla ap
pointment has been made on tho
reoommondatlon ot tho local fish and
KRine olllclals nnd will make the mat
ter of obtaining licenses much easier
than It has hitherto been.
Plans are shaping up well for tho
Fourth of July celebration here, th
committee aro getting to work and
a rencrous amount of Interest In tho
project Is Uolnfc evideneed not only
locally but by people of neighboring
Invitations havo been sent to
neighboring communities, and Judg
ing by the responses received from
various Individuals many will make
Rend their headquarters this season.
Last year Rend had no celebration,
most of the locnlfolkn going to Red
mond, nnd the yoar before no celebra
tion being held hero so as not to In
terfere with Prlnevlllo's. Thcroforo
the feeling this season Is general that
It Is Rend'a turn, and although thn
County Seat did not consult Rend
before starting their celebration
plans, so as to reciprocate for tho
courtesy extended It from here In
1912, it is believed that the West
aldo district will corao here to a
groat extent. r
Raseball practices are being held
Sunday afternoons, and according to
the athlotlc ooramltteo a lot of good
material Is showing up. Negotiations
aro progressing with a Portland nine
and a first class game Is assured. Tha
band Is organizing again, and nrplb
nbly 18 pieces will supply muslaG JjV
good tennis match: with Redmonrhati
been arranged, and entries for the
canoe tilting contest already have
been secured.
While Laid law was counting some
what on a celebration of Its own. tho
people there hare generously agreed
to let tbo move drop nnd all come to
Rend. A very largo attendance is
expected, especially from the camps,
whence visitors wilt come over the
Fourth, which comes on a Saturday,
and ovor Sunday as well.
Tho committees to date aro as fol
lows: General and Finance, J. A.
Eastes, R. JI . Olgg. Charles W. Er
nkine, Horry TUanlon. Mrs. -8. Mcin
tosh. Sports: R. M. Glbb. II. W.
Skuse, J. G. McKay. Lunch and ad
vertising: Chas. W. Ersklne. R. W.
Sawyer, J. P. Keyes, C. M. McKay.
Floats and decorat'ons: Harry Man
Ion. R. M. Smith. F. A. Dennett.
Ladles: Mrs. Mcintosh. Miss M. E.
Coleman, Mrs. G. P. Putuam, Mrs. E.
M. Thompson.
There will bo a meeting of tha
general committee at J. A. Bastes'
office tonight at eight o'clock. All
members of committees and others
with suggestions or who aro specially
Interested are urged to attend.
Reyond tho display of flags In a
few places In town nnd tho closing
of tho banks and tho post olflco thero
was practically no observance of
Memorial Day In Dend. Several vls
Itod the cemetery and placed flowers
on tho graves. There wore no O. -V.
R servlcos.
Screen Windows
Screen Cloth
Screen Hinges nnd Springs
and nil Houseclenning ne
cessities, including
O-Cedar Mops
nnd Oil. Also Colol liquid
gloss, the wonderftil furni
ture polish. See window
ty ydlxi yiJ
The First National Bank
U. C. COB, President E. A. SATHER, Vloo- President
(.'. S. HUDSON, Cashier
Capital fully paid
Surplus - -
To Homeseekers:
Parties contemplating taking Home
steads in the new lartds just eliminated
from the Forest Reserves, should bear in
mind that Bend is tho closest Banking
town to these, lands.
We are making a special effort to be
of service to new people coming ipto Gon
tral Oregon.
Gall and see us and arrange your fi
nances, so you will not have any trouble
in having your checks cashed.
U. C. Cok E. A. Satiiek O. S. Hdiison
o. m. PATTiinso; n. ''. Erw&
i wjTt " V its i v" "
-- - - -"t-iV- -
oe iuiiUi'i'iyi