TIIK IIHND Ilt'LLHTlN, IIHNII, OltK., WEDNESDAY, MAV 27, 101-1. PAGE 7. . . '. POWELL BUTTE (Conllnuotl from nngo 3.) will visit friends mid relatives bo fori) comliiu homo, I, V, Ilinlr lout u liolfor cnlf from blunt Inst wook. with (hln law n ml ho thlnkH tharu will ho no troulilo 4n sumirimsliiK thu wooiIm to iv connldornliln extent thlH llrt your. Tho Cnntrnl Omkoii lr rlKiitlou Co, Imvo slKiilltod thulr wll Hiikiii'sr In koopliiK tholr illlcli hunks free front woods and William Wll mm, it Inrxo Innd ownnr In IIiIh soo llon, him employed a man to destroy weeds on IiIh places, Thorn In u Kdiiornl fool I ii it howovor, tlint tho milintv utiftiifil InIm nnrn tt tlm Ufisiiiia vuiiiii niiwutu uinv vimu st nu wmn . in county rond and not iiinco iiini"'","""""u'' . . , nddoil responsibility on tho (armor , ' M ' "I"" wn r looklnu for whoso Innd tlm roads ndjoln. ,',,",h"r"1?" Thursday. Ho found thorn , N. P. Allnv. K N Hnll and Morton i" run hook. Vjlmt rm raturnud Friday from n two ilny'it Hulling trip on tin) Crooked river. '' Jou Klllott and Mm. I.andfaro worn visitors to I'rlnovlllo Friday. MrH. V. A. Nnnny of Deschutes visited Mm. Alien Wlllroxon from Tuesday until Thursday of last wook, L M. McCniiloy mid W. A. Nnnny of Deschutes woro dlniior Kiiests at tlm wlllroxon homo Thursday FREMONT, (Bpnalnl to Tho Ilullotln.) FltlOMON, May 2D. (Jou. Monkon- holinor In starting n now Iioiiho on hln homestead. Mrs, H, !'. I'onrco wn ovor vIhII- Iiik Mm. Hhormitn ut Oroondnlo tlili wonk. John Sherman loft Fromont this wook on hln wny to tho vnlloy for pineiiurht. fSncolal to Tho Ilullotln) PINKIIUIIHT. May 18. (I. W. Bny- dor and A. II, Rood nimlo n business trip to llisul Monday. Mm. Huydor calloil on Mm. Hood ouo day lnitt wook. Charllo MoutKomory, (loorxo Hcnd nlwl Mr 1lit..il tiln.l.t n IiiimI tiAim fpln IH t Mi,.,.... I.J. J ... II III I ...... '. .-.'.. ......u ..... v. ..,. i. .. miRnuii inn uir iiuiiii umir to IIOIUl TllUHlIay. Jirlduy. Mm. Iluwiett and Miss Fny Mm. Jackson and llosslo wont to will probably accompany him on hln i,nldlaw Tuesday, ruliini. I' II, ii, unyloy loft Tuosdny for .'in. .limn i) iiniuiijii wnn ni noma JlaUUIOIIU. to tllO l'OWtlll lllltttl Horosl WllllllOH day. Besides members Mm. Wlll roxon took thin occasion to entertain Ij. II. Itoot innite a business trip to lloud on Monday. Kthol Bnydor wont to I.nldlaw on n few outiildo frlondn. A pleasant Wmlnusdny.' iiiioruauii was pHsseu, at tno oio or . Mr. nmj Mrn, I'. V. Hwlshor mado n which n.freshiiiiwts woro served. Tho business trip to llond Thumilny. iixt iiiootliiK will ho with Mm da Mr. nm Mm. Wolton of Onmp No. Morno nt which t mo tho Bhumla Club (j wnl ,,, umi Thumday. of I'rlnovlllo will bo Ktioits of tho nth llnyloy called on Mm. Coon luesl oltih. Wodnesday H. I). Mustard and J. h. Gibson n,,s0 Bnydor npont Thumday at lOHdod a onr of iwtatoes lant wook Bwlnhor'a for nhlpmont to llond. (jrnco iir,j,,y f Camp No. 4 call- Curl Charlton acoompanlod Ii P, at t,0 Huydor homo Friday ovon fathur to I'rlnovlllo Baturday, tho lut- i,IR, tor boliiij 'III. .... Mm. Bwlnhor ban boon on tho nick J. V, llornbiicklo wtm a vlnlUir to ,t lnt wcok. lloud Baturdny. roluniliiK Mondny. , Mm. Wolton cnllod on Mm. Bwlnh- C. II. Mlllor of Itmlmoiid wnn a r ono ,ny , wcoj,. caller In thin noctlon Buiiduy. Mr, aTld MrB, Ucod and Mr. and l.no nnd (IwrKO llobbn woro bun. Mm. Johnn wont to Lnldlaw Bnlur iiohh vlNltom to Hond Baturday, ro-(jay turnlnir homo Bunday j.loy,! Hoot spent Baturdny with ..ii. hiiii .iirp. , " !, .iii. ooorgo Dlotrlch, (Jludyn nnd llnxol ilnyn nnd Karli F. V. HwUhor Tlnnnr njoyod a frlod chtakon din- nor at tho Cross homo Bundny. Jnmon flrron of Itodmond wan a vlnltor out thin way Bunday, Hov. ItnKon proachnd nt tho WIN son school houno Bunday niornlnx followluR Bundny school, A largo nudloiieo wnn prosont and Ivy Bnydor woro oalllnR at Camp No. & ono day last wcok, A Btuhborn Ciuh U Wen ring anil IlUky. Lotting a ntubborn cough "hanic on" In tho snrlnir Is rlskr. Foloy's Tho C. O. I. Co. InntnllPd a phono llonoy & Tar ConiMiund bonis raw for Hom lluiisott last week, tho nor vleo litvlnic dlroct to Dosohutes. Mrs. Karl Haundom Is much Indln IioscmI, llin offiHtts of ItavlnR tiuinor ous tooth drawn. W. (I. Mustard will commence na nildltlon to his house soon. l'OWKI.l, HUTTK. May 2t.-Tho howery withor durliiK tio pant wook U holpliiR to koop tho crops Krowlni;. 1'olntoMi aro coinliiR up woll, nnd tho voluntoor erop Is In bud. In fa vornbln loentlons. Alfnlfn Is mnklnK Road growth and will bo rooilr to harvimt oxt month. A bntl ftamo Is IioIiik plnyod tadny In Alfnlfn bqtwoen Uio mnrrlod moil nnd tho bncholom. Oscar I'rlakott ban ono of tho lor Kcst votnto patches hero this year, Imvlnic an entlru 40 In spuds. A. U. Morrill and U. W. Illalr aro In Portland attending tho yoarly Qsmp moot Ins; hold by tho Bovonth Day Advontlstn. They went as dolo Rates from tho church hero. Thoy It Wyno do your cloanlnir. Adv. Inflnmod surfneon In tho throat and bronohlal tubes mnkes sort), wonk spots sound and wholo stops stub- born, toarlmc coukIih. Itefuso suli- stltutos, Pattemon DruR Co. VsBsW iSBBsffW B Q SBnVsBHslBBBBBBBBBBSBt. 2T (Ref inishing Marred Furniture '13 EASY AND INEXPENSIVE Shabby, scratched pieces of furniture that arc unsight ly and a discredit to your home can be made to loolcbright and newjit slight expense and you can do it yourself. ' ILCMEQUAlffl VARNO-LAC stains nnd varnishes at one operation, giving to all kinds of surfaces the elegant effect and durable, lustrous surface of beautifully finished oak, mahogany, walnut or other ex pensive woods. Call for Color Card. . Bend Hardware Company ss lokt cm:i:ic. (Bpoclnl to Tho Ilullotln.) LOST CIIKKIC, May 19. Bomo of our election otllcom refused to act so wo hnd no election tho ICth. Mlsn Ilortlm Kden, of Ilulto, Is tho guest of Mnry Btnuffor, whllo hor par tints are In llond. Kenneth Holms was a huslnoss vis itor In Itolyat this wook. Mendames Mohror nnd Ashby on tortntned n ruinihor of friends last Baturday evening. Mr. and Mm. Woolloy woro rccont visitor In llond. Messrs. Mohror and Ashby aro building fenco for a. It. Young. Hen Do Witt has been plowing for A. II. Kinsman. 0. II. Hasslor haa gono out to llond to work. C. I). O'Noll nnd Tom Cowan woro c: BRICK WORK I Imvo built every brick liouso In llenil erected by coittrnct. WOHK Tin: IIKHT. PItlCKS TIIK !X)WliHT. HATIHPAtTIO.N AIWOLUTICLV tJUAUANTKKO. SAND FOR. SALE The bent obtitlunblo nt tho lonewt price In largo or mnnll iiiiinlltieM. I Imvo tlm etelimlvo privileges for sniul In nil O. O. I . Compniiy ditches. JACK TANSEY Keeps The Motor Cool y.crolcnc, as its name Implies, keeps tho motor cool by perfect lubrication. Even under interna heat and pressure it maintains the desired lubrication film between the wearing surfaces and so enables the engine to do its work efficiently. ZEROLENE THE STANDARD OIL FOR MOTOR CARS is the best auto oil the Standard Oil' Company can make produced by experts of long experience who have studied the requirements of motor lubrication and who have at their command selected crudes and the best refinery equipment with which to produce an oil exactly adapted to meet these requirements. Dealers everywncrc. ask our nearest acency about de livery in bulk. Standard Oil Company (CAU FORNIX) Hernl up In tho west end of tho valley Sun day. in: i.n. (Bpaclnl to Tho Bulletin) IIICI.I), May 17. Horn to Mr. and Mm. F. Ij, llamsay, last wcok, a flno baby boy. Bunday school, hold at tho Rlvor's school bouso, wan woll attondod last .Bunday, forty being present. Quito a drovo or suoop passon thruuRh hero today, Thoy wero driven toward llond. The I,. C. C. moots at Mm. Paul Hold's Wednesday, May 20. Tho well drilling maohlno has moved from J. Bohmoor'n ranoh to Mr. Sholtz'a, whora thoy will drill for water. F. I.und oxpecta to start for llond Tuesday morning far wlro nnd seed grain. A baby ly was born to Mr. nnd Mm. Btovenson Inst Friday night. Mr. Davis was on tho slok list last week, Mr. and Mm. McKay aro tho proud partmln of a now baby grl, born an May 17. HAMPTON. (Bpeelnl to Tho Ilullotln) HAMPTON. May 18. Miss Darlo Ilurton visited with Mm. I C. Peek Thumday afternoon. OIo O. Drogsvold was In Hampton Sunday. Mr. and Mm. A. 8. Fogg visited tjio sheep camp of I.ast Chanco on Fri day. Ij. C. nnd K. M. Pock aro working for Win, Vlssor thin week. Dart Mooks of Ilrooklngs was through bora lant week looking for his homes lost on tho rango. 0. D, Hunting and son, Alvln, are In llond this weak. Mr. and Mm. II. lloguo Imvo gono Into llond this week. W. T. Harrison han gono Into llond for a load of wlro for Mm. l.uolnda Illack. I.oo Ulggs bought a Jcrsoy heifer from B. M. Pock Inst week. Mr. and Mm. C. II. Harmon woro ,VV,..W,A' 7 In Hampton Sunday aftornoon. Mm. Nelson Crow and son MoIvId, visited at W. T. Harrison's last Sun day aftornoon. Mm. Delia Hoguo was in Haapton Sunday, Mr. and Mm. Ill-hop returndd last wcok to tholr homestead northwest of Hampton. Thoy woro threo weeks driving through from Portland. Mr. and Mm. Montgomery of Im perial, passed through Hampton Sun day. C. II. Harmon seeded 17 acres for Win. Ashley Inst week. Orvlllo Davidson mado a business trip to Hampton last week. Mm. Luclnda Illack Is spending a few days In Hampton this wook. Mr. a cor go McGlnity of Glass Ilutto wns at A. S. Fogg's Saturday night on business. Wo enjoyed a flno rain Thumday and Friday. J. M. JUDD DRAY LINE All Kinds of I.lKht nml Heavy Iliiullng, Quick Deliveries of Trunks, Hxpress, Ktc., Gnr ileus PertlllriMl, Ploncri nml leveled. Kntlhfni'llnn flunr nntecil. Prlre Itciwotmblo Telephone H011BKS AND COWS FOIt kali: KHTI.MATKH UUHKIll-'UIjIil w PUUMSIIKI) Jobbing Prompt. Attended To J J. J. RYAN Plumbing and llcntiog phonu iai 117 MINNESOTA STItKP.T MACHINE SHOP We are equipped to do anything In the machine lino, having Installed new machinery with which wecnnhandlo any kind of Job. Automobile Repairing a specially Doyarmond Machine (Sit Repair Shop Hawthorno Ave., Ueud.Ore. CLOVERLEAF MILK and CREAM Am: pum: PJIONK YOUIl OKDEItS O. C. CARDWELL Fanners Phono No. 1. Vienna Cafe REOPEN We are now located In tho Onelll Building next to the mite Studio, flood meals served. Iiread and all kinds of psstry for sale. ....ROOMS AND HOARD.... VVV.1...,.VV I ALTAMONT f t HOTEL ? Mndernto Prices 5 Modern llooms i Attrnctlvo Hurroundlnpi i Rtcnm Heat, Hot nnd Cold j Water With llatli Privileges, i Homo Cooked Meals J MUs A. 1). Spalding, Proprietor 11END, OIIKGOX HVimwummwmvMH Is It Done Right? dobs (v 4mLL If It ts, lit'wtll snoush alone. Rut un less tt la up to ths mark In svsry dtal com and us. UOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND imv OMUNINO "Put Your DuUa In Our Suds" BTAUI'i'KH. (Special to Tho Dullotln) BTAUI'FKIt, May 25. II. Klns- xnnn loft for Boattlo, to. bring bnck with hltn a span of horses. Mm. J. II. Hasslor wont In to Hond Monday with Miss Klva MeFaddon, who won vory 111. Throo men from Oregon City havo boon looking ovor Innd In this vnlloy for tho pant wcok. C. J. Stnuffer and C. D. Wooley mado a trip to llond last wcok MUn Viola Wooloy, Fred Overall, Jack Smith nnd Perry Hortoon at tondod tho danco at Ilutto Saturday nigni. E. F. Eadcs passed through on his way from Hend. Miss Allco Ilrooklngs made a trip to Ilrooklngs last Baturday, return ing Bunday. Hon Do Witt started for Hend Sat urday. II. Kinsman In proud of his new woll which Is Z4 feet deep with G feet of wator. Wo have had a flno lot of rain dur ing tho post week whloh makes the f&rmom smile. O. Iloam bought a nice span of homes of C. J. Btaurrer last week. Paul Ilrooklngs who has boon at tending school at tho Lost Creek school has rcturnod home. I'jiAi.wimv. (8pcclnl to Tho Ilullotln.) PLAINVIEW, May 2C Nelso Pet orson wns transacting business In Itodmond Monday. C. Ij. Adams and family, who haro mado lids place their homo for some time, left Tuesday for Milton, Oregon, whoro thoy will spond tho summer. John 8trahm was In Deschutes on Tuesday. Tho farmers In this part of tho country have been wearing a rather brood smllo of Into which Is duo to the splendid rains. Ilaphael Hughes was a dinner guest at tho Strahtn home Wednes day evening. Tho program gtvon by tbo school Saturday was attended by a large crowd. cultural College, a two wook's short courso In agrlculturo will bo gtvon for boys of tho seventh, eighth, and high sohool grades. A special films. tratcd circular of 16 pagos has boon Issuod and mallod to all county sup erintendents and to city and vlllago superintendents and principals. Copies may bo secure of thorn or of the director of tho summer school. Prof. 2. D. Rcssler, Corvallls, Oregon. Lot Wyso do your cleaning. Adv. IIOVH SHOUT COUItSK. In connection with tho regular summer session of the Oregon Agrl- NOTICK Of CONTliBT. Department of tho Interior, United States I,and Office, Tho Dallos, Oregon, May 13, 1014. To Guy W. Woodward, of Hend, Ore gon, Contcstee: You aro hereby notified that Wil liam O. Cannon, who gives c-o C. B. UonBon, Dend, Oregon, as his post offlco address, did on April 25, 1914, file In this office his duly corroborated application to contest and sccuro tho cancellation of your homestead, En try No. , Serial No. 08030, mado January 2R. 1911, for S Section Z4. Township 20, S.. Ilange 17. E.r Wll lametto Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said en try in nil never established resldonco upon tho Involved tract; nor culti vated or improved tho same to any extent whatever and ban totally abandoned said tract for more than two years last past. You are, thercforo, further noti fied that tho said allegations will bo taken as confessed, and your said ontry will bo canceled without fur ther right to be hoard, cither heforo this office or on appeal, if you fall to fllo in this office within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically re sponding to these allegations of con test, together with due proof that you havo served a copy of your an swer on tho said contestant either In person or by registered mall. You stould state in your answer the namo of tho post office to which you deslro future not'ees to bo seat to you. II. FRANK "WOODCOCK, Register. Date of first publication May 20, 1914. Date of second publication May 27, 1914. Dato of third publication June 3, 1914. Date of fourth publication June 10, 1914. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? ' It Is a fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It Is comfortable, commodious, clean HOOMS FROM 00 CENTS UP 5IEALS FROM 23 CENTS UP The wants of all aro satisfied well at THE WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL r CENTRAL OREGON'S fire, ufe. accident, . V. ToT. 5Z. . PLATE GLASS, AUTOMO- Leading INSURANCE Agency ihle, suretv ijonds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) 3 Monthy J a CaQTCC Ofllco on Oregon Street J, CD 1 EZ5 REND, :-: OREGON Headquarters for Commercial Men' Electric Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL Qood Rooms Free bus to and from trains HUGH O'KANE, MANAQBR BEND, OREGON Qood Meals All arrangements made for persons desiring: to go south and east of hero t 4(-K-K-K-K-K-K4i-k--K Pilot Butte Hotel J. F. TAUO.ART, Proprietor. Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatment Reasonable Rates, Free Auto Service to Trains. Dining Room Service the Best In Bend, Headquarters for auto lines to all :: . points south and southeast. ' W i i '0i ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad will cost yqu.