miwuPjMilWifl'Hn wwjmnn u-w am -iHBliiM"ii minim iwohmpim min A 5 PAOK 0. TIIK UKXI) IIUI.MSTIN, 11KN11, OIU.., VKINK8IAY, MAY C7, 1011. 1 BUSY 0 FORESTRY IN SEVERAL CREWS NOW NKW AUTO TnUCK AUMV1.H Sftltiman, IMbblo nud Collins, who opcrnto tho Ucnil-lturna Auto Stnpo lino, havo bou Kht n now nuto truck for uso in thotr frolRlitliiR business. It Is n ono nml n half ton Unlvorsnl with worm ilrlvo geared to 35 miles nn hour, nnd with It it Ik expected tbivt tho trip to Uurns will bo mmlo In ono day, IN FIELD Lnnri Clnssillcntlon Work llclng Done at Dm In Lnko and on West Fork of Desclintcn New Ilrldf-vsi nro Jtnllt nnd Itomln nro l'Innncd. Activity of various sorts Is Just now engaging tho attention of tho Forest Scrvlco in this neighborhood, covering matters from land clnral flcntlon to brldgo building, accord ing to reports brought In by Super visor M. L. Merrltt. who returned on Thursday from a trip through tho country to the south. Up at Davis Lake a party of four under Ranger J. A. Urlnkloy Is ex nmltflng all open land along tho lako shore with a view to ciassincation, and a party of two under Rangor Curl are engaged In the samo work on tho meadow and low land for sev ernl miles up and down the river from tho Wickiups ranger station. Off to tho north the telephone line has been flntshed from Allen's ranch to tho Indian Reservation nnd tho Alllngham brldgo will bo finished this week. The Davis creek bridge Is finished and ready for the heaviest tramc. Oa this trip Mr. Morrilt visited tho crews In the Held nnd then went down to Odell nnd Crescent Lakes on a sort of scouting tour to look for routes for future road building-, lie found a feasible route on which the cost of construction would bo small and is hopeful of being able to begin on It soon. The fire situation, according to Mr. Merrltt, is greatly improved by tho heavy rains that havo fallen recently so thatno danger of fire Is expected for the next few weeks. Flro guards have been established already at tho Paulina and Sisters rangor stations and later, when the ground has dried again, provisions for the whole for est for the coming summer win bo made. Ladles, tho Skuso Hardware Com pany havo n compioto now lino of white enamel waro.- Adv. MAUKKT UKt01tT. NORTH PORTLAND. May 22. Receipts for the week, havo boon, Cnt tln 10G3, calves 05, hogs 4188, -hoop 6099. Livestock liquidation last eek wns sumovhnt llghtor than tor tho snrna period n week ago, In at lines except hogs, which showed con siderable 'increase. Cnttlo prices woro steadier and further docllnes were not registered. Buyers gnvo ?.S0 to $7.75 for best light hay fod steers. JG.50 to $0.75 for good cows nnd nil othor cnttlo prices woro equal ly steady. The feature of tho ses sion was ono load of firm grain fed steers Monday at S cents. Notwlth stndtng a liberal run of awlno. prices hold steady throughout. Tho best grades of light hogs selling at $8.25 for tops. Outlet broader. Mutton receipts wcra smaller nnd mostly from Willamette valley points. Top on best grado valley yearlings 5, Spring lambs sold Thursday at $C but showed further weakness pt closo of week's business. Ewes woro tho firmest class In tho layout, soiling steady $4 to $4.26. URAL KSTATK TKANSFKIIS. (Issued by Crook Cnutnjr Abstract Company.) N. P. Railway to Prlnovlllo Land & Livestock Co. 8E SB 31-1312, $490. D. Ferrcll to Robort A. Puctt SW JJE, 5-1813. Hdwln B. llnlterore to Robort 13. Rlngo NB SB 3417-13. Hand Park Co. to Eniiira V. MoKny It. 7, blk. 103, 1st ndd lloml Park, $J00. C. R. Kurrlo to Jntucs B. Rood It, 2, blk. G3, Center add llond. Klla Nora Puolt to II. Forroll. Htt SW. SB, NW. It. 4, 31-1B-10. itoltt, A. Puott, to 11. Ferrull 8 to SW 11; WH NW 1417-11. LUtlo Ynndorpool to J. I). Uvnns 3-6 Interest 813 NW, NS SW, SW, 381316. Blmor Nlswongor to Luolln How ard It. 10, blk. 17, WtoHtorln. Cnrl N. Bhrot ct nl, to W. T. Wil liamson It. C, blk. 16, Redmond. $2000. N. P. Ry. Co. to Lysnmler s. Lo gan, NH SW, 27; NM SB 2820-20 $1320. Ada Mosor to F. M. Uooth 84 NIC 34-1410, $760. John 11. Wcnnndy to Francis A, McMonnmln Its. C, 7, blk. 20, llend. N. P. Ry. Co. to Chns. Iloyd SB SW. SW SB, 21-17-13, $000. 8nme to samo NW NB, NB NW. 281712, $G60. W. S. Rodman to O, K. Olson Its, 1 nnd 2. Fair Acres add Rodmond. llond Securities Co. to O. B, Hen lino It. 16, blk. 7, Rlvorsldo, Desert Land Doiinl to II. Splnlng ctf. of proof BJ4 NW 0-1014. Tuninln Project contracts from tho statu or Oregon to tho following por tions havo boon Mod. William Drown NB SW 8-1(112. W. P. Ueorgo 4 ) SW SW, SW SI. 33, NW NB, NB NW 371011. (loo. W. Snydor SW NW 217-11. Mnry F. Mulky, 12) NB SW, NW SW 1-17-11. Frank V. Swisher SW 8B 33-10-11. I.ImIo M. Coon (3) SB NIC, NB NB 1-17-11. Klla Norcott NW 8V 171013. John It. Couch (2) 8W8I., NW HK 211011. Anton F. Will (3) NW NW.NK NW, NW NB, 22-10-11. S. H. King (0) SW SB. SB 8W, NB SW. NW8B.8W NB. BV4 of SB .W, 010-11. J. N. II. (InrkhiK (R) NB SB, SB NB. NB NB, NW NB. NB NW, SB NW. SW NB. NW SB 13-1011. Nancy R. Noblo to Karl N'oblo SB 8W, BH of 8W 8W 2G-12-12. Perry L. Smith to Win. It. Shelley NB NW 201413, $1800. J. II. Oterdoom Jr to Roppel II, MuUlg deed It. 8, blk. 2; It. 11 blk. IS, llond. ffl M SJk WV Vja i at the touch of ajnatch m The BRICK GARAGE ON JIONIl HTIUWT WILL IIB COMPI.KTCD IN A COt'PLB OK WHI.I.H TIiIn Milt li (lit- largest nml IicnI gnnigo liulldliiK lit CViili nl OitKiii, Arniugo Now I'r HTORAOH AT MODBKATB IIATI.N llK'H Repair Work nt I'alr I'llccn RESULTS GUARANTEED Wo DIstrllMito ClinliiiorN te Hiuoii Curs nnd Heldcn Triirku IAHOM.Ni: HUMIIIIKH TFo Eond Garago Company H. i:. Hardy II. II, DruiiUa T. W. Hardy Building Material l i inan-a-asi i ii iiimini ii n n iiiinin i ,i mi iiiimi n scass-g-gaa LUMBER, SHINGLES Get Wise, Let Wyse do It. Adv. BROOK TROjnHNG Those Planted Last Summer Show Good Growth. The eastern brook trout that were put In the river last summer with other fry from the State Fish Hnch ery are apparently thriving. A num ber of them have been caught by lo cal fishermen this spring and all show a' good growth, one caught recently (y Paul Garrison being nino Inches long. To obtain data with respect to tho brook trout In tho Deschutes, Clyde McKay, the local fish and gamo war den, 1s anxious to have reported to him all catches of these fish. He wishes to know the size of the trout and the place where caught and asks for the co-operation of local fisher men in this matter. NOTICES ' , Ilaptiftt. Bible school 10 a. m. Preaching service 11 o'clock. Young Peoples' meeting 7 p. ra. Preaching service at 8. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 o'clock. A few hours at a nice classy, clean, up-to-date place especially prepared for gentlemen, will removo all worry and troubles. The Metropolltan.-Adv A SOCIALIST'S CORRKOTIO.V. To The Editor: We wish to call your attention to rn error you made In regard to a statement concerning the first womao candidate for county office In this county. In The Bulletin of May 20 you stated "Miss Claudia Wonderly of Prlnevllle won the Republican nomi nation for clerk and becomes the first woman nominated for a county office in Crook county." In the campaign of 1912 the So-, clallst Part of this county placed a woman. Mrs. Delia Nichols of Lald law, on the ticket for County Super-, tntendent of Schools, sho being tho first woman nominated for a county office in Orook county and we desire that tho Socialist Party be glveU credit for the same. A Socialist Subscriber. Let Wyse do your cleaning. Adv. CATKItPILLAIt FOK IIAKNRY. Farming machinery which arrived In town recently will give tho papers ot Uurns another opportunity to cry "To Dreak up Harney County," as they did last year on a similar occa sion. The reason Is tho same, a caterpillar engine and brnsh puller that W. O. Howe of Burns la taking in to break the virgin ground of that county, The outfit left town .last week and will take several dayB in getting to Its destination. SIGNS FOR SALE. 'For Kent," "For Sale," "Rooms to Let", "Housekeeping Rooms," "No Admittance," "No Smoking," etc., etc., Placards printed in largo type on heavy brlstol board, 15 cent euch,. lets In quantities. HulleUn Office. 12tf Again, the third and we bopo tho last time, we have the services of n shoe shining artist, Mr. Ed Walker arrived Monday morning from Be attle. Drlng your shoes, with or without feet. Open Sunday fore noons, baths, candy, tobacco, shines, etc. The Metropolitan, Adv. Ife Lafollette Nursery Co. PrineVHIe, Oregon CENTRAL OREGON'S NURSERY I WILL FURNISH FRUIT TREES for planting for n half interest in the crop. Write Hartwig. Millicnn, Ore. With a cood oil cook Move there's no tlelnv or bother no lucrine of wood, coal or ashes. There' no smoke no waiting for tho fire to "catch up". Cook ine starts at onco and when vou'ro throueh vou aimnlv turn off tho heat no fuel wasted. Tho New Perfection OIL COOK STOVE la not just a "quick lunch, light housekeeping affair. it is a complcto all 'round stovo Hint you can hake, broil and roast on just as well as on a wood or coal range and a lot cheaper. Best of all it doesn't overheat tho kitchen. An ideal summer stove. Doesn't smoke. Doesn't taint tho food. Dealers overywherc. Standard Oil Company FOR s luiuurxua; BEST RESULTS -1 Bend USE PEARL OIL The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. Wenandy Livery & Auto Co. NEW AUTO TRUCKS Will be put on between Dencl nnd Silver Lako April 1. UEND-LA I'INE S2.G0 HEND-FHEMONT $4.00 HEND-FOHT HOCK J4.C0 UEND-SII.VEK LAKE.. $5.00 Reasonable Rates will bo chnrKcd on all Express and HauKaffo. SUMMER-EXCURSIONS EAST Reduction in Prices of MAZDA Lamps A. w t. FORMERLY NOW 25 watt lamps 40c 35c 40 watt lamps 40c 35c 60 watt lamps 50c 45c 1 00 watt lamps .... 80c 75c v, y Bend Water Light (3b Power Go. TIckrtN on Hnla Junr I to Nrptcmltrr IK) I'ltml Itrtur). Limit October HI Witts MlH-rol Hlonuier Tin Clio I'rUIIrurn UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM OltKOOX.WAHIIIVHTO.V ItAII.KOAl) A .VAVItJATIO.V CO. OltKUO.N HIIOIIT MNi:, I'MO.V I'ACII'IC nnd cwiineclloiw AT Tin: REDUCED ROUND-TRIP FARES ritiOMft In the KoIIohImk Mutt Dcnrcr flfl.tMi l 1ec.ii" Help Vou 1'lnn Votir Colorado HjirliiK tt.1.00 Trip .Now, Outalm . 110.00 . For ,clllUr Inroriuntloii, KnntwN Clljr ""(m lfir,.. Ht. I'm ill 00.00 Mllll ' A A, - imiiiiiii dii.uii 'nn, Sl1."?".!..,- i Ii!! !!!! !rrnnKr- rtl.llll JXMIIX , , o.vhf ClilrnKo . 7U.no CliicliUKitl HI, 10 llllfTitlo IK..00 Toronto 0U.00 WnililiiKlon 107.no riillauVlphlu IOH.no New York City lOH.no HoNtori 1 10.00 Other Kunlcrti CltleN nt Corrr-i M)nilltii HediictloiiK tnrntN, cull on Any A Kent of tlio 0-W. R. &N. ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES June 7 to 11 Inclusive, to 2CTOI0775 &3I?5 regohTrunkky. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Portland Rose Festival Four Days of Dazzling Attractions June 0-12 DTI! MAIUNi: l'AOKANT, COIIONATIOX. It O H K HIIOW. .MIUTAHY DIH. 1'IiAV. JOT1I Vh Oil Mi I'AIIADKH. rillK-WOHKH. CAIl.NI. VAI. HANI) CONTESTS. NOVEITV I'KATUIIHH. 1 ITII II VMAN IlOHHIlUn 1'AHADi:. NATIONAL lh. IX)ON 11ACI3. (1UIMT KIIIH HIl.ai'ACI.K, 1V5TIIDAYMOIIT l'AOKANT, HMXTNlKUli IIIKTOItl CAIj I'AItAIin AT NK1MT. $9 .90 rom Be"d and Return. Limit June 15. Details on application to J. H. CORBETT Bend, Oregon See Clatsop Beach on the Oregon Coast, one-day side trip, from Portland. at J