'3 ijjJpfH $L TIIIJ IIIJNI) nULLKTIN, IIRNI), OIK., WKDNKfiDAY, MAY 27, 101 1. PAGU 0. ! te i) 1 V la tfr V v'tKX. IU"mmutiimiianiiiIiimm)mtiumiwfliwmimi?inimw!)iitiwan(mitoijoiiimMiituitia(jwi f frlvCrfrVV LOCAL NEWS ITEMS floorge Mllllciin wn In town Mon- tiny. IB 18 IS 1). K. Hunter la expected hero thl week. ra ra ib , Mlei Flnrcneo Young returned to llend Hundny. 13 ra 13 - Chnrle ritchor of fillvor Lnko wan hero Imt week. 18 18 IB v, Mr. I'. W. 1'nrkor went to Port - land Imt week. IB IB IB A. I. Krench In nxpoctud baok from Portland tomorrow. 4- IB IB IB -w. Tho II. If. Allen nnd It. II. Ouull hnd n picnic Hundny. IB IS IB , Mr. Allen, 8r. eriturtnlimd tho HrldKa Club Inst week. 13 13 IB Clyde MoKny went to Huron ye- terday with Lute Furat. ,. IB 15 (9 Torn Murphy I In ehnrgo of n camp on thu Turnnlo 1'roject. IB H H -m-. ' Mr. nnd Mr. J. iWBhnwfftjSfaltrn, inre guests nt tho Altamont. WJ IB H S3 ,. Minn Lnulio Halvorsen I nt I lend Illvor on a rck' vncntlon. Mr. I'owclson I In Portland In connection with her work, IB IB IB Mr. Ilrrt Andru of Hlgln, ill.. In ataylng nt tho Mtnntont. IB IB IB Mr. A. I). Morrill wn In town from Powell Unite yesterday. IB IB IB The itook of the Klklns' saloon wn (old nt nucllon on Hnturdny. 18 IB IB II. Kinsman of Rtaulfcr wnn rog literod At tho llend on Thursday. IS IB IB I. V. Ilonaley of I,n1dlnw wn reg istered nt tho Mend on Saturday. 1. IB IB IB . -Harney O'Donnolt I bringing In a cnrlond of lieof entile from Portland. imticmd and" Men's at $1.00 Hoy's 95c Barefoot Sandals .Sizes 5 to 8J 65c 0 to Hi 70c 12 to 2 75c. ELK HIDE L Boys', sizes 12 to 2 $2.00 Men's, in.Olive, Brown and Men's 10-hich Elkskins Ladies' Tan Calf for tennis heayy rubber sole 13 f? . ft - . von nar it arsa .& i . iu IF A" SHJkSwt fliniWyNW HibibHiWwijU .nf (kLmK. mtmmssPtMS. :mz m Ladies' White Canvas Pumps at $2.50 Two Strap Pumps at $1.50 E. A. SATHER. Do I Feel Good? woll tnko n look nt mo, I fool Rood all tho tlruoj pur wholo family, (ho inmo; my wlfo complox lon In poncho nnd crcntn, nnd thoxo kid of otlrn, any. you ought to itoo thorn. Whnt In tho nocrotT It'a no nccrot, about onco a month, I ipond 25 PATTERSON'S ' Gas and Dyspepsia Tablets Patterson Drug Co. 2S RooJ& Stan Ocorgo Mllllonn of MIIHoan wa In town uu Hundny, a kuvnI nt tho Hand. ra ra ib IDrlo Ilostoliind of Mllllonn, wnn riiKlMterod nt tho Wright on Thur. day. r, IB is ra Horn (o Mr.- nnd Mr. O, 0. Card woll on Thursday, au eight pound boy. ra ra is Frldny tint (llro Club gnvo a show er to Ml HmitlriKlon nt Mrs. Put nniu'. ra 1 IB 1 Alvln 8. Ilnwk of Fremont wn registered nt tho Pilot Dultu on Hat urdny. IB IB IB W. T.. Molfonoy wnn In town from Desuhulon on Krldny, u guest nt tho Wrluht. IS IB IS Ggorgo nnd Iav Hobb. tho, Pow- en iiuiiii rancuers, wuro in town on Saturday. IB IB IB Mr. A. King Wilson nnd dnuehtor irom rortinoil ure roistered at tbo Altamobt. IB 15 IB Mr, Corkotl I living at Deschutes, where aim 1 working for tho C. O. I. Company. "WIrJfl1lScSb?acrnft arrived Hundny and I ataying at-the Choco late Drop. IB IB IB n. 8. Wnrnlnskl, formerly of tho llend Theatre, I now In Mount An xul, Oregon. ra ia ib Ooorgo Oelgor onrno In from Dry Inko on Hundny to-Ret uiplle for tiio u minor. IB IB IB Tho nnnunl meeting of tho llend Company ocourn this year on Man day, Juno 8. ia ra ra W. J. Hpront of tho Forestry For vice, returned yesterday from tho Motollun country. ra ra ra Twolvo member of tho Q," A. T. Club hnd a banquet nt Mrs, Herring' Hnturdny avoultiR. ra ra ra Clydo McKny, II. Itlinm and Dr. U. C. Coo spent Hundny on a flshliiR trip to Fnll Itlvor. White Canvas Outing Shoes With Rubber Soles Ladies' at.. Misses' at .. .... 90c .... 85 Mefofr WEATHERBIRD run ooueit to. SHOES Sizes 2J to 5,:. $2.25 Smoke. $2.50, $2.75 uA $3.00 $2.75 or street, $3.50 Tho llnptlnl Womnn'u Union meet with Mm, T. II. Foley Thursday at two o'clock to now, ra ra ra Hanltnry Improvement hava boon Installed nt tho I-Ok CnMn nnloon nnd nt tho Hiilulor llur. ra ra ra Mr. 0, H. Nlcliol and dniiRhtor leave Juno 1st for Portland to vlalt Mm, N'lahol' parent. IB IB IB Mr. nnd Mm. It. DeCouroy loft Hundny for Astoria whero they ux poot to sjioiid tho nummer. ra IB IB J. K. Adam, tho prohibition lec turer, who npoku here lnt woelt, wu roKlntered at tho Altamont. IB IB IB Clirls Tlnfter catno In from hi homeotend at Itolyat on Hundny and will spend tho nummor hero, ra ra ra O. C. LnurRnard, fnther of O. Lnur nnnrd, I vlsltlnic hi son on tho Turnnlo project nnd wna In llend yea toruuy. IB IB IB Mr. Hudson has aster plant, KukIIsIi dnltlo nnd for-Kct-mo-noU rendy for anlo for the benefit of the Library. ra ra ra A son "was born to Mr. and Mr. K. It. Post on Mny 20. Tho Post' formerly Ityed hero nnd nro now ut Himknno. ra ra ra Mr. 0. II, Furst's mother, Mr. Hnrdmnn, left on Haturdny for Tho Dalle, where she will remain for a short tlmu. IB IB ra 0. II, Hoover roturnod on Friday from a trip to Pnlstoy mado to de liver n car which ho hnd recently cold there. ra ra ra John Zolirlst, of Kstacada, who haa property Interests horn cmiiu In on the morning train Tuesday to spend a few day H B IB Lloyd Mlllott, national bank ex aminer, waaliero Monday, flndlnffthe affair or tho First National lu flmt clan shape a a a la Pino people registered nt tho Pilot Ilutto last week Included K. U Clark, T. U Heriinr, It. If. Hovls, anu a. a. Aya. a a a It. 11, Post nnd family left on Fri day for Uielr, homestead which thoy have recently taken up 1n tho vicin ity of Crescent. a ra a. Tho LadlcnAlu Society of tho Methodlsto hurch will hold their reg ular bualnos meeting next Wednes day at 2:30 In tho church. a ra ra Klsworth Moore recently found a dond pheasant on the Kills ranch Just north of town, apparently ono of those put nut from tho Stato Onrno Farm Inst spring. ra ra a A baso ball rakio Sunday between the married men nnd the slnglo men (somo of them both, that Is) resulted In n vlctor' for Urn marrlod males. by a scoro of C to 2. a a a Tho Ladlca Library Club will hold a meeting next Tuesday at 3 o'olook sharp nt tho Library. This mcetlnR le very Importnnt nnd nil tho ladles nro requested to bo present. a a a F. J. Olndor spent Sunday with hln family nt hi homestead In the MINtann vnHJoy. Tho Olndor chil dren will stny with their mother on tho ranch until achool opens lu tho fnll. a a a J. N. Hunter apent Thuraday In tho vicinity of Crescent erulsliiR the anna recently openod for homestead ontry In that neighborhood. On Sat- urdny ho took a party to Crescent wiio nil look up lnnd. a a ra Tho Bhowor Riven for tho Preaby torlan Ladles Otilld last Wodnvsday nftornoon proved a docldod success. Among the articles received wero dlshpans', tea kettles, baking pans, cups nnd saucers, plates, water pulls, spoons, butcher and paring knives nnd amnllor articles, useful In n klt ohon. Lot Wyao do your cloaulng. Adv. FOR ItRNT Two room aultea fur nlahod for light house keeping. Honklo & Hyan. J2tf Adv. OITICIAN HKHR LONOKlt. Dr. Ida llerendt. tho optlclau now at tho Hond Hotel, will remain in town for treatment of patlonta until noxt Saturday uftornoon. Consul tations at any tlmo, Adv. l-o WKKK KND AT HKIHINO'S. Among thoao who spent tho week end on tho Metollua At HolalnR'a wor Mr. and Mm. C. S. Hudson. Mr, noil, Mr. nnd Mm. A. M. Prlnglo, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Forbes. Miss Sarn Heyburn. H. A. Miller and H. J. Over turf. Tho now HolalnR houao la com pleted nnd nmplo accomodations nro supplied tho many Vlsl'.ora who tako vacatlona nt this popular stopping piaco. i i Lawn mowers, garden hose, wheel barrows. Bkuso lUrdwaro Com pnuy. Adv. 1 " ' 'i Lot Wyae do your cleaning. Adv. CKLKI1UATION AT PIIKMONI'. Tho pooplo of tho Fremon and Fort Rock country nro planning a Fourth qf July celebration td bo hold nt, Fre mont, invitntionn nro uoing sent out all over Central Oregon and pos tern announcing tho ovent have boon distributed. ' " j. "i NOTICU, I am not connected In any way with tho Dond Stoanl, laundry. VENOMOUS LEECHES. A Perilous Bxpsrftnc In the Swampy Jungles of Sumatra. Dr. Andrle Verlmtfen of llnUirln, Jnvn, wn directed by the Roverumeiit of the NetlierliuiilH to ro to the eaut ern end of Hutniitni to study it terri ble epidemic of U'rlberl which had broken out there. The ship In whleh he milled wu wrecked, nnd he ntid n you ijk iiitiflMimt olferiil to o Into the Interior to Meek iikmIkIjijico. For iibuut ten mluuterf they atruR tiled throiiRh n dciixe mid swiimpy Jun cle. Huddenly the younRer man cried out with pnln. (lolnR to hi nld. Dr. VerhttRcii noticed three leecbe iittacb ed to bin n rm. They were of n ven omous variety that ellnc to the lower branch ex of tho bushes awuIUor their prey ii lid, not content with gorging thcmselrc on blood. Inject Into tbo wound a poUun that caustic acute pain. While Dr. WrhnRen was belplnff bl assistant Innumerable leeches nttucbed tbemsclTcs to bl face nnd neck. To free him from them the young roan J bad to scrape bis akin with a sharp atone, exhausted by ls of blood. ) the doctor managed to crnwl back to the wreck of the ship, where he faint fA. He wnn taken to n ncspltnl tbo followlnR day, and It waa several weeks before be recovered. One of hi eyelmll wn totally destroyed by tho terrible leeches. Its socket being left empty.-.New York World. EASILY SATISFIED. She Didn't Go Visiting Just Far What Oh (Jot to Cat. "Now. don't put yourself out on my account" wild Aunt Kerctd Benn. ns she untied ber Itonuct string after nr-1 rivltiR without ph-wous warning at the home of Aunt Jane Jor. "You know mi well enough. Jane, to I know that when I go s-vlsltln' It ain't for what 1 get to et If you just stir up ono o' your 'lection cakes, no make one o". ypur raisin pies an n pan o' your cream tartar blaklta. an fry a chicken, an' have a little cramberry anrce With It. an' roebbe a glass o' your grape or currant Jell an' a llttla o your watermelon preaerve, an' tbrn make a poto coffe an' put on a few dough nuU.' I'll git along all right without another thing, uulr you'd like to bake some of your Ureenlng apples. They go rutber good with roast 'chicken. "I'm thankful I ain't ono o' the kind that visits only for what they git to ?ml Older I grow, the lea 1 ear for wbiH'a avt before me when 1 go visit In' How did your plvkalll come out you told mo you waa goln" to make? I denu but I'd like n let-tie mite at din ner to nee if tho nyeet worked as well with you as it did with me." Judge. A Scorpion. ."I took my Orst tjHfcrlpt-get that? tyescriit to n manager who happens to be a friend of mine." said nu asplr lug dramatist. "I discovered that man ager tmve'nn irrcrerent Incredulity combined with n scorpion' sarcasm. "You wrote a play bo marveled. Who told you tor "I wroto It on my own Initiative. I answered btlniy. '.Vobody would ever writo a piny If people waited to be told." "'! would not do anything so diffi cult na write n nluy unlea 1 wu forced.' declared the manager. "'It 1 easy, nut dltllculu to write a play.' I argued. 'It bu eusy mm fall ing off a log. "Ho read the play and cent It back with n scrawl on the title mgo na fol lows: Compared with writing such n piny na tllU it would br totally liuinlhl! to fall ot7 u log.' "New York times, Diagnosis by Elsctrlclty. For the beiieilt of the nervous cases that come to the doctor It baa bwo asserted that It ia Juat u ueevswiry to know how emotional they urw ua It Is to know how high the temperature la lu u cava of fi'ver. Moreover, In many cases, it la neettisary to find out what experience lu the pant or prevent life of the imtlent produce emotion. For thl purpose thl patient alta at ease with hand on the electrode, whlcb may be ho concealed In the urms of Ula chair that he I inmwnre that the moat intimate pruftiute of hU soul uro De lux registered na various word are spoken or various topics of conversa tion are dlMCUMHfd, the galvanometer allowing when a Kensltfve xubjfct bas Imx'U toucbed.Harper'a Magntlne. . ? Fame of Tsnsdos. Tenedoa. which certalu powers have taken away from tlrvece. hua become well kuown by name from having the good luck to get mentioned lu the Orst lMMk of Homer's "Iliad" Instead of the Inst, ns woll ua In the beglunlng of Ver gll'a "AencldV Ever since Horaer'a day this fertile Islet-i lying at the en trance to the Dnrdnnelles, haa been considered of great strategic Impor- tnnce, Durinn; clasnlcal time the laws and civil institutions of Tenedoa were celebrated for their wisdom And wen discussed with Approval In n lost trea Use of, Aristotle. ' It Didn't Bits. "Is this picture show one. that it will be all right for my daughter to sep? aaked the mau who waa next at tbr ticket window. "Siire.7 replied the girl In the booth "I've anw-lt. nnd it nln't hurt me," CuU'ugo Record-Herald. The Othsr Kind. Sunday School Teacher-Benny, ran you tell me what u prophet la Denny lluylng ftomethlng for u dlmo and selling It for u quarter. Judgv, Final Reduction of AH 6ur LADIES' SUITS Tv aysvi n&Btk tPsSmVTf. BIkl Lot 1 li aiWi witiritlfi ti Mm f I SLmiifi 4$9.75 l HSp Lot 2 $11.75 ssaaasSJPKf Don't hesi tate come to-day and at least look them over you can not possibly see a better dis plsy elsewhere. IKmWm mmmiVfmwmuWtui rngkrn sf Mannheimer's 1IOXKST 3IERaiAXDI8K. OMMVVM4VMMMVtW0 A Change t 0 t The story of every child i is a story of growth nnd change i A change too grndunl J and subtle for even the 5 watchful eye of a mother j to detect, or for memory $ to recall. 5 Only in pictures can tho story be told, nnd a rec- g ord of the childish fen- S tures arid expressions kept for all time. j A Rood photograph now $ and then, will mean every- thing to you and to them J in after years. Mrs. Todd in charge of g reception and operating room, Miss Wingato Asst. J i ELITE I STUDIO I I Women's Shoes of Fashion fifth Avtnut crBrodduvy laatt ifnt mtrt alluring itybt than wt art nnv duplaying. THEY are fresh from Rochester, N. Y. the style center for women's shoe and arc UTZ & DUNN CO. Quality. These shoes have a well-known reputation for unsurpassed fitting and wear ing qualities. And, as for style, we leave this point. to your own good judgment when you take a look at the new Spanish Louis Boot pictured above. It's in our window. 1 R. M. Smith Clothing Cq. We have arranged them in 2 lots to effect an immediate clearance. HONES ritlCES. MWWMWWWMWWWWWW WMM (-MMWHWWV tHUWUUVVI llr VVV VHUtMVHVMMUVHSMHWMHtl MEN'S m BELTS in Blacky Tan ' and Gray LeatE ers, specially priced at 50c STRAW HATS Caps for Meir, and Boysr at Mannheimer's kVVWW l VWMVWI 4MMWWWW IVI MVWV WmUWHV - kVUMMMHM AVUWUUMMVUiitUVMMtUUU. kVWVWMWtWMMVnWWtn v1 I 1 " 1 " 1 " " "fmfwlmL A man wall a long head seldom bat 1 A long fucu,-Llpplr.('ott'a. I lit-AKPI 1X1K WAY Got Wise, Lot Wyso do It.-Adv. 1IAHHX a, winu,