The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 27, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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" TAGB4.
Tub bend bulletin
(Published Every Wednesday)
Editor and Publisher.
AB80clato Editor.
An Indopoudont newspaper etand
Ing for tho square doal, clean bust
nc'sa, cloan politics and tho best In
terests of Pond and Central Oregon.
uno year. $1.60
Six months SO
Thrco months. -SO
All subscriptions aro due nnd
expiration are mailed subscribers and
It renewal Is not mado within reason
able time tho paper will bo discon
tinued. Pleaso notify us promptly of any
change of address, or of lailuro to re
ceive tho paper regainny. utnerwiso
-wo .will not bo responsible tor copies
Make all checks and orders pay
abld:to Bend Bulletin.
- WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1914.
'in the outside world Bend Is
thought of as the town that contains
the "biggest bunch of boosters" In
fltho northwest. Every man who goes
out from here talks of his town and
expresses his confidence In Its fu
' ture; newcomers are sclxed with the
Cruets Attimpts to
Events of ths Day.
It Is a little surprising to learn that
tho tint Journal to give Illustrations
with nuy frequency was tho Mcrcu
rlus Civlltus, which came out during
the civil wnr In England with portrait
L'of Charles I. and IiIh queen. Cromwell
nnd his officers nml Prince Rupert
More elaborate pictures dealing with
the wnr were, however, left to the
pamphlets of tlmt time. Tho frost
fair on tho Thames In 1US3 wis made
the subject of mu Interesting broadside.
Itml so tilso was tho funeral of Queen
Mnry II. In 1UH3,
With the eighteenth century the art
of Illustrating actualities grew. Car
icatures abounded, now of the Jacob
ite now of the south sea bubblo or
similar exciting events. Tho Dally
Post of 1740 afforded nu examplo of a
dally paper attempting to Illustrate a
current event. On Mnreh 'JO of tbst
year It published a detailed diagram
of Admiral Vernon's attack on Porto
The PC James Chrtinlclo In 1703 pre
sented Its mirier with an Illustration
of a strange wild animal that had cre
ated much excitement In France, but
thli lltustrutlou was obviously luisgl
nsry. Tho (ientlemrn's (iaictte In
IT.'l gave a portrait of Edward Bright
a record fat man. In the Town and
Country Magazine In 1773 there ap
peared portraits of tho principals In a
famous scaudal. New York Sun.
An Embarrassing Moment,'
Rlr Edward Chuiutus Leigh tells this
anecdote In "llnr, Bat untl lilt." It
was totd to hlui by tho Downgcr Lady
Cowper nproos of tho ilnya w lion nil
tho Joliita were carved ou tho tablet
She wna n debutante, very shy, and
her old host, who was nbout to carve
n sirloin of lieef, turned to her and
said. "I-mly An ins will you have upper
or under?" I.iiily Cowper said to me
that die had not the least Idea what
he meant, mo In u weak moment she
hnsarded "upper." Whereupon the
host tnriHHl to the butler ami said In
a luud voice. "Taki It away and turn
It Voung Indies give a grout denl of
trouble uuwndays."
One Letter Names.
Names with only one letter have
been bestowed on places ns well us
persons. There Is n vlllngo cnlleil U
lu Normandy, not fur from Argeutun
Two ChlnvKe towu ore named respec
tively Y and 0. There Is a river V In
llollund. and one of the bays of the
Zuyder Zee tean the same brief name
France has a rlrer and Sweden a town
of the name of A.
. ramo
t 'V
enthusiasm and everywhere
people have heard about Bend and
Iwant to know more.
'That local optimism and confidence
In the future Is not a mere form of
'words. Is steadily being shown, but
perhaps never more clearly than in
,fome of the activities of the past
"few months.
In, February an opportunity arose
for'" the town to give Its aid to the
settler on local Irrigation projects.
Certain propositions had been mado
jwhlch directly affected them and they
Vented assistance in obtaining favor
able1 reception for these propositions
at tho coming Irrigation congress,
tho. town responded. Thirty six
business men left their affairs for
three days, went to Portland and got
what they went for. They wero not
tnt they paid their own expenses.
They did not go to attract outside at
tention to Bend! They went becauso
they believed in the town and the
country and because, realizing Jtho
Interdependence of the town and the
country, they wanted to do what they
could to forward the interests of the
That was on example of local spir
it Another came soon after. The
creamery proposition was brought
np. The farmers It was planned to
benefit could not raise the capital
necessary to start it and the town
stepped In. Fourteen subscribers
pledged loans amounting to (1000,
tho necessary amount, and that phase
of creamery organization was cared
fori Then came the hunt for cows.
The amount of gasoline consumed
and the tires worn out In traveling
about to interview farmers has not
been recorded, "but It Is recorded that
well over 2000 miles were covered
b: Bend menjn the Interests of the
creamery, and time and money not
included in the subscription list free
ly given for the oause. That was lo-i
'cal spirit and the creamery Is soon to
bo a reality benefiting everybody,
Still later came another example
when private citizens, business men,
turned In to help the city Improve
the streets. One man conceived the
Idea and went to work. In a few
days ho bad pledges of nearly 120
teams for work, or. in money value
$700 to be spent in improving the
streets of tho city. Tho work is be
ing done and will stand with the
creamery and the less tangible Irri
gation plans as a testimonial of tho
faith, the public spirit and local pride
of tho people of Bend.
Let us continue to boost with our
pocket books as well aa our voices,
nnd?at home aa well as abroad.
It Is Said That the Average American
Needs It Badly.
The American Voice lack cadence.
The touch of harmony Is lucking. In
depth or shrlllneKS Its strungent quali
ty Is monotony of tune.
In eouvorwitlon It Is colorless, and
half of the resource of the vocal cords
are unused or undeveloped. A strident
high pitched, onsal voice falls In say
ing any good thing welt
Every one has the power of speaking
with sweet Inflection. Every one can
attain a reposeful utterance and clear
enunciation by training the ear and
voice to work together In avoiding
ibsrab tones and cultivating the middle
and mora inillow register in every
Excitement sends It up to a scream
Ing pitch, but self control will lower
it again, and Its playground should be
through the varying harmonies or ca
dences of tire notes.
According to Thomas Wentwortn
Ulgginimn. our English cousins put
more cadence, more up and down. Into
an Inquiry. "YVbut time is ItT than
American would Into the announce
ment that a president was shot A
crowd of baseball faus will pitch the
cheering on n high note and yell It
self boaive. In the same number of
Europeans the shouting would be full
of undertones nnd cadences. They
would sing their enthusiasm. New
York Sun.
Only Her Latest.
"What Is your Inst name, please,
mndaniT Inquired the clerk, defervu
"Mr lntet name. corrected the lit
erary woman, who Is always careful
of her EnulMi. "Is Mrs. Uuvre Fourth
uk" Kansas City Star.
Fair Warning.
"I am glad you have bought n par
rot, papa. What will you do If It learns
bnd language punish It?"
"No. son; punish you." Houston
True courage, ns well as true Wis,
doni. Is not distrustful of Itself.
Getting On.
"How's that young son-in-law
yours getting, on j"
"Great! Ijist week he made within
JIM) of my daughter actual ex
pene. "-Detroit Frv Press,
The youth who does not look np will
look down, and the xplrit that dor not
soar Is destined perhsps to grovel
A Tardy Act of Justice.
' Marriages between English actresses
and meu of u high social position be
gun In the eighteenth century. If no
earlier There was Lavlnla Fentou.
the Polly Pencbtiru of Cay's "Beggar's
Opera." who became Duchess of Bol
ton: there was Miss Purren. who mar
ried Lord Derby: also Miss Bruutun
become Lady Craven not long before
Lord Tburlow married ill Holton.
Burliest of the llt though, come the
'Earl of Peterborough, who married
Auustusla Robinson, the .singer, and
kept the marriage secret until a few
days before hi death In St Jiiine'
palace, wbell he neuihlHil lit relatives
and friend nnd publlely m-knowledged
the womau "to whom lit owed the
best and happiest hours uf hi life," a
tardy act of Jnxrlt-tt that cuued the
lady to swoon away.
Advertisements Inserted under this
heading at the rsto of ONE CENT A
WORD each insertion. Cash must
accompany all orders from persons
not luivlnjr a regular account Willi
The Bulletin. No nritertiscment tnk
for less than in cents each Insertion.
By July 1st I shall occupy the old Hunter store on
Oregon street. To make moving easy all during the
month of June I will conduct a
at my present store on Wall street. Everything in
first class furniture and furnishings at greatly reduced
prices. This is a bona llde REMOVAL SALE nnd
with my large stock 1 can aflbrd to CUT PRICES
rather than pay the cost of handling heavy merchandise
and have the trouble of moving it to the new location.
Sole Begins MONDAY, JUNE 1st.
Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty.
If anyone entertains the notion
that things do not grow fact here, lot
hira care for a grass law.n, A few ex
periences with a lawnmowcr will dis
pel tony such mistaken Ideaa and con
vince tho skeptic that grass grows
oversight In this, favored climate. .
It Is a fact worth realizing that
Bend. Is actually the gateway to a
territory remarkably rich la recrea
tion, opportunities. Too much stress
cannot be laid on this asset, whose
importance is not to be exaggerated.
For no other town In the Northwest
has within a like number of miles so
many plucea of beauty and so many
sportsmen's attractions. The time
will come when Bend's fame In this
field will rival that of tho tourist
centers of the West,
The Luxury of Sugar.
rUtgar w considered su article of
inxury In Europe until tea and coffee
tweame usual article of diet. Supir
was then ued to sweeten these bev
erages mid so gradually came to have
a prominent part In the dully diet He
fore the days of sugar much mure
meat YaH eaten nnd the drluklnir of
alcoholic bererage was much more
innmon The fulr maiden who rould
not with Impunity drink a pint of ale
fur breakfast was uuusual. IVrlJiii.
in spite of the fact that most of us
-nt too much of It sugar Is u hletulug,
Ken orersweetened rotfen and cereal
i-orrred with supir sound more lene-ni-Jal
tliau n pint of nle and a bulf
pound or beef for breukfust Boston
Poor Alexsnrfer.
A blgh school freshman, asked to re
cite on the life of Alexander the Groat
extemporized as follows:
"Alexander was a quick tempered
man Once when be hud taken too
much wine be got angry at bis best
friend and killed blm Alexander was
rerr much grieved and did everything
he could to help bury bis friend." Ev
erybody's. Public Aids to Efficiency.
Address your mall correctly.
Speak distinctly, when you use a
Walk on the right sldt of the side
walk. Cross the street on crosswalks.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
to represent our factory In tho local
territory. We manufacture a strong
line of men's loggers, cruisers, 'far
mers and medium and heavy work
shoos of high grade and up to date
construction; also a very deslrabls
lino of boy's and youth's shoes of
different heights and kinds. Straight
commission. Must be responsible
party and give first class references
Our shoes havo the Union stamp. Ad
dress: Henry Niehorr. 261 N. ICth
Street, Portland, Oregon. 10-12p
WANTED -Olrl for gonoral house
work. Mrs. Herbert E. Alton, Ctt
WANTED A good ranch cook.
Phone or wrlto Stanley Ran oh Co..
Bend, Oregon. lie
WANTED 2C00 for three ycarr.
on or beforo, at 8 per cent. Secur
ity 100 acros land, paid water right,
nine mllos from Bend. Address Mrs.
A. Palmer, Tho Dalles, Ore. ll-13c
WANTED Second hand mower
and rake. P. B. Johnson, Mlllloan,
Oregon. 11-1 2c
WANTED Olrl for general houso
work. Apply at O. M. Patter
son's. 12tf
WANTED Canvassing agent for
Bend for splendid selling article.
Paul D. Humphrey, Modford. Ore
gon. 12-13p
WANTED Competent girl for
general housework. Good wages ami
permanent position. Mrs. C. 8. Hud
son. 12tf.
Simplicity and Nobility,
Between simple and noble persons
there Is always a quick Intelligence.
They recognize nt sight and meet on a
better ground than the talents and
iklllH iliey may chance to possess,
iiinnely uu sincerity and uprightness
FOR RENT Two lots, largo throa
room house. Kenwood. 7.00 por
month. Inrjulro Bend Orocery, lOtf
FOR RENT Modern cottage com
plotoly furnished. Reasonable prlco
to responsible person. Inqulro Bulle
tin otllce. 10K
FOR RENT Thrco small build
ings noar school house. Partly fur
nished. Low rent. Apply 8. R. 1 lo
gin, over Deschutes Stato Bank. Ott
FOR RENT Two room cabin,
partly furnlshod. & por month. Bond
Grocery. Ono block east of depot. Otf
FOR RENT Small houso partly
furnlshod, C a month; also tent
house adjoining. Noar depot. In
quire at Bulletin. 49tf
FOR RENT Offices on Wall street
very cheap. Apply Bulletin Office
FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo
cated. Electric lights and water.
Suitable for housekeeping. Chesp.
Apply Bulletin Otllco.
FOR RENT Two room suites fur
nished for light houso keeping.
Henkle & Ryan. 12tf
Reasonable prices, rough lumber f 10
per M. Delivering to Bend or Laid
law 13 per M. Telephone, lBtf
FOR SALE Fine horse, buggy
and harness. Inquire of Shrlner &
lluey bakery, Wall street. fitfo
FOR SALE Tho fixtures In the
old bakery location on Wall street.
Soo Shrlnor ft lluey., Ott c
FOIl SALE Cheap. Team weight
2300, wagon and harness. Ted Beck
er, Laldlaw, Oregon. 12tf
FOR SALE Two stock cows. Hce
Geo. A. Jones. 12p
. i i .ssgsBsmmmgmmmmmmBmBiammmaf
Improved land six miles northwest of
town. Inqulro Bullotln. ll-12p
FOR SALE Bull terrlor pups.
Now at Owl Pharmacy. Fred
Fish. 12
FOR SALE Kltohon rpngo and
refrigerator. Both In excellent con
dition. Apply Bulletin. lltf
FOR SALE Hand made Weber
piano. Would sell cheap for cash,
or on reasonable terms. Call, write
or phono, Mrs. J. B. Robertson, care
Mr. Shouqucst, Bond. 11-17
FOR BALE Dairy cows. Jersey
cows and heifers. Cows 70 to $90,
F. W. Leverenz, Laldlaw. 10-13j
FOR SALE Span of sorrel mares,
9 years old and harness, weight 1170
pounds. W. N. Ray, Laldlaw, Ore
gon. FOR SALE HxlC tent with lum
bor addition roofed with rubborold,
Electric lights, porcelain sink, pan
try, closet, etc. Apply at uuiiotin oi-
flco. tf
FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs
for Butting. $1.26 for 13. Leava or
ders at Bather's store. ltfo
FOR BALE Thoroughbred Barr
ed Rock eggs for hatching. $1 per
sotting. R. Bartlett at Metropoli
tan. 6 tf
FOR SALE All kinds of rough
and dressed lumber, at Anderson
Bros, sawmill half way between Bend
and Laldlaw, on old Tumalo road.
buy your groceries of
us and let the cqok
do the rest.
Shuey's Cash Grocery
LOST, Strayed or Stolon Sorrel
horse, weight 1000 pounds, i whilo
feet, braid on left hip. Had hatlur
on when last sion. Howard. Notlf)
Wonandy stable. 12p
E8TRAV Ono solid bay mare. 8
years old, roached mane, R brand on
left hind leg, wearing halter, collrr
marks on shoulders, left Powell llutto
May D headed south, $10 reward for
recovery of same. C. C, Kumiiiell,
Prlnavlite, Oregon. 1M3,
LOST Hllvur clgsrotte ease, gold
lined. II A. W. engraved on both
sides. Howard It returned to Harry
A. W)se, French's store.
TO TRADE Number of city lotw
close In, good location. Will tndti
for farm land or good animals. Ad
dress Box 66, Bend, 811
TAKEN UP On March 26, on
cow and two calves, branded bar (1
on right hip. R. G. Smock, Alfalfa,
Oregon, 12tf
TO TRADE Three slack cuws for
milk cows. Box 129, Bend. 12p
FOR RENT Entire second floor
of Bean building. Fully furnlshod
Nee II. J. Oterturf. 12tr
1 cent a word
IL )
A Concrete
In 1914 would bo out of place. It would be
a fow years ahead or tho times, Not so haw
ever with concrete FLOORS, SIDEWALKS.
Etc. No material Is cheaper or tnoro durable
for thes.o. purposes than CONCRETE.
And when you huUd of CONCRETE, uso
only tho host comont, sand and gravel. It Is.
cheaper In tho end,
We can supply you with tho proper shev
of washed sand and ncreoncd gravel for yqur
particular jiurpoio, Ask for quotations,
Bolton, Ruetenik S May
FRANK MAY, Mgr. Bend, Ore.
OflJco with Robt. II. Ooulrf, Deschutes -
Rank Building.
"Concreto Ultlmutely, Why Not Now?