tdhflfttji TAOB 0. T11K llKNI) RI'M.KTIN, 11KNI), OllK., WKDNKHDAY, MAY SO, MM, ! I III! HW SEnLERS Mi SUPERVISOR AtERRITT GIVES RULES SEED RYE ON LONG JOURNEY Dead Trees Given Awny for Personal Vm? unit I-lvc Saw Tluitcr Sold nt Very Iow l'rlce loret Service Assists (he Homestcmlers. One of tho groat mlvnnlagca to BCttlere in tho proximity of national forests la tho opportunity to obtain firewood and timber for building at little or no coat. Tho Forest Service Is very liberal In Its treatment of Bottlers, asking In return only Its rules as to tho uso of toiests bo observed and for co-operation In sucn matters as flro protection. Many new settlers aro Ignorant of the conditions under which timber may bo obtained from tho National Forests and In order that they way bo fully Informed on this subject Tha Bulletin has recently Interviewed Forest Supervisor Merritt of tho Des chutes National Forest in this regard. Mr. Merrlt states that the Foreat Service gives to all settlers, free of charge, dead timber of all species and live timber of species that do not commonly reach saw timber slxo, for tbolr own personal use. Timber Is not given away to any one for com mercial use. Llvo saw timber and small trees of species that commonly produce saw timber aro not given away free but aro sold to actual set tlers who wish to use tho timber In tho development of their ranches, for the price of 60 cents per thous and feet, U. M. Tho common specie given under free uso permit are live and dead lodgepolo plno and Juniper and dead yellow pine. The specie ordinarily c)d under the 50 cent price to settlers Is ys'.Iow plnd. . During th nino months ending March 31. 1914, Mr. Merritt states that tho Forest Service gave away under free use permits from tho ter ritory under his charga 1,169.590 tftob & M Most Of this amount consuls Of pOSla and poles used, iy fcettlers in fencing, and Of flro wood. A small amount of timber Is used for construction of log houses and barns. Tho actual number of posts given for frco uso was 49,500, poles 19,500 and cords of flro wood, 1289. The free use regulations do not per mit the Forest Service to gle an in dividual timber to a greater valuo man j0.ou (luring any one year. This, however, Is more than any set tler will ordinarily need since tho prices at which the timber or this class Is computed are very low. In order to secure timber under free use permit settlers must go to tho nearest Forest officer, generally the District Ranger, and tell him how much and what kinds of material aro desired. If the desired material is not saw timber a written permit !b Issued the applicant and he is advis ed as to the beet place where the ma larial can be secured, the routes leading to It, and given other infor mation ho may desire. He is also furnished a form on which he Is requested to report the amount of timber which ho actually cuts. Ho then goes and gets the timber without further formality ex cept that he is requested to pile brush resulting from the cutting so that it may bo burned by the Forest Officer. Whenever settlers desire timber that grows to saw timber Rlzn thai Is. live, yellow pine, it must bo se-1 cured oy purchase at the rate of SO cents per thousand feet. Such sales aro made to settlers In any quantity desired provided that all material purchased shall actually bo used by lno purchaser himself for the devel opment of bis own farm or home stead. These sales are ordinarily made by District Rangers who ac company the purchaser to tho Forest, mark the tlmbor for cutting, estimate tho amount and explain how pay ments should be made and tho regu lations governing the sale. The regu lations requlro tha.t payments must be made In advance, that brush re sulting from tho cutting must be Plied for burning by the Forest Of ficer, and that tlmbor cut must be fully utilized. The amount of tim ber actually sold to settlers under this special SO cent price is not large since practically all the material from the Forest desired by homo stcadora can be secured under freo permit. K WIATj ESTATE TRANSFERS. (Ifcsued by Crook County Abstract Company.) Jessie Fisher to J. M. Griffin WV4 BW 23-15-12, 342. Same to eamo Its. 23, 24, blk. 19, Laldlaw, J2600. Frank W. Catlow to Dan Catlow It. 1, 1-18-12. Rend Park Co. to Margaret I, HIckey It. 2, blk 107, 1st odd Rend Park, S160. Henry Walto to M. n. Deaver et al part SV BE, the S 8W2, WNW, NE NW, WV4 NE, SB NE 11-12-14, 99.000. U. 8. Laud Office to Jay L. Nichols, receipt. Jay h. Nichols to A. J. Harter SE NE. NE SE. 23; 8V NW, N W8W, 24-16all, 700. U. 8. to James A Eaatea patent Ntt BW, SW BW, 20; NW NW, 29-17-I2. La Pino Townslto Co. to J. E. Moreon It. 18, blk. 4, 1st add. La Pine. Samo to same Its. 24, 25, blk. 32, La Pine. Ralph McCauloy to Mazle I. Ho Cauley EH NE. 20-14-13, $1500. Redmond Townslto Co. to Augus tus F. Howes It. 21, blk. 25, Red mond, $150. J, A. Dilworth to T E. J. Duffy. V4 8E, NE BE, SB NE, 22-14-10, 2000 A11LES AT $1.08 A HUNDRED Freak Trip Taken ,lly Parcel Post Shipment From Rums to Fort Itocfc, Circling Stato To Go Ono Hundred ami Twenty Miles. Newspapers, magazines, and va rious publications havo been full of freak shipments mado by parcel poet, but L. Woldcnburg, of this placo, manager of tho Austin-Burns star route stage line, has on6 that tops all or any freak shipment over made by parcel post, says tho Canyon Eaglo. On April Gth at Rums ho was giv en 1200 pounds of seed rye to bo shipped by parcel post to Fort Rock, In I.nke county of th's state, a dis tance of 120 miles. It was within tho second zono and tho postal rate was $1.08 a ' hundred. Instead or going to Fort Rock by pack horse or conveyance it or courso nau to follow tho usual mall route and Mr. Woldenburg hauled it S6 miles to Pralrlo City. It then was shlppod over tho Surapter Valley railway to linker City, a dlstanco of 86 miles. It was then taken to Portland. 350 miles, and then to Sacramento, about 900 miles. From Sacramento It was shipped to Reno, Nevada, 250 miles and then to Lakovlew, 175 miles. From there it was loaded on a star route stage again and hauled to Fort Rock, 130 miles. This ryo was haul ed 2000 miles to b delivered 120 miles distant. It went over two stage lines and over half a dozen railroad! and still kept within Uio second tone. Government red tape prevented the proper and roasonablo delivery of tho shipment and as n conscquenco it had to go through three states and trnvol 2000 miles to get 120 miles. Uamey County News, CHURCH HOTICES First Prenlt) tcrlnii, Bundny school nt 10 n. in. Mr. David II. Morloy, superlutiMident. Preaching nt 11 n, in. Subject: "Tho Final Religion," Evening norvlce begins nt 7:45, Subject "Tho Sin ot tho Nino." Special munlo nt euuli service undor direction of Mrs. AbU loy Forrest. O. 11. Wllklua, mlnlH-tor. A Tow hours at n nlco classy, clenn, up-to.dnto placo especially propnrml for gentlemen, will rotnovo nil worry and troubles. Tho Motropolltnn.-Adv ' ' A Stubborn Cough Is WcarliiK ! Risky. Lotting a stubborn cough "hang on" In tho spring Is risky. Foley Honey & Tnr Compound heals raw Inflamed surfaces In tho thront and branchtnl tubes mnkes sore, weak spots sound and whole stops stub born, tearing coughs. Rotuio sub stitutes. Patterson Drug Co. Lawn mowers, garden hoio, whol barrows. Bkuso Hardwaro Com pany, Adv. I D Iff 1 SENATOR CHAMBER LAIN ACTIVE KfTort Helen Miltlo to Ho TrnctM That Were Wlthilrnmi t)Hnetl for Entry Petition to be Filed mill Rcclumntloit Hen Ice, May' Act. (Oregon Journal,) WASHINGTON, May 18. Sonntor Chamberlain has taken up with tho H is TT Lafollette Nursery Co. Prineville, Oregon CENTRAL OREGON'S NURSERY iBV J I Baited io . Perfection Heoretnry of tho Interior tho uiioiitlim uf loHtoiliiK to ontiy nliuut lOO.UU'i ncroH ot laud In tho DedolnitoH valley now withheld on rooliuimllun with drnwuln. Tho Immigration oominlu hIoii of Orogoii found that while np imrontly 4111.120 nuroH was lentorol to entry March 12, over 10(1,000 nenm or unit was huld tor ruoliuiiullim nml only 5 1,000 itoroH was actually till able Innil Hiibjoet Io entry, Sonntor riinmnoriam win try io imve prompt notion tnknn m Mint vuttlnrH IniUend or timber speculator!) limy luno op portunity to Hrcuro InudN. KoproMMitiitlvo Hluuott in rule lit qulry about tho Devohuten with, drawn) and wuh Informed Umt the reclamation withdrawn! were iuan to afford n linnlH for co-oporntlvn work with tho State of Otexon. that to restore thexo lauds to entry nt Mil Mino would lie to prevent tho entry lug out plans for such co-operation In tho construction of tho Dcxohnto project. Tho reclamation Horvlco, however, will entertain n petition to restore thesu lauds to entry. Hlnnott suggested two weeks ago to Oregon persons tho advisability of filing such n petition. The Kutiornl limit nlllro toilny In forum Haunter Olitunliiirliiln (lint Itii primtlru In nil ciimkh wluiro IniulH In reelamiitlun or power itltu withdraw, n In luvvo been nmtorod In entry to lif. elude In iiotlriw or siinh nmtoratlim it period of lit) dayrt between tlMtm when Hiieli IiuiiIh nlinll lieeoiiiu hiiIi Joct to uottlmiiciil mid entry ronpuiit-Ivuly. J m& mJJq --for IS yflr Thi Standard SUn Iieirirdjf Isistant Relief VZ Skin Troubles The Guaranteed Remedy PATTHHHO.V llllt'fl CO.. Ileuil, Ore. MI hail no idea this Oil Cook Stove would Lake bread and cook everything just liko my utccl range. But it docs. And best of all my kitchen etaya cool these hot daya. Besides, there's no coal or wood or ashes to lug. Oh, Fin delighted with iuM New Perieciion OIL COOK STOVE It bakes, broils, roasts and toasts perfectly. It docs all that any wood or coal stovo can do -and at less cost. It doesn't smoke; doesn't taint tho food. Clean, safe, convenient. Ask to sco it at your dealer's. V nr a hm A nn nil OAHlSIL JlL COMPANY (California) Bend FOR REST RESULTS USE PEARL OIL ID OIL g MY I .in) 1 The BRICK GARAGE ON 1IOND HTHKKT will ni: co.MPLr.Ti:n in a ooupli: op whkkk TIiIh Mill Ixi the Inrnext nml het gnrnge building in (Vntrnl Oregon. ' Arrniige Now l'or HTORAOH AT MODRRATIC IUTRH lUlxrt Repair Work at Fnlr Prlren RESULTS GUARANTEED Wo liMrlbtito ClialiiierN Ai Hnxon Van nml Hclilen Trurkw (JASOLINi: SUNDRIIM TSk Bend Garage Company It. i:. HttnJy i:. II. Ilruukn T, W. Ilnnly TV : 'k He k Building- Material & LUMBER, SHINGLES 1 The Miller Lumber Company g Bend, Oregon. $if)fif4f4444444444444444f444444tfitf 4444444444444444 4 fti 4& ' Reduction ii Prices of MAZDA Lamps r $ y FOBMEJW'-i.KOtf 25 watt lamps 40c 35g 40 watt lamps 40c 35c ' 60 watt lamps 50c 45c 1 00 watt lamps .... 80c 75c. - . . . 'm -,r ' t jy n w fl ( a A 1 I- fm -i mrwr''l- ri 1 ." t ,4. K ( 'Bend Water Light 2b Power, Cp .. I . ' fit. M.l I -V Wenandy Livery & Auto Co. NEW AUTO TRUCKS Will bo put on between Rend and Silver Lake April 1. IlEND-LA IMNK $2.C0 HRND-FIIKMONT $1.00 HKND-KORT KOCK 94.BO BEND-SILVEH LAKK.. ?f.00 Reasonable Rates will bo churKcd on nil Exprota and HtiRKairo. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES June 7 to 11 Incluslvo, to B" yTjw II REGONTRUNKRY. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Portland Rose Festival Four Dnys of Dazzling Attractions June 0-12 0TII MAItlNK I'AOHANT, tX)ROATION. U O H K HHOW. MIl-ITAUY DIH. I'liAY, JOTH FIjOIlAIi I'ARADKH. KIUINWORKH, CARNI VAIi. RANI) tX)NTHHTH. NOVKITV TKATURKH, JtTII HUMAN ROHKIILI) l'AHADI-:. NATIONAL lb. I)()N RACK. ORHAT l-'IRU HVKUTAVIM. iiyrir DAVMoiiT i'acikant. KliKOTRICAIi HIHTORI. UAIi I'ARARK AT NIGHT. $9 .90 rom Bend and Return. Limit June 15, Details on application to J. II. CORBETT, Bend, Oregon See Clatsop Beach on the Oregon Coast, one-day side trip, from Portland. b, ih V 4 '.l 1