TAGH 2. tiii: bend bulletin, bend, ouk., Wednesday, may jjo, ion, -- --- i --- ---- CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. .. --. J4.- 4.4---t- --- 4.4-- --- Ml M.l CAN. '(Spoclnl to Tho Bulletin) MILLIOAN, May Id. -Mra. Sher man O. McCrackon. 6f Engbno, Ore gon, foraorly Miss Estiror Heath man ot Mtllicnn vnlloy, hns ton vis iting her parents Mr. nnd Mra. G. E. llenthmnn of this valloy for tho pnot two wtieks. Mrs. McOrnckon paused throuRh Bond Wednesday on her way to Tcr rcbonno, whoro she will visit hor hro thor for a fow daya on her return home. HKMSTEAD VALLEY. (Spcolal to Tho Bullotin). HBM8TBAD VALLEY. May 12. Mr. and Mra. Geo. Curry left Monday for a month's stay at Ilond. llubhard and Hall, two Hill ImohV "olftra, havo returned to their home steads. Mrs. H. 0. Klelnfoldt nnd Mrs. C. 15. Klelnfoldt spont Sunday with Mr. nsd Mrs. Curry. Olaf Hempstead returned Monday from Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Dlckerson havo left for their flvo month's loave of nl sence. Mr. and Mrs. OrKlor and Mr.- and Mrs. Klelnfoldt spent Sunday ovon liiK with P. A. Grabler and family. P. A, Grabler has moved his houso to the new site. A. U. Hanna Is busy building his houso this week. J. H. Klelnfoldt. assisted by Allen Dlckerson. was digging a well nnd when ahout 30 feet deep oamo to a cavern large enough for n ian to walk Into. There will bo a danco at Orglor'a May 23. Tho Hempstead valloy or chestra will furnish tho music nnd has scoded 25 to oats. Mrs. A. 1). Taylor colled on Mra 11. Evans Sundny ovontng. Oats seem to bo tho main crop this year. C. U. Lnrklns has fifteen ncrts In oats nnd his son, Clnudo, hns 36. Tho Prlnglo Flat Improvement Club hold ft meeting Sunday utter noon at the school houso. Thoy spent the tlmo In talking over tho plnns tor tho now hnll. Chan. H. Coming Intends to seed several acres to barley this spring. LOST CREEK. HAMPTON. (Special to Tho Bullotin). HAMPTON. May 11. Mrs. Nelson Crow Is on tho sick list. Olo 0. Drogsvold spent Wednesday night with W. T. Harrison. A. T. Frame pulled brush for C. U. Harmon last week. Melrln Crow Is plowing for Al fonso Van Lake this week. Messrs. McCune, Agnow and VIs scr were In Hampton Sunday. Hurley Horuo filed several men before Commissioner Fogg last week. H. 0. Miller spent Saturday night nt Last Chanco. Quite a fow guests were nt Hotel Hampton lost week. Floyd Phillips Is seeding oats this week. Ole O. Drogsvold and Win. Splol mnn aro clearing brush on Mrs. Knutsen's desert claim. J. O. Whlttakor received a tole grain from his father in the Willam ette valley statin; that his brother In California had been killed while working with a bridge crew. . Mr. Anderson from Rend camo out In his car nnd took Mr. Whlttaker to tho train at Hend. Mr. Whlttaker will not come out to his homestead until harvest tlmo, Floyd Phillips spent Sunday with Burr Black. L. C. and E. M. Peck nro pulllns brush on Mrs. M. L. Peck's claim. Tho strong winds of tho last few days havo hurt some of tho wheat In jhls neighborhood. Itye lookB well. HAMPTOX nUTTE. ' (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON BUTTE, May 10 Mrs. W. P. Ulrloh, who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Hubbard, of Misory Flats, the past two months, took tho truck for Bond last Tues day. Paul Brookings, who Is attending sohool at HtautTer, came home to take the 8th grade examination on Thursday and Friday. Cecil Albert also took tho examination. The Ilolyat post ofllce has beon moved to Mrs. Alice Monroe's, who Is the new post mistress. Albert Helchel passed through to Burns last Friday with tho new auto truck which he recently purchased. Ghrls. Tinner Is building an up to date refrigerator at Hotel Brookings. It will be used mainly for meat. Fred Miller has returned from Bend with his well casing. Messrs. Zlorolf and Whlttaker helped him iiut down the casing and pump nnd lis well Is now ready for uso. Ronald Conklln ami Geo. Paddock wore over from Misery Flats to get Bome wlro which the truck brought out as far as Brookings, Mrs. llort Meeks and children call ed on Mrs. Pred Miller last Thurs day. ' Pago and Roy Stauffer passed through on their way from Bend. Owing to a sick horse they were obliged to loave part of their load at Brookings. Dr. Carollno Reed returned from Portland Friday, She visited with Mrs. Meeks a row days and then re turned to her homestead near Stauf fer. A number of people of this valley attended tho dance at tho home of J. K, Smith of Stauffer last Saturday night. A good time Is reported. Those who wont are Vinton Wrny, Elva McFadden, Eva Michel, Mr, and jilts, ourt Meeks, Paul Brookings, Earl and Harold McFadden, Jlmmie flrlckley and Dr. Reed. HELD. (Special to The Dullotln.) T'M). Mv 11. F. Lund hns Just finished seeding a few acres to oats und harrowing It. Martin Hallmeyer will leave for Bond Monday morning, May 11. Mr. R Nelson visited Mrs. A. B. Taylor Saturday evening. Warren Llbby started to Prlnovlllo last Friday. He Intends to bring baojc a load of Beed potatoes. The L.'C. C. met nt Mrs. C. II. Gonung's last Wednesday, May 6, a delicious luncheon was served and enjoyed bv all. A. B. BlackBtono has seeded ten acres to whoat recently E, Nelson Is fencing In GO acres (Special to Tho Bullotin) LOST CREEK, May 12. Wo nre ploascd to tioto that Dr. Rccd Is again In our midst. Sha hns spent tho past tour mouths in Portland. C. J. Davis was n business visitor nt Rolynt tho fore pnrt of last week. Whllo thorn ho was n guost nt th. Brookings houso. Tho danco nt Jnck Smith's last Saturday evening wns woll attended nnd nil had nn onjoynblo time, Mrs. C. C. Wnshburn was tho hos tess of tho Study Club this wcok. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hubbnrd return ed from their trip to Lakovtew Ittdt Friday. Messrs. Pcttlt nnd Prntct nro twj new soltlera In tho valloy. G. W. McGlnlty was qullq, sick tho past wcok but Is now nblo to l3 around ngaln. S. W. Best wns n business visitor at Buck Creek this week. C. J. Stauffer nnd A. B. Woollov trnnsneted business In Itkcvlow tho lnttor part of Inst wosk. C. D. Ktnsmnn wns lucky In get ting a woll of water nt tho first trial on his claim. Cecil Hubbard has been experi menting In colt breaking tho past week. S lMXKUUItST. (Special to Tho Bullotin) PINEHURST. May 18.--Mr. and Mrs. Roed msdo a business trip to Bend Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. i. Johnson went to Laldlaw Monday. Mrs. Jackson and children spent Tuesday afternoon at Snyders. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. V. Swisher mndo u business trip to Bond Tuesday. G. W. Snyder. A. B. Reed nnd lis ter Snyder went fishing Thursday, The school board held a meeting at tho school houso May 11, and de cided to engage Mrs. Delia. Nichols as teachor for tho coming school term. Mr. nnd Mrs. Swisher went to Laldlaw Thursday evening. G. "W. Snyder mado a business trip to Laldlnw Friday. Ruth Baylor spent Friday at tho Swisher homo. F. V. Swisher nyxde a business trip to Laldlaw Friday. Mrs. Delia Nichols and children called at tho Snyder home Friday evening. Bessie Snydor spent Saturday af ternoon with Thelma Johns. George Reed and Vornon Rccd went fishing Saturday ovcnlng. George and Russell Dietrich spent Sunday afternoon with Lloyd Boot. LAIDLAW Lioya i (Special to Tho Bulletin.) LAIDLAW, May 18. -Mr. and Mrs. Rogers left Saturday for their homestead, Mrs. Rogers stopping In Bend to do her shopping. Mrs. Wessel Is visiting her mother and friends near Pendleton. Mrs. Painter has roturnod from her month's visit at tho Sound. Her daughter, Mrs. Ethel Hansen, is qulto sick at tjio Painter home In Laldlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Rupple wont on n Hsblng trip to the canyon on Sunday and brought' back 43 flno big trout. Tho now tennis court was the scene of somo llyely games Sunday anl quite a few spectators enjoyed the games. Mrs. W. Brown has been on tho sick list tho past week. Between twenty and thirty lndlon cast thotr vote at tho primaries on election dny. Miss Polk took her school pupils up tho DeschutcB rlvur on a picnic Inst Friday, tho Inst dny of school, nnd nil report n splendid tlmo. Miss Polk was assisted by Mrs. Rupplo and Mrs. Lutulberg. Several annp-shotn woro taken of tho crowd. Tho girls ot Mr. Thompson's grndos of tho Lnldlaw school went on picnic Frtdny, with Mrs. Folmsbo nnd Mrs, Ross ns chnperones. Thoro win lots of "good outs" nnd plenty of fun. Victor DeCnll, who has beon cook at Cnmp No. 0 nil season, left for tho Sound, nnd mny go to Alnskn. Mrs. Will Shullnr. Mrs, Ilntison nnd "Aunt Molly" Nlchol. woro nmong Bend BhoppcrH from LiUdlnw Satur day. Mrs. Rupplo, Mrs. Coon, Mrs Lundborg nnd Mrs. Jackson woro visitors At Bend Inst week, FREMONT. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) FREMONT, Mny 17 All tho grnln Is coming finely nround Fremont. Whent Is growing better than wo ex pected. Tho Fromont hand Is going to hnvj another blow out Fourth of July. Tho ohceeo factory has opened up agnln. F. A. Everett, the bnnd lender hna gono to his homestead nt Conger valloy. A. II, Mortimer Is loading tho band nt present. J. B. Fox Is back homo from Cali fornia to farm for n while. K. F. Poarco, who has leased Leo Leeches land, Is now fencing It. Ht'XXYSIDK. (Spoclnl to Tho Bulletin.) SUNNYSIDE, May 1C. Sovornl teams havo been employed tho past woek on tho lateral that, will con vey water to tho ranch owned by Mrs. Mlnta Howard, sho having re cently purchased a water right for olghty ncrcs. I. W. Jackson of Redmond wns in Sunnysldo on business Thursduy. J. R. Newton of the WllUmotto valley was n visitor nt Camp No. 7 Friday. Ho reported much dirtloulty In crossing tho mountains on account ot tho snow. Prof. Thompson of Laldlaw spent Tuesday night at Sunuyslde, the guest of Bnrt Nichols. Floyd Scott went to Laldlnw Fri day to assist on tho election board ot this precinct. Mrs. Geo. Couch entertained hor mother-in-law, Mrs. J. L. Couch, and Mrs. Wright Saturday. Mrs. F. W. Lovorenx nnd Miss Nollle Snyder spont Saturday at tho homo nt Mrs. Bart Nichols. C. K. Huwltt ot tho Tumalo Irri gation Project was looking after his Interests in this distrlot Thursday. Four thousand feet of the mala cannl have beon completed near Camp No. 7. Messrs. Doan and Newcomb who recently purchased tho Courtney ranch, have also rented tho placi formerly owned by Jny Nichols POWELL BUTTE. (Special to Tho Bulletin) POWELL BUTTK, May 18. Guy Soars was compolled to reseed hi barley last week, tho recent freozes proving too much for tho new grain. Karl Saunders was thrown from his horse Tuesday and received somo Relic c Bladder Iilnlrcftft nnd Weak, ncftii. frregular. painful bladder weak nesses disappear when tho kldnoj i aro strong and healthfully active. Tako Foley Kidney Pills for that burning soaldlng sonsatlon, painful action, heavy, soro fooling nnd blad der distress. You will like their tonic restorative effect tho rollof from pain quick good results. Con tain no harmful drugs. Try them. Pattorson Drug Co. International Harvester Oil and Gas Engines TbelHCLise CJUIN AND HAT , MACHINES fUitn, Jtwfwt RUm, SluUt Ur frMiM COIN MACHINES PUaUri, ruin i Boitrt, CaJui.Ura EutUit Cattm SUUn. Hr.iUn TILLAGE f, SrrUf'TMtl, ui DUk Htrrtwi Clil'i.ti CENEXAL UNE Oil Mi Cm EjUm OJTmcl.fi Miavt Suttltt Crtua Stputttn Fuv Wu M.Ur Jittla TWwUra Cr.laDfiC TniCriUtt KatfGiaJ Suite T VIM BUY an International Harvester en gine, take care of it as any machine should be cared for; and a dozen years or more from now it will still be working for you. It will save yon and your family endless hours of hard labor in pumping, sawing, grinding, spraying, running separator, etc. Buy an 1 il C engine. They last longer, burn lets fuel, are simpler, and give you moot power. Hero are a few of the reasons: Offset cylinder beads, largo valves, accurately ground piston and rings, heavy drop forged crank shafts and connecting rods, etc. Best material and construction mean tho best engine, I II C engines are built In all styles, and in all sizes from 1 to SO-H. 1', They operate on low and high grade fuels. Not every local dealer handles I H C engines. The one wno does Is a good man to know, If you do not know who he la, wo will tell you when you v.rito us for catalogues. International Harvester Company of America lucwporuMi Portland Ore. - CViopIoa Durisf HcCwnlck M3il Oibras Fltao SI painful Injuries, which confined him to tho housn for a fow days, llu lti now nblo to bo nround ngnln. Mrs, Junos nnd sin nil son roturnod homo Thursday from Prlnovlllo, whoro they visited' Rnlph, E. N. I (nil nnd Allun Wlllcoxon wont to Bond Wodnesdny taking up n bunch of colts for summer pnsttir ngo. At (ho Inst srsslau of County Com missioners nt the county sent, Allen Wlllcoxon received ntt nppolntmuitt to succeed hlmsotf nn rond supervisor for District -f. He wns nlso ap pointed supervisor for Hut Rock District. Mis. Allen Wlllcoxon wiib n Prlno vlllo vlnltor Wednesday. Twelve yenr old Rnymnnd Van Doreu IioIiIh tho local ehniuploushlp for inhblt killing without n gun. Whnn not busy helping his fnthur on the fnrm, Raymond tnkos his two dogs nnd hunts rnbblts for u oouplo of hours enoh dny. In olevon days ho killed 111 rnbblls noeurdlng to nn ncoount kept by him on hU mollior'ii kitchen onlondnr, Huvornl neighbor women gnthnrml nt the Virgil Humphrey homo Tliurs dny to piirtlolpnto In it sowing bun. Severn) nrllulu were liutde, tho hos tess mtv I ii it n dinner nt noon, Miss (llndys und llnr.ol Itnyu enuln out from Prlnovlllo Thursday for n week end visit with home folks. Miss DorrlH Flsuhur accompanied them out, remaining over ns tholr guest until Sundny. A light veto won polled nt the prl mnry election hero Friday. Cleik Wlllcoxon took (lie ballots to Prlno vlllo Snturdny. A Inrgo crowd of looal people at tended the eounly truck meet at Red mond Friday, severnl remaining over for the Doclnmntory Contest In the evening. It. L. Moore taught M hend of hogs from N. P. Alley recently. Mrs. Mnry V. Charlton eniiio out from Prlnovlllo Thursdny to vote nt tho prlmnry election Frldny. Her daughter, Miss llu. mndo u ilotour on her wny to Redmond, Frldnv. which iiunbled her to cast her bnllot here. Thos. Tweet of Bend, father of Henry Tweet, Is visiting bis sou nud family for a few ilnyn. Reeves Wlllcoxon hns routed the McCnffery forty east of his plnco and Is putting In u crop. N. P. Alley hns routed the largo Witsdu plnon nnd will pnaturo his outtlo for tho summer, E, A. llusiiett wns n visitor nt tho county sent Wodnesdny. Mrs. Frank lluyu or Portland, who Imii onjoyod tho past sovorul wools on n visit here, left for hor homo on Frldny. Mrs. Robert Kills wiih n guest of Mrs. F. W. MuOnlTory of Kudmoud (Continued on pngo sovon) W What's the Use of t rolRhtlnir roccrlos from llond freo of churtfo? Lot JOHNSON pay tho freight. Hoiiuunbur tho pluco, nunr 28 mllu pout, lioiid to lluriis roiul. I MILLIC'AX, OREGON. iffi Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary BRICK 18 ABSOLUTELY FIRB PROOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON FLAORATION. BRICK BUILDIN08 NHVKIl BURN, ALTHOUGH T1IKY ARK BOMB TIMKS INJURED BY FALLINO TIMBERS OR COMBUHTIBLB INTERIOR WOODWORK. A BRICK BUILDNO IB ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IF WIRE ULAB8 IB USED IN THE WINDOWS AND IF BURNHD CLAY FLOORS ARH USED. AN INTERIOR FIRE IN SUCH A BUILDING IB CONFINED TO THE ROOM IN WHICH IT OIHQINATUS; NO OUTSIDE FIRM CAN ATTACK IT THE PROPORTION OF BURNED CLAY IN BUILDING CONSTRUC TION MEA8URE8 ITS FIRB PROOF QUALITIES. BURNED CLAY IS THE ONLY BUILDING MATHRIAL THAT HAB BEEN THROUOH THE FIRB BEFORE YOU GET IT, IN BUCH A MAN NER THAT IT WILL RESIST FIRE. ALL COMBUKTIBLE MATERIAL 18 BURNED OUT OF THE BRICK BEFORE YOU GOT IT. WHEN YOU MJILD USE HRICK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BEND PARK COMPANY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Our Real Estate offerings are the most extensive in Bend, comprising the ORIGINAL TOWNSITE and PRAC- r T1CALLY ALL THE ADDITIONS. INSURANCE that INSURES Our Insurance Department ' includes only World Known Companies writing Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Automo bile, Plate Glass and Fidelity Insurance and Bonds. "IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY." LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. . Our outside offices and connections better enable us to find you buyers and tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. & 5