tiii: iikni) iii'iXFn.v, iihnii, onu., wkdnkhday, may tn, jdm. PAOK 8, tastt f L .!, C'llMniitiiticiinuiiiitatliiiuiiniMtimai.'iiutcitimiinintinmuiiititjmnatRtMtltmiKtnatVtiitsmitfitMttHmfniliiiiii Do I Feel Good? wiill tnkn n look lit mo, I fool jsooiI nit tho tlmoj our whole family, tho samoj my wlfo'n complex ion In ponchos nml cream, mid ttiono klilH of ours, say, you ought to nun thoin, What In tho aucrnlT It'ii no itocrot, about onco a month, I spend 26 cotitn for ii hox of Patterson's Candy Laxatives Hold and projmroil only by Patterson Drug Co. 3Ji Ifaxa&b Store ciittlomnn, wnn registered at tho lloml on Hiimliiy. A. O. Wnlkor wnn In town from Alfalfa on Friday, u Kiiust ut the Ilotol WrlRht. Mr, mill Mm, A, H. Iluhlmril of Im perial woro registered at tho lloml Ilotol on Frldny, Miss Wllllninn, daughter of tha Mnthndlst minister of I'rlnovlllo was In town Hnturday, MltjH Knthorluo Trntitnor wont to I'rjnvlllo Hnttinltty to go on n long '"Si nuTi LOCAL NEWS ITEMS A. H. Ilnwk uf Fremont Is In town tmlny, 1'. Kwlng Mnrtlu wnn In' town on Thursday. Morris Lorn Was In Portland ovor tho week cud. Mm, I'owkIhoii spent the weekend nt hor rnritiMtt'tul. Mrs, Amlurinn of Doscuutos wnn In town Hiitunluy. Frnnk May wni on hi it runoll Inst Thursday nml Friday. Mm. Nelllo WrlgliLUIhlm returned from rortlnnil Krlilny. - Ifxiimlnatlons for the pupils of tho eighth ijrntlo woru hnlil limt wrok. Mm. A. M I'rlnulit entertained the llrldgo Cluh last Friday. Tho Itoynl Neighbors Kavo n ilnnc last ulKht nt Bather's Hull. Wnril Colilo In now omployuil In llourku's store nt Crescent. J Mm. (leorgn A. Jones ltnvr next i Tuesday for an eiiHtorn visit. H. Ornror of l.ti 1'lno won registered nt tho I'ilot lltittu on Hiiudny. A. M. I'rlnKlo roturnod Monday from n business trip to tho south. (1, II, Doming of I.o J'lno wan, guest nt the I'ilot lluttu on Monday. IS. 0. Modioli of I'rlnovlllo wnn registered nt tho llond on Hnturday, Dr. A. l C'ropp Iiiih discontinued hln trips to Itudmoiiil for thq present. J, W. (irlswold of Crescent wns registered at tho Wright on Krlilny. 0. K. Wlm wnn registered nt tha Pilot llulto from l.a I'lno on Thurn dny. K. T. Ilnnlnwny of Katisns City wnn registered ut tho Altiiiuout on Krldny. Mrs. Ashley Forrost went to Hod. nionil Hnturday to kIvo voonl lessons to pupils, Tho comrnt sidewalk nt thn cor nor of Wall mid Minnesota streets Is flnlshud. Krnnk Jamison, tho Hllver Ink5 ALL FOR MEN The Newest Spring Things SU ITC HOE HIRT4J HATS AND TIES A. L FRENCH Oregon Street, srtff 5t" t- SisHHB H e n (1, O r e. 3 WARM DAYS SUGGEST COOL DRJNKS and Ice Cream and they ninke you think of 11 SODA FOUNTAIN. Our Soda Fountain. h THE PLACE to ri-1 tlicm both.' ft The OWL PHARMACY llnrnoy O'Donnoll will tnkn n plo nlc imrty to I-rtvn Inland In hln unto truck noxt Hundny. ' Mr. mid Mm. J. A. Hastes nml Dr. Mill Mrs, Coiiunrn npunt Bunony it llolslug'n on tho Motollun. Miss Kvn Ann Huntington wnn Inld up with tonsllltls mid n hnnvy cold tho liittiir pnrt of Inst week, I. U, Owon nod Krlc llnstolnnd of Mllllcitn waro In town Monday. Kuosts nt tho Wrlitht Ilotol, J, 13. hnrsen Is suffering from nn Injury to his rlKht eyn received when ha was choppliiK wood u fow days ngo,. A heavy thunderstorm passed ovor town between 1 and 2 o'clock todiy, .21 Inches of rnln falling In n short tint 11. Mr. nnd Mrs. V A. Korhos spout tho week unil nt (ho latter' homt stvnd, Miss (lull Korhos wont with them. Mr. nnd Mrs. (leorgn I.lvesloy nnd I'. 1), Olio from lioschutos woro In town on Hnturdny, Kucsts nt tho I'ilot llutto. Tho shed In tho ronr of tho Chap- mnn hulldliiK nt tho comur of Wull nnd Mlntiosotn street Is holm; torn down. Tho Q. A. T. Cluh wns cntnrtnlned hy Miss Markul nnd Miss Mister at their rooms nt tho Allnrnoiit on Thursday. W, J. Bproat went to tho Metollus on Monday to finish the map work on which tho Korest Horvlco was en MKed Isst fall. Charles L, Wlnior, formerly of Laldlnw, has arrived In Ashland af ter n 10 days trip overland hy way of Klamath Kails. Mr and Mm. Jay llooth of Port land, who hnvo hecn vIsltlnK Mr. nnd Mm. Terry Itnndoll for several weoks, hnvo returned to their homo. Mm J II. fitanley left for Port land last Wednesday. Mho has boon III for tho past two months nnd has gonn down for niodlcnl triNttmont. Clark Paul, of tho Pioneer Tels phono Company, tins nearly nil tut wires down on Wall street nnd nay ho will remove the poln this week. Tho W C. T. U. will meet In tho rendHiK room of tho Ilaptlst churoh on Thursday nt 2:30. All ladles In terested In tho work are urxed to at tend. On Saturdny, Kred Lucas, with a hlK team, took tho Sunday school classes of Miss Holmes and Miss Bid nor for n picnic supper ovor ou tho Tumalo. II. II DcArmond went to Portland last night on business and to meet Mm. IH'Armond who tins been visit Ine thera. They expect to return to (lend by tha end of tha wcok. Tho llnptlkt Women's Union will meet with Mm. II C. Kills tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o'clock to sew. Every one Is requested to bring n thimble nnd n full attendance Is desired. Mrs W C. McCulstnn will enter tain the Ladles Aid Society of tho Methodist church next Wednesday afternoon at hor homo on Jefferson Drlvo. Mm. Prince Btnnts will as sist tho hostess, W I). Cheney of Soattlo, cam down Saturday and remained here until lust n'Kht. He was accompan ied l A W. Ilurr. On Sunday, with Clark Rhodes. II. W. Bkuso and H Latham he fished on the Matollus. Mm. L. H. Orbing, Mm. Ilort Bhuoy nnd Mm. C. K. N'lcholn will Klvo a kitchen shower for tho Prey byterlnn ladles Guild nt tho church pnrlam on Wednesday afternoon, May 20th, nt 2:30. All tho ladles aro Invited, Boclnls, IoiIkc'S, nnd parties sup piled with Icoc renin on short notice nt reasonable rates, American Itnk ory Adv. CAUU (WVJIASHH. P. J. Yoiiiik nnd family wish to thank all who so kindly Helped dur ing tho Inst Illness nnd burial of tho balovod Krnndinotlier. who so recent' ly passed uwny. 'Ladles, tho Bkuso llnrdwnro Com pany imvo n complete now lino or white enamel wnre. Adv, Again, tho third nnd wo hope tho Inst time, wo hnvo tho services of a shoo shlnlnrc artist, Mr, Kd Walker arrived Monday morning from Bo nttio. iiring your snoes, witn or without feet. Open Sunday fore noons, baths, enndy, tobacco, shines, etc Tho Metropolitan, Adv. For Immediate Clearance we are offering the balance of our LADIES' SUITS CONCERT TO MORROW NIQHT (Continued from page 1.) will bo omitted, and Mrs, Ward will play a solo. Tho concert begins nt 8:16 sharp, nt tho llond Theatre on Wnll street. Ilolow Is tho completo program: I. "Dry Yo Eyes" (lndsberg) Club. II. "Pussy Cat and the Mouse" Solo, Mm. Korrest. Quartet: Ilrlnklcy, Putnam, Hunting ton, Holmes, III. Violin solo Mm. K. V. Ward. IV. "Tho Ilutlorfly Swings on a Flower" ................ (II. 11. Gaul) Club. V. Trio (a) "Swallows to Southward," (b) "Wandercr'n Night Sonic" Trautner, Huntington, Powelson. INTERMISSION. VI. Duet (a) Merry Phyllis" (Old German) (b) "Steep Gontlg Ilabo" ... (Mendelssohn) Forrest. Putnam. ' VI f. "Coppah .Moon" .... (II. It, Shollay.) Cluh. VIII. Piano solo Miss Kva Graves, IX. Quartet (n) "Come Kiss Yo' Mam my" (A. W. Nool) (b) "Tho NlKht Has a Thousand Eyes". . (8. A. Emory) Forrest, Trnutner, Putnam, Powel son. X. "My Lady CIo ". . (ClouKh-Lelghtcr) Club. MEMDEHS TB&SrrtSSW t&i ir Mxl&SxifaMi wlmsm hi i '7 AT 20 Off! Don't let anything keep you uway from th is opportunity. EXTRA SPECIAL For Tlmrs., Fri. and Saturday: Ladles' White Lingerie and Tailored Waists Vnlues to $1.50, while they last 95c LADIES' DUSTERS in Linen nnd Khaki, priced at $1.75 and $2.00 It is genuine value giv ing that brings hun dreds of customers'' to this store. Mannheimer's The DEPENDON Store. l.nwn mowers, garden hose, wheel barrows. Bkuso Hard waro Com pany Adv. First Soprano Mcsdamcs Forrest, Porker, Urlnkloy nnd Miss Trautner. Second Soprano Misses Mcltay, Uolson, Bldner and Mm. Todd. First Alto Miss Huntington, Mm. Putnam. Second Alto Miss Holmos, Mm. Powelson. Aooomiianlst MIm Graves. leader Mrs. Putnam. LIGHT AND THE EYES. Rt- Qlsring or Dsullng Effects May suit In Permanent Injury. In 11 impcr rend U'lon the Interna tionul i:xHMltlou of Surety nnd Snnltn Uon lu New tirk city G. H. StliUiu- called ntteiitliiu to tbu fact thnt the most common defect In lighting Is ex ccsslvo glii re mid absence of dirfuslou. Glare may emanate directly from the light source or bo reflected to the eye by n flossy surface; It can also be cuuseil whenever excessive contrast of lntonxlty npixmrn In ndjuceut fields of vision. The dazzling effect Is unplcas ant ami Interferes with seeing. L'ndei continued exjtouum eye strain and even permanent Injury to the eye may rexulL Au unshielded light buns over a ma chine Is a common source of eyo fa tigue. The glare tuny not be so erl dent on first glance, but when the workman's eyes hate been subjected to such light for a long Ume dhtcom fort uud Inability to see result. Glnro from glazed paper, desk tops or polUbed metal often Induces eye trouble, beudnche nnd other lndUpoul Uon. though tho sufferer may not be uuure or the cause. The remedy Is to chance the relative Hsltlons so that the reflected light Is kept out of the eyes us murb n possible and to en large the dimension of the light source. Uuglueeriug ItM-ord. EVERyTHING IN FURNITURE YOU WII.li TIN!) AT THIH BTOlli: THK MOST COMPI.KTK I.INH OF POl'l'iait HOMK FUltMHIIlNGH IN Veutrnl On'gon. A Visit Will Con lnco. Ilehtiles, Uits Get IUlter Ar iiiulufeil. Just Itct-olveil It FI110 l.luo of Itoom KUeil IttiKs nml liliioleiiuiN. E. M. THOMPSON Bond, Oregon iiiiiNQ.ix Youn avoun out iiuoay viu:i:i.s von' "'l ' ItK-TlltlNO. The Change is Here, for every member of the fam ily man, woman, child WE HAVE Summer Underwear AT THE LOWEST PRICES Popular Judgment of Gsnlus. Fabres tlrt eiitomologlral wurkgnln ed the bouoni of the liMltnteof Fmuee and a prize for experimental pbyrlul ogy. Hln ivxtmordluury nborptlou In his entomological pursuits wiisu source of perplexity to thoxe umong whom tie dwelt One morning be wus pusitl iij three women vlutngcm ou their way rn work. Wheu they jmijomhI blmaguin :it iiiiet he wan still seated on flu same tone, with bis eyes fixed on the same spot, whereupon he saw oue 01 them tnp ber forehead us she wb!sxr ed. A oor Innocent." Hut more than one country gourd sunpected that he was up to no good In hit inysterluu wanderings about the couutryxlde However, tho 8lgbt or the little dtirk ribbon of the Legluu uf Honor, wltti which he hud been tlei oniti-il Dv tli- wwwwvww French government, was generuily ,VA?AV VMWMWUW w VWWHMWV j VtlVVVVMVVlVVV -vWVVVVVVV1.VVVVVVV 5? $$ ss ii si ii ii ii ii a a ii a a a a a a ii ii ii ii Warner's Corsets WE HAVE A MODEL FOR EVERY FIGURE. Priced from $1.00 to $5.00 at n it it it a Mannheimer's suulclent to ulluy suspicion. Westiuiu stcr Gazette. . lVWiV' tMUMUUVMMMMUWUUf wwwwwuv M I WHHWiWW tviviv Straw Hats t for every one. White straws from ' 15c to $2.00 Punnmn Huts the genuine ones Specially Priced R. M. Smith Clothing Co. LEARN THE WAY, Men's Suits BLUE SERGE $12.50 to $20.00 Gray Wools and Worsteds $10.00 to $17.50 E. A. 5ATHER. a ii a u i Is. it it it p it I St n :t 't :t s Il 1 ' f- V5