The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 13, 1914, Image 1

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Vol, .,
NO. lo.
In I'lno mill Prliiotlllo Nfmpiiptn
Hhow tip (.'luirmlcr of AttmtkN
Aunlimt Ciuidhlntn llciliiiouil
Klnnil for Wr-at Hliln .Mini.
Tim following olliipliiRH from coun
ty newspapers ludionto the KoiHirut
HoulliiiHiit ruHnrdlnK H. II. fluyley.
imtulMnlu for iiotitlnitlluii mid rolea
Hon nn County Ooiiiinliwluiiur. Thrsn
iwpors aru not riuoioil. The Madras
I'lotitMtr Ik iintlmlv iiun.coiiiiiillliil.
Tim Culver Trlfuino, 8prliiKr'N
Hpnktwittiiii, In nRiilnut llayloy. The
1'rliiHvlllo Nomm, edited by Pollurd
Htnl l.uoy, In bitterly IionHIo.
Irf Pine I'moiN IImj Icy.
"W. II. I.tiey (we'll toll ynu iiIhiih
Mm Inter) In mIiMiik County JiiiIku
Hprlnaer In nn attempt to defeat It.
II. llayloy for Commissioner. One of
the thliiK duty mty nKnlmt Hnyloy,
nnd I ho most serious thing they onu
llnil, In Hint li imlil $K00 too much
far a ear of stool culvirU. I'pon In
vmHkhiIoii It Ih learned from mich
Kooil niithorlty ni 0. l.uurKimrd of
tho Tttmalo I'roji-ci, (tint li) culvert
hotiKht woro mora tlun $800 worth
IfettMr tliMn the cheap ohm (hut l.ury
hi)'n ought to havo been purchased
Now about that follow l.ueAwho In
iUiIhk tho illrty work for Hprlngor. Iln
In rnportml to Ihp an xeonvlct, now
tinder parole nfler having mtrvwl
aorvwl several year nn n charge of
Manslaughter," I.a Pine Inter
Muunttln. Journal IMmihi Ituylry,
Referring to tho chargea against
Rayley recently made br II. II. Clow
and V II, Lucy, tho Crook County
Jnuriinl nf I'rlnevlllo, has this to iwf.
"The atatomont wero Itauod. np
lrnlly, HcoorilliiR to Mr. Marloy,
lor Mr. Clow betnusa of n private
h n I ir u n Imlil against Mr. Itayloy.
Mr. Clow wo rmsuntly Jnltor nt tho
fHiiirllinimn nnd wan succeeded not
long iiko liy T N. lUlfour boeatiso
of tho dlMittlxfaetloti ho was giving.
All tho county oltlrlals practically,
naked for hi dismissal. Lator h
Mrota.tu.Jlr. Jlnyo' nnd wanted to
lnow If It worn satisfactory to him
If hn cIiono to ho purchasing agent
for thn rou nt y. to buy nil tho nop
piles for tho dlrforont offices, for the
rond supervisors nnd everything;
needed ly tho county. Mr. Clow
wroto Mint JiiiIko Hprlngor hnd luon
liitorvlwwod nnd wn favorable to Mr.
Clew's employment In tho now rapac
ity with a larger nnlnrV. porhnpN.
thnn ho hnd hron KOttliiK nn Jnnltor.
TIiIn In tho kind of eoonomr Hint
Mr. Clow ilonlrud hoforo ho thouKht
nil chaneo hnd Imcn lot to got IiIn
linmlN Into tho county treasury, r
rerdltiK to Mr Ilnylny.
"Mr. Unyloy ropllod tlmt tho nod
of n county purchatlnK ngent was
not npparonl to him nnd ho would not
HAncllon thn nddltlon of nnothor of
ftco unnuthorltod hy Inw nnd nuddllnK
morn oxpnii upon tho ovor-luinloti-od
Inxpnyon. nltliough JudRo flprliu
Rcr did fnvor uch n moro. Kor Hint
roaon Mr, Clow hni folt n call to
roTnnl thn nppnront oiiiiko of high
tnxo to tho voturn nt tlili tlmo when
(Contlnuud on lint pnRo.)
:Q5hen6u Gowa:
tlrom Home
where you ore not known, avoid all trouble in
rtgnrd to your funda by carrying
" luroinu Biuin(i
.Theae cheques are equally, useful for travclere
in America or Abroad. They identify the
holder to hotels, ticket agents and merchants,
who accept them at race value In
of accounts. They are not available
finder or thief, if lost or stolen.
Let us explain tho system.
Deschutes State Bank
Successor to tho
Deschutes Banking &
'IVPHIiRHMj, Prcs. P. O. MINOR, Seo'y.
K, M..LAIM, Cashier.
Hnm KviinH, or Klnmnth KullWII.
lor of tho North wodtorii thoroin u
I'ltndldnto for tho Dumocrntlc iofu
nation for coiiKn'mminn frond UiU
dlHtrlct. AiIvIcon ft oni tho aoutUJn
dlcuto (tint IiIh iiiiiiio will ho wrltiuti
In on tho ballots hy Domocrntwr:'
II. li. llltHWHl'KiMIIJHIir
It U. llrowHtor of l'rlnovllW5nn
illdiito for (hn Ilnptihllcnn nomlnitUqi)
for County Kurvoyor, wnii horolMfftc
iliiy, Mr, llrowHtor Iiiin tunny frloiliU
iioni, nnd it in nppnroutly corlulujtliAt
nt thin olcotlon ho will rocnlVu'na
ovoii bottor voto In llvnd thnn hVgnl
two yonm nito, when Klco dofoutod
him In tho county by n mnnll murxln,
ItoporU from othor coiumunltlvUn
dlouto IiIh olnctlon, ' v
At Mcctlnu on Hnliirdii)' OMIrcr' H'fm
JCIccti'il mill llyljnT Adopted
Mucli A ..Ultimo by I'rof. I'mufi
inn inrxeiii unmoor oi in
Hint linn yot turnod out enmo'
n.i . i . . . . .
tn rniors
tho iimotlnic for tho orRniilzn
tho vrimmory on Hutiirdny. HOrhin
uont orKitiiUutloii wiih orfoctodfttjiuoh
nuNUtiinco In thin coouictloniivK
Klvon hy I'rof II. T. Kroncli,?Vln
huppoiiod to bn proHont. ,
An tho II mt biiNlnoNK of tho' nloo'.
Iiik n commlllpo coiui.tliiK of iftpr.
Bmlth, Alt. Mooro, HIpchon'TAiid
WntiRh, with I'rof. fronch niT'nd.
vl.or, wn nppolntod, to propftreihr
tlcluN of orRAUlintlon nnd byluwvJind
tho int'OtluK ndjouruod wl.MJ'.'tho
comiiilttoo wnn In Nfimloii. MvoUnj;
Intor tho coniiiilttuo roportod niidhu
report wns ndoiilod. OftlceritlVJtry
olortoil nn follows: I'roiddont.gJY it.
Dwncor, vlea prenldcnl,.!.. ('JfIlol.
ort, tooretary, K. 1). HnvuniAun;
tronauror. K. Unrrott; tnmtcc
nd) Geo.
-In? J.
Mnnold, W. All, J. I'vdom
Mooru and Char m Hlnclien
i no artioie or inoorporntlonJiay
now tu ho pBHod upon by thuvffnr
tnry of ntntn nt Halom nnd o tbolr
rvturn tho croamery will be r$tfr to
boRln hiiNlnoM. The next ibmIiir
will b on May 23. In the nicMjllm
the commltteu nppolntwl lnt fpk U
to contlnuo tho collection of Nutdfl
tlonn and alio to nollclt moroTuMa.
At a reoont term of tho county
court tho two llond Juitlco preottictM
wore connolldntiHl and J, A. 'iftute
nppolntotl Justloi). Tho now dUtrlot
in rotorniinoua witli the botindBrloa
of the city,
to nt' ni:v ititiixiji:. '
l)iirJnK.lJiljr.cccnt trip to thVMe.
tolius ForoNt HupnrvUor MorrlU took
atopN to hnvo a now hrldgo jMl In
nt tho AllliiKhnui rniiRer ttntlon, Tho
nrticnt brldRo. while ntlll In u'no. U
conNldorod an not aafo, eiipoclnll for
Heavy nuiuniouiii'v, anu u in uq uo
lire NtnriniR from an un
Bniuo almiit 11 j clock Sunda
doitroyod tho onbln ocrupl
I'rlNCii I'rlnco and hla family.
i (no furniture mil t-ie clotlili
thr Inmlly won vc1.
HOAl) WOltK 11KOI'
vs. v
Cinder hntillnK from tho Pilot
Ilutto pit hoxan In earned I ; -V
OreRon atreot tins now been rovorod
with clndora for Ita wholo length bo
Ivvrn Wall and H'.nd and on Wa'.l
a root tho work hnn I won nn.V""'t
from OreROn to a iwlut a shurtvdls
tanro beyond tho Pilot Ilutto hotel,
A llttlo later the road roller s be
lir.'UKht Into town nnd all t o atJreoU
on which clndnra hivo boon ''iWfkfi'U
Trust Company .
W hy
iiV tr
! m TACK'LE ' .IS
MJrl l For All -; lag
e-J&WBl ttW 1 ? ' ' A COMPIiKTK I.IXK OP STIUOT- S $
UtM1 Mi S IjV fiiksh stock to ciioasH j J
Sl5tsJ vH T ll AT T,IB 1,0TT0M ( ifpif
'SJiMiyu a anc ee ur wi
B)(tR Goods lW
. i nR " ( ,' ,'.. ( w
IfcYclplN TotnliMl WII.IHI.fll for
April, of Which p:t()l),W.-,.:U) In
Aitiount FrOm UMil Tiixch .
Tix'iihuiei' llml lluty Moutli.
I'ltlNKVIM.K, May 11. Crook
county In In exceptionally nt route II
nnnclnl nhnpo jiint now, uesordltiK to
tho report for tho month oudliiR April
30, Joit ImihhI hy County Treemirer
Itnlph Jordnn. In enuli on hand
thoro In 1u7.8!.8.
The detailed report follow:
I'rotn tax collectlona
in 13 $309, DOS. Sfi
1I1S 3,828.65
1911 83C. 98
1910 318.11
1909 482.12
'07 nnd '08 K03.9I
Clerk'a fcoN 2,151,71
Justice court 6.00
Mine. , 1,612.19
Ilalnnoo 22,287.35
Total 3
(Name of fund.)
Oonornl $1
County ncliool
Hpl. nchool dlHtrloU
IIIrIi ioIiooI .
Interest on IkmiiIn ,...,
Cltlwt nnd towns
Hoolp bounty
union IiIrIi aehool . . . . ,
Forest patrol
Total tX3l.09S.03
Cash on hand ,.f 107,389.68
The (lovornment crop report Isiued
May 7 showlriR the condition of var
ious oropa nn of April 1 Is very on
oouraRltiR. Tho condition of winter
wheat la set at 103 for Oregon na
nRnlnst 96.9 for tho United 8tatoa
nnd n tremendous yield la forecasted,
bolnic more than 100,000,000 bush
els over the yield of 1913. The con
dition of ryo In OreRon Is 100 aa
against 93.4 for tho rest of tho coun
try and n 10 year aroraso of 9C.
Well Helectnl I'roixrnm Offered br
llcnd (ilefl Club.
Tomorrow, Thursday, nlRht tho
Ilend Oleo Club holds lta concert, and
Judging from the Interest tnanlfestcd
In tho event already tho entertain
ment. Ilko tho one Riven last year,
will have a larRo audience.
Fourteen young women will per
form, and all of them have been prac
ticing for months. The proRrnm will
be vory diversified, including clioril
numbers by tho entire club, duottf,
trios, and quartets, violin solos and
piano aoloa. 8olectlona havo boon
niado of ivopulnr songs, an that an
audlcnco of general tasto will tlnJ
much to pleaao It. Owing to the un
expected absence of V. J. Sproa:,
who was to have played vlollm duets
with Mrs. B. V. Wnrd, that number
(Continued on paRo E.)
gv ; -
V"7 .k V V?1!U 'e1'SJ
w . v r.i .ib. (i
tf I ' rv . Si
ll l (hi
Mutter 1'ltli Wnnlcn In Totvn Irnt
Woek .Moro Lnkc Will Ho Htock-
eil CIiiiiiko of Imw Kor Dot-
tlmtM ttlll Itc Itecoiiitnenilctl.
More attention to the needs of the
'Doaoliutes country, hy the stato fish
nuthorltloa Is what It. K. Clantos,
muster flah wnrden, promise. Mr.
Clanton arrived Inst week and alnoo
then haa made a trip to mountain
lakes, In which trout probably will
ho planted thin summer.
At least two carlovda of trout from
tho state hatcheries, and probably
moro, will bo broURht to tho Dta
chutoN this spring, tiny Mr. Clnnton,
t title plana are now belli'.; tnndo to
plnco om i 300,000 fish Ir. Wnlde,
Summit and Fish lakes, and perhaps
others, it Is also hoped to put more
fish In Sparks Lake which already
wan partially stocked. Theae fry
will come from tho small hatcheries
nlrcndy Jn oporatlon nt Crescent,
Davis and Odcll lakes.
Mr. Clanton will recommend to tho
Commission tho establishment of an
other small hatchery directly at llond
which will do much to sorvo tho en
tiro Deschutes river with trout, and
accomplish that at a smaller expense
than now, when tho fry are brought
In by railroad from long llstance.
Iilcnl for Hatchery Here.
"Tho avorago tompcrnttire of the
Deschutes la Ideal for a hatchery."
said Mr. Clanton In speaking of tho
Importance of n hatchery hero. It
In bolloved that with the aupport of
looal siiortsmcn the hatchery will bo
granted without any dlfflculty.
Mr Clanton will also recommend
that tho Doachiitea river nnd tribu
taries, nt loast abovo tho Metollua
nnd Including that river, havo a clos
ed season restored to them. I'ndor
tho present law fishing Is allowed tho
year around, n practlco which threat
ens oxtermlnutlon to Deschutes trout
nnd which Is, being severely criticized
by Central Oregon sportsmen who nro
interested in preserving fishing for
tho future. Doputy District Gamo
warden Clyde McKay will circulate
petition endorsing n revision of tho
law. It Is proposed to renew a clos
ed Boason rrom November to April
first. It will also be recommended
that all lakes bolng stocked remain
closed for two years, to give the small
fish a chaneo to propagato and grow.
, ' Ilrook Trout, Too.
Among tho fish which will bo sont
In later will be many Bastorn Ilrook
Trout. These, It Is bollovod, will do
vory woll In smaller st roams. In
connection with the arrival of the
fish car. It Is proposed tn havo an In
formal exhibition of It, with a talk
by tho men In charge explaining Ita
use and tho methods of fish propa
gation nnd distribution about tho
state. In othor places whero this
haa boon dono sctioo; children havo
attendod and much or educational
vnluo and general Interest accom
plished. The trio Just completed Included
visits to Dig and Llttlo Lava Lakes
and Cultns Lake. A fish trap was In.
atalled at tho Inlet of Cultns from
Vrhloh spawn will ho taken. Another
ono may bo placed on tho tipper Dcit
chutes near Lava I.nko. A service
able boat la now nt Cultns I,nko
IlcsldoN Mr. Clnnton tho party in
cluded Lawrenco Smith, son of V.
V, Hmlth and formerly of llond, and
C, B. Mooter. Clyde McKay accom
panied thorn. Ward St. Johns Is In
charge of the work on the lakes,
A tract near Portland owned by
former Ilend mon, J. M. Lawrence
and V. V. Smith, has been sold tor
1 1 2,000. ' The land, embracing 317
acres, lies In the Tualatin Valley and
la known aa Ilendomcor. Tho pur
chasers havo placed the ageney of
the property with Max Lueddeman,
formerly editor of tho Madras Pio
neer, who la now In tho real eetat
buslae In Portland.
Plant Hint Dolly Capacity of Bccti
Tons uinl Ktorogo llooin for 100
Ton Totol Cost AlKiut 91'J0(MI
lea making at the nowly construct
to Ico plant of the HenJ 'Vnttr Light
& Power Co., began last Thursday,
and tho plant Is now operating
This latest addition to tho Indus
trios of the town Is housod In a now
frame building adjoining the old
power plant of the company. The
new building Is 40x65 feet In size
and la divided Into thrco sections, an
Ico tnnk room, two rooms for ator
ago and & third In which It Is expect
ed tho creamery will I quartered.
The plant haa a dal'y capacity of
7 tons and 100 tona of Ice can be
stored. It was constructed at a to
tal cost of about $12,000 and em
ploys two men. Kor tho local busi
ness the ico will be sold to retailers,
tho company reserving to Itself tho
outside field. For this business an
elevator and runway are now being
built by which Ice can be transferred
from the store room to cart on tho
track adjoining tho mill of tho Dond
Milling and Warehouse Co,
Foret Hanger Kiicountei-H Much
Know on McKenxle Van.
Tho first attempt to cross tho Cas
cades was mado by Geo. W. Moody,
a forest ranger of the west aide of
the Cascades, who succeeded In get
ting across last week with very little
difficulty. Mr. Moody came over
last fall with horses of hts own an J
those belonging to Smith Taylor, of
the Paradiso ranger atatlon, placing
them In pasture here for the winter.
He started from Sisters at 13
o'clock at night In order to mako
the trip across the worst snow drifts
while It was frozen. A letter receiv
ed from him by John 11. Taylor, who
accompanied him ns far as the sum
mit, stated that he got across with
out mishap. There Is about 12 or
14 mile of an,ow on the McKotor'e
road nnd In many places the drift
are quite deep to there Is llttlo pros
pect of It bolng open for travel before
the 10th or lith of June. Sisters
Polling places for the primary elec
tion on Friday will he as follows:
North llenH preolnot. Trlplett build
ing on Wall atreot In the room for
merly occupied by the post office,
South Ilend precinct, council room In
Johnson building, Wall street. For
the Deschutes Precinct It Is oxnect
ed to arraDgo n polling place In Kenwood.
We First National Bank m
U. C COE, President E. A. SATIIER, Vice- President
C. S. nUDSON, Cashier
Capital fully paid . . . 25,000
Surplus 118,000
To Homeseekers:
Parties contemplating taking Home
steads in the new lands just eliminated
from tho Forest Reserves, should bear in
mind that Bend is the closest Banking
town to these lands.
We are making a speoial effort to be
of service to new people coming into Gen
tral Oregon.
Gall and see us and arrange your fi
nances, so you will not have any trouble
in haying your checks cashed.
U. C, Cok E. A. Bather C. S, Ilqpaojf
From Ills Itedmond Headquarter Ho
Will Asslxt the Farnieni In Krery
Community In the Varied Prob
lems of Farm Llfe-Work Start
With tho eroamory suscessfully or
ganized the Commercial Club lun
cheon on Saturday turned from tho
discussion of cows and aim res and
cream and butter fat to another phase
of co-operative work for tho benefit
of the farmer. The consideration of
this subject was unexpected, being
the result of tho unannounced visit
to town on that day of the newly ap
pointed county tgrleultural aicent.
Amos E. Lovett, from Redmond, and
Prof. H. T. French, stato leader In
farm demonstration and field work,
irom corvauis.
Hoth Mr. Lerett and Prof. French
attended tho luncheon at the Pilot
Ilutto and both spoke on tho work
that Mr. Lovett Is Just beginning on.
Ho comes Into the county as tho re
sult of tho act passed at tho last
legislature appropriating funds to
carry on farmer's extension work In
conjunction with the Department of
Agriculture, nd the appropriation of
$1500 by U county court which
produce o". cjual amount from the
state fund.
In the talk made by Mr. French
he expressed his belief In the future
of the country .ml pclntcd out the
necessity of preparing lor the best
use of the soli by the farmer. That
meant teaching him tr. u. his land
properly and to turn tho cheap pro
ducts of the soil Into tho higher pric
ed commodities for tho market. He
approved the creamery Idea ntfd of
fered hla. assistance in getting it
Mr. Lovett's talk was a short one.
He asked for co-operation on the
part of the farmers in the work he
was beginning upon and pledged the
aid of his offlco for all measures In
tended to benoflt tho farmer.
Describe His Work.
In the following letter to The Bul
letin Mr. Lovett has described his
work in detail!
The official title of tho position
which I hold Is Crook County Agri
culturist. The work la under the di
rection of the Oregon- Agricultural
College at Corvallls, the U. S. De
partment of Agriculture cooperating.
The work Is cooperative In evory
particular, tho aim bolng to assist
those farmers In the county who wish
assistance by co-operating with them
In Investigation of crops, soils, mar
nets, etc., and advlco as to tho best
methods of preparation und earo of
the soil, selection of best varieties
and quality of seed and crops, the
Introduction and selection of animals
fqr the farm and the Improvement,
where possible, of every phase of
farm operations and farm life. I am
not supposed to know nil thore la to
know In any of these lines but shall
cooperate with the farms in discov
ering and applying them. We will
use not only the experience of the
older and more successful farmers of
this section but also conclusions of
the men who have studied tho var-
( Continued on last page.)
P. O, Minor,
D, 'Ferroll,
Sr-fw -
E. M, Lara
!,(SJi ,.. V.-WW .!"