Tin: iti;s'i iii'MjEtlv, bend, ore., wednkhbay, may o, ion. PAGE 7. AN ENGINEERING! FEAT. - DullilltiQ ii nnllrand Aaron (ho lot unci Afjslnit Time, AIoiik llio Coppur river vnlley Hen n Hiittttliirtl nimi' rnlimiul. 11)1 tulle In leimlli, tht litilldliiK ii r which wim lilted villi rommieu, Hh i-oiiHtniilloii In re pi id I'd iin u (llxtliirt font In world'n MUluecrliiK. Tlii" mini rriiM'i tho riv er between two uliu'liirit (ChlhU iinfl Mlll'Ml, The fiile work of the hrhltfo wnn llllll (Ml till' !' Ill WlllItT, Ml'll WITC hired to work nlKht iiimI duy. M. J. llmiey, l lit enntnietor, the iiinti who tiullt itnother "linpiMMlhlv" ronil itrro itpvinumitiiliiN frnin Wuirwii.v, mill hi Afi't (iiikIiiiit. . C. Ilnwkliirt, run eelved the lili'H of iMlntr tliu rlvnr :o fur tin bridge HcnITiililliit;- A tint Nprluit approached hundreds of iiK'ii were kept busy cvury lulutito of I Ih tin Mini iiIkIiI, fr If nut com pleted by tho time the Ice burnt nil the work iiml iiuititrlul would huvu been lwt l'lu lew wonl mil. rnrrylnu the fnbo work with ll, Ii- Hum mi Imiir nftor tlit' Hpikc wiim driven In the cmiiicctlntf Hjmu iiiuPthe work wits completed. The lirliliw itwt ll.4fri.000. - "Aliuku. mi l!niilre In tin Mukluu." by John J. Undttrwood. Lonvo your order for broad, aakun mill (dim. 'o nmko tho bunt. Amort win Unitary. Adv. AN PM-WAL AMOUNT !' PAINT IN(1 DONE THIH HPRINO. "KvorythltiK come to tliono who liimtlo while thoy wait," seonis to lio tliu motto adopted by our enerKctle merchants, llund Hardware Co., for thoy hnvo cortnlnly been hustling t-ls aprlng. In hnoktns; up their excellent nd vorllnltiK In tho columua of Tho llnd Bulletin their hnndsomn window dls playii liavu proved most directive. According to it convolution with ono of our reporter there linn boon nn tiiiimtinl nuiount of painting done In Rend. OreRon, this spring. That's n nlicn of prosperity, wo'ro Kind to see, TliU week door pnlnt ! tho lender In their window. How nn old eorntch d Tloor or a ninrred bare floor can be i;en n hard, serviceable, easily-Vept-olenn surfaeo. I clonrly shown by tho samplo thoy display. Advor tlHornvnt. POWELL BUTTE V (Continued from puro 2.) club was orsnnlied recently and hnvo for their motive, assistance to chil dren I cm fortunnte thnn themselves. Qrtloni nre Mlldrol Alley, president, Hslall Ihimphroy, secretary. 1-nnl Week's meeting wna nt tho homo of the littler. The Kttvernl ditch riders In thU Mellon of tho C. O. I. Co. nro tak ing statistics of lands In nctunl cultl vntlon In their reipeotlva territories. Henry Keller of Waters visited A. II. Ithodo Thursday nnd Frday, re turning homo Hnturduy. ' Messrs. Kiilloy nnd Ithodo were business vis Horn to 1'rlnevlllo Frtdny. Mm. Hobert Kill chaperoned n parly of youngster on n May day plcnlo Friday, Lunches worn tnkon i) Mil an enjoyahlo tlmo wna hnd by tho party. Mr. Klliabeth Korrcat ctnaed a Muccemiful term of achool nt tho Hhep nrd dUtrlct Friday. An entertain ment of muoh merit wna Klvon to tho lnrx.0 numlter of (tntrona nnd frlendn who crowded tho house Irf tho ovon InR. Mra. John Klnaler rolnrned to hor homo In Itedmond Hnturdny nfter a two dayp vlalt with her nona, Frank nnd George, nnd their fnmlllen. Mra. A. V. Ilnrn vlaltcd hor dnush- tnra In I'rlnorlllo tho lattor pnrt of the week. 0. C. Trunadnlo loat a vnlunblo milk cow Hundny from bloat. Mr. nnd Mra. McCnftory, Mr. nnd Mra, Lennon nnd Minn Marin Austin of Itedmond were ontartnlnod nt the Allen Wlllcoxon homo Rundny. Mra. den. Hockmnu vlaltcd In 1'rlnevlllo Hundny. fluy Keura hnd thn mlnfnrtunn to Ket a homo qulto bndly out Hundny. The nlmnl beenmo frlRhtened nt aomo covered wngonn nonr tho rond wnr nnd ran Into n wlro fence nimtnlnliiR Homo Hovore outn. Mlrnt Ada, who wnn with her father nt tho tlmo, wna thrown from tho rl. hut wnn fortu imto to oaonpo with n few allRht Horntchea. J. I., aibion. hln hired man nnd two tiinm. headed for Luldlnw Mon r. whoro tlioy will do nomo work fin the formor'n plnoo. KveonMonnilv good luok hnn at tended tho efforts of Mm. fluy Sonrn nt ohtekon rnlalnsr thin aprlnK. Just recently alio ohtnlnod 150 cltlokn from n poMilhlo 101. All told Mra. tionra hnn 3&0 llttlo chloka and Is atlli hatchlnK. V. 0. Mustard nnd llonry Twoot roturned Hundny from n four dnva trip nbovo llond whoro thoy wont for polos with which to build a hay dor. rick, y I'OWEMj IIUTTR, April 20.A torrlllo dust ntorm atrunk hero today followed by a Hurry of snow. or tftbntelr It lnatvtl bif. n nliort tlmo. Ii. W. lllnlr lost a QuornBoy cow from nlfnlfn blont Inst week. .This 1l n ncrlous Ions nn Mr. Hlnlr bouijht 2 Ouornsoy holfors from Mr. llrndloy iinhr.Hcdmond who Bhlppod them In. Ong died nt cnlvliiK tlmo and now tho othnr. which freshenod but n fow ilayn lioforo dyliiR. . , . J. P. llowmnn. who hns hoe" inul Ing lumbor from Orinin's Mill to jtho plnnor In Hond lout his blR black mnro from collo innt weok. Ho camo liomo for nnothor horso and U bncK at work nnln. . . Mr. Walter Fostor hns boon In Prlnovlllo tho past wook, with her mninor, wno linn uno uu i"i" nnottea fovor. Mr. I-oiir, Mrs. Fos top's fnthor, enmo out nftor hor. MIIJilOAN. (Reeehl fa Tho Ilujlotln) UJiMSAN, my X. A needed Im provomont was mado on tho ronua in Mllllt'nn vnlley on good ronds day. A. A. HHmoro, p, it. Johnson. V. II. Itoiini nnd A. II. (loodiunu nnd mom worked on. tho lleud-Hurim rond nnd (loo. Mllllcnn iiHiiliitod llio IiiUIim In improvliiK tho Pnelllo Iir;livuy, y HAMPTON III.TTH. (Hpiuiltil (o Tho llullutln.) HAMPTON HUTTM, Muy 2. Miss IJIvu McFnddun Hindu a IiiihIiiohh trip to lleiid hint Friday, roturiiliiK Hnt urdny. Mm. C. Illumnn wnn a lluok Crook visitor hint Tiuisdny. Mrs, J. Perry of Oliiss Dutte, nmde sumo purclutMes lit HrookliiKS ntoro last Wodnusdny. Ilnldwln KitHspohl of ChlcnRO vnl ley pnssetl throiiRh horu on his way to llund. Tho llrooklilKN llottd roportn n Kood buslnoHs, over SCO roKlntored dufltiR tho mouth of April. Harold MoFndden Is working for M. H. Drown 4n Pleosnnl Vnlley. Mrs. Adn H. Mllllcnn of Mllllcnn citine up on II. (J. Ferris' truck Inst Wetlnwtdny V vlnlt with Mrs. llrook Iiirb. Uho returned Thursdny. Pert Meokn Is plowing 10 no res for Chris Tinner. V. Holiredur mudo n trip to lluok Creek Inst Tuesday. 0. P. Puluntn, Mr. ntid Mrs. A. M. PrliiRlo nnd Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hudson ruRlstered nt HrookliiKS' Ho tel Inst Thurudny, on their wny homo from Paisley and other nouthuru points. T. C. ISwIiir Is employed nn rond boss on tho Paulina rond. Miss Mary drown and her brother were over to bay supplies at llrook Iiirs' atoro. (inbrlel llntoutl spout sovnral days lookliiR for ono of his horses which strayctl off. Osonr lllsck Is flnlllnR onts for seed. Tho onU wero rnlsod on tho HrooklnRs' homestead. Miss Hlva McFaddcn Is fcncliiR 100 ncres nnd hns hnd 10 acres nut Into crop on her homestead lu.PIens- nnt Vnlley. I,A PINK. (HpccUl to Tho llullotln) 1.A PINU, April 29. Mrs. Hays, a sister of Mrs. Adn Drowning, who tins been vUUIiik hero for tho psst wook, loft for Fresno yestordny. C. 13. WUo took hor to llcnd. Aliihonso Ayn. John II. Curl. J. W. Ilrower nnd W. 0. Fordhsm nro look ing ovor tho Innd south of here that la to bo sot nsldo for reolniuatlon pur poses, Wilt Holllnshead Is In town today. J. J. Kiir- nnd wlfa moved to their hojuostond Inst Thursdny. Mrs. drowning, Mrs. I lays nnd Mm. Horry, visited nt OeorKo Sly'a laat Thursday. Mra. W. T. Arnold la on tho alck list this week. HTAUi-THIt. (Rpcolnl to Tho llullotln) BTAUFFKH. April 29 Perry Hnr toon mndo n business trip to llrook Iiirs laat Monday. Jack Hmlth mnda a business trip to Ilutto Inst week. llort Mcoks pnssod through on his wny to Jew valloy with a load of supplies for Miss Cummlngs. K. Plnkus and C. J Utauffer mndo a flying trip to llond last week. Henry Kinsman arrived Sunday to begin work on his homestead. lion Ithodes' family nrrlved Sat urday on their homestead. C. It. Wooloy Is digging a well on his homestead In Hulto. One dny Inst wook Commissioner Btauffor tllod five homestead entries. Miss Cummlngs passed through on hor way to her homestead Hundny. A. II. Davis recently lost his best horso. I.nwn mowers, gnrden hoso, grass seed. Skuno Hnrdwnro Company, adv Alfalfa Seed Puro by Government Tct. ii ci:nth pi:u i.u., iikxo. Kontl for Hnmplo ItOX 1 1 1 Kucrniueiito, Cullforuln. i i m. .iiinn $ I DRAY LINE $ All KliiiU of Light and Heavy t llnullnft Quick llcHvericH of i Trunks, Ksprmm Ktc, Onr- S delis FertllUtHl, Ploued aud Leveled. Hntlafacllon Gunr- uutood. Price Hcnsonablo- Tclephono j HOIWKS AND COWS FOK i BALK WHttVWttWWV THIS PAPER REPRESENfCD FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE P m acNBRAU orriccs NEW YORK ANp CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIE3 POLK'S OREOON and WASHINGTON ( Business Directory A Dlrwtorr of ch Cltr, Town ana Vlllss. stvln dKtlpltv skstch of soli plo, locsllon, population, teU STsph, shlpplnr nJ tisnklnr point I Jk ClsatintJ Dlrtctory, coraptUtt If business ana prottnlon. lUt. I'OUC CO.. BBATTUB MHi Paint Kitchen Floors Don't Scrub Them Avoid tho backache and Bore knees caused by scrubbing bare floors. Painted floors arc easy to keep bright and clean, arc attractive and very inexpensive. ACMEQaAnnr FLOOR PAINT gives a hard, durable, sanitary fininh for floors, steps of any inside surface to be walked on, easy to keep clean and hard to it yourself. Offered in 6hades. Bend Hardware Company HTAITI'KH. BTAUPPKK, April HO. Arclilo Hmlth wont over to Duck Creek to work for a while Hornco HrookliiKS and Mrs. Ilcrt Mcoks waro at Btauffor Sunday. Tho linso hull Kotno between Btauf for and Lost Creek was won 13 to 14 In favor of Stauffer. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mossier spent Sunday at Miss Mrooklngs. A. II. Ycok and two sons mndo a huslncts trip to Lakovlow last week. ( U. u. Asitny una returned irom I'ortlnnd whoro ho hns xnsn employ ed na cook for tho lust six months. Another family of homesteaders passed throuRli on their way to tholr homestead recently. O. C. Mitnklo wan through horo Sunday with a party looking for Innd. Paul HrookliiKS on mo ovor last last, Sunday to attond school for about two months. Wo now have a voting proclnct in , tho valloy. tho Lost Crcuk school houso hulnc tho polling place. K. V. Wooloy and family aro In tho valloy looking for land and expects to fllo soon. I C. J. Btauffor mado a trip to ncnu last week. IX)HT CltKKK. (Special to Tho llullotln) LOST CMiBK, April 27.- Vorn und Hnrloy Ycck havo gono down near Lakovlow to work. Press Do Witt was ovor from Egll last Sunday. K. F. Kinsman and family canio In lat Sunday. Mra. J. 0. Perry of Surprlso val ley, visited a number of friends In this valley several days tho past week. Mrs. Harris has been forcing the season by serving homo grown rad ishes and lettuce for so mo tlmo past. C. Davis had tho misfortune to loose his host horse last week. It oautht one of Ita hind feet In Its halter and was killed. Archlo and Ilease Smith have gono to Klamath Falls to work. J. O. Perry and son coruplotod a well for A. H. Williams, In thrco days. Tho woll Is 170 feet deop with 29 feet of wator. Thoy aro now drilling a woll for Hearst brothers. 0. It. Young Is at homo again for a fow days. Mrs. lion Rhodes and children nro at homo ngaln .nftor spending tho winter with relatives In Illinois. This district has boon mndo a vot ing proclnct with L. M. Hubbnrd as rogliter. James Smith hns tho hon or of being tho 'first ono In tho dis trict to register. Mr. Hubbard ex pects to loavo Wodnosday ovonlng for Lakovlow with tho registration ro- Vienna Cafe REOPEN We nre now located In the Onclll Uulldlue next to the Elite Studio, aood mesls served. Bread and all kinds of psstry for sale, .... ROOMS AND BOARD.... MACHINE SHOP Wo aro equipped to do anything In the machine lino, having Installed new machinery with which we can handle any kind ol Job. Automobile Repairing a specialty Doyarmond Machine (H Repair Shop ' Hawthorne Ave., Bend, Ore, wear out, You can apply It dries in a short time. appropriate and' attractive turns. Mrs. Hubbnrd will accom pany him. The skeleton of a man was found recently on Dr. Iteod's clulm. A HtublKirn CoukIi I Wcnrlnj? and HUky. Letting a stubborn cough "hang on" In tho spring Is risky. Kotoy's Honey & Tar Compound heals raw 'Inflamed surfaces In tho throat and bronchial tubes makes sore, weak spots sound and whole stops stub born, tearing coughs. Itefuso sub stitutes. Patterson Drug Co. NOT1CK OK CONTJiST. Department of tho Interior, United States I-nnd Offlco. Tho Dalles, Oregon. April 20, 191 4. To Oust K. Carlson or 1743 W. C2nd Street. Ballard, Seattle, Wash., Contestoo: You aro hereby notified that Al bert J. Itamoy who gives c-o C. 8. llonson. llend, Oregon, as his post oRlco address, did on April 17, 1914 fllo fn this office his duly corr.oboratcd application to contest and sccuro tho cancellation of our homestead Entry No. . Sorlal No. 084 60 mado March 27. 1911, for 8M Section 24. Town ship 20, 8., Kango 18 ., Wlllatnetto Meridian, and as grounds for his con tost ho alleges that said Oust E. Carl son has wholly failed to establish his rcsldenco on said land, has totally failed tu cuItHrttO and ImproVo the sama as required by law and has abandoned tho ssmo for more thsn ono year last past. , You arc, thorefore, further noti fied that tho said allegations will be takon as confessed, and your said entry will be canceled without fur- CLOVERLEAF MILK and CREAM ABE PUKE PHONE YOUIl OIIDEIIS O. C. CARDWELL Farmers Phono No. l. VVV4VVVV ALTAMONT HOTEL Moderate Prices Modern Booms Attractive Surrounding Stram Heat, Hot nnd Cold Witter With Bath Privileges Breakfasts Served Xfl. A lk C..MI.IUrt l-..-l...- BKND, OitKGON Is It Done Right? If It Is, tt wall enoUKh slona ttut un Ufa it ts up to tba mark In avary dur oorua and ov un. 9 LOW PRICES, BBTTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. Put Your Uucia In Our Suds" DOSS V ttfniT tlior right to bo hoard, cither lioforo this ofllro or on appeal, If you fnll to fllo In thin ofllco within twenty dnys after tho FOUHTI1 publication of thin notice, nn shown below, your nnnwor, under oath, specifically re sponding to tlioso nllogatlons of con- tost, togothor with due proof that you havo served n eonr of your nn nwor on the said contestant either in porson or by registered mall You should state In your answer tho nnmo of tho post ofllco to which you desiro futuro notices to bo sent to you. II. PIIANIC WOODCOCK. Itcglnter. Dalo of first publication May 0, 1014. Data of scoond publication May 13, 1914. Dato of third publication May 20, 1914. Dato of fourth publication May 27, 1914. . t-- i am "iaii iSjmnrnr m I 1 1 , - NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior,, United States Lund Ofllco, The Dalles, Ore gon. April C, 11)14. , To Ellen M. Boyle, of Sumner, Wash ington, Contesteo: You nro heroby notified that Stan ley Anderson whs gives c-o Walter Taylor. Mend, Oregon, as his post of flco nddrcss, did on March 2. 1914, fllo In this office his duly corroborat ed application to contest and sccuro tho cancellation of your homestead entry No. , Serial No, 00298, mado March 3, 1910, for VA Section 3, Township 20. S.. Range 18, E., Wil lamette Meridian, and ag grounds for his contest ho alleges that said Ellen M. Boylo has failed to establish her resldcnco on said tract; that sho has failed to cultivate said tract or any part thereof; that said entry woman has abandoned snid tract for more than six months last past. You are, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will bo taken as confessed, and your said en try will bo cancelled without further right to bo heard, cither before this offlco or on appeal, If you fall to file in this offlco wlUilo twenty days af ter tho FOURTH publication of thlrf notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these allegations of contest, together with due pro f that yon have served a copy of your answer on tho said contestant either In person or by reg istered mail. You should stato In your answor the name of tho post office to which The Wright Is Band's Leading Hotel WHY? aaaaaawaaaaaaaaaawaMiaaBaaaaaMa.MaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwaaaaMMaia It is a fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It b comfortable, commodious, clean BOOMS FROM SO CENTS UP MEALS FROM 23 CENTS UP The want of aH arc saUsfled well at THE WRIGHT HOTEL .Automobiles to all Iiterior Fiiits. ' THE WRIGHT H0TEL & CENTRAL OREGON'S FmE LIFE accident, K,B.n A f" 'V" PLATE GLASS, AUTOMO- Leading INSURANCE Agency hile, surety, bonds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY 1 Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and orokla) 3 Monthy J A CaCTCC Offlco on Oregon Street A. JCD I ED BEND, z-: OREGON Headquarters for Commercial Alctt Electric Llchted Throughout THE BEND HOTEL HUGH O'KANE, MANAQUR Good Rooms Free bus to and from trains BEND, K Pilot Butte Hotel V J. F. TAUQART, Proprietor. Comfortsblo Rooms, Courteous Treatment Reasonable Rates, preo Auto Service to Trains. Dining Room Service the Best in Bend. Headquarters for auto lines to all points south and southeast. .. . 4Vf4f.H-ff)t)ff9f4fJI ONE CENT A WORD is all you desiro futuro notices to bo sont to you II. FfrANK WOODCOCK, Register. Dnld of first publication April 22, 19M. Dato of scoond publication April 27.1914. Onto of third publication May 0, 1914. Dato of fourth publication Mny 13, 1114. i NOTICE OF CONTEST. Dopartmont of tho Interior, United States Land Ofllco, Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 10, 1914. To Alfred Howard of Bend, Oregon, Contesteo: You are heroby notified that Sam Moshor, who gives 229 Front Street. Portland, Oregon, as his post-offlco address, did on January 20, 1914, file In this office hln duly corroborat ed application to contest and sccuro tho cancellation of your homestead Entry No. , Serial No. 09759, made December 15, 1911, for 'EH Section 8, Township 20, 8., Range 15, E . Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said cntryman has never cultivated said land or any part thorcot and ho has entlroly failed to Improve said tract than to construct an unlnhabitablo shack; that ho has abandoned and deserted said land for moro than ono year last past. You are, therefore further notl fled that the said allegations will bo taken as confessed, and your .entry will bo cancelled without further right to bo henrd either before this office or on appeal, If you fall to fllo in this offlco within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication of this no tice, as shown below, your -answer, under oath, specifically responding to theso allegations of contest, to gether with due proof that you havo served a copy of your answer on tho said contestant either In person or by registered mail. You should stato In your answer tho name of the postofDce to which, you desire future notices to bo sent to you. i H. FRANK WOODCOCK, i Register Dato of first publication April 1C,; 1914. Date of second publication April! 22. 1914. Date of third publication April 29, 1914.' Dato of fourth publication May 6, 1914. Special Attention to Transient Travel -.K OREGON Goo4 Meals Ail arrangementsmado for persona X desiring to so south sou eesi or nero J . a little want adwill cost you, .