tAgr a. : "iiULi SOUTHERN COUNTRY IS IMPRESSIVE !Much of Interest Encountered on 400 Allle Auto Trip to Ltt Pine, Paisley, Lnkeview, Alkali and Hampton Valley Interior Towns Prosperous Homesteaders Putting in Large Crops l)y 0. P. P. Like tho bonr that wont ovor the mountain to boo what ho coulil sco, wo Btnrtod Inst weofc on nn nuto Jaunt through southorn Crook and northern Lnko counties; and wo saw considerable of a mighty rooi! coun try, hospitable people and proRrosslvo communities. Altogothor 400 mllos of Bn&e brush leaves ono wtth opti mistic Impressions of tho great lilt land south or us. and all kinds or optimistic boilers In the prosperity and Importance of Its future. In tho first place, tho roads just now aro about as sood as thoy over nro (excepting around Lnkovlew, vhoro thoy vera worso than well, jt'ven worso than Judgo Springer's logic!) A lot of good work has been Mlono between hero and Lji l'lno, and the trip Is easy to negotiate. , Iiit Tine Up and Coming.' ' ; La IMno, l up and coming. Riley smiles at one hotel, and Itapor at tho other. That Commercial Club building which tho members own themselves, ou'd which has a larger tnomhQrshlft.pi'dportfonal to itopnla tlon than aiy other In the state, dooks .substantial and Inviting. And (f ono has time Kdltor Arnold of tho Inter-Mountnin will toll 'you some of tho good thinKs.nbout his town and If you haviTlJta alwnys easy and profitable to icm his paper. '' Of coureeTLaJPInenud Silver Loko -ami Opitront are countlnc tirettv theavlly onthe.. land olwnlng, and Hbero seems' 'Utile doubt that a lot (of land Becker? will come to thorn, land many of thera settle and develop the country .lalboi which Is good nows not only ror, theso-communltles, but Ilso for HeittC Jwhlch cannot but profit from all development of tho Interior. I This tlmo wo didn't go to Crcs- scont, which, wo understand. Is doing nighty well, trot hit tno long roau trnlcht to SllvcrvLako. Incidental- ay, wo hit .fewer irock than usual ttust this stdoof that town, for the Sood roada. boosters had been out on Jthe proceeding Friday and boosted many of tho rocks out of tho road. . -Silver Itke lkrwcrM. "Silver Lnk(Thas a tremendous lot ot land closo to It that Is to bo open ed for settlement this month, and folks are banking on much .home? steading. That tho town does a whale or a business Is Indicated by the largo stocks carried by all J he stores good clean stocks too, up-to-date, active merchandise. It doesn't take much perception to realize that there Is & lot or money stored up aromd Silver Lake, for the cattle business has done well by those who stuck to It. Somo Silver Lakeltes were disposed to reel that Uend was not over friendly. However, when wo got down to tacks it becamo evident that the "knocking" Uiey alleged had come from Bend was confined pretty' well to curbstoners, for those who complained most finally were unable to mention a single responsible per son In Uend who had been unfair In this respect. And the way Silver Lake people really feel about nend. If they bavo the hand of goodfellowshlp held out to them and get a fair shake. Is prot ty well Indicated, by the following editorial from The Leader, which nnnifared after our visit: "When such man as C. S. Hudson, of the First National Hank, and 0. P. Putnam. Kdltor of The Rend Bul letin, assure Silver Lake that the r latlonshlp between tho two sections of the country are identical, and that despite the advono criticism of soma or the 7cajb i M one" men of Dend, that town Is friendly toward us. wo rio compelled to believe .them. Why, jiui..- iioua in in? nnijirai ouuei lor Silver Lake's products. It is tho railroad terminal; it Is tho' destina tion of all the homeseekers. It Is from Dend all freight Is shipped to. Silver Lake ana all our mall Is dts trlbuted there: In fact we depend o' Ilend and the future of Uend depends on Silver Lake. Our Interests are lentioal. Let our public spirited cit izens get together, help Ilend, help La Pine, and help ourselves." That's tho sort of thing that pays nil hands. Our Interests actually aro Identical with Silver Lake's and tho moro we all do to show It. the better for us aud tho better for Sllvor Lake Midway botween Silver l.ako and Paisley Is some exceedingly bad road. the first encountered on the trip. FroUe for Summer Iiik. Tint Just beyond that bad road, which Is on the divide between Silver and Summer Lakes, comes one of tho most pleasant experiences one can have In Central Orogon. That Is an Introduction to the Summer Lake country a summerland Indeed, and notably a land of good roads, good farms and good people. Which of those three is cauBe end which effect It would be difficult to say; the fact remnlDs that Uiey uouully arc encoun tered together. A rarely r'cb strip of country bounds Summer Lake on the west, between the water and the rugged hills that shelter It. Here wo saw cores of prosperous farms, long es tablished, with large houses and barns, flno fences and well cultivated fields. In many cases little streams meander through the farms from the hills behind, and often their water power fs used to supply electricity to tho ranches. There are a groat number of or chards, prosperous In appearance, and all yielding remarkably well, judging from reports. Apple and j peach trees were In bloom, and the, road side waa lined with wild plums : whose fragrance filled the air. Li lacs blossomed In tho gardens, and flowers lined the fences. Altogether, a prettier spring time sight than the eastern bordors of Bummer Lake would be difficult to 'maglno. And no export eyo Is required to see that with transportation this territory In evitably will becomo one of the great fruit producing content of the Pacific Const. Pauley's Future llljr. Paisley lUolt Is a prosperous llttlo town, rich and stable. It hns n largo future, am) n splendid territory ad jacent to If. which will becomo fa mous when railroads arrive. Just to tho north lies tho irrigation pro ject of tho Northwest Townslto Com pany, tho eoriwratlon Interested In Uend and a doicn other Northwest towns. Those lands nro most prom ising In appearance, and the comple tion of tho enterprise, which Is back ed substantially by eastern capital, must mean much locally and to tho country at large. Pnisloy, by tho way, has no muni cipal tax levy. Tho Incomo from thrco saloon licenses (USOO) pays Its running oxponsos. Kast of tho town lies tho great Chowaucan Marsh and many lino ranches occupy tho ad jacent acreage. The stores of Pals loy nro well stocked, and recently Jt has added to Ito prestige by tho establishment of the Palslev National liank. which Is getting an excellent start under the guidance of Cnahlor Conser At Paisley ono begins to breathe THK 11KNI) Ul'litiKTKV, 11NNI), OHR., WKDNKHUAV, MAY 0, 1011. JOHNS BMWMMBMWSOTWMlMMiSWMMWM IMIBSSMMWW AvmSBIssB For REPUBLICAN Governor Give this Job to it man who will reduce Taxes mid cut down expenses If you had nn Intmst In private tmlnc you Mould wnt it romluvUit on luuintna ptlwipl!. You hae n Intern! In the nlklr of tltit State Tlie Stute ef Orrgn N n InuincH irulitiilitm run fur the benefit ol the people in it ho, In a icttatn nei.it. ate moc Ktioldcrt in lit liufne mtrretti TAXES MUST BE REDUCED! In the coming primary election, Charles A. Johns, of Portland, will ask the vote of every person who believes the Slate of Orcuon needs to have taxes reduced anil expenses cut down The only way to reduce taxes and cut down expemct Is to apply the same principles in running the State that you would apply in rtmiiinc your own business. flow many institutions would tun alontc V'ith an increase of oper ating expenses from year to year ? Not many. Well, let's reduce our taxes and cut down our expenses. Charles A Johns, of IWtland, is running on that platform aud stands on his platform. Get him on the job! Start thinking about this today! Will you elect a man who will cut down expenses and reduce taxes, or a politician, as our next Governor ? The isiuc is clear. One Will cut down taxesthe oih'cr will u've jobs to his political friends. Which do you want i ' Paid Advertisement. (Paid Advertisement.) E aBLiBMBK JUDta SAMUE T. RICHARDSON Candidate for JUSTICE SUPREME COURT Republican Primary Election, May 15. 1911. To My Friends In Central Oregon: There are four Justices to elect to tho Supremo Ilonoh. From per sonal knowledge I know that Judgo Samuel T. Richardson Is ono of tho best qualified lawyers in tho Stato for one of tho places and I ask that my friends voto for him. Yours truly, A. W. 0 It TON, 925 Yecn Building; Portland. Oro. Register U. S. Land Orilco Lnko vlew, Oregon, from 1909 to 1913. Pol. Adv. 9-10 c (Paid Advertisement.) tho nir of California, so rar as com mercial relations are concerned. For there, and southward, tho country buys from Snu Francisco and Ronn, and Caltrornlnn advertising, news papers and brands of foodstuffs tako tho placu of tho accustomed Oregon Inn ones seen horonbout. KtuuN nro Poor. Perhaps halt way betweon Paisley and Lnkovlew ono strikes tho "all tho year around" road which Prlno vllle folks arc boosting botween that town to Lakoxtow. Well, ten days boforo we struck It no car could got through wJthQUk an auxiliary of four horses to do hauling at tho mudholes. No doubt It is a flno summer rond. nut It Is cquallyvvura that for throe IjUoIcv I Itlcli. Iikovlew, too Is rich. It litis nil appearance of substantial ago mid of prosperity. Incidentally, there nro moro whlto buildings with red roofs thero than nnywhoro else In thu world, proportionally to site! Home body must hnvo Inhorltcd n lot of red and whlto pnlnt. Add n hun dred gnllons of blue, and Lakovtuw would ho moro patriotic than a Hearst newspaper trying to stir up a war. The Iakcvlow tixnmlnor Is nn ex ample of a well equipped printing plant which turns out a first rate pa per. And another Iiko county Insti tution (ho oughtn't to mind being called thnt) which folks up this way The BRICK GARAGE ON ROM) HTUKKT WILL UK COMPJ.KTKI) IN A COl'I'I.K Ol' WltlWH Till Mill ho tlm lament mill best ujii'iikv hullilliiK lu (Viilrul Oi'Ojtnu, . i ' An iiinto Now For HTOHAUU AT MOIIKUATK KATUN KxiH'it Repair Work nt I'll I r I'llies RESULTS GUARANTEED , Wo UMilliuto ChnlmtMN .V Kiixon Chin anil Leiden Tritclm OASOMNH MUNimiHH 1Hs Eend Garago Comnany w It. It, lUrdy K. II. Ilitinlm T. W. Haul)' PRESUMPTION for lfS vmira The Standard Shin Itemed Instant Relief for all Skin Troubles I'ATTKIISON MHO CO.. Ueiiil, Oro. m$m JLP$ mMi settlor on tho lust bit of-'iiutukon land thero. Much llnnnvtoiil llevehrpmciit. Thitn coniiiH thu ItoiuMliiriiM ronU. now In good coHdltlint. Htid ihniUKli llnmptoii Vnlloy niid on prnctlrally all the way I onn enntltiuoUH Hiierm Mlou of hnniMteailers, with ftn , (lowed fluids anil tunny MUlwtantlal impnivomenis. All nionic tim wtiv or four wlutecv months portions of soo and hear of, Is 1-nlr Thompson, tho routo aro ltupalblo. Tho wholo country sema- saturated with wnter. Tito sqIIJb sticky ruiuIh) and In many pmccs seemingly hard to drain. Alto gether. It Is a miserable highway, oven as Copt nil Gregory rontjs, k. and In, comiuirjijon the rocky. roads of Crook ,counj:, aro infinitely prefer able. . However, .-IuUko Daly has bljf crows at work, and great Improve ments nro.liolim effected. Hut even with thee, thero never will be u tlmo dlum carbonato. when tho north and south route from Rood to, California will not bs far bettor, for all year going, than this pet scheme of tho Crook county Beaters, who, nevertheless, deserve full credit for their enterprise In starting tho movo and making so much of a poor bargain. stato senator from this district. From Lnkeview to Alkali Lnko oc cupied n long afternoon's run, pnsl tho 30 or moro mllea or Abort Lake's shoreline, and through, for tho most I art, an unsettled sagebrush coun try. Hovln lU-MNltN nt Alkali, At Alkali Lako tho Oregon llornx ComiHiny, wtth F- L. Youug In etiargo has filed on n great natural deposit of soda. or. technically speaking, Just now ii H. Young of llond. acting as a l'. K. Government deputy mineral survey rr, Is running out tho Itoundsries of tho company's claims, which are soon to bo patented, and embrace about tt, squaro miles. , Tho sodn, which Is white and chal ky, lies along tho edges of the lake, occupying n great piitoh porhaiw a mile or more squaro, and much moro of It hidden houenth tho surface. Its nluo Is for fertiliser, bsktiig Hoda nud lu the inanufncturtt of Iron and Hteel. It has been tested out thor oughly, ami found of groat vnlun. Tho company han invested heavily nt Alkali I.nko, and with thu ndvunt of tntnsiiortatlon will ronn enormous profits. It Is ostlmnted that there In I no were told that prsetleally mer- uiioiiKh soda prnctlenlly In sight to f one Is living on their claims and that ship 30 curs n day for 30 years, thus this year the nrnmK" riiitlvntN will Insuring a big Industry for this now bo about twice whut It was Inst year Isolated corner of tho Interior. Ilronktugs, of oourvv, Is busy, nrt- Rimiiii for Many Settler. ' '"K the hsir way house betWM.ii Northerly from Alkali Lake a poor ."'' "' """is and curing for tho road ultimately connects with tho j '"vy Uo travel and other travel llond-llurns road, passing through iel'oon the two Iouiib. Tho tin Rutto and Iist Creek Valley. Tho I lffo wo. were thero 18 jiroplo wero first portion of the Journey shows . nnd tie day bnrore itimi. 30. For few hoincstoadors. and tho great ex pansos of rich looking and rockless nagobrush plnlns Indicate that there la yet room for hundreds of more landless men who would get land from Undo Hum. At llutto Mrs. Ii. McDowell, nt tho post office, said alio has ralsod every thing In her garden but tomatoes anil cucumbers, Indicating what can bo done out thero. I-ont Creek Valley Is settling up the mouth of April 300 trnvollorn registered. AltoRolher. when one gets bark to tho watered streets, electric llghtM and cement sidewalks of Ilend. It lit wlln a renewed enthusiasm, not only for Ilend Itself, but for the big coun try south and east of It, to see which Is to reel with redoubled certainty that a great future Hon lu sore for It -n future which Is yet sen reel guessed and thnt Its tiltlmalo de- fast. Wo were told that O. C. ! volupment must mean a like deN Ilonklo of llond hitd Just located a opment and prosperity for Rend Reduction in Prices f MAZDA Lamps FORMERLY NOW 25 watt lamps....... 40c 35c 40 watt lamps 40c 35c 60 watt lamps 50c 55c 1 00 watt lamps, .... 80c 75c The Largest Insurance Agency in Central Ore. wi: iti;pui:.m:.vr an of thk lahokht and .most HPRSTANTIAL COMPANIF.H IN Till! WORM. OUR COMPAMKH IIAVi: CO.MIUIRR AKSIITH OI $(ioo,nH.i,iiii. OUR COMPAMKH PAY TIIKIR LOHHIiH PROMPTLY1 A.l WITH COMFI.KTi: KATIHI'ACTION TO IIAC1I POLICY HOI.RKR. WK WRITK I'lRL', I.IARILITV, PMTK OLAHS, lU'RtJLARV, Al'TOMORII.i:, I.II'K AND IIONDS OF ALL KINDH. Bend Insurance Agency First National Bonk Building Bend, Ore. POLICIKH THAT PROTKCT. I .'- f fli 1.1 . .... 4 . Bend Water Light gB Power Co. . , . r. r - " ' '. j R V- M 41 W W W . Building Material LltMBER, SHINGLES The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. 41 41 4k 41 41 41 )MM4f4M44MmMWf Wenandy Livery & Auto Co. NEW AUTO TRUCKS Will bo put on between Bend anil Silver Lako April 1, DEND-LA PINE $2.60 BRMP-PURMONT $4.00 UBND.KORrilOCK $4.60 BEND-SILVER LAKE,. $6.0d Reasonable Rates will bo chnrud en all Express nnd Bntrgngo. CWUBWS Lhhmm vmrnmammmmmmimmmmm O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET n