TfV 4, THE REND HULLKTIN, 11BNR, ORE., WERNKHDA MAY fl, 11)11. e THE BEND BULLETIN (Published Every Wednesday) GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM Editor and Publisher. RORERT V. SAWYER Aesoclnto Editor. An Independent newspaper Bland tng (or tho squaro deal, olonn busl bens, ctoan politics and tho best In terests of Rond nnd Contral Oregon. Uno year......... $1.80 'i?lx months. 80 JEtopo months .50 All subscriptions nro duo nnd PAY'ARLU IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mailed subscribers nnd If ronowal is noi mauo wuuin reason able tlino tho paper will bo discon tinued. Plonso notify us promptly of any change of address, or of inlluro to re ceive tho paper rcgJiariy. umorwiso avo will not bo responsible for copies missed. Mako nil checks nnd orders pay able to Bond Dullotln. time lluorta's situation in Mexico City has como to bo looked upon as very precarious nnd mengro reports of Impending revolts have como out from tho city. At Vera Crux Gonornl Funston Is In command of tho United States troops nnd tho situation remains un changed oxcopt that the Mexican general. Mann, has threatened an at tack to regain tho wntornfetaolnhsdrl tack to regain possession of tho city's wator works. In case the attack Is made it Is feared that It may Ihi necessary for tho Amerlcnn troops to advnuco to Mexico City, which might cause nil factions to unite un der lluerta to flght tho Invasion. WEDNESDAY. MAY G. 1914. "tf ,. ti f m .1 V . DAYLEY. JJ, Is a ! jrtanco t "turned to 3. 4. 5. C. 7. 8. 9. 10. follows. Max. 1.....51 2.... .02 67 58 CO 04 62 66 r.i 54 11 64 12 63 13 72 14 5i 15. . . .53 16... ..60 , 18 65 ' 17 74 19 55 20 44 21 50 32 62 23 60 24 58 25 26 26 53 27 51 It. 11 matter of tho gravest Ira that R. II. llayley be re- o til co as County Commis sioner. Rc-olectlon would be a Jus- pee to Mr. Uaylcy, a square deal for tho West Side, and a nttlng rebuko to those who arc opposing him. For tho West Sldo absoluto unity for Mr. Uaylcy Is a necessity. If old sores nro opened and sectional ani mosities fanned, he will go down to defeat. Ho Is neither a Redmond nor a Dend nor a Sisters candidate. He la . tho only representative the west and south portions of the county have among tho county officials. If ho Is defeated tho region west of Powell Dutte. tho homestead country In the south, and the communities of the southwest, will have all jtheb urdens of taxation without representation. Wo have nothing against Mr. Dlan chard. From report, ho is an up right gentleman. Hut his Intimacy with Messrs. Lucy. Clow and Spring er do not arguo In his favor, nor does his apparent backing by tho Prlne vllle Ring win any support to his cause. Hut why so many candidates from I'rlnevlUoT Thirteen or tho 16 prac tically hall from the county seat. Is there any Justice in such a division bf: offices? Further, Is anything to ;g , be gained, especially by Prlnovlllo 29" !,59 itself, if the County Court Is to bo 30' ' ,55 nanaeu OTer ior goou ana an 10 a Springer majority? Are tho voters satisfied with tho record of tholr Judge? Did the turmoil and back biting of the early months of the Springer administration, before Com missioner Drown quit the Judge, uc complfsh anything? "Do we want that situation renewed, with the ma jority of the Court at loggerheads with all the other officials and with most of the communities of tho coun ty? Tho attacks on Dayley and Drown are scurrilous, but no more contempt abje than their authors. And as for Drown, his friends of the North Bnd who elected him. should rally to his defense and to the defense of his fel low commissioner, once and for all, showing that they will not counte nance the efforts of those who flght Bayloy and Drown simply to satisfy personal spite. Tho talk about "economy" Is chlof ly twaddle. We, too, dislike the high taxes. Dut give the devil his due. Neither Commissioner Bayloy nor the County Court Is entirely to blame, or very greatly to blame. The Cour. as has been shown In this paper, ac tually has to do with about 41 per cent of tho money expended by the co'iinty; the rest is state, school and other expenditures. An examination of the recent reports demonstrates that the maintenance of all the cou 1 ty offices comprises only eight per cent of the total county expenditures. Dayley Is admittedly the best road builder in the county. Ills work Boeaks for Itself. His oxperlence In the office, and the stand bo has taken, deserve commendation. Ho does what he says he will do. He strad dles no fences. Ills very outspoken bluffaess Is a virtue, although read ily misinterpreted. Some may dislike Dayley for per sonal reasons. Some may feel that their particular locality has beon slighted. Granted that sueh objec tions may exist, and roKanl the mat- ter-lf you will, simply as a choice bc-f tweon two evils. How much worw off will all the WgstiSlde bp if a member of tho Sprfiuyf Tgng and a elled-ln-the-wool Em8lder gets in the saddle? APRIL WEATHER REPORT Month Marked by High Winds on Sundays Tciiipcnituro Varied. The best that can be said of tho weather for tho past month Is that it was April weather. Thoro wero but row warm sprlng-llko days, thoro were occasional showers and several days or unusually high winds. Sun day was tho day choson 'or tho tirongest winds. Tho htrhest totnpor.tturo rocordod at tho locil '.entlior jt.ttlon was ft degrees on the 17th, tho lowest 18 on tho night or tho 28th. Tho moan muxlmum for the mouth was 58 i dogrees and tlw mean minimum .1)2 degrees, maklnx tho moan for the month 44.4 degrees. Tho totnl pre cipitation was .48 Inches and thoro wero IS cloar days, 11 partly oloudy and ono cloudy. Tho dally temporuturea wero as ANOTHER RAILROAD PLAN With McIoIIun Scheme Appai-enlly Dead. Itcdmond-l'ilnovlllo Up. PRINBVILLB. May 4. PoniUtclit report horo has It that tho MotntlUH Prlnovlllo railroad schumo haa fin ally ovnporntod into thin smoko and that tho School plniiH nro "nil off." Howotor, now comes another batch of railroad plans, this time from Red mond. U In staled that some prvllin Inary survey work Is pronroMlng for an electric lino from that town lo this. Tho Covo Powor Company, It Is 'Understood, nro Investigating tho feasibility of such a project. Mln. 24 34 37 43 25 28 34 37 33 35 26 37 .35 38 . 24 44 36 24 24 28 28 38 25 no 31 28 18 23 25 CONSIDER SEVIER EXTENSION Partly Partly Partly Partly Clear- Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Partly Clear Partly Partly Partly Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Partly Clear Partly Partly Clear Clear Clear Clear cloudy oloudy cloudy cloudy cloudy cloudy cloudy cloudy cloudy cloudy cloudy POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY SUKVKYOH. I heroby nnnounco myself as a candldato for the Republican nomi nation for county surveyor, subjoct to the approval of the Republican voters at tho primary to bo hold on May 16. 1-10 Adv. R. L. DREWSTER. ,Tho Prlnovlllo News at last has let that pat out of the bag. It proven to? ho a pole cat. or, skunk, whloh squirts filth at others and Is loath tl&fo Itself. MEXICAN DEVELOPMENTS Tentative Plan for Mcdfutlon l Pro posed Carranza Declines. The developments of the week In rogard to the Mexican situation have not been spectacular, no fighting bav ing occurred, and the chief interest being centered In the plans for mediation. As a tentative proposal the rep resentatives of tho mediating repub lics, Argentina, Drarll and Chile, sujjgopt thut the United States, Car ranza and Huerta appoint delegates to attend a meeting to discuss plans of settlement, Including a constitu tional election for Mexico, and that in thti meantime the Constitutional ist forces declare a truco with the Federals. Carranza declined a truco and tho mediators tbon announced that be could not take part In the mediation program, In the mean- FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Shorlff of Crook coun ty, subject to the action of the Demo cratic voters at the primary election May 16th. 1914. E. L. Mllnor, Ma dras, Oregon. Adv. 7-8 FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I beg to announce myself as a can didate to succeed myiolf as county treasurer, subject to the spproval ol the Republican voters of Crook coun ty at the primary election an May 1ft 1-10 Adv. R. J JORDAN. FOR COUNTY ..i.EHK. To the Voters of Crook County: I hereby announce myself as a can didate to suoced myself to the office of county clerk, subject to tho appro val of the Democratic voters of Crook county at the primiry viwllon tc bo held May 16. 1-10 Adv. WARRE UitOWN. Question of Service for tho School House DUvtiHftcd by Council. Tho matter of sewage disposal from tho new school house occupied n largo part of tho tlmo or tho coun cil at Its meeting last evening. A re port 'from R. E. Koon wart rend In which ho estimated tho cost or con necting with the sower at f 3900 an 1 advised that If thq work was done It bo begun at once. Tho sower com mute wns directed to consider tho matter nnd roport at a later meeting. Other buslnoss Included tho pay ment or bills and tho settlement with G. A. Jones for damage to properly caused by tho construction or the sewer last summer. In connection with tho Investigation or Its ratue as ordored by tho council some tlmo ago, The llond Water Light & Power Co. submitted tho following letter to th-i council: "Somo tlmo ago charges wore mada that our rates for electricity worn excesslvo, and tho council ordered thhnt n complaint bo filed with the Public Service Commission of Ore gon. Wo understand that tho com plaint has not been filed. Tho pur poso of this lottcr Is to request tho council to proceed with this mnltor. "Wo stated at the tlmo wo Invited an investigation, and considering what has passod wo think It would be only fair to tho council, and the citizens, an well as to ourselves that this Investigation bo proceeded with; "Wo want to again assure the council that this company Is trying to bo fair la tho manner or rates and that our rates will never lid higher than will allow us what any Just minded citizen or llend would con sider a fair return on tho capital In vested." i 1 STOCK ASSOCIATION OHOAN17.BR. At a meeting held Saturday morn ing In Forest Supervisor Merrlt a of fice attended by stockmen from this neighborhood nnd from Prlnovlllo the Upper Deschutes Llvo Stock Associa tion was formed with tho object of Improving tho stock or tho members, decreasing tho expense or tbo sum mer rango and co-operating with tho Forest Service In forest and range matters. A constitution and by-laws were adopted nnd tho following offi cers elected: President, ,"R. E. Grimes; secretary and treasurer, J. H . Stanley; executive commit til, J. II. Stanley. John Elder or Alfalfa. 'M. S. Mayfleld and S. S. Stearns of Prlncvlllo. f We carry a full lino of fresh fruits and vegetables. American liakory. Adv. Imperial Townslto Co. lo W. 13. Smith It. it, bile. 29, Imperial. llond Pnrk Co. to M. J Scott Its. 15, 1(1, blk. 101, IhI add Hand Purtt, M00. II. Forroll to Albert llonuon It. 7, blk. 15. Pnrk add Bond. J210. W. 11. Moss lo Ilattlo Clark II. (I, hilt. 16, Imporlnl. Love- and Affection. Tho following water contracts for tho Tiuunlo Project hnvo boon recor ded! J. W. Ilrown, SIC NV, IT-KI'12, $308.26; J. P. linlov HW 8 12.1(1 11 $210.4.1: Bnmo NW NV 12-1011, same; Win. D. Ramos (3) NW NW, 10,: 8H 8B, 8V NIC. U-10-12, $061.34: J. UCourh (21 SJfi 813, 32, NB NB. 27-16-U, $350; V. ft. San dol (S) NIC NW, 1: Nt4 NH 2-17-U. J&IHJ.X&; k. 11, unyioy lai tjjA hi;. NK 8H. 36-10-Ui H. XeiiimTb NW Nil 12-10-11. J3RU5; I,. II. Root. HV SB, ai-VMl, $240.20: 1-,V, Lev orons N Wtftf. .17-10-11, m.78. S C. Umnhlolto NIC NW. J4-16-11. $328.QB: II. Q.'llowsor (21 'H SJ 0-16-12, IMfllaJSO; J. II. Nichols NVV 8V, 23-KMl.ja74.67; (Too. Hall 8V SB. 1-16-U, $1101.48: Christian Pot erson 13) Sft NB. NB NB. 28-16-11, $250.35; R. U. Fleoklngor NB SB, 1910-12, $162.50; Chns. J. Mpck. NIC NB. 3-17-11. $840: T. A. Rutherford (3) ', BW, SB SW, 31-10-12, $642.30. llond Park Co. to T. F. Mnloncy ltj 12, blk. Ill, 1st add Rend Park, $200. llond Pnrk Co. to Jnmos Maxwell It. 4, blk. 10, Dead Park, $220. Rend Co. to Mlkul Olson II. II blk. 46. Center add llend. Harry Hampton to Frank Llpps It. 2, blk. 13, Imperial. Wo mako a specialty or line salads. American Ilnkery.- -Adv. Classified Advertising Advertisement Inserted under this heading at the rate of ONE CENT A WORD each tnxrrtlon. Cnl must accompany all orders from persons not luivlnir a regular account with The Ilulletln. No ndirrtlrmcnt Ink for less than 1ft cents each Insertion. (COMIAUB our pi'loci with those oWwIi'i' BENNETTS AInll OUDIiKS lllli'd tlm NltlllO day I'cet'lwd Men's, Women's and Children's The Biggest Bargains ever handed out by this Store nnd THAT IS SAYINQ A WHOLE LOT. Money-Savers to Make Room for New Stock WANTED. - WANTBD Someone Jtpi contract for clearing Irrigated land In Sec. 18, 18 8.. R. 14 K. Address A. L. Dennoy, llend, Ore. 9p WANTBD Olrl for general house work. Inquire at Patterson's Drug Store. Stf WANTBD Laundry work and family washing. I.envo orders at house, lot 10. block 16. Center addi tion, near Rend Grocery. Mrs. O O. Bills. 8-9p WANTBD Olrl for general hcuso- work. Mrs. Horbort B. Allen. Bit WANTED A girl or woman for genoral house work. For particulars phono or wrlto to Mrs, O. C. Csrd woll. 4tr Ladles, tho Skuse llardwaro Com pany have a completo lino or white enamel ware Adv. HO.MH HTU1UO. Mrs Ashloy Forrest will take a limited number or pupils In planoand voleo. Home Studio. -fc-Op IIKAIj K8TATK TIUNKFKR8. Ihucd by Crook County Almtruct Compiiiiy. Pond Townslto Co. to Rend Co. rights to streets and alloys In Rend. llend Co. to Rend Water Light & Power Co. aamo. Rend Park Co. to Thos. II. Ormo It. 3, blk. 117, 1st add Road Purk, $160. . Northern Pacific Railway Co. to H. J. Overturf It. 4, 4-18-12, $328.70. FOR STATU HRPRKSKNTATIVK. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election as a represen tative in the Oregon Legislature from this district, subject to the approval of the Republican voters at the pri mary election to be hold May 16. VERNON A. FORIJBS. 2-11 Adv. FOR COUNTY' COMMIHSIONKR. I hereby announce myself as a can dldato for the ofllco of county com missioner of Crook county, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters at tho primary election. B. W. RICHARDSON. 2-11. Adv. FOR SHERIFF. I horoby announce myself as a can didate for the olllce of Sheriff of Crook county subject to tho approval of tbo Democratic voters at tho com ing primaries, May 15, 1914. 3-10 Adv. B O. KNOX, Post, Or. STRAW HATS Summer Underwear for Hen and Women. R. M. Smith Clothing Company LGARN THE WAY FOR 1IK.VT. FOR RENT Threo small build ings near school house. Partly fur nished. Low rent. Apply 8. R. Ho. gin. over Deschutes State Rank. 9tf FOR RENT R room houso In Dos ehutos addition. Electric lights and water. Inquire of C. B Roberts. Stf FOR RHNT Two room cabin, partly furnished. $ per month. Rend Urooery. One block east of tlnpot. Olf FOR RHNT- Choap. Good 4 room plastered house. Inquire Rullotlit oUlco. 0-10p FOR RENT Small houso partly furnlshod. $5 a month; also tout houso adjoining. Near dopot. In qulro at Ruliatln. 49tr FOR RENT Offices on Wall street vory cheap. Apply Ilulletln Office. FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo catcd. Electric lights and water. Suitable for housekeeping. Cheap, Apply Ilulletln OUlco. FOR RENT Largo store, modern front. Oood looatlon. Apply to F. O. Minor, Deschutes Rank. 27tf FOR 8ALK. FOR SALE Span of sorrel mares, 0 yoars old and harness, weight 1170 pounds. W. N. Ray, Laldlaw, Ore gon. Otf FOR SALE Cheap. Team weight 2300, wagon nnd harness. Tod Rock er, Laldlaw, Oregon. 9-1 Op FOR SALE Rhodo Island Red baby chicks. 16 cents each. Wrlto or phone Mrs. B. 8. Cast, Deschutes, Oregon. B-lOp FOR COUNTY' COMMISSIONER, I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election as county commission er of Crook county subject to tho ap proval of the Republican voters at the primary election May 15. 3-10 Adv. R. II. DAYLEY. FOR RHRHIPF. I beg to announce myself as a can didate to succeed myself as shorlff, subject to tho approval of tho Re publican voters of Crook county at the primary election on May 15. 3-10 Adv. FRANK ELKINS. FOR 8TATE REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby nnnounce myself as a can dldato for olectlon as a representative In tho Oregon Legislature from this district, subject to tbo approval of the Democratic voters at tbo primary olectlon to be held May 15. 3-11 -Adv. P. II. DENCER. HUERTA IS STUBBORN SO ARE WE IN HOLDING PRICES DOVVN ' A&D QUALITY UP. Shuey's, Cash Grocery LBADINO 1TAT8 STORE OF REND Men's Oxfords MEVH OXIORIIH, IN HVA.H MIX TO NINE. PATENT LEA THER, TAN AND HULL CALF LKATII KU8 INCLUDED. 8TVLE8 AND VALl'IW ARE WORTH IP TO FIVE DDL LARS A PAIR. Dl'RINO Til 1.4 WEEK ONLY Per Pair $2.00 Women's Shoes WOMBV8 HIIOICH IN HI.ES TWO AND A HALF TO FOUR ONLY. MANY PAIRH OF DILL CALF, PATENT LEATHER AND IILAt'K KID. WELT HHWHR HOLKH, HI'ITON AND LACE HTVLEH. ACTUAL VAL VVM VI' TO AND INCH DINO FOUR DOLLARS A PAIR Per Pair $1.00 BOYS' SHOES 2. 2 PRICE Work Shoes MEN'8 H.MALL HI.E WORK HHOirH OF KANOAR(M), CALF AND IILACK CHROME, WITH HEAVY KOLEH, WIDE FULL TOE...REOUKR FOUR IKH, MR VALUEH TIIIH WEEK ONLY Per Pair . $1.75 GIRLS' SHOES 2 PRICE Reg. $8 Hitops at $5.45 Heg. $((.20 Hitops at $3.75 Remember we guarantee every article wc sell. Any thing you buy here must give you absolute satisfaction. If for any reason it docs not do so, please return it and wc will gladly replace it or refund your money. h A. UEKNKTT. FOR SALE HxlC tont with lum ber addition roofed with rubborold. Electric lights, porcolnln sink, pan try, closet, etc. Apply at nulletlit of llco. Hf FOR SALE OR TRADE For good young stock cows, G teams good work horses from 1200 to 1400 pounds, ono team initios, also ono 4 year old full blooded Guernsey milch now, freshened Marou 7, Phone Stanley Ranch Co. 2 tf FOR 8ALB Illaok Mlnoroa eggs for sotting, $1 2b for 13. Loavo or ders at Hathor's store, ltfc FOR 8ALK Thoroughbred Rnrr C( Rock eggs for hatching. $1 per setting. R. llartlott at Metropoli tan. 5 tf FOR SALE All kinds or rough and dressed lumber, at Anderson Rros. sawmill half xay botwoon Uond and Laldlaw, on old Tumalo road. Reasonablo prices, rough lumber 110 per M, Delivering to Rend or Lald law $2 per M. Telephone It) If FOR RALE- Fine horse, biicif and harness. Inquire of Hhrlnrr a lluoy bakery, Wall street. tfr FOR 8ALI! OR TiCaDE For rlly property. Oood loam, harness and wngun. 80111H maahlnory. Imiulr llullotln olllce. 8-lup. FOR HALE Tho fixtures fa tlm old bakery location on Wall strtwt Hso Hhrlnur & Huey. bit c FOR HALE asros undn dt'ct Iinrtly cleared. 1 Vi miles north of lend. RMHnble term. Inqulr Ilulletln. fitr TO TRADE Number of city lor close In, good looatlon. Will tndw for farm land or good animals. Ad dross llox 65. llond. Mf LOST AND FOUND. LOHT -On Third street hotttit Presbyterian and llnptlst chunh. bundle or rugs. Kinder kindly re turn to llullotln OUlco and rcc'vo liberal reward. Mf KENWOOD Gardens KENWOOD OARDENH Joins Kenwood on tho-Wmt. NEARLY EVERY LOT COMMA M)H A VIEW OF THE TOWN, RIVER. AND MOINTAINH. WATER FOR IM). MEHTIO UHE IH IIBINfJ PIPED TO THE IX)TS NOW. THE U)T8 VARY IN 8IZE AH MLLOWBl nOxtlOO, HOx. !!()() AND 100x1115, Prices from $75 to $175 TERMHt 10,00 CAHH AND EAHY MONTHLY 1MY MENTH ON THE IIALANCK, 7 PER CENT 1NTEREHT ON DEFERRICD FAYMENT8. HERE ARE HOME I'EAHONH WHY TOTfi IN KEN WOOD OARDENH AT THE PRICE8 QUOTED AROUI IH THE IIEHT INVEHTMI NT ON THE .MARKET, 111.. OAUHB KENWOOD (yAUDENH IH ONLY TEN IILOCKH FROM THE RUHINEHH CENTER OF REND) RECAUKJi EVERY MIT COMMANUH A OOOD VIEWj REOAUHE THE LOT8 ARE 1 AIRIER THAN ANY MIT8 ON THE fARKICT RECAIHE WATER IH PIPED TO Till? LOTHl RECAUHE THE PRIOEH ARE rtO PER CENT LEHff THAN ANY OTHER THE HAME 8IE AND THE8AME IIIKTANCE FROM THE RUHINEHH CENTER OF RENDf HBOAUHE THE TERMH ARE THE EAHIEHT. Henkle (Sb Ryan i