PA0K 2. Tin: iullktin, bend, ore., Wednesday, may o, km i. ------ I r 4-r- -4 -- CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. --'-----"--- ,,. --. - h r umht (SP9Plnl to Tlio Bulletin) LAIDLAW, May 3, O. 0. OorUIng or Atlicma, Oragon, has liccn visiting lila parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. B. Ucrklng. ami family. Miss Fny Corking loft Tue-tlny, with hor bro ther, for UH homo In Athenn, ami af ter a Visit thoro. will ko to Milton, OrcRon to visit her sister ami family, returning homo In ultout lx weeks. Mrs. WonU has gono to tho sound cities for an extended visit. There was a scaro of "nro!" at tho Lnldlaw school Friday last, and tho school was dismissed at 2:30. No damage, wan done hy tho hlato, which started In tho chimney fluo. Attorney General Crawford, mom hor of tho Desert Land Hoard, dollv orod an Interesting address nt tho ohuroh Anrjl 30th. He visited tho Tumalo camps tho samo day. Quito a crowd of Laldlaw peoplo attended tho danco at Deschutes, on April 29th. and nil report a royal good ttme. Mrs. Ilupplc. Mrs. Lundberg and Mrs. Rogers woro shoppers at Ilcnd the past week. Next Sunday will ho "Go to Church Dav." also Mothor'n Daw" at tho Laldlaw Union church. Special mu sic and readings will add to tho morning service, and chorus ohotr 'n the evunlnst. Everybody Is Invited. DcIHuk's restaurant has under gone various repairs, and olano hau been added to the furnishings: Mr. Slagmer lost a flno work horso tho nast week. Ho had had tho horse but a short time and was very busy hauling tho Tumalo wood sup ply. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Nlchol and son of Camp C, wero Lnldlaw visitors Sunday. SUNNYSIDK. visited J. 15. Rynn nbovo Uond Sun day. Mr. nnd Mrs, C. J. Mock attended church At Hond Sundny nnd woro en tertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. George Hrosterhous, C. F. Montgomery, from Hock Is land. 111., recently purchased tho old Whoatly place, nnd has now moved on tho place with his foster-parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Heed, and ntso Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Johns, and 0. V. Hood. Mr. Montgomery has pur chased a flno Jersey cow nnd fput Hhonts from Mr. rinkstnu, MILLICAN. art. S r v (Special to Tho Bullotln) SUNNYSIDE. May 2. D. Y. Couch met with a serious accident whllo working tlioroads last week. His horso becanio frightened and ho was jerked to the ground, sustaining bad bruises. Tho roads In this district havo been greatly Improved. Road Super visor Root has had a crew of men working In tho Couch neighborhood the past woek Mrs. John Strahm and daughter, aleaves. jot Plalnvlew, spent Friday ulght at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Bart Nichols. H. S. Winkle nnd family, from Wclsner. Idaho, have rented the P. A. Wills houso and Mr. Wlnklo hoo been employed at Camp No. 7. Mrs. Ella Snyder .and Mrs. Jess Harter. of 'Laldlaw, were visitors nt tho home of Mrs. G. SI. Couch, Tues day. Messrs. F. N. Wallace nnd Geo. Ross of Lnldlaw wero visitors at Camp No. 7 Thursday. Melvln Couch, who has been nsslst Gco. Couch, returned homo tho first Messrs. Miner and Jay Nichols passed through Sunayslde Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Peterson went to Laldlaw Thursday on business. Mrs. G. M. Couch entertained Mrs. Dart Nichols and children Tuesday. C. E. Hewitt of Laldlaw visited at Camp No. 7 on Thursday. Mrs. J. L. Couch spent Thursday in Laldlaw. Hart Nichols has been appointed natrolman for this section. G. M. Couch was a business Alsl- tor in Laldlaw Tuesday. PLAINVIEW. 7 (Special to Tho Bulletin.) PLAINVJEW, May 4. Mr. and Mrs. Sayler were callers at the Knick erbocker homo Sunday. ,A. D. MoDoadlo of Portland was In this neighborhood last week look ing over his timber claim. John Strahm nnd J. A. Adams wero transacting business in Redmond on Monday. Harvey Cyrus and wife and Miss Coyer wero in Redmond Saturday. John Llchtenstern and Bertha Gib son were In Bend Wednesday. J. E. Meyers and Victor Bhawo were callers at the Plalnvlew school Wednesday. Mrs. Delia Nichols nnd daughter Velma wero through this neighbor hood Monday on their way to Sis ters. Gleaves Strahm entertalnod Phlna and Fay Crawford Thursdav night. Ellis Bdgington called at the Craw ford homo Thursduy. Mrs. Strahm of this community was sent as a delegate to the Baptist Association at Redmond. Grace Rlggs entertained the Camp Fire Girls Saturday afternoon. Miss Coyer spent tho week end at tho Saoggln home. l'INKIIUIlKT. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) riNEHURBT, May 4. Mr. and! Mrs. Pitts and family from Seattle spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jackson. 3Ir. ond Mrs. Jackson and family spent Saturday evening In Laldlaw. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Johnson nnd family and the Root children were fishing Sunday. Mrs. J. I. Nichols was out to Sun day school Sunday. Mrs. D. W. Dietrich called on Mrs I, E. Wlraor one day last week School closed nn Friday, May 1. Tho day was celebrated by a school picnic at Bull Creek Springs, I. E. Wlmor and C. H. Spaugh made a business trip to Beud Satur day. Mr. and Mrs, A. V. Jackson were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Snyder Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. McAlUterentertalned Mrs L..H. Root and Miss Muriel Hough tallng Sunday evening. Eliiin Cooper npd wife arrived hero Saturday (fom Hoseburg, Oregon, on anLextended Visit with their daughter Mrs. I. B. Wlmer. R, II. llayley and daughter, Ruth, (Special to Tho Bullotln) MILL1CAN. May 1. Miss Vernlo Gnrskl Is teaching In tho Mllllcan school now in placo or Mrs. Eula Owen, resigned. Mlas Gnrskl Is a former Minnesota -girl having rocolv cd tho greater part of hor education In St. Cloud, Minn. A. 11. Goodman and son nro cutting posts on Juniper JllH for their olnlm. Miss Vernlo Gnrskl called on Mrs. IJ. E. Davis Friday. MIsb Gnrskl camo from tho samo part of Minne sota whore tho B. E. Davis family formerly resided. Beautiful spring weather now pre vails. It has been decidedly chilly the past fow weoka and now tho change Is a very welcome ono. Tho next meeting of tho Sku-Ko-Leek Klub will bo hold nt Mrs. F. J. Glndor's May 9th. The ladles of tho valley aro talking of organising a political study club somo timo soon. Mr. and Mrs. Evans woro visitors In tho east end of Mllllcan Wednes day. Miss Gertrude Market rcturnod from Bond Tuesday, where she wont to attend her sisters wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw nnd fnmlly pnssed through our valley Monday, enrouto to their claim In Lako coun ty. Mrs. Rltzman and daughter spent Tuesday night In Mllllcan, on their way to Harney Holes. Mrs. Mary Rooney called on Mrs. B. E. Davis Friday. Mrs. Mary Rooney nnd Mrs. Agnes Rooney and Miss Annie Rooney spont Sunday afternoon at tho Gllmoro homo. A. W. Norton enmo out from Bend Saturday night to visit his family nnd attend the danco given at his home. Mrs. Martha Forgey expects to plow 40 ncres for C. D. Raub. Mrs. Mary Rooney was a callor at tho Haxuka ranch ono day last week. Mrs. George Mllllcan visltod with Mrs. Brookings nt the Brookings Ho tel In Hampton Butto a fow days last week. Geo. A. Mllllcan took n trip to Sli ver Lako with O. II. Hoover of Bend In one of Mr. Hoover's cars. , P. B. Johnson went to Bend Sat urday. Mrs. William Reams was n callor In the east end of Mllllcan Wednes day. Ono or the most delightful social affairs over given In Mllllcan valley was tho dance and supper at thoA. D. Norton homo Saturday evening. Tho rooms wore beautifully decorat ed In evergreens, Oregon grnpo and sweet pens. A very largo crowd of home folks as well as somo from Bend nnd tho neighboring valleys attended. Aftor tho supper was served, which consisted of good things too numerous to mention, dancing was resumed nnd no one thought of leaving until the sun camd peeping over the hill tops. Tho af fair was given in honor of P. O. Kl ger's birthday anniversary by Mes dames Norton and Kopper, who prov ed themselves delightful hostesses. Mrs. A. A. Gllmore's sister and her husband from Indiana spent a week visiting with Mrs. Gllmoro, leaving tho valley for homo on Friday. Mrs. Agnes Rooney visited with Mrs. William Reams Monday. Louis Gless came out to visit his wifo and attend the danco ut A. D. Norton's Saturday night. Miss Gertrudo Market spent Sun day at tho Rooney homo. Mrs. Walker, ton nnd daughter spout Thursday right In our n11ev enrouto to tholr Malm Hi the south oast country. 1UVHH8. fSnnolnl to Tho Bulletin.) RIVERS, Apt It 31. Jnok I.nrkln cntnrtntned somo of his plnymnton nt their homo today. Tho children spont a merry nttornoon aftor which dollcloun refreshments wero served. Tho school houso was thoroughly clennpd Tuesday by n fow of tho la dles. Fruiny tho now organ will be brought In which has been purchased by tho Sunday school. Thoro Is no more chnuco of Inking r "short cut" through this country ns everybody hero Is fencing nnd many good roads nro being put In. John nnd Frank Hnllmoyor return ed from Bend Thursday with a load of groceries for tho River's store. Albert Palmer nnd family return ed to tholr homostuad Monday ntter nn absence of n few months. Walter Taylor loft for Bend Tues day where ho will visit his family. Chas. Royer has gono to Willow Ranch,. California for a fow months. Tho post ofllco horo Is now n mon oy order oMlco and Is patronised by tunny from tho surrounding country. Tho now mall routes nro to begin July 1st. -T-r HELD. y (Spoclal to Tho Bullotln) HELD, April 26. John Schmoor, who Is having n wolt drilled on his ranch, struck wator at tho depth or 140 foot, having 20 feet of wator nt tho prosont tlmo. Jack Rivers left for Portland Sun day morning. April 2G, where ho will romnln for samo time. P. L. Ramsay has plowed about 10 acios recently. Martin Hallmcycr has been plow ing for Fred Lund this woek. Paul Hold has recently purchased a now automobile. M. Hallmoyor loft hero today for. Bond, whoro ho expects to romnjn ror n while. Frank L. Ramsay has begun plow ing for F. Mikulo. HORSE MOUNTAIN VALLEY. (Sneclnl to Tho Bulletin). HORSE MOUNTAIN VALLEY. April 29. Elmer Sherroll has form ed a Sunday school class nnd Is hold ing Sunday school at tho Butto Vol toy school house. Ho reports a weekly increasing attondnnco. Ha Is experienced In rollglous work, hav ing formerly been connected with tho Y. M. C. A. In Seattle. E. Plnkus went to Bend on tho 28th on a business trip. Carl Farrand ruturned to his homestead and Is rontomplntlng considerable Improvements for this season. Ho reports ' uslnoss condi tions in Dakota as oxtromol)' qulot. Elmer Shorroll bns nppllod for n post office In this valloy. Tho sot tiers would be pleased to see the of fice established and Mr. ShorllL ap pointed postmaslor. , HAMPTON. (SneolM to Tho Bulletin.) HAMPTON. May 4. Mrs. Mattlo Crow spent Wednesday with Mrs. O. B. Harmon. Lew Bennett, Orvlllo Davidson, Fisher Logan and Orvlllo Thompson snont Tuesday In Hampton. Miss Whlttakor proved up ou her Iho LafoIIette Nursery Co. Prineville, Oregon 1 CENTRAL, OREGON'S NURSERY -- - HBBSSsaEs2:B&s: car:,ttmrw n ,..i ""-us-: 1 International Harvester Oil and Gas Engines The IHC Line CIAIN AKD HAT , MACJIlNtt RJm, Kaaaara KiUtn, tUvfrt fil.M, SikIot ti, UacWi Hr TrMM COIN MACUIXZS PUoUn, Pk.wi taint, CthirtlM! EauUf t Catun Saallan. llrtiiut TIUACE r,(. Strbi.TMtl, it. DUk Uuiw$ CaiiliaUn CViliXt UNZ OJ aa4 Cm EajIm. OJ Tractor. Miiin liiulm CruM itftntut Fan Wagaaj CnhDrSCf fw.C-Ua.f. KaiiaCriaiff HuaWlViu BUY an International Harvester en gine, take care of it as any machine should be cared for and a dozen years or more from now it will still be working for you. It will save you and your family endless hours of hard labor Jn pumping, sawing, grindiug, spraying, running separator, etc. Buy an I II C engine. They last longer, burn less fuel, aro simpler, and give you moat power. Here are a few of the reasons: Offset cylinder heda, large valves, accurately ground piston and rings, heavy drop forged crank shafts and conuecting rods, etc. Best material and construction mean tho best engine. IHC engines are built in all styles, and in all sizes from 1 to SOIL I'. They operate on low and high grade fuels. Not every local dealer handles IHC engines. The ono who does is a good man to know. It you do not know who be is, wo will tell you when you v.rite us for catalogues. International Harvester Company of America luuornnuu Portland Ore, - Qjub-Uo DtaUg BiCoratck MSwatis 0ilrtM ffiae homestead Tuesday. Win. Jones, Burr Black, W. T. Harrison and sou Thomas, lott Fri day morning for Baud. Molvln Crow Is plowing for H. Montgomery of lmporlal. K. M. Peck, who litis been quite slok with thront trouble, Is somo bat ter nt this writing. J. L. Owen made n trip to Prlnglo Flats IhBt Tuesday. A. T. Shnvur finished n woll of 202 feet with 4B feet of wnlor for Mrs. Lucy Hicks Inst weok. Mr. Shaver Is now drilling at 48 mllo post on tho Bond nnd Burns rund for Stonknmp Brothers. L. C. Pock Is puirng brush for Floyd Phillips this weok. Mru. C. B. Harmon and daughter, Darlo Burton, nnd Mrs. W. T. Harri son spent Friday with Mrs. Luclndn Black. C. B. Harmon Is putting in grain for A. B. Ashley this week. Ilurloy Hoguo visited his family one day last woek. A. T. Frame was tn Hampton ror supplies last Wuiluamlny, HAMPTON, Will. JUIIOM of Tncomu, Wanh., In tn UniupUm for u fow dnys. Klmer Puck In nick with thront trouble. Burr Blnok ttpont Huiuluy with Floyd Phillips. Mr. nnd Mrn. Ivan Knotts spoilt Wuduasilny ovtinliig with Mr. unit Mrs. W. T. Harrison. ltov, lliirrls III I ed his regular up poliitmiHit horo Sunday, Duvn Hpurhook has ruturned In his homesluad. Molvln Craw Is lit Bend this weok. Tlio assessor paid Hampton homo stondorn a call Inst week. R. S. Stevens of Juniper Butto was In llnniplnu Inst wuok wanting a ilalo ror tholr ball toam to play Hampton. Wo enjoyed a nice rain lust Week. Mrs. Amanda Comlm of Imperial was horn on business Inst weok. Floyd Phillips spoilt Friday night with w. T. imirison. chutes was obllgml (o hunt up u (ole jiliuiio In 0 ril or to Mtiiiimoii help fur hlii disabled niilo. Hopulin woro hi ought out from Itoilmoiiil nflor it todloiiN (U'lay. Mr, Howard eondnii oil mi his way. Henry Twuot nnd N. V. Alloy ship, pod hogs to tint Portland inarknt Tuesday. Shipment was In elm run of tho Funnels' WiiiuIiouro Co. of Kniliiiontl. Tho Hun Hlilno Club, n Junior girls' (Contlnuoit nn pngo sovou) POWELL Ill'TTI -U (Spoclal tn Tho Bulletin) POWELL HUTTE May K. While on n business trip through this suc tion Tuoflilay Roscoo Howard of Don- Vs What'stheUse of fri)lnhUnu;Kncorl from f-1 Bund frcu of chnrs,ro7 Lot JOHNSON pay tho freight. Kemenibor tho plnco, nonr 28 mllo post, Hond to Hums road. 3S MILLIUAN, OltlJUON. m Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary BRICK IS ABSOLUTELY FIRIJ PROOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON FLAORATION. BRICK BUILDINGS NBVKR BURN, ALTHOUOII THIJY ARi: BOMB. TIMES INJURED BY FALL1NO TIMBERS OR COMBUSTIBLE INTERIOR WOODWORK. A BRICK BU1LDN0 IB ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IF WIRE 0LA83 IS USED IN THE WINDOWS AND IF BURNED CLAY FLOORS ARE U8ED. AN INTERIOR FIRE IN BUCH A BU1LDINO 18 CONFINED TO THE ROOM IN WHICH IT ORIGINATES; NO OUTSIDE FIRE CAN ATTACK IT THE PROPORTION OF BURNED CLAY IN BUILDING CONSTRUC TION MEA8URE8 ITS FIRE PROOF QUALITIES. BURNED CLAY IS THE ONLY BUILDING MATHRIAL THAT HAS BEEN THROUGH THE FIRE BEFORE YOU OUT IT, IN SUCH A MAN NER THAT IT WILL RESIST FIRE. ALL COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL IS BURNED OUT OF THE BRICK BEFORE YOU OKT IT. WHEN YOU BUILD USE HRICK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BEND PARK COMPANY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Our Real Estate offerings are the most extensive in Bend, comprising the ORIGINAL TOWNS1TE and PR AC TICALLY.ALLTHE ADDITIONS. INSURANCE that INSURES Our Insurance Department includes only World Known Companies writing Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Automo bile, Plate Glass and Fidelity Insurance and Bonds. "IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY."-' LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. Our 9 outside offices and connections better enable us to lind you buyers and tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash, K