VAOR H. THK KXI lU'fitiKTIN, 1VTCNO, OIIK., WKDNICSDAY, AHWi 20, 1011, NORTH (MUNVESTIGATION Work in Mcgtin by ,1. Jacobs for tlio Heclaiuatlon Sen Ire. Tho government Investigation of tlio North Cnnnl project hna begun, according to a statement made by K. U. Hopon. supervising engineer of tho Itvftanntlou 5-rvlec, whtnv he vb here MiiiMlay morning. J7"ft eobs r firottio Is deng tho work ntvtl yrU tin' It lu tho flrlil In n week r 10 lu3. 1 hcrv.vUor lilt, report will go to "WtiMilugtnn Hr ccnsldorntlon ty officials of tlio eervlce and Inside of two months, according to Mr. lion eon, Komo definite statement will bo made na to tho attltudo of tho gov ernment on tho proposition. Mr. Jacobs la n consoling onglnoor living In Soattlo. Ho did nil the Yakima valley work for tho Hoolama tton sorvlco and has Investigated rec lamation projects In Oregon for the government. Ho has nover had any connection with the project now un der Investigation, coming to It with nn open mind and for that reason Is looked upon as especially fitted for tho work. INVESTIGATIONS LIST 6 Qtrcy Act Laml Inspector Here Last Week for That rurnc. What Is hoped will bo a final ex amination by tho general lnnd oiHeo or list C of the C. O. 1. Co. segrega tion was made by George 11. Arebl Itnltl. Carey act land Inspector last weok. Tho lands covered by thle IJst wero reoommonded for patent some time ago but tho patenting has lioon held up by tho land office for lack of ovldonco of sufficient reclama tion. According to Mr. Archtlmld. fiction of the land oftlco on his re port .may be looked for within the next CO days. As n preliminary to the Investiga tion Mr. Archibald visited Salem last week with Louis Sharp, chief of the Hold division of the general land of fice and went ovor tho records of the Ucsort Land Hoard. K Grado' 100.80 1C Mud Springs ...... 403.80 17 Knlr Vlow 80.00 IS Crooked Ulvor .... 1GU.10 19 Ashwood afiO.OO 20 Shot Quit 80.00 21 tlreeso 124.00 2S Madras 1201.80 2 Meadow 97.00 24 Maury 109.10 2RPost 100.80 20 lied Hock 222.80 27 Uonvor 100.20 2S rnlrvlow 201.70 S Camp Creek ...... 124.40 80 Doeohutos 320.40 31 ... 231.40 32" Cray Ilutto 204.70 33 Muck Creek 1S0.0 34 Lava 02.3 35 Sheen Mock 109.1 30 Cross Keys 213.00 37 Hay Crook f.10.20 3S Hoar Crook 115.70 39 Upper Ityo Grass . . 373.80 40 Suploo 203.70 41 Alkali Flat S22.80 42 Trail Crossing 335T.20 13 La Pino C3G.30 44 itamonta 240.30 45 Clovordale ....... 338.20 40 Upper Mill Creek . . S0.10 17 Gateway 373.80 4S Ochoco 100.00 4 9 Vanora .......... 222.50 6u Cllne Falls 427.20 81 llonny Urook . ...; 100.80 52 231.40 63 Lnldlaw 231.40 54 Sheimrd 311.50 55 raullna Valloy .... 178.00 60 Milliard Illdgo . . . 97.90 57 -Puullnn 587,40 58 Opal Springs . 116.70 69- ltodmond 1711.40 00 Vlbbort 142.40 01 Plain View 320.10 02 Opal City 311.60 03 Lotto Mine 133.60 01 IMno Hurst 642.90 06 lMonsant Illdgo . . . 240.30 00 North Uutto 213.00 01 Mound Untto 400.50 08 LyloQnii 213.00 09 Willow Qrook. 275.00 70 Terrobonno ...... 610.20 71 Alfalfa 320.40 72 Uutto Valley 249.20 73 Itlohardson . 302.00 74 Mlvordalo ,$ 142.10 b North Lofta l'i . . 249.20 G Tethorow finite . . . 109.10 ii iioiyni na.uu 78 Hampton 109.10 79 115.70 80 Motollua 201.70 81 Dry Crock ,,..i.. 373.80 82 Ornndvlow 402.80 83" 100.20 84 142.40 So Lower Mrldgo . . . . -v, 183.50 80 ' 213.00 87 .Mlllloan ......... 100.20 88 Twin Mutlos ...... 178.00 89 329.30 90 Golden 222.60 91 204.00 92 811.50 93 100.80 94 1S0.90 j , Total 132.342.00 Ilospcctfully submitted, J. h. MY KMS. County Supt. Mr. llomostondor, Thu HkiiRO llnnl wnro Couipauy has whnl you I want. Adv. WORK ON TUMALO IS PROGRESSING (Continued from page 1.) ALL FOB ME A COKUKCTIOX. Thn Item la The Bulletin of last -xveok reftortlng the marriage of Miss j vwnlee Iirown ana i-esier miiiou was Incorrect; the marriage not hav ing taken place. The Item was broHsht to The Hulletln by a oerson In whom tho paper had confidence hnd was published as a fact without further veriflootloa. SUPERINTENDENT MYERS GIVES OUT APPORTIONMENT (Continued from page 1.) DUtrlct. Amount. 3-rSlsters ,.- 642.90 10 Haystack , 240.30 U Grizzly 409.10 XS Mend 4106:20 13 Mountain .View ... 275.90 14 New Culter : C31.90 The Newest Spring Things U I T HOE HIRT $ ,. s J Hats and Ties A. L. FRENCH OKKGO.V STIIKKT, IIHNI), OMKGO.V Tho outlet for tho dam, which will Itu through n,, tunnel on tho west side, has already been commenced, both portals having boon opened up with tho actual tunnel work nhout ready to commence. For nil thu rock work ami tunnol work at the Tuinalo dam a compressor plant has buen InntttlN ed with Hulllvno air hammer drills and Murloy nlr drills .or the tunnel. Tho gravel bod which Is located In tho reservoir bottom about 14 of u mile from oamp has been uncovered, the overburden stripped and about 1000 yards of gravol nlreudy hauled. This gravol Is being stored on the Hat above the west end of the dam, producing a gravity system for tho delivery of tho aggregate for concret ing LiurpoMoa. Camp No. 0 from which tho work nt Tumalo dam will bo done will be the largest camp on the Project, The oamp Itself and the mess house will accomodate up to 200 men If neces sary, nlthough It Is not anticipated from present conditions there will bo required moro than 150 there nt any one time. It 'h anticipated that a large saving wilt be effected on tho construction of Tumalo dam over the estimate Distribution Coolly. Tho one portion of Tumalo Project that may fall a little short of the ap propriation provided is tho distribu tion system. From tho appropriation it was expected that It would bo on lv necessary to expend 1100.000 on this work but In order to make n first class distribution system for 22,1100 acres, the amount Included under the present plans for the Project. It will tie noceseary to expend n great deal moro than $100,000. It Is the Intention, however, to romplete all of the other feature on the Project and then spend the original $100,000 and all tho money saved from the other feature on the distribution system: thus It may I possible to expend In the neigh liorhood of $115. noo or $130,000 on this feature. This work covers a large amount of In trleato detail, small ditch, can sis. take outs, turn out, measuring Ihxm, etc. In order to do this work economically and expmllUouslr It re quires very painstaking study and oversight. The main canal from Ute res ervoir the large HtloH of which Is rtMHit 5 miles long, la well under way. Work on I his feature la being done from Cstnn No. 7 at the present time but It will bo neoeesAry In the very near future to open up Camps Nos. 8 and 9 In this connection. Mew jt, Thus far this seasau. the same record Is being maintained that was established last season for tho menspfl. The average cost for tho sea son to date for meals being about 23 Vt cents. To date there has been no complaint registered on nceount of tho class of meals served the1 cooke keeping up the high ntaitdnrd of iihiuIm. There hint nlwaya existed among tho various mesHun on (he Project keen rivalry. All of tho onipluyoM op the Project are covered by Worhmnn'N CoIIho tlvo lusurnuco under n poller with tho United HtntoH Fidelity & (ltittrnu ty Co. of llitltlmore, Mil. It Is ex pected, however, that iim mum ua tho workmau'H Compensation Act goes Into effect tho 1st or July, this Insur ance will be transferred in the ntnto department direct. lu addition to this Workmen's Collective Insurance, thuro Is n nrojeut physician, who at tends to nil canes, of sickness and ae cldout on the works, Up to the pres ont tlmo there hnvo been very few oii'o of Illness, anil on the state work proper only uuo nuoldent of any coiiHoquouoo. PIMMKCT NOTIW OF INTHUUHT. At Camp Nn. 0, from which tho Tumalo Dam will lie erettted. n school house, has been erected by the fam ilies of (he cnmp ami Mm. A. ti. Nlchol, wife of the engineer lu tho cnmp has been elected teacher. The county superintendent of schools vis ited 'tun cnmp Monday and gnve some encouragement ns to help by (he onuntv lu melutalulug (he m-hmd. O. Laurgaard. Project Klngluner, and Axel live, superintendent, visit ed Portland last week to Inspect various heavy equipment fur use mi tho work this senson. Thev were able to locate some second hand eniilnuient In uoed order which will answer nil practical purposes nleelv ! and nt u very reasonable cost. Gun. L, Dixon of Mend, sold thu Tumalo Projoot a "Llltlo Winner'' concrete mixer with n two II, p, en. glue for use on the project work. IC. V. Towiio niinil Tliurinau Cnvo, both of Portland, hnvo been ongiiKod by tho Tiliunlu Project to wink In tho heudiiiaiiorn olllce nt Ltildlnw. Cnmp 0 Is growing rapidly, iimnv fiuullloH electing quartern tlio past week. Tho (wo Inst carloads of stool flume for the Tumalo Project arrived Hut unlay and are now being froixliled to the Hume lines by Anno llros of Mend. A carload or reinforcing steel It. uImo being hnulod on tho pro ject by Anne llrothors. The Tumalo Project recently pur chased from J. N. II. (lurklugQ small pigs, n portion or which wA bo fattened on tho scraps rrom (he various pious IioukVa. Tho otheis, nhout half grown, will he delivered dressed and furnish Huuday dinners for the men lu enmps, Camp 0 already attracts much attention from the vicinity and will undoubtedly bo a general gathering plant on Hnudnys. Mix automobile, loads of visitors were there lltinday, tho 8th. A baud saw outfit lias been pur chased by the Project and set up In tho rear of thn office building nt Lald law for use in connection with Hie mnnufneture or inenHurlug boxes and other structures on the dlstrHiuthui svstem. This w'tl later ho moved to tho Tumalo dam and used on that wurk Fording the univcisul recreation. The economical Ford is the pleasure ear of thousands the world over. It has Hindu the motor ear servant of nil the people. It has given to the masses thu frcedoin'of .the great out-of-doors. Five hundred dollars l the priiw of the Itonl nmaUmt; the touring ear la live Nfty; the town car seven Hfty -1. o. b. Detroit, complete with tuetpinetit. (let cutalov ami pertleulai from Ocorge II. Muuver. HmmI. --. -... -- . - --- - ------- -------------'-- . , B9BSES frPwfHrrB ti rn'it iTrHf a 1m Complete Stock Dry, Rough and Finishing - Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring FOR' BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage OR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property ?&" ?L conservative buyer that BEND R.EAL ESTATE Is a conservative investment N Lath and Shing ::tt, m t ? hi ::: xv h: t Hi h : 4 ' The Bend Company Pine Hbuse and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles t -. OFFICE CORNER WALL and OHIO STS. tif" ' '. :. t , ! 1 '- . . --""-"''T-T '---'- -- 4 - a--aa i.ffin a.. ....i...,,i,.M,t,)))(f))))n))M)))HtH))t) n4.t44444 - , --- ------- -..-.4.t 4 4 - 4- M T