tiii: rend iiulletin, renin ore., Wednesday, avmluo, inn. PAGE 7, POWELL BUTTE (Continued from imitu 2.) Hmllli ntiil Mth, llolinrt ICIIIit. l.itu Alloy of I'oitlnud, noplmw of N. I'. Alloy, ciiiiiii In on t ho Thurs ly (ivoiIiik train for 11 vIkII with It Ih uiioln ami fiiinlly. Ituv. II, V, llimlmii or I'ortlmiil whh n Kiiltiit t lliu Allon Liinrtfiiro lioini) IiihI week, loiivliiK Friday, Tim Hliutiilit Club of I'rlnnvlllo Will II lt Ikiiiiu to tlin Powell lliittn HoniHlH Hntiirility afternoon with 111 iiiitinhora of tho lullor oluli nttnmlliiK. Tlio Initios drove ovor In tlm inornliiK mid futuriiml homo In tint onrly hours iifsMiii nvmiltig. A iliillKhtfni nftor noon In tlio iiploiiillil lioHpltnllty for which tint Hhiimln Mailtos nro fmnntiM will long roinitln n pleasant inoinory with each Knout present. Those nt toiulliiK wont Mnsilninua W, T. Hmlth, L. N. Vnu Dortm, H. I). Mustard, J. F. Itloo, IC. I.. 'vorson, K, N. Hull, A, W. Ilavn, Alien Wlllcoxoit, 1'. I'niiU, I). A. Yittim, (luy Honrii, W. (I, Mus Inril, mill (I. (!. Truomliilo; Misses A tin Morso, Mnliln Allou nml Kitun Morso, Kttrl Saunders Is putting In no inn Konil HokN now days whllo lio In net. lit K assessor. Tho good llckit roforr imI to In nlniily n Iriilliful statement In regards to tnntl cotiilltlonn In this unction. At present there nro n largo number of our people KottlnK thnlr mall In Redmond. ThU Ih mndo wis Hltiln by tho Htnr rontn litw whluh requires tho until carrier lo deliver unit collect imtll iiIiiiik lino of route nml In thin cithit tho party receiving, until from Hodiiioud In served nnoiu two hour onrllor In tho tiny than lit tint rase of tho person whoso nml I U nddrossod I'owoll Untie. Tho nmonnt of stamp rnttriillittlon nml records tf mnll bundled hy our olllco Is fur short of what It nhoiild ho on iirrount of this prnctlco. Those In n poult Ion to know nro fonrftil least this oftlcrt In discontinued owlntc to tint poor allowing ninilo recently. A difference or two honrii In Retting one's until I tin nothing ronipnroil to tho tidvnn tKo of n ilnlly until ovor tho tiroes ttlty of n H or 20 inlln drive to town to secure tho uausl one it week mnll unloved In somo Instances. If every ono who now linn tholr mnll rout to IhhIiiiomiI wonlil "not tip nml take no tleti'" mnl nl tho nnmn tlmn tnkn n few iHtNinht nml n fow minute tlmn ImvltiK thnlr moll changed we ronlil soon show t'nclo Ham that wn nro entitle! to on n nml perhaps two 11. P. D. routes rUlit from our little of. fife. Thorn are n few Instances where onr people receive tholr until from I'rlnnvlll. this prnctlco too. will he obviated when wo get our It. F. I). Mr. nml Mm. Frsnk Mcf'affery of Hetlmond wore illnnor guests Sunday nt tho It. L. Mooro homo. Mr. nml Mrn. N. I. Allov nml fiim lly, John Rhode, Jack Anderson nml Lee Alloy worn illnnor guests nt tho (luv Hoars homo Humlny. Mr. nml Mrs. Wnlcott nml fnmlly worn guests nt tho Oco. Ilnvon hnmn Hwnday for illnnor. K A. Ilumott whh n Prlnovlllo vl Itor Monilny. On n ceo unt of n mUumlnritnnillnR r to iUIom tho niimlior of men nn iiwrr'ni? for roml work Frlilny wu not up tn expectation. Ilowovor. ihov, toKulhor with n Urgn crowd of Iti'ilmnmt mon illil nomn rooiI work nn tho KmlmoniM'nwnll lluttn ronil. moil of tho work hrlnic litnatlnc off it rim rork nhout n nillo woit of tho ohl rlvor hrlilgo. A. II. Hhniln nhlopml half a onr of nhrn to I'nrtlnml Tuwnlny. Thoro wmi no prpophlmt nt tho Wllion lohnol homo Humlny. Hov. Hngnn hnvlnu Itcon cnlloil to Torro iKtnnti. KlllUW. (Hnoolnl to Tho Hullotlnl i AIIIUW. Anrll J7. Mrn. Itloh urilMtu nml Bhlldrcn of Hlnlnrn nro HtilitK n oounln of wookit with John Doll nml family. a. n. HoKora hm) hln flmtor out while mlnn tho Tttmnlo tmml nnw. Hurry Kommnl mot wlih n norloui nexHilont whlln trvltiR nut hi nnw motor cyolo, running Into n wln foneo nml hnilly cuttltiK hln nook nml for Tho ronil hotween PmcIhiIm nml Lnlillntv wn tho ncono of n "ilitv nt tr,j inr" 'or nil lntoroiod In "flood Itomls." Thirty throo mon from l.nldlnw nnd nn mnnv from Op oliutn. Inlvorod hnrd nil ilny, nnd no complUhod Kront romilln. t ft V I n k mnny "crookn" out of tho Crook "tunty rnnd, nnd roinovlni? nnuiy litrgo rocki, Tho I it ill on orvod n liounlnoun illnnor nl noon, nonr Hwnl lev ditch, to which tho hungry Inhor on did nniplo Justice. trtv A. O. Wnlkor nnd family took illnnor with Mm. Mlntle Hownnl nnd lirotlmr, Prod Wllaon, Rundav, nftor iiili itiev went to Iloml to take part In tho Odd FeJIown colouration. Sunday, May lOUi, hna heen net i8ldo aa "Oo to Church Dav." In Lnldlaw. I'lnna aro hoInK madn for n big church day, and thoro will Ik Alfalfa Seed I'uro hy Oovcrumout Tot. It C'MNTri li:it Ml., IIKNI). Komi for Hitmpla IIOX 111 ' Hncrniiioiito, Cnllfornlit. POLK'S' OREQON and "VVAflHINQTON S Business Directory M K Directory of each City, Town and Vllltf. llvlnl dtiqrlptlvo koth of I ch ptaca, location, popuUtlon. telo- a-rtDh. hlptilnr and banking point l alao Clawina Directory, compiled by npoclnl iiiiihIo both lit Humlny achol nnd oliuroli norvlcoH, .limopli JiicoIim, tormorly dlntrlut oiiKlnoor for tho V, H. It. H. In tho YaUlinu Vnlloy, now comiultliiK on Klmiur with lioiKliiuiirlom at Hoitttlo, Wmili,, whh u Humlny vUllor nt l.uliN law. Ilo wiin tnkoii ovor tho Tiimnlo I'rojnot hy O, l.nurKitnril, I'rojocl Ku Hltnior, Mth, Kroil Wnllnco hnn lionn on tho nick Hot tho piiHt wiiok, ImiL In iikiiIii ipilto woll, Witlton Vnn Wluklo, iiHHlHlniit hoo rotnry of tho Devon l.nml llonril, vUi Itod l.nlillaw on Moudity, mvniiH. (flpoclnl to Tho Utillotln) ItlVKHH, April 2 1 -Mrn. 10. Illftok nlonti, who itpont tho pimt two woaka with hor nun, loft thin mnrnlint for Iloml whom nlio will thou ro to north Cnrol Inn to npoml n fow wuokn nml from thorn will ko to hor homo In Cnrlliou, Mnlnn, Mr, nml Mrn. U. HnnNom loft for rorllnml thin inornliiK whnro (hoy oxpuct to ntny for 2 monthn nnd than ko to Idnlio. Mr. M. Ilntlmoynr entorlalned tlm W'oiiioii'h Country Cluh at hor homo April 23. Mm. (Inroy ami datiKhtor, Mm. I.owla Joined, A dnncn l to ho Klvon May iHt nl tho homo of K. T. Carpenter. Tho procoodii nro to ho tmod for tho now hall to ho put up thin Rprlmt. Tho woll drill In nRnln huiy nt tho John Krhmeor much nftcr n delay of a fow wuitkn. Mr, nml Mm. John Kchmenr vlillod at Hold, OroKOti, Intt Tuomlny, Tho mliin hero nro iIoIiir very imirh Rood nt pronnnt, Kvery ono hna their crop mom In now, K. I'nlmnr left Tuotdny for Iloml from whom ho will hrliiK hnak hla hrother Albert nml family. IIOItHi: MOUNTAIN VA 1,1,1'. V. (Hpnclnl to Tho rtullotln) IIOHHK MOUNTAIN VAI.I.RV, April lfi W. It. Wllllnm roturncil to hla homontonil from n f montha RbKencn nt llutto, Montnnn nml nt oo co eutored upon the InrKo Improve tnent which ho hna plnuued for hie pliicn thla aonHon. I'red Mnun la clenrltiR hln plnee rapidly. At tho rnte ho U pro.'tt.! Intf. It looka na If ho would linvo hln 320 ncrea ready for tho plow boforo tho expiration of hla throe yearn term of residence. Klmor HherrJII of thla vnlloy Juit rinlahiMl n tniccotufnl term of achool nt Untie. Joo Hpndx paid a flyltiK vlalt to hla homentead on which ho filed Init fall nml oxpictN to take up hln perma nent realdenco next mouth. Jimmy McCuon la a vlaltor In tho valley. Mm. Karrant Intonda to lenvo for tho ooaat thla week. Hho oxpeoa to bo koiio II montha. Mlaa (lertriido II. RtrnhrldRo will leavo f6r Hoxttlo nhortly. HAMITON. (flpoclnl to Tho Ilullotlo) HAMPTON, April 20. All thoao who had tho erlppo laat week art) bettor at thla writing. Many homestoadom aro paining through Hampton en routo to their claim. Joo Hlnimi ramn out Raturday and eatabllihod realdenco on hln claim adjourning Hurley Hogun. Mr. Hlinin haa been nt work on tho Turn alo near llond. Melvln Crow la pulling aago bruih for hla fnthnr, Nelaon Crow. A. H. McCuno and C. O. Hennloy are In Hampton on btiHlnotta. Win. Vliiaer apont two daya In Hamilton laat week. A. T. Bhavor the well driller, found KS foot of wntor In the 180 foot well 4io JiMt nulHhml for I'loyd rhllllpa. T. Hnrruon nml J. i.. uwon took dinner with Iajw Bunnell Hun tiny. I'loyd rhllllpa apont Humlny with llurr lllack. l.co HIRK8. U C. Peck, loano Zlor nlT nnd John Whlttakor returned from Hend Inal week, Mr. and Mm. 1..-C. Peck took illn nor with Win. Bplelman Hnturday. Hunilay proved to bo a vory windy day for Hampton. Women-folka are planning homo clonnliiRi today, K. V, Btauffer of Htauffer paaaod tliroiiRh Hampton Sunday. Mr. and Mm, Horace Pamona apont Runday with Mr. nnd Mm. Ivan Kuottu of Imperial. Mr. and Mm. A. B. Cottlngham of t .-- j. m. juuu DRAY LINE All Kind of Light and Heavy llnullittf. Quick Dcllverlert of Trunk, Kcpreaa. Ktc, Gar dona FertlllMHl, IMpwetl and 1evcltxl. Hatlafaclton Ouar nnteetl. Price Itraaonablo Telephone HOIWKH AND COWS FOU BAIiK THIS PAPER ftEPRESENrED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE r " W OKNKRAU OPriCES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES J fJBi Stall fMliot in aipntiaetit-- K B UitruekfedbouruboitUirtDj m W aJplJIUPd&eNMtSwfaiK X m ai Out l Ma. Oui veluibM eel. m J TbCl.iu.H.UUyC9.tUU jg A Dainty Enameled Bedroom Don't you admire a light, dainty bedroom with Immaculate linen and draperies, and with walls, furni ture and woodwork all enameled in pure white or some delicate tint such as ivory or pale blue? You can have one it is not expensivi. ENAMEL Neal' gives a hard, sanitary, lustrous genuine enamel surface, Bend Hardware Company PrliiRlo Flats took dinner with Mm. A. B. Fogg today. HI'.I.I). . (Bpcclal to Tho llullctln.) IIKI.P, April 20. The Prlnglo Flnt Improvement Club held their neooml meeting at tho sohool houso Humlny, April 19. F. I.. Hamany returned homo Inst Humlny from The Dalles where ho has been working tho last few months. Ho Is busy plowing for himself. A. II. Illarkatnno and lit mother will leavo fur Iloml Thursday. Mm. Illaokstono will spend tho summer In Maine. C. I). Palmer leavea for Hend to morrow lo bring hla father and brother back to their homesteada, A. II. Taylor made a Hying trip out to loo his family last Sunday. Floyd Houston la having his cor rals at the Warm Bprlngs ropalrcd. Mrs. C. Martin oxpecta to start for Washington about tho middle of May. Walter Taylor and daughter, niadys, arrived on tholr homestead last weok, Waller lloffland has Just finished seeding twenty aores to wheat. LOST CltKKK. (Bpcclal to Tho Utillotln). LOST CREBK. April 21. Jim Hmlth and aon Archie havo gone over .to work for W. Hrown. Mr. Honklo came In from llond laat Sunday with, a load of homeseokem. Mm. Ashloy nnd son Paul woro visitor In Hend tho past week. 8. J. Hubbard, who hna boon In Portland, for somo tlmo past, return ed to his homestead hero Thursday. Mr. Hnavoley mado a brush break er and Is clearing so too land. Jack Smith waa on tho alck list tho latter part of last week. Mr. nml Mm. Mlm 8mltlt are en tertaining a nephew from Klamath. Mr. nnd Mm. 8. J. Hubbard woro business visitors nt Hustlemoro Inst Saturday. Mm. C. J. 8tnuffor was riulto III sovoral days tho past week. Mm. tl. R. Young and son Robert aro Retting to bo tho chnmplon walk ers. Thoy walked alxtcon mlloa and then somo Inst Saturday. Lawn mowers, pardon hoso, grass seod. Skuso Hardwaro Company, ndv When run down with kldnoy trouble, backacho, rhoumatlsm or bladder weakness, turn quickly for holp to Foley Kldnoy Pills. You cannot tuVo thorn Into your system without having good results. Chis. N Fojc, lltmroo. N, Y soya: "Fal oy Kldnoy Pills havo done me nioro Vienna Cafe REOPEN We are now located In tho Onclll Dulldlnz next to the Ctlto Studio, (lood moats served. Uread and all kinds of psstry for isle. ....ROOMS AND UOARD.... MACHINE SHOP We are equipped to do anything In the machine line, having Installed new machinery with which we can handle any kind of Job, Automobile Repairing specially , i' Deyarmond Machine (Sb Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave., Ueud, Ore. easily kept bright and clean. It is offered in delicate tints or rich colors to harmonize with draperies and furnishings. good thnn 1C0. 00 worth of medi cine." They give good results. Pat terson Drug Co. Adv. NOTICH TO CHKDITORH. In tho District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In tho matter of CI.YDK H. COR- KKTT, iMtnkrtipt; No. 2834 In bankruptcy. Notice Is hereby given that on the 20th day of April. A. P., 1914, Clydo II. Corkett, of llond, Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly ad judicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the offices of tho undersigned, rooms 401-2-3-4-6 Fcnton building, ' Portland, Oregon, on tho Cth day of iiuj, ivili nt IV u. III., Ul miiivti itliiu said creditor may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, oxnmlne the bankrupt and transact such oth er business aa may properly cotno bo fore said meeting. Claims must bo presented In form rcqulrcdhy tho Bankruptcy Act and sworn to. Tho schedulo filed discloses doubt, ful nssets. CHESTER O. MURPHY, A Referco In Bankruptcy. Dated Portland, Oregon, April 24th, 1914. 8chg NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Office, Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 10, 1914. To Alfred Howard of Hend, Oregon, Contcstco: You nro heroby notified that Sam CLOVERLEAF MILK and CREAM ARE Pl'KH PHONE YOL'R ORDERS O. C. CARDWELL Farmers Phono No. 1. muuuuuHHmuumvv I ALTAMONT f I HOTEL I $ Moderate Price $ i Modern Rooms S Attractive Surroundings s Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water With Hath Privilege 5 Breakfasts Served Miss A. !. Spaldlm:, Proprietor HEND, OREGON AWWV Is It Done Right? Xt It !. Ut wsll enough alona. Put un less It la up to th mark In avsry dual com and s us. LOW PRICES, BBTTERSPRVICG Bend Steam Laundry. "Hut Your Dud In Our Suds" Mealier, who jclvoa 220 Kront Streot, Portland, Oregon, na his poat-oulco nddrenK, did on Janunry 20, 10H, fllo In thla ortlco hla duly corroborat ed application to content and lecuro tho cancellation of your homestead Hntry No., Borlnl No. 09759, made Dccombor 10, 1911, for Kl Boctlon 8, Townahlp 20, 8., ItntiRO 16, K.. Willamette Merldlnn, nnd an grounda for hla conloat ho nllogoa that Bald ontryman hna never cultivated nald land or any part thereof and ho has entirely fallod to Improve Bald tract than to conntruct an unlnhabltnblo ahnok; that ho haa nbandoned and deaorted anld land for more than ono year laat paat. You nro, thcreforo, further notl flad that tho Bald allagatlona will be tnkoii aa confoaaod, and your entry Will bo cancolled without further right to bo heard, either boforo thla offlco or on appeal, If you fall to (He In thla offlco within twonty daya after the FOURTH publication or thla no tlco) a ahown below, your answer, under oath, apoclflcally regpondln? to theo allegations of contest, to gether with duo proof that you havo served a copy of your answer on tho raid contoatnnt either In person or hy registered mall. You should state In your answer the namo of tho postofllco to which you desire future notices to bo sent to you. If. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Data of first publication April IS, 1911. Date of second publication April 22, 1914. Ditto of third publication April 29, 1914. Date of fourth publication May C, 1914. NOTICE FOR PUIIMCATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at Tho. Dalles, Oregon, March 24, 1914. Notlco Is hereby given that Henry Starrs, of Hend, Oregon, who on March 11, 1911, mado homestead entry No. 08309. for 8 NWV4. nnd B BWK. Section 32, Township 18 South. Range 13 East. Willamette Meridian, hrs filed notlco of Inten tion to make final three year proof, to establish claim to tho lands above described boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bond, Oregon, on tho 9th day of May. 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Hnlp A. Dunn, Jacob F. Thomas, The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It Is a fireproof building It Is tlidroughly modern It la comfortable, commodious, clean ROOMS FROM SO CENTS UP MEALS FROM 25 CENTS UP The want of all are satisfied nell at THE WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEl & PFNTRAI ORFGON"? FIRE. LIFE, ACCIDENT, 1&N1KUU UKJtOUIXd nATE GLASS. AUTOMOI Leading INSURANCE Agency uile, surety ronds.' REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) $3 Month,y J a j-j CnPCJC Onlce on Oregon Street A. CA2 I E3 BEND, :-t OREGON Headquarters for Commercial Men t Electric Lighted Throughout THE BEtfD HOTEL HUGH O'KANE, manaqsr BEND, OREGON Qood Rooms Free bus to . i and from trains w Pilot Butte Hotel J. f. iauuaki, proprieior, j Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatment $ it Reasonable Rates, Free Auto Service to t. 1 rains. Dlnlne Room Service the Best In . . Hand. Headauarters points south iff)f)f4f4'i4if5f)fff Flotchor Edwnrds, John Ehloy, nil of Bend, Oregon. W. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-8p. Register. Why It Suit Particular People Foley's Hcnoy nnd Tnr Compound la prompt and ofloctlvo for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness, bronchial coughs, and throat troubles. Thomas Vorron, Hancock, Mich., wrltos; "Foloys Honey and Tar quickly ro lloves tickling Uiront and stopa tho cough with no bad after effect." It contains no opiates and Is puro. That's why it suits particular people. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 27, 1914. Notlco Is hereby given that John A. IlHzukn, of Bend, Oregon, who on November 28th. 1910, madp home stead ontry No. 07751, for SEVi. 8 8W4, NEV.SWVi and 8B NW's. Section 30, Township 19 South Rango IS E Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mako final three year p. oof to establish claim to tho land above described, before 11. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Bend, Orogon, on tho 12th day of May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank J. Elkstad Fulton Haffnor, Arthur Proctor, all of Bend, Oregon, George Mllllcan, of Mllllean. W. FRANK WOODCOCK. -8c Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 24, 1914. Notice is hereby givon that Wil liam J. McConncll of Bend, Oregon, who on May 3, 1910, mado home stead entry No. 06673, for S4 SWVi Section 34, 19 South, Rango 16 E., and NWU and WH NEK. Section 3. Township 20 South, Rango 16 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of Intention to mako final three year proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, before II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend. Oregon, on tho 9th day of May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas Gray, Orlea O. King, John F. Wolff, Alwyn F. Leo, nil of Bend, Oregon. W. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-8.c Register. Special Attention to Transient Travel Qood Meat All arrangements made for persons I desiring to go south and east of hero . . for auto lines to all and southeast. ti butlnen and proretilon. , it. i. roue co BKArrua ONE CENT A W01D is all a little want ad will cost-you.