The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 29, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    TAflK 0.
T1IU 11R.NH lU'M.KTIN, IlKNI), 0IUC, WKItNKHDAY, Al'lUIiS!), till I.
Hut He Wnnta tlie Uonrtl to Let Illm
Alone Has Spent $223,112 Al
ready, AH of Which Cnme Fi-oin
Kales Jltnmcs Tho Governor.
(Special to Tho Dultctln.)
SALEM, April 27. J. E. Morson
told tho members of the Desert Land
Hoard, at a meeting laBt Friday, that
ho Intended to proceed with tho work
on tho Deschutes Land Company's
project at La IMne and It did not mat
ter .to him whether tho board extend
ed his contract, which expires May 1,
or not.
He said his contract, which was
drawn under tho 1901 Irrigation law
contained a clause under which all
the board could do was to servo no
tice on him to proceed with the work
oa the project and In ess. ho did
proceed within 60 days tho contract
would romaln In effect until tho ex
piration of the state's contract with
the government, which Is not until
October 1, 1915.
"I want the board to servo notice
on mo now," ho said. "I'm going
to proceed with tho wdrk on tho pro
ject and if I'm let alone there will
bo no moro stops until it is all com
Owing to the failure of tho secre
tary of the Desert Land Board to
properly advise Morson of the
Board's request for a description of
the lands disposed of by options and
certificates, Morson did not bring
such information. Neither did ho
have a detailed financial statement
of bis receipts and expenditures
which tho Doard desired.
Mr. Morson told the board, how
ever, that be had collected $223,112
from all sates and that It all had
been spent on the project. He said
that 14,000 acres had been obligated
through options and certificates. Of
this amount 5000 acres aro in the
west sldo unit and 9000 acres are In
the east side unit.
Governor West asked him if he
would be willing for those holding
land on tho east sldo to change for
land on tho west side, which will be
completed first, if he was given an
extension of time on his contract.
Morrison said those on the east side
would not want to change because be
fore they could move and clear a
piece of land he will have water on
the cast sldo tract.
He said all the blamo for tho de
lay In tho project on the governor,
who replied that because the Cres
cent lake reservoir site was held up
bv the government was no reason
why Morson should not have complet
ed tho west side unit, which is not
dependent upon tho reservoir for its
supply of water.
Several sharp tilts occurred be
tween the governor and Morson.
"My baby never wants candy until
someone suggests candy," said Mor
son," and I see the governor has
suggested that I could steal J360,
000 from the project. He has put
the Idea In my head and I want to
say that I think I am a big enough
man to do It."
"To be frank," replied tho gover
nor. "I have never doubted It."
"Yea. they say It takes a thief to
catch a thief," retorted Morson.
Attorney General Crawford asked
Morson If be thought he had ability
to finance tho completion of the pro
ject, and Morson replied that ho had
not even taken the matter up.
No action of anv kind In the mat
ter was taken by the board.
Small Audience Heard Mm. Wlgle
Monday Night.
At the Dream Theatre Monday
night Mrs. John Wigle of Prlnevllle
delivered a lecture on Victor Hugo's
novel "Les Mlserables," describing
the masterful work with considerable
detail and great lucidity. Unfortu
nately tho house was a very light
one, not more than CO being present,
the combination of counter attrac-;
tlons and rather less enthusiastic ad
vertising than usually precedes Li- j
uiarf euiermujiiieiHB accounis lor
At the opening the Dream Theatre
orchestra played fine numbers most
excellently, and then a quartet con
sisting of Mrs. Powelson, Mrs. For
rest, Miss Troutner and Mrs. Putnam
sang, accompanied by Miss Gravos.
The lecture was for tho benefit of
the library. However, little more
than the expenses of the evening was
Governor AVettt Rends Petitions To
Mayor Miller.
Mayor Miller has received a letter
from Governor West enclosing petl-.
tlon blanks for the formation of a
cavalry troop for aervlco In Mexico
If desired. The, blanks are with City
Recorder Ellis for any who wish to
sign. Tho governor's letter Is as fol
To tho Honorable Mayor:
So many letters are coming into
this offlco from those who are anx
ipus to Join the Cavalry Regiment
now being organized by Lieutenant
Hennessey, I am taking the liberty
of sending you herew'th, several pe
titions for the signatures of tboso In
your community who may wish to
organize a troop.
Should these blanks bo returned
by those interested with a reasonable
aumber of signatures steps will be
taken to got in touch with Uio par
tics and nld them In perfecting nn
I would npprcclnto nnythlng you
may do to bring this mnttor to tho
attention of tho young man In your
Yours nlncorcly,
Vli PrlnclpU Still Survives to a Llm
Ittd Dtjrt,
Much water hits (towed utiCcr Lon
Jon bridge (dure the Hrltlxh criminal
vtiiild defy the HtroiiR nrm of tho law
by the single expedient of excnplng to
the nearest church or hotpltnl and
claiming the protection of the "sanctu
ary," for down to the enrly Stutirt
day Great Nrltaln hml thousands of
Just such refuges for the criminal,
from cathedrals and royal palaces to
cores of towns and cities, where tho
man guilty of felony could laugh with
Impunity nt the officers of law ami
Justice for a period ranging up to
forty days. If within that tlmo ho
chose to go before the coroner, clothed
In penitence and sackcloth, and con
fess his guilt, he was free to quit tho
realm without any band daring to
stay him.
Although no such asylum exists to
day for the criminal, the principle of
the "sanctuary" still manages to sur
vlre. Thl" privilege refers only to
civil offenes and not to crimes as In
the olden days, and yet the privileges
are of considerable value.
No clorgvman can be orrested wlth
In the walls of bis church or while he
Is gnlnc to or returning from his duty
Bishops and archbishops are still more
protected, for not one of them can be
haled IWoro n magistrate even though
the cause Is n crime, unless the king
especially commands It. Nor even up
to the present time has any warrant
nn effect within the precincts of any
of the king's palaces. Chicago Trlb
And Thtlr Connection With Stormy or
In "Our Own Weather" Edwin G.
Martlnafter noting the Indications of
weather shown by barometric read
ings, tbo variations of the winds and
their meaning, tbe ever changing
forms of tbe clouds, shows how tbe
colors of tbo sky act as weather signs:
Ordinary observation has gathered
a great number of weather signs from
Imply the ever varying colors of tbe
sky. Among tho moro familiar and re
liable onea arc:
A bright bluo sky Is tho sky of fine
A bright yctlow sky at sunset prom
ises winds, a pale yellow sky rain
and n "sickly greenish" sky both wind
and rain. A rosy sky at sunset prom
ises fair weather, but a dark red sky
at sunset promises rain. A red sky in
the morning promises wind or rain.
"A red sun lias water In his eye."
"If tho sun sets In dark, heavy.
Ml wi ri
clouds, expect rnln tho next tiny."
Even n gray sunset Indicates ruin,
Hut n gray morning Indicates n lino
"When the sun draws water rnln
follows soon."
And. finally, whnt In this connection
It would ho perhaps tho most reproach
ful of nil pnslblo omissions not to men
lUlnbow nt night.
Pallor's delight!
Itnlnbow In th morning,
Bailor's warning.
At s In a Coffin.
It was the French ukhuhmIii Lupl who
escaped to sea from Cayenne lu u cof
fin. Ho managed to get some nails, tttr
and cotton, and one dark night ho got
Into tbo co 111 n shed. Ho selected it line.
stanch mid seaworthy colli it and fas
tened the lid lu order to turn It Into a
deck, leaving a cockpit sutUclcut to en
able lilui to crawl In. Ho calked nil
the Joints ns welt ns be could, mid
when this work was finished he umdo
a pair of puddles out of two planks.
Then he brought out his craft with
great precaution. Without much diffi
culty' he reached the water's edge. Si
lently and slowly he proceeded In tho
bone of reaching either Venezuela or
Drltlsh Onlnnu. 150 nautical miles ills
taut. Fortunately or unfortunately for
Lupl. the steamer Abellle. returning
from the Antilles, off Paramaribo
picket! hint up half drowned and al
most In n fainting condition, nnd n few
hours later he was lu Irons In his cell.
Licorice Hoot.
Very few people, says a writer In the
Wide World Mngatlne. have any Idea
where the familiar licorice root comes
from. As a mntter of fact, tho bulk of
It halls from Syria. Hero It Is gnthcrod
and piled Into great stacks, whore It re
main until It is thoroughly dry. It m
then taken to tbe factory to undergo
certain processes. Tho finished prod
net Is used for flavoring confectionery
and beer, as well a entering Into the
makeup of many brands of tobacco,
Some Idea of the extent of the Indus.
try may bo gathered when It Is stated
that on the average 8.000 tons -of dry
licorice root Is shipped from Aleppo
annually, while Itagdad yields another
aOOO tons. Antloch 4.000 and Damas
cus &O0 tons.
Pouhiy buppiiea aim ou. Skuso
Hardware Company. Adv.
Last Friday afternoon somo of tho
boys hold a meeting and organtzod
another baso ball team. Thoy adopt
ed tho namo of "Outlaws" which
had been donated by the A. J. French
team. Floyd Kelly was elected bench
manager, Robt. Inncs, business man
ager, and Claudo Kelly, coach.
Tho preliminary speaking was held
Monday morning tn tho High school
room to chooso a representative for
the R. H. S. at tho declamation con
test nt Redmond May 15.
It has been suggested to tho
schools of Crook county that tho
meet to bo hold on Friday, May 15
bo postponed until Saturday, May '15.
We have Two More Incu
bators Coming. The Eas
iest, Cheapest, Mot Scien
tific Way to Hatch Chicks
60 Egg Size $14.00
100 Egg Size $18.00
vil Tli TUf sVT
Bend Water Light (b Power Co.
It tins not itB yet boon tlullnltuly rot
Hod. A now plan was adopted by Prof.
Shotmo last wook of lotting out nil
classes linvhw perfect ttltciidanco
during tho wook nt two thirty. Tho
plan worked very w II nn all tho
classes but tho frcsluuun reaped thu
bonullt of this now rownnl,
Mrs Ashley Forrest will tixKo iv
limited nuinborof ptiplU lu plnno and
volco. Homo Studio, Mp
NOUTII PORTLAND, April 2.--Receipts
for tho week hnvo been, cat
tle 173(1 calvoa Sil. hogt 32-10, sheep
2710. Cattle receipts fairly heavy
this wcok, market steady, bulk light
steers sold $7.75 to S, with it few
grain fed and baby beef varieties $8
to $8.25. Heavy bullocks $7, GO .to
17.75. Strung domain! for dehorned
heifers nnd cows. Hog market heavy
to it shade weaker during tho first
hnlf of the week, but partially recov
ered toward tho close. Hulk of best
light hogs sold from IS. 50 to $8.05
with a fow loads nt $8.70. A good
supply of stock hogn at country
points but rood is senrco and urowora
are not getting tholr holdings ready
for market ns easy as usual, Sheep
house receipts light. Lamlm sold up
to $6.75. Rest wool wethers $5.75
nnd $0 featured, but fow uwo Males
wero made. Mutton feeling was Jttst
steady with llttlo change, and ab
sence of select iuallty prevented n
satisfactory guaga of tho market.
(IsMicd by the Cnxtk County Ah-
struct CniiiiMtiy.)
Christian Mueller Land Co, to
fred C. Mueller, cor. d. 27-85
I). L. McKay to Christian Mueller
Land Co. IS: 8V 8E SSW. 17 NE
NW, 20-19-13.
Northwest Trust & Safu Deposit
Co. to Ooddard & Co., about 4020
acres in Crook county nnd lands In
Lake County.
Ilend Park Co. to E. O. Miller Its.
10. 11, blk. 45, Center add ilend,
Lytic Townslto Co. to A. C. Stein
Its. 8. 9, blk 39: Its, 12, 13, blk. 38
Rlversldo. $840,
Rend Securities Co. to A. C. Stoln
Its. 15, 10, blk 4G Riverside, $360.
Children's DUeuses Very Prevalent.
Whooping cough la about every
where. Measles and scarlet fovor al
most as bad. Uso Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound for Inflamed throats
and coughing. Mrs, I. C. Hostler,
Grand Island, Nebr., says: "My threo
children had severe attacks of
whooping cough and n very few doses
of Foley's Honey and Tar gave great
relief." Pattorson Drug Co. Adv.
Department of tho Interior.. United
States Land Offlco, Tho Dalles, Ore-1
gon. April 6, 1914.
To Ellon M. Iloylo, of Sumner, Wash
ington, Contested
You aro hereby notified that Stan
ley Anderson who gives c-o Walter
Taylor, jlond, Oregon, as his post of-
Ilco address, did on March 2, 1014,
lllo In this olllco Ills duly corroborat
ed application to contest ntid socuro
tho cancellation of your homestead
entry No. ---, Serial No. 002UH, (inula
March 23, 111 10, for Wlfc Section 3,
TowiiHhlp 20. H., Rntiiui 18, h, Wil
lamette Meridian, nnd us kioiiiuIh
for hla contest ho iiIIoroh that imlil
Ellen M. Iloylo Iiiih fulled to establish
her residence ou hii( tract; that alio
has failed to cultivate said tract or
nny part thereof; that said entry
woman has nbnnduued said tract for
more than six months last past.
You are, therefore, further noti
fied that the said alienations will bo
taken as confessed, and your said en
try will bo cancelled without further
right to bo heard, either before this
olllco or on appeal, If you fall to lllo
In this olllco wllhl.i twenty days tit
ter iliu FOUItTII publication of this
notice, as shown below, your answer,
under oath, specifically responding to
these allegations of contest, together
with due pro f that you have served
n copy of your answer on tho said
contestant either lu person or by reg
istered mall.
You should state In your answer
tho namo of tho post onion to which
you deslru future notices to bo sent
to you.
Date of first publication April
Date of seoond publication April
27. 1914.
Dato of third publication May 0,
Dato of fourth publication May 13,
n r it saeaesawa
Deportment of tho Interior, United
States Land Office, Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, April I. 1914,
To Jon Wuck of 1(1514 Pino street,
Spokane, Wash., contrsteo:
You aro hereby notified that Eu
gene Hall, who gives P. O. Ilox 147,
Ilend, Oregon, as his pnst-offlco ad
dress, did on February 19, 1914, file
tn this olllco his duly corroborated
application to contest nnd secure the
cancellation of yotirltomrstead, entry
No., Sorlal No. 08433, mado March
23, 1911. for NH Sen. 13, Township
20, S Range 18 E. Willamette Mer
idian, nnd as grounds for his contest
Boots and Shoes
it n w
Building Material
The Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
Wenandy Livery & AutoCo.
Will bo put on between Bond nnd Silver Lako April 1,
Reasonable 'Rates
will bo churged on nil Express und DnKgnRe.
ho nlleKos that Jon Wook has failed ,
to entiuillsh IiIh residence on said
tractj that he has failed to oiiltlvnto
nnld tract or any part thereof; that
sittd ontryinan linn abandoned sulil
tract for upwards of six nionlhn nt
post and tiirt ninth fnlliiro wiih not
duo to his employment lu thu army,
navy or marliiu torus or tho I'littuil
States In tlmo of war or otlmnvlHo.
You are, therefore, further notl
fiud that thu said alienations will bn
taken by this olllco ns Jinvlug boon
coiuentew uy you, nuu your Willi entry
will bo canceled thereunder without
your further right to bo hoard there
in, either before this office or on ap
peal, If you fall to lllo In this olllco
within twenty days after tho
FOURTH publication of this mWdo.
as hIiowii below, your answer, timliir
oath, specifically meeting and re
sponding to theso allegations of con
test, or It you fall within that time to
file In this olllco duo proof that you
have served n copy of your answer on
the said contestant either In person
or by registered mall. If, thlH servlcu '
Is made by the delivery of n copy or
your aiiswerlo thu contestant In
I person, proof of such servlco
must no eitner mo sain contest
ant's written acknowledgment of his
receipt of tho copy, showing tho dato
of It receipt, or tho affidavit of tho
person by whom tho delivery was
Hindu stating when nnd where tho
copy was delivered; If mado by regis
tered mall, proof of such servlco must
consist of tho affidavit of tint person
by whom the copy was mailed stating '
when and tho postofflco to which It
was -mailed, and this affidavit must
bo accompanied by the postmaster'
receipt for thu letter.
You should state In your answer
tho namo of the postolllce to which
you desire further notices to be sent
to you.
Dato of first publication April 8,
Dato of second publication April
16. 1914.
Dato of third publication April 32,
Dato of fourth publication April
29, 1914.
Ladies' Hulilwr Snlrtl
Tennis h Street Shoes.
Ladies' Low Shoes and
Pumps-. Ladies' High
Cut Shoes for Outing
For Hoys and Men:
$1.50, $3.00