PTIIJ3 I1NND DUMiKTIN, 1JKNI), OltK., WKDNKSDAY, AV11W 20, 101-1. I'AOK B. KODAK Everybody wants a Kodak. Now is the time of the year to get one. Prices $1.00 to $60.00 Let us supply you NOW: " &zs xmz PATTERSON DRUG CO. n i LOCAL NEWS ITEMS K A. Cnnl wit up from I)mchhIos yoattirilay, ('. .1. Hliwrfor, of Htaiiffer, la In lOHIl tiHlNf. N. A. Dull, who haa boon iimlor the wnathnr ti rwovorml. Mr. nml Mm. It. Al. I'almiirtnn nr atn)ittK nt tin) Altamnnt, County ftihool HiipurlnttiHiIont My im waa In town on Monday, Th llrliUu Chili mot lnt Friday with Aim. W. W. I'aulknor. A apoelnl mualenl net lit billed for thn DrtMin Theatro tonight. J. I Koyoa left yratonlny mornliiK hh a bulnw trip to Mpokano. Dr. Janma Wllhyeoinbo waa, ro latnrml itl tho IIumiI on Hiimlny. J. II. lloyWuru Ih oonfliifHl 16 tho hotiiw with an nttaek of tona)lltla. I)puty MMiMHHjr '.. Al. drawn and Aim. Ilruwn aro reKUtwred itt th Altalttllllt. . V. l (larrlann mtiirawl an I'M tiny from a iMiatiiwM trip to Itonnar'a l'rry. Idaho. I'. Al. Clwvwi of CrnMont waa r ijrtwrod nt the I'llot Unite oh Fri day. Mi ml Mm. .1 II. Wlmnr ur 111! tnm Laldlnw Friday, Ktinata at tho llWld. 0. It. Wine waa In town from I .a Finn Monday, ruKlitorwl at tho I'llot liutto. ItofMlm nrn bolitK mndo to thu Tripoli houao which waa damaged hy flr. Mm. Dan It. Hinlth ami Aim. JimmI Donovan worn up from Uildlnw Vat Hnlay. Aim. M. II. I low of Port linek haa nm to llmiil and will he hore flv !H4HlN. Mr. mhiI Mm. II. Khwrnan of manf fttr wtw rUitrd al th IIhhiI oh Friday. II. W. tttakameyar of Fort Mock vm rMaiattrtHl at the Ilotnl Wright un Monday. ' At. I.. Murrltt wml to l'ort Hark on mialnwM cannxtil with thu Format afervlr on Friday.' W. I'. iJowntttX baa made a num ber of PM'Nlra nnl chatiK In hi Iijhih In Kenwood Air. 11 Ml . Mm, J, A. Ilerkwlth of l.nldluw wdro In town Friday. ruijla- lril at tlio limit. Air. mid Mm. A. F. Onkmnn of IIiiniM won In town Frldfty, atop pliiK nt thu U'rlKht. Air. nml Aim. II. C. Alulae of Oca chuNta witro In town Tlnirmlny, guttata at tho I'llott liutto. Find Iloxtill wunl out to Fort Hook hint wiMtk driving tho Ford oar of Mm. Aliiok of Dry Vnlloy. Thn wmldlriK of AIIm O0I1II0 Hoke and Frml llozull will tnka plnca thla ovonliiK t tho WrlKhl Hotel. Tim W. ('. T. V. will meet at the rwullriK room of the Haptlat church Thumday afternoon at 1:30. Aim, Corn Jotiea arrived Hunday and will ket'p hmme for her ion Geo. A. JontM durlnit hla wlfe'a Hliiwiie. C. II. Allnn wna very III hero Inat week. On Friday V. II. Htaata look him up to hla much on I.lttle Hlver. Aim. John K. Ityan r(rlH a Kood aate for water ere which ahe la ad VHrtlalnic for the benefit of the Li brary CI11I1. Henry Klnimnn and family of Himtmwuy. WiihIiIiikIoii, went out to .hla homentoad at Stauffer. In north ern like C4iiinly. Aim. I). Al. Fronrh of The Dnllna and Mm. lOllen J. Chamherlaln of Forllntid were entertaliil at the Al tniMont lant week. Walton Vnn Winkle, aaaUtant itc retitry o( the Deanrt liud llonrd. re nut up from Hiilmn Monday to vialt the Tiimnlo Project. Itev. J. I). SprlnKatono. who preached at the llnptlt churoh Innt Hundny waa reKlaterml nt thn A tu rnout durliiK hla atny Ih town. AIIm Allle OtRtHtd, from gentile, haa &koH the iMxtltlnn of Hlulit oper ator for the I'loiitmr Tolaidione Com pany In plate of ISIIuueth Klein. Thirty alx horana auppllwl hv IVttr Mard Hn then of Pn"r. Wink . iMiaaed throuiih town tUiunlny on their wa to the Tumalu Project. Mlra Pnnnv OrtM'iie. who hna hn IIvIiik with hr lirollier. K F. (Irrne for the pnat two uiontlK, left ytrater- The BRICK GARAGE ON MOM) STHICICT WIM. Ill COMPl.imJD IN A fOlPI.K OF WKPKS , Tlift Mill bo the larneot mill hext lliireuo Iitil I1II11 tc In Ceiilrnl OreKoii, .irniiK Now I,-or KTOIt.VOi: AT AlODKIt TV. UATIW Kperl llepnlr Work ul Fair PrlriM RESULTS GUARANTEED Wo DUtrlhiile t'lialuiem .V riaxoii Cara anil Kwlilen TriicLa OASOI.INH SINDKIICS TFo Bond Garago Company It. U. I lardy K. ll.'ltrituka T. W. Ilimly day to vlnlt In ClnunpnlKn, IlllnoU. ChnrldR I), Itowo, 11 former Ilond romdiiiit and editor of The Hiillutlu, In now connooted with the Houncr'n Ferry llenild In llonnor'n Ferry, Idn ho. ICIfcht tounla plnyom from Hud mond played on local courta Hun day, thn matched remiltliiK In about nu oven break between thu two town, A apeclnl article on tho hlrda of Tnoemu by U, N. Ilorfuinn, formerly maunitlnK editor of The llulletln, tip ponred In the Tncoma hedRer of April 20. A. M. PrliiKle, (J, P. Pulnnm and Mr. mid Mm. V. H. Iludvoii left yn terdny niornliiK for mi utito trip to PaUluy mid I.nki;vlew, They will bo hack tomorrow, Merman Tekmuiio met with a pain ful accident while miikliiK ropnlrn to tho onrrlaKo at Urlliln h mill Tuen day, havliiK'a largo piece of akin torn from the back of hla left hand. The cement aldowalk In front of the PuIkH property on Wall atreot In lliilahed. C. At. Dragg hna nlao laid n cement walk In front of the build liiK occupied by the Art Hliop and C. W. Thornthwnlte. I). At. Dh'vIh hna aent a Minnie of Mm volcunlo rlndura used on tlie lo- cu'l ronda to tho teallnic hureatt of tho Deimrtmeat of AKrleulluro for a teat mid advice an to Ita proper iino on the roa (In. Domey llolalntr, ihiii of Air. and Aim- Dan llela'nx of the Motollua, waa here Thumilay. Domoy had the lulafortuno tu lor hla pumo here, coiiIhIiiIbk about $f and a check made out to him. V.. n. lloiwon. aupervlalnK odkI- neor of the Reclamation Service, and (I. Htuhhlcuold, of Portland, arrived In tcun .Monday mornliiK on their way to llurna where tlioy will make mi Inapoctlou of reservoir altea. A. M. Prlncle. manager of the United Wurchotifia (!ompany made n littetiiofn trip to Hllver Lake and In termeiliute polnta IhhI week In tho new auto recently purchased by the company, ward Lome necompaniou him. A moetliiR of alnckmen who uao tho Crnno Pralrlo portion of the for- et renervo haa been called for Sat urday afternoon In HupervUor Mor rltt'a oince. It la oipected that an oricanlzatlon will be perfected to enro for nil mattem tliat come up In con nection with the uao of the reaorvn. Tho Ladle Aid ftoelmy of the Atelhodlat church will hold their reg ular bualneaa nicotinic next Wednes day nt 1:30 with Mm. It. Al. Smith, In Deachutcn Addition. IIAITIKT AKKOCIATIO.V MIKTIN3.lw n hmuhmhv The third annual meeting of tl.!UWXlV M V&Z&8Z& llnM-buliMi 'llantlat Aiweclallon waa w muMHtmi held In tho Flmt DaptUt church of JJ5Jt5iUJJ5Jiltvv Itmlinond Inat Thumday. Friday and J"' Bnturday. Preeldent U. W. Itllny. of AIcAllnnvllle eulleKo, gave the o enliiK addrewt Thumday evenliiK. Tb- morning and afternoon aeMlona on Friday were devoted to nddreeeea and conference on clllrlency In church work. The apeakem for the dny were State Hoeretory Itov. O. C. Wright, Itev. J. D. Kprlngatcn, Prealdent Illl oy and Dr. WDuilily. Itev. I, jotco preached the annual aermon durlnn tho evening aeaalon. Saturday waa devoted to the bualneea of tho Aaao elatlon and addroeaea were given oil Homo. Foreign mid Slate M Union mid the work of the llantlat Publi cation Society. Itev. 0. Campbell, a retired mlMlonary from China, gave a moat excellent addreea telling ramethlng of hla IK yam exnerlenre In China and the rapid development of the country. A new conatliutlon and other Important mattem Indicat ed advance In the future work of the enurrhee In the Deecliutee Aaeocla tlon and the At delegate! nl vtaitlng frleuda were unanlmeua In the aUte meiit that thla waa the very best An aorlatkiu gatlierlnic Moot the orgn nlcatlfin waa formed. NEW FENCE AT CEMETERY Council Onlcm Work Dono Water lo He Available, The moat Important action taken at tho meeting of tho City Council I ant ovonlng rotated to Improvomenta at tno cometnry. under direction of tho city, water for aprliikllug at tho cemetery In now being brought In from a n oar by Irrigation dltrh I.nat n'Kht Annlnti.nt City Knglueer .May refiorlod on thu work already done and gave figure on tho coat. The matter of renewing nnd repairing tho cemetery fence wm alao dlaeuaaed mid the committee Inatriictcd to com plete the work. Thin will eonalat of putting up n now fence on the front aide with n 12 root gate, and atrengthonlng the foncea on tho oth er aldea. Mnglncor .May alao gave nn Infor mal report of tho Inspection of tlie aower ayatom and thu dlapoeal plant mado yenterday by It. B. Kaon. Ae cording to him everything In connec tion with tho newer la working well nnd ifo ropnlra nre neceeaary. In connection with the newer mattem the recorder wna Inatructed to give notice to certain property owners that the council at lt next meeting doHlrcd to confer with them In regard to connecting their property with the newer. An ordinance waa pnaeed regelat ing the bourn of opening of pool rooms and howling alley. A Tow bourn at a nice claaay, clean, up-to-date place imperially prepared for gentlemen, will remove nil worry and trouble. The Aletropolltmi.-Adv I1AHKIIAM, lli:KFlT IIKM). Thumday night the hoya haaelmll teaui' held n benefit performance at tho Dream Theatre, I.. C. Itudow hav ing allowed them to take half the proceeda. In addition to the regu lar threo reel there were two muni ool numbom, n "'runty bow quartet," comprising Ituth Caldwoll, Genevieve Onrlnh, Fred Trlnlett and Howard Onrlnh, and n nolo by Margaret Thompaon, Tho toam cleared 14, fAM.S FKOAI KCAFFOM). Work on the school houae haa leen teiiiKrarlly auapended bocauno of an Injury auatalnod yesterday by Kd Huaao who In employed na atone lay er on tho Sella. Shortly after noon Iliinae Inadvertently atepped back ward off the araffold. falling about 10 feet to the ground n'd Injuring hla hand and flngom He will be able to return to work In a few days. jnpj jm jk v w mm rm m mm -Jm m f ins. 1 is ine 1 uviLL I Ull lMM. ..i I ,. , I si U OUT TODAY I to purchase your New Spring Apparel and this is the Store where Smart Fashions Prevail in Ladies' Suits, Skirts, Dresses 35 to 75c We also show nn extensive line of Children's Dresses reason ably priced from SOdsto $1.50 Children's ' Ilompers. Blouses &5 tO 5J I .Z5 NEW WHITE SKIRTS from $1.25 to $2.00 $2.50 A Complete Showing in Ludies' Waists in Tub Silks, Voiles and Lawns, priced from $1.25 to $4.50 SHOP AT Maitnheimer' s Hlehcat In Quality Lowest In Price Khaki Riding Skirts priced at . IJUNEI I Styles ( In J'oullry nuppllw and hp1. Hardware Company. Adv. Skuae IIICATH OF II KNItY MoKI.l'ISII. , Henry AleKlttah died nuddanly of nppoptexy 011 Friday, at hla home near The 1 1 end Componv'a yard The funeral wna Held Sunday from Molhodlat rhiirch with burial in the Flint Unit cemetery Mr MrlCltlHli waa 59 years old nnd la aurxivnl t hla wife and two grown txuia. The fnmlly rnine to town from I'ortlnnd a abort time ago and waa planning to lake up a homeatead. a a a ss n ss ss ss Ladies' Home Journal Patterns ss a ss ss ss si a a ss ss a a a Si A.y 1V1 v v " iv itt ItlVKIl KIX)W AT HB.ND. The measurement of the Deechutea river taken by the water resources branch of the t'nltcd Statea Geolo gical survey has been completed for the season and the figures collected. At Ilend the discharge of the river on March 30 was 1670 cubic feet per second. In March 1913 the maxi mum dlschargo waa 1C00 cubit feet and the minimum 1230. Don't forg't to reglstor thla even ing or tomorrow, as this will bo your last chance. Why havn't you registered? Air. Homesteader, The Sfcttse Hard ware Company has,, what you want. Adv. - Just rccelvod a dandy lno of can dles, such a chocolate dipped ears mols, chooolnto almonds, chocolate creama put up In S and 10 cent car tons. This makes them perfectly sanitary, free from dust and Qloa. The Aletropolltan. Adv. AT tha ii Mannheimer's The Store for All the People -- ---- -- 1 FOR Fruit Trees I r F. O. MINOR OKKOON AXU WAI.Ti I I WILL SELL Lots 1 , 2, 3, and 4 . Block 16 of Kenwood.- At a Very Attractive Price SEE R. P. Minter rz WJ'Jr. jir y Baby n 1 -kj-j Jumper Tim IIV-(M) dotelope the Imby, nml nt the Niuuc time gives bourn of pIinik- nit) nml imt to the pnreiitN. Tlie IIV-(M) nllouH tho child to ntt or uxeicloe, nml Vthen llieil, 'iniitii'H n comfortnhlo aent, HISK TIIHM IN A1V WINDOW. E. M. THOMPSON Bend, Oregon HltlNG IN YOUIt AVOItN OUT IIUOOV WHtfKI.S FOU . v:.TiitiNa. JOHNS For ft--' JstBHaHLJBSlllllllllllHft 1 HRl dBBBBIlBBllll ''bhbsHbbiiiiiiiiiiiihI REPUBLICAN Governor Give this Job to n man who wilt reduce Taxes und cut down expenses - If you hid an Intcmt in a private huilncn you would wunt It rondiicll on buiincti prinriplea. Vou lave an interest in the alfiln of thli Stale Tlie Slate of Oregon la a btiiitirM indittition 11111 for the hcneln of the people iu it who, in leitain ene. siv itivliitilCI III III IHIIIHCM lCrCMl TAXES MUST BE REDUCEDI In the comini; primary election, Charles A. Johns, of Portland, will ask the vote of every person who believes the State of Orecon needs to have taxes reduced and expenses cut down The only way to reduce taxes and cut down exnemes is to apply the same principles in running the State that you would apply in running your own business. How many institutions would run aloiiu with an increase of oper ating expenses from year to tycar ? Not many. Well, let's reduce our taxes and cut down our expenses. Charles A- Johns, of Portland, is mnninu on that platform and stands on his platform. Qct him on the job I Start thiukinu about this today! Will you elect a man who will cut down expenses and reduce taxes, or a politician, as our next Governor ? The issue is clear. One will cut down taxesthe other will give jobs to his political friends. Which do you want ? Paid Advertisement. BRICK WORK I lmo built every brick house In Ilend erected by contract. WOIIK THU HKST. rilK'liS Tlll I-OWIiST. SATISFACTION AILSOMTRIA fil'ADA.VTKH!). SAND FOR. SALE- The lxst obtainable nt the Ionet prices In luro or Hiuutl iunutltlex. I liuo tho exclusive prh Ilexes for sum! in all C. O. I. Company illtrliotf. JACK TANSEY SELLING f I THT Goods are JJ 1 Going fast Make Your Selections Early A. L. HUNTER Oregort Street y (raid Advertisement.)