The bend bulletin Vol, Ml, iikni), oruuo.y, wi:ni:hiay aitkhnoox, april an, iu. NO. 8. HOMESTEADER'S CLAIM JUMPED H MATRIMONIAL ' FILED LIEN IS Ami A IlimiiU .MUr Ammo Market, lloiuohtriitler of Mllllrnii Volley, , llocoiiies Mm, Wirioii A, I'orlie ' Wcddl'nj; lit TIlO Dalle A flagrant wihii of jumping n home Httuttl claim occurred here last week. To make mnlarM worse, the vlotlm la h Klrl, mill tjio offoXdur Is u itroiilln- out Memf professional mnn and a Member flf tli Htnto legislature. The Klrl In the ease I, or waa MIm Anne Market, who has been proving lit on a homoatond out near Mllll oan. The iiihh In uuostlon Is Vernon A. Forbes. Oh Tuesday Mr. Korhea a.ultl nut to the Market homestead and evidently Med m matrimonial lion li Its occupant, who came to town nt ones. Tliere was very llttlo time wasted In proving up (Iih new claim, no leave of nbsenee or other delnya felng permitted by either parly, and Oh Thursday evening Uih Klrl home steader became Mrs. Porbea, the wed ding being performed at Tim Dalle. Mr. Forbes hid liU tracks no well that practically mi one here knew of tV marriage until Friday evening It la understood that even relatives Of the rouple had n Hollflcntlon. Thursday Mr. Forbes uutoad to The Dalles, where MIm Market Joined him. J .at or they went to Portland, nud It la understood am now upon n honeymoon trip toward California. Mian Market oaihe hern from Rock ford, III., over four yoara hko. For two years ahe taught In the lorn I hlKh school. Together with her sister, Mla (Urlrude. she became a home. lewder two years ago. The two Klrl were proving up " adjoining olealma when this now elalm waa fll od The riueaUon now Interesting friend rif thn couple U whether Mra Forbes will ninku a horoestondor of lior hustand or ho will drag her from the ag brush to motropolltan life. Mr and Mra. Forbes are expected to ret urn here In about ton day. It In understood tlior wHIUoooupy tho Markul bungalow In Wleatorln. THIRD GALL FOR BIDS litnl Drpnrluiriit HUM IMikliiR for Ktnr Itouto Coiiirnrtor. for thd third Hnia thla yaar tb inmiI iltlc dopartniwiil la raltliiR for iilda for wrrylnK tho mail on t Mar rant from Jtoml to Iji I'lna. rr iiMiMt. Fori Rock an4 fllvr l.k. no nitfieUry tttfvr t th depart iitoiii baiB4 iifjtn rclvwl on wither of the nthcr lN oosMtn. 'IhU ftm m m rn'","t tbrtw forma, on far th trrUK of -ii mi i on in rou'a, ona loi Hrai and aMMind claaa mall and prlababU iwi-i ioat iiiHttur. and the third for bl-d and fourth (aml poat) clnaa laattor. In tho Ural two a lump mini old la naked for nild In tha third it tdd nil a 160 pound Haala, tho Wttlk-htn to ho crillld monthly hy tha lUml poat maatar. A $20,000 txniil la aakoil for In Dm flrat oa, Mid aoparat bond of $10,000 In Q5heiii6ii Trom Homo where vou arc not known, avoid a!l trouble in pYegard to your fundn by carrying AMCRICAN BANKGRS ASSOCIATION TRAVSLeRS' CHGQUGS Thcnc cheques nro equally useful for travelers In America or Abroad. They identify the holder to hotels, ticket agents and merchants, who accept them at face value in payment of accounts. They arc not available to finder or thief, if lost or stolen. Let us explain the system. Deschutes StAte Bank HucccHMir to tho Deschutes Banking & Trust Company 11KN1), OHHGON. n, FHRUWIiUProa. P. O. MINOR, Soo'y, IS, M, LARA, Caablor. DIRKCTORB. n, I'NsrrolI, P. O. Minor, 13. M, Lara onch of tho otlior two. IIIiIh iiiunt ho In by May 20, Dnlly Morvlro la ru'iulrnd. MOIIK POTATOKM WANTKI). Olllnlnla of tho OroKon Trunk nnl atlll huntliiK tho country ovor for oiioiihIi potntnoM to (111 an ordor for r,0 iinra roooiitly rooolvnd. Ho far thuy Imvn hiiou nhlo lo loontu only 20 of Ihn dnalnid uunihur. In a iiioh hiiro rocolviid from J. T. llnrdy tho attuutlon la nxpliiltii'd anil mi urKont roituimt mndo for morn. 'Loonl fnr mura nro flKurlnit that thla tlmn Inat ynnr Ihoy nilnlit have and thou thoy IiukIii to womlor whuthor thuy ouKht to plant apuda thla ar, MEETING FOR ORGANIZATION OF GREAMERY SATURDAY Not Itniiiiuli 1'n't.rnt nt f'ouiiurrclul (.lull l.iiiicliiMin to Tukc Action ImhI Wn-U Notice Kent Out. It Imil limi oxpMtod that orxnnlzn tlou of thf rrottiiiory would lio por fmtoil niter tlio t'ntiiiHon:tal lunrhmiH on Knlurilay. Only a raw of the far niora IntftrMlail. hownVor, wore proa, vot and tin nr.tliin wna takou. At tho Itinrhoon J. I. Korea nn nininrwl that ao far tha iiuiuhor of ahnroa takou for tht) crnamary waa within about 10 or the 300 orlKlunlly plaund for. In addlttoii thoro wero about l.'.O roWM alKiiod up hy non iiharnholdera which mado morn than waa needed for profltablo opuratiDn. t'ndar tliiHB olroiimiitunooa It Huoinod doalralilo lo Ko aliond. Aflnr th uicotliiK a fpw of thoi IntcroMtod met at tha Cninmorelnl (Mali roottia and dlMtiwied orKanlau tloii. lator aKroolna lo men! nxt Hat urdny nfirr tho luncheon lo take llnal atopa. NoUcm have lmn aent to alt the alKiiora of tho article and It la expected that thoy will all It preeent. REGISTRATION. CLOSES To Dale PndilhltloiiMN f-nd tho I'rif rrlr In thn Ix-nl rirrlnrta, KeftUtratlon for the romltiR pri mary election cloaca tomorrow after noon at I o'clock. The two roRlitr Hon ofneera, J. A. Katia and II. C. KIIIh. will hoop Iholr onieoa open thla even In a: until 9 o'clock and will bo on hand tin lo tho tltno of clonlnc to morrow to roicUtor tho late corner. It la hoped that all who havo not vot rnelatnred will niako an effort to do mi In the abort tlmn romnlnlnit lu ordor that the eonfualon and difficul ty of awenrliiK In votora on eloctlon day may be avoided. I'll to noon todav tlm rotatratlon In tho tbrco preolneta waa na followa' Precinct I) It P Pr. Total Dwchntea 71 fiO 0 14 100 Aorth llnnd... 00 00 6 8 ISA South Dend . . 8S 3 1 16" In addition live have reglilorcd a lndnpendouta an0 one na a Hocnllat In North Hetjd. ajld fpur a lndepond eta and two Hoojallata In South llon-l preelpct. It. IC. KOO.V IN TOWN. ruintllnK the offer made when be left town laal fall, K. K. Koon return ed Tteeday morula, to Itieyect the fceweir rvaietti whlck wna eonMructM under bla direction. Mr, Koor wUt remain for jeveral dava. Hra plater. Mr Re MarehouM, re we with bin nd will apend aotne wrfca here he fore reluming to'her borne In Port land. SIT'CUSHI'UI, IIIUTHDAV PAHTV. Yulir INrtkday Partj" given by tho ladlee of the Pre by tartan flulld on Krlday ovenlntc waa a very eueeeee. (ul affair. Practically all the pen nlee In town were turned In by the mteata and ft. Rood auui waa reallxel. During the eveulnic an ontertalnliiK program ooijatatlnK of readliiK and apeakliiK waa renderel. aaiaiaHBBeeBpB-apBsf t . GoAway i23Ss?" J i7"jTSi! VI i I WORK ON TUMALO IS PROGRESS!! Force Includes 300 Men With $14,000 Payroll 7,200 Acres Ready for Entry In 30 Days- Com pletion of Work Expected by November -Adjudications All Made Camp Notes LAIDLAW, April 27. Tho work on tho Ttituulo Project la now In full awliiK with onmiia Noh. .1, 4, f, 0 and 7 In full operation nitd It In expected to Inatnll cntmia 8 and 9 within a couple of woaka. The number yt men at ouch ramp varla from 10 to 100, with a total force on tho Project nt tho preavut time of about 300 men. Tho fucd canal l now praotloally complolod and will be placed In op oration within ten dnya or two woeka. Tho work on thla feature coiialateil of tho excavation flf about UV mlloa of canal throiiKh enrth and aolld rock and the Inatnllatlon of a mile and a quarter of No. 180 metal flume on the aide hill. ' TIih ndjudloatlou of old water rlKhta under the Projeet haa now boon praotlcally comiiletwl with the exception of one old water titer. The IrrlKiitlon aeaaon hna coinmeue ed and from preeent ludlcatloim It would uem that a very lnro tinw of new land will be placed under cultl rntlou and Irrlpatbiii the preaeat aea eon, Tho first unit comprlalmc alout 7200 acroa will be opened for entry and for anle f water rlKhta within SO daya. It la hoped that the lar Ner portion of thla area will tie aup pllod with water the coiiiIiik aoaaon. Up to the preaent time approxi mately $210,000 of the appropriation baa been expended but thla Includea the purchaainic or right of way and heavy equipment. Prom the preeent time until the completion of the work practically all will be expended on labor payroll. It la eetlmatrd that the monthly payroll will run run uniformly durlnc the aummer about tlt.000 to $14,000 per month. The orKanltatlon of the Projeet anticipates the completion of the bulk of the work on the Project by October or November of the preaent year, although It will require the en tire 8Miionto January lat to com plete tho looie enda and leave tht work In a flnlahcjl condition. The metal flume tbua far Installed eonalats of four aeparate pieces, ono 300 feet In letiKtb, ono 700 foot In length: ono 2700 foot nnd the other 2800 fret. Tho warped aurfaco tran sitions from the earth cannl to tho metal flumo nro built of coucrcto. Tho diversion wler nnd hoadKate, chock gates and drops 1 nnd 2 nro ANNIVERSARYWELL OBSERVED Odd 1'elloMS Curried Out Interesting Anil Huccpssfiil Program. The 95th ajwlverenry of the eatan llshment of Odd Fellowship In the United Stated waa observed by the local lodge last HiuiUay lth Inter rating MMl anproprla trasnonlea. The full trHU of the lodge turned out to attend- the different ewr clean of the dnjr which were carried out according to the program puhitehed In The Bulletin laat week. Two features of the day were es pecially pleasing lo those In atten dance, the dinner served at noon at tie Wright hotel and the musical program nt tho afternoon church services arranged by Mrs. Ashler Forrest. Metera of the order and their guests to the number of 72 sat down to the dinner and over 200 were present at the church services. FISHING TACKLE' For ALL ; A COMl'I.KTK MXH OP HTRIOT- LV PRHSll STOCK TO CIIOOSK l'ROM. OUIt PltlCH IS STILL AT TUB 1IOTTOM Call an3 See Our Goods. BEND - HARLWA1BJ CO.. also built of concrete, which makes practically the entlro food canal a permanent structure. The liiilldlnj? of tho new state road between campa 6 and C above the the reeervolr Is practically complet ed. Thla rond la on a level grade, la built 20 feet wide and will bo one of acenlc beauty at all times of the year as nil the snow oovored moun taltia to tho west are In plain view abovo the timbered areas beyond the reservoir. Hull Creek Hani Commenced. The construction of Hull Creek Dam, spillway and bridge all combin ed In one structure hna been com menced and satisfactory progress la being made. The dam proper wilt consist of the gravity tyiHt of con crete dam built to the high water elevation of the roservolr. This will be surmounted by a concrete bridge built of five nrobee supported at In tervals oh thn spillway erosU The state road above referred to will pass over thla structure and also eros the Tumalo dam which will be the prin cipal dam for the reservoir. The foun dation work of the oonatruetlon of flull Creek dam Is completed, tke form work has commenced and It la ttXiwcted that this structure will be entirely completed hy June lat. The drain between the upper and lower porllona of the reservoir has been completed. This work consist ed of the excavation of a trench through solid rock and earth for a distance of a quarter Of a mile In or der to drain a pot bole at the upper end of the reservoir. The werk at Tumalo dent haa to date been of a preliminary nature al though considerable has been com pleted or pormanent value. The cut IT trenches oxeavated through the eenter of thejam to bed rock and Into bed rock for a distance of from 10 to 20 feet have been completed and about BOO yards of concrete has alroady boon plnccd In the ooro wall. Thla coio wall In addition to being 014 feet wide at the bottom Is heav ily reinforced with steel. The drain trench at tho lower too of tho dam has been placed In the small trnch and covered with grnvol and rock. The foundation of tho dam has been prepared nnd several thousand yards of earth fill havo already been placed. (Continued on last page.) REPUBLICAN jiDIDATE HERE With) combe, Out for Governorship, l'nor State Anld Irrigation. James Wlthyeomlw, esmdldate for ReirtlblleaH nomination for Governor. was here Monday, meeting voters In the Interest of bis canrtldaer. tits chief rivals. It spixare. are Ous Mas ter and A. M Crawford, the preaent attorney general vDf. Wltnjcomlie, who for 16 veirM haa been head of the extension rf- vision of the Oregon Agricultural College. expecU strong support in rota! districts. Of chief Interest to this territory Is bis stand on Irriga tion. He Mil he favors atate aid fer Irrigation, not. however, by di rect aunronrintton. bHt by tha' state landing its credit lor Irrigation work: that la. through lond Issues under Uie proposed constitutional amend ment. - From here Dr. Wlthycombe went to Prlnevtlle and Redmond. u- '&-. -' ' T TV fWt ' r tt"'"' C III'M.KTIN IHHIT.H "KXTIIA." To arouse Interest In "Itosd Day" Thursday evening The Ilulletln Issued a mlnature "extra," a little four page folder, telling about the plans for Friday and urging Its readers to turn out to help the good work. Road enthusiasts circulated the edition. UHWTKH MOIIK HHTTLKHH. O. C. Hcnkle returnod Monday from his latost locating trip Into the Interior. On this occasion he found claims for a party of four In !st Creek valley. Mr. Henkle's total lo cations In five weeks now number 21 out of 27 prospective settlers whom he has taken out. SUPERINTENDENT MYERS GIVES DOT APPORTIONMENT Tnv .Money for Kcliool Is Nearly J57XM) Moro Than In ililll In- creaoe for llcnil About HOO. County School Superintendent My ers has given out the apportionment of the school funds from both state and county for the different sohool districts of the county for tho year lll. The total la $22,342.00 or $6,907.34 more than the amount given to the schools last year. The amount for the Rend school district. $4165.40. Is $7$9.3S more than last yajnfs apportionment ror Bona District Amount. 1-Pr1nvlll $ 2892.S0 t Lower Rye Oman. .. 17800 J Johnson Creek ., 249.20 4 Mill Creek 196.80 5 .Howard 1(10 C Upper McKay 212.60 7 Lower MeKay 311.50 8 Powell Hutta 79.10 (Continued on last twgeJ fflEY FURNISHES CINDERS May Iks Taken Free ol Cost for t'sc on KtrevtM and Itouds. in ailtiitfon to the creamory dis cussion at the Commercial Club lun cheon reported elsewhere In this (taper the meeting discussed tbe roau work to be done by subscriptions with the co-operation of tho city council. According to figures re liorted by Robert II. Could, one twen tieth of the street surtace to be cov ered by clndora had been finished and It was estimated that with tho dona tions yet to bo received nUJho work could bo carried throuKh-'aaJWunned. It was stated that In Mpwof the raet that tho cinder pit wa On land belonging to W. D. Choney a messago had been sent to him asking permis sion to use the pit and tho road lead ins to It and that aa coon as an an swer was " received further atepe would bo taken. On Mondny Mr. Cheney telegraph ed as follows: "Until further notice will nermlt cinders to be taken free of cost from Ilutte for use on public streets and roads, granting tempor ary right of way to and from pit. Wish I could be there. Am an artist with the ahovsi!" Following tfo receipt cf this mes mkc arrangements Vers made to ! gin on tne construction o a taopier ai the pit and also a now rt4 lead ing to town that will shorten the distance to be traveled. This will be finished in a few dava and it I ex pected that cinder hauling will beKt'ii In earnest by the first of next week. MORK TICAMS SUHSCItllllll). Tbe following additional teams have bsR unfinledifr work on tho roads: Mike nragich 1 Lara and Prlngte J. H. O'N'oll 3 J. P Johnson 1' r. 11. May 2 nr,.ooGwTfiS BBOS Mr efG 0!M 'eK5?,te,3i The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND.OR.EGON U. V. COE, President B. A. SATIIKR, Vice- Presklenl C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid - - - $36,000 Surplus xs To Homeseekers: Parties contemplating taking Home steads in the new lands just eliminated from the Forest Reterves, should bear in mind that Bend is the closest Banking town to these lands. We are making a special effort to be of service to ne,w people coming into Gen tral'Oregon. Gall and see ys and arrange your fi nances, soyou will not have any trouble in having your checks cashed. TEe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND - ' ' DIRECTORS - U. C. COK E. A. SATIIElt C. S. IlUDSOX O. M. Hatstkkson H. r. Et.r.13 WO 5WG !M,e ' a ROAD DAY" SEES MUGH WORK CINDERS PLACED ON OREGON STREET About 00 Men and in Tennis Put In Prldny on Htrcct nnd Itoail Im Iirovemcnts Generous Contri butions Assure Cinders for All A very great deal In the way of street and read Improvement was accomplished In and around Itend on Friday, the city s official Good Road:a Day." Half of Oregon street, between llond and Wall, receiving a coating of cinders C Inches deep. At least three roads leading out of town .got a lot of needed attention, and on others specially bad places wero fix od up. In all about uo men ana 16 teams put In a day. Aside from the cinder work, there was little definitely planned and the work was placed by the volunteers as they saw fit. While the lesults of the day's activity of the amatour road workers waa ex cellent, there was some disappoint ment that moro did not turn out. Business waa not suspended, and contributions of labor were made chiefly by those who already have agreed to pay for teams for future street work. att Work at Cinder I'll. Before eight o'clock the cinder pit at the base of Pilot llulte was ope& atlng full time, without about 20, volunteer shovelers filling the 10 wagons as fast as'they appeared. Dur ing the afternoon the number of teams was increased to 14. Five men distributed tho cinders on Ore gon street as fast as the teams brought them. Practically all the; workera came uador the head of "non professionals." although a few busi nessmen preferred to hire substitutes rather than serve themselves with ploks. M. J. Danlelson was In charge. As the cinders wero laid they re ceived a thorough wetlng. With tho stretch of street cindered the mater ial can be g von a good try-out as a substitute for the far more expensive crushed rock. It already haa proved Its efficiency on. the streota of Red mond, although thero :t is understood the cinders wero not placed on so thickly, and fewer largo lumps wero used. The county roller wlU be run over the newly laid cinders as soon as It can be procured. The Oregon street work Is a fore runner of largor street improvement, for the" city has agreed to dupli cate the yardage paid tor by private subscription.'' Up tojUie present those active In this umJerwklag J. A. Eastes and D. M. DftVto who have labored hardest In "signing up" eon-trtbuiotiona-bsve secured 113 toons. that is, the signers have agreed to pay for that many teams, with driv ers, for one day'a work. The etty wilt duplicate thla amount. It Is esti mated that altogether It will be ftes slble to place cinders on all of tbe streets bounding blocks 9, 16 ead 11;. that Is Oregon and Wall streeUtfroia Oreenwood to Ohio, and the. four connecting streets. '.' Iji Pino Itoail Improved. j Probably the most Important tin provement done outside of town vas (Continued on page three.) OS'S?' KSK0'ec2jy, c f 5X TscC rzSi i Sk $Jk vJk9ji NtjEy'