PAGK 8. TIIK UMNO IK'MiKTIN', IlKND. OUK., WKDNKSDAY, Arnili 82. 1614. G. SPRINGER TO J. W. FERGUSON f COUNTY JUDGE AFTER RICHARDSON Says Ittn Kcport on County Affair U Prejudiced, Unfair, nnd n Number of Other Things Itatl lllrcil On High llccoiunt o n il n 1 1 o n a! In n somewhat belated communi cation Judge Springer hna snld many unkind "things about the reyort of John Y. Rlahardgpn. of tho Insurance commissioner's oftlco. on county af fairs sent out last month. So far as the Insurance commissioner Is con cornoil ho does not Intend to make nny reply by reason of tho fact that ho feels that no good can come from any controversy between his depart ment and county officials. In ono paragraph of tho Judge's letter he suggests that some of the Bo-called Irregularities noted In Hall's report, which tho judgo dofends, are agreed to bo uch by the county at torney and the assistant attorney. Tho Bulletin has mado an effort to learn Just what thoso "Irrogularltlos" nro but as yot has boon unqblo to do so. Elscwlioto In this paper cortaln questions relating to the matter aro addressed to tho Judgo which If an swered, will throw much light on the letter. Tho letter In full Is as follows: Prlnevllle, Oregon, April 10, 1014. Hon. J. W. Ferguson, Stnto Insurance Commissioner, Salem. Oregon. Doar Sir: I hopo you will pardon my delay In writing to you regardlug errors, mis statements and generally unsatisfac tory work of your representative, Mr. John G. Hlchanlsoa. as evidenc ed In his report, vlx: "Report as to controversy over county affairs as based on a report made by certain accountant employed by the oounty. First misrepresentation. The meeting of tax payers which ho denominates "a certain fraction" Was not a fraction but representatives or every Industry oX political faith, or former affiliations, a mass meeting of about ono hundred who by their delegations and petitions represent ed a total of not less than four hun dred. Second misrepresentation. (See ro port.) ' "The accountants took thcr oils and locked them up." Tho Sheriff, tho abstractors, or any ono elso who had any business with the rolls had access to them at all times and it was only after tho sheriff had entered the YOUR PARTY The lnullcs of tho Presbyterian Church will bo pleased to meet you nt tlio Church Parlors, Friday Kvcnlng, April lil, 11)11, nt H o'clock, This birthday parly Is given to you, TIs something novel, 'tis something now; Wo send to each this little naok, Plonso either sond or bring It back With as many cents as you nro old; Wo promluo tho numbor shall ne'er bo told. Kind friends will bring us good things to oat And Indies will furnish a musical trout, Tho Indies with greetings, fraternal and hearty, Ilcnd, Oregon. Feel suro you will cotno to your own birthday party. M HB room after ofllco hours and tnkon tho rolls, that a night lock was put on tho door. Third. Ho criticises Hall In n way calculated to convoy tho Idcn that nail's statements were generally un true. (Seo roport.) "It was stntod by accountants that some of tho officials wcro transacting the business of their departments Illegally." Is it legal to allow tax rolls to bocomo outlawed ono nftor another? Then why at tempt to excuse an officer who por mlts It. Does not tho law require tho property of dollnquonts after a certain time be sold for taxes. Thon why OX0U8O officials who aro rospon slblo for past noglect In tho mnttor. True, Sir. Ferguson, slnco examin ing tho report of your representative I doubted If I had road the law cor rectly relative to tho duties of your office. Hut from n close re-oxamlua-Hon of tho stntuto I fall to (Uncover anything In cither tho letter or spir it of tho law which Indicates that you aro to ubo liberally of soft soap and whltowash. Thero arc other Irregularities not ed In Mr. Hall's report, which aro re garded ns such, by our county attor ney, In which yourself or Mr. Rich ardson dare not take Issue; thon why In tho name of good government I (which your olUco Is supposed to os jtabllsh) did not your representative Mr. Richardson, commend tho work and report of A, MoK. Hall & Co. whero tho same was unquestionably correct nnd beneficial, notwithstand ing tho fact that he. Mr. Richardson, Is an avowed enemy of Hull's. Tho firm of A. McK. Unit & Co. ALL FOR MEN The Newest Spring Things U 1 T HOE HIRT Hats and Ties - A. L. FRENCH OKKGO.V STRKET, 1IKX1I, OltKGO.V was employed on tho strength of rec ommendation pronounced by tho foremost business men In our county to bo first class, also they nro com mended by some of tho munt reliable firms of Portland, backed up by past officials of tho Rtato nt Illinois, whence they formerly did such ser vice. What concern then Is It to tho taxpayers of Crook county whether Mr, RIohnrdHou ns ho snys, "don't go n dam uit Hull," or otherwise. I, oh Judge of tho county, didn't consider It any part of my business to Inquire If tho applicant was n sweet heart of tho Insuranre office. I simp ly sought one llrm able and willing to do whut this county Is greatly In need of, vis: get rid of the oxtraVK guueos and Irregularities which are responsible for thu high, taxes, iiIho to lino up to some extent fr tho uni form system which your office Is stir, posed to establish. Hut when I llnd as I discover from Itlrhnrdson's re port a disposition to furnish munici pal whitewash to bury the glaring Ir regularities so convincingly portray ed In Hall & Co's. report, I conclude you have olthor selected an Incompe tent representative or your office Is to be of little value ns an Innugurator of better sorvlcu. Yours very trulv, 0. SI'RINGKR. PATHFINDERS FOR SOLDIERS BACK FROM 1000 MILE TRIP Rhodes nnd Cotilo Map Out Route Front Tho Imlle unit I'iikciip Find Vntley Itouds Very Poor J. C. Rhodes nnd Ward II. Culilo returned Monday evening nftor an auto trip of oloso to 1000 miles, iiiudo to Mocuro accurate data In cniiuortloii with tho proposed march of the regi ment of U. 8. Regulars from olthor Tho Dalles or Kugeuo to llond this summer. Tho results of tho trip, according to Mr, Rhodes, wus entirely satisfac tory, Good camping places with wntor worn located nt proper Inter vals, and trniiNportatlon for the regi ment's coiumlHsnry and Imngugo Is readily arranged by railroad, If de sired. A detailed report goes to Ad jutant General Pliiior, Leaving here April I), tho path finders, In Rhodes' Ford ear, reunit ed Tho Dalles on (he lltli. going via Hhnnlko, Miuipln, Tygh Valley and Dufur. Thence they wept to Purl, land by boat, and from Portland (o Kugeiio via Kaleiu. As far east as they could get on tho MoKouile route was McKeuilo HrldgH, whero the ronda nro still Impassible wlih snow. The trip back to Portland from Ku gone was made through Indepen danco and Corvallls, From The Dulles to lleud wiih uoiiolliitml In ono day. "If anyone thinks On n tin I Oregon roads aro bad ho should try the Wil lamette Valley nt this moiihoii," says Mr, Rhodes. "I never saw worse go ing; mud In hub deep. In compari son, our roads nro dreams," FRANK H. GRANT lll'ltl!. Frank H. (Irani, formerly city at loruey of Portlnnd and now a can dtdalo for the Hupuhllonn nomination for attorney general, was In town yesterday In tho Interests of his oiiii dldiioy, Mr. Grant spoke euthunlns tlcally of tho country. Referring to local Irrigation mutters ho snld that while not now sufficiently familiar with local questions lo ntittu wkrtS hla attitude on them would hitJ elected ho was leady to give assur ance that his policy would be not to sit on the Desert l-aml Hoard mid quarrel but to get out Into the coun try and study the situation on the ground. NKW THIAh FOR MrDANIKh. HAMC.M, April 21. -Tho Hupromo Court has handed down n decision re versing (ho decision of the Circuit Court reached at Prliievltlo last May In the case of thu Hints vs. Gnylord McDanUI, then found guilty of mur der In the second degree of his step father. The reversal was based on the erroneous admission of evidence In tho declaration of Fnuiilo Porli, mother of- McDaiiM and wife of the murdered mn. This uecMwdtntes a re-lrll of the rase next Heptember. Y AUTO TRUCKS IN USE Wciinmly Company IIiih New Machine Ami Others ore Coming. Hy the addition of new trucks to the equipment of lines nfntilug out of lleud the matter of freight trans- 'portntlon to Interior points Is In bet ter condition than ever ifore. The longest nuto truck Hue In the coun try operate from here, and with the Increasing settlement of the luerlor. business Is growing at n rapid rat. I The latest company to put s truck in service is the Wenaiuly I.lvery Co. The company's new two ton Mack arrived In town Friday and Iftft nt once with n load of freight for Sil ver Lake. A truck which has seen service hero In the past Is that of W. P. Wray who has a one ton Federal. It was run between Ilend and Hums last summer and Is now on tho road ngnln, Mr. Wray having returned to town with It a short time ago. Iu addition to those aro tho lines oporatod by Furst Urnthors nnd II. O. Ferris while others are understood to be planning tho purchase of still more for tho Interior business. It conquors distance at lowest cost. Think of it thousands of Ford owners are traveling for" leas than two cents a mile. The Ford has given the freedom of the "open road to the man of moderate in come. Ftre humlred dollar Is tho n" of tits !onl runabout; ths touring ear I five fifty; theUn car seven rifty-f. o. l. Detroit, complete wlili equipment. Got catalotr and jxirtloulnn from George II. Hoover, liend. --- ----- fQbB iBku aa fc M. A..AAAA.AA.AA.A.A.A.A.A. A.A. A-A-A-A-AAA-AA4A. A-4-A-A.A-A-A A-A AA .AA A-A-A. .A-A A A-. .A. .AAA. .A.-AA. A A. AAAaAAAAAAAAA a.a a.a m. . a A j. , - fc A A A XXX A BBBSBB m9m9m9m9'wTM BBBS KBBB BntAJSnBIBEJHi BBSBB SiLBBBBBBBBBBBBn BBBB BSSBSSBMBMPBSISBS I if, .i, ----- --- Lumber Complete Stock Dry, Rough and Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage OR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property ?i conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment 111 J:t u I I i 4 Lath and Shingles Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles The Bend Company OFFICE CORNER WALL and OHIO STS. fc---- -AA.AAAA.&AAAAAA..A4.. ........ ,...-..... --...-.-.-. -,ji-I -------,-------- ,,,,. tt -ww-r-r w w w V W T T V WW VV99WWVWWWWVWVV9WW999 T - ............ . . . . ...... .& a........... ". ....... wyirywTyyyyypypppypppp. 4MMIIMMI f,4wm.ww. ,,,,, ! 4 -- -4- ---i r , '"""" . u es :?.; I' ! W, i i! I ;; (