TUB IIEND IIULLHTIN, I1HND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, APML 22, 1DJ4. PAOH t. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from imno 2.) mimiiior. Mr, IUkkh In honrdliiK with tho fnmlly. (loo. llolilin nnd Hooves Wlllcoxnu wvn u ilnnco nt tho fonnor'n plnoo Frldny nvonlmr. Thnito present r liort iui nnjoynhln tlino, II. j. Monro mill sona IIiiIhIiihI put IIiik In forty noma of onla on lh Mo-tirfory-Wurllr.or plnco Inst wook, 1'oIiIih llroH. nlto minded nnotlinr for ty to outM lunt wook, J. A. HIkrh ninilo n trip to I'rlno vlXtn Frldny. MIhh (llodyn nnd Hazed Jmw nccumpiinlnd him lioinn for n fl?W diiyn vIhII with tholr pnrontM, Mrs. Rpvn Coohrnn of Itoilinond rnimt nutyFrlilny to liu present at tint ttniico Inllin evening, roiimlnliiK over until Huniliiy, n Kuost nt tho Will cioxon homo. Mrn, V, O. Muntnrd whm hostess to th n AM Thursday. Resides mem bers of Hint orKniilintlon Mm. Mint tnnl hml nit hor Knouts nnvornl nolKh Ikhs A pleasant tlmn wnn passed, refreshments bnltiK served Imforn tho hour of dopnrturo. Mr. nnd Mm. Coopor nnd fnmlly of Vrlnovllln nutood throiiKh this oo Hon Hunilny inornlnK on tholr wny to llond. MIm I'niillnn Truesrinln nnd MnrKiirrl floynr iicrompnnlod thorn out, NpundltiK tho dny tho former's homo, Mr. nnd Mrn. Itow ItiiMntt worn (llnnor Kiioatn nt the ilrown homo Hat unlay, Mr. nnd Mm. Colllnn, W. HIMns. nnd fnmlly of I'rlnovlllo spent Hun ilny In thin feet Ion nnd no nlso did Mr nnd Mrn. C.'nrnv Foster nnd Mr. nnd Mrn. Frnnk Foster nnd fnmlly. Mr. nnd Mrn. (loo. I In von nnd fam ily wore guests ut n Sunday illnnnr nt tho llnrt Wnlcolt homo, Atimit n doxon Powell Rutin ornok nhnln hold n rnbhlt nhont Httndnr, tniirh nport wnn hnd nnd n goodly number of rnhldtn killed, (!. iMnrKnn nnd Roovos WIHcov on worn illnnnr guests nt tho K. N. Hull homo Sunday, A rnr toad of tnnknitn linn been ro-r-plviMl In llmlmond shinned from n Portland firm nnd tho Powell Hutlo Unite pork producers who planed tho "iI'M for thin feed hnvo been noil Tint to eomn for It, J A. II Ik" wont out on tho desert H"i''ny to ih how hln ter w re Hnin nloK Mo rniorln tho slock m iIoImk nicely. Ilnrry Sneer In dunv settln n n acre orchnrd on hln homostod. Tho trpn rnm from th l.n Pollottn nur rv nnd (luy l I'ollotto In hulpln to set llipm. A flnn hunoh of beef steers from tho 8. H. Monro rnnch of Crook oil r'vnr passed through thin section on Mondny. Thn I'ownll Huttn Horonln In to ho entertained hv tho Hhumln l.ltor nry Cluh of I'rlnovlllo Hniurdnv nf tnrnoon nt which limn Mndnmn Win wrk nnd (Irar will ha hostesses nt thn homo of tho former. Jon Hhosrer nnd Itonn Ilusrntt, ditch rjdes, hnd n hurry up cull to tho ntnvn ptpo Una Hnni. A Jnm of weeds cnunotl tho difficult'. POWELL ni'TTK, April 10. Tho shower of tho pnnt work nrn hrlnc n on thn spring nown Brain splen didly. Tho unununl nmnunt of early warm weather thin spring hnn brought up tho voltintoor crop of potatoo nl rendr. (Urdnnn nro woll tip now, lnttuon, rndlnhtM, pnn. tHruliw, ote., with the worm tender ykUWwi to eowa on h little Inter. Our Ipeel numerymnn, Ouy Ln Toilette delivered n InrKe minnlxn tnent of fruit treen nnd hunhen nt the 1'owell llutln tnt oflleo Innt Krl day. Thoy wore for K. I. Johnnon, Jnenh Ilurkhnrdt, A. I). Morrill and other. Thoro woro a thounnnd treen dollvercd. V. It. Kront, who hnn hoon fjulto rick, In nhlo to ho nhout ngnln. Mr. and Mrn, Frank I'ontor nnd fnmlly nnd Mr, and Mm. Cnroy Fos ter nnd fnmlly from I'rlnovlllo npnnt Hundny with Mr, nnd Mm. Wnltor Foitor. I.nnt week Mr. nnd Mrn. Fontor. Mr. nnd Mm. Hoy Woolov, Minn Kin nell nnd Itonn Davln wont up to tho Ice onvo. Word comon to uh todny that Olnrk Moma hnd n norloun runaway lunt week, on hornohnok, runntnR Into Molvln Fontor'n luiRKy nnd badly nmanhliiR tt. IiAIIIiaW. 111' Qonnlnl in Ttin ' fHnnnlnt In Thn TIllllnHnl Iwll)lW, April 20. Mm. II. AiiHtln, who hnn tinon vlnltlnff tho Noreott nnd FllckliiKor fnmlllon tho jmiit weak, hnn returned to hor homo In Wntorloo, lown. Loin Mnrlon, who wnn sorlnuily out on n wlro fonco, U iiRnln nhlo to nttond uohool, A numhor of Laldlnw fnmlllon wont out on picnic oxcumloiiH Hun ilny, hut tho wind tnudu tho dny rather unplunmint. Uvoryono Is plnnnlitR on a good tlinu nt tho "(lood llondH" plcnlo noxt Hnturdny. All tho inuu nro to do tholr part In road work nnd tho In illon nro to norvo u lino dinner nour tho Hwnllay Ditch. Tho l.nldlaw Sunday nohool linn pnld all tholr monthly InHtnllmontn tin tholr plnno to October, Tho IMn no Cluh fool thoy can tnko a llttlo vncatlon now. Fred Wallace Jr., In again nhlo to lio out nftar ImvliiK tho munBloH. Mntitor Wobator Itonn has hoon on POLK'Si OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory Directory of ch City, Town nnd Village, llvlnc dorlpllva kloh of eacli place, locatloh, population, tele graph, ihlppln anj banking point I alio ClaulAed Directory, oompllod by builnbe and proteitlon. A Paint Your Own A Carriage you can do it yourself and at little expense. It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate colors. ACME QUALITY . ' CARRIAGE PAINT (Neal's) is made especially to give to buggies, carriages and vehicles of all kinds, a tough,, durable, glossy finish that will look well and wear well. An ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furni- MflnTs ture, garaen roois ana an sunaces that must withstand exposure and hard usage. Ready to brush on and the label tells how. Bend Hardware Company mrzrrm 'm m i y f rH inrnn'i it 1 11 IMmMMi tho nick lint tho pant week. Tho ilnnco, given by tho Tannic Cluh Hnturdny night, wan woll at tended, and a ryial mini wnn cleared. Mm, Putnam of llond, Knve n I ca non In "Tango" nt tho hnll Thum dny evening. AIhiiiI fourteen couplon took ndvnntngo of the opportunity to lonrn tho now ntopn. Prof. Fellown In doing excellent work with hln mimical clann, and In plnnntnu n recital, I.A PINK. (Special to Tho llulletln) 1 PINK, April 0. Mr. nnd Mm. Floyd Llpplneott mnvml to the Tay lor place, wh'eh (hey hnve routed fur the noanon, lent week. Mr. Mnngitn Merrill, who bought the barber nhop from Krnent Hvann. wan called bnck to Onnkln, Mlnne nota, Innt Sunday on account of tho norloun lllnenn or hln wlfo. Tho play "My Frlond from India" given lait 8nturday night by the en tertainment committee of the Com mercial Club wan woll attondod. Thoao taking part woro Mondnmen Arnold, Hldgloy, Heynoldn, Fordham, Minn Nlmn, Monnm. Cnrmlohnol, Ar nold, Itcdmond, Aya, Hoynoliln. Ho vln nnd Wlno. Munlc wnn furnlnhod by a ladles orchentrn connUtlug or Mendamen Arnold, atovonnon nnd Chrlntonnon, Mrn. Frank lloguo, Jr., was cnllod wwwwmwwmmuuut J. M. JUDD DRAY LINE All Hindi of Light ntul Heavy ltnulluir, Quick Dellverled of TriiiiUn, Kxprtn, ICtc, C3r ilciin FertllUeil, Plowed nnd Leveled. Sntlnfnctlon Ounr untccd. Price Iteanonnblo Telephone homo yesterday on account of tho lll nenn of hor mother. Mr. lloguo ac companied her an far as Ilend. George draft wan In town from Crano Prairie yenterday. Fred l.n I'ollotto or Crenccnt In renewing old acquaintances around town thin week. Minn Dorothy Anderson and Mlsn Alice I.und woro down from Crescent to nttond tho show Saturday night. ItlUIi KSTATH TKANSFKHH. (Iakiied by the Crtxik County Al- ntrnctCimpuiiy.) U. 8. to Mnrgnrct K. Illnklo patent It J, 8V4 NW, NW 8W, 1-1S-JB. W. I. Illnkle to Mnrgarot K. Do lore 16-17-16, ISSOO. Ilend Park Co. to 8. P. I.ov cont. It. C. blk. 118, lnt Add Ilend Park $160. Ilend Park Co. to Hattlo II. Hlllott It. 2, blk. S3, Ilend Park $200. Kenwood Promotion Co. to John It. Kantrldgo, Its. 1, 2, blk. 7, Ken wood, Lawn inowern, gnrdon hono, grass need. Skuno Ilnrdwnre Company, ndv When run down with kldnoy trouble, backncho, rheumatism or hlnddor weakness, turn ojilokly for help to Foley Kldnoy Pllln. You rnnr.t't take them Into your system without having good results. Chas. N Fox., Iiimrod. N. Y., nnya: "Fa I. oy Kldnoy Pills hnvo done mo more good than 1160.00 worth or modi- HOltSKH AND COWS HATii: foh i THIS PAPER nEPRESCNfED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE miia GENERAL OFriCCfl NEW YORK AND CHICAGO DRANCIIES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIE3 B Uty'lSteJttrenotMniKibaeBt m tWaiuln ourltlonltryenj & f trial noundt, llwv ei. ipwUU V D aJpleiJlatSefVJIKonKwfttDj gf jFW ue Ime la mme. Qui vtlutlU eel. MjJ BW Tt. Chae. H. Ulty Co., S.attla ff Vienna Cafe REOPEN We are now located In the Onvlll Uullillnjt next to tho P.llto Studio, Oood meals served, Uread and all kinds of pantry for sale. ....ROOMS AND DOARD.... MACHINE SHOP We are equipped to do anything In the machine line, having Installed new machinery wl.th which wecanliandto any kind of Job. Automobile Repair I UK n specially Doyarmond Machine (Si Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave., Ilend, Ore. clno." Thoy giro good results. Pat terson Drug Co. Adv. NOTICK OF COXTKST. Department or the Interior, United States Land Office. Tho Dalles, Oregon. April 10, 1914. To Alfred Howard or llond, Oregon, Contcntce: You nro horoby notified that Sam CLOVERLEAF i MILK and CREAM AUK PL'IXK PllONi: YOUIt OHDKItS O. C. CARDWELL Knrmcra Phono No. 1. itVV I ALTAMONT HOTEL 5 Moderate Prices 5 i Modem Itoomn S i Attmctlvo KurrotuidliiRS i Steam Hent, Hot nnd Cold Uuter With ltuth Prlvllegea 5 t llrcnkfnata Scn'ctl 2 i Minn A. 1. Hpnldlnt;. Proprietor i 5 I1KX1), OltKGOX 5 Is It Done Right? If It ta, let welt enough alona. Out un ites It te up to th mark In .very detail come and ee us. UONV PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. Put Your Duds In Our Suds" Monitor, who given 220 Front Btroot, Portland, Oregon, as his pont-ofllce nddresn, did on January 20, 1014, file In thin office hln duly corroborat ed nppllcatlon to content and nccuro tho cancellation of your homoHtoad Knlry No., Herlal No, 097D9, made Doccmbor IS, 1011, for HV4 flection 8, Township 20, 8., Hnngo 15, K Willamette Morldlan, and nn groundn for hln content ho Alleges that nald entrymnn hnn never cultivated said land or any part thereof and ho has entirely failed to Improve said tract than to conntruct nn unlnhabltnblo nhaok; that ho hnn abandoned and deserted nnld land for more than one yonr lant past. You nre, therefore, further noti fied that tho tald allegation will be taken an confanned, and your entry will bo cancelled without further right to ho heard, either before thin office or on nppeal, if you fall to file In thin offlao within twonty days nfter the FOURTH publication or this no tice, as nhown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to theno allegations of content, to gether with duo proof that you havo nerved a copy of your answer on the said contestant either In person or by roglnterod mall. You should Mtato In your annwer tho name of the pontofllca to which you dcnlro futuro notices to bo sent to you. II. FKANK WOODCOCK, Heglntcr. Dato of flrnt publication April 16, 1011. Dato of second publication April 22. 1914. Onto of third publication April 29, 1914. Date of fourth publication May C, 1914. NOTICK FOlt PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Orflce at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 24. 1914. Notice In hereby given that Henry Starrn, of Uend, Oregon, who on March 11, 1911, made homcatead entry No. 08309. for 8V4 NW. and KVi 8V,, Section 32, Township 18 South, Itango 13 East, Willamette Meridian, lira (lied notice of inten tion to make final three year proof, to establish claim to tho lands above dcsorlbed hoforo II. C. Bills. U. S. Commissioner, at Dend, Oregon, on the 9th day or May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Ralp A. Dunn, Jacob F. Thomas, Flotchor Edwards, John Ehley, nil of llond, Oregon. W. KIIANIC WOODCOCK, -8p. Roglstor. Why It Htilt Particular J'eonlo. Foley's Hcnoy and Tar Compound la rirnrmif nnrt nffaflfvA fnn Mitinlm coidn, croup, hoarnoncss, bronchial cougnn, and throat troubles, Thomas vorron, iiancocK, Mien., writes: "Foley's Honoy and Tar quickly re lieves tickling Uiroat nnd ntopn tho COUffh with nn lind ntlKr nttnrt Tt contains no opiates and Is pure. That's why It suits particular pooplo. raiicrson j;rug uo. auv. NOTICK FOH PUI1LIOATTON. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Orogoa. March 27, 1914. Notice is horoby given that John A. Hazuka, or Ilend, Oregon, who on November 28th, 1910, made homo stead entry No. 07751, for 8KU, 8J4 BWVi, NBK8WK and 8F1 NW, Section 30, Township 19 South IUngo 15 K(, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year p. oof to establish claim to the land above described, before II. C. Bllln, U. 8. Comminnloner, at llend, Oregon, on tho 12th day of May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank J. Elkstad Fulton HaBnor, Arthur Proctor, nil of Dend, Orogoa, Gcorgo Mllllcan, of Mlllloan. W. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-8c IlegUter. NOTICK FOR PITHLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 24, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Wil liam J. McConnell of Dend, Orogon, who on May 3, 1910, made home stead entry No. 06C73, for 8 8W Section 34, 19 South, Rango 16 E., and NW and Wtt NE, Section 3, Township 20 South, Rauge 16 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed no tico of intention to mako final th roc year proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Ilend, Oregon, on tho 9th day of May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas Gray, Orlea O. King, John F. Wolff, Alwyn F. Leo, all of Dond, Oregon. W. FRANK WOODCOCK. 4-8.c Register. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It in a fireproof hnlldlng It Is thoroughly modern It Is comfortable, commodious, clean ROOMS FROM OO CENTS UP MEALS FROM 2.1 CENTS Ur The wants of all are satisfied well at THE WHIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT H0TEL ? CENTRAL OREGON'S Leading INSURANCE Agency FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS, AUTOMO 11ILE, SURETY ROND3. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY ) Lots $150 to $350 HEIQHTS( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) $3 -Monthly J a rji CTCd Oflleo on Oregon Street . A. CA3 I CnJ REND, -t OREGON - - Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL Oood Rooms Free bus to and from trains HUGH O'KANE, MANAQIR BEND, OREGON Qeod Meats All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and east of here Pilot Butte Hotel ! T" J. P. TAUO.ART, Proprietor. Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatment Reasonable Rates, Free Auto Service to Trains. Dining Room Service the Best In Uend. Headquarters for auto lines to all . points south and southeast. . )f)f)f4)f)fif)f)f)ff45fff)fffff4Jf)fffvf)4f It. I. TOIJC A CO., BKATTM3 ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad will cost you.