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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1914)
TAan: THR KRND BVIiT.KTlN, HKNI), ORK., WKDNK8PAY, APML M, 1914. S E PRACTICAL RANCHER'S ADVICE QOOD A. O. Wnlker Itellevea. Well CVirwl (or FlockN of Sheep Will ItcuolK Pro- ertj" nml rocket I looks of Crook County Farmers Very Much Br A. 0. WALKER. (Written for The Bulletin.) A number of years experience nnd obserrntlon in this locality hnvo led mo to bollevo that raising hay tor market, dairying, hoc raining nnd beef growing nro not sufficient Indus, tries for tho irrigated section of Crook county. According to tho Investigations carried on by Professor Scuddor. ag ronomist at the Oregon Agricultural College, tho farmer who sells his hay gets for It about two thirds tho ac tual vnluo of the fertility elements that It contains. Tho hav oid'nnrlly brings In tho marketing ssrn about JS.00 par ton In the stack, while the nitrogen, phosphates and potash It contains at present market prices Is worth abo t $12.00. It Is thus seen that selling hy. from the standpoint of fertility. Is ruinous to the farm. In raising beef tho small 'armor is confronted with tho serious prob lem of summer rango. Dairying Is very confining and for this reason is not satisfactory to many. On tho alfalfa farm wo can grow hogs In abundance to from 100 to 125 pounds then tho matter of finishing up with expenslvo feed be gins nnd it Is disheartening to sco how the profits melt nwny. Experience, observation and study have led mo to bollevo that the mut ton Industry stands ready to fill a long felt need on the small farm in Crook county. A flock of sheep, when Judiciously managed, usually proves tho most profitable varloty of live-stock. For tho pound of gain In live weight, good sheep are the most eco nomic feeders that can be found among farm animals. When a breeding flock Is main tained tho nnnual yield of wool will pay the maintenance oxponses of the sheep, whlls tho Increased weight of the animal and the Increaso in the size of the flock may be reckoned as clear profit. Under proper caro a mature flock of ewes can readily be depended upon to Increase 100 per cent. While some lambs will be lost under the best of attention the twins and triplets that will come will fully mnko up for all losses. Tbls is counting on a single lambing nnd I am fully convinced that with our open winters a flock of ewes can, with proper feed and sheds, be lambol twice, a vear. In addition to sheep being great wage earners, they are valuable as weed destroyers and waste utilizers; they are also unrivaled In their abil ity to build up the productiveness of tho soil by their uniform distribution of their droppings which constitute the richest variety of manure. Farms Better Than Ilnnges. Growing sheep on tho farm has many advantages over the range flocks. The range flocks, because of the necessity of lambing out of doors. cannot with safety be lambed until In April wh'Io the farm flock under the sheds can he lambed In January or the first of February. Tbeso two or three additional months for growth prior to tho fall marketing can readily be seen to be a groat ad vantage. The range flocks wait until the close of the grazing reason to be shipped to market, which puts largo numbers of sheen on tho market at the same tlmo and of necessity affects the prices. Tho small owner who keeps his shcop on the farm can mar ket before the rush begins and at a price when buyers are on the market looking for his products, and willing to nay woil for them. In the matter of wool the farm raised flock will both in quality and nuantltr rank far above the range flock which leaves a trail of wool on tho brush from the time they loavn for the mountains in tho spring until they return In the fall. Number of Sheep on Farm. As to the number of sheep that may be kept on the farm I believe it conservative to say that an acre of alfalfa pasture will keep from ton to fifteen sheep during the growing season and after the last hay cron Is cut In the fall the meadows will fur nish on abundance of pasture until near the first of tho year. Tho question, as to the kind of sheep to raise, Is a very Important one. For the small farm, above all things the sheep kept should bo of one of the larger or mutton types, but the man engsgod In the business must select the breed that is popu lar In his locality and state. Under our western conditions tho Shrop shire breed leads In general popular ity. Males of this breed weigh around 225 pounds while- the ewes will range between 1G0 and 100 pounds. As regards mutton quail- tle. tho Shropshire Is said to rank well at the lead, while tho early ma turing qualities of the breed are un surpassed among the mutton breed ers. A flock of well-kept Shrops will average from 10 to 12 pounds of wool to the clip and their wool Is superior to that of many of the mut ton types. Pure bred rams are In great de mand here In the west and are be ing shipped In from other states, yet they could be raised right here with great success and the small farmers had Just os well as the eastern men be reaping somo of theso fancy prices. The western farmer would have the ....... ..... - Ilia .to fvalirtit I. Ill that Is added to the price of tho eastern SHEEP 1 M Ml alaaHBn4W 9NLV.H A. O. WAI.KKIt. grower. Our product would bo ac climated which would also bo great ly In Its fnvor. Plan Suggested. For tho farmer who Is laoxperlonc ed In sheep growing tho host plan perhaps would be to begin with n small flock of tho best grado owes ob tainable, and with n full blooded buck. Study tho Industry and grow with tho flock which If well handled will Increaso rapidly. Thon as ono acquires knowlodgo, oxperlenco nnd confidence In himself he can expand tho scope and quality of his business. Some have beon afraid of coyotes ravaging tho unherded flock. It has been my observation that ooyotes are afraid of woven wlro, and since fono- Ing my placo In this way I hnvo never seen n coyotes track in any or my Holds. Growing alfalfa Is dnngorous pas ture for cows, but I hnvo seen many Iambs on alfalfa pasture from tho time they could begin to nibble tho leaves until they wore matured nnu I have never known one to die from alfalfa bloat. When wo as farmors really got down to tho facts, figures nnd funda mentals ns to what a flock of sheep will do for our farms and our pocket books, I bellovo that we will almost unanimously favor those golden hoof od money makers. BIG SCOOP GIVEN EDITOR EARLY SHY MORNING Before Daylight Phono Mouuige Brine New of Great Importance From tho Brick Yard A Boy. It was about four o'clock Sunday morning. Tho telephone at tho Edi tor's houso rang, and thon rang again. Now, even editors don't usu ally get up qulto that early, and It took considerable ringing to rouse him. When ho did Jump out of bed Into what seemed a bclow-zcro atmos phere hit his shin on a chair and caught the edge of tho door between i U his eyes, ho was qutto suro it must bo n flro. "Hollo what tho hollo do you want at this hour," ho spoko Into tho receiver. "i'vo got n big scoop for you," 'n faint votco enmo over tho wires. "Vory Important) Want tho Bulle tin to hnvo It llrst.'' Then tho Editor expected nothing short of luurdur; ho linntlly cnlculnt oil that It would bo too Into for tho Portland morning pnpors. "This is a. H. Horn nt tho brick yard" tho Editor hold his brouth (his bnro shins wore getting vory cold "Big excitement n boy baby has just boon born!" And tho re ceiver nt tho other end wan hung up boforo cither cusses or congratula tions could bo sent. IIOMK STUDIO. Mra Ashley Forrest will tnko n limited number of pupils In piano and volco. Homo Studio. C9p RTNoratn OP TUB ANNUAL. MBNT OF TUN BTATH. Kansas City Life Insurance Company or City, In th Plata nt MlmouH. on tha Jt.t day of Daeombar, IBIS. mJ la tho Inauronca Commllinr u( (ha But uf Oragon. puriuant to lw: CuHlnl. Amount nt capital .lock iwld up 100,000.00 tnroma. Total premium Intern , I.flJ.TTIM Intaraai, ittvldwHl. and mttara. . eaWail uuriui ih ytr 93.10 0 Jnauma fim othar aeurera raaalxaj ilurlni tha fr.... Total Interna .1 2,IKUiTo.M DLbunainrnta. rM for t. eMdawmaaita, hnuIIIm kihI Mirro4r tl- tioa , Diwoan.w Mht In poMoy halt). r ) tho ymr IMtltlOBd utia oh capital Mock UoMbc tno your OlMbtlMlPH om mIniIm tkl during In ymr Toa. Ilw nml fo pU U urine the jraor AmvUHt at all elhar oiiwnill. Iium . . t Marilml vtamlntra' low ami laiMn 1U.MIO.S4 itt.m.i; ooa, .; 1 IT.CMS.O SS.UU.A Total pfH!ltur $ l.t.4a.o AmtIo. Mnrkot raluo of Meka and twHHls urntl ....$ Iwim on morlsasr ami rol tataral, ! rromlum Hotva anil poHay loan '. Cain In hawk ami oti nml... Nt unoeOootMi ami iMwrfd 3.$7S.J-. JMlllStlJH. 1M.SHM 4M4tJO nronttuma Olh.r l (Hot).... Total awati tajHI.JtW.4T Total iimU admltlrd In Ortron f 3.UU.tMJ1 Llablllllro. N.t rowrvo S.ITS.MT.SA Total poHm- rtalm uUl Ss.flt.iM All ethor UaMIIUoa t. ll.faijM Unanlcnod Hirrl Jtt,TSJM Total UaMHIlo rlotwHra of capital tok of f MII.IMJI Total Intuntmo In foroo Da- camaar 31. IBI3 fl.4t.SJM lliulnroa In Omon for Ilia tror. Total rk wrlttan Unrto tho aar urn- wamluaui raarttaU r- Ins tl yaar Pramiuma raturnJ during tha . yaar . :.. lAMaaa llil UurlHC In yaar l4ae ln.urrxl tluilng tha yaar Total a nuunt of rlk vutatand- lSo.oe9.VO lk,3SJS lStJU l.tMW.HO ItfWJ.OO In In Urasan UaaamWar SI. 11.13 ... .1 tO0,13S.O0 K.1.VSA.S CITV I. UK lhl'IL.VCi: CUM- rAi. II- rRL'D W KLKH1.VO. BMratary. Rtftutorr g-anaral agrnt anj attornay for Br'tm 1 V. luwllnil. (in. At JM.d Yaoa JIMf , TortUntl. Ur. ctric atsor We have Two More Incu bators Coming. The Eas iest, Cheapest, Mo3t Scien tific Way to Hatch Chicks 60 Egg Size $14.00 100 Egg Size $18.00 Bend Water Light (2 Power, ,o. CLYDE M'KHY IS BUCK 8lv Weeks In Mlddlo West Mnkcs Centrnl Oregon Look Good. Clyde McKay returned Momlny morning nttar n six week's nhsonco In tho vast. Ills wlfo and family nro remaining nt Davenport, town, for several mouths. During his trip Mr. McKny was lit Davenport, St. Paul tuul In Ohio. "Cwntral Oregon Is nluuit ns live ly nml prospmmiN ns nny roulon 1 struck," said Mr. McKay. Whlls tin nblo to glvo any definite Information ho sntd ho believed llinilior milling wns far nearer for Henri than over before Chlldi en's Diseases Very Prevalent, Whooping cough Is nbout every where Monslcs nml scarlet fever nt most as bad. Usa Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound for Inflamed throats nnd coughing. Mrs, I, C. llostlor, Grand Island, Ncbr., says! "My three children had sovoro nttnckn of whooping cough nnd n vory fow dosns of Foley's Honey nnd Tnr gnvo gront rollof." Patterson Drug Co. Adv. NOTICE OF CONTKHT. Doparlmont of tho Interior.. Pnltod .States I.nnd Ofllco, Tho Dalles, Ore gon. April t, iiti-i. To Kllen M. Itoyls, of Siimtior, Wash ington, Contcstco: . You nro hereby notified that Stan Isy Anderson who gives c-o Wnltor Taylor, (lend, Oretton. as his pot f flco address, did on -March 3, 11UI, tile In this oflloo his duly corroborat ed uppllcatlon to contnt and securo tho cancellation of your homestead entrv No. , Serlsl No. 0G2DS. mado March J3, 1010, for WV4 8etloii 3, Towjishlp 10 S ItnngH 18, K., WH lamette Meridian, nnd as grounds for his contest ho nltofios that snld Kllen M. Boyle has failed to establish her residence on said tract: that slit has failed to cultivate said tract or any part thereof: that said ontry wotnnn has abandoned said tract for more than six months Inst imst. You are, therefore, further not! lied that tho snld allegations will be taken ns confessed, nnd your said en try will bo cancelled without further right to be heard, either boforu this office or on nppeal. If ou fall to file n this ofllce within twonty davs uf tor tha FOUHTH publication of this notice, as siiown iiclow, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these allegations of eontott. together with due pro f that you have served a copy of your answer on tho said contestant either In person or by reg istered mall. You should stato in your answer the name of the post ofllce to which I you desire future notices to bo sent iu you. i II. KItANK WOODCOCK, Ucglstor. Date of first publication April 22. ' 191. Dato of second publication April 27. 19H. Dato of third publication May C. 1DH. Dato of fourth publication May 13, ion. ra ' - Poultry supplies nnd seeds. Hardware Company, Adv, Skusa Hellnblc Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound, Just bo suro that you buy Foloy'a Honey nml Tar Compound It Is it reliable moilloliio (or coughn, colds, croup, whooping coughs, bronchial mil lit grlppo coughs, which nro weak ening to tho Hystoui. It nluo glvoit prompt and "dollnlto results for hmtrsoiicM, tlrlclliig throat mid utiirfy wheoxy brunthlng, Patterson Drun Co. Adv. NOTICK'OF COXTHHT. Deportment of tho Interior, United HtntcH Land Olllro, Tho Dnllos, 0u goii, April -1, 1UU. To Jon Wock of 1HM4 Pino street, HH)knne, Wash., aontosloa: You nro hereby notified that Eu gono Hall, who glvos P. O, Box 147, Bond, Oregon, as his post-ofllco ad dress, did on February 10, 1014, file In this ofllcu his duly corroborated nppllcntlun to contest and socuro thu cancellation of your homestead, entry No. , Serial No. 08433, mado March 23, 1011, for NMi Ken. 13, Township 20, H., Ilnngo 18 H. Willamette Mer idian, and as grounds for his contest tin alleges tlmt Jon Wock has fnllsd ta ostubllsh his rimldndcu on snld tract; that ho has failed to cultivate said tract or .any part thereof; that said eiitrymnn has ulmndoned snld trnot for uiiwards of six months Inst pnsl and tlirt such fslluro was nut duo to his employment In (ho nrmv, tllil'l' nr lilurllut it.irtui .if Hi.. 1'nll.tjl Statwi In tlmt of war or others Iso You aro, therefore, further noti fied that tho said allegations will bn taken by tills olllcu ns having been confesKod by you, and your snld entry will bo canceled thereunder without your further right to lie hoard there in, either Iwforo this ofllco or on ap peal, If you fall to fllo In this office within twenty days after tho l-'OUUTH publication of this notice, ns shown below, your nnswor, under oath, specifically meeting nnd re sponding to theso allegations of con . A. k - n Building LUMBER, Sr ft TV "Nip CMThj m The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon, i,44444444444444m444tmmm4 Wenandy Livery & Auto Co. NEW AUTO Will be put on between Bend BEND-LA FINK $2.G0 IiIdNU.FKP.MONT 34.00 BEND'PORT BOOK $4.60 BEND-SILVrlU LAKE,. $5.00 Reasonable Rates will bo charged on nil Express nnd BnjrKnjje. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET oLoMM test, or If you fall within that tlmo to fllo In this ofllco duo proof Uint you hnvo nerved n copy of your nnswor on tho Mild contestant either In portion or by registered mull. If thin snrvlco In iniidn by tho delivery of n copy of your aiiHwerto (ho roulonliiiit In person, proof of mHi survlco must bo either tho snld content nut's written iicknowiodgmuiit of hl rectdpt of tho copy, showing thu ditto of Its receipt, or tho aflldavlt of tho person by whom tho delivery wmi Hindu Hinting when nml whuio tho topy was delivered; if mado by renin. liirud mall, proof of such semen must conslHt of tho altldnvlt of thu" person by whom thu copy wns mailed iitntlng when nnd tho posloltlco to which It was mailed, and this aflldnvlt infjst bo accompanied by tho poatumstLyii rucolpt for tho lottor. You should stato in your nnswor tho nnmo of tho pnstolllco to which you dcHlro further notices to bo sunt to you, II. FlfANIC WOODCOCK. Heritor. Dnto of first publication April 8, 1014. Date of second publication April If., 1014. Data of third publication April 22, 1014. Dato of fourth publication 20, 1014, April oven oo YCAfin' cxpenicNcc TllAOC Mshko DCSIQHS CorvniQiirs Ac AnfonoianiUna aatalihar J dMfiinli. n r f (inlinir a vri tui i .r 1 1 i n laa nlme a i i...o aitirllr i n.ia .rUI. HAMOi)00 mi I - - la ,!. Iiaa. iMt ar r t JT """ W ' I'aiitiiia laian I r luarli llumi A Cu. la tltl riv'ulnafkr, aillliiHilUara,lutLa Sclctiiiffc HnicrlcnUs A hanittOKialf lllndralM oaatlr. J rtiiNil,Hi i.f any ariaoiiai. I .in . im laari for iwMilla,t. Bvt4tJlra rt.t Mr. ' In P.n Ji4 DaiSir. Wnw VnrLf. waiivaiafk. Ilfantli UIDco, S&tntL, Watblution, ll.c. For Tennis or the Tango THE NEW CORSET Adapted to Any Form Sather i ' - Material SHINGLES J ff , ' TRUCKS and Silver Lake April 1, !r$SJK sjMHlt,iTr gjoS 'Mjf? I I otoMMaoosWS 1 )