TIIK KVn nULLKTlN, lUg'tfP, PKK.t WEDNESDAY, MAY 83, U4. AO 8. .JL t t J i I U GOINO FISHING? ) H ll Ymi don't no ntlrn, nnd ymi can't I Wll ntlurii Hi Inko any chances on ft, lUl In (liollltrn Camlna good a ynii ' Mr llyf have llin vary Jlimnt iiiIui.hI, 11 Ml A and lit n rnnwiTmliln iifirn ma . I PATTERSON DRUG CO. . LOCAL NEWS ITEMS IS. IS. Varro of Prettier wn In town yotrdny. I'rml Wallace uf (.aldlaw whn In Iwh mi Monday. J. C. MeKochan U In from hi liomtmtead nl Rink. 1. II. lolr want t Prlnvllla on hoaliuwa yotttordity. Allen MeDougal of Portland Ik via IIInk Clyde MeKny. O. ,M, Pnttcraon went to I'ortlnmJ an buMiiMM Monday. ' C. It. I'uwnliiott wm In twwn (mm kMetera on Thursday. There will m n Hiiixwrlptlon Club dance on Knturday night. Mrn. PowctNin has ln out on lir mother' ranch Tor n wtwk I 'mi I V. Hodges of th. f H (I H Him Mulshed hi work on the upper river mid left xeaterdav for Mwr R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY Looks - - Quality Finish MY XKW LINK OK LIHKAHY TAHLKH IS TIIK IIHHT KVKIl KIIOW.V IN HK.NI, ITLL Ql'AllTKKKI) OAK, HANDSOMKLY FINISHKD IN DILL UOLDKN. GO-CARTS AND CARRIAGES FULL LINK OK Till: CKLKIIHATKD "IIKYWOOD," TIIICY AUK CMKSY AND KTYMH1I, MAHK OK TIIK IIKHT MATKUIAI.S HAVK AUTO AND KOUIt HOW 1IOOHH. CAhU AND HKK TIIKM. NO THOUHLK TO HIIOW YOU WIIKTIIKIt YOU 1IUY Oil NOT. I E THOMPSON Bend, Oregon HHINO IN YOUll WOHN OUT I1UGGY WIlKKIil FOH HK-TllUNG. K. M. Lara was lii Portland on liualnmui Monday hiiiI Tuesday. I. L. Owen of Milllran wan regla trl at (Iih Wright on Sunday. County Aaaeaaor II. A. Coaler was liHrw tint latter iHrt of Inxt wwok. J, I). Davidson Id building n nmnll addition on the roar of hla houiw. T. IC. J. Duffy or I'rluitvlllft wan In town on Hunday, a guest nt tho Iletid, Stanley Gray was In town from Paisley Friday n gHoat nt tho Wright. II. It. lllloy waa In town from La I'liut on Sunday, a guest nt tliu Pilot Hutte. Mrs. Joseph HtwInhmiMtr of Im perial wnn rHgtat.red nt the Wright on Friday. C. K. Wise Bllil J. I. IKikiih of I.a l'ln were gueata nt th I'llot Mutt) on MoniUy. Jnv NdholR rnniH up from 1-sldlnw Momln to make flmil proof on hla homestead Puritan Undermuslins Puritan Undermuslins arc not only dainty, well made, good wearing garments, but they arc always produced in the latest styles. The "slashed" underskirt, found in the line this season, shows how closely Puritan Undermuslins keep pace with the styles in women's outer apparel. There is a Puritan hanger on every Puritan garment. There will bo nonrlcm nt the Cath olic church thlH Hundny. l-oii Ih ItoilHOth wont to Ln I'lno on Momlity to do hoiiio work on IiIh hoiiioiitiind. Mm. J. I'. Arnold of Monroe, ()r koii, wnn In town with hur mm early In tlio wnuk. Mm, V. T, I'nrker linn lieoowio muiiilior of tliH llund OJma Club, lug- ItlK llmt HnprHIIH. t Mr. mid Mm. It. It. JtlchnrdH of Alfnlfu wi-r rgliil(irol nt tliH Pilot Hut in on Friday. Tlio I oral latll tmti nltyml nt La I'Iiki on Hnturdny nnd whm dnfmiUd by h Brore of to 7. Mm. C. 10. Htmat nnd Mm. .1. II. Curl of La Plot wore nurtured nt tliu Ilend on Monday. Mm. H. A. llomlilmrHor In nellliiK Imr houmdiold kioi1h nnd atoek by unction on HHlttrduy, Juno 2. Mr. nnd Mm. 0. It, Htiiidnton are now kf'HpltiK liouoo In Iho Han Mntir Ico iipiirtincntH In Han l'rnucloo. On Tliumday Mm, Putnnin and Mlit Oravr-n had h (lonclnt; cIhm of 'l pupllH In tlit n hw hall nl I.Hldlaw. Mm. II. IC Alln Kave n moat d IlKhiful "tatiHo ton" on the 10th In honor of thu (lould'n flrat Btmlver anry. Dcaplto tliti wlutrr wind Knnday, n irt of Hnl paofl who wont th dfiv nt 'Iho Tula, bml nilndld luck tUhliiK, Thn llftiid Wtttftr Light A Pow.r Co. N now (wctipvlna lt nw onVa nt ihH eornw of Wall nnd Ohio atreta. C, L. KohoIk of Tacoma wna in town Uat wMk looklnw nftwr hi rnnrh iirotiHrty on ln C. 0. I. Co. HoKroKHtlon. The HiliK!tml Onlld will rnnot nt Mm. IMitRHMii tomorrow. TIih n nunl (diM.'tliiH of olIICHm will m hold. All are Inrltod. Mm, II, H, Hull, who tHnt thro montha In I .a AnnHna, returuoil Hun dny inornlnK to the Iioiiih of her ilau Khtor, Mm. C, 8. lludaon. Mr. and Mm. Itolnii Loverlnic nnd tholr Infant iwn Brrlted In town on Mondny for nn indefinite vlalt with Mr. nnd Mm. J. W. Dlmlck. Mian Loin Meltan returncil Sun dny nlcht from Monttlo whor she haa Hiwtnt the winter. Slio will reauine her iKHtltlan In Dr. Cotj'a ofllce. IC. It. Kill, formerly nocrolary of tliH La Pln Commercial Club, hn taken a (Hialtlnn na aecretnrr of The Dallea Hualneea Men'a Aaeoclatlon. Inatoad of th ruatomarv rehearoal I'rldav Hftornoon the Kvnd (llee Club will have n M-lal practice and p per party today at Mm. Putnam', William llanltr of Hur ns, jmitwd throuKh Hend HniMay. Mr. llanley. aa a candldnte of the ProKroMlve party for U. 8. Senator, U camnalfsn Ink. Mm. 11. J. Orortwrf and "Jnalor" left yiwtordav mornlap for Hood lllver whore they will vlalt her alo tr, Inter koIok to Portland and the hoacli. A boneflt ihow for. the IWmiiI boy'a linll team la to be Riven at tho Dream Tlmntre on Tliumday nlnht. There will be nlnnlng by boya and ulrln and n niovliiK picture (iroRrnm. Htreot Cominlinloiior Tom Mur phy ay moro than SO londa of rofuae hnvo been eared for in tno city cionn up work. A hay rick wns used, which hnndlwl about three ordinary loadn. J. J. Illxlor of Caahmore, Waali , arrived In town last week to nwlt hla aon-ln-law, Charlea Kutabrook, llvlns near the 10 liar Itanch, In put ting In n crop. They are needing 30 aerea to alfalfa. 11. II. Pout and ISImer Nlawonper, who have been crulaliiK the eliminat ed Iambi near La Pino and Creacent, onnio lack to town for abort titaya lent week, returning to their work a few daya a no. Mm. K. J. Poll, mother of Mm. C. S. Hudiwin. returned to the Hudson home hero Sunday inorntni?. Mm. Poll haa been In Loa An:elea for montha, nnd will remain here prob ably nil Htimmor. T. C. Kwlhic nt Hampton Ilutte was In town Inat week on IiIh way to Prlnevllle where ho hniL buainoaa to tmnoact. Mr. KwIiib lika Jimt prov ed up on hla hnmoetoad nnd will en Kngo In outalde work for n time be fore returning to hla farm. In Juatlce Knatea' court yoatenlav n Jury found for tho plaintiff In the milt brought by O. W Schrocder URntnat O. II. Hoover. Tho ault was for $07.60 nnd tho verdict Rave tho plaintiff $88.00 The conta wore n aoitiiod ngnlntt tho defendnnt. Mm. K. J. Herring haa hung out a olover almi which Mm. A. M. DrnKo painted for i.or aomo yonra ago. On ono ride are tho words "Tho Sign of tho Crano." with two whlto birds Hy ing; nnd on tho othor. n ateamlng ton kettle Ih held out Invitingly on nu old fnahloned crane. Poultry suppllea nnd seeds. Skuso Hnrdwnro Company. Adv. YOUNG SCHOOL KNT1IKTA1NMKNT Tho pntrona of tho Young school have sent out tho following notice of nn ontertalnmont to bo held nt tho (Irango Hull on Saturday evening. "There will bo nn occasion of much Joy nt tho (Irango Hall on Saturday ovonlng. tho 3Mh, nt which tlio pn trona of tho Young school oxpect to Hhlno forth with n great light. There, will bo n hit nnd miss program nnd anyono wishing Information In regnrd to snmo mny consult said patrons. Lndloa bring sandwiches or enko. Kvorybody como and rccoivo full moasuro of Joy, ...... . "A collection will bo taken up nt tho closo of tho ontortnintnent to bo added to tho organ fund." . CARD OK THANKS. u', tnVn thla ninnna of OXlireSSlng our heartfelt thanks to tho members of tlio I. O. O. K. nna our omor friends In Hond whoso sympathy and V I r.,1 ,na mount an much to US In our recent boreavemont. , , Mrs. Oliver JOjmson ana iawy. OHICGON THUNK TItAIN ArrlvRH .............. s a, m, - Lonvca ..,...,..,. .8:30 p.m. O..W. II. ft N. TIIAIN. - Arrlvca 7Mfi w, m. Lonvja .......... ,7:2t a, in, HTAGIC LINK HOUTI1. - Arrlvoa .......... .7! 80 p. m, Louvea 10 n. in. AUTO LINICH. Cam dally to Huron and polnta aouth and aoutheaat. - POHTOI'IMCK IIOUIIH. - ConerHl dellrory open dally 10 n. in. to f ii. in. (letieral dollvery open Sunday 10 to 10.; JO u. tn. KIkIiI train mall cloaoa 7 p. in. - Day train mall clove :J0 a. m. - TKLKO'lLtPIl HOL'ltK. Woatorn Union dally 7-12, 1-C, 7-10. Hunday 8-10. 4-6. - TKLKPHONK IIOUItH. Pioneer Co., twonty-four hour aorvlce, Including Sunday. Tha Orat Whit Shark. Tho man entliitf flab per excellence l tho great white ahnrk. It la olherwlae known by the name of man cater. Oc caatruially upcclmcna arc acen on txith roaata of (he United Ktntc. though Ita more rimtotiinry liabltnt la In tropical water. TliU frightful creature nttflln n length of nearly forty fret, and It l Able to awal'.ow n man whole. Thin fart In pro red by ho exHrlment which onllora are foml of making when audi a ahark la captured. The nkiill being Itn-erTeil. thev alllU th'inolvi-t br rrawllng one after another thronuli the dlwteieled Jawn. It wtmhl Im unoafo to do thin, however, when the head haa been frehly cut off. bemaxe under mtch eoiidltlnim the Jnwx will annp to aether flerrelr for Mime time, nfter wnnl If anything la placed between them. Legend of the Meea Rote. A German tradition give Ujo origin of the tnoKK roxe hk folio wm: An nngel enine to earth In mortnl gulac. He Nought n place of abetter and rcpoac nfler hla InUira of love, but every door wna abut agnliwt the heavenly vlaltor. At length the nngel. U'lng very wsary. aank upon the ground nnd over him n roHelnmh nprinul like n tent It caught ipou Ita outaprend leavea the falling dew which would othcrwljo twve drenchetl the mesaenger of love. Wak- In, the augel oald to the roae: Tttou haul yleWfd the abetter that man dwilKl; A proof at my leva irtall with theo aWde And iho green roeie cathered about the Mem VVhllo tho dewdrepi ahftne llko a, diadem. Crowning the limbing flower. TKN.NIS CLUIl NOTICK. The Hend Tennla Club will hold Ita annual butnM meeting at Matin helmer Hroa.' atore Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock. J. 11. SIIOUSK, Secretary. Mr. Honiostoador. The Skuse Hard ware Company haa what you want. Adv. LIHKAUV CLUIl LKCTUHK. ArrangomoBts are practically com pleted for the lecture to bo given for the benefit of tho library by Mm! John Wlglo of Prlncvlllo on Monday uveiilng. Tho subject of tho lecture uMUUMUuuuMmmumwi vvvvvv St tt it a st ss ss ss n ii $t n st n St st st Si For Good Clothes It n tt it it it GO TO Mannheimer's n tt st t Kuppenheimer t sand t tt it 1 Ed. V. Price CLOTHING XXXX' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' XXXXXXXXXXXXX' IT KXXXXXXXXXXXXX KXXXXXXXXXXXXX l A.XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX lYl V rpAM ORCHARD TO. rilUlU CONSUMER by PAIlCKIi lOST Kxtrn lino flavored ovniorntel peaches III pounds poHtpnlil $1,00 O iMiund.s postpaid ...... .SO Glvo ua n trial. Abhlontl 1'cacliM nlwuys ploat,o, PHODUCEU-OONSUMEIl OllCHAlU), Albert C, Joy "Ashland, Oregon llOVER iWOVER You ought to try a pair of our"Depcndon" PLAITED SILK HOSE. Wear better than silk and look as goodf For Men 25c For Ladies 50c SHOP AT Mannheimer's Where You Get Values beyond Comparison. Is "Lea Miserable." It will be given at the Dream Theatre and the Glee Club will assist In the program. MAKKK QUICK AltltKST. John T. Henson was arrested on Thursday night by Deputy Sheriff Wonandy charged with passing bogus checks In Madras. A description of Honson, with directions to make the arrest, camu by telegram from Depu ty Stanton or Madras early tn the evening and ho was found within a short tlmo thereafter in a local sa loon. MAHHIKD AT IlltY LAKK. Mlsa Vornle Drown of Dry Lako and Lester Elliott of Hond wore quietly married on April 13 at tho home of tho bride's iwronts. Thoy will tako n wedding trip to Grand Junction, Colorado, where they will visit for a short time, and then re turn to Hend where they will mako their future home. HAITI8T ASSOCIATION MKKTING. Tho annual meeting of the D chutea Haptlat Association will be held in the Kedmond Haptlat church beginning on the evening of the 23rd and continuing until the evening of the 26th. A number of the promin ent general workers of the Haptlst denomination will be present. Dr. Hlley, Prealdont or MeMlnnvllle Col lege, and Dr. Woody. General Sup erintendent ot Home Miaalona for the Pacific Coast and Hew O. C. Wrlht State Secretary will be among the speakers. KIGIITH GHADK FINAL KXAM1NA TION. Mny 7th nnd Sth. 1914. Thursday Physiology. Heading, Geography. History nnd Civil Government. Friday Grammar, Writing, Spell ing, Arithmetic and Agriculture. Respectfully submitted. Adv. C-7c J. B. MYKHS. Co. fiupt. BRICK WORK I liavo built every brick house in Hend erected by contract. WOKIC THR UKST. PH1CKS TJ1K IiOWKST. SATISFACTION AHSOLUTKLY GUAKANTHED. SAND FOR. SALE The best obtainable nt tho lowest prices in largo or Miutll quantities. I have tho exclusive privileges for hand in all O. O. I. Company ditches. JACK TANSEY c: The BRICK GARAGE ON HOND STHKKT WILL HK COMPLKTKI) IN A COUFLK OK WUKKS " This will bo the largest' nod best garage building in Central Oregon. Arrange Now Fop . STOHAGK AT MODKltATK ItATKS KxK?rt Hepalr Work at Kulr Prices RESULTS GUARANTEED We Distribute Chalmers & Saxon Curs und Selden Trucks GASOLINE SUNDUIES TEe Bend Garage Company It. E. Hardy E. H. You have only to see those new ? alkUver umps to fully appreciate that there is nothing to equal them in Hend. NEW LASTS- "THESTROLLER"nnd "THE LASSIE." We have them in Gun Metal, Tan and Suede, priced at $3.50 and $4.00 HAH FKKHH WATKIt I 'HAULS. Willis Grlffln is the owner of a beautiful and Interesting collection of pearls found In tho museels or fresh water clams or tho MIsslMlppI rlvor. Ho has 12 tnnll InoludlnK four true pearls, six" rosebuds and two spikes as they are called. Thoy were found at Lynxvlllo, Wis. Mr. Gtlffln values hla collection at $100. Mr. Homesteader. Tho Skuse Hard ware Company has what you want. Adv. I WILL SELL Lots 1 , 2,3, and 4 I DIOCK ID of Kenwood At a Very Attractive Price SEE R. P. Minter En Urunka, T. W. HarUy 1 1 Laoies rr