The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 15, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    rAon 0.
THK HBNI 111'M,KT1N', 11KNIH OHM., WMHNMHDAY, AlMtlli lit, 101 1.
llnrtl Words Krom Former hnyi on
Wl.ole North West Country Tho
Hnrly l'roiihcts Were Quito Sure
Tliclr I'cswlmtsm Wns Just
In n recent magazine nrtlclo Pro
fessor D. L. Sharp deserlbes a trip
ha took last summer from Horn) to
Burns In company with Game War
den Flnley, who wns bringing a ship
ment of trout to tho Interior town.
Tho Journey seems to hnvo Impressed
tho professor, although not Mwnya
favorably, and he tnUes occasion to
speak somewhat derogntlvcly of the
homestead country. In ths he has
support from oarlier authorities
whoso views of tho whole Oregon
country wore decidedly rMltnlit'c.
ine two opinions are of co lslder
able Interest, not only In compari
son with tho real facts, but In their
bearing on onch other. Kxtracts
from them are given herewith.
. In Pro rosso r Sharp's article the
'. most critical paragraph Is the fol.
' lowing:
"I have seen many sorts of despor
atlon, but nbno like that of the men
, who attempted to make n home out
of threo hundrod and (Uty acres of
! Jllgh Desert sage. For this Is so
much moro than they need. Three
feet by six in tho sage Is land enough
and then there were no need of
wiro for n fence or a well for water.
Going down to sea In ships, or Into
mines by a lift, are none too high
prices to pay for life; but going out
on the desert with a government
claim and the necesary plow, the
necessary wire fence, the nocoasary
years of residence, and other tUlnas
made necessary by law, to say no-
tning or tnoso required by nature and
perhaps by marriage. Is to pay all
too dearly for death, and to make of
one's funeral a needlessly desolate
thing. A man ploughing the sage!
a woman keeping tho shack a
patch of dust against the dust; a
shadow within a shadow, and nothing
then but sage and sand and space."
The oUior and earlier opinions on
Orogon were expressed In the United
States Senate many rears ago. Dele
gate WJckersham of Alaska redirect
ed them In the course of the debate
on the Alaska railroad bill, oppon
ents of which had attempted to be
little the northern country. At tho
time, Oregon, It should be remember
ed, was the name applied to the
whole northwestern country which
Included the present state of Ore
gon. The quotations, with Mr.
Wlokershatn'a comment are as fol
lows: Like the poor, tho pessimists are
always with us, and other pessimists
have occupied seats In Congress. Sen
ator Uonton In a speech In 1825,
said of the great West, with which he
was subsequently acquainted:
"The rldgo of the Ilocky Mountalni
may be named as the convenient, nat
ural, and everlasting boundary.
Alone this ridge the western limits of
the Republic should be drawn and
the statue of the fabled god Termi
nus should be erected on Its highest
peak, never to be thrown down."
The Oregon controversy from 182.'.
to 1S46 brought out a new crop of
congenital Unbelievers. Senator Dick
erson, of New Jersey, was thus af
flicted, as all Oregonlans will agree.
He Mid of Oregon In the period w hen
national legislators krew as little
of that region aa some of them now
do of Alaska:
"Oregon can nrr be one of the
United States. 'If we extend our
laws to It we must consider It as a
"But Is this territory of 0-"n
to beoomo a State, a member of this
Union? Never. The Union is alreadv
too extensive and we must make two
or throe new States from the Terri
tories already formed. Yet a
young able bodied Senator night
travel from Oregon to Washington
and back once a year, but he could
do nothing else. It would be moro
expeditious, however, to come by
water around Cape Horn or to pass
through Ilerlngs Straits, around th
north coast of this continent to II a f
flns Hay, thence through Davis Strait
to the Atlantic and on to Washlng
nn. It is true, this passage has not
yet been discovered, except upon niir
maps, but It will be as soon as Ore
gon shall be a State."
There aro gentlemen from Oregon
hero who know whether the Senator's
statement Is correct or not.
Pessimism never dies, and even
some great men are of this mournful
tvpe. Daniel Webster was a great
man. but listen to thlB:
"What do we want with the vast,
worthless area, this retfon of savages
and whirlwinds of dust, of cactus,
and prairie dogs? To what use
could we ever hope to put theso great
deserts, or these endless mountain
ranges, Impenetrable, and covered to
their base with eternal snow? What
can we ever hopo to do with the
western coast, a coast of 3,000 miles,
rock-bettnd, cheerless, and uninvit
ing and not a harbor on It. Mr. Pres
ident, I will never vote one cent from
the Public Treasury to place the Pa
cific coast one Inch nearer to Boston
than it Is now."
And that from Boston, too! Just
think of Jt! And at that time that
coast which he said was rock-bound
and did not have a harbor on It, bad
the most beautiful harbor in the
world Puget Sound.
Daniel was here speaking of what
Is now known as Oregon, Washing
ton, and Idaho, and of a coast which
has the greatest harbor in the United
States proper Puget Sound.
Another Senator was equally as
doubtful as the Senator from Masaa-
to wholol
)' Moujn
feet hlfch
chusettB or my friend from Oklaho
ma. Sonntor McDuflle, of South Caro
lina, chnrnctorlicB tho Orogon coun
try 1n the following way, and Inci
dentally damns tho agricultural re
sources of tho States between tho
Mississippi nnd tho Ilocky Mountains
with fnlnt praise:
"What Is tho chnrnoler of this
country? As I understand It, thoro
nro 700 miles thin side of tho Hooky
Mountains which Is uninhabitable
whoro tho rnln never falls, mountains
wholly Impnssnblo except through
gaps and depressions to bo renohod
only by going hundreds of miles out
of tho direct course. Well, what nro
you going to do In such n enso? How 1
are you going to apply steam? llavo
you made nn estimate of tho cost of i
a railroad to tho mouth of tho Colum
bia? Why, the wealth of tho Indus
would bo Insufficient. Of what usq
would it bo for agricultural pur
poses? I would not, for that purpose
glvo n pinch of snuff for tho whole
territory. I wish tho itocKy
tains were an Impassable barrier.
thero was nn embnnkmout 5 feet
to be removed I would not consont
to spend $5 to removo It and cnnblo
our population to go mere.
And on another occasion, when
his digestion must have beon worse
than usual, tho same Sonntor declar
ed: v
"And If thoro over was n country,
i.nnn iUn tnnn tt ,1.1 AllHh 111 tvtllnll'i
.... ...v, ...w v.. ... v...... ... .....v..
I should consider It a great mlsfor
tuno for tho poorest man to settle
If thero bo any country In the world'
which has beon blasted by God. which
Is utterly destitute of all conceivable
attraction, In so much as to bo senrco-
ly capable of sustaining tho llfo of
human uolngs, it Is this very Torn
tory of Oregon
And Senator Dayton, of NVv Jor
sey, declared:
"That with tho exception of land
along tho Willamette and strips
along othor water course tho whole
country Is as Irreclnmnblc nnd bar
ren a wasto as tho desert of Sahara;
nor Is that the worst, the climate Is
so unfriendly to human Itfe that the
natlvo population la dwindling away
under the ravages of malaria."
This roglon wns alleged to bo ut
terly worthless only when It was as
unknown to the members of this
House as Alaska seems to bo now.
And therefore, in answer to the
nugacious opinion so frcelv announc
ed bv my friend from Oklahoma, that
Alaska Is not and can never becomo
an agricultural country, permit mo to
make a further quotation from Sena
tor Dlckeeon. by way of giving his
then generally accepted opinion of
the valHe of the Groat American Des
ert, and particularly of that part of
It which Is now occupied hv tho
truly agricultural Stato of Oklahoma,
for the purnose of demonstrating
what such opinions are worth:
"From the meridian
niufN there Is an lmmonso roclonJ
extending to tho Ilocky Mountains,
containing about 160.000 square
miles, which from tho sterility of tho
soil, tho want of wood and water,
can never bo cultivated, nnd, f
course, never admit of civilized pop
ulation. An nccurato description or
Did tho Bond tvtor Light & Power Co. when
they built their now Power Plant use tho bust
HAND and (JUAVUli they could buy?
WHY did tho City, when thoy built tho now
SMWKH HYHTK.M, use tho best HAND and
(HIAVKli tho market nfforded? Tho answer
la obvious. Thny KNKW that the best inn
terlala for conoretu work pay tho largest divi
dends In (no end.
As wo hnvo been nlilo (o antlsfy tho exact
ing demands of theso customers, wo fool that
your domnnds can be as successfully met.
Wo can supply you with tho proper sixes
of washod sand nnd Bcrcencd gravel for your
particular purpose. Ask for quotations.
Bolton, Ruetenik & May
FRANK MAY, MBr. Haul, Ore.
oniro with Itobt. II. Gould, Ilmliutc
Hank Building.
'Concrete Ultimately, Why Not Now?"
After describing this country, he says
on pogo 3C1:
" 'In regard to this extensive coun
try, I do not hesitate In giving the;
opinion that It Is almost wholly un
fit for cultivation and, of courso, un
inhabitable by a people depending
upon ngrlculturo for aultelstonco. Al
though tracts of fertile Innd consid
erably oxlonslvo are occasionally to
bo mot with, yet tho scarcity of wood
and water almost uniformly preva
lent will prove an Insuperable ob
stacle In the way of settling tho coun
try. This objection rests not only
against tho Immediate section under
consideration, but applies with equal
tirniiflAlv in n.ttMi twirftnn nf
the country. Agreeably to tho bestl
Intelligence that can be had concern
ing the country both northward and
southward of the section, and es
pecially to the Inferences doduclble
from the account given by Lewis nnd
Clarke of the country situated be
tween the Missouri and the Itoeky
Mountains above the Itlver Platte.
the vast region commencing near th
source of the Sabine, Trinity. Braxos
of CouncllJ and Colorado, and extending north
wardly to the forty-ninth degree or
north latitude, y which the United
State territory Is limited in that di
rection. Is throughout of a similar
character. The whole of this region
seems peculiarly adaptod as a range
cancellation of your homestead, entry
No,, Hurlnl No. 084:111, nutria March
23, 11)11, for NH Hen. 13, Township
SO, H lluiiKo IK W. Willamette Mer
idian, nnd im grounds for IiIh content
ho nlleiu'ii that Jon Wock hits failed
to establish his rosldmiro op snld
tract: that ho litis fulled to cultivate
snld tract or nny part thereof; that
snld eutrymnn linn abandoned imld
tract for upwards of nix mouths Inst
pnst and tlirt mi eh failure wait nut
due to his employment in io nriuy,
nnvy or mnrlno corps of tho United
States In tluio of war or otherwise.
You are, therefore, further noti
fied that tho said allegations will bo
taken by this ulllco iih having been
confessed by you, nnd your snld entry
will bo canceled thereunder without
your further right to bo heard there
in, either before this office or on np
punl, It you fall to fllu In this office
within twenty days nftor tho
FOIMtTlI publication of this notice,
ns shown below, your answer, under
oath, specuicniiy meeting ami ' re
sponding to theso allegations of'cnu
tost, or If you full within lint time to
file In this otllco duo proof that you
hnvo served n copy of your nnswor on
tho snld contestant either In person
or by registered mail. If this service
Is made by tho delivery of n copy of
your nnswerto tho contestant In
person, proof of such service
must bo either tho snld contest
ant's written acknowledgment of his
receipt of tho copy, showing tho dnto
of Its receipt, or the affidavit of tho
pemou by whom tho delivery was
made stating when nnd whoro tho
eoiiv wns delivered: if innilo bv roulu.
Hired until, proof of such service nfust
consist of tho affidavit of tho persoif
by whom the copy wnit mulled stntlnil
when nnd the postolllcu to which It
wits mulled, and this affidavit must
lio nucouipiiiilud by tho poHtinnntor's
receipt for the letter,
You should state in your answer
tho iiiimu of tho potttolllco to which,
you dcHlro further itollcou to bo sunt'
to you.
Dato of llrst publication April 8,
Dnto of iieeoud publication April
in, Kill.
Dnto of third publication April 22,'
Dato of fourth publication April
20. 1)14.
oven 08 YCAno
Truce Manna
GoevniaHTB Ac.
nrnniniUnf ft ,Mr)in1 rirrlht n Inir
ir irrifiM, itnr iMinni, n. wiivtit. r an
iir.iillon I'ruhy.if rli!'IM' n. ( niiimiihli t.
l..ii.iiieilffiiii,Utifl, HANOnOOK uin,i
I'Klanit Ukfl llirMIh iluilll A Vvl.
ijwmi nwu, wimum cur, ill u.
I.L.t anrf rurvmil
ikfi tlirouih tluiin ,
I. wllhuutcinr... lull
Scientific American.
A liml,nmlr lttntrll wwktr. Iy,.l fir.
rnUtiiMi 'f hr (iiiia I .., 1. I
iwi li.ur muiib,L, 0vl lull fiiiilnirt,
MUM & Co ";:''-Now York
liruli umw, M V PI- VMMmt., P.I.
Perry Munroe, road supervisor In
the Cross Keys district was In town
on business on Monday He Is about
to begin on repair work on tho old
Shnnlko road near (loiters where the
road approaches Cow Canyon. To
thrm who llrst came Into Central
Oregon over this route the hums of
tho roHttrs will come as an Interest
ing fnot. They only wish it had beon
done ears ago.
Itelluble Foley' Honey nnd Tnr
Just be sure that you buy Foley's
Honey nnd Tar Compound It Is a
reliable medicine for roughs, colds,
croup, whooping coughs, bronchial
mil la grippe coughs, which are weak
ening to the system. It also gives
prompt and definite results for
hoarseness, tickling throat nnd slurry
wheecy breathing. Patterson Drug
Co. Adv.
Deportmont' of the Interior. United
States I.HI11I OIHee. The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 1, 1911,
To Jon Wock or lg.1'4 Pine street,
SK)knne, Wash., contested-
You are hereby notified that Ku-
gono Hall, who gives P. O. Box 147.
for buffaloes, wild goats, and othor liemi, urogon ns His post-office nil
wild gamo. Incalculable multitudes of dress, did on February 19. 1914. tile
region may bo found In MnJ. whlch find ample pasturage and sub- in this office his duly corroborated
's Expedition (vol. :, p. 3S0 insistence upon It." I application to contest and secure the
A line new .shipment just in
priced at
Illttu serges and grays. A gray suit,
all wool, for only... $10
E. A.
Auto Delivery.
Building Material
4k I
The Miller Lumber Company
Bund, Oregon.
We have Two More Incu
bators Coming. The Eas
iest, Cheapest, Mosft Scien
tific Way to Hatch Chicks
60 Egg Size $14.00
100 Egg Size $18.00
Wenandy Livery & Auto Co.
Will bo put on between Hcnd and Silver Lnko April 1.
Reasonable Rates
will bo clinrKcd en nil Express und Bukruko.
"Send Water Light (2h Power go.
'i & '
Soumli screcable, doei it not?
That it wliat 3UnJriT bathroom
futures arc,
JUihlnir Ii neccnary, hut a hath u
a beautiful white enameled bath Ii
luiuriou neceuitj'.
A completely eculpped bathroom
iliould be In every home which makei
any prctcrTie oi being modem. U
your home ii not 10 ciuipKd let ui
nuke you an eitlmate on a new bath
room outfit at once.
9UtufMsT "0d4M" hia
Mlunosotu Htrcct.