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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1914)
TII13 11KNI) IIULLICTIN, HEND, ORE,, WEDNESDAY, APRIL lit, lOf I. tAfin a. I . t t ' jiii !' in i Wiiliii imiiMi. i mi -- " ' i i n w H H ' ' 1 a yS I IV i GOING FISHING? ) 1 l I Yen don't ronftnn, ami you can't ' i flllonl In inka any cliuncw oit 1 poor Tasklo. ' a I J" tho Ultra CnMlnw ttrwU veil " IV linvo llm ry lln t J'UhiihxhJ, i i 111 A m"1 nl n ''""'in' In illir-iao . , , I My V nonnbls, quality lonikisred. tV Wlmilmr rods, .pels, llno.i or C( ' hi i M minnows, llio I iim rnillna in I , Iff I V fl A the lino tluii will wltMiy raiTtly I ' If J If ymi-ilmt will iim Irif you at ill If V ,llatnwlun)ololll.,, ' I PATTERSON DRUG CO. I ' LOCAL NEWS ITEMS .Ion Olson Iiiih K'Miu to Alaska, I I.. Owon Ih now In Alaska. JiiIiii ItlU loft (own several ilnyM ago. ( H. Hudson spent Tuesday In Portland, Minn Itoso Kqhlnltmnn spent Hint t day Iw Culver, J. T. Itlinion of Kurt Koak was In (own I nut week, ' Mitt Counh of Lahllnw wan In town )slordny. Mrs. Wade mul her (wo daughter have gone to Koattlu. The HrhlKP Club moats with Mm. Key I hid ovenlng. .Mm. K. W. Ward had" mi Informal tun Monday afternoon. Mm. Miirdii KiiiilmiH I staying In Portland for n short tlmo. County Commlnalimer V. W. Ilrown win In (own Monday. A. L. Mercy wan registered nt the New Dress Goods LACES, DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS. Still a fow LADIES JUSADY TO WEAR SUITS AND SKIRTS. Hijj Mexican Straw Huts 25c Hoys' Straws .. 15c DON'T FORGET our RUGS Priced nt $14.00 to $25.00 Small Hugs $1.25 to $2.25 R. M. Smith Clothing Co. LEARN THE WAY. Looks - - Quality Finish MV .NKW I.INH OV MII1IAUV TAIIU'.H IH TIIK IIKST MVKIl HIIOWN IN III:MI, I'll.f. QrAllTKUIl OAK, IIAMlSOMi:iA' I'lMHUKI) l. ll'l.l (JOIiOKN. GO-CARTS AND CARRIAGES IU'IJj MNIfl OV TIIK CKI.KIUtATKI) "IIKYWOOD," TIIHV AUK CIH.4V AND KTVMHII, MADIJ OV TIIK IHWi; MATKIUAI.S 1IAVK AUTO AND lfOUJt HOW HOODS. CAIiI. and mm Tinw. NO THOUIII.K TO HIIOW YOU WIIKTIIICH YOU 11UY OH NOT, E. M. THOMPSON Bend, Oregon IIHINO IN TTOUlt V0UN OUT U(JC1 V WHKUf FOR lUNTIUINO. lli'inl Saturday from l.nldlnw. Knrl H HoIIomn has boon appoint ill ponl-mnslor nt Deschutes. Mm. F II Stanley loft (Iih Alia iiKint for her lioiiiu yesterday. T. K. (I. Duffy, of Prlnevllln, was In llond Saturday nml Sunday. A sidewalk Iihh in liullt from Kenwood to Kenwood (lnnliinH. K. I). Mcintosh oxtiocts to lonvo for Alaska In nlioiit threo weeks. J. A. (tastes Iihh rearranged IiIh of fices, opening n room In (lio rmir. C. C. Winn of l.n Pino wiu roKl' lurtul nt tint I'llot llutto on Krlilny. Mlwt CmmM)' of I'rluovlllii wan Minn Trnututir'H kuumI over (Iih wwk nml. I Inflow Alton In now nntlrely re foxorwl from lit nttHck of mitaiilo. A. M. I'rliiKlo whiiI to I'ortlmul on Monday nlKlit for a tirlvf Inmliieii trip. A "Mn WmitPil" bIkii Iih Ihhiii In tlif wlmtow of tlm Millar l.umlwr Co. o III co. I', ('. Onrrlmm loft Monday nlKlit for u liiiHliuiiiii trip (o lloniiur'H Korry, Idnlio. Victor Hlmwo wiim ovor from l'rlrio vlllo .Monilny, A ;uot nt tliu I'JIut lltltlo. t, Corliln wah lit town from 3 I'ltio KrliUy, it tumt nt (ho Hotel Wrluhl Dr. OonrR HttlKtc won h KUMt nt tln Alliiinont ilurttiK lilt" MtHy lir lltHt Wl't'k. Tlio MfMN Mry nml l.stn Hsim Mpc it HuiidHy In (own, kiiiwIm nt th Altnmotit. I V Drown Iim rotiirncd to town from MldlHiid, Mich., whara lio Rpunt the winter. J V Kvyrn wont to I'orllnnd on IminIiichm Monilny nlKlit, ruturnltiK thin mornliiK. I.iiHt nlKlit MIihi (IruvcM nnd MIm DoIhoii kiivo h illnrior party nt tlio f'hocolflte Drop. : I'4 (lriuno nnd IiIh olitor, MIm Kiinny Clrcono, wore tuimln nt The TiiIph yoitterdny. A. Itao In In clinrKO of Tlio Hend Coinpniiy'H ynrd durltiK the nbxunco of Own;'! RtrnlKlit. A new mIkii Iirh bnon put -up ovar tin Mlllrr l.timbor Oompany'n now olllco on Wnll Htrcot, D M DrvIh roturned Biunlny night aftiT h twn wi'iikx trip to I'ortlnml, Bt'iittlo nnd Kimkmio. Mm. I M. Tlirvrtpnon In mining nil kltidit f plnn") to bo old for (he hunuflt of Him llbrnry. W ( HtiKhtm. of the Levorelt II it nil on Co., hn gone to tfnu I'rnueln rp on buntoeM trip. C I U'lttn anil Jchn M. Toggart or M ml run wore In town Thtimdny reKlMorml At the Ilotul. Mr. nnd Mm. I'rank A. Walton, formerly of Hend. are now IIvIiik on n much nonr rrlnovlllo. Norvnl MprliiKr rottirncd on Fri day from Corllnnd whore he bowlud In tlio toiiriinmont thero. Frank and Itnlph Jamlnon woro In twon from Silver Lake on Friday, Kuoitn oi tlio llonil ilotul. N. V. Weldor hnn opened a paint ntnro on OroKon ntrot In (ho room ndjolnlnn HCukln ft JtynniT. I.. II. (Hom In now nctltiK miRlneor nt Hie lli-uil Coiiipauy'n mill. G, II. Hurt In now the mill wrlKhl. J. I. Wleat vlcltod In (own oarly thin week, retHrnlnK to hln home In Tim DalM Tuedny mornliiK. , W. It. Oarey. who han recently ot tlml In Ktvftm, wan In town on Thtim dny, roKlstcrwl at tlio Wrlslit. Tlio work of laying n cvtnont tide WHlk In front of the Fulkn bulldliiRi on Wall afreet hnn boon boKun. .Hh Wllliamn and v. U. fipront aro now tHKing iiinnor i .Mm. ner rliiK'n. MIm Mlxtor la not thero. Mm. II. II. Do Armond left Hunday nlKht for n montha vlnlt In Portliind, Mtulford nnd other vnlloy pnlnta. Tom Jhitton and hln tiiothor iwinn od throtiKh town Monday on (heir re turn to KkII, from n trip to I'ortlnnd. Mrn. Hlrdlo Hownrd, n aUtor of Mm. Hcynoldt, and aon, loft for Mod ford laal Thtimdny on n night nooliiK trip. C. C. Caton of tlio Union Mont Company of I'ortlnnd wan tlio guent Of Mr. and Mm. A. M. I'rlnglo on Sunday, Work haa ntartod on a concrete nldewnlk on Wall atreet la front of the Hend Thoatro and adjoining properly. Hov, (J. II. Wllklna returned on Monday from Moro whore ho nttend ed (ho meeting of the I'cndloton I'ronbytory. , J. K. Kngobrotnon han loft The llond Company'a will and will go up to hln ranch at I. a Fine and ongage In dnlrlng. Jainea Ryan reporta that a lariw number of people aro coming In to Invent Igate the newly opened lands to tlio aouth. Mm Ayrea. Mm Huple and Mm. Nlchol of Laldlaw were In town Ut Knturdny to tako Hpoelal loteonn In (ho new dancon. Hev. f! Harvoy. who preached at the i'reabytorlnii church Sunday, wan regUtorml at the Allamont during hln ntay In (own. I'Uiih for (he penny noelnl to be given by tho I'reabytorlan Oullil on (ho evening of Friday, April H, are practically completed. On Thumday Mian Anne Market and Mian Katherlne Traulner went (o Iirinevlllo Jn V. A. Forbos car (o see tho play "A I'nlr of Idlota." Forest Stiporvloor Morrld nnd W. I,. Sprout left Monday morning for Rlatora where they will aitalm In the (roe planting work now going on thoro. Mrn. M. M. McCnnn. who has been vUttlng her dnughtor, Mrn. Itnlph Bponcor, loaves on Saturday on her return to her homo In Connford, Al borta, Ooorgo Straight, foromnn at The llond Coinpniiy'H ynrd. left Sunday night for New York, whero he wan called by tho serious Illnoaa of his father. W1IKK YOU VISIT i! The Tumalo Project STOF AT THORP'S FOR RKFHKS1IMKNTS. FRUITS, 8WKF.T MKATS AND FINK CIGARS POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Slrsetory of eoh City, Town and Villas, cltlnc diiorlptlv skttch ct asch pise, location, population, ttlt graph, ihlpplna and banklna point! aJa ciaMlfl,a Directory, compllsd by H buitoMi and profaulon., At tho mooting of tho Hplncopnl Oullil lant week nt Minn Uroeno'n, Mm, I'tituiim gitvo an Informal lulk on "Tho Top of n Cotitrul Amorlcnn Volcano." I'liul V, Hodgon, of tho tin I (oil ntaton (loologlcnl aurviry, who ban boon inoHHiirliiK the Denchutos nt illf foront points up and down the river, wan In town IftMt week, I. II, Feeloy, who rnmo to Itrnd from Oklahoiiin about throe months ago, Is preparing to open a skating rink In the store on Wnll ntreot for merly used uh n pool room. On Bun ilny Misses Anne and dor trtide Market, Miss Trautnor and Miss CHseldy, V. A. Forbes, T. 15. 0. Duffy, of I'rlnevllle, and Mr. Ileafeley of I.HJillaw, bad a picnic up the river. On ICnstor morning a half dwton youngsters had a most onthualastlc egg hunt In tho Ovorturf yard. Rome throe to four dozen eggs wore dis covered hidden about the garden and rockery. The ladles of the Kplscopsl Oullil will moot tomorrow nt the Homo of Mrn. J. F. Koyos. Those meetlngi are entirely Informal nnd nil who are at all Interostcd aro cordially Invited to bo present. The regular monthly buslnoas mooting of tho Haptlst Womens Un ion will bo held at the homo of Mrn. II. C. Kills tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock. A full attendance Is desired an Important matters are to be transacted. Tomorrow (Thursday) night the Fraternal Hrotherbood will hold an old fashlonod danro nt Bather's Hall. It la announced that old fashioned music will bo played, old fashioned daacos will bo danced, and old fash ioned clothes worn. The Hend Water Light & Fower fomjiany In moving Itn office to tliM old bank building on the corner of Wall and Ohio streets, opposite the Hend Company's olllco. Homo re modeling of the rooms haa boon dono for (ho new tonsnts. Hov. V.. C. New ham will leave on April 27 for a (rip (o Kngland whore ho will spond (he summer In Sop- (ember ho win return for a snort tlmo, expecting thereafter to have another pastorate. Ills successor has not yet been appointed. Tho Subscription Club's dance, which wns (o havo been given Satur day night, has boon positioned for a week because tho latdlaw Tennis Club has announced a danco at Laid law this Saturday and a generous turnout for that Is desired. Mrs. John Wiglo of I'rlnovlllo will give a lecture at the Dream Theatre on the evening of Monday tho 27th. Her subject will be "Los Mlserables ' Victor Hugo's famous play. Tho Glee Club is practicing special music fqr the occasion, tho returns from which nro (o be devoted to tho Library. Cark Rhodes and Ward Coble have had a four daya trip of road mapping In (ho former's cnr. They have espe cially looked over the roads between llond and Tho Dalles over which th. rogulara will probably march coming to Uio summer encampment hero. They aro now Investigating the mountnln roads from (he Willamette valley. FIVK ANGLKHS IN AN Al'TO. All departments of the Hend Hard ware Company Joined In a stag fish ing party on tho Metollua on Sunday going over In Floyd Dement's now car. They carried a lull line or (inn ing tackle both ways, going and com ing. Just what tho catch of (ho day amounted U has been lmposslblo to loam but ono member of tho mrty has gono on record to the effect thnt they got tho limit. Ho also assorts (bat no member of tho party caught moro than tho other, but ono. or two had bites. They had n good rldo and think (ho Metollua a Hno rlvor In seme respects. HARDY HAS CAR. (Oregon Journal.) MngnKlcent dlstancoa of Central Oregon will be negotiated hereafter by automobiles when representatives of the Oregon Trunk find It uecoa aary to mnke overland (roks out of tho terminal towns. J. T, Hardy, traveling freight and passongor ngont for that territory, haa boon trying out a now car Just purchased (or the trattlc department nnd expects to tako (ho Jackrabblt trail with It In a fow days. KIGIITII GRADK FINAL KXAMINA TION. May 7th and 8th. 19H. Thursday Physiology. Roadlng, Geography, History nnd Civil Oovernmont. Friday Grammar, Writing, Spoil ing, Arithmetic and Agriculture Respectfully submitted, Adv. 6-7c J. K. MYBRS, Co. Stipt. PROHIBITION MEETINGS A. J. HOI.STKK Will Sponk nt tho Ibipdht Church, lleiul OX FROHIHITION At 8 P. M. on Friday, April 17. AT LAlRIiAW ON Saturday Afternoon, APRIL dH Delegate to the County Conven. (ion nt Hcdmoiit! will bo nomi nated at tbeo meeting. L. 1). VIi:ST, Committeeman, Prohibition Committee. CDAM ORCHARD TO rHUlU CONSUMER by PARCKL POST Kxtru flno thtonl evaporated poaches HI pounds postpaid ..... $1,00 U ihiuikIs pobtpnld ,30 Give iia a trlul. Ashlnnd Peaches always pleaso. PRODUCKR.OON8UMER ORCHARD, Albert O. Joy Ashland, Oregon Wo show tho most complete and "up to the minuto" line of t.' v , ih Ladies' Knit and Muslin Underwear Right now is the time to make your .selections from onr new and varied .stoc!:. Ladlos' Knit Vesta from 10c to 50c Ladles' Knit Union Suit at 35c, 50c, 85c and $1.00 Wc have them In a 1 1 styles Lock Knee, CulT Knee, and Ankle Length. Dainty Muslin Com binations priced at $1 to $2.50 WE ALSO HAVE THE NEW "TANGO COMBINATION." LADIES' GOWNS IN NEW MATERIALS Rice Cloth, &f x- CO 0C Crepes priced from V lO ty&.GrO CORSET COVERS-excellent values at 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, and $1 NEW CAMISOLE BODICES of Shadow Lace at $ 1 .25, $ 1 .75 An entire New Line of Princess Slips, Muslin and Crepe Drawers, Petticoats, etc. WIIATKVKH YOU HL'Y AT Mannheimer's YOflt COMPLCTK SATISFACTION IS GUAHANTKHD. TRKKM TO HK l'Ii,NTI. ( Sls(ora Herald.) A shipment of 2300 trees la duo to arrive in Sisters the Inst of this wook. They aro being shipped hero by the forest service for use In their refor estation experiment work. Tho trees, which aro Yellow and Scotch pine, will bo taken to tho burned district west of the head of tho Motolius river whore thoy will bo planted and protected In order to give them a fair chance nnd deter mine whether reforestation will prove a success. The work of plant ing will bo done under the direction of II. K. Vincent, who will spend next week In the task. Reforestation haa boon undor way by tho forest servlco for a numbor of ears. tho result so far being favor able for success. NOTICK TO ODD FKLLOWS. All members of tho I. O. O. F. are requested to meet at the hall Thumday at 2 o'clook. The order will proceed to the homo of tho late Oliver Johnson and thonco attend the funeral services at the llaptiat church.. Mr. Homestoader. The Skuse Hard ware Company has what you want. Adv. ICASTKK OllSKRVANCB. Raster was observed In the differ ent llond churohea by special services and extra music, large congregations attending hi nearly every case. At tho Catholic church in tho morning a special choir rendered music and thoro was hardly standing room in tho building. Many also attended the Haptlst services In the forenoon. At the Presbyterian church In the even ing a well arranged musical program was given undor the leadership of Mrs. Ashley Forrest nnd at tho Meth odist church tho evening service was well attended. In tho afternoon Ret d BRICK WORK I luuo built eery brick house in Hend erected by contract. WORK TIIK IIKST. PRICKS TIIK I.OWKST. SATISFACTION AHSOLUTKLY GUARANTHKD. SAND FOR. SALE Tho beiit obtainable nt tlio lowest price In large or hiiuilt Humilities. 1 havo (ho eeluslo iirlillcgcs for sand In nil C. O. I. Company ditches. JACK TANSEY TAKING NEW Wo Iiuvo moved luto tho Mora formerly occupied by Corkotta. LldHT IA7NCHKS, COFFKB, AND ICK CRKAM. FRKSU FRUITS AXD CANDIES. Orders taken from hotels and restaurants and private families. REGULAR SUPPLIES AND SPECIAL ORDERS OF ALL KINDS. SHRINER&HUEY aSSSs fTiafcWiTiV Ncwhntn conducted a service at Den chutes, tho school bouse being well filled. Just received a dandy lino of oan dics, such as chocolata dipped cara mels, chocolate almonds, -qbocolato creams put up in C nmUlO cent car tons. This makes thorn perfectly sanitary, frco from dust and flics. Tho Metropolitan. Adr. Mr. Homesteader. Tho Skuso Hard ware Company has what you want. Adv. I WILL SELL Lots 1 , 2, 3, and 4 Block 16 of Kenwood At a Very Attractive Price SEE R. P. Minter ZM QUARTERS y ' Mf mj a. u rem m co. bkattub m