The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 15, 1914, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin
Vol. XII.
NO. 0.
u ,
W. II. I.ury, Wlm Trlwl lo Hlnrl Ho
mil, Willi Other I'liim Springer'
Country, Now (.'Imrge County
ComiiiUitloncr in .Non.rr-.lilenl.
PIUNICVILLI., April 13. Under
the leadership of W. II. Lucy, lately
deposed nil counly ftlr of weights
unil uitMRiiriHi, ii oommltleo of Ctilvor
olll.en including" II. 0. Topping. Mr.
Mllner, Mr. Itndmun mill two citlmrn
vailed on l)ltrlcl Attorney Wirt
Inst Thursday nnd nskml him to lirlnK
nrtlon iignluNl County Comuilwilonitr
Willi llrown for tho purpose of oust
)iie Mr. llrown from ofllce ft comiiil
Mloniir on tlui ground of non-resl-dunce.
Tho request wn refused.
Mr. I.noy, who wii spokesman, In
ulsted tlint ho lint! evidence In hi po
seimlon thnt would show that Mr.
llrown'H pormnneiil residence was at
The Dalle, In Wasco county, and
Hint llrown hnd voted nt n high
Mchool olecthiii nt The Dalit taut
full. No evidence of n legal tint urn.
however, wan presented by the Culver
cltlsens. Two petition, containing
about 80 iinmM altogether, were pre
mmi(I to tho District Attorney which
Mai ml. thnt In tbe opinion of thnt
Msmer. Mr. llrown m i nnn-rosl-Oottt
of th county unit therefore
Hhould I'M oustwl,
The lp In construed here to mean
thnt the proposed recall proceeding
HKftlnl the county court have been
dropited nuil thl effort wa inniln to
throw t tit mntter upon tho District
Attorney. Mr. Wlrtx Informed the
cltlien who called iion him that ho
would take no part In tho fight on
nny member of the county court and
would not start nuch nn action a wn
desired for tho rosson that tho re
quest wn unroaaonnble and unfair
nnd thnt to lirliiR audi n suit would
1m greatly against tho public good.
Ouster proceeding of tho naturo
nskod for by tho commlttcq can only
lm broil Klit at thn dUcrotlou of tho
prosecuting attorney. No other per
won can bring thum. l.aro dlsrrn
tlen In placnd in tho district attur
, liny nnd thin cannot no iiMiunxni, no
tho supremo court han hold.
ItcMMHi for Hcfunl (liven,
Mr. Wins explained carefully to
the commlltoo why ho could not brine
the action asked for. Mo explained,
thnt even If tho charge made by Mr.
l.urv were true, to oust Mr. llrown
fr 1 1 nltlrt at I bin time aftar ho bad
Ihm ii allowed to retain the offlre for
iifnrlv n year and a half would re
sult In serious eotUHHiUHiire to n
grest volume of IiiinIhhm of miicli
Importance, Including tax lele. jHry
I mid and other amnller Itema.
The Dlitrlot Attorney explained
that If the complaint had Ikmmi made
to him Immediately "'tr the election
Ml which Mr. llrown had been elect
d. and It appeared from the evidence
collected that Mr. llrown wan actual
ly n non-reclildiit of tho county, ho
would not hHNllntu then to brliiB
Much nn action, but clnco Mr. llrown
had been pormlttod to tnko ofTlco
under tho nMumptlon thnt tho
chnrgeH innilo by Mr l.ucy am truo
end had been ponnltted to overdue
tho preroRntlvot of tho olllce, It
would bo iiKnlnah public policy If not
Keep Your Valuable
Papers In Our Vault
Tho lict nnd anfest plnco In tho world to
1 keep llro nnd Ilfo liiNuruuco mIIcIh, notct
coiiiliiK duo, iuorlK'Kcti( rtoodt In fact all
vnliinhlo piipere I In n llrt-proof vault.
Ilvcry oitu cannot nfTortl to Imvo a atccl
vnult. or oven Hroiroif anfo In III homo,
but every ono enn iiffonl to keep hi vnlu
ublo pnpera In our vnult hocntwo tho rental
cliurKcil I n notliliiK compared with tho
protection nfforded.
You en n Irnso n atccl lox with a non
jdrnblo, Vnlo lock IiIr oiioiirIi to contain
nil your valuable pntcr Insldo our vnult,
for only 9l!.()( n ywr,
Drop In next tlmo you're pnsslug,
Deschutes State Bank
Successor to tho
Doschutos Banking & Trust Company
, .n. FRRnipIJi. Pmb. P. O. MINOR, Soo'y,
" ' 13. M LARA, Cashier.
n. Forroll, P. O. Minor, E, M. Lnra
thn clcinr lonl prlnclplo of cxtoppd
to hrliiK Hitch notion.
North Mini I'utllloncra.
Tho ro(ilat for Mr. llrown'H dla
mhoiul cntno from oltlxotm In tho Nor
tuerii pnrt of tho county and from
iiiiiii, moNt of whom hnd voted for
Mr. llrown mid nacoptod nil tho beiio
lltH of Mr llrowu'a ndmlntctrntlon,
nnd now hconuno he had broken with
HiirliiKcr npparontly ankod thnt ho bo
dlnmlniiad on Rroiiuda thnt woro
doubtful nt iiiont.
Tho DlHtrlot Attorney Informml tho
tax payor that own If n mnjorlty of
tho cltlzetin of Crook county petition
ud for hint to hrliiK audi nn notion,
ho would atlll rofimo, unlcfia tho pe
tition woro tiroaentod Immediately
lifter tho olootion nt which Mr. llrown
hud boon elooted, n explained, nnd
wan uaoompnulod by abaoluto proof
of hU iioH-runldoncii, Tho non-ri'nl-dencH
of Mr. llrown wna nlo n point
ralund In tho anmpalKn nnd dunlded
by tho votorn nt that time. Ho ox
plulnod that tliey had n rnmiidy by
reonll Hint would havo no aiioh Br
linii conaequenctta to thn county nt
liune aa tho oimter proceeding naked
I'onii l'rolilpi for Mliiulo l)iicrl-
lion of Ijtndi for Hnlo HrcMcr
Una C'lmrKo of (lie Work.
Ill cnrrylnc out tho Idon of llntliiK
the farm land of tho atnto that nro
for mile for the purpose of almplyfy
Iiik tho problem of the nowoomur tho
Stdto ImmlRrntlon t'oinmlioiloii hn
Jtiit put out n blank to bo tuod In
thn work. It I nn extremely com
lirnhonalro nffnlr, coverlnK every poa
Iblo phaiio of Und description mid
IvcalloH of all clamw of laud In tho
Till work of the eomtnlMlon In
belHx carried out throuKh the Pnnn
Land Mureaii, of which J. W. Hrewer
I In charxe. Mr. Hrewer ha Iteen
trvlli)B over the itate alnce bl np
pAlnlment mnklnK nrrAHRemonta for
KettlnK hi bureau In operntlon nnd
ihee blank nro npparontly the flral
fruit of hi work.
Ho ha aent a niunbor of them to
MannRor Oould of the local Commer
cial Club with tho request that ho co
operate In nccurliiR aomo of theao
llit from thn Hond nolRhborhood
nnd Mr. Could hna thu blanka ready
for tho uo or nny In this country
who wlh to nvall thaumolve of Hit
method of Rotting their land llitcd
for ale.
No cotnmlMlon or fee nro to ho
acceptod or ahared by tho commlailon
on nccount of sales inndo through It.
Hnjn There I No III I'rclliiK Aiiioiik
It co I 1'nriucr.
Thn subject of tho III foollnR thnt
ha been ald to oxlst lictwcon tho
frmer nnd the buslne men of
Mend wn dlaciiMieil by A. O. Walkor
of Alfalfa nt the Commercial Club
luncheon Itaturday in a manner that
Indicated the complete nlmonce of
any eurh feellnK. oh the part, nt least,
of the more enllRhteued clnseea.
HpeakliiK for himself Mr. Wnlker
null! that he wa proud of every Im
provement and addition to the town
aa thouKh ho wn nn nctunl resident
and he knew thnt wn tho feelliiR of
many other. Ho drow a distinction
hot ween farmer and men IIvIiik on
farina, polutlnK nut thnt falluroa
everywhere woro prono to critlolso
succcm whorovor tboy saw It. Ho
cnnRrntulatod tho dub on tho efforts
It was mnkltiK on behalf of tho dnlry
InR Industry nnd assured tho Rathor
Iur that tho work wna npproolntod.
Mr. Wnlkor'a remnrku woro rocolv
el with much npplnuno.
' 3
Hnitc Ilnve Keen Iomitc(1, Gurvc
Hllmlnnteil, nml Itock Itcinorcil -
Niuv Itouto HstablUhciI Ovtr
Lnlillnw Hill 1.1 Men on Job.
Work on tho Ilend-Laldlnw road,
which hn. been RolnR on for tho wt
flte neck. I now nearly finished an l
within n abort tlmo Hio orowa-VIII he
paid off nnd the camp broken up.
A a result of their labors- tho two
town nro now connected by an ex
cellent rond which wllPihftlto travol
I otweon thorn easier tlinu over be
Thn road on which tho work hn
been done run from I.nldlaw to the
city limit of Ilnnd, n stretch of nboul
Of liillfH. In Keticral It follow the
line of thn old rond, the Rrnatest
chniiRo hnvltiR boon made on tho hill
oh tho wost ldo of the river, above
Ijildlnw. lloro n now rond hn boon
laid out which nurmount tho hilt
tooro easily than did tho former one
with n lower Krado and fowor turn. ,
In Reneral thn work han coHlsted
of stralglitonlnc tho curves, cutting
down grades, wldon'nff tho traveled
way, taking out rook, putting la dirt
nnd ditching where nMeMtti.
Of these the tralRhtenlriR nml
widening have n the blRgest rt
nnd It I now oM for ten in to
lHtn at nny point. This heavy work
hn been In charge of W. II. May, who
ha bud tho county road machinery
to use. while the rest, lylnc chiefly In
read district 12, ha been dono under
tho supervision of rond supervisor H.
M. Kldor. County Coromlasloner
Ilayloy han had Reneral ovcrsUht of
thn enterprise From 10 to IS men
havo been employed.
To finish tho wbolo tblnR tho coun
ty road rollor and grader will bo
used. It will bo brought up from
Redmond whero It hat been for aomo
tlmo nnd usod In rolling; nnd packlnR
down Uto now work.
ItcrUwl 1.1st Given Out llcnil Date
I July 7.
On hi visit to town Inst week, J.
11. Hardy of tho Oregon Trunk, Rnve
out n revised list of the wool sales
date which I oxpoctod to bo final.
Tho Hcnd unle will occur on July 7
nnd another date will also, bo named
If condition nt the time warrant It.
Tho new Hat I a followa:
May 21, Pilot Rook; May XI, Kcho;
May 23. Pendleton; Juno 3, Hepp
tier: June t, Shanlkn: June 6. (taker:
Juno 8-9, Ontario nnd Vale; June 111.
Pilot Rock (eeoond snle); June 16,
Hunt's Ferry; June 17, Madras; Juno
10, Shanlko, (second nalo); Juno
33, Condon; Juno 2(, Hoppner. (sec
ond sale); Juno 30, Joseph; July 1,
l.ntorprlso nnd Wnllown; July 2,
linker, (sooond nolo); July 7, Hond;
July 0, Bhnnlko, (third anlo).
A hall Ramo wna ployed on tho
Itond ntroot grounds Sunday hotwoon
n team from Jlcdmnnd nnd n picked
nine from town. Redmond won by
n largo icoro.
S r ' f -- j 7
' For ALL
Call and See Our
j Goods
1 , , iH ARDWARE
1 CO.
Mt (liven of I'loucm for Which
Prize Will Ho CI en, All of Them
ItdiiR, (JroHii Hero Kuccofiilly
Dnlo to Ho In AurukI.
Kvery Indication points to nn ex
ceptionally larKo nnd attrnotlve flow
er dhow thl year, The annual show,
Klven under the ausploo of tho La
dle Library Club, has oome to bo ono
of tho pleasant event of tho summer,
and Is having n decided effect In rous
ing Interest In flower growing.
With many now gardens nnd flower
bed In commission thl yoar, and
specially Rood result Indicated by
(lie early season, tho display when
tho show conies In August should bo
notablo. Several pcoplo nro trying
out now flowers and much Interest I
being taken In developing specially
fine blossom.
Ilelow la thn lint of flower for
which prlxen will bu given. If nnyono
ha flower not Included In thl list
It I requested that some member of
the club bo notified. Practically
every flower In thl Hat has been
grown successfully In Hond.
Hweet pees, annua'., Perennial;
poppy, slnnlc, double. California;
8hNta dater, African daisy, coreop
sis, ralllotiala, galllardln. anap dra
gon, fox Rlove, phlox. Htook, canter
bury bells, aweet wllllam, candy tuft,
jny, calendula, zinnia, marigold
sweet elyslum. babya breath, over
lasting. Illy of tho vnlloy, oentaurea,
Imperial!, ragged anllor, columbine,
aalvla, rosea, hollyhock, aunflowor,
goden glow, aster, nasturtium,
dwnrf. climbing; larkspur, geran
ium, potted: boconln. potted, fush
la, potted; petunia, potted; primrose,
North Canal Now Carrylnx F.noush
For Plot Ilutte JmtmU.
' Tlepalra having been mndo-on tho
North Canal to enable It to carry a
full head of water, official of the C.
O. I. Co. yaetcrday had the wator
turned In. After measuring tho flow
tho announced thnt thoro wa suf
ficient to caro for nil tho lands undor
tho Pilot Ilutte canal, both sold and
unsold, and thnt patents would be
naked for at onee. The amount of
water carried by the oannl aa shown
ir measurement taken yesterday, la
332 vecond feet.
With this provision for the Pilot
Ilutte land it becomes iinnecoMarv
to carry the former Ninon nt of water
In the Pilot Hutto eanal. Repair
nnd changes nt the throat of the
flumo have been finished whleh mko
possible the diversion Into the Cen
tral Oregon canal of practically all
tho wator brought to that point and
thl will be done, thereby Incrcnslng
tho Central Oregon flow. In tho Pil
ot nutte cnnnl only enough will bo
oarrled to en re for tho lands above
the Junction with tho North onnnl.
Tho various changes nnd Improve
merits, according to offlclnl of tho
oompnnv. will mnk posslblo tho ear
ly patenting of much of tholr land.
Oliver Johnson, n resident of Hond
for ovor 10 year, died suddenly In
Tflcoma Mondny morning. Mr. John
son wa with him nt the end nnd last
night returned to town with tho body.
Mr. Johnson was employed at Tho
Hond Company mill up to Inst July
when ho had to give up active work
on account of trouble with hi heart
The funerrl will bo held at 2:30
Thursday afternoon nt tho Ilaptlst
church. The Odd Follows ordor. with
which Mr. Johnson wa connected,
will havo charge of tho service at the
Hend tennis players who wont to
Redmond Sunday got slightly the bet
tor of the mntcho played there, win
ning four of tho Bovea contest. In
doubles C. 8. Hudson and J. P. Keyes
won from J. IJarr and C. II. Drake,
nnd Inter lost to D. O, Ilurdtck and
N. A. Hurdlck, tho latter of Motolius.
W. R. Sproat and O. P. Putnam lost
to J. W. Moore and J. W. Hoseh.
rtitnnm beat Mooro In singles, Sproat
beat Drako and D. C. Hurdlck, and
Lnrn lost to Walter Hodman. A re
turn match will be played hero as
soon a the new court Is In shape.
Much tennis during tho summer I
Criminal Cnsc From Crook County
Ilcfnrc Supremo Court.
PRINEVILLB. April '13. Throe
Crook county criminal coses, appeal
ed from Judgo Hradshcw's court,
were heard in tho Supremo court
Inst week. Tuesday the case of Stato
of Oregon vs. Gaylord McDanlcl,
convicted of murdor In the second
degree, waa submitted, and Friday.
State of Oregon v. Garrett, convicted
of the larceny of a steer and Stato r.
John McPnereon, convicted of the
larceny of a maro. wa argued. At
torney N. G. Wallace of Prlnovllle
appeared for the defendant McDanlel.
W. P. Myers for Carrel and K. H
Dufur for John McPhorson. District
Attorney Wlrtz presented all three
cases on behalf of the Stato. The de
cisions will bo handed down within a
week or two.
Soy Freight Hiulncoa JO Per Cent
Better Than Voir Ago.
W. C .Wilkes and F. A. nralncrd
of the Oregon Trunk were In town
with J. T. Hardy, traveling freight
agent of tho company on Monday.
Bcforo coming to Dend they had
spent a day going over the country
to tho north, -covc.rlosjjiptorritory
between Redmond and Prlnevlllo nnd
taking In Powell Hutto.
"Business ' In general Is picking
up." said Mr. Wilkes. In discussing
tho condition In tho northwest, "and
up on this line it Is really very good.
Right now tho business, both freight
and passenger. Is 10 per coot better
than a year ago and seems to be In
creasing. Somebody 1 buying up
here, and I know it la not simply
that merchants are Increasing their
stocks." Itoth road, according to
Mr. Wilkes, expect to have consider
able business in connection with the
land openings to the south, and are
doing considerable advertising In tho
east and middle west based on the
SALEM. April 10. Tho last flllnB
of declarations for state oftlcors oc
curred today and tho comploto list
of candidates for nominations Is now
mado up. .In tho 21st representative
district the candidates aro Vernon
A. Forbes, republican, Hend; Wesley
O. Smith, republican, Klamath Falls
and P. II. Dencer, democrat, Hend.
Q The First National Bank CI
U. C. COE, President E. A. SATHER, Vloe President
C. S. HUDSON, Cashier
Capital fully paid - - - 995.000
SurpltH 118.000
To Homeseekers:
Parties contemplating taking Home
steads in the new lands just eliminated
from the Forest Reserves, should bear in
mind that Bend is the closest Banking
town to these lands.
We are making a special effort to be
of service to new people coming into Gen
tral Oregon.
Gall and see us and arrange your fi
nances, so you will not have any trouble
in having your checks cashed.
fi j A
U. C. Con E. A. Sathek c. s. Hudson
O. M. Patterson h. C Eixjs
Committee Appointed nt Commercial
CInh Luncheon Find Sentiment
Somewhat at Odd OrccnSr&od
Are. Logical Hond for Work
Good roads day Is to lie observed
In Hend n,xt wiek and a piece of
road Improved. Just what rood will
be attacked and Just what day will bo
devoted to raising blisters In the at
tack I not yet fully decided. At tho
Commercial Club luncheon next Sat
urday discussion of tho afTclr will oc
cur, and It Is expected, somo decis
ion reached on tho various plans sug
gested. Official notice of tho day as pro
claimed by tho governor nnd echoed
by Judgo Springer was first taken at
tho Club luncheon last Saturday at
the nond Hotel. Af this tlmo J. P.
Keyes called for an expression of
opinion as to tho proposition and af
ter a short discussion a committee
was appointed consisting of Frank
May. M. O. Danlcl'on nnd Robert H.
Gould to make plans for the road
wprk to be done.
Yesterday the committee met and
went ovor tho" general situation, ar
riving at tentative plans to bo pre
sented to tho Oluh at Its next meet
ing In the gonoral discussion of the
undertaking two conflicting plans
haro been proposed. Ono Is for tho
Improvement of a short stretch ot
stroet In the business section and the
other for work on one of the roads
leading Into the city. In cither caw
it Is proposed to malce use of cinders
from .Pilot Butte as an experiment to
learn their valuo as & road material.
So far a the close Jn streets aro
concerned It ( flcfiued that th djj;
has spent within a ycir considerable
monoy putting them In sliapa and
that thoy are all now In fairly good
condition, while the roads In from
the country need attention In many
places. That part of the Laldlaw
Hend road lying within tho city lim
its Is In bad condition as are the be
ginning of tho Durns road and Green
wood avenue, bith used In getting In
from tho country. So far as tho first
two aro concerned, It Is pointed out
that their present courses nro over
platted property In many places so
that It Is unwise to do any work on
them. Greenwood avenue, on the
other hand is In Its proper bounds,
at least out as far as the steen hill
on the east end. and servos both the
city residents In Its neighborhood and
tho country beyond.
A further argument In favor of
putting the work in on Groenwood
avenue at the present time Is tlm
fact that If the military maneuvers
as held hero, as -now seem nrolmble.
tho onoampment will very likely bo
n tho flat off the end ot the avenuo
between tho town and Pilot Hutto.
and In this case that street
will bo tho main throughfare
from the town to tho camp. During
the time of encampment It wilt bo In
constant uso liy a large number of
neonle and Ita condition, especially
If It Is bad, will be taken as an Index
to all the streets of the city.
For these reasons it Is expected
(Continued on last page.)