I'AOK . tiii: nrcsn nur.TiKTiN, dknd, one, wkdnksday, Aimr b, ioi i. " HILL TO IKVADE CALIFORNIA? RUAIORS ARISE FROA1 GRANTS PASS Likelihood Thnt Road From llend Mny Ho (AmtliiHed Southward Hy Way of Southwestern OwKon Hill and llarrlnuin In Tight? MEN WANTED Wo enu me it few more men and team un the Tm nlo Project. Wiim nro: Ordinary lulior, WJ.00 to yj.lOi cnrpoiiteis, 9'J.IO to $n.UO; drhei, Jli.li to $2, id. All eight hour day. .Meals iW cents, Hospital tjtl.00 Apply at Iialdlaw. O. IjAI'IUJAAUU, Project Kiiglncor. According to nn account In tho Portland Orcgonlan, activity In IUU railroad building Is a thing to bo ex pected. This tlmo tho road, tt Is rumored, will pass through south western Oregon, enroute from Hond to California. Grants Pass peoplo own n railroad survoy south to Cres cent City In California, and report has It that this property Is now Bought by tho llarrtman and Hill In terests. Tho Orcgonlan soys, in port! Southern OroRon resldonta ore con vinced that J. J. Hill Is seeking In vasion of that district. The presence of Judc lturke. of Seattle, there last vrobk and negotiations started by him for tho purchase of tho lino between Medford and Jacksonville are con sidered the initial steps of Hilt to construct an extension of tho Oregon Trunk lino through Southern Orogon. west to tho coast, thence down the coast to San Francisco the ultimate objective point of Hill's Invasion of California. That Hill plans to enter California there Is no doubt and tho question Is between two routes from the present terminus of tho Oregon Trunk at llend. The tier of counties In the southern part of tho stato west of l.nko county, vastly rieh In resour ces. Including timber, fruitgrowing, Btockralslng. farming and mining possibilities of almost unlimited pro portions, have favorably impressed the Hill Interests. That route prob ably will be selectod instead of tho route through tho eastern part of California to San Francisco. Rattle for Uond Tending. Dr. Reddy, promoter of the Grants Pass-Crescent City line, now Is In San Francisco. It Is reported that the Southern Pacific Is quietly carry ing on negotiations with Dr. Neddy and that they are forced to show their hand In order to forestall tho apparent activity of tho Hill Interests. church In tho evening to everyone. Goldlo Cannon of Portland tins started to school In tho eighth grade. Other new pupils aro Robert and Donald Cannon, and Lester Carden. FRKIGHT 11USINKSS 1IKAVV. Unusually heavy freight business has been the rulo of tho Hond station for some tlmo past but nil recent records were broken on Monday whon 17 cars ennio In. Two of theso contained emigrant's movables and the others merchandise, hay, grain and other supplies. Tho passungor business has nlso boon heavy, duo doubtless to tho Incoming How of settlors for tho recently eliminated forest lands. SPRINKLING CONTRACT I.KT. Thrco bids for tho street sprinkling contract were opened at tho meeting SCIIOOI, xoti:s. The students went to their usual lessons Tuesday morning on account of ono of the business not coming to the school to speak as usual. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Rebec will speak to tho older pupils and at tho SPECIAL SALE OF Cook Books Household Edition of Kjood Living the well known cook book A LIMITED NUMBER AT $1.00 Regular Price $2.50 The OWL PHARMACY of tho council last night, tho Won nndy Livery Co in pun y ottering to sup ply n man and tenuis to do tho work for 41 7-8 cents per hour, Anton Auno for 10 cunts nnd J. M. Judd for If) confs. After connldornblo dis cussion as to the equipment unit ox pnrlonco of tho different bidders tho contract wih let to Attnn. The com etery committee wnn Instructed to take action at onro to linprovu condi tion ut tho cemetery, n petition hav ing boon received asking for thin, Tho only other business tolated to tho payment of bills. A tow hours nt iv nice clnssv, olnnn. up-to-dnto place especially prepared for gentlemen, will remove nil worry ami troubles, Thu Motropolltuu.-Adv "WITH IIAIIl TO .MATCH." The latest thing In hair arrange ments has recently arrived In town nnd Is being shown In Mrs. Mcin tosh's Wall street window. It Is u wig. It is not, however, the ordi nary sort that la used to cover a head devoid of hirsute adornment. This now ono, Instead of going on over tho hair you hnvon't got goes over what you havo and tho reason for being Ik to enable tho wearer to carry out n complete color scheme. For yoara tho matter of hair has been a cause I of great dltllculty among theso who ' took thought as to their dress. You' might gut a complete outfit or hat, suit and shoes In, sny blue, and than suddenly ronllzo thnt your red hair Rpolled the whole effect. The new st)Io saves tho situation for nil you need do Is get some blue hair nnd the color arrangement Is complete. The wig In tho window Is green but It Is understood thnt all colon aro available. In thu foregoing "you" refers to the ladles. cir.v ci.rii shoot. Tho score In tho Sunday shoot were as follows: Frank Dibble, 13: C. II. Kurrle, 13; C. S. Roberta, JO; II. W. Skuse. SO; M. I). Knutsuu, 20. Alphnnso Aya, who while disclaiming nny thought of objections to a cream ery In llciul, una Hoiiiewhnt liiNlslent oil beliiK hIiowii why It would not bo bolter for thu I-iv Pino farmers to innrltiit their cream In Redmond. So far as tho actual riinchois and cow owtinia wero concerned tho answer lo this seemed to bo thnt they wore not so marketing their ureiim at pros, out mid wero tirui'tlcally uiinblo to do no because of tho dllttctiltlca of trans portation and expense. Tho mooting ended, un already In dicated, with tho appointment of n committee to work with n represen tative from hero liroeurlng Htibsurlh ern to tho company, and pledge of cream mini rnnoliorH who did not wish to nuhsorltio at the present time. The llend delegation nt the moot ing consisted of- J P, Keyed. II. Fer ret, J, A, Hastes, W. W, Faulkner, .1. K. KiiKohrotson. II, C. Kills, II. Latham, C. W, iirsklno. II. A. Miller, II. W. Skuse, C.I, llorell, J, O. Rhodes II, II. Do Armond, R, It. Gould, C. V. Silvers. Word Coble. It. M. Smith, C. . Mauiiheliiier, It. W. Sawyer, T. II. Foley, F. Dement. The Saturday laiuj'lieou. Tlicl uncheon last Saturday at the Wright Hotel was. attended by about 00. I.lttlo occured he)oud a general discussion of the creamery and n re port of tho I. a Pino meeting. The luncheon ne.xt Saturday will bo held at the llend Hotel. April nth. Tho following oltlcorn worn elected! Mr. John Minimi, mip orliilendotit, Mrn. Taylor, assistant Huperlitteuiteilti Myrtle Slunrt, see toiiiry. Glcmvca Htriihm, assistant secretary, Opal Taylor, librarian. Next Hiindav, April lit, tliero will lu Knstor aorvlooH at 111:110 by Rev, il.oieo nuil Immediately after will lm baptising. A dinner will ho aimed nt tho halt, to which all aro Invited to attend unil bring u basket, In tho afternoon at 'i o'clock Sunday school nnd preaching1 nt ,1, All nro Invited to come, GARRISON GIVKH HOOKS. Indicating his Interest In tho rroamery project. P. C. Garrison re cently offered to pay for any six hooka on the subject of co-operative creameries, and after consultation with tho librarian of the Portland Public Library, six titles have been chosen by Robert H. Gould and Mr. Garrison nnd tho (took sent for. CREAA1ERY WILL BE IN ICE PLANT (Conttnuod from mge 1.) ComiHiuy" was adopted as a tentative name for the organisation, It being ImiKMMtlbte under a rectnt stato law to use tun word "co-operative." Ia Pine Fanner to Huter. On Saturday Mr. Roberts and J, A. Knstea are going to I.u Pine In thu tatter's ear to sign up the farmer In that region who art coming Into tho organisation. A commute of l.n Pine men are husv this week getting In touch with the cow owners around there and slmpllfy'ng as much as pos sible the work to be done Saturday. This committee was appointed nt the meeting of tho l.a Pine Commsr clal Club on Friday night attended bv over 20 Hond business men at which tho plan was explained In de tail by J. P. Koye. As a whole thu meeting favored the Idea as a means of developing tho country on dairying lines nnd providing n good mnrkot for tho farmer's cream, tho only ap parent objection coming from Mr. BEND A1ASONS OPEN NEW MALL (Continued from page 1.) tho lodge room Is an auto room, (tan try, preparation room, toilet aud closet. All In all. It Is as Dimly -imlnled a lodge room as exists In the state outside of Portland. Tho visitors from Pr1nvtll were: T. M. HnldwlH. M. K. Ilrlnk. O. C. Hyde, J, F. Illnnrhnrtl, Homer Item, A. II. Hodsnn. M. It. Mmw, R. I.. Douglas, A. W. Rattle. W. . Aynrs. W. J. Pancake, Jan. Wilson, Dale Jonas, 7,. M. Ilniwu, I,. ,M. IMwIitell, A. It. Howman.W, J. Johnson, II. F. Johnson. G. W. Noble, J. K Williams, C. O. Pollard. H. R. Uklti, O. G. Adams, D. II. Peoples, F, II. Foster, It. U Jordan. From Redmond name the follow ing: A. O) Myers. C. If. Miller, J. ilarr. A. A. Auderttn, W. II. Dag gitt, G. h. Killers and 'A. M. llruwn. FRHMONT. (Special to Tho llu poclal to Tho Ilullollti) FRKMONT, April R. Fremont lilts' hud a Utile shower nnd nil tho far mors nro getting busy, The Fremont Concert bniid Is go ing to give a concert this Friday, April 10, tlioy have about 26 pieces now, Someone walked Into tho school house last Tuesday nnd did a little damage. Tlioy locked the teacher out, he had to take a ladder to got In. As ho was about to approach the lad dor slipped aud went through a win dow. Tliero was no body hurt Mr. J. II. Fox nays ho has sold nut again. People Hre still looking for land but tliero Is not very much left around Fremont. Miss llelnn I lank ban returned from n visit in California. kw PI.VH. PLAINVIEW (Continued from page 7.) Tassel took dinner at Dan Wlnekle's Saturday. Tho Sisters Hnptlsl Sunday school was organltad In sisters Sunday. (Mpoetal to The llulletln.) I.A IM.VK. April 7 Mrs. It IC Itaton returned from a visit to Halem and Portland Sunday. She nnd her husband went to the homestead es tordny, Tom Parker nnd family and Mln lllo Parker left for Fort Rock and Sliver l.ako last Wednesday for a ten davs visit. Charlie Carmlchael, Chester Hoi llnslinad. W. IS. lingua and Cnrf WW spent Similar at Crewctil. J It. t'hlbleiis was train-acting bus. Iiixm In town vesterdav. Mrs. H. K. Foster of llend has nr. reptod a position as cook at the l.a Pine lintel Charlie Carmlchael. Frank Hogo. Jr., W. F Arnold, editor of the in tormountaln. went to llend yesterday to ttet Information shout the land to be thrown open In this vlclnltv Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Arnold and ilsusliter. Alfrml A. Ava. and lit mother, and Mr. and Mrs F W. Tomes spent MuHilay at I'rlngle Falls Unite. J F. Croft received nn un to ds'e butrrv phnrt vmitwday to le used In the higher grades. Alehouse W. Av nnd I G Red. moed made a busluns trio to W- last week. Mr. Ava returned SsV. nrday but Mr. Redmnad went on to Mmtmond to visit friend and rein lives. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stephenson nnd Iteatrlee spent Saturday and Kundav at their homestead. Dr. Hetxln left for llend to mct his daughter, Mrs. II. J. Kernbarh who Is expected bask from Snt''t where she has been for tho past flo months. --------- -. .-- ...4. MMMtmtM t millUMI HHIMMMtMM.mtHMHMt - --------- - --- lp T tit in f hi m i REAL ----- m ifti Wmmmm TAT I. i 4 m t ut n Lumber ttt Complete Stock Dry, Rough and Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring II FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage OR. FARM LANDS i and it will con vinco tho most. conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment Let us show you the property s Lath and Shingles Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles H II : i r Va &, "1 Ihe Bend Company i.A OFFICE CORNER WALL and OHIO STS. ' ' "' iii.i i i L ,m T ' ' T iA i .:'. H ,., "T''"'""""- -- vw-r-r ,.,,,.. .,.... . ,-t- tHM!HtHtHtt) IMI ! ----------X MMIHl - 1 1 --l I MtfTT.Itlrf)tlyiTi y4.'ni'i. nv. m.i .i..i. i,.