TUN IIICNI) IIL'MjKTIN, IJKNI), OltK., WKDNKHDAV, Al'KIL- B. 1011. PACJR 7. POWELL BUTTE (Coutliiuml (rnm pngo 2.) jilumi (u Deschutes Hntiirdny. .1. L. (llhann, IiIh III roil limn unit 2 tftHiiiH urn Iiiih)' imltltiK In n crop on the (IIIihoii pliiou lit Liildlnw this Wimli. II Ik tiixlorntnnil Hint two youiiK int'n of HiIh section nro oonlninplnl Iiik n whirl lit tln laundry btialuima lit llBllll. WO WlHll llllllll BIICCOIiH, lint MiiKKoxt tlmt they ntnrt n llko n tcriirlNo rlKht hero nt homo. A number of local witter users unit nt thn Wilson hcIiooI houan Hatunlny tnomliiK to dlaeiiHS Iho orKnnUnllon of n local association of water users. No donulto atop worn taken. How ever tlio mooting aiipolntml three dnloKntiw to moot with thn members of tli (i Contral Oregon Irrigation Co. Wntor Users' Association which linlil n rcKiilar session nt I'owull llntto Htatlon Haturilay afternoon. Thoso ilnloKntcH conferred with members of the association In rcganl to tlio ad visability of n local organization a in J nil oiliilon favorable In nucli nn nr Knnliiitloii wnn rnachod. Tlio pnr nt association however wished nil business of 'mportniiro lo ho carried on through Itn nltlces, which, In tlio opinion of tunny, would compllcnto simple matter. A niimhor of our people nro members of tho (!. 0. I. Vo. wntor usora nml thoy nilvoonto swelling tho inmntmrnhlp of thn or HNtiliatlon rnthor than thn forming h new nssoclntlon, bollevltiK tlmt bet ter results cnu hn ntitnlnoil throiiKh huh ntrnntc association. Mr. nml Mm. Kurt Bnunders and famllv worn Hundiiy Ktiota of Mr. nml Mm. Rodflold of Desrhutoa. (V II. Miller. mniingor for tho Don. rhtite Mutual Telephone Co., wnn In this locality Motulny making some needed telephone riipnlm. Mm, Mil lar accompanied liliu. Momm. K. I). Mustard nml A. W. Uavn Invited n number of Redmond frlauda together with aoum local pro tln to Join them In n rabbit ilrlvn Hominy, A five dnllnr cheek given r John Tongmsn wnn hold for tho party making tho biggest alaughtor. Ottna worn used exclusively nnd thn (Uy lining Ideal, inurh sport wan had by tho hunter. An excellent dinner v served nt thn A. W. Ilnyn honin nt which plnco tho ladles of thn par tv were entertained for tho tiny. W. l. Mustard produced nvlitonco of thn Xfstt nuinlmr killed nnd won awarded tho prise. Ho killed 08. Our Dfibtwiu of Redmond wnn second with Ifl to lila credit. Krnnk Me Calfery wan out with n crowd In bin new auto. Mra. McCnttorv, Mrs Lffnnon nnd Ml Austin wr.ro tho Indlmt of tho party. Mr. Young of lliMlfiiond hroiiRht out nn nuto load of huntQM also. Approximately COO rabhlta worn killed. Tho stork Kot Iniay nut tills way Hiindav nlajht nnd nn n consequence Mr nnd Mm Orn Poster nro receiv ing thn congratulntlona of their friendx over thn nrrlvnl of n flnn pair if twin liable, hoy and Rlrl. Mother nnd tmtilnn nro dolns nlcoly nnd Orn la wparlni? n Hunny Jim nnillo. (I) Mornnn nnd Allon Wtlconn have tnkon n contract to accd olshty tirrr-a ot nlfnlfa for Mr. WtUon. Thoy nr Iniay on tho loh now. Mr nnd Mm. Nnthnn llnach nro re rolvliiR conRMtulntlnna over thn nr rival of n linliy dniiRlitor nt their home Mondny. Dr. I loach wna In Ht'endnncn. Mr. Condon of Itedmond ban boon u hero iHtvnrnl dnya rccontly In nn endeavor to plnco a flno homo with too atockmont In thla vicinity. l'OWKI.t lllfTTB. Anrll 0. Horn, to Mr nnd Mm. Orn Ko liter, twlna. Kldor J. J. N'nthery. of Portland, ypent n dny bnrn laat wenk ntid nftor a ffw dnya vlalt with tilit brother at Kedmomi will Iihivo with hla family, for "oho, Idaho. Mlim May Vouiir who han been vln. lMn nt thn llrnwn homo for tho nnal Tew woeVa. loft for hor homo in Vnn vouvr. WnahliiRton. laat Krldnv. Hred llrnwn loft for l'ortlnnd Innt Trldav. A I). Morrill mado n hualneaa trip lo Hend Inat week. Karl 8nundoM, Iho naannanr ' for thin territory, la tnnklnR tho rotinda. I,. W. lllnlr la rnklnR anRo on tho Appol hnmoatoiid. Ho Intonda olonr Iiir about 30 noroa. Wntor la turned In tho onnnl for n vook or ao, nnd will aoon ho turned In for tho annaon. Wnlter I'nalnr la tho ditch rldor for thin part of tho onnnl. Httvernl Rood ahowora Intoty nro brlnKltiK on the rmkh And aprltiR howii Kralir. floum Kanl-'iifntf hna been dono nnd potnto plnnlliiR la jirotty woll over. Mr. nod Mra. Irvln lllnlr nnd fnm 1 1'v of Itodmond anent a dny with L. W. Hlnlr nnd fiimllr laat wnok. Ila nml Nnrmnn Klllntt woro flnlnlf loir the aehnol torni nt tho Hhonherd achool. which will ho n month lnnnnr an Hint hold In tho Ilutto vulloy niiirioi. Ami ?RkP B HV C Ml iViv'dM Hi I Economy in Painting Your House does not mean buying the paint sold at the lowest price per gallon. It means getting the paint that covers the most surface per gallon and gives the greatest number of years of service in other words, the best value for your dollar. ACMEQUMITY N HOUSE PAINT costs less because it takes less and lasts longer. Let us show you pleasing color combinations, estimate quantity needed, or be or any other service we can, zvhetber you buy or not. Coma in and get an Acme Quality Painting Guide Book and some color suggestions. Bend Hardware Company tto vuJ! , V IIAMITO.V IIUTTH. (Biicolnl to Tho nullotln) HAMPTON 1IUTTI3, April 0 Kour families of hoiiioHonkoiH pntwod throiiKh horn tho llrat of lnnt wook hound to tholr oliilm anuth ot horo In Hmt Crook vnlloy nnd Hhorroll vulloy. Theao pooplo enmo from uonr Tn rouiii, Wiiahlngton, Wllllnm Hnwlov nnd wlfo of Hurnn woro Kunata of tho Hotot llrooklnga last wook. Htnnlnv Unlfniir. Mr. Jphn 11, Mo Otilro, Mlaaoa Kdlth and Ohrlstlo Mo Knohorn of Flfo woro horo Wodnim. dny nnd nttondod tho'dnnco lit Im porlnl that evening. JnmcH I'nul McCuro and J. Myors of I.OHt Croak vulloy woro Riiostn nt iho Ilotol llrookliiRH Inst wook nnd runmlnod aavornl dnyn wultlng for n friend who did not comn. T, 0. Kwlntr la innklnK aomo ro palrH to tho aewor ayatom of tho DrooklnKB hotol. Ilort Mnoka Is In nond for a load of frolRht and Hiipplloa, O. 0. Ilonklo of llond wna horo twlco laat wook nnd locatod sovornl pooplo In tho Lnko county torrltory known na Jow vnllov. John Porry nnd Co. drilled n woll for A. U. Cownn of Lost Crook and Htruck wntor nt n dopth of 200 foot. A. T. Hhnvor drlllod a woll for Krod 0. Miller and bus 10 foot of wiitor'nt n depth of 170 foot. Mr. Shaver's outfit moved to C. L). Harmon'a of Ifampton. A. 1. Hlchnl apent Hundny nt thn HrooklnR Hotel. Ho not off tho rond Snturday nlRht nnd Rot atuck. Tho llrooklnga Hotel hna been do ing n Rood Inulneaa recently, hnvlng nccomodntod nbout 70 Kiieata durlim tho pnat week. Jay Snltzmnn hroiiRht hnok hla hlc enr from llurna hut la running tho amnller nno at preaont, V. Schroder nnd wlfo Apent Hntur dny nt Huatloinore, nnd hroiiRht haok n iliac harrow. MIm llwwile 8hepard la oxpeetlng to ihhhI nbont 3 ncre to nlfalfn thla year. C. A. Nleodemua nnd T. C. Kwlng took dinner at the llrooklnRa Hotol Hundny. Jeimo Monroe la worklnR for Mra. C, Rinlth. Illda nro being naked for n mnll carrier, twlco n week mall, from Held to Itolynt. C. J. Htnurfcr of StaufTer, Oregon, wna vliltliiR friends In thla loonllty. Mr. Btauffor hoiiRht n tonm from Paul Held of Hold, Oregon, nnd brought the team hnok with hlm. K. !". Yeok of Iat Creek, la on touto to llond, nnd onllod on friends In thla locality Friday. MUa ICIvn Mol'udden, nccompnnlod by her pnrenta, la on tho wnv from llond to her homestead In Yrokn val ley. Mr. and Mra. F, O, Miller cnllod on Mr. nnd Mra. Horace lirookliiHa Sun-, dny. Oaonr Illnok hna had troublo with hla pump, not IioIiik nhlo to aeouro wMter beoaiiHo ot troublo with the vnlvoa. Ml M,I CA.V. (Hneolal to Tho llullfttln) MILLIOAN, April 0. Mra. Ada 11. Mllllenn la expected homo Wednes day. A apoclnt mooting of Bku-Ku-Look Kluh will ho hold at hor resi dence Wodnoadny afternoon, A brother ot Mra, P. II. Joliimon and hla family nrrlved In our vnlloy yeatordny mid Intond taking up a hoiuostond In tho near future. Wm. Toild'n cnrlond of npplo trooa arrived In Uend Inat week. Mr. Todd la In llond making nrrnngomonts to huvo them hauled to bin claim In thla vnlloy. TIiob. Moffott nnd llttlo boh cnllod at tho McAdow homo Sunday. Mra. Louis a loss visited with hor Bister, Mra, Norton, Wednesday. P. 11. Johnson brought out a load of grocurlos and tho valley mall Sat urday, Mm. Eftlo Koppor nnd Mrs. Cnrrlo Norton apent Sunday at tho Klgor homo. Mm. Martha Korgoy hna about fin lahed plowing 20 ncroa of sago brush. Mlasea Anno nnd Gertrude Mar ket left for n visit In llond Sunday. Mra. I.. P. Kooticy wna n cnllor at Jnhnson'a Sunday. Mra. Martha Korgoy Knt Sun day afternoon visiting with Mm. Thoa. Moffott. Wm. Itouins hna ordered a now aeodor which ho oxtteota to have out Iter, about April IS. M(m Stoner wna a onllor at tho Koama home Wednesday afternoon. Why It Hull I'nrtlculnr People. Koloy'a llcnoy ond Tar Compound la prompt and offectlvo for coughs, eolds, oroup, honraenoaa, bronchial coughs, and throat troubles. Thomas 1'iaj.NVIKW. (Special to Tho Dullotln) P L A 1 N V I K W, April 6. Fred Iluhle and Kd Spoo took dinner nt Uio Strahin homo Sunday. M. WlntiliiRhnni and Mm. Ceo. McCnlllntur wore transacting busl- n om In Itodmond Mondny. School atnrted Monday nftor a weeks vocation, with n now toachor, Mlsa Ceyera of PrlnovUlo. There will bo Hoator exerclaea at tho Plalnvlew Sunday school noxt Hununy, April iz. Kllou Crawford apont tho day at tho Strnhm homo Wodnoadny. Mr. MolIH wna trading at Itod mond Thursday. Mlaa Grnco Van Tassel of Opal City la visiting with her aunt. Mm. Dan Wlncklo. Mlsa Caroline Snotwoll, who hna been visiting at the homo of John Htrnhni for aomo time, returned to Laldlaw Wednesday. Graco Van Taasol was In Slatera Thursday. Mr. Geo. McCalllstor returned from tho mines Thursday. Gtoavos Strahm apent Friday and Saturday with Graco Van Tassel at tho Dan WInckle home. Walter Kelster and Newell Van (Continued on Inat page.) K LfflrSJifinoUnuwrta)t K 0 lfrmtcidn ourUtwitryml mf mf Irftl grouncU, Thcy.tt lptU!f fW BF tiltp(nlti)lhrtdhcNMlSwAi4 Mf, m (iftnMtiBiua. QuivtluiUtctt- JK lMUt v II Uitol linen lJUC. jy ThChM.H.UIIrCo3tlU M Vienna Cafe REOPEN We are now located In the Onclll UullUlne next to tho Hllte Studio, Oood meats served, Dread and all kinds of pastry for aale. ....ROOMS AND HOARD.... I MACHINE SHOP Wo nro equipped to do anything In tho machlno lino, having Installed new machinery with which we can handle any kind of Job. Automobile Repairing specially Doyarmond Machine (Sb Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave,, Uend, Ore. ALTAMONT HOTEL Moderate Prices Modern Itoonts Attractive Surroundings Strain Kent, Hot nnd Cold Water With Hath Privileges Hrcnkfasts Served MLss A. 1). Spalding, Proprietor I1HNI), OHKGON sss THIS lAiCR RCfKECEHfCD FOR FOREIOh A?trtTlSb.GDYlHE oinerau orricca NCW YORK AND CHICAGO - l in ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Is It Done Right? If It t. lot wttl anough slon. Hut un Uis It Is up to the mark In vry detail com and im u. L.OVV PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bond Steam Laundry. Vorron. Hancock, Mloh., writes: "Foley's llonoy and Tar quickly ro llovcs tlokllnR throat and stops tho coiikIi with no had nftor offoeu" H contains no opiates nnd Is pure. Thnt'M why It sulfa particular people. Pnttorson Drug Co. Adv. NOTICK rOlt PUHMCATIO.Vj, Department of tho Interior, U.' B. Laud Offlco at Tho Dalles, OrcRon, March 2. 10H. Notlco la hereby given that Jay L. Nichols of Laldlaw, Oregon, who, on February 10, 1909, mado homestead entry No. M54, for BBNBVi, NK BK , Sec. 23, nnd 8W 4 NW , NV48W4, oc. 24, township 16 south, range 11 oast, Willamette Me ridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final five year proof, to estab lish claim to tho land ahovo dcserlbod boforo II. C. Bills, U, S. Commission er, at llond. Oregon, on tho 20th day of April, 1014. Claimant names as witnesses: Fred N. Wallace. R. II. Ilayley, John IJ. Wlmer, J. II. Nichols and C. B. Nnohols, all of Laldlaw, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 1-Ec Register. NOTICK 1'OIt PUHMOATION. Dopartmont of tho Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 24, 1914. Notlco la horeby given that Henry Starrs, ot Uend, Oregon, who on March 11, 1911, made homestead entry No. 08309, for 8V4 NWVi. and K'A SW,i. Section 32, Township 18 South, Rango 13 Bast, Willamette Meridian, lira filed notlco of Inten tion to mnko final three year proof, to establish claim to Uio lands abovo described boforo H. C. Bills, U. S. .Commissioner, at Uend, Oregon, on tho 9th day of May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Ralp A. Dunn, Jacob F. Thomas, Fleteher Edwards, John Bhley, nil ot Uend, Oregon. W. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-8p. Reglstor. NOTICi: FOR rUIIIJCATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. l.and Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 27, 1914. Notlco Is hereby given that John A. Hazuka, of Dend, Oregon, who on November 28th, 1910, made homo stead entry No. 077S1, for 8E , 8 H SWH, NEWSWfc nnd 8EU NW, Section 30, Township 19 South Itango m k wiiiamouo Aicnuinn, una mod notlco of Intention to mnko final three year p. oof to establish claim to tho Innd above described, boforo II. C. Bills, V. B. Commissioner, nt llond, Oregon, on tho 12th day of May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank J. Blkstnd, Fulton Hnffnor, Arthur Proctor, alt of Uend, Oregon, Georgo Mllllenn, of Mllllenn. W. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-8c Register, XOTICK FOR PiniMOATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, Maroh 24, 1914. Notlco Is horoby given that Wil liam J, McConnell. of Uond, Oregon, who on May 3, 1910, mado homo atcad entry No. 06673, for 8 8W Section 34, 19 South, Rango 16 B, and NW nnd W14 NE,, Section 3, Township 20 South, Rango 16 E., Willamette Meridian, baa filed no tice of intention to inako final threo year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before II. C. Bills, V. 8. Commissioner, at Uend, Oregon, on tho 9th day ot May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas Gray, Orlea O. King, John F. Wolff, Alwyn F. Leo, nil ot Uond, Oregon. W. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-S.c Reglstor. XOTICK I-'OIl I'UMjICATIO.V. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tho Dalles. Febru ary 27, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Minnie C. Low, of Deschutes, Oregon, who, on March 11, 1909, made homestead entry No. 04634, for SW& NW, Sec. 27. And on December 11, 1909, mado additional homestead entry No. 0G637, for S NE and NW4 NEH. Section 28. Township 16, South, Rango 12 cast, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final flvo year proof, to es tablished claim to the land abovo de scribed, beforo 11. C. Bills, U. S. Com missioner, at Dend, Oregon, on tho 15th day of April 1914. Claimant names an witnesses: Geo. R. Butts. Georgo Holton, Lemuel A. Drandenburgh. all of Deschutes, Ore gon, Charles R. Lowe of Dend, Ore gon. W. FRANK WOODCOCK, 1-Sc Register. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It is n fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It Is comfortable, commodious, clean ROOMS FROM SO CKXTS UP MEALS FROM 25 CENTS UP The wants of all aro satisfied well at THE WRIGHT HOTEL THE WRIGHT HOTEL Central Oregon's Leading Insurance Agency Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass, Automobile, Surety Bonds REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property ADAlI A IX)TS 3150 TO ?050 VlVll-r. Terms: $5. cash and 93. monthly J. A. EASTES Ofllco on Oregon Street nBXl), j-j OREGON . Put Your Duds In Our Suds" Headquarters for Commercial Men Clectrlc Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL Oood Rooms Free bus to and from trains HUGH O'KANE, MANASER BEND, OREGON Oood Meals All arrangements mado for persons desiring to so south and east of hero ! Pilot Butte Hotel I J. F. TAUOART, Proprietor. Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatment $ Reasonable Rates, Free Auto Service to $ Trains. Dining Room Servlco the Ueat In . Uend. Headquarters for auto lines to all . pqlnts south end southeast. 4f4-fffiJff'i4'ff4ffffHfir)f)t'f4f4 ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad will cost you.