The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 08, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    FAflK .
T1IR liKNI) nUMiRTlN, HKNI), OUK., WKINKfil)AY, AIUUIj 8, IftjM,
Saturday nnd Sunday AVcro llusy
lnys nt Methodist Clinrcli ln
Rrm ami Kntcrtnlnnirnt Well
Conducted Services Knjoyed
paratua bolns; already hero. TM
stonm press and donning apparatus
1b expected In 15 or 30 days. Hood
Maxwell, who recently ennio to Uend
from Texas, la In chargo ot thla
branch of tho laundry business.
In taking over tho American link
cry, as announcod lnst week, Shrlnor
ft Hucy hnvo propnrcd to mnko nil
oxtrn effort to meet the wnnta of tho
puhllo in tho baking line. They are
now employing a now baker and at
their storo ou Wnll street oxpect to
carry always n completo lino of
I read, cakes and pastries as well ns
fresh fruits and candles.
Dy E. C N'owham.
The Epworth League convention,
held Inst Saturday and Sunday In tho
Methodist church proved a groat suc
cess and has set a high precedent for
ail such gatherings in the future.
On Saturday morning bcvcM au
tomobiles were at the station to con
vey tho delegates to their reside Ivo
places and ample and generous ac
comodations were found for all tho
visitors. Over 60 delegate came
from out of town at reduced rates.
Meetings were held morning, af
ternoon and evening on Saturdav and
Sunday. Tho program proved to bo
all that was promised. Muslral num
bers and recitations wore Interspers
ed throughout the proceedings which
were well appreciated. Words of
welcome wero glvon by tho threo lo
cal ministers which wero cordially
responded to by Rev. J. W. Mayes, of
You can got your shoes shlned
while you wait or hnvo them shlned
while you are being shaved. Ladles
need n t hcsltato In coming In to got
their shoes c'.ilnod, tho modern till
llnrd parlor lo far from whnt tho pool
halt used to be. Wo guaranteo you
no ombnrnssment should you wish to
bring your children to got tholr hair
trimmed, your shoes shlned or pur
chase candy. THE MKTUOl'OM
TAN. Adv.
Complete lino of baseball goods nt
Skuso Hardwnro Company. Adv.
H. O. Ferris returned Inst week
from his first trip to Hums this Ben
son. He reports that tho rands nro
now well dried and In very good con
dition. Handlers In tho country be
tween here nnd tho Interior town aro
all busy breaking ground for plant
ing nnd the Indications point to n
much larger ncrcngo In crop this year
than over boforc. Burns merchants,
almost to a man, reports Mr. Ferris,
plan to do tholr trading through
Bond tnls year, being so tired of tho
Did tho Uend Water Light ft Power Co. when
thoy built their now Power Plant use tho lont
HANI) nnd UltAVHL thoy could buy?
WHY did tho City, whon thoy built tho now
NKWHIt HYHTK.M, uso the best HANI) nnd
(JIIAVKL tho mnrkot afforded! Tho answer
Is obvious. Thoy KNEW Hint the best ma
terials for concrete work pay tho largest divi
dends In tno end.
As wo hnvo boon able to satisfy tho exact
ing demands of thtso customers, wo fuel thnt
your domands can bo as successfully met.
Wo can supply you with the proper slirs
of washed Band nnd ocroencd gravel for your
particular purpose Ask for quotations.
Bolton, Ruetenik May
FRANK MAY, Mgr. Bend. Ore.
Onico with Itolit. II. Gould, DcwchutCM
llnuk ItultdliiK.
"Concrete- Ultimately, Why Not Now?"
railroad delays In their part of tho
country that they do not want to nat-
Papers wore read by delo-1 ronlzo oven tho piece of lino already
gates from different chapters which
provoked some interesting nnd profi
table discussions.
On Saturday afternoon an "Insti
tute hour" was conducted under tho
various sections. The first depart
ment was spoken to by Dr. V. H.
Selleck of The Dalles. Hew H.
Pembcrton of Dufur spoko on tho
"second department." Hov. Charles
McCoughey of Spokane addressed tho
"third department" and Rev. J. W.
Mayes of Madras the "fourth depart
ment." This was followed by a busi
ness meeting.
On Saturday evening the Hov. H.
F. Pemberton. who is a retired mis
sionary from Africa, gave an address
on "Worldwide missions." which
stirred nil the hearers with Interest
and enthusiasm.
At 6:30 a. ra. Sunday morning SO
young people gathered at tho church
for tho "Morning Watch," an hour of
devotion which left Its Impress on all
the services of the day.
Tho Sunday school was addressed
by Rev. II. f. Pemberton and at tho
morning service, which was presided
over by tho local pastor, Dr. W. II.
Selleck preached a powerful sermon
on "Consecration."
After this the Sacrament of tho
Lord's Supper was administered in
which tho preacher was assisted by
all the ministers present and In
which a large number of delegates
and friends participated.
About 1 o'clock a lunch was sorved
on "Drake's lawn." Tho lovely
weather and beautiful surroundings
contributed much to the enjoyment
of the repast.
In the afternoon meeting resolu
tions were read and responded to and
the Rev. Chns. McCaughey of Spo
kane gave an Illuminating and In
spiring address which will lone Iks re
membered, on "Tho essential thing In
th Chrt-n Religion."
Dr. Selleck also addressed a spe
cial meeting for women.
On Sunday evening "An Ideal de
votional meeting" was conducted by
Miss Deatrlce Olson and Miss Am-el
Moore of the Madras chapter. Mr.
D. II. Williams, the superintendent
of the sub-dlstrlct also spoke. The
latter also showed much executive
aunty in all the meetings of the
At 8 p. m. Dr. Selleck again
preached to a larg and appreciative
congregation. The Presbyterian
church was closed and all came over
to unite In this splendid service.
The building was attractively dec
orated with manzanlta, flowers and
emblems. The meetings throughout
were all well attended and proved to
he a source of Insn'ratlon and enthus
iasm. Our thanks nro due to all
those who contributed by entertain
ment and In other wavs to the splen
did success of this convention.
built. On his trip out Mr. Ferris
took with him tho China pheasants
ror tho liurns country sent In some
time aco from the Stnto gamo farm at
Considerable Interest was shown
last Thursday In the action brought
against P. It. Giles ot Deschutes on
tho complaint of K. P. Madson. The
complaint was based on an nssault
alleged by Sir. Madson to havo been
committed on htm by Mr. Giles fol
lowing a fight between their dogs. A
number of Deschutes residents camo
up to testify. The Jury found In fa
vor ot the dofendant and Justice
Eastes assessed the costs against the
Reliable-Foley's Honey nml Tar
Just be suro that you buy Foloy'a
Honey and Tar Compound It Is a
reliable medicine for coughs, colds,
croup, whooping coughs, bronchial
anl la grlppo coughs, which aro weak
ening to the system. It also gives
prompt and definite results for
hoarseness, tickling throat and stuffy
wheezy breathing. Patterson Drug
Co. Adv.
(Ksiied by Crook County Abstract
Redmond Townslto Co. to M. A.
Harrlo Its. 1-2-3-4, blk. 2G, Redmond
Rend Park Co. to Chas. H. Wohbor
It. 12, blk. 115, 1st add Rend Park,
Uend Park Co., to Chas. II. Wohbor
It. 13, blk. 11R, 1st add Rend Park,
Redmond Townslto Co. to Edw. R.
Wllllnms. Its. 3. 10, 11, 12, blk. "R"
1st add Redmond.
Edw. II. Williams to J. W. Tucker
Its. 9. 10, 11, 12, blk. R 1st add Red
mond. U. S. Land omco to Peter Krlok
son, cort. It. 4. SB SW. S W8B 30
NE NW 31-16-16.
U. S. Land onico to Floyd S. Erlok
son cert. It. 3, NE SW, NJ4 SE 30-16-10.
E. W. Richardson to Lylo M. Itloh
nrdson It. 11, blk. 19, Center Add
U. 8. Lnnd office to Roy A. Woolloy
cort. EH 31-16-14.
Rend Park Co. to George D. Conk
ling It. 1, blk. 70, Rend Park. $190.
U. S. to Orln A. Poarco natont NW
SE 20-12-14.
State of Oregon to Helen Clnypoolo
SW SW 16-16-23.
Charles Altschul to E. F. Long
Its. 7, S, o. 10, 11, blk. S, Silt add
I'rluuvlllo, $212,75,
Scnulou-Glpson Lumber Co. to
Rrooks-Robcrtson Lumber Co., SW
4; NW 9. 19, 12.
P. A. LnyiuRii to Elvira Layman
It. 2, blk. 16, Park Add Rend.
Geo. F. Yanderveor to Rend Park
Co. Its. 22, 23, 24, blk. US, 1st add
Uend Pnrk,
Rend Pnrk Co.. to Wm. Hlmmeles
bnch, It. 3, blk. 14 Riverside Rend,
Stnto Land Ronrd to Jcxso A Von
burg certificate of .proof, HW NK,
Redmond Townslto Co. to Clnud
Christ, Its. 3, 4, blk 57 Redmond,
' Roy N Stearns to James Sklrvlng
V H, NW. NH 8W, 32-14-13.
cnncollntton of your homestead, entry
No. i Horlal No, 08433, mndo March
33, 1011, for NU Hoo. 13, Towiinhlp
20, H RniiKu 18 13. Wlllnmntto Mer
idian, nnd na grounds for IiIh contest
ho alleges thnt Jon Wook linn fnllud
to establish hlH rosldoiico on mud
trncti thnt hu hits fnlled (o oiilttvuto
nnld tract or nny part thereof! that
nnld eiitrymnii Iiiih nhniidoiiud suld
trnct for upwards ot six iiiouIIih Inst
pnnt and thrt mich fnllurn was not
duo to his employment In tho army,
nnvy or murine corps of tho United
States In time of war or otherwise.
You nro, therefore, further noti
fied thnt tho Bnld allegations will bo
taken by this oirtco nn having boon
confessed by you, nnd your mild entry
will be canceled thnitmudor without
your further right to bo heard (hero
in, olthor boforo Mils olllco or on np
ponl, It you fall to file In this office
within twenty days nftor tho
FOURTH piibllontlon of (his notice,
na bIiowii bohrw, your nnswor, under
oatli, specifically mooting and re
sponding to those nltegatluiiB of con
test, or It you fall within thnt ttmo to
file In thin onico duo proof thnt you
hnvo sorved n copy of your nnswor on
the snld contestant either lu person
or by registered mall, If this service
Is mndo by tho delivery of n copy of
your nuswerto tho contestant In
porson, proof of ntich servlco
must bo either Uio snld contest
nnt'H written acknowledgment ot his
receipt of tho copy, showing tho dnto
ot ha receipt, or tho artldavlt of tho
porson by whom tho delivery wnn
made stating when and whoro tho
copy wns delivered; It mndo by regis-
tortul mail, proof of such service must
consist of tho nflldnvlt of tho person,
by whom thn copy wnH innllnd stntluit
when and tho postolllco to which It
was mulled, nnd thla nllldnvtt intinr,
ho nccompnntod by tho postinaator'n
receipt for tho totter.
You should stnto In your nnswor
tho nnmo ot the poHtolllcu to which'
you dcslro further notlcuM to ho sent
to you.
Dnto of first puhllcntloii April H,
Date ot second publication April
15, 1014.
Onto of third puhllcntloii April 22,
Dnto ot fourth puhllcntloii April
39, 1014.
.vLkiU&frf ovien
qtifrilr mwuiii
Ihtdiilmi la iifuti
turn, .trie
Truce MArntn
CopvniatiTO Ao.
iir ii
.-.-...-.. nn.vvy. ' . -"-"
,,,nrr iur vrunjttf Miami.
Anrn nillnf aa.lrh ami i1mli'tln Hiif
lliriir Mrvrmm mi, ihhiihim ( wii
riiiH Uitn liiruuBli ilu ii ii A Ui.l?lTt
t)-HUtrit(Hi, wiiliuul liana, lu tli
scientific jwitricaii.
tuar iii'iiilnn fit liili
union It ttfunablr iliitMMii. I omnitii
uirnitikllrrtmUiUMiUl, ilANOuOQK on I'm
A fianil.nmtir lllnalralM tlf. Mr.,) (If.
mUllmi hi (ir ritiillda I'Mlual, 1im,. II
rrt Jmir muiilbt, f U Mtll ianllaia.
Everything In fishing tacklo
Skuso Hardware Company.-Adv.
Deportment of tho Interior, United
States Land Olllco, Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, April 1, 1914.
To Jon Wock of 165 & Pino street,
Spokano, Wash., contoiteo
You aro hereby notified that Eu
gono Hall, who gives P. O. Ilox 147,
Rend, Oregon ns his post-odlco ad
dress, did on February 19, 1914, fllo
In this onlce, his duly corroborated
application to contest and secure the
A fine new .shipment just in
priced at
Blue series and grays. A gray suit,
all wool, for only, $10
E. A. Sather
Auto Delivery.
When William Fos Afcked Ills Ex
Ruler He Clot n Rum Steer Haa
kon Reckoned Without West.
When William Foss of the La Pino
country now, but of Norway In days
gono by. considered taking up land
under tho Morson project he went
straight to headquarters for advice.
No lawyers or state officials for him!
No sir. When ho wanted advice, he
wanted It from the very ton So be
wont to Prince Charles of Denmark,
the King of Norway.
He wanted to know If an Invest
ment In Carey Act lands was a good
one. And when the head of tho
houso of Haakon learned thnt tho
State of Oregon presumably wns be
hind tho scheme, and that the United
States presumably was behind It too.
ho told his ex-subject to flro ahead;
u mum no sare.
Today Mr. Fobs owns 200 acres un
der tho Deschutes Land Company's
project. He hasn't got his wner yet,
and probably Isn't suro which to
blame the King who pave him the
bum steer or Governor West of Ore
gon, whom some of his neighbors ac
cuse of holding up the development
of tho project.
i ,
We have Two More Incu
bators Coming. The Eas
iest, Cheapest, MoSt Scien
tific Way to Hatch Chicks
60 Egg Size $14.00
100 Egg Size $18.00
I Building: Material I
The machinery ordered by J. Ed
ward X.arsen for the new department
of his steam laundry business has bo
gun to arrive, the dry cleaning ap-
' Bend Water Light (Sb Power go;
- .' : ' ", ; .,
The Miller Lumber Company
J Bend, Oregon.
Wenandy Livery & Auto Co.
Will bo put on between Bend and Sllver'Lako April I,
BEND-LA PINE...., $2.50
Reasonable Rates
will bo charged on all Express and Hukkoro.
WHAT man would build a home
for hit own uie mil not put In a
barroom? Then the home
equipped with modem fixtures will surely
sttract the beit cLau of tcnimi or find
the teadlctt talc.
For the fineit plumbing equipment
st resionable coit we recommend
Xnndtrif plumbing fixtures and will be
pleated to ihovr you the many artistic
designs In which they are made, Ask
for illustrated booklet.
mci:nhi:d i'mjmiiku
Alliuiesotu Htrcot,
MiHMMJbtlaa,t-hVvH.HlikaHbAj jttiijffil latt iJN 'affiiana, g
' 'W
i i
Mia ii iniwwaainr