The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 08, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    tub mwn iiulletin, ijknd, oni;., Wednesday, April , mi t.
PAGE, ft.
You fiWl 00 often, and you can't
i'I'jii) to Inl.o tny ciiuows cu (
lour rackl. I
ill In thet'Itri CnsMnn poods you '
b; I'avo ilii vry (Jiu.t i.rtM.u'ea,
i Hi r nnilrt a r'tontM pili r-iH. ,
nf V ttiall, Qau.iit.otikiiJeui:. V
ff VV Whether ri,,rrls, IHn or Ct
i ., i minnows. (. I ,tra Cmtini in ,
) ! A It.ollna wet wi't . F'"' tTtlr j
M ''Itiot owlul moment. '
I 1 m. ' " II I In., ii" ' " '" L (
II II. Spoor of Cliff In In (own to
day ii McChishoy bun moved to Wash
ington. Tim Alton children havo thu
Wnltr Combs returned to (own
ln week.
W. I). Ilnrnes of Latdlnw wan hero
iin Thursday,
Thu tOO Clul) mootM nt Mr. Hud-
Mrs. John K, Ryan li In (own from
Thu Til It toilny.
Hurl Kulp In now assisting In Pat
terson's drug store,
Jim Vavor U now driving (hn Mend
MIwiin laundry wagon,
MIm Coleman Is In bo hostoM lo
the Hrldgu Cluli on Friday.
Harold Copthorno nml IM Now
man. txitli formerly of llend. are now
neighbors In Hitn Diego, t'nllfornln,
t I lloxnll loft tli In mornliiK for
Lnkovlow on a business trip.
J. W, (huiry of Hurna whs reglslor
oil ut tlio llend Hotel on Monday.
Thoro will lio services nt tho Cath
olic rliurcli on Kiiiiday nt 10 30,
Mm. Powolnon spent n numlmr of
days out nt Imr ranch lust week.
J'. II, Johnson, of Mllllcnn, wan
registered nt tlio Wright on Friday.
K. P. Hmltli linit taken tlio iiKonoy
for (he Mltolmll and AJux nuto tiro.
John llnxuka linn hail a slight case
of blood poisoning In his rlKht hand,
Minn Arrlo lllnck will ontortnln
the Q. A. T. Club on Friday uvenlng.
Forest ranger V. O. Hnrrlmnu wan
In town from Fort I took on Hatnrday.
It. II, I'nynii watt up from I.nldlaw
yentorday, registered ut tlio Rend Ho
tel. J. II, Wonandy anil Loo .lonch
lunvn for Portland Friday to bring
hack thu now nuto truck (lint Iibh
lioon hullt for (liu Wonandy I.lvory
T 1
t HP
1 H ft "I
i aiior iviaae
and Dresses
Dainty House Dresses
$3.50, $3.75 & $4.00
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
ern the way.
Niiurn hull on mi Ohtcriuoor
Miiltrt'NM tint it uny other
innttiTMN iiinilo. Thoy nro
tiolil itnilqr a posltlvo nunr
nnti'o. llcttor try our.
Splendhl lino of IUmIh unit
KpiliiKN OHiH'ilally Niiltnhlo
for tho OKTKUMOOIj.
llllf linn of tho celebrat
ed Hey wood I la by CnrrhiKOM
nml (Jo'CurtM iutIvIiik.
Bond, Oregon
We lmve n Exchnnge Department.
Jtny J,ntriliornon In nt preiiont work
Ihk with a crow of limber crulnur up
(J 8, Yoiiiik KftVo n inlk on onBln
ourltiK boforo tho IiIkIi hcIiooI hut
Mm, JninoH J. (Iniilt of llurnn wnn
roiiliitoroil nt tho Hotel lloml on Hat-iirday.
Tlio I'ntiiiuim Imvo ndilod n Hinnll
wIiik on tho Mouth ulilo of tliolr bun
(' ,M. HrnKK roturnoil Humlny from
Hholby, MIcIiIkhii whoro bo upont tho
rioyd Owon wn In (own from Mil
IIpiiii hint week, reKbilorod nt Ibo
i:imor Wnnl linn taken n ponlllon
with A Klrnton In bin eoldj nlornKo
A M. Mooro wnn la (own from IiIh
homoHtend III tho Wbltuker vnlloy
Tlio Kuntorn Htnr IoiIko liclil tbelr
firm moctliiK In tbo now Maxonlc ball
limt wook.
.Mrn. J II. Htnnley, who wnn.lll nt
thu Altnmout Hotel, Iibh returned to
tier homo.
MUn Graven and Mrn. I'lilnnm will
bold tbelr Innt dnncliiK Iomoii ThurH
dny evcnlnB.
Mrn. Mnddook In now nimlntlnK
Minn WllllaniH nt tho Mcintosh mil
linery ntoro.
Noitl Hly, t'ho Ln IMno nincbor, wnn
In town on I'rldny, ii Ktient of tho
WrlKbt hotel.
I, T. Tholntrup nml John Unbor
woro In town Monday from (heir
murium up rlvor.
On Momlny Chnrlon I'onrnon enmo
In lo town from Imporlnl with a
couple of friend.
Tho Pri-nbytorlan Oulld In plnnnlnK
n penny birthday pnrty for Friday
uvenitiK, April IMth.
Mr. nml Mrn. II. H. Cram of Prlno
vlllo woro In town Innt week, Kuentn
at the Mend Hotel.
Ilov. K. C. Newbnm will hold nn
Kinder ncrvlco nt Donchuten Sunday
afternoon nt 3 o'clock.
Lniit Hutidny iiulto n parly of Jlend
people apent (ho day up (ho rlvor nt
tbo Hynn homo, The Tuloi.
Mrn. W. I). Ilennon nnd Willi C.
Ilonnon nro npondlni; n few dayn at
Mountain Crent Vlow ranch.
Tho Ilnnd Olen Club In planning to
bavo a concert and Knrden party
no mo (lino tbn latter part of May.
Ilov. I'rwlerlck Harvey of Ilod
mond will conduct tho aervlcoa nt tho
Pronbyterlan church nnxt Hunday.
U. N. Hoffman, formerly managing
editor of Tho Hulletln. la now milit
ant city oilllor of tho Tncomii Lwlgor.
Mrn. Cook. Mlnen Mlxtor nnd Hal
vorion nnd Prank May nro now hav
ing dinner every day nt Mm. Hor-rlngn.
Clean up day hnn been oxlonded In
to thin week and tomorrow the city
teiimn will begin tho collection
I. O. Minor ban been niado anln
tant necretnry of tlio Swnlley Ditch
company during tbo abienco of C. 8.
Bawinlll machinery weighing 14
ton loft llond for Crenccnt Monday.
Wolfe, Canaan and Kolta aro doing
tho hauling.
Tho Alaskan Fox npnrrown were
here for n brief ntny lunt wefk. The
nro unuiual blrdn, and rarely neon
around horo.
Tbero are n fow more roio bushen
for nalo by tho Library Club, for tho
benefit of tbo Library. Apply to Mm.
C. 8. IluiUon.
Tho Indlen of tho Prcnbylerlan
Oulld will meet at tbo homo of Mr.
CJeo. Oovo, nt 2:30 p. m Wcdnea
daV April 15th.
Mot of the acoro of worker for
thu Library Club rojort quite a lit
tle progrcna In their varloua waya of
earning monoy.
N. 0 DeVrlea left on Monday for
Adln. California. Ho in going over
land and cxpecta to take about three
weoka on tho trip.
Matt Clark of Portland, formerly
right of way agent for the Oregon
Trunk, waa In town on Saturday,
topping at tbo ljend Hotel.
II. Latham hna begun (be construc
tion of a ainall temporary houno In
Plnolyn I'nrk to bo Inter replaced by
a larger, modern bungalow.
Mm. Schlow, who baa been In town
recently In connection with organis
ing n local Yeoman lodge, left on nor
return to Portland on Monday.
Mr. nnd Mm. M. D. Knutien re
turned Inst week from Portland
whoro they woro called by tho audden
death of Mm. Knutaon'n niotbor.
Mrn, llodflold nnd Mm. Levered
catno up from I)ochu(en with Mm.
Nanny and Mm. Anderson lo take
special Iobhoiih In tho now dances.
Forest ranger Perry A. South pass
ed through town last night on his
way to Pino Mountain. He hna been
working this winter on, tbo Motollun.
Mm. O. M. Patterson left yester
day morning with her two children
for Wallo Walla. Wash., whoro sho
will visit her mother for n fow weoks.
J. 11. Minor has recolved word of
n final decision In bis favor glvon by
tho Secretary of tho Interior In bin
contest ngnlunt Cnrrlo 1C. Swofford
for n homestead uoar Laldlnw.
rjnmo Warden Itlls hnn recently
put new signs on (bo flnb ladders at
tho different damn near town In re
aped (o fishing In tbelr neighbor
hood. H. It. Hogln tins taken offices In tho
DoscIiuIoh Investment Co, Imllilltif?
over tho Deschutes Hlnto Dank, Mr.
Hogln specializes In land oftlco business,
It. II, Post nnd Blmor Nlswongor
left Inst week for tho descent coun
try whoro they planned to crulso
somo of thu lands ollmlnntod front
tho forest.
D. J, Finn, the new owner of
Ton llnr ranch, hnn moved (o his
property nnd In stnrtlng tho farming
fenson. Ills family will Join hi in In
n fow weeks.
On Thursday MIm Mock from
Lnldlnw was In (own. She reports
Hint her mother, who recently un
derwent n major operation, In recov
ering splendidly.
W. It. Sproai came In Inst week
from tho ranger station nt I'lg Itlv
or. Ho will be In the local office for
somo time now working up field notes
taken tills winter.
Fred I. llonshnw of the t'nltod
States Ooologlcal Survey nrrlved In
town last week to do rome work In
connection with the stream measure
ments now going on.
Ilyron II. Slovor of Dayton, Ohio,
arrived In (own Saturday nnd has
taken n position with The Jlend Com
pany In which his brother, Clom II,
Stover, In Interested.
Miss (Jrrenn concluded her delight
ful tnlk on Japan and Japanese cus
toms last Thursday when tho ladles
of the Kplscoiwl Guild woro enter
tained by Miss Colomnn.
Mr. mid Mm, W. K, Ilingham loft
Friday for Portland to visit a brother
whom Mrs, Illnghnui hnn not scon for
22 years. Thoy will go to Slssou,
California to mnko lliolr home.
M, A. I'eland of Puyallun, Wash
has rented thn store In tho Doyd
block formerly occupied by L. II.
Mlsener and will open n shoo store
thoro later adding n stock of grocer
ios, Tho Kplscopal Guild will meet
with Miss Greene Thursday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. Mm, Putnam will talk
to the Indies on Central America.
All who aro Interested arc cordially
Rev. G. II. Wllklna leavea tomor
row morning to attend the spring
meeting of tho Pendleton Presbytory
at Moro. On Saturday he will ad
dress the meeting on the subject of
Mrs. L. L. Fox, assisted by Mrs.
F. J. Schooler, will entertain the
Methodist Ladles Aid Society and
their friends at n social meeting next
Wednesday afternoon nt tho home of
Mm. Fox on Ohio street. All tho
ladles aro Invited.
Norval L. Springer lefl for Port
land on Saturday to tako part In the
bowling tournament to bo held there
this week. Ha expected to compete
In tho singles only but han beon tak
en in with others to mako up teams
for (ho other events.
Tho Ladles Aid Society of tho
Methodist church will hold an Easter
Food sale in O'Donncll's Meat Mar
ket next Saturday. Kgga fixed In
various ways Including colored Cas
ter eggs will bo a specialty.
It. P. Habombam, chief engineer
of (he 8, P. & 8. arrived In town on
Monday on a regular trip of inspec
tion. Ho was accompanied by II. L.
Mitts, Chas. Duko and F. A. Daum
gnrtner, all of Portland. Tho party
registered at tho Bend Hotel.
Delegatea to the Gpworth League
convention who were registered at
tho Altamont wore Rev. Chas. Mc
Caughey of Spokane, Rev. H. F.
Pemberton of Dufur, J. W. Mayes,
and Mm. C. P. U'Ren of Madras. D.
II. Williams and Gardner Perry of
Prlnerllle and a number of othem.
You'll want to be well dressed for
Easter everybody does. Our Easter
display of Waists, Skirts, Suits and
Dress Accessories is the most, com
plete to be found in Bend.
SHOES Boys' Suits
,.,,rn.,m. ., . . . . Tho Wooly Hoy all wool suit
New WALK-OVKR Models Just panta full llnod-6 to 17
received yearn
Tho "Park" In tho latest $5.00 to $6.00
mon'a flat Inst button or.lnee Special Corduroy suits prkwl
$5-00 $4.b0
Other men's drosa shoes at jJoy.B Knickerbockers
$3.50, $4, $4.50 65C to $ i 25
Mon'a Work Shoes Hoy a Hlouscn and Bhlru
$ 1 .75 to $7.50 25c to 50c
Children's Shoes " """"""
75c to $3.00 WAISTS
Ladles' Shoes and Oxfords In Another Lino Just rccoivod
the Boston's latest lasts Includes the popular Middy and
Tho Tango Slipper Satin at Li,aJ,kan, ' iV" a!, IJnBfro
Styles In Voiles and Mercerized
$3.00 Dotlstca from
$1.25 to $2.50
Tango Beads $2?5oTofr5o
Tango Heads
In the latest shades Amber, ?T St ctpp Ncr,L'TJtr,r
Green, Red and Black from a&iei ntJCKW T
en- c. Dowa, Jabots. Frills nnd Mcdiel
OUC tO 70C Collars
Saturday, April 25 has been desig
nated by Governor West aa Good
Roada day on which all able-bodlod
citizens In tho state nro expected to
get out with pick and shovel and do
what they can toward Improving tho
roads tn their neighborhood. The
Idea In copied from several of the
middle states In which many miles of
road were Improved on similar oc
casions last year. No arrangements
for tho dny have yet been made hero
but It Is expected that complete plans
will bo announced soon.
Suit Drought For Payment Is lie
hlxtoil by lbuik.
Assistant Stato Veterinarian Henry
Nunn, has recently arrived In Houd
to examine a number of cows shipped
In- last year by R. A. French, of
Hampshire, HI. This Is Mr. Nunn'a
second visit, ho having beon horo last
fall on tho same mission. At that
tlmo ho had one of tbo cows killed,
tlndlng It affected with tuberculosis.
Tho condition of these cows as dis
closed by Mr. Noun's examination,
has resulted In nn interesting suit
Just brought by tho Stato Hank of
Hampshlro against tho First National
Hank of Hend for tho collection of a
Tho following la tho program at tho Prosbytorlnn churoh:
. Dressier.
. .Shelley.
Anthem "Victory" .
Solo "Yo Holls of EnBtor Day"
Duot "Hark, Hark My Soul"
Mrn. Forrost, violin oungaia, .Mrs. wnru.
Solo "Calvary" ."......, .Rodney.
Mm. J. R. Todd,
"Holy. Holy. Holy" Worthing.
Miss Huntington Mesdnmos Powalson nml Forrest,
Sola "Jerusalem" ,........,, .Parker.
Ilontrico Wlngato.
Violin Solo "Horcouso Slavo" Neruda.
Mm. Ivn West-Ward.
Solo "UcBurectlon Song" ; .Shelley.
Mrs, Robert Goufd,
Duob "Abide With Mo" Jeromo.
Miss lllack Mr. Ersklno.
Anthom "thla Is tho Day" 4 ' Cooko.
cashier's check given In payment for
thorn. This check, wan given the
shipper, French, on tho understand
ing that the cattle wore all In good
condition and ho transferred It to
his local bank. Thereafter, on ascer
taining tho condition of tho animals,
and at tho request of tho Stato Veter
inarian, tho local bank refused pay
ment for which suit has now been
Speaking or tho dffalr, C. 8. Hud
son, cashier of tho First National
Hank, said yesterday:
"Tho Stato Veterinarian Is to be
complimented on the stand ho has
taken In thin case, and It la a foro-
I The Tumalo Project
gone conclusion that a local Jury wilt
protect, not only the people who
purchased the cattle, but uphold tbo
local bank, In Ita effort to protect
tho farmers against bringing, la dis
eased cattle.
"All the cattle now shipped from
Illinois must bo ccrtiflewd by Federal
Authorities, owing to thq many cases
01 diseased animals having been,
shipped into Oregon."
All Kinds of Light anil Heavy ?
lUvIliiK, Quick DHIverlex of
Trunks, Express, Etc., Gar- i
dena Fertilized, Plowed and i
Leveled. Satisfaction Guar 5
nntced. Price llcosonablo i
White Cat
Closed Crotch
for Men
TnOm ssUsa
We show them in Ath
letics, Oxford and Regu
lar Styles in light and
medium weights" priced
$1.00 UP
At tho morning service Mrs. For- norVtMarx. tM-VJrKlns5aMarytho
Aiomor,y-''Tno two Mo(hem,"The
rest will glvo tho Bong cycle "Mary",
with Scriptural readings by Miss Sid-
return from tho Cross.
It speaks to the heart through the
pocket-book. Thnts why the Ford
is a friend to thousands the world
over. What any other car will do
the Ford will do and more at a
fraction of the cost. Buy to-day.
Five hundred dollars Is the prico of thu Fqrd
runabout; tho touring cur U live fifty; tho town
car teven fifty f. 0. b, Detroit, complete, with
equipment. Got catalog ami particulars from
George H. Hoover, Uond,