TIIIJ REND llt'LLHTIV, MUSI)', OIIK., WEDNESDAY, APRIL J, toil. 'AGE 7. POWELL BUTTE (Contliiiicil from' fliiKO 2.) vntor, Wnsli., nrrlvoil In thniio imrls "lunmlny In hoiiioIi for n looatlon. Tlmy vIhKuiI lit tliu Ross lluwii'tt lionin. K. A. lltiHROtt Ih u nniilinw of Mr Kuiiim. Mltw May Yihiiik of Vitiicoimir, Wash. Iiiin boon visiting ut tint llrowu llnino tlio piiHt woiiU. Miss Voiiiik In it mn(Hr of Ilniiry llrowu of Rodinontl. .10)111 Hkoln, on tlm (Inrrott jilnco, In Inillillim what will l four miles f ritdlilt fonco whim It In coiiipliitiid. lllii uulKlilior, Mr. WllllituiN In iiIho n.lihlt fuuoliiK his lurko plana. Mr. mill Mth. A, W. Ilnyn ontor- tiilncil Mr, mill Mm. Allon Wlllooxou ' mid dmiKlilor Marriott, mill Mm, duo. II Kou, nt illniior Wednesday ovon- lllK. Mr. mul Mm. Oscar I'rtckott wel comed i Imby dauithtor to tholr homo Inst Moiulny ovnnlnK. , Dr. HonoIi of Redmond wiih lit itttonilnnuc MInh Mmii'iuiu wim 1111 arrival from Tsromn Frhlny mul will keep houso rot her father until lliu arrival of her I'lutlior mul othur iiitimburs of tlio 'nmlly, I'rlilny was t lie Inst day of N0I100I Tor lliu Wilson district. An oxcullunt irosrnni was kIviiii In honor of tlio urcnslon mul it iiutiilinr of imtron vuro present to enjoy It. The pit 1IIn mul tonchor tt Hhnpnnl district woro nlso kiiosIb for tlio nfteriioon, IihvIiik boon ilrlviin ovor liy Curl Charlton. The I.tio llotili'N honsa narrowly osrapoil ImiIiik ilmtroyml liy ftrn lam 'I'lmriHlay inornlnic when 11 rut startsd In mini' unknown manner anil Kulnad w rapidly an to discounts: nil wfitrls of tlm women folk to OXtlllKtltBll ll. fortunately Mr. Oiiliiirn In pitnsltiK hw tho muoko ami riiliiil In Just In tlm to prevent n serious fire. An It was, considerable tinman"' was iIoiih to Ilia rooniN In which tlio bhixo wan confined. Minn Mnlilo Smith left I'rlilay for lisr hoiuo nt l.numnta nftor having conducted n siirrnsaful nix mouth wjIiikiI nt illNtrlot No. HO, Mm. I'rank MoCnffory mul Mis Marie Austin of Redmond woro. vis. Horn nt tlm 15. I. (verson homo on Thursday, tho former lady roinaln Uik ovor for a visit of severs! tiny. Tlm Geo. lloblNi dance Crlilny ov Imk whn attended liy n InrK crowd, ajeaars Haven nnd flper furnished the mimic mul an enjoyable time wan passed. I'm 11k Dally wrh called to Tlm Dall Maturday evening on account of the serious Illness of his sister. J. A. IIIkkn wan n visitor nt (ho county seot I'rlilny. lie was serotn IwnIh holm Ity lti Ml (llsdy nnd 1UI Itnyn nnd VloU TriiANdnli who vUliml Hir wek nnd with homo folkN A Nood nUihI crowd Kalhorwl nt th Wllnon mhool Iioiino nt 10 o'clock n. m. Hulurday to lUtun to a talk by WtatH KnKlncHir l.owU. AUo thnre r uliort tnlkn liy navHrnl othnm, In flmllnK J. J. Klllnxor of Hodiiioml nnd lCdw. WIltlmiiN. ICxcoptlonN woro tnknn to nuiuerou mnmrkN iiindo by Mr. I.owU ly porwrnN In tho nudlnoco and romarkii ion pomonal to l plonN nnt wnro iMiimod nt Nhor; lnlrvnln. If Mr. I.twU vntM with IiIn convlc 1Iobi un Ntatml hero howovor, tho nv urnao Miltlnr ran oxiict no tnoro. na In IiIn talk Im plainly nIrIpiI that ho llHW)HniiMl all further imton of now IhhiI ly tho r. o. I. Co. until pnlnnta ar nwurml for landn that nro actual. 1 Mttlml. Thuro In to ho n iiiHntliiK of watur impm nt tho amno plnoe Snt urdar morning at which tlmo n loonl oiaanlmtlon will ho dlncimod. Trank Hayn. tlift fnrinnr I'nwall nun plounnr. cam In from Portland Sunday for n vWt with IiIn non A. V. llavn and family. ilwrm llol.lm wot to Ilnil Moh ilav. to Im hunb aovaral iIavn. Karl SMHMitern waa n Prlnovllle via ttnr Mondav. ICdw. Wllllama. th roiirAMlVM younic I'owll liuttti ranchor, In pra liarlnK to aeeaiHpllali rtwitlta In hoK mlaliiK tlitwimtBn aenaon. Mr. Wll. Ilun v who hnn it flm hnmil aowa In ImlldiiiK na many i'ldlvldrmt Iioiiuph and pnn at fiilt mi outlay of monov. Tho WllllnniN horil In hiMilml liy nil titorouKlihrml nnimnla of the Duroc Jerwy typo. A hnv mul Kraln chop lwr or Krinitar on tho farm U uand to limparo the fead. Iloaldoa the S3 lirtMnl aowa Mr. Wllllama haa n largo hunch of youna; atook imil 16 hand of bm until. Ho far thin anrlne ho r- jiorta wcopUnnnlly jmmiiI luok nt far rowiiiK num. p LxSSSCSkW b VBn Jr M Bh. Paint Kitchen Floors , Don't Scrub Them Avoid the backache and sore knees caused by scrubbing bare floors. Painted floors are easy to keep bright and clean, are attractive and inexpensive. ' 1 -x very ACME QUALITY FLOOR PAINT gives a hard, durable, sanitary finish for floors, steps or any inside surface to be walked on, easy to keep clean and hard to wear out. You can apply it yourself. It dries in a short time. Offered in appropriate and attractive shades. Bend Hardware Company I'd thrniiKh this weak with n load of auppllea. Mr. l'lnkim of Wngontlre wna call ins on frlondt and Iniyliut aumdloa nt ItrooklnK' More laat wcok. A. T. Hhnvor'a well drill U IiuIiir nuwod from tho Thoa. C. 15whb cla'm to Kri'd O. Mlllor'N place. A well waa drilled on the ISwIng claim lunt wcok 160 foot deep with 16 feet of water. At n depth or S8 fwut Mr. Shnvor r iwrta tho hnrdeat rook encountoroil In any of the 16 well drilled by him In thla Mellon of Central Oron. five drill (Kiluta or hlta were tired In drllllnK leM than two feet, nnd two hlta are nil that are uaually nninir wl to complete a well. Mr. Kwlnx In Kreatty elated bacauM of IiIn fine well and excellent quality and quan tlty of water. Oncnr lllaelc calletl on A. T. 81m 1IHI.I). fHHftfllal to Tho llullitln) . HUM), Mitroli J I. Uoy Winters In pIowIiik for 0. II. Duuuiik thla week. Mm. V, li. HnmiHiy haa ilrK8(i out yMveml acroti of anRo-hruih with her neam. The hour for Sunday nohnol. which t', held In the lllKhlnnd Mohool Iioiiho. liaa hoen chaiiKod from 2:. 10 In tho afternoon to 10:30 In tho inornliiK. The L. O. C. will meat nt Mm. It. OiinnliiRhnm'H homo April 16. Tho men nnd hoyn of I'rlHKlfl l'Inti nre Kolng to orKnnlio u huso hall Uani for tho Niiiumnr. Quito n crowd tiHHninhlod'nt H. 11. Martln'H homo laat Hunday to aue 11 enddlo pony hroko for Mm. 0. A. DalHloy. I.lttlo Dorothy Itanmay has bten very 111 the past few dnya. Tho lllKhlnnd noliool will cIopo for tho Hiiniinnr with n mnall program nnd n plonlo dlnnor Klvun nt tho Hohool Iioiiho. All nro wolcomo to 101110. V HAMPTON IIUTTI' (Bpoclal to Tho Ilullotln,) HAMPTON I1UTTB, March 30 HprliiK Boodlnfr la nil dona with tho oxcoptlon of outs. Miss UoHsIa flhoppard, who apont tho pnRt-throo niontha In Portland nnd Wlllatnotto valloy points, hns ro turnod to hor claim. William Hoaror of Himtlomoro Is firing for Shaver's well drill. ICarl Hogum roturnod from Ilond ulth scod nnd nuppllos. Ilo hauled out 2Vj tons with 0110 tonm and ro porta tho ronda lino. Udwln Bohrodor Is 'working for 3Ura. Bhoppnrd. Mr. Yoclc of Btnuffor, Orogon, pnsa- ver and TIion. KwIhk Thumday. trees nil arrived Mm. ICIla Monroe Is tho now vost , condition. inUtreM at Itnylnt. Potltlona were holng circulated last week asking for n star route from Horn! to Btnuffor, Oregon, supplying nil postonicea In the vicinity of tlm Itend-llurns road One of Wnt Olllold's horses got 1 away ibsi wook nun wns oapiureti lai er after n hard run. Prof. II. N. Miller vlnllwl tho Ulack ' brothers Hat unlay nnd Sunday. I During tho months of lVlirusrr nnd March more than IK bn'ictits wero caught In this locality. Thos. C. Kwlng with -I holds tho ohnmplon. ah I p. uert Weeks Is plowing 20 ncros for Victor Johnson. Holiert Whiteside of !.ot Creek wns n visitor In this vicinity Wod nosilny. The school In DlsUIot No. 77 will close In two weeks. A. L. lllchel passed through Krlday with his auto trunk which had been In llurus aluco last fall. II. O. For rls nlso mnde tho trip from Ilond to Hums and return last week nnd ro imrts rosds good. Work dono on tho Heud-Ilurns rnnd this year would ho much apnroclntcd. O. C. Honklo or Ilend Is In this vl olulty with a party of prospective sot tiers. He Is In the rugjou or tho Cronk-l.ako county lino. Homco Hrooklngs lost n homo Inst week that wns Injured some tlmo ago, and had to bo killed. Osonr lllnck In Installing his pump ing outfit mid n gnnollno onglno. fltr. wolis of vrokn llutto was, vis iting in this mor working. Mm. Koppcr went In to do some trading. Owing to tho Inoloment weather or Saturday no meeting ot tho Bku-Kv l.ouk Kluti wns hold. Mr. nnd Mrs. McAdow woro Ilond shoppom Wednesday. P. It. Johnson returned from Ilend with n supply of groceries for his store hero Saturday. Mm. L. P. Itooney called an Miss Zelmn Drown nt the Mlllloan Inn Wednesday afternoon. Thos. Motfett leu for n business trlii to Itend Monday. Mr. Hurwitx drove to Ilend Mon j dav, taking with him his little daugh ter who went to receive medical ! treatment. j A number of the homesteaders re I reived fruit trees from the Ufollslto nursery at rrlnevllle Saturdnv The hero splendid WV MarfSiB. EPfiiirsn i !VBBvitMyHIIHB9KiiiHMlau im fjjir iwwitr.B(4tiiupnl(M.t- JTX 7 iVr n Irllal 1 wfUU4UrytJ ' 2 OV Iritl SK-JtkTWr kit pci1V mf ml Jt4kJ U L'x Tkc eNi'mHitiJ fffl Ml in Inn ! Bm4. Oatli.tUc. EV i mW !. U.trKllfM Hi rtov . ( fflr Tb. Oia. 1 1. UllyCo..9ul. f SCHOOIi XOTKH. Mlsa Cowlda tnlkod to tho high school students Friday afternoon on somo of tho different oxporlmonts carried on In tho study of psychology. George S. Young was nt tho school Tuesday morning and tnlkod to high school students on engineering and tho different branches of study re quired. This Is tho third sorlos of talks on "choosing a profession." Tho bag elm 11 boys aro now arrang ing to get suits of A, K. Fronch. Why It Hull Particular People. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is prompt and effective fcr coughs, oolds, croup, hoarseness, bronchial coughs, and throat troubles. Thomas tVttVVVl4V i or ronn mitto woim locality Inst wook. MIMiIOAN. V (Spoclnl to Tho Ilullotln.) MILMGAN, March 30. Mrs,NFor goy spent Sunday aftornoou visiting with Mrs. TIrs. Moffott. Mrs. Mnry Itoonoy, Mrs. Agnos Hoonoy nnd Miss Annlo Roonoy vis Itod with Mrs. A. A. ailmoro Sunday. Mrs. (loo. A. Mllllcan Is oxpocted homo nftor a stay in Prlnevlllo, about April 1st. Mm. V, J, Olndor enmo out to ro sldo of tholr claim hero after having spent the wlntor In Ilond. Tho chil dren will Join hor as soon as school is out. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. (lllninro cnllod at tho McAdow homo Sunday after noon. Mr. nnd Mrs. .Morton mul Mrs. VA Koppor drovo In to Pond Saturday Mr, Morton will ho nbsont all sum- Vienna Cafe REOPEN We are now located In tho Onelll DulliHng next to tho lillto Studio, (loed meals served, Dread and all kinds ot pastry for solo, ....ROOMS AND HOARD... ALTAMONT HOTEL Modcrato Prices Modern Dooms Attrnctlvo Surroundings Stcatu Heat, Hot anil Cold Water With Hath Privileges Ilrcnkfn.Hts Served MU.i A. D. Spalding, Proprietor DKND, OUHGON VtV1 Ih.. .r-.. i.tt- .UNfED FOR FOrtfclGh Al'tHIUi.tG BY THE Mas i MaMMatMawnxaaBmaiBEaBi y$L anintiAU orrices NEW YORK AND CHICAGO DPA V'-3 im ALU THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Is It Done Right? Vorron, Hancock, Mich., writes: "Foley's Honoy and Tar quickly re lieves tickling throat and stops tho cough with no bad nftor offocU" It contains no opiates and Is pure. That's why It suits particular people Patterson Drug Co. Adv. NOTICH roil PlWJCATIO.V. popartinunt of tho Interior, U. B. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, Maroh 2, iai4. Notlco Is hereby given that Jay h. Nichols of Laldlnw, Oregon, who, on February IK, 1909, mado homestona entry No, 04644, for 8K'4NK, ,VK'8K', See. 23, nnd BWVJNWVi, NWHSW'i, sec. 24, township ir, south, range 11 oast, Wlllamotto Me ridian, has filed notice of Intention to mnko final five year proof, to estab lish claim to the land nboro described before H. C. Kills, U. S. Commission er, at Ilend, Oregon, on tho 20th day of April, 1914. Claimant nnmos as witnesses: Fred N. Wallace, It. II. Dayley, John II. Wlmor, J. II. Nichols and C. K. Nnchols, all of Laldlaw, Oregon. II. FItANK WOODCOCK. 1-So Iteglster. Section 30, Township 19 Hoiitli Itnngo 16 K Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make final threo year p. oof to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo II. C. Kills, U. 9. Commissioner, at Hond, Orogon, on tho 12th day of May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank J. Rlkstnd. Fulton Haffnor, Arthur Proctor, nil of Ilend, Oregon, Gcorgo Mlllloan, or Mlllloan. W. FItANK WOODCOCK. -8c Iteglstor. NOTIC1! I'OK PUHMOATIO.V. Department ot the Interior, U. 8. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 24. 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Henry Mtarm, of Ilend, Oregon, who on March 11 1911, mado homestoad entry Ho. 08300, for 814 MVH. and KH 8WV, Section 32, Township 18 South. Itnngo 13 Bast, Willamette Meridian, lira filed notlco of Inten tion to make final threo year proof, to ostabllsh claim to the lahds nbovo described boforo II. C. Bills. U. S. Commissioner, nt Jlend, Oregon, on the 9th day or May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Ilalp A. Dunn, Jacob F. Thomas, Fletcher Edwards, John Khley, alt of Dond, Oregon. ' W. FItANK WOODCOCK. 4-8p. Iteglster, notici: Foit pimr.icATio.v. Department of tho Interior, V. S. Land Ofllca nt The Dalles, Oregon, March 27, 1914. Notlco Is hereby glren that John A. Hazukn, of Dend, Orogon. who on' November 28th, 1910, made home stoad ontry No) 07751. for SEtt. 84 BV, NEWSWVi nnd SB.i NW, NOTICK VOll PUIJMCATION. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Office nt Tho Dalles, Orogon, March 24, 1914. Notice is hereby given that Wil liam J. McConnell. of Head, Oregon, who on May 3, 1910, mndo home stead ontry No. 08673, for 8ft 8WH Section 34, 19 South, Ilango 16 B., nnd NW nnd W NB, Section 3, Township 20 South, Ilango 16 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed no tlco ot Intention to mako final threo yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo doscrlbod, beforp If. C. Bills, U. S. Commissioner, at Ilend, Oregon, on tho 9th day of May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas Gray, Orlea O. King, John F. Wolff, Alwyn F. U, all of Dond, Oregon. W. FJIANK WOODCOCK, 8.c Iteglster. NOTICK I'OIt PUIIMCATIO.V. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tho Dalles. Febru ary 27, 1914. Notlco is heroby given that Mlnnlo C. Low, of Deschutes, Oregon, who, on March 11, 1909, mado homestead entry No. 04634, for 8Wi NW, Sec. 27. And on Decomber 11, 1909, mado additional homestead entry. No. 0CC37, for S NB and NWU NEV, Section 28, Township 16, South. Ilange 12 east, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make final flvo year proof, to es tablished claim to tho land nbovo de scribed, before II. C. Bills, U. 8. Com missioner, at Ilend. Oregon, on the 15th day of April 1914. Claimant names an witnesses: Geo. R. Dutts Gcorgo Holton, Lemuel A. Drandenburgh. all of Deschutes, Ore gon, Charles It Lowo of Dend, Ore gon. W. FRANK WOODCOCK. l-6c Register. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It Is n .fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It 1 comfortable, commodious, clean ROOMS 'PROM 30 CENTS UP MEALS FROM 3 CENTS UP The want of nil are sutlsfletl well nt THE WRIGHT HOTEL THE WRIGHT HOTEL Central Oregon's Leading Insurance Agency Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass, Automobile, Surety Bonds REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property fiDHk'I A LOTS 9100 TO 9330 IVI. LwxV Terms: 93. cash and 93. monthly J. A. EASTES . Oillco on Oregon Street DEM), :: OREGON MACHINE SHOP Wo are equipped to do anything In tho mschlno line, having Installed new machinery with which wocanhnndlo any kind of Job. Automobllo Repairing n specialty Doyormond Machine (Sb Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave., Bond, Ore, Headquarters for Commercial Men Ulcctrlc Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL Qood Rooms Free bus to and from trains HUCQH O'KANE. MANAQEH BEND, OREGON Qood Meals If It ta, Ut wll nouih aloiM. Put un leas It U up to to mark In every dui com and ua, LOW PRICES, BETTER SBRVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AH arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and cast of hero f., Put Your Duds In Our Suds" Pilot Butte Hotel J. F. TAUOART, Proprietor. Comfortablo Rooms, Courteous Treatment Reasonable Rates, Free Auto Service to Trains. Dining Room Servlco the Rest In Rend, Headquarters for auto lines to all i points south and southeast, if)f54-)fif)f)f)ff)f)fif)t)ft'ff)t4ffrf5f44)ff)f4)ff)f)fHf. ONE CENT A WORD is nil n little want ad will cost you.