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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1914)
THE niCND DULLKTIN, niSNDv ORE., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, MM. I v 1-C 4 PACK 4. f i Ttife BEND BULLETIN (Published Rvcry Wednesday) GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM Editor nml Publisher. ROBERT W. SAWYER Associate Editor. 1 - 'Hi ' r- An Independent newspaper stand ing for tho squnro donl, clcnn busi ness, clcnn politics nml tlio best In terests of Hond nnd Central Oregon. Uno year. $1.1S0 Six months '. 80 Thrco months .50 All subscriptions nro duo nnd PAYABLE I.N ADVANCE. Notices of explrntlon nro mnllcd subscribers nnd It rcncwnl Is not made within ronsou able tltno tho paper will bo discon tinued. Plenso notify us promptly of any chun go of nddrcss, or of lnlluro to re ceive tho paper regJltirly. Otherwise we will not be responsible for copies missed. Mnko nil checks and orders pay ablo to Dond DuUctln. WEDNESDAY. APRIL I. 1914. ItiR boon turned over to tho proper lo cal authorities, this ofllco bnR no oc casion to look Into tho situation or tnke any other action In roteronco thereto. Very truly yours, OSWALD WEST. Snlom, Mnrch 21." O. Lnurgnnrd, project engineer of tho Tumnlo Project, Is receiving fav orable mention for nppolntmont tu tho Alaska Rallrond Commission. No bettor man for tho place could bo de lected. Ills Intimate knowledge of western conditions and his record as a constructive engineer nnd nn ad ministrative expert qunltfy Mr. Lnur gnnrd admirably. There Is only ono posslblo drawback to his candidacy IT successful. Contra! Oregon will loso him I mil ii anr ' nLAME THE RIGHT MAN. Just now It 's fashlonabI to howl about tho high taxes, for tbre rea sons. Tho first Is that wo all hate to pny out good money. The othor two nro that the yearly tax collection Is In full swing, nnd that a county elec tion Is at hand. Tho first two reasons nro as unes- capable as death. The last dosorves a word of attention. Test the old, old protest of those who arc out of ofllce against the alleged extravagance of those who nro In ofllco should receive too much credence. No doubt there has been and is extravagance at tho court house, and no doubt tho admin istration is not faultless. Only It Is not entirely to blame. The other day wo heard a rtend man putting all the btame for his high tax upon the county commis sioners. Let's see. The total mlllage hero this year is C3.5 mills. (And of course that Isn't nearly as bad as It sounds, becauso of tho low valuations.) For how much of this Is county administra tion responsible? State and Coun ty show 2014 mills, of which 6 mills Is state tax: and In passing It Is worth renumbering that $450,000 of state money is being expended In Crook county Just now on the Tuma lo Project. The City of Bend tax Is 24 mills; the people here voted most of that upon themselves by a big ma jority for sewer construction and 1xnd Interest It was a good Invest ment for the town, and of courso the town has to pay for It Still another levy is the 15 mills of thbvschool district; again the county is not to blame, for the expenditure under this levy means capital schools, a sew school h use, and a high priced principal. In abort, don t place cu tne Diamo on the county officers, just because opponents electioneering against them sing the song of high taxes. Most of the tax originated nearer home, and you yourself had a hand In setting the Oku re, or should have had It properly Interested. Give tho devil his due. "SILVER TEA" AT KENWODO Musical Program ami Refreshments nt Social Function Thursday. Last Thursday afternoon Mes dntnes Connarn, McLaren nnd Lev orett wero hostosses at a pleasant so cial function hold at Mrs. Connarn's residence In Kenwood. Thero was u "silver tea" and a mu sical program was given. Mrs. Ros coo Howard sang twice, thero was a violin solo by Mrs. Wnlte. and sing ing by a quartette consisting of Mos damns McLaren, Fish, Rudow nnd Waite. Klaborato refreshments wore served. About 40 people wero pres ent, and there wero four sessions of an hour oach, tho program being re peated each time. WEATHER FOR MARCH Record Shown RNIng Temperature nnd Many Clear Rays. Mnrch camo In llko a lamb nnd went out llko a Hon, thereby revers ing the usunl order of things accord ing to the old saying. For the first 3 weeks of tho month tho weather was ns bnlmy and 'springlike as could be, tho mercury going up Into tho 60's on n number of days and onco as high ns 73. Alt this time, too tho sky was cloudless, thero being n succession of 21 clear days. On the 22nd a high wind blew up from the south nnd for tho rest of tho month the wind continued to blow Intermit tently. On the 26th It brought light flurries of snow and again on the 30th there wero enow squalls, not enough falling, however, to be meas ured. Tho high mark of 73 degrees was reached by tho mercury on the 17th while the minimum was 20 on tho night of tho 10th. Tho greatest dally rango was 45 dogrces. For tho month the mean minimum tempera ture was 2S.6 degrees and tho mean maximum 55.8 degrees. The mean for the month was 42.1 degrees There were In all 22 clear days and 9 partly cloudy days. Tho dally temperatures and char acter of day wero as follows: 1 cent a word IS ALL A-LITTLE WANT AD WILL COST YOU 'PHONE IT IF YOU WISH. JONES lll'YS DAIRY. G. A, Jones ot tho Join Dairy has purchased tho business and some of tho equipment of tho Clovorlenf Dairy, hitherto owned by Prince Staats. Ity an arrangement with O. C. Cnrdwell tho business hereafter will bo under tho nnmo of tho Clover leaf Dairy. Mr. Cardwoll will do the delivering, ho simply buying his milk wholesale from the Jones Dairy, nnd supplementing the Jones supply from cows of his own. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. I hereby announce myself ns n candidate for tho Republican nomi nation for county surveyor, subject to tho approval of tho Republican voters at tho primary to be hold on May 15. 1-10 Adv. R. L. 11REWSTER. Why haven't you registered? A BAD GAME LAW. Tho Harney County News of Burns says: "People in Bend who think that some time or other they might get time to go fishing aro raising a roar because of a recent order of the game warden. Heretofore it has been per missible when a fellow not living at the county seat wished to go Ashing he could go before a notary public, make application for a license, pay tho fees, tako a receipt and that re ceipt was good until the license ar rived. A new order has been Issued declaring such receipts no good and that there must be no fishing until the license is In the applicant's pock et. The whole gamo law system Is a farce In many particulars and a costly farce at that." Not all the gamo law system Is a farce, although the recont peanut pol itics of the department have discred ited It. But right under our noses is operating a farcical new law. We refer to the ono permitting Ashlar all-year-round in the Deschutes, pro vided the cr.tch is over ton inches. The law, as might be expected Is be ing abused tcandalously. The sum mer months are time enough for Ash ing. Fish caught now are full of eggs. A couplo of soasons more of this and we shall have no trout left. The local fish and game club and papers and sportsmen ot Central Ore gon, should combine in petitioning a repeal of this law so far as It affects the much-fished Deschutes. SIDE STEPS. Following the prevalent custom of "writing to the Governor," last weak The nullotln addressed a letter to Governor West, requesting informa tion concerning the local pool hall cases. The chief inquiry was why the pool halls of Salem, the capital, can be open on Sunday, while a remote community was visited with tho wrath of tho little used Sabbath law on the assumption that It this is to be a puritanical state- let us start at headquarters. But Mr West Ignores the point: perhaps it is a delicate one at the State House. Hero is his let ter: "This Js to acknowledge yours of the 20th instant, and to say the Wlest letter was received some time before T left for tho east, and in accordance with our usual custom, it was refer red to the Sheriff nnd District Attor ney with the request that the matter be gjven tholr consideration nnd such action taken as the circumstances would warrant. The complaint hav- 1. o 3. 4. 6. C. 7. S. -9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 Zi. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Max. 46 46 54 51 42 62 70 69 50 56 62 68 62 60 61 67 73 61 63 59 62 65 50 45 46 44 44 50 48 44 61 Mln. 34 25 26 36 36 30 28 34 33 20 24 28 30 36 35 29 28 26 23 tt 27 22 27 24 24 24 27 27 26 35 30 31 Day partly cloudy clear partly cloudy clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear cloar clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear partly cloudy partly cloudv partly cloudy partly cloudv partly cloudy partly cloudy partly cloudy FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I bog to announco mysolt as n can didate to succeed mysolt ns county treasurer, subject to the approval of tho Republican votors of Crook coun ty at tho primary election on May 15. 1-10 Adv. It. J JORDAN. FOR COUNTY . l.EHK. To tho Voters of Crook County: I hereby announce myself ns n can dldato to succeed myself to tho olllee of county clerk, subject to tho appro val of the Democratic voters of Crook county at the primary uleetlon to bo held May 16. 1-10 Adv. WARRE:C UUOtt N. - OREGON TRUNK TRAIN Arrives 8 a. m. Leaves ........... .S:30 p.m. O.-W. It, AS N. TRAIN. Arrives 7;4S p. m. Lenvos 7:25 n. in. STAGE LINE SOUTH. Arrives 7:30 p. in. Leaves 10 a. m. AUTO LINES. Cars dally to Hums and points south nnd southeast. POSTOITICE HOURS. Gonernl delivery open dally 10 a. m. to 6 p, m, - Gonernl dellvory open Sunday 10 to 10:30 n, III. Night train mall closes 7 p. in. Day train mall closes 6.30 n, in. TELEGRAPH HOURS. Western Union dally 7-12,1-0, 7-10. Sunday 8-10. 4-0, TELEPHONE HOURS. Pioneer Co. dally 7 a. m.-O p. m. Sunday 8-12 and 6-8. Saturday Dust Caps Dust Caps The Very Thing For The House wife Dust Caps in Every Conceiv able color and Pattern Just Arrived LAWN DUST CAPS. ASSORTED NEAT, FAN OY PATTERNS. SCAL- LOPED EDGING ON HHIHLDH CRETONNE DUST IWI'. ASSORTED PINK. IILl'i; AND LAVENDER FLOWERS Saturday Special 19 cents FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announco myself as a can didate for ro-electlon as a represen tative In tho Orogon Legislature from this district, subject to tho approval of the Republican voters at tho pri mary election to be held May 16. VERNON A. FORBES. 2-11 Adv. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 1 hereby announco myself as a can didate for tho ofllco of county com missioner of Crook county, subject to tho approval ot the Democratic voters at the primary election. E. W. RICHARDSON. 2-11. Adv. ! Fruit Trees A CARLOAD AT IilJXD AT )5 PRICE SEE F. O. MINOR OREGON AND WALL FOR SHERIFF. I heroby announco myself as a can didate for the ofllce of Shorlff of Crook county subject to tho approval of the Democratic voters at tho com ing primaries, May 15, 1914. 3-10 Adv. E B. KNOX, Post, Or. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election as county commission er of Crook county subject to the ap proval of the Republican votors at the primary election May 15. 3-10 Adv. R. H. BAYLEY. Classified Advertising Advertisement! Inserted under this Lending nt Hie rate of ONE CENT A WORD each IwcrtJon. OmIi mut Accompany nil orders front person not ImvIuk n regular account with The Bulletin. No advertisement tk- for less than 15 cents each Insertion. WANTED. PERCALE DUST CAPS. ASSORTED LIGHT FAN. CY PATTERNS HI'.VERHS TRIMMED WITH SCALLOPING PERCALE DUST CAIN. ASSORTED FANCV PAT TERNS, WHITE SHIELD EDGED WITH SCALLOPING Saturday Special 14 cents See Our Wall Street Windows Cash Store BENNETTS Bend Oregon FOR RUNT Largo store, modern front. Good location. Apply to F. O. Minor, Deschutes Bank. 27tf FOR RENT Cheap. 80 acres S E of town In Section 0. Township 18, known as the Smytho place. For particulars, address J. W, Howies, care Greonough Bros., Spokane, Washington. 3-6 o organ, vllle. TO TRADE OH EXCHANGE. FOR SHERIFF. I beg to announce mysolt as a can didate to succeed myself as sheriff, subject to tho approval of tho Re publican voters of Crook county at the primary election on May 16. 3-10 Adv. FRANK BLKIN8. WANTED To borrow $600 for 2 or 3 years on first mortgage Bend incoroo business property. Write Box 8, Bond, Orogon. 3-4p WANTED Setting hens. Ira 11. Fox, 2 miles east of town, on Deyar- niond placo on Bend-Burns road. 4-6c WANTED A girl or woman for gcnoral house work. For particulars phono or write to Mrs, O, C, Card woll. 4tf WANTED Experienced book keeper open for position. Lumber and grain experience. Will consid er anything. Good references. Inqulro Bulletin. 4-Kp. FOR RENT. TO TRADE For good truo 1200 pound horse, ono with 2 9 Inch wa gon. Also team small mules with spring wagon and harness for sale, $150.00 cash. P. B. Johnson, Milli on n P. O. 3 tf TO TRADE One or two city resl donco lata. Good location. Will trade for anything. Wrlto P. O. Box 65. 60lf TO EXCHANGE 40 acres ono mllo from Redmond. All cleared. Good 4 room house, barn. Will trade for Bend city property, Inqulro A, Bulletin. 4Gtf FOR SALE. FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announco myself as a can didate for election as a representative In tho Oregon Legislature from this district, subject to tho approval of the Democratic votors at the primary election to bo hold May 16. 3-11 Adv. P. H. DBNCER. Something New in Axminster Rugs, Art Rugs and FURNITURE that will make your home cheerful at prices which will prove we are right. Our line of Kitchen Ware, China and Crockery gives you values for the money. A. L. HUNTER'S 1 OREGON STREET FOR RENT Improved 40 acre farm ono mllo from depot of Bend, Seo Vernon A. Forbes, 4-flc FOR RENT Good 4 room house and acre lot ono block from depot. Excollont chanco for gardonlng. In quire Ed. Brostorhous. ltf FOR RENT Bmnll house partly furnished, $5 a month; also tent houso adjoining. Near depot. In qulro at Bullotln. 40tf FOR RENT Offices on Wall street very choap. Apply Bulletin Ofllce. FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo catcd. Electric lights and water. Suitable for housokeoplng. Choap, Apply Bullotln Ofllco. FOR SALE It. I. Rod oockefola, $2 a piece, R. 1. Red eggs for hatch ing, 76 cents per setting of 13, f6 per 100. Indian runner duck eggs, II per setting of 11. Mrs. Roscoo Howard, Deschutes, 4-6p FOR SALE 14x16 tent with lum ber addition roofed with rubberold. Electric lights, porcolnln sink, pan try, closet, etc. Apply at Bulletin of fice. 4tf FOR SALE 1500 appto and pear trees, choice stock, 25 assortments, a surplus over order for my use. 15 cents each to dear. Seo William Todd, Bend. 4p FOR SALE Tho SEU Section 34 Township 23 South. Rango 12 E. tins nbout 3 million yellow pine. Address R. A. Rose, Box 103, Sumner, Wnsh Ington, 4-7 p FOR BALK Belgian hares, $1,00 per pair. W. P. Downing, Ken wood. 3tf FOR SALE Smith typewriter and ofllco chair, Inquire at Bulletin of fice 3-4 c FOR SALE Second hand parlor Write C. F. Condarl, PrlH-Jtf FOR HALE OR TRADE For good young slock cows, 0 teams good work horses from 1200 to 1400 pounds, utui team mules, aim one 4 )r old full blooded Guernsey intlcli eow, freshened Mareh 7. Phono Mtanler Ranch Co. s ir FOR BALK m 12 and 11, block 6, Wlestortn addition, Bend. Msko offer for cash. Mrs. William Woods, Windsor Apartments, Seattle, Wash ington. -4t FOR SALE 80 aercs Irrigated land, close In; water right, etc., IS00. Tonus, Inquire Bulletin ofllee. 4a FOR SALE Young cow, beer stock, good site, excellent condition; 167,60. Also throughbred Jersey $75. J. IL Shouse, 4 FOR 8ALE--Llvlng room and bed room.furnlture. B. F. Groeue, Lam houso. Ufa FOR BALE Black Mlnorea egg for setting, $1.36 for 13. Leave or ders at Bather's store, ltfo FOR BALE Choice eggs for hatching. Pure bred white Leghorn Wycoff strain, excellent layers. Loum. orders now at Thompson's Furniture store. 62tfa FOR BALK Team of mares, har ness and wagon. Address W. N. Ray, Laldlaw, Oro. 52tf FOR BALE All tho tlrao. good horses, good cows, harness, wagons, etc. J. M. Judd, tho auctioneer, tltr FOR BALE Tobacco at cut price. Star and Horseshoo 46c lb. Bend Cash Grocery, oast of depot. 4flt FOR BALE All kinds of rough and dressod lumber, at Anderson Bros, sawmill half xay botwoen Bond and Laldlaw, on old Tumnlo road, Ronsonablo prices, rough lumber $10 per M. Delivering to Bend or Lald law $3 por M. Tolophono. 19tf LOST AND FOUND. LOST Bmnll onon fano watch.. muiu unci ureen onainel floiir-de-lyH mi nncK, urngon pin attached ward for return to Bulletin. 4 5 ORDER by MAIL Club Together for Wholesale Prices on Flour FLOUR-41) lb. sack (Flap; brand) --....-.,.. $1.30 FLOUR -1 bbl. up to 5 bbls. (Flag brand) per bbl, $5.00 FLOUR (made in Rend) 40 lb. sack $1.25 FLOUR -(made in Rend) per bbl $4.75 SiiK"r (Ohio) Cut S3.SIO Dried Pcuclie No, l Grade, per Lb.. .lUJe Potutoi's Per Cwt H .7B Dried Pwiehe No. 1! Grade, per Lb., , . 10c Tomatoes, Solid Pink, per rime, No, Dried Pearlies No, II Grade, ii Lbs uno UJi ' Petlto Prunes, per Lb (ijj0 TonmtocM, Solid Pack, Per Cno No. il SII.70 HiiIIhii Prunes, per Lb , toe TinimtoeN (Puree) per Oino No. UJ U'-.SN) lnm SueeJ. Prune per Lit.. . . . , . li!Uc Corn (Fniiry) Maine Pack, per Cno. ,i;i.9n lleiOi, White, Pink, Mexican Red, Coin (Standard) per Owe .'!.'() Kpoehled llayps, HI Lb SI, 00 CouVo (the beet )cmi ever tux ted) il 100 PoiiimIk for .$7,00 pou ml can -S 1. 00 Dried Apples (tho bent) per Lb Hi He 1'iIcch subject to market changes, Shuey's Cash Grocery LEADING EATS STORE OF BEND - V m -. vJ -"