tin: iii;ni nvhuma, hkni, ore., wkhnkhhay, April t, inn. rAoti n. c, o. i. ins HOTLY DEBATED LEWIS AND HOWARD ARE STARS Slut Atidlfliiro Oct l.lUln In1llH'i- jiient Coiitrrnlim Mooti'il Point I'liui lor Hi'tllt'r'a Patent Art- tnnu'rt by Hltito KiittlMcer. Htnto KiiRlrimir John II. I-owla wnH hoard by snttlera huiI townsiooilo lest Friday nt n nimitltiK hold tti tliu Henri Tlitmtro.' Mr. Lewis outllniMl vulnit )io liolluvori to bo tho statu 01 certain Contrnl Oregon Irrlnt1cm liroMomn nnd oxi1bIihmI hi own io Hltlon, especially ih regard crllfy ItiK land to pntent. Homiih Ilownnl anil ( M. Iletlnelri, of tho company, hi ho spoko. , , . v Tim object of the gathering was to Jvmr up wnim Involved iiwjUon. ,i ill uuu ui i" i"i""y - era asrewl tlwl llio uueatlona wr inortt liitulvod tlmu ovtr and tlm " tiro matter about Mclur aa roiirt. Mr. Lewis, wlilU well fortlllml with facta uml oimliiMTltiK datnlls, lacked oratorical nltlllly, itml foil fur short of HUtliiK IiIh position convincingly. Mr. Ilownnl, who n'ari n Ioiik speech prepared In advance, failed to prove thn sincerity of hi points, tul Mr. Iterirtultl wna no utterly nt speaker thiU hg accomplished little. cianerally KiKmhltiK. It case or wteli aldo denying tlm tttnlwnenta of the other, ofluii with morn hunt than imiIUiiiihm. Indeed, some of tho peppery sallies romlntled newspaper rmm of tlui proceeding hi the Dert Uml Hoard moetlMH. imi Hiiiru bitter personality wna display ml and mi little reasonable little. ' Quite evidently both Mr. I-owla and Mr. Howard started with the open hostility of moat of their audience. eapelally tlm farming portion. They HltMl. iHHtiHiiiKly, where they iri 04). The stand taken by Lewis re fulnK to rertlfy to ttlr' patents baa brought thdr disfavor iiimiii him, whim Howard's alleged shortcoming aa an administrator of tlm projwt ka won even greater unpopularity. A croup of nMilara from )wliuti af fonlwl lltH only vlunr' coHtraillr tory to tlm nlwvn atntaHmnt, thy a ptauilliiK vlnrottaly fr th compmiy itpMikw, ntul ununlly at atmut the riKhl time. Ia-' t'oiltloo Ontllmil. Mr. Miwla iMMtlllon, at ataltHl, wan about thin. Tho contract uitorl In to htw tho roiniwny nnl ettln lomnniluil tho ilellvory of l.R oinl feol of water or aero to their InmU durlDK 90 day. ArronlliiK to lm Htatv Knaiiiiwr. who hail clmrta la vil on atnto InveatlROtlona to boar him out, thn pri'rcnt atntiiH of tho Central OreKon Cnnnl inndo It Itn poanlbto to ilullvor mioli an nmount of wnlnr to nil tho Innda noli) nnil un aohl. In tho fnco of thin Mr, l.owls atntml that ho would ho tiroakitiK both n loKnl nnil n nmrnl ohllKtloii, not only to til oirico but to thb at tlera aa wall, If ho curtMed to (intent aereaKo which ultlumtely would not Kul tho wnter contrncted for. Ho had two plana to atiKimat wheroby aottlera who hnvn Itotmht. Ilvmi on nnd Improved Innd. mlniit reotvo (talent. Tho flnt wan that hereafter no palont Data lio npprovod If they contained unaold lnnda. In other wordi, whlla iirobnbly there waa water enoiiKh to legally enro for tho landa aold, It woa not Juit to eo pardlio tho Intereata of tho prenont raaldnnt aol'lero by urnnlitR patent to unaold Innd, which under prl-nent condition, It wna nlloKod. would tnx tho wnter aupply beyond Its limit. I'ntnnt. then, wore to bo approved ir unaold lnnda, llatod allegedly for profit of tho company, wero ollmln nted from icuh llato, nnd pntonta given flrat to realdent aettler. noxt to nonrealdont ownera, and thirdly, If tho wntor held out to maet con tract requirement, to tho unaold lnnda. which theo nmpnuy mlRht thnn aell when It hna proven there waa The Largest Insurance Agency in Central Ore, WK HKlMtKSIt.NT X OV TIIK laitHKHT AND MOST Hl'IIHTANTIAIi IXl.MI'ANIIfH IX THIS WOHI.I). Ol'It COMIMXIKH IIAVK CO.MIUIIIU ANSHTS OK ftioo,nH.t,iiiii. OUK (H1MPANIH8 PAY TllHlIt W)S8H8 PHOMPTIA' AXI WITH fO.MPMVrH HATIHIWCJIOX IX) KACII POLICY HOLDHH. WK WltlTK 1'IHK, LIAHIHTY, PLATi: OLAHS, Ill'ltHLAHY, AUTO.MOIUI.K, hXVli ANH 1IOXHH OP ALL KINKS. Bend Insurance Company First National Dank Building Bond, Oro. POLICIHS THAT 1MIOTKOT. V r imamvmmmmmmmmam O'DONNELL UNION MARKET onoiiRh wnter to enro for thorn n woll na tho othorH. A Hi'coud plnn by which Mr l.owln would certify to pnlentH wan (hnt nil HolllerH would iiRreo to nliroRnto tho provlMlon of their contrnotH unlllnir for IS aecond root, nnd iiRrou to n lOKHIir (IlllOllllt. lliMMinl Then lleniil I'mmii. Mr. I.iiwIn' Mlnlomenlii of tnek of witter to enro for nil IiiihIh wnn Immid upon IlKiirert from IiIh olllro nhowlntf n HuepMRD Ioih of npiiroxlmutely HO per cent. Mr, llownrd tlicti clinrKod Hint tho IlKiireH In itieatIou wero worthier, Hint thoy were Inaccurate, Htnl orlRlnnted from too linaty Invoi tlKiitlotiM. Thin In turn, Mr, l.nwln deiileil, nakliiR If llownrd had nny better Information of bin own. The brunt of Mr. llownrd' nrRii meiit wiim to the erfoel Hint Hinro wna Htnplo wnler to euro for Meltler'a iicm ii no, even HioiikIi poanlbly Jut now tho nmount would not oijunl tho l.H feet. With enoiiKh to IrrtRato aiie ciMfully, ho mnlntnlned, I.owIh Hhould nt on re rIvo pntent. Mr, Itedlleld then iittempled to further dlaeredll tlm worth of Mr. I.owIh' flRtiniH, mid IndulKed In moiiio ultneka rathor boaldo tho point nt Il ium. Hut the renlly IniiKirtnnt Item If hla dlacmirae waa n atntomnnt Hint "next yoar wo ahould Ret tho aeep nHe Iohm down to not over 40 per rent." In the face of prnvloua itn nlnlH Hint tho preatuit wnter loaa wna no per cent, thla wna inoHt pertinent, nnd Mr. I.owIh nt once tried to ptu Itedlleld down, but thn laaun wnn ilndMed nnd aonn everyone, heartily weary, woleonieil Hiljotirnmeut. Hy iiiiet of the Commercial Club V. A. I'orbea, prralilml. I)r. J. II. Henrer apoke nlmi. and J. I'. Koyrta aaked n few o.uoatlona. While nothlnR waa arenmiillMiod nt tlm nmetlnR, It hkiiih probable Hint tlm openltiR up of tlm entire (jnwitloii will reatilt In aome eiillRhionment. At rll event, Mr. I.ewa atntea that a rnmprehenalvo tuveaHRaHou of the ayatein will bo mmlH thla HprltiR by IiIh naabttanta, to arrive nt completo dntn which ennnot bn tuetlonel ran aonnbly. I'liend of I,ewla jiolnt out that hla alHiid In the potent mutter can not toMilhy hnv nny ulterior mo tive, nnd a n matter of fact ahowa conaldernble rouraRo, for It la tMitind to be unpopular with tho atHer who are apt to regard only their need of (iHlny. Or the other hand, Howard Miipportara maintain that (hero la wnter enouith to Irrigate aallafactor lly all aehl land, that patent ahould be Kranteil Irreapertlve of tlm con trart hold In an. and that all tlm com pany need la to bo left .alone. On Katurday the Hlnte Hnglneer addretMted ineetlnaa at I'owell llutte and Alfalfa. Nirrri.icitH Micirr HATi'itu.w. Katurdar afterooon tHnmbor of the C. O. I. Co. Water Ifaera Asso ciation and other Interested In proa ent Irrigation problem will tueet at Powull llutte at the Wllaon aoliool hoiiae. A larKO attendance la urRed, nnd aeveral llond bualnew moti ox peel to be on hand. KvarvthlnR In flahlHR tacklo nt fikuio Hardware Cmnpnny. Adv. MAUKIfr HHI'OHT. NOllTH 1'OHTI.ANI), March 27. Itecelpta for tho week hnvo been: cnt tie 1810, onlvea DO, Iiok 44S1, aheop Rt84. Knlrly heavy reeolpta of cnt tlo tho onrly part of tho week, with a few lond of oxtrn choice atcors ro InK nt n Rood 25 cent better thnn precodlnR week. Very Unlit offer ln Thuraday nnd Friday nnd mar ket ten to fifteen cent lower. Ite celpta of Iior during tho week wero not heavy, lluyera forced tho price down nhout ten eent. Kxtremo top jelling around f8.8K nt tlm flrat of the week. elonliiK nl $8.75 at tho end. A moderate run of mutton for tho weok'a ttiiain. KtroHR demand for top k railed nnd market continue nlmut In line with Inat weok'a quo tation. Prime lamb $G.S0 to $7, yonrlltiRa $5.76 to $0; owra $4.50 to $5, nnd ahorn aturf (5 ccnta lea. IlliAI, KSTATK TUANSI'KHH. (laHiitMl by Crook (Viunty Abhtmct tViuiptiuy.) Polhnm II. Illoaaom to 8. J, Spen cer Wfc HW 8-18-14. 8. J. 8poncer to A. h. Wilcox WW 8W 8-18-14. Kcnnlon-aipaon Lumber Co. to V H. Ifinaemont phono lino over 8W NK 31-21-12. Hardy K. Allen to Stnlo Ilnnk of m BROTHERS Itcdmond It. 1, 8, 0, blk. 1, Blatora, 00. J, V. Tnpp to Lydln A. Mny, It. 12 blk. 8 imperlnl. . J, J, Hynti lo Turn 13. Ilynh W'4 It. 1, It, blk. 22, Kenwood. It, II. Klnndora to W. V, IxinK It. 18, iilk, 14, l.nldlnw. Iletid Co. to It. A, I'uott It. 24, blk n, i'nrk ndd llund. I,. M. Ilechtell to I), II. I'eoplm, It. 12, blk. 12, 4th ndd. Prlnovlllo. Imperlnl Tnwuallo Co, to H. K. .InhiiRon lln. Ill, 20, blk. 0, Imperlnl, tiOO. Hnine to Itolit. C. Johnion W It 1, 2, blk. 1, Imporlnl. I)mi Cntlow to Aloxnndor Duvnl HVi, UK 1-1C12. Itend Co. to Mfn. A, M. Mlttelhollz It 12. blk. 14 Center add Itend. Maine to amno It. 11, 12, blk, 81, I'nrk mid, llund. Imperlnl Towulto Co. to John K. (Innalow It. 3, 4, blk 10, Imperlnl, 1100. V, W. McCnffory to Hollo M. Ouck ett, Kh. 11, 12, blk. r., Hlatora, $126. V, H. to Thomn Donly pntent KW NIC, NW 8IC, NK HW, HK NW, 33-18-1C. It. IC. Orny to Maine O. llownrd IU 3, 4, blk. 3, 3rd add Prlnovlllo. Ten IIrt much to I). J, Kenn 8 2; Htt 3-18-13. C. W. Mumn to Krnncea Wllaon It, 12 nnd part It. 11, blk 4C, Itedmond. Nhlimnro Murnankl to Horn) Co. Ila. 1, 2, blk. 1; Ita. 3, 4, blk 2. I.nrch add llend. John W. Daunt to C. N, KoroiiHo'i J" L Hoofing of nil kinds. Kopalrin promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttcrinjr, Spouting, Cornices und Skylights. FOR SUMMER Wear ct a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN tho Shoo Ilcpnir Mnn. Bond street, Bond, Oro ;tii For Partridge, Wood cock, Squirrel or Rabbit Shooting the 44 GAUGE SHOTGUN N.10t IS A WONDER VxllXL UVCriUulUVu. z..r:i,. " . . r -.n iviiNp.. -. UM rrM Only SS.OO ,8, nn bn c fut U ! t4 rr rt,Jl in. Irttoa CUM MHO. JNHlHa- I ITCVCMt . STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY KftlHlHI t'CHicof it rails, mass. THE WHITE IS KING Tho BESTall-round Family Sowinu Machtno that can bo produced, Made In both ROTARY and VIDRATOR styles. Tho rotary makes bolh LOCK nnd CHAIN stitch. Tho latest up to tho minute steel attach ments with each machtno. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful II. T. cata Iokuo f reo. White Sewing Machine Co. 619 Merchants National Bank Bldg. lt, 4, f, blk 3, McCaffory'a lat ndd HUtora, "W, A, McKnrlnnd to (leo. IF, Itnni. any Ita. 4, G, blk 8, 2nd ndd Prlno vlllo, M00. llond I'nrk Co, to Jnmca h. Anrnfan It. in HVi It. 12; blk 27 llond I'nrk, $150, Hnmo to Wllllnm Knrrna It. H, N j It. 12, blk, 27, Hand Park, $160. HI'ICAKHH HHItK NKAT WKHK. County Kchool Kuperintendent My ora uiinoiincca'thnt Or. Kobee of the Unlvoralty of Oregon, will apenk nt tho ruIiooId hero on the nftornoon of Thuraday, April 0. Hla atibjoet will be, 'Tomtom cnnilonKo to too Ago. If dealred, It la understood ho will mnko nuothor nddroaa In the evening for u KonernI audience. Whan run down with kldnoy trouble, backache, rhetirnatlam or blndder wenkneea, turn quickly for holp to Kole Kidney Pilla. You ceiu.Ct take them Into your ayaterr, without ImvliiR good reaulta. Chia. N Vox.. Inmroo. N. Y., anya: "Kal oy Kidney Pllla have done mo moro v.u..l iIimii tllkOOO wiirin f,r iujmIU I clno." They Klvo good reaulta, PaU teraon DruK Co. Adv. NOTION OP COXTKMT. Hopnrtment of tho Interior, United fltnto Lnnd offlcc, I.nkovlow, Ore- nr.n Itnrntl 19. 1014. To Krlk M, Andewon, 209 WnahlnR- ton Ht., Hoatiio, VBn v;onieaiee: You nro hereby notified that Mary A lnlinann wlwi ulvtHI llox 317. Ilend. Oregon, o- 8. It. Hofiln. na her twat-i omco auureea, uiu on uecomunr i, 1013, lllo in thla ofllco her duly cor roborated npplleatlon lo contest and necuro tho cnncellullon of your liome atead entry no.. Borlal No. 04785 inndo June 30, 1011, for K, Sec, 1, Townahlp 22 8, Itango IC IB, Wil lamette Meridian, nnd na ground for her conteat alio alleges Hint you hnvo wholly failed to oatnbllah and maintain residence upon aald Innd. have wholly failed to cultivate and Improvo the tamo aa reoulred by Inw; nnd hnvo wholly abandoned tho aamo for moro than ono year laat paat. You nro, therefore further noti fied Hint tho anld allegations will be taken by thla ofllco ra having been confeeaed by you, and your said entry will bo canceled thereunder without your further right to bo heard there in, olthor before thla oflleo or on ap peal, If you fall to Jllo In thla ofllce within twenty daya nftor tho POUHTII publication of thla notice, aa aliown below, your aaawer, under oath, apeclflcally moetlnK and ro BiondlnK to theao allogatlona of con tent or If you fall within that time to fllo In thla ofllco duo proof that you havo aervod a copy of your anawor on the aald contoatant cither In poraon or by registered mnll. If thla service la mndo by tho delivery of a copy of your answer to tho contestant In pcr aon, proof of auch scrvlco rauat bo either tho said contestant's written N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER. Estimates on WnH Paper at application Portland Prices Cheapest and Best Wall Paper Samples In the county. Get My Prices. Box 09, - - Bend Oregon THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY m Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD Tho United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon neknowlodRmcnt of fits receipt of tho copy, allowing the dnto of Ita rocolpt, or tho nffldnvlt of tho poraon by whom delivered; If tnndo by register ed mull, proof of Bitch service mtmt conalat of tho nflltlnvlt of tho poraon by whom tho copy wna mailed atntlng when nnd tho poatodlco to which It wna mnlled, nnd thla nffldnvlt muat bo nccornpnnlod by tho poatranator'a rocolpt for tho latter. You ahould atnto In your nnawor tho nnmo of the poatofflco to which you dualro futuro notlcca to bo aont to you. JA8. F. UURORSS, ItoRlater. Dnto of flrat publleaUon March 18, 1914. Unto of aeoond publleBtlon March 26, 1014. Date of third publication April 1, 1014. Date of fourth publication April 8, 1014. Fraternal Societies i. o. o. p. Ilcnil Loilgo No. Ulfl. Ttogular meeting every Mon day nlxht nt 8 o'clock In Battl er's Hall. Visiting brother cordially wolcome, M. A. PALMBIt, N. O. OEO. P. 0'vB, rticrotnir. TIIK PItATKUXAL 1UIOTHKK HOOH. Fiend Lodge No. 807 meets In Bather's Hall every Thursday evening, with social on third Thursday oacb conth. Visiting membere cordially Invited. Mrs. O. W. Shrlnor, Pros. Ieroy Pox, Secretary. HOVAL XKirillllOKH OP AMKItUA. Ilanner Ciimp No. flOJll, lingular meetings second and fourth Tuesdays. 8ather'a Hall MI18. J. II. COXNAKN, Oracle. MItS A. OKCPTT. Ilecorder. Step & cough before It develops aomelblcg moro Mrloua. Ballard's la The Itcmcdy Tbae l)oa tba Work. Tt relieves roinrhlntr ImKCdU atlr. rairs toreness in the lunar, loosens Dhlccm and clears the bronchial tubes. It ! a, Ann family remedy. DleaS- ant to tako anil good for cMU dren antl adults. rrlee 33e. ZOe mm SlJOO. HUT IDQ 11. vv BIZO. Afc CUHWIIWB1 t flvo times aa much aa tho Z0 alio, and you aret with each bot tle a Dr Herrlclc's Hed Fcpper Porous Plaster for tho cheat. JtpittF.Dallard.Prop. 8i.Louli.Mo. I Stephens Eye 6lva Cur sera uyee. laounAjjoRrtownCNOtoPyl Patterson Drug Co. IIUHINHHH AXI PHOKKHSIOXAL. iiomuiT it. uoiiii cun KiiKlneer Henri Oregon IH'.NXKTT, HINNOTT UM.1JOX9AY Attorneys nt Law General Practice Tho Dalles, - Oregon K088 PAItNIIAM Attorney At hnw Ofllco In Jonoa Dulldlns on Wall Street. I""aaasaaaaawaawaaMeaweaaeaeaataaaawasaaaasaaai J. U. Hell A. W. Slraa CItOOK COUNTY AtkSTIlACT COMPANY ( Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. II. Ilaner Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Ore. Abstracts Insurancn W. W. FAULKNEH. D. .11. D. I) K.VTI8T Ofllco Over Postofllco Ilcnd, ... Oregon WILLAUD U. WIUTZ h A W Y K It Prlnovlllo, Oregon. U. C. COK, M. D. P li y a I c I n n anil Surgeon Office over First National Hank Offlce Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. I'.ENT), :-i OltKOON nOBERT W. SAWYER NOTARY PtriWiIO Bulletin Offlce, Bond, Oregon C. S. BENSON Attorney At Iiavr Benson Building, Wall Street Bend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES LAWl'KIt First National Bank Building Bend, :-: :-: Oregon OEORGE S. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of Ilend. Room 5 Flrat National Bank Building H. H. Do ARMOND L.VWYBK Sather Building Bend, Oro. H. C. ELLIS Attonicy-at-Irfw United Ktntea CoiiimlMtloner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Ofllco In Satber Building. Hourc 9 to 12. 1 to 6. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. DR. A. B. CROPP Clilrnpructor DRUGLKSS PHYSICIAN Ofllco in old Deschutes Dank Bids. Hours: 9-12. 1-5. At Rodmond Monday. Wednesday and Friday until further notice O. P. NISWONOER. Bend, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Kinbulnier, Funeral Director. Phono. Lady Assistant. SWEATT, LEVESQUE & CO. 312 Mohawk Bldg1. SPOKANE ARCHITECTS Schools and Largo Buildings a specialty ( fmipnWKalantiTWI San Francisco. California