PAGE a. CENTRAL ij( PINKHURST. tSjioolal to Tho nuUotln.) PINEHURST, Mnroh 30 J. K. Wlmor mado n lulslnowi trli to Bond Bnturdny. 0, Bd Rosa nnd F. N. Wntlnco w'dro liUBtnflas oallors at Mr. F. V. SwUlu or' nnd nloo nt Mr. Snyder's last Friday ovoulns. , . Mrs. Arthur Jackson nnd (nmlly rind Mrs. 0. V. Snyder, Mrs.-J. J. Goon and Miss Marnnrot Mook woro Lnlillaw oallors Friday. The Houghtllnit (nmlly have moved from Camp No. 4 to ttio old Grolnor P'nco. . . .. Mrs. C. I. Johnson was a Lnldlnw cnller ono day last week. Quite a number of Plnehurst peo ple attended tho auction salo at the Star ranch Saturday. Lester and Uessto Snydor, spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. J. J. Cocn. The Infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Spaugh Is nulto 111. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Walker spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Coon. County school superintendent J. E. Myers visited tho school Monday. Tho quarterly election of Sunday Bchool officers was postponed until next Sunday. S LAIMiAW. (Speeinl to Tho nulletln.) LAIDLAW. March 29. Mr. and Mrs. Sncldor and Mr. and Mrs. Cody have moved Into tho Snelder homo on North Cook Avenue. Iilttlo Alteon Wallace, who has boon sick with tho measles, Is able to be out again. Sunday visitors at tho 'Wallace home wero Mr. Wallace's sister. Mrs. Wlnnok, nnd her daughter, Mrs. La kin and husband. On Wednesday. March 215th occur red tho wedding of James Fisher, son of Geo. Fisher of Lnldlaw and Sylvia Fettl. of Lnldlaw. Mr! and Mrs. Geo. Fisher are pack ing their household goods, and are Boon to leavo for Iforralston, their new Jiome. The family of Mr. Griffin, tho new Lnldlaw merchant. Is expected to ar rive hero this week. Kov. A. O. Walker's family accom panied him to Latdlaw this week, and were present at tho Sunday sen-Ices. There will be choir practice noxt Saturday evening nt the church, to profwre for tho Raster music. All ln torostod In the music will pleaw b at the church promptly at 7:10 Sat urday evonlng. John Winer's store was closed for n few davs the past week but was open for Ue Saturdav's trade. The milliner from Redmond was at Griffin & Co.'s store all day Fri day with a la'Ra display of ladles and children's bats. A great many of the Laldlaw ladles took advantage of tho ohance to purchase a new "Easter bonnet." Don't forgot the new motto of tho Sunday sohbol "He ontlme." next Sunday at 10:15 a. m. . Everyone is cordially Invited. Mrs. G. B. Ross will act as super intendent of the Laldlaw Sunday Bohofll this quarter. The Piano Club is planning an ap tnn sale and business mnn'a lunoh the Thursday beforo Easter, to bo hold at the hall during the afternoon and evening. Mrs. Hall of Riverside Inn. is again able to be abot, after a serious siege of Krte. Mr. Lamitaon and T. V. Beasley of Nortk Yakima, have arrived to re sume work at one of Uie Tumalo oamps. v SUNNYSIPK. (Special to Tho Dullotln) IUNNYSIDB, March 2. This bectlos has been favored with excep tionally fine weather during the en tire month and farmers and garden jers have been busy plowing and planting. Misses il.ulu Montgomery, Myrtle Seoggin nnd Messrs. Hubert Scoggfa and Floyd Seott passed through Sun nyside Saturday on their way to Laldlnw. MIm Montgomery has re signed her position as teacher of Pbitnvlew and will leave soon for her home near Prlnevllle. A new ditch eainp is being erected near this place by the engineers of the Irrigation Project, and Is known as Camp No. 7. The equipment from headquarters and a erew of working men were brought out during the ttrst of the week, and work In this section Id already under way. J. B. Nichols and family have re cently returned from Spokane. Wash ington, where Mrs. Nichols attend ed Spokane University during the winter. They oxprese themselves as being well ideated with tho develop ment made by Crook county during tho last year, and report that people in toe Seokene valley are much inter (im In this country and many set tlers are expected to arrive fromthat plage during the summer. KTAUFI'ER. (Speolal to The Bulletin) STAUFFER. March 10. Fred Ov orall made a trip to Ilond last week to purchase a seed drill. Jas. Smith and son expect to be gin work for W. W. Brown ths first of April. Chas. Stauffer has been appointed commissioner for this section, suc ceeding C. M. Smith. lien Do Witt has been doing some farming for Dr. Reed the last week. McGtnlty and Harris made a trip to Brookings last week after seed grain. 0. Hash Is out at Bend this week. Most of tho farmers will bo all through seeding this week. The BtaufTor mall carrier came in on foot last week, ' He says bronchos do not make good pack horses. Den Rhodes has cleared 20 acres of sago brush In tho last three weeks and expects to put in 4 crop this spring. OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. - - DRY IjAKK. (Special to Tho nuUotln) DRY LAKE, March 28. Spring work is now In full progross. Fall sown grain looks good. N. N. Ktus Is back in Dry Lnko af ter spending tho past tour months In Portlnnd. Ho has rented tho Swan son homestead nnd tho Mnoro homo stead adjoining. Mrs. Kins Is still In Portlnnd nnd will romnln there for for somo Unto yet. Tho postal buslnoss nt Dry l.nko la Increasing all the Umo. According to Postmaster Uongston the money order department la well patronUcd. Cattlemen report stock in good condition. Tho black log vaccina tion tins materially decreased tho deaths, there hovlng been only n few In the past two mouths. The dance at the Dry Lnko hall on Friday was attended by tho lnrgost crowd of tho season. Kvory ono pnss cd tho night In n Jolly good Unto. Joo Murphy has been In on his father's claim to hnvo somo seeding done. Ho wilt soon start for !nkn county whero his father Is running n woll drill nnd ttiko the ptneo of tils brother Charles nnd later return horo and do somo more work on his claim. Several now settlers nro expected in this spring. Agnow brothers, from Sonttlo, nro planning some extensive, Improve ments on their claim. J. Ames Is expected In from Brem erton. Washington. Bhortly. n car of household goods having already ar rived for htm from Pond. His son Is preparing to meet him In Rend. A large shipment of frntt trees Is expected to arrive in Ilond for Dry Lake about April 1. A number plan to plant diversified orchards around Dry Lake this spring. Tho outlook for good crops Is ex cellent, the ground never being In hotter condition for crops than at this time. - r RIVKRK. (Special to Tho Bulletin) RIVERS, Maroh 24. The namo of' Highland has been changed to Rivers on account of trouble with the malls. While playing nt school Thurean John Hnllmeyer had his collar bone dislocated. He Is dotng nicely so far. Sunday school has been changed from 2:30 Sunday afternoon to 10:30 in the morning. F. J. Flntey has started Improve ments on his plaee whero ho located March 13. Mr. Jensen will be out Monday with his family to locate on his claim V4 mile from Warm Spring. Max Gross leaves for the Hanley ranch whero ho will spend the sum mer. .Mrs. Ell Wilson loft for Post. Ore gon whero she expects to stay for a few months this spring. Sirs. Win. Wlggnm will bo out on her homestead after an absenco of about S months. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Marrln enter tained Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Rivers, Sin, Chas. Mills and Anna Durchstotl a: dlnnor Sunday evening. Tho Woman's Country Club met with Mrs. Eric Danlelson on Wednes day, March 18. There aro now ID members enrolled Mrs. Max Niel sen was elected secretary succeeding Mrs. Ernest Nelson, resigned. Miss Bertha Ransom read a very Interest Hog Food Specialist In Bend This Week C. C. CATB, THE VNION MEAT COMPANY'S HOG FOOD SPECIALIST, WILL PERSONAL LY VISIT FARMERS TO DEMONSTRATE THE VALIE OF IWil-STKIl TANKAGE. Successful hog raising is a cortalnty not an uncertainty. The thousands of successful breoders and faoders are ex pert testimony to this fact. Practical knowledge nood oaro and RIGHT FOOD are essentials ecpeeiatly EIGHT POOD. DIGESTER TANKAGE MADE BY UNION SHUT COMPANY North Portland, Orooii Is a proven bog food of high quality. Being made of coneentrated animal food (CO per rent Protein It davel opes bone and muscle In pigs and MAKES Til KM GROW by supplying the bodily nourishment that other foods lack. It is fed wet or dry mlxod with other food. Mr. Cate's knowledge of the hog Industry in general and beg foods in particular, onables him to give hog rais ers practical advice. UNION MEAT COMPANY North Portlund, Oregon BRING YOUR CREAM PIONEER CREAM COMPANY LARGEST BUYERS IN CENTRAL OREGON QUICK IIKTUHNB OF EMPTY CANS Office on Wall Street, In Building Where McCuiston Grocery Formerly Was. CONSTANT SUPPLY OF BUTTERMILK AND SWEET CREAM CHECKS MAILED ON THE lBth FOR PREVIOUS MONTH'S CREAM. tiii: bend bulletin, bend, ore., Wednesday, April j, ton. -- - - - - - ing pnpor on Ulonunr Ilnllowoll Ab bott, tho author whtoh was itrently npproolatud. Schoot wlllcloso lit District 13 on Wednesday, April 1. A plcnlo dln nor nnd program have bcun arrang ed to which tho patrons of tho !hool Df tnojra A nro invltod, HAMPTON. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON, Mnroh 23, 1014 Mrs. Louis Mtllor Is on tho sink list. Ij. C. Peek, has rented his farm for thts year to Mr. Wnrmoth of Hustle more. Mrs. Luolnda Blnck, who tins boon visiting In Hampton, returned to her homestead on Llttnrd Creek Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peck nnd chil dren hnvo returned front Portland where tttoy visited trloitds and roln Ihes for n few weeks. A colt blonglng to Nelson Crow got badly cut on barb wire last weok. Wnt. E. Searcy of 111., Is visiting his cousin Mrs, Lucy Hicks or Hustlemoro nnd looking around for n homestead. Messrs. Black, Harrison, Parsons nnd Huntington wero disappointed last week by not finding seed ryo In or around Bend. J. U Owon, tho grocery man, re ceived a largo load of freight for his store last week. A. S. Fogg lias a work horse badly cut on tho barb wlro. Olo O. Drogsvotd was a visitor In Hampton n day or two last weok. Farmers In this locnllty aro busy plowing nnd soedlng. Fall sown grnln Is looking flno. Mr. Spurbcck has hauled qulto a few posts to his homostead nnd Is preparing to fonco his claim soon. Miss Ethel Fogg, who taught our wlntor schoql, returned to Portland to enter soliool. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrtos Sldwell of Iowa, have returned homo after spending a week with A. S. Fogg nnd fnmllv. They wero welt pleased with the "high desort." , , Floyd Phillips has ordered a wind mill, piping nnd casing for his well that Is to bo drilled by Mr. Stauffer In the near future. Burr Black and L. C. Pook. ns wit nesses, accompanied Mr. .Fogg to Fife to mnkn proof on his homestead on March 20th. j hamitox nrrrit. (Special to The Bulletin) HAMPTON BUTTE, March 23. Fred Overall of Stauffer. Oregon, passed through Saturday with a load of frolght. Ho says that the boys of Stauffer have organlxed n ball team. John and Oscar Black returned TiTe Lafollette Nursery Co. Prineville, Oregon central oregon's nursery TO -- - - - - - - from Portlnnd Inst wouk, lirhiKliiK In it lond of well supplies. John brought lit u G ltorso power gasoline uitg'no nnd Osonr n two ltorso power engine. A. T. Hlmvor reports having llnlsh tut n woll for M. S. Drown of Plunsnnt nlley, Wntux was struuk nt a dopth f 230 foot with 40 foot of water, The woll drllt Is being moved to T. C, Kwlng's place. Win, Oldtluld and Jomsu Munroo re turned from Bend Snturday with a load of supplies. Mrs, M. W, Shoppard purchased n wagon, plow burrow and three horses from A. It. Marlow of Buck Crook. Fred Chrlstophorsoit of Buck Creek visited friends horo Inst week. V. Schroder mado n trip to Buck Creek last weok. A. T, Shaver had tho misfortune to mash n foot Inst week while dtsmaitt llnir tho woll drill. While lowering the walking beam tho rope slipped i and Mr. Shaver's fool was bndly hurt. A. J. case is worxutg for a. t. Stop the LossFires are The Bend BEND v 4 U i better enable K) REAL Hltavnr while tho latter Is laid up. Earl ItoKorn loft Tuesday for Bund to got grain mid stipplluH. March linn lieun n lino month so far. Those sowing grain hnvo appro elated tho good weather. Burt Meelin, llornoo Brookings, Then, Cook, V, Schroder, C. W. AhIiIiiiukIi, Thus. Evv lug nnd Junius llrlokluy have sowed this spring. Jny HiUtxmnit passed through here on his way to Burns with tho Inten tion of bringing bnuk his big oar. 11, O. Ferris brought out n loud of freight In his ituto truck for tho Messrs. Illnok. It. O. Wells and Boy Fonts return ed Friday from lleiul. bringing In n limit of Ntippllss for Mr. Fonts. Horace Brookings was lit Bend on business n short Umo ago. Word has buuii received from At Abernnthy, who Is In Nevndn, that ho ox poets to return to this looallty In April. Travelers report good ronds from Mend to Burns. Dust Is ilylug now on tho roads In thin locnllty. L. It. Klnnev nnd W. H Huonenr worn through last weok with freight for Burns, C. D. Yook of Htauffor was through Iicio twturoay on his way to Hend to bring in n family or iiiuuiMiomiers. BRICK IS ABSOLUTELY FiltE PROOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON. FLAORATION. BRICK RUILDIN(18 NEVEIt BURN, ALTHOUGH TlfltY ARE SOME TIMHS INJURED BV FALLING TIMBERS OR COMBUSTIBLE INTERIOR WOODWORK. A BRICK BUILDNO IS ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IF WIRE GLASS IS USED IN THE WINDOWS AND IF BURNED CLAY FLOORS ARE U8BD. AN INTERIOR FIRE IN SUCH A BUILDING 18 CONFINED TO THE ROOM IN WHICH IT ORIGINATES; NO OUTSIDE FIRE CAN ATTACK IP THE PROPORTION OF BURNED CLAY IN BUILDING CONSTRUC TION MEASURES ITS FIRE PROOF QUALITIES. BURNED CLAY 18 THE ONLY BUILDING MATERIAL THAT HAM BEEN THUOUail THE FIRE BEFORE YOU GET IT. IN HUGH A MAN NER THAT IT WILL RESIST FIRE. ALL MATERIAL IS BURNED OUT OF THE BRICK BEFORE YOU GET IT. ' WHEN YOU I1UILD USE HKICK. Brick & Lumber Co. PARK COMPANY ES TATE AND INSURANCE Our Real Estate-offerings are the most extensive in Bend, comprising the ORIGINAL TOWNS1TE and PRAC TICALLY ALL THE APDITIONS. INSURANCE that INSURES Our Insurance Department includes only World Known Companies writing Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Automo bile, Plate Glass and Fidelity Insurance and Bonds. "IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY.". LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE WITH US. Our outside oillccs nnd us to find you buyers und tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wnsh. V J POWELL Hl'TTE, (Bpoolnl to Tho lliillutlii.) POWELL BUTTE, March 30 Mr. and Mrs, (loo, Caldwell of Clo Hlum. WiihIi., Iiitwi rented tho Muiiin plnru for tho seimon unit nro busy planning to put In it crop, i E. L. Ivuisou Is clearing trees from his west forty. Young Moore Is help ing his with the work. It. L, ICearim and family of Turn. (Coiitlniind on pitRo Hovon) m m What'stheUse of f rolKhtlnir irrocorleB from Huinl freo of cliiirwu? Lot JOHNSON pay tho freight. Itumuinbor tho plnco, nonr 28 mllo post, Hend to Hums roiul. & MILLICAN, OREGON. g Unnecessary OR RENT connections fjL J I -.J.a8J81lWBMBIWfcJf.innHMln 1 i,i , I.MH..K .J'