The bend bulletin. i , Vol. All. L BETTER PRICES OUTLOOK IN CENTRAL OREQON BRIGHT li. M. Vun Tells of Thrro Outs ii Pound uinwineiit In I'll to ami Ten I'er Cent Clnlu In CroH A Million Pound Hero TltU Year I WOO R f Much morn wool centering hero for shipment, nnd fur bolter price for jTh grower meaning good business 14 for Hend and prosperity for tlm nhuop IHOH- IM UlO UOUIIIH )TOUinvr mini" ' hy I.. II. Fosh, tritvolliiK K"t of Hi" Ornn-WnhlnKtoii nnd DukcIiiiIihi , mllroml. with hoadqiiartorH hern. I,aat ywr tlmro wore hetwwin 600,. OHO anil MX). 000 lHMItlitH of wool shipped from Howl. Thin wr tlmro will h Nt loam n ihIIIIoii pounds, ne- ' rdlnK to Mr. Fosn, nnd perhaps mm. Thin season's prl average Mbout three cents iMiimil hotter than itowm of 1013, Hint will run hImiiiI 11 . ihus. nh against '11 certt lent yenr. Nut only Hint, Imt the orop will Im , ten per cent, higher, owing to n sat. Isfaelnry winter, plentiful feed and itHr favorable conditions. ' "The present outlook for the wool- KroMnt of Cent I Oregon Is the iMMt tmy hnve faced In many years." )mhII Mr. Fihmi, who has been dovot Ihk wurh Hum to Investigating tho uuil Bliiitliiii ! Ihu ItiturMafa lif lit road "MlK crM nml good price r assured. More limn thnt, the wool ctUNlly linn been roHtrscted for. This spring, for tlm first lime, buyers hnve ennlrneled nlinosl hII tlm Central Oregon clip on the iliwtn' hack, monlhii before shearing. Of course this Ik most satisfactory to tho Mror. noil assure them n nrospor- OUS SeSSOU " All I ho ptip to the South will ooiho Mmr for sh'pitmul, says Mr. Po. where tnerw is any enouo oi uisianre ,m compared with Lakovlow. The Trlnht rule from liHro tn Hoston, In of a cent better than front Lnko- view. Also, this nuiniriarcnany morn beep will Ikj shoared hero than over , twtore. Muoh of tho clipping will lw Ioh nnrouto from tho wlntnr fewlliiK ltrletii to thn numinor rnnno lu tho iHountklm, which chiefly nro renchwl from linrn ' An (xninpln or thn rnitlnfitclory out- look In thnt of Mill" llrown. whwo l.lf rnnrli lltm to thn nouthoflkt. UiHt vHiir Mr. Hrown noia uo.oou ihiuiuik f woil nt 10V cwntii. Thin yr he hua rontrnriwi to wii uu.oou pounu i 1SU kmiiIm. All of thin Mill N hlid from HHtl. Th tint or tn wool mik in iwn tin lMn mtnoHiicml nil July 7. Itoxliiti Miukct HtroiiK. Th' optlmbitle oonilltlonn or tlm Itnainn iiiarkul am rmortal nn fol- ' lowi in Dunn'H ltrltw: Tli ilHRinnil for wool lit unnUAKMl. All iiutrlliiitlvn mnrkntit nro ncllvo uml onimiullltiiii fur iliuilrnlilM offal-. Inin U kwtu. The loiulon nilvnnro 1- n-.ilv M.tn1i1latlfMl nlllt llflH ItAnn Hit iltn) to Nlnm tho miction milo lHKnn. lieni onnnnH nro nimiwrniivoiT ulHnll llM.lUJlllll v ttf .lnfil.u.Hl BHll wiHiinnii'l ntendy tutli nt ntr'WK niul luiproviiiK vniuoai roily ao.uoo.ouu Keep Your Valuable Papers In Our Vault Tho licit nml nuf"t place In tho woild to l.Hp tiro nml life) luNiirniiro pollclcH, notM ciniiliitf One, litorlKi'R''! ilcoiln In fact nil vnliinblo piiHn. In In n lltvproof vault. lit cry one rnnnot ulTonl to luno n nteel vault, or oven n llro-prtiof nafo In liln homo, but oory nun can nIToitl to keep bin vain nhlo papei-M In our mult hcratiNo tho rcntnl iiluiroil In an iiolhliiK couipareil with tho lu-ottH.'tloii nlToi-dtiil. You can Iwixo n ntcel hov with n non plcknble, Yalo lock bin ciiookIi to coutnlii nil your valiiahlo pnporn lunldo our vault, for only 9U.0O n year. Drop In next tliuo you'ro pnnnloK. Deschutes State Bank, Hucccntior to tho t , Deschutes Banking & Trust Cpmpoay . iikni), -k poiiiiiln, nml pomillily inoro, of tho new ilutiioittln clip have licoti coiitnict ml on tho nlioop'N liitck Ii)' oHHtorn ilimlom ami pilron ronllroil on Into coiitrnrtM urn tho hlKhont of tho mm noil, nhowliiit it moiimIIiIo nilvnuco on tho opmiliiK 1'iilti, It IiioIih nt prcn ciit im IIioiirIi tho hulk of thn 10H clip woiilil iio contrnctod lioforo tho iictunl thoarlmc minnoii oponn. ATTACK ON COMMISSIONERS IS JiiiIko HprliiKor llliuflf XVu ('lilclly ltc.Miinllilo For Piirthnoe of Auto 1'or tho County Huerlntrnili'iit. (Hpoolnl to Tho llullutln ) lMtl.NKVIl.l.K. Mnroh 30- Tho nt tnok upon tlm County Communion orn, olroulatotl nt tho huhiMit of JudRo HprliiKor, nn prlntod In Tho llullutln limt wvnk, ri'uniM dimlluod to net nn n linoiiiorniiK nxnlunt KprliiKor, Thin In onpeclnlly trim nn rtmnrdii tho chnrKu Hint tlm I'ommlmtlonur nro roopoiiNllilo for lontiliiK County Hup irlntcmleut Myorn IliOO to Imy an nuto out of county fund, llloKnlly. lor JiiiIko HprliiRor upptiarn not only to Iikvh ninolnlly Hnucllonud tho Irnunnctlou hut to Iihvo lmiu IIm chlof NUiiiortor nn wvll. Tlm nrrmiKtiiimiit wnn dlncuwiod In court nt tho tlum of tlm tax low nmntliiR lnt yonr. Myrn wnn to Iihvo Ihu moHoy ndvnnriMt for tho onr, unit wnn to ropny It from tho inlliwiir nllowod him hy law, nn tho onr onruttd niich nillmiRi) for him. Thn JmlRe endornd tho pliui. Oneo, ncordliiR to wltiionntM, ho oven nnld; "I nin wIIIIiir to nMtiHiH full ro npoiinlhlllty for tho miprliit!idiit'n onr, litrsniiHtt Im tmodn It inoro thnn nny other oltlcur, nml nhould hnvo It." Ami now tlm mnttor In uhmI hy MprlNRor follow em In nn Kffort to din crmllt tlm Coinmlimloiiern! An n ro nult of thin nttnek, Mr. Myern Mon dny look up tlm $100 wnrrnut In full, lie nnyn- "I do not onro to ni pt w tlm efiintnlMlonerii, who nro tout, ly IdniimloM, to bo nttucked ovor my nhoulder." PARCEL POSTJIIIPMENTS jilH,t I'no of Krnlro In I'or Hemline Poultry Wlro lii llitrrlor. Tho iKMilllon of llond nn n par cel pont dlitrilmtlnK center In lieltiR tnken nilrnutnRt) or more nmi more hy I'ortlnnd nhlppnrn Ily nendlnK Roodn hunt hy frolRht nnd hnvlng ttmm forwarded to Interior itolntn hy mreel'ot tho lowest pomllde rat on nro nwrurod for tlm whole Journoy. Tlm Intent exnmplH of thin occur red on Mondny whon tho Vnltod Wnrohouno nhlpiiod out to Hockley 1CRB pouudn of poultry imttlnR. It hnd como In In ISO pound hundltm which hnd to ho opemid nnd thn net tliiR repnekod In tO pound wolKhtn. Thin done It wnn tnkon to tho pout ofllco nnd nort off. Thone Intorlor nhlpmontn nro now Klvun a new routing. koIiik ' Itml mond nml I rlnerlllo. Formerly thejr were nwni Wnck nround by rnll to Vnle nnd frelichlwl from there. MASONIC OIMCMNO Tlll'USIUV. Tomorrow nlRht the Hend IakIk of MnnotiM will formerly open their new Imll In the new OechutM In vontment Cooipnny ImlldlnK. Tho dmllcntlon of the new quartern will be nllemlod by n InrRO body of Ma noun nnd will tnnrk tho mont lnimr tnnt development yot inado In tho career of the locnl IoiIro. The Ited tuond nnd I'rltmvlllo lodRon will hnvo deloRntlonn prottunt. Hnttirday nlRht n pnrty of tho loon I lodge, lucludliiK II. K. Allen. (IcorRo H. Yaunir, J. C. Ilhoden nnd Wnrd II. Coblo, took nn oltlrlnl Invitation to tho I'rlnevllle IoiIko. oiu:oon. A '. hi:m), oiiiujo.v, wi:ini:hiay WALLS OF NEW SCHOOL RISING MASONS WILL FINISH IN THREE WEEKS VYciuimly ami I'ox Kinplo)luK " Men on Job With III Weekly Payroll (JikmI Manonry Work In IMhk llono Wtonn Khimn Up Well. AUIioiirIi nomewhnt delayed by tho rocont unplonnnnt Vtoather, work on tho new Held Mhool hulldliiK In pro RroimlnK rapidly nnd linn ronchud n point whero It In poMlblo to reallzo BomcthliiR of tho appearance of tho completed ntructuru. Counldernhlo nklll In halm; nhown In tho nolcctlon nml preparation of the ntoneo for tho building nml tho renult promlion to Iio ouo of tho bont oxnmploi of con ntructton or natlvo ntono In town. Wouandy nnd Fox, who hnvo tho ntono contract, nublot to thorn by Ilronterhoun brothorn, nro now oin ploylnR over SO mon on tho work, In cludlNR (iinrrymeti, ntono cuttorn, wnlt men and (minors. In nddltlon they have three tonmn hauling ttone nnd mnklnR In nil n weekly pnyroll of $700. All are locnl men except n number of thn ntone cuttera who hnve been brought In from the nut nlde. C. It, Kurrle If in chnrge for ilwHir. Woiinudy and I'ox. To date tho foundation have been put In and hnlf of the ntone work on tho hAienient floor. Thin In the nlow Mt part of the work nn tlm upper torles will une lew atone nnd enn ro nhond faster. Hy the end or thin week. If no delaya occur, tho ntono work will be two fifths completed. An tho building proRrennen the plumbing work In bolns carried tor ward by J. J. Hyan and llronterhoun brothorn are doing nuch or the car pentry an can bo taken caro or at tho prenont time. Cnlew unoxpected de Inyn occur they expect to havo tho wholo InilldlnR completed by August 1. Tho ntono work, according to U I,. Kox, will bo finished In throe weeks, BOOSTS M'NJHND FORBES W. I). Ilnrnen of Ijildlnw Kayn Itee oiiln ot To Men l)ccrte KupMtrt. W. I). Harnen of Ialdlaw waa hero Mondny. Mr. Harm, us usual, in nhowlng Internet In polltlen, nnd thin time he la trying to make sure thnt nil the people on the Tumnlo Project and other Central Oregonlnns vote for Justice McNnry or the Supreme Court and State Representative Korliea for re-election. "Mr, MoNary, by hln stand when McMnhon enjoined tho Tuuialo np proprlntlon, won tho grntltudo of nil Central Orogontans, nnd should got their voton." said Mr. ItarnM. "And the samo In true of Mr. Forbes. Certainly no man In the Inst leglsln lure made n bettor rocord than he did. In both cases no feeling of var ty should Interfere with giving a routing majority." i , FISHING TACKLE For ALL A COMPI.WTU LINK OF STRICT- LY FltK.SH STOCK TO CHOOSK FROM. Ont PRICK IS STILL AT TIIU 1UVTTOM Call and See Our Goods BEND HARDWARE aftlrnoov, april j, ioij. HEraw ALMOST SURE 240 COWS HAVE BEEN SIGNED UP KoMiltn of Investigation fJrntlfylng Im Pino Country Intereitel Quartern May He Hcnt Free Tho I'lmt Year-Htorogo Only Cont J. P. Kayos, president or tho Com mercial Club, who has been chiefly conducting Urn work ror organizing tho oo-oporatlvo croamory, reported at Haturday'B mooting that slroady 210 cown havo been signed up. From tho Investigations made, ho asserted, there scorns no doubt that sultlclont cow owners will come Into the Insti tution to assure that It can bo start ed nucccssrully, Tho luncheon thin weok was nt tho Pilot Hulte Inn, nnd wna nttonded by 62 rarmors and businessmen. During tho week Mr. Koyes, P. II. Doneer, W. O. WaiiKh and II. W. Bkuso, had made trlim among tho farmors get ting signatures to tho articles of In corporation. A number of districts whero thoro were cown, nnd mnny ranchers whom It Is sure will come into the organisation were not reach mi. Onee tho creamery Is operating It Is practically assured that much cream that It now being sold else- whero will como hero, although "signing up" Is not yet posslbln. The auton used In this Investiga tion were contributed by J. A. Hastes, J. N. Huntepaml W, II. Staats. W. O. Fordham, postmaator of La Pine, wan present, nnd when called on for remarks expressed much opti mism concerning tho whomo and was sure that many cow owners In the La Pine country would go Into It. Further discussion concerning Ir rigation problems were Indulged In, Cole K. Smith, and II. Forroll being among the speakers. V. A, Forbes was called upon to explain the gener al situation, and did no, Incldontnlly offering hln services gratis to tho AVa ter Users' Association cjiould they desire legal advice or representation bofnro tho Land Hoard. Tho luncheon noxt Saturday will bo nt tho Wright Hotel. 11. W. L. .V P. CO. WILL HHLP. In connoctlon with the creamory matter. Manager Foley ot tho Hend Water Light & Power Co., statos that plans havo been adopted whereby the ico plant his company In now erecting Mill bo mado of ample slio to acconi odato'tho creamory. A second floor will not be used, nn at first consider ed, but the creamery, If that organi sation caroe to accept the quartors, will be on tho first Hoor "We hnve no desire to make nroflt from the creamery." said Mr. Foley. ' If we Ret taxes nnd Insurance cost from the building Investment we are Mllsflet!, an H ' possible that fcr the first year the quarters will he rent free. Cold storage, non or nnd wator will bo charged ror at the low est posslblo rato." MANY KNTIill OOXTIW. Over 2G pupils of the Itend schools have signified tholr intention or en tering tho contest for tho trip to tho San Francisco fair arranged hv the First National Hank. A full list or tho contestants will be announced next week. CITY KPRLVO CLKANINO. Mayor Miller has designated this Friday an the oulelal day for spring housecloanlng In the city. Wagons will cart away all ordinary rubbish that has boon raked to the street or alloy linos. Citizens who oxpcot to tnko advantage or tills free cartage are asked to notify either II, K. Al len or 8. K. Roberts. LA PINE MEETING WILL DISCUSS CBIEflY FRIDAY Mnnnwr Could of Commercial Club nml Other Visit XclKhlwrs To tlio South Impressed by Activity In tho Interests of the co-operative oreamery, Managor R. II. Gould of tho Hend Commercial Club and a party of local men went to La I'lne Saturday night, attending n meeting of tho commercial club there. Ho far as the creamery Is concern ed, the result of tho pilgrimage was tho appointment of a committee by the La Pine club, which Is to mako a thorough canvass among tho farmers of that country, telling them of tho project and urging them to attend a meeting that will be hold at Ia Pino Friday. A large Hend delegation Is expected to attend that meeting, nnd already Messrs. Hudson, Coe, Forbes and Doment have agreed to contrib ute the ueo of their cars, while more are expected to make the Journev. It Is oxpected that In addition to getting a goodly number of cons signed up from La Pine ranchers other matter ot mutual Interest to the two towns will be discussed. In speaking of tho trip,' Mr. Oould enthused greatly over tho record of the La Pine Commercial Club. "Thoy cortalnly know how to do talngs up thoro," he said. "Their club has 74 tnomitera and owns Its own quartern and property. The dues are only 25 cents a month and every one seems to take a lively Interest. It's prosperous, too. For Instance they are just paying out for a -piano. Those with Mr. Gould wero Frank May, P. C. Garrison, W. W. Faulk ner, and II. Forroll. They went In Dr. Ferrell's car. ORDERS INVESTIGATION Rates of Light Coinpnny to In Passed on by It. IL Coiuinllon. Tho chief matter of discussion at the council meeting last night was the procedure to bo taken In tho caso of a local saloon keeper who had failed to pay the quarterly Install ment on his license teo. It was fin ally voted thrt he should bo ordered to close until tho llccnso was paid. The appointmont of Frank May as assistant engineer to servo during tho coming nbsenco or George 8. oung was confirmed nnd cement sldowalka wero ordered on Wall street In front or tho Fuika build ing and the opposite sldo where the old Chapman building stood. In view ot the rocent oloctrleal franchise discussion the council took the position last night that an Inves tigation ot the rates of the present company would be desirable and a vote was paeseil ordering the city at torney to prepare the necessary pa pers requesting an Investigation of rates by the Railroad Commission. CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS. All registered City Warrants on the Genorel Fund from numbers 261 to 31S both Inclusive, will bo paid on presentation to the City Treasur er. No Intorest will bo paid after this date. Dated this 1st day or April. 1914. M. K. COLEMAN. City Treasurer. aafl fej'U.iP.'J' vLiJI ?c smz Kl zsJr SSz SWc W m The First National Bank OF BEND BEND, OREGON U. C. COE, President E. A. SATHER, Vice- President C. S. nUDSON, Cashier Capital fully jmld - - - 336,000 Surplus 81800O To Homeseekers: Parties contemplating taking Home steads in the new lands just eliminated from the Forest Reserves, should bear in mind that Berd is the closest Banking town to these lands. We are making a special effort to be of service to new people coming into Gen tral Oregon. Gall and see us and arrange your fi nances, so you will not have any trouble in having your cheoks cashed. . TSk FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 1KND DIRECTORS i ' TJ. C COE E. A. Sathek 0, S. HtfDSQN o. M. Patterson II. c. NO. I. REAL SETTLERS ARE ARRIVING LAROE NUAIBER CAME IN MARCH Men With Families and Full Carload '1' of Ooo0i, Stock and Farm Imple ment Morn Numerous Than? Hvcr Hcfore r More to Come. . Greater activity In tho actual sot' Moment or Central Oregon lands than has evor before been known occur red last month, aecordlng to figures given cnt by 3. II. Corbett, agent at the union depot at Oend, and all In dications point to a. continuous flow of settlers. It Is not only In quanti ty but in, quality also that the now comers lead, coming as they do with farming outfits complete down to the last detail. In tho month ot March alone, 13 cars or Immigrants' movables, as they are called In the railroad classifica tions, arrived In Hend, representing the outttts of some 15 families who are going to mako now homes In this part of the country. In February six cans came lu and others aro ex pected to bo added to the list In the coming month. The March arrivals, according to Mr. Corbett, were more than twice the number ever received here in any ono month In the past. As Indicated above these settlors are none o, them coming hero "broke." AH are men with families who have accumulated enough In their former localities to provide them with all the essentials of equip ment and a good many or tho lux uries. For Instance one of them has his own well drilling outfit. All am well supplied with household furni ture and farming Implements and a number brought as good stock as has ever been seen here. A complete saw mill outfit was brought In by G. C. Cannon, who comes from Yoncala. Oregon, and Is going Into Crescent whero ho will set up his mill. Tho threo northwestern states. Idaho, Oregon and Washington are represented by theso settlers .and the cities ot Seattle, Portland, Kugeno, Tacotna. Vancouver and North Yaki ma, with several smaller and leaser known towns. They are bound for several differ ent points In the Interior, inludlng Rivers. Imperial, Arrow and Fremont and with tho expected settlers for tho La Pino. Crescent and Fort Rock country will make substantial addi tions to the growing homestead coun try. FARM lU'LLKTIXS AVAILAIILE. As an aid to Oregon farmers who are becoming more and more Inter ested In hog raising, the Agricultur al Department at Washington ts send ing out a number of Instructive bul letins, of which tho following Is a partial list: No. 379, hog cholera; No. 22, Feeding Farm animals; 20G, pig management; 339. alfalfa; 372, soy beans; 462, utilization ot logged off lands; 3S0, dehorning cattle: 272, a successful hog and seed corn farm: 273, boy's pig clubs. Any farmer who desires any or all of these bul letins may obtain tho same free of chargo by writing to any or the Ore gon representatives or senators at Washington. (JSi7 k.&y st .iyi? y j $ Jq y j(LfQ I H J n. FBRnKIJJrPxeB. P.O. MINOR, Soo'y. K, M, LAUAOaohlor, R. Forroll, P, O. Mluor, B. M. Lara ci i!SJSCSSSSC13 L2i)