1'AOIS R. rv urr.T.PTiv, nwm onn., wr.nNrsmv, maiich un, inn, OERDEFZ STILL FIGHTING Claims A word to C. O. I. Co. Too lllg In North Cnnnl due. TMo troubles of tlio C. O. I. Co. ?vor tlio North cnnnl dnm arc sttll fnr rom being aettlod as Is Indloatod by n news report from l'ortlnnd to tho offect thnt J., r. Garden, contractor M'ho built the ilttin, has sued to re strain tho collection ot n Judgment obtained by Uie company ngnlnst hlin. Tho Acoonnt glron by tho l'ortlnnd Journal It as follows: Dleentlnftou' with t'no award of n beard or arbitrators. U F. Gerdeti Batu.'day illod suit against thu on tret Ot4gou Irrigation Company nsk Ing that l2io award ne vnoated, that ho be glvon such relief as was Justi fied nd that thu compnuy bo re strained from collecting a Judgment of SSS63.39 awarded by tho arbitra tors J. 1J. Clolnnd. W. C. hytlo, and M. S. Tumor were the arbitrators se lected to deolde between Gerdeti and tho comimny In their trouble over n contract to build n dam and Irriga tion ditch In tho Deschutos country. Oerdctz tiled n suit n yoar ago against tho company alleging that the company had failed to koop their part 01 a contraot ho had to construct tho dam and ditch. He asks for J1S, 1S6.52 for services rendered. The company riled suit ngnlnst Gordetx later, alleging breach of contraot and asking Judgment against Gerdeti' bondsmen for $25,000, tho amount of his bonds. Tho suits were reforred to tho ar bitrators and on March 7 the board found against Gordetz, giving the comimny $609.04 damages and tax ing him with $506 reporters' fees, ?li?5 arbitrators feea and $27.36 ex penses. Gordetz alleges In his pros out complaint that tho findings of the arbitrators as recorded do not sustain tholr award of Judgment. Portland dealers In thnt tltno rouio 15000 swoet pens, recolvlng 75 cents n hundred for tliom. Spooking of tlits work, Mr. Coo said, "The reason I can do thin business prollttvbly lioro Is becnuso ot the amount of sunshine wo hnvo compnred with valley points. Sweet pons need a great amount of sunshine und wo hnvo It hero fos thorn." Should ytiu not wish to ocmo for a shine Just leave your shoes. Our Mr. Hd l.lewollyn of Seattle Is an ox pert. Upeu Sundays for hr.ths nnd shining. TUB MHTllOTOMTAN. Adv. STATE EXPERTS RE- PORTON COUNTY (Continued from pngo 0.) SCORES INSTATE SHOOT Condon Keeps lteiul out of Last IMnco Joseph Club In the Lend. The total made In tho Gun Club shoot Sunday was 10S. C. K. lloberta being high gun with S4. Tho other tteores were F. Dibble S3. H. W. Skttec SS. K. Wllkle 21 and K. My ore 19. Sunday's event was the fourth In the state series. Tho scores In the first two shoots as furnished by tho recording official were as follow Feb. S Feb. 22 Jseph 110 116 Salem 110 109 Condon 94 101 Grants Pass 113 lit CervftMe 109 107 Hugetia 114 IIS Itond 101 108 Donald . . ....116 110 HWIIKT I'KA RIIH'MKXTS STOP. YUh the coming or spring weather In the Willamette valley M. G. Coe has found It unprofitable to continue tho shipment of sweet peas to Port land and has stopped. Mr. Coe has been engaged in this business since tho first ot the year and has sent to have tlioso ownership pints to find proper owner to collect of. "As the delinquent taxes are no longer required to bo published by law, to properly protect the Innocent taxpnyor as well as tho county In oaso of salo of certificates of dellnuuonoles the need ot this ownership record Is absolutely necessary as n guldo for the tax collector to work from as wor as tho assessor In making his assess ments. I havo rocommondod to the dork the numorlcal system ot tiling nil papers whore n fee Is charged, to more accurately account for samo. ''Tho expense of tho change will be very slight, the only cost being for tho purchnso or an automatic num bering machine. I would suggest al so that all county warrants be printed hereafter to road to the "or der" of person whom warrant Ib made In favor ot Instead ot to "bear er" as is now. "At times It Is very Important to know Just who cashed certain war rants. I havo filed a financial exhibit showing the conditions of the general fund nnd road fund on Jnnuary 1, 1909 also n statement of the amounts expended for the years 1907 and S. Under the various headings as re ported to tho secretary of , state by tho county clerk, and may be uf val uaitlo Information to your honorablo body or to any taxpayer ot this coun ty. "I find the records or the various offices all wall kept. (Signed) .MAX CRANDAU. Public Accountant Prlnevllle. Ore., January 2(. 1909" Tho amounts uncollected on the various tax rolls are approximately as follows: 1907 .....? 4,976.70 190S 13,982.11 1909 2 J72S. 1 1 1910 12,263.22 1911 11.211.11 1912 27.640.B7 Our Investigation has not been of such a nature that we ean determine Just wiat Items on these rolls are double assessments and just what Items are collectable. This 1b the duty ot the sheriff's of fice and steps should be Immediately taken to clear these rolls as provided by statu to. The sheriffs office Is apparently open to criticism In tho matter of those dollmiucut taxes. The law di rects how those matters should bo ad 'Justed stop by stop. No proper sys tem of Issuing certificates of dollu nuoncy has boon In force In this coun ty until recently. Tho sheriff has mndo his annual report to the county court regularly and In certain cases has asked tor adjustment credits as located. He has not, however, fully uloared oach yoar's roll nor hns ho held any tn sales for a number of years. Those mnttors should bo Immediately nt tended to. When we speak of tho sheriff, we menu those geutlinen occupying that clectlvo position during thu past 7 years. From our Investigation wo nro of the opinion that tho county should nt once tnko stops to provide the an sossor'a oilier with tho proper owner- snip record. Thu timber land holdings In Crook county should bo cruised and the ag ricultural lands properly classified. It Is Impossible for the assessor to do his full duty to the electors and taxpayers of the county without a proper base. Most uf theso tax troubles start from tho time tho as snosement Is made or not made as the enso tuny bo. With the proper equipment the as sessor has the proper tools to work with and tho responsibility as to the Integrity of the tny.roll Is fixed. We noto from tho treosurer's books that the county raised by spe cial lovy a few yours ago an amount In oxcoss of. $12,000 known as a cruising fund which was to be ex pended for cruising the timber lands In the county. This fund has not lieen expended for the puniose for which It waa ralsod. .The treasurer a hooks show that this cruising fund was transfer red to the general fund early In 191 J and used to pay the county's state tax. Koport as to uniform system and monthly reiwrts to the Insurance de partment: We found thnt by reason ot the county court having held three suc cessive terms (November, December and January) that the reports to our department were delayed because the work or the office was not up to date. We also round that no proper record or outstanding warrants was main tained. We determined tho amount or the county's outstanding Indebted nea and after opening up a new ledger as of January 1. 111. we ac counted the business that bad been transacted to February 1. 1911, and have rendered tho monthly reports to this department. We additionally scrutinised the claims allowed during 1913, and made a general survey of the coun ty's affairs within the time at our dis posal. The County Court has itaased a resolution to have a thorough audit made of the accounts of the countv. It was not our function at this time to make such detailed audit, nnd In reporting the results or our Investi gation we would recommend that no further audit of this county be made at this time Inasmuch as our depart ment will make an examination ot this county tor the year 1914. fall to boo thu necessity ot tho countv Incurring additional uxpunse. Tho vnluo of u more detnllod examination at this time Is doubtful. More uttenttnn should bo paid to tho statutes relating to tho respective otllces. Wo found nothing thnt would cnuso us to form an adverse opinion as to the Integrity of tho county olll olals. JOHN 0. ItlCIIAUDSON, Ifl. M. HMITII, Deputies. THKHPASH ON CUItKV AIT lNI)S. To the IMItor: Several times recently I hnvo re ceived complaints that different pur tlofl hnvo been cutting wood from va cant lands and Carey Act-segregated lauds for salo, tu tho Deschutes val ley and near there. The ownership of such lauds rests In the Govern ment until patent Is Issued, and the General hand Olllce hns supervision of them until that time, nnd Is charg ed with the duty of protecting the timber on these lands nnd of prose cuting any persons taking timber un lawfully. Thu only person who Is allowed to soil wood or timber from unpatented Intttls Is a homestead eutrymnn, and ho la allowed to cut nnd sell only tor the purpose uf clearing tho Um ber from tho lands tor cultivation. Ho oan not cut nnd sell from lauds which he does not expect to cultivate. nnd If ho does not follow the cutting by actual cultivation within a reason aide time he Is liable for trespass, anil may bo compelled lo imy tho Woverninont tho full market value of tho wood sold. In addition to pay ing for the wood, or timber, he Is liable to criminal prosecution for cut ting for aale, nnd If convicted Is sub ject to line and Imprisonment. As stated nlHive the timber belongs lo the Government, nnd when unlawful ly cut may bo seised wherever found, In the wood house of the purchaser, or on a railroad car, or It sawed Into lumber the last purchaser may lie called on to pay for It even after built Into n house. The Government Is not barred from recovering Its property by lapse of time nor by sale, even to nn Innocent purchaser. Any person who has no wood of bis own may cut for his own use onlr from vacant public land, provided he takes not over $80 worth In any one vaar and thaCbe first HPtlfy the Chief of Field Division of the, Oaneral Und Ouica giving a description of the lands where' he wishes to get his wood, and shows thnt he has nn wood or his own and needs It tor bin own use. and not tor sale or export. Rev oral persons tuny Join together In having one agent to get their wood fnr them and Jointly may get over the $50 worth, by Aral getting a per mit from the Chief of Held Division. All lands segregated under the Carey Art are not public lands In that they have been withdrawn from entry for the use of the State, which baa agreed to reclaim them and to have them settled upon. Tha only person who can cut and sell wood from these lands Is the Carey Art settler wo Is clearing the land, who Is allowed to sell what he can not use, or tho developing corporation who may sell what thoy cut when clearing lands for prospective set tlors. No other poison can talto wood for his own use riom iiuoh lauds any more than ho could fiom it home stead entry out side I ho Carey Act MigioKutlon, or from so mo privately owued laud. Tho practice of tu' lug wood from Carey Act lauds has been iiulto coin num In tho past, hut It waa it viola tion uf law, ami It devolves upon mo lo report any audi trespass to the Couimlsslouor or tho General l.iiml Olllco at Washington that uullou In tilt courts may he Instituted against thu trespasser. A clroulnr ot In iitruutluns tor thuso wishing to get wood from tho vacant public domain may ho obtained by writing to tin local Und Olllre at Thu Dulles. Ore on, for Circular 8il3, which given both the law and tho rtgulatloMs thereunder. As this department duci lint wish to work any hardship upon any settler 1 advise everyone to fully acquaint theiuselvim with theso rt:U' latlous beroro attmnplliig to get auv wood or timbers (rom unpatented lands uf any kind. I.OIJIS I,. 8HAU1'. Chief or Field Division, 310 Custom House, Port land, Oregon, SPRINGER A1AN STARTS RECALL (Continued (rom page 1.) tdlsclmrgod the former accountant, with tho understanding that the Stntu Insurance Dupartmimt would have (he work done under their Im mediate direction, but the auilltum from the Insurance deiwtrtment work ed only a few days and for some rea son unknown suspended work and havo not returned." The humor of this paragraph was apparent to some who talked to Mr. I.uoy, especially as the Htale Insur ance Commissioner's report actuullv hns been made, us published In this paper, nnd that roimrt refutes pretty nearly everything In the Hprlngwr an Unofficial platform, Kxtritwigouro ('luirgtil. It Is further alleged that the com missioner "have been extravagant, hare expended thousand uf dollars without proper vouchers, have used enseal fund money for road and bridge work without specific appro priation therefor and have permitted the road supervisors lo spend money without tiling vouchers or making proper accounting." In regard to the road supervisors and a verbal charge that loosen of accounting ex 1st ml on the present l.aldlaw road work. Commissioner Itayley stated this noon that a de tailed system of voucher aceounUng ts to m used. Mr. Lucy's further grievance In clude the slalaiMHt that Commis sioner Drown Is not qunllned lo hold office. "Ills ivry act Is Illegal," says I.ucy," fnr he hi not a resident of this county." I.ucy alleges his real residence Is The Dslles, because hht family lives there. In speaking of the Htate Insurance Commissioner's reMrt, whlrh he saw at The Hulletln ntVe for the first jArgjt ai LnBBBBBff ' JnHKiiL ' ' BPnPvBnnnmY' CSftA insflnaBBainnBBBBBBBV" lllNUV li. HIINHOV of Hlamntli Falls Camlliliiti' for Hupiemo Court, time, Mr. liiiey naldi "I don't oonsld or It worth anything at nil," h senti ment which most taxpayers felt re garding the Mali reHirt. I.ucy fortuetly was county sealer or weights nnd mensuros, n position wluiMit I'liluf ilulv linear lo have been drawing a salary. Ho main tains that h still holds tho Job land the salary), assuming that the Coun ty Court had no right to 1st him ou. Tho Commissioners plsred I he work In the hands of Fruit Inspector hit lollette, to effect an economy. WIIIJ.V VOl' VISIT The Tumalo Project STOP AT THORP'S ; roil ui!Fhi:hiimf.nth. I'HUITS, HWKirr MICATri I AMI 1'i.vi; citiAits ; 5 : Fruit Trees A airload of fiuusL mixed fruit trees (mostly apples) for .sale at milt price. C. F. HARTWIG Mllllrnn Post OII!c. See F. O. Minor, llcucl. --- - --- .- . . . . - . - . - - ----- I ---'----------------- --- --- - --- ---- - -- --- I otHj Complete Stock Dry, Rough and Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring LOTS IT 3 fVTQ LOT Acreage Let us show yon the property 'J' ?. conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles The Bend Company u) 1 OFFICE CORNER WALL and OHIO STS. ' -- 4 ------( - -- t-4