The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 25, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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l1. (), I. Co. Km .Many Men At Woik.
Wntor on Nmit Weolt.
Preparing for tho uponlng of (ho
Irrlgutltm hiMiiion thi) Contra) Oregon
Irrigation Uotupniiy In now oniploy
iiik iilmiil 100 mini (mil HO luiiinn mi
Hid Contrul Oregon nnil Pilot llutlit
annls doing Mioro ropnlr work tlmti
In miy provloiM yimr, About two
W)ikN iiioru urn winded to IIiiIhIi tho
'iiluri(i)iinuit of tlio Coiitral Oregon
ottml wliloh wiin begun Inst full.
Wlii'il thin In finished thorn will Im
vnlnrfioinont work of a minor untiiru
nrrloil on along thin cnnnl nil Hum
mer Wntnr will Im turnod In nlioiit
April 1,
An ynt llttln Iintt bcnii donn by tlio
Korlmiintlnti Hnrvlco In tlio Invtintl
gallon of tlio North Cnnnl unit, An
nglnoor of tlio nnrvloo wns In n shurt
time ago nnil spent n fow dnyn In go
Iiik ovur lira Kroiinil, hut alnoo ttiiin
nothing hnn boon dnnn. It In ex
ported thnt when tlio service boglnn
r 'ihik work It will put n orow In
who will pontl a soanon In Inventlgn
i in unit nurvey.
Ihtvuthn Would Itermrr Ijiml Held
II)' Pnrllle M ('stock X,'ompuuy.
HALICM, Mnrrh 23. -Alleging thnt
tlit) original purcluiNorn acquired the
land through fraud, Governor Wont
toitny furnished Attorney General
Crawford u ntutniuotil regarding
imdhodn with which thn Pnclflo l.lvo
MiiH-k Company obtained thu tltlo to
mIiuiiI 27(000 noren of wtnto school.
MWHiup nnil liluiuulty InniU In llnr
ney county. i
ll nnkod thn Attorney Gonernl to
recover thu I mill for thu stnlo.
An oxumliintlnn Mill ho hold nl thn
Indian school. Mocni, Oregon, oh
Airll 11. hy thn Pnltud States Civil
Mrvieu Commission for thu ikihIIIoii
of post master nl laldUw. Applica
tion forum tuny ho scoured from the
prnwiil Incumbent nt l.nldlnw. Thoy
inint lio'propurly executed nud II I ml
with thn Commission In Washington
I'V April 4. Kor thn limt llncn.1 year
the salary of tlio oflleo was 1301,
After practicing nil winter thu
Imrhelora of thu Mllllcnu valley cam
out furly thin month, nt thn II ml
touch of spring, nud put on nn enter
Ulnnient for tho rent of thu vnlley
thnt U riMrtod to hnvn hewi wlthuut
iiil In thu vnllny history. There
man n pruKrnm wlh several orlgliml
tlumi. thu hltn being n humroun
mworh hy A. It. Dyer on thu "OrlKtn
if the Itorhelor." nnd n iniem hy Wil
liam Todd, "Tho llncholorn' Plight
and Remedy." In addition thorn wnn
niiittl, nnd rending and gnmen nnd
Mn onter supper wan nerved, inld to
h been proirml hy tho tnun nluno.
MllieWHIl lll'HH.V AT WORK.
J. W. Hrowor of Redmond, In
ohnrge uf the fnrui Inndn dopnrtmont
of thn OroiMtn Htnte linmlKrntlun
Oiminlimloii, In trnVellnk throuKh tho
fnilorn ttnd coiitral imrln of thu ntntn
KlhrlnK dntn for thn next Iimiiu or
tho OroRon Almnnno, tho olllolal pub-ll-ntlun
of tho ooiiiiiiImIoii. Thin
latn. whon wmiploted, will rIvu mil
information Hit to locution of Inndn,
ulio of trnrlM. orom limit adapted to
triln noetlunn, prlonn nt which It
cn i.o purchMod nnd tormn. It In
ipM-ltd thin will h of xrwtt holi to
tho houiHnookor In fl nil Iiik Junt tho
location ho wantn nnd nnve tho ox
1iim of trnollitK from oho iwrt of
tho ninto to nnoUtor In March of
MUltalilo land.
AccordliiB to ntntlntlon compllwl by
Stnto KiiRlnoor l.wl, moro intrmlta
t npproprlnto wntor hnvo Inton In
Miiod In Crook wiunly ilneo tho on
nctiuont of tho wntor rodo than In
Hiiy othor county In tho Htnto. A
total of 23K pnrmltn hnve hou Krnnt
ih! In Crook county, for the Rpnro
prlntlun of wntor for IrrlKntlon, pow
ir, munlaliuil, ntock wntorliiK nud do
inoattc iuon, during tlio livo yonrn ino
wntor codo hnn boon In oporntlnn.
Mainour county In nornnd. with 218
pormltn iMiuod; Hnkor third, with
2oo; (Jrnut fourth, with 181; llnrnuy
llfth, with 180; JHckwtn nlxtli, with
142, JHiophlno nowiith, with 12K.
Tho numbor of pormltn grnntod In
othr coalition In oonnldorubly loon.
In Konornl. tho Inrxo number of por
tmltn Imiuod Indlenla activity nmoiiK
1 tho land ownorn In the oonntruatlon
of niunll IrrlKntlon HyMtomn for tho
IrrlKatlon or prlvatu land. It In n
JKiilflcHiit fnst thnt. while there nra
iiuy Inrxo IrrlKntlon projocts In
Crook eiunty, miwt of thoae wero In
Ithttod prior to tho unaetmont of tho
wntor eoiU, nnd moat of tho purmltH
iMiind un coiupn'-nlholy small pro
joein. 1 UN t KCIIOOI' NOTHH.
Tb Hohool lMyn hnve orKnUod u
lHmolmll tonm nnd aro preparing
grtiunilH hy tho rnllrond noxt to tho
rnwford food ynrd. In n nhort tlmo
the irmundn will ho In kooiI Hhnpq
for ploying. Tlio toam will piny
Itudmund on April , ut Hodmond
' nnd will ot n return Knmo nt Uond
April 11. Thoy will piny Madras
noxt nnil will not n return Kmo. Tho
Iioj-h nro working ovory nlsht nftor
Hohool nnd Pror. Blioimo la coaching
Ihoni. Tho mombora or tho tonm nro
Tod Iloko, cntchor: John Btoldl, plt
uhort Morrll llunnol, Hhort stop; !..
ort llrnndburKh, tlrat bnBo; Ilnwnrd
Young, second bnso; llohnrt Innln,
third bntio; hoyd horton, toft ftoldl
Pot llauok, contor flold; Jim Corloy,
right Hold. BubHtttuton, Chnrloy Do
zoll, Oecnr KrnnkB. John Btgldl Is
nrcflldont of tho organisation, nnd
Tod Hoko, mnnngor.
Tho flrat "roal" hall gamo ot tho
W i
1 1
a TV Tn J3k
Don't you admire a light, dainty bedroom with
immaculate linen and draperies, and with walls, furni
ture and woodwork all enameled in pure white or
some delicate tint such as ivory or pale blue? You
can have onc it is not expensive.
ENAMEL (Neal's)
gives a hard, sanitary, lustrous, genuine enamel
surface, easily kept bright and clean.
It is offered in delicate tints or rich
colors to harmonize with draperies and
'm1 1 it Mr IB M M m.
132 furnishings.
Bend Hardware Company
aoaaon occurod Saturday whon th-t
nlxth grndo tonm defeated the Motho
dint Kundny nchool tonm 2G to 18.
Tho nlxth grndo team played tho fol-
lowing: Kdillo Hrontorhoun, cajitnln.
Morrill llunnoll, Itnlph llauck, Kr
nemt Kmltli, Inland Unvln. Arthur
Johnnou, Clnudu Gorton, John Btoldl.
nnd Dirk I.ucnn. Tho npponlng tonm
included Ted Iloke, Onenr Prnnka.
I.oyd, Hoynoldn, Cnlvln Bmlth, Kmll
llunklo, nnd Jeo (lourd. Hoynoldn
Han captnlu, ,
Mr. Do Armond wnn nt tho high
nehool Tuoedny morning, continuing
tho tnlk on "choonlng a profeMlon."
Mr. Do Armond talked on the "pro
f eon Ion or law" and the poeallilllllM
of glrln beconiltiK Inwyern.
I--t Kridny afternoon tho phynlM
c1ihi gnve n tnlk on flHi of thn
thlitgn they had learned about elec
tricity with demunatratlona with tho
dlfTerenl nrtlclon.
On Monday n progrnm tor tho com
lug yenr wnn put on tho Iwnrd nnd
tho atudenta nnkml to try to form
nouio opinion of what thoy would llko
to tnko tho next year. Thin wnn to
glvo tho tonchurn nome ban Is tor nr
raiiKomont ot aubjoeta.
A numbor or Uond people wont nut
to tho Ornugo Hall to nttnnd tho on
tortnlnment given hy thu puplla or
tho Young nehool Krldny night. A
lino progrnm wnn rendered by tho
puplla Indicating oonalderable train
lug. Following the program n ban
ket aoclnl wnn hold, tho proceeds go
ing townrd the purchnno of an organ
for tho nehool. Thnro wnn n large
crowd In attendance. Thono who
went nut from town wore: Mr. and
Mm. Karl Houston, Mm. It. M. Smith.
Mrs. It, M Thonipeon, Mrs. Ilert
Sliuoy, Mm. 11. II. Ford, Mr. nud Mrs.
Hhuune, Or. herrell. Minn Sldnor, Mhrn
Holnioe, Dr. nud Mm. l'nulltnor.
(Continued from page 3.)
v rltor has noon for sotno tlmo paused
through thin sootlon Wodnonday
from tholr winter food qunrlor on
Crooked rlvor. Thoy wero tho prop
erty of B. H. Btonrns nnd wore ho
Ing dollvorod to O'Donuoll llron. or
Mr, nnd Mm. Allen Wlllcoxon nnd
ItoovoH Wlllcoxon uttondod tho St.
l'ntrlck'a dnnco at Itudmoud Tuosday
A. w, Dnyn nnd rnmlly nro now
5 Modern Hooiun
$ Attractive Burroundtnga
i Hteam Hent, Hot nnd Cold
Water With Hath Privileges
i llreukrimtN Served
i Minn A. 1. KpnldliiR, Proprietor
located on tholr homo-toad, having
moved Thursday.
Thn Powell llutto Sorosln wero on
tertnlnod hy Mm. S. D. Mustard nt
her homo Wednesday nftornoon. A
largo number wero In nttondnuco nnd
n ploannnt afternoon pnnsed, follow
ing which an uppotlxlng luncboon wns
sorved hy the hostss nsnlntud by Mrs.
W. 0. Muntard nnd Mrs. J. K. Itlco.
Tho next meeting of tho club will be
with Mm. K. U. lverson.
O. C. Truesdale shipped two ta'
calves to the Uond market Thun
dny. Mm. Oeo. H. Hoe. Mm. William
Nanny or Deschutes, Mm. Allen Will
eoxon nnd MImi Inn Hoe, oomposed i
mrty ot lady vlsltom to lleud Wed
needny, dtw. Klssler nad O. C. Truesdale
sowed 2000 pounds of lnnd plaster
for A. II. Hhodoa Inst week.
Mr. nnd Mm, 1). A. Yates were
Prluovlllo vlsltom Friday.
Miss Hnxel nnd Gladys llayn, Orea
Beam and Paulino Truesdale, C. C.
II. B. glrln, spent the week ond with
homo folks, returning to their school
duUes In Prluovlllo Sunday,
Mm. W. G. Mustard was an nil dny
guest ot MUs Mabel Allen Friday.
After an extended visit nt tho
homo of her nlstor. Mm. Allen Will
eoxon nnd rnmlly. Miss Inn Hoe left
for Portlnnd Friday eenlng. Mlwi
Hoo uiado many friends here during
hor stay who will regret her depart
ure. C. M. Charlton returned Friday
Vienna Cafe
We are now located In tho
Onclll llultdlng next to the
lillte Studio. Good meals
aerved. liread and all kinds I
of pastry for sale.
We aro equipped to do
anything In the machine
lino, having installed
new machinery with '
which wecanhandto any
kind of Job, Automobile
Repairing a specialty.
Doyarmond Machine (S2
Repair Shop
Hawthorne Ave., Uend, Ore.
from a visit with tho family In Prluo
vlllo, Miss Iln accompanied her fath
er. Hooves Wlllcoxon took a load ot
oats to Prlnovlllo Saturday.
X. P. Alloy finished work on Uio
H. Ij, Monro houso Saturday. The
houso ns completed is nn attractive S
room bungnlow, and Is an Improve
mont to this section.
C. M. Chnrlton had tho registra
tion looks nt the K. L. Johnson store
Saturday where he registered all
those calling for thnt purpoeo.
Wntor coming down In tho big
canal .Friday relieved some very em
Lsrraseing situations. One runner
wns ha Ung water for 90 head or
l'.oga nnd numerous other Instances of
water heullng were reported.
Alvin Hlggs shipper n car load or
beer steers to the Portland market
Tuesday. Geo. U Hraxee also shin
pod a bunch ot steers Tuesday. Harry
Harris had charge ot tho stock.
Goo. Morgan took a tour homo load
of potatoes to Uend Tuesday.
Messrs. Harris and llrown, two
Redmond stock dealors, wero out this
way Sunday to Inspect sotno steers
which are being wintered by local
rnnoh mon,
Several loads of nursery stook
pas od through our section tho fore
part ot the week from tho La Folletto
nursery on Uio oast stopo or tho
Geo. Hobbs nnd J. A. RlKge. two
well known Powell Hutt,e pork pro
ducers, loaded out a enr of hoga Tues
day. The stook was hilled for Port
(Special to Tho Dulletln)
MJLUCAN. March 22 Mr. nnd
Mm. William Roam gave a dance
nnd oyster suppor St. Patrick's night
to tholr friends. Dancing commonc-
Is It Done Right?
If tt U, M well tnough alone, nut un
lus tt Is up to the mark tn svsry dul
com ana tn us.
Bend Steam Laundry.
Put Your DuiU
In Our Suds"
ed nt 9 o'clock and continued until
11 whon auppor wnn sorved by the
hostess. After partaking of n very
bountiful moat, tlm crowd danced
until morning. A largo numbor at
tended nnd nil report having had a
vory flno tlmo.
Krlc Huntolnnd recently lost n
horse which he hnd Just purchased,
Tho ntilmnl died last Sunday.
A. II. Curry wont to Uond Thurs
day. Mrs. Gloss spent Thursday with
her sister, Mm. Norton.
It. P, Rooney nnd John F. Davis
left for Prlnovlllo Thursday nftor
noon. C. I). Hcrwltz is clearing 10 acres
for K. F. Goodman.
Miss Htono, who hnn been visiting
nt tho Control House, left for her
horno Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs, McAdow woro callers
nt Johnson's store Wednesday,
C. F. Ilnrtwig drovo In to Uond
Friday to remain for a tew days.
Mm, ISvann and llttlo daughter,
Hornlco, woro callers In East Mll
llcnn Saturday.
Mm. P. II. Johnson spent Sunday
afternoon M'Hh Mm. Thos. Moffltt.
Mrs. Mary A. Roonoy visited with
Mm. MofTett Sunday.
Thos. Moffett has Just flnlshod
clearing 10 acres more of his home
Sarah and Hurton Dnvls called at
tho Roams' homo Friday,
During tho absence ot Mm. Milli
on n at Prlnovlllo, Mm. Koppor is
staying with Miss llrown at "Mllll
can Inn."
11. K. Davis has Just received a
consignment of apple, poach and penr
trcos, raspberry and goosobcrry
bushes, grapevines and rhubarb
plants. Tho trees planted by Mr.
Clover Leaf Dairy
P. W. STAATS, Prop.
Davis Inst spring aro doing finely.
Last week ho had about 70 young
poplars planted nlong tho main road
on his claim.
Mr. Morgan's sago brush gruhbe.'
Is doing good work on tho I. L. Owou
Goo. A, Mllllcnn returned from
Uond Sundny.
G. H. Williamson's hord or nhoop,
comprising soma 1S00 hend, nra bo
Ing pastured In this vicinity. Also a
drovo belonging to Mr. Houston num
bering About 1100 are located a llttlo
farther east.
William Todd ban Just about com
pleted his new bungnlow nnd Is now
busy Improving tho grounds around
it by planting trees, shrubbory and
I. L. Owen Is moving from "Mount
Pino Inn" whore ho has spent tho
winter, to his claim near Pine Moun
tain. Misses Anno and Gcrtrudo Market
entertained a number ot their friends
at a plenlc Sunday afternoon. After
haVcn partaken of a vory delicious
luncheon, Mr. Todd, who was ono of
the party, took several splendid
views of tho surrounding country, al
so pictures ot tho pleasure party,
among whom wero Mr. and Mm.
Oaks, Mr. and Mm. Powers, llttlo
Miss Powers. Mr. Todd, Mr. Haste
land and Mr. Hall.
MUs Zolma Drown called on Mm.
U. E. Davis Sunday.
Department ot the Interior, U. 8.
Land Ofllco at Tho Dalles, Febru
ary 27, 1814.
Notice Is hereby given that Mlnnlo
C. Low, ot Deschutes, Oregon, who,
on March 11, 1909, rondo homestead
entry No. 04634, tor SWU NW,
Sec. 27. And on December 11, 1909,
made additional homestead entry.
No. 0S637, for BA NE4 nnd NVi
SEYt, Section 28, Township 1C,
South, Range 12 cast, Willamotto
Meridian, hns filed notice of intention
to mako final five year proof, to es
tablished claim to tho land above de
scribed, before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Com
missioner, at Hend, Oregon, on tho
ICth day of April 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Geo.
R. Hutts. Georgo Holton, Lemuel A.
Drandenburgh, ail of Deschutes, Ore
gon, Charles It. Lowo of Dend, Ore
1-Ec Register.
The Wright
Is Bend's Leading Hotel
It Is n fireproof building
It is thoroughly modem . .
It Is comfortable, commodious, clean
The wants or nil aro satisfied well at
Central Oregon's Lending Insurance Agency
Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass, Automobile,
Surety Bonds
City and Farm Property
lT Y)f f I A IiOTS 913 TO ?33 "
J JTVf 1. LrfiT Terms: 93. cash nnd $3. monthly
Ofllco on Oregon Street
Headquarters tor Commercial Men
Uiectric Lighted Throuehout
Special Attention to 1
Transient Travel f
Qood Rooms BEND. OREGON Qood Meals
Free bus to
and from trains
All arrangements made for persons
desiring to go south and east of here
I Pilot Butte Hotel!
J. F. TAUfJART, Proprietor.
Comfortnblo Rooms, Courteous Treatment j
Reasonable Rates, Free Auto Service to
Trains. Dining Room Service the Best In
J Uend. Headquarters for auto lines to all j
- points south and southeast. "i
ONE CENT A WORD is nil a little want ad will cost you.