The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 25, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    DKNI) nOLLKTIN, niCND, 01115., WKRNH8RAY, MARCH JUL 1014.
Won .
Oil Of
Auk IIS I iov to
secure n
Patterson Drug Co.
TJitt ffaxaSJb State
llnvo you paid your taxes?
If not you had Imttwr pay thoiu
now, Pay them nny Vay before
April 1, for on that date a pen
Hlty of iiiiti pur emit In chamwl
bmuIiisI ull unpaid taxe. That
nifniiH you hate just six days
left before tlin penalty attache.
Heller pay thein now Hint save
ilmt on per rout.
Are yo
for .Easter?
tJSec our ladies' Easter suits.
Men's and Ladies' Ready to
Wear. Dry Goods. Straw
hats. New felt hats. Ironclad
hose. The handsomest line
of rugs ever seen in Bend.
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
The W. W, Faulkner children have
the tanasloa,
MIm Williams Iihm been In bed with
n heavy cold.
Tim llrhlKH Club meets with Mm.
Keyes (IiIh weak.
MorrU Urn will oMlerlaln the 860
club (hi evening.
Postoffleo box rent In now duo for
Hit romltiK quarter.
Mm. J. II. Htanley In suffering from
h luht nttHok of IIIrmw.
The new born child of Mr. and Mm.
IC. J. Mooro died on Friday.
Rwlght M. Davis haa been In Port
land on litinliiiHMt tblH week.
Mrs. It, II. (lould IiniI n little din
tier Mrty Malurday ovenlng-
Forest Hupervlsor Merrltt wan In
Crescent on business taut week.
C. W. Ouoy win dawn from tho
Ilk Itlver ranger station Monday.
II. F. Weill of Madras was regis
tered at tliu Ilend Hotel Monday,
Maurice Cnshman returned to hi
duties nt The llond Hutol Mondiiy.
Tho street sprinkler made It flmt
nppoarrtneo on tho streets yesterday.
John Haxuka In In from III homo
stead doing several corpontoring
Itnliih Hnrtlolt frt building an ad
dlllon to hi homo In Deschutes ad
dition. Horn to Mr, and Mr, Carl Holsch
or, In Center Addition, on March 24,
a iKiy,
Howard (Irovo oninn over from
Prlnevlllo Monday, neutering at tho
8. I Owen of Mllllcnn, wa In
town on Friday, registered at tho
Mr. F. J. (Under plan to leave
Sunday for tho family homestead at
II. Whitney, a postofTleo Inspector,
wa registered at tho Altamont on
Kftlo Kopper rnmo In from her
homestead Irtal weok, registering at
tho Wright.
Friday evening Mr. A. M. Prlngh
entertained a number of kui1 at a
birthday party,
Mr. Jack Stanley ha been qulto
III (hi week with what tho foam may
bo heart trouble.
V.. M. llrown and IX. I. 8chouror of
Redmond woro rcRlitered at the Pilot
llutto on Friday,
J, C. Jonon, grador for Tho llond
Company, was conflnud to hi room
by lline Monday.
Mr. M. M. llrown left for Portland
Sunday night. Bho doc not expect
io return to llond.
' Mr. K. II. Miller loft Wodneday
Mayor Mlllor 1 preparing n
proclamation appointing Friday,
April 3 nn a niunlclpat cloan-up
day on which ovory lot owner
V will bo expected U put IiIh
promises In order. City teams
will call where requested to
- cart away rubbish. .Many plan
Io put In Sunday getting roady
- for the wagons and In general
- preparing for Friday' oletn-u;i.
for a nlurt trip to California before
rottirnliiK to Chicago.
Hurt lllxon of AutelopH vUltml hla
iiiicIh. Itulph Kpenrer of Tho Hullt
tln oltlce, osr Huuday.
Mr. and Mm. Floyd Dement and
Mr. and Mr. M. It. Kuutwn motored
to Blaler on Huuday.
C. II. biuythe and I.. It. Hrown
were In town from Hum on Monday
KUmMn at the HttHcl IIoImI.
Mr. IttwcoH Howard' brother and
hi wr have bwtn vleltlng her at
I)HchutMt for the iwat week.
Mr. and Mr. V. T. Wig in were
In town eerly thla week on tbelr way
out to tlutlr homiMtoMd at Held.
J. N. Hunter, It. A. Hathor, W. II.
ftlaata and A. Hr Collin wero In
Priuevllle on bualnoea yeterday,
Mr. and Mr. C. JJ. Iludnon. Mr.
and Mr. A. M. Prlngln and A. M.
Lnrn pent Hunday on the Metollu.
Mr. F. C. Hchow of Portland '
hero organUIng a lodgo of the
Ilrotherhood of American Yeomen.
Tho Fraternal Ilrotherhood will
bold n danco Thuraday evening at
Hnthor'd Hall, Admlmlon CO cent.
Hprlng I hero, o la Hprlnger. They
are n)o going to "iiprlng" a recall
on All county official except Springer.
Mr. II. H. Hell, mother of Mr. C.
. HudKin. had a alight operation
Init week In tho hospital nt Io An
Baturday and Sunday icom to have
lren eapeclally tempting day for
planting aweot jica from all no
count. Tho PrcNbytorlan Tjidlc Guild
will meet at 2; JO p. m. Wcdnciday,
April lt, at tho homo of Mr. Avhley
II. O. Porrr, district uperlnten
dent of the Methndlit church, w
In town last week, t guet at Tho
John MoFnddcn of Ilalaam Iiko,
VI., ha arrived with hi family, ex
pecting to tako up government land
neap hero.
Maro dog havo been polsonod re
cently, both 0. AS'. Shrlner and Jul
ius Kortman losing dog by potion
Friday night.
A. II, Davl enrno to town from
Held yeterday. Ho report n very
hard sand torm In tho Mllllcnn val
ley yesterday.
Arthur Fleming, formerly of llond,
row haa n "physical dfreotor'a" io
Bltltn In tho sanitarium at Grand
Itapld. Mich.
A P It. Cook haa loft for Alaska
Miss Halvorson Is going to live with
Mr. Cook In her bungnlow on St.
Helen drlvo,
Mrs. Powolson visited Iror mother
fully guaranteed and will last a
lifetime. Sold in Bend at New
York factory price.
Bend, Oregon
Wc have m Exchange Department.
at OUt on Sunday. During the day
thev entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Wilt of Ulster.
Otis and Hlmer Talbott and Mr.
and Mrs, L. Corbln were In town
from I.a.l'lne last Thuraday, guests
at the Wright.
Those Interested In bird life have
noticed a flock of myrtle warblers
hovering about town fur the last two
or three days.
Mrs. It. U. Hardy aod T. H. Har
dy, mother and brother of Mr. J.
W. IHmlcV, are visiting her, having
arrived last week.
It. II. Hamilton, who ha bronom
ployed In Patterson' drug atore, toft
yasterday with Mr. Hamilton fo'
.Sahcotn, Wash.
II. D. llrown, formorly of Ilend,
who ha been living recontly In Nor
vlnger, Mo.. I now loeated In Fort
Myers, Florida.
C. U. Wlmor wa up from Laldlaw
yesterday. Ho says that the auction
at tho Star ranch noxt Saturday will
begin at 10:30,
Prince Stoats Is selling tho Clovor
leaf Dairy and on Saturday will hold
an auction of his cows and other
stock at tho dairy.
Mrs. John ODonnell and her
daughter from Helllnghatn, Wash.,
cama to town last week to attend to
property Interests.
It Ijitham and I.tither Furst arc
planning to bach" In tho bungalow
which tho farmer la building on tho
point In Plnelyn Park.
Tho Kplscopnl Guild will meet with
Mrs. Trlplctt Thursday afternoon nt
4 o'clock. At tho meeting Miss
Qreono will talk on Japan.
Tho uncemented portions of the
eldowalk In front of the Hotel Wright
havo been filled making a continuous
walk along tho Uoyd building.
J, II. Rlllott, who lives near tho
Standard Oil plant, reports good re
sults from four milk cows. Ho be
lieves this a good dairy country.
Engineer Laurgaard and Chief
Clerk Hobs were up from Laldlaw last
night to meet Stato Engineer Iswls,
who camn In on tho evening train.
A number of La Pino pcoplo havo
been In town tho past week reglstored
at tho Pilot llutto. including O. J.
Sly, Alfred A, Aya, and II. It. IMIoy.
Mra. Potta loft this morning for
Portland where she will remain with
her daughter, Mrs. John Hits. Mr.
Illls expects to return to llond Thurs
day, Mr. and Mrs. M. V, Kndtscn loft
on tho morning train for Portland
where they wero called by tho sud
den donth of Mrs. Knutsou'a mother,
Mrs. Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. John Illls and tholr
Infant baby went to Portland last
Wednesday whoro tho child, who la
not wull, will rccelvo special medical
Charles L. Wlmor was up from
Laldlaw last weok. On Saturday Mr.
Wlmor will sell at auction nil tho
property on tho Star ranch which has
boon taken by tho stato for tho Turn-
nlo project.
Mrs. J. P. Koyes and Mm. J. K.
Hyan woro hostesses Monday at a
most original nftornoim entertain
ment, which Included n guessing
"leu" and mock opera. '
Tho library desires all tho old mag
uzlues It can get. They are given
out to homesteaders and others who
wnnt reading inuttor to tako to their
homos reiuotef rom town.
Over 3000 pounds of mall camo in
to thu local oillco last night. A large
portion of tho shipment was potatoes
which camo from bolow Tho Dallos
und woro bound for Fort Hock.
Tho Doming ham on ho Hawthorn
placo S miles north of La Pino burn
od on Thursday night. Tho stock In
tho barn was. lost Including a valu
able bull belonging to J. K, Kngobrot
son. Visitors from Gtescont roglstorod
at tho Pilot llutto In tho puBt woofc
havo boon Q. W. Andorson on Friday,
h. Austin, on Saturday and K. O.
Ilourk on Saturday.
C. F. HartwlB U In town from his
homestead 28 mlloa southeast of
town, whero ho has 40 aores In fruit
troos, which ho says nro doing splen
didly. Ho plans to plant out another
80 acres this spring.
Mrs. O. F. Hartwlg and her daugh
ter, Mrs. Dayton, loavo tonight for
Portlaud. 'Last ovonlug a nuuibor of
friends gave them a farewell parly,
aping flrat to the Dream Theatre and
ending with a uppr at Corkett's.
At n meeting of the Library Club
yesterday aftrrnoon Mls Mary K
Coleman was unanimously elected li
brarian to fill the place of Mrs. P,
W. llrown who In going away. 8h t
wan also ehueen temporary preident.
Tho Wenandy Livery Company im.i
fiOO cords of wood stacked up on tb
laud adjoining their feed yard. In
getting thl wood out for next win
ter the company ha employed from
10 to 12 men with families all win
tor. Mm. W. A. Nannoy of Deachute
and Mr. Alton Wllleoxon of Powell
llutto with tho Iattor'a slater, In i
Hoe and mother, Mr. L. N. Ho,
of I'aauo, Wash,, wero In town on
Thursday. Thoy registered at tho
O. C. Honklo and Karl Houston
went out yoeterday with a parly oi
It who are looking for land In the
Interior. Six of thu homeneekers
ore from Chicago. They are plan
ning to look about In the neighbor
hood of Hampton llutto.
C. 11. Flnloy of Anaoortea, Wash.,
was In town last weok on hla way to
vimt hla frleod Fred Mlllor on the
letter's homestead. Mr. Flnley'a
last trip Into thla country was 10
veara ago wIihh he cruised some tim
ber near Crescent.
The Prohibition Committee an
nounces that owing to the acceptance
of Mr. Pendell of a position In N'ow
York he will be unable to lecture
hero lant evening as announced. The
locturo will be given by A. J. Hol
ster on Friday, April 17.
The newa of the burning of Colloge
Hall, the biggest of tho Wollesloy
College halls, Is a source of zreat re
gret to three Wellesley ulmnnao of
Hend who lived there. Miss Flor
ence Oreon In 1894. Mrs. Ouy Furst
In 1905 and Mrs. G. P. Putnam In
After a visit with friends at South
Ilend and C helm I Is, Wash., Ural N.
Hoffman Is now In Tacotna, the guest
of friends thero where he was on-
?:agKl In newspaper work before coni
ng to Ilend. Mr, Hoffman axpects
to resumo work on the leading Ta
coma dally about April 1.
Mrs. C. J, Loverett, Mrs. Goncvlovo
McLaurln and Mrs. J. II. Connnrn
will entertain tho Uaptlst Women's
Union and tholr friends tomorrow af
ternoon from 2:30 to 3:30 and 3:30
to D:30 at Mrs. Connarn's homo. A
program has been prepared for the
entertainment of tho guests and re
freshments will be sorved. Every
woman In Ucnd Is Invited to attend.
Striking Values in
Quality Merchandise.
-New arrivals include Ladies Waists,
House Dresses and Children's Dresses.
Off and on like a coat,
The Utility
We have them up to size fi4 '
priced at
$1.25 and $1.50
Other good values in House
Dresses from
$1.15 to $1.75
NEW LINGERIE WAISTS in Voiles and Batistes,
plain and embroidered, or FA fl r
specially priced a t pl.Oj pl.tJU apl.O
NEW CHILDREN'S ROMPERS from.. 50c to 75c
The Dandyline Children's Dresses, made up d or
in the latest designs, priced at $itQ
The Newest, the Best
Cheaper than the rest
Mannheirner9 s
For Lilly's seeds seo Skuso Hard
ware Company. Adv.
Dors Get Illnlt That are Not Yet Able
to My.
Tho China pheasants and Hungar
ian partridges that were set free on
tho 14th aro apparently doing well so
far as weathor conditions aro con
cerned and thero Is no ovldenco that
huntors aro molesting them, but sev
eral of tho partridges havo been
found dead recently, and it Is be
lieved that fishermen aro responsible.
A member of tho Hod and Oun Club
who has taken considerable Interest
In tho birds makes the paradoxlal
statement, agreeing however, that
tho fishermen are not knowingly or
Intentionally guilty of Injuring the
As ho explains It tho birds that
have boon found dead were all killed
by dogs. Ho believes that they wero
dogs who wero out with their owners
whllo tho latter wero fishing and In
ranging over tho country thoy came
on tho pnrtrldgos, who aro as yet un
ablo to fly, becauuo of wing soreness
brought on by bolng boxed for ship
ment. Ho urges that all dog owners
mako It a point to leavo their dogs
at homo when they go out Ashing.
Completo line of baseball goods at
Skuso Hardwaro Company, Adv.
Company Will Sixnul $00 At Once
For Ditch Enlargement,
Much development work was auth
orized at a meeting of the Swalloy
Ditch Company stockholders Satur
day, nt n cost of approximately $2500.
Tho ditch will hnndlo 125 second
feot at tho intake, and will provide
for 10,000 acres of land, about half
of which Is now In cultivation, all of
It within ten miles north of town.
Adam Kotztnan was elected mnn
agvr of tho work for this season. An
assessment of fifty cents a share was
levied. Work will commence Monday,
All members of tho K. P. Lodgo
nro roqucBtcd to attend tho meeting
this evening for rank work. H
ER Adv. 3
You can got your shoos shlned
while you wait or havo thorn shlned
whllo you nro bolng shaved. Lndlos
neod w t hesitate- In coming In to got
tholr shooa c'.ilnod, tho niwJcrn bil
liard parlor lo far from whist the pool
hrjll usod to bo. Wo gunrnnteo you
no ombnraismont should you wish to
bring your children to got tholr hair
trlmmod, your shoos shlnod or pur
chnso candy. THE METROPOLI
TAN. Adv.
For Lilly's seeds seo Skuso Hard
waro Company. Adv.
IhMicil by Crook County Abstract Co.
U. S. to Joseph P. Duckett patent
Wfc SW, NE SW, SB XW 34-13-1.
U. S. to Chas. S. Hicks, patent EV4
NW, Ei SW 1-9-1 C.
Crook County to F. M. Ryan ct al
NW 14: NW NW 23-9-17.
Stnto of Oregon to Androw Raid
win NW NW 23-9-17.
Hend Co., to Rend Park Co It. 10,
blk. 3C, Center addition Rend.
D. E. Hunter Realty Co. to Rend
Park Co. Its. 8, D, blk. 9, North add
Ilend, 11500.
Rend Park Co., to Ida May Steph
ens It. 1, blk. 109, 1st add Rend Park
Rend Park Co. to James Jackson
It. C, blk. 110, 1st add Rend Park,
Kenwood Promotion Co. to R. D.
Webb, It. 15, blk. 2, Kenwood.
Rend Co. to Cascade Realty Co.
Its. 7,9. blk 2; It. 4. blk. 4, Cascade.
Rend Co. to E. M. "8,
blk 18. Park add Rend.
E. M. Thompson to O. P. Putnam
et al It. 8, blk. 18, Park add Rend.
U. N. Hoffman to G. P. Putnam, It.
10 blk. 17. Park add, Rend.
G. P, Putnam to U. N. Hoffman,
Ruth Overturf to Alice M. Caldwell
Its. 5, 6, blk. 22, Deschutes.
Imperial Townslto Co., to N. A.
Mason Its. 19,120, blk 28, Imperial,
Y A. Mason to Chas. W. Thomas
(sauio), (900.
Jessie Fisher to George Fishor Its.
23, 34, blk. 19, Laldlaw,
Imperial Townslto Co. to Frederick
C. Nolf, correction Its. 5 to 10, blk.
32: Its. 6 to 10. blk. 34, Imperial.
Frank W. Clafforty et al to Chas.
L. Dennlaon It. 10, blk. 2, Sisters.
John S. Parmtnter to C. S. Hudson
SE NW 15-18-12.
Konwood Promotion Co. to J. J.
Ryan W H It. 1, 2. blk. Kenwood.
David A. McDowolI to John L. Mc
Dowell It. 1, blk 7C Redmond.
Morgan Adklns to U. N. Hoffman It
2, blk. 20 Park add Uond.
O. C. Henklo to J. S. Smith east
CC feot SB SW 7-20-11.
Rend Co. to Vivian C. McCulston
It. 5, blk. IS Park add Rend.
J. II. Jackson to Tum-a-lum Lum
ber Co. Its 7-S blk 3S Redmond.
ChrUUna W. Jackson to Tum-a-lum
Lumber Co. It. 9, blk. 38, Red
mond, $333.33.
La Pino Townslto Co. to Loyal
Hrown It. 5, blk 7, 1st add La Pino.
Goorge Fisher to Joeslo Fishor Its.
23-24 blk 19 Laldlaw.
Roliert Kurrlo to I.annle Kurrle
H int. It. 6, blk 20 Ceuter add
Nottlo M. Abbott to James L.
Lennon Si NE 23-15-14, 1200.
Rend Park Co. to Livingston F.
Jonos llond for deed Its. 1-2 blk 7G
llond Park $350 at $15 per month.
U. S. to Fannie B. Shlremnn pntont
" Ruth "A. Rlalr to II. J. Iloman SW
SE. 21: W'V, NE, NWSB, 2S-9-14.
Imporlnl Townslto Co. to Rolle C.
Smith It. 9 blk. 14: 6, 7, 8-17; 17,
18-29, It. 1G. blk 2G Imperial.
Mrs. Almcdn Allgood, tho mother
of A. W. Allgood, died suddenly yes
terday. Sho camo to Rend from
Uremerton, Wash., three weeks ago
and the body will bo sent back to
Uremerton tonight for burial. Mrs.
Allgood bad lived In Washington for
12 years, coming there from Kansas.
Sho leaves four daughters and two
Department df the Interior. U. 3.
Land Office ut The Dalles, Oregon,
March 2. 1914. M
Notice Is hereby given that Jay L.
Nichols of Laldlaw, Oregon, who, on
February 19, 1909, made homestead
entry No. 04544, for SE4NE,
NEUSEU, Sec. 23, and SWUNWH,
NWltSWU, sec. 24. township 1G
south, range 11 cast, Willamette Me
ridian, has filed notice of intention to
make final flvo year proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above describod
beforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission
er, at Rend, Oregon, on tho 20th day
of April, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Fred N. Wallace R- II. nayley, John
D. Wimer, J. D. Nlchols-Tand C. E.
Nnchols, all of- Laldlaw. 'Oregon.
1-Cc Rogfster.
All Kinds of Light and Heavy
Knulln?, Oniric Dellvcrie of
Trunks, Express, Etc, Gar
dens Fertilized, Plowed and
Leveled. Satisfaction Guar
nntccd. Prices Reasonable
Business Directory
A Directory of each City, Town and
Villus, glrlnir descriptive skstch of
each placo. location, population, tl
ITph, shlpplnr and banking points
also Clauincd Directory, compiled by
builntM and profoaalon..
aj R. I. rOLS A CO 8KATTUS .
You'llfwant a
pair of J, these
i i
Full outseam sewn, extra good
vnluo, at per pair
where you get
Quality Alerchandbjo