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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1914)
TAGE 4. BEND RULLKTLN, llUNl), OUR., WKDNKSRAY, MARCH S.I, 1011. THE BEND BULLETIN (1'ubllrfitHl Ever1 Wednesday) GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM Editor nnd Publisher. RORERT V. SAWYER ABHOcIato Editor. An Independent nowapnpor stand ing for tho squnro deal, clotm busi ness, cloan politics nnd tho boat In terests ot Uoml nnd Central Proton. nnd our lowest 11 cents par pound. In 1890 It wns 22 nnd 16; In 1900, 36 nnd 1G; In 1903, 29 nnd 18, Tho nvernRo prlco pnld during 1913 wns 35 cents, L. a ROHHRTS. Uoml, Mnrch 24. uno year S1.B0 tils months SD Thrco months .50 All subscriptions nro duo nnd PAYADLE IN ADVANCE. Notices ot expiration nro mailed subscribers nnd If roncVal Is not made within reason able tlmo tho pnper will bo discon tinued. PIcaso nqtlfy us promptly of nny change ot address, or ot lalluro to ro cclto tho paper regularly. Otherwise we vlll not bo responsible for copies missed. Mnko all checks and ofders pay ftble to Dond Dullctln. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26. 10H. A REAL. REPORT. "Investigating" Crook county is coming to bo qulto n habit, and a rather tiresome one, at that. Never theless tho report from the offlco of the Stnto Insurance Commissioner, resulting front tho latest Investiga tion, Is of too great Importance and solid worth to permit our omitting any portion of It. The report speaks for Itself. It Is fair and there Is no taint of animus about It. It Is businesslike, nnd Its conclusions nro set forth plainly. As a contrast to a previous report, It Is a revelation. It Is a revelation In another way. too. For It cost nothing. The report which Judge Springer foisted on the taxpayers cost (should all the claims be allowed) near $1200, and at that was totally worthless. Incidentally, this last official Investigation con sumed but a few days, while the Sprlnger-Uall effort began to assume tne proportions of a llfo job at $20 per day. Therefore let us bo thankful. And once and for all let It be clearly ap parent that these facts are now es tablished beyond the possibility of distortion. The officials whom Springer and bis "expert" attacked havo been ex onerated; tho report which Springer defended has been shown up In its true colors, and the utter wasteful ness of Springer's action has been demonstrated. .Alter all the fuss and feathers of the Dall report, tho only criticism of officials which the state Investigators jdve volco to concerns a laxity by the sheriff it. compelling payment of de linquent taxes. No doubt this Is well founded, and tho present occupant of the office should bestir himself to Cot in the cash. Rut It should be borne In mind that the criticism, which is mild, concerns the last sher iff even moro than the present one, and at worst Implies only too easy going administration of one of the departments ot the office. While we may be totally out ot sympathy with 31 r. Eiklns' administration of his of fice, It would bo unjust to make cap ital against him from tne baseless attacks of the Sprlngerites. If ho Is re-elected, be will owe It to Springer. And now comes forward Spring er's henchmen and say that tho offi cial slate report Is worthless. The effrontery ot It is farcical. Disgrun tled because the Judge's hired man was cast out of a fat job, whose ex pensive results have been shown to be worthless, they seek to throw mud at the State's Investigation. Could anytblng be more childish? And could anything be more laughable than the statements of the recall seekers that the commissioners had shut off all Investigation, appearing simultaneously with the very report they Intimate was never to be made? It is a funny situation. Whatever the virtues and the vices ot the offi cials against whom the Springer con tingent Is fighting, in face of the facts as they are the recall can result In nothing but another waste ot taxpay er's money. Farmers should come to the Sat urday luncheon. They are not "hot air" affairs. They are being con ducted for the profit of all concerned. Through them a real plan has been formulated, and by the co-operation of business men a creamery can be established under unusually satisfac tory conditions so far as expense is concerned. It is now up to the far mers, who wilt profit most, to take bold. Henry L. Benson of Klamath Falls Is a candidate whose record justifies bis election to the state supremo court. His work in the circuit court of Lake and Klamath counties has established him In a osltlon of great esteem, both so far as legal ability and personal popularity is concern ed. He is a wise judge, a scholar ot parts and a progressive citizen. His selection at the primaries and ulti mate election would be a credit to the state, FARMER BOOSTS CREAMERY. To the Editor: I want to say what I can to encour age other farmers to go ahead with the co-operative creamery. I believe it Is a very good thing for all of us, and I am sure that even If wo get only 300 cows to start on wo can make a success. Here Is one thing to remember: butter Is getting high er every year. That means that cow owners will never be worse off than they are now. I looked up my rec ords at the Waucoma, Iowa, cream- company claims to have expended ery, and hero' Is' what I found. In 150,000. Wo nro not afraid of tho 1889 our blghoBt price was 14 cents other company's competition and STATKMHNT 1Y MR. STKIDL. To tho Editor: It Is prolmbly well known to tho public that on tho lDth dny of March 114, tho City Council by a tie vote rejected tho application ot Stoldl & Tweet for an electric franchise for tTTo City of llond; tho mayor casting the deciding voto against tho fran chise. It 1 very apparent that the gensroua warning given to the coun cil by tho representative ot the Rend Water Light & Power Co. that It would bo doliiK Stoldl a favor to vote against the franchise nnd save him the disgrace ot going broke, struck deep In the receptive minds ot some ot tho counotltuen, so deep Indeed, that It completely changed tholr at titude toward the franchise. That to gothor with tho present company' bluff that in tho event that the fran chise would bo granted, It would mnko no more Investments horo, that it would give the city a "black eye" and that competition at this time would be an economic waste upon tlm public, wore sufficient to transform an affirmative council Into a negative one and defeat tho franchise. I nsk tho public to Judgo whether nor ot 1 am entitled to as much con clderatlon for tho Investments I have made In and around llond ns the Bend Water Light & Power Co. I mve nt present about 20.000 Invest ed In my power plant, which must 00 nosoiuieiy iosi unless i am per mitted to come Into this city and soil my goods, which require n franchise from the City of Rond. Why should 1 not bo allowed to reallxe on my In vestment If I can furnish tho public with cheaper light and power than thoy now got? Would It not bo a public benefit? Why should the pub lic or Its officers worry If I can under sell tho present company nnd still mako a profit and givo the public the bonefit of tho lower rate? ,Let the present company look after Its own interests. The commission will nor Interfere In the matter of reducing rates so tong as I am alilo to show the required profit, notwithstanding the tact tnnt tne compoting company or Utility can not show a profit at tho samo price, and even though I un dersell them. Tho present company knows that I can undersell It and that Is the rea son It fights roc. and not hecauso It has the public Interests so much at heart that It fears for tho public wol faro In tho event of competition. Just remember tho Rend Water Light & Power Co. Is hero for profit and not for public health. There is room for two companies here now so whv not let In compe tition? The people. I beliove,' invito It. It Is a well known fact that com petition produces first class service and cheaper rates. The utilities act was passed mainly to regulate and control competing public utilities, to prevent monopoly nnd to foster com petition. Rend is now In the forma tive period nnd now Is tho tlmo to get competition In and prevent any one company from getting n monop oly on tne electric business hero. Tho Rend Water Light & Power Co. says that It built on the future and admit tat It would raise the samo cry against competition flvo years henco as now, even though the town should experience great growth. Tho com pany will do well by tho public so long as it is forced to but not other wise. Profit Is tho Incentlvo and not the public welfare. I will leave It to any fair minded citizen of Rend whether Lytic. Wles- torla, Kenwood and Riverside would have bad water and H'ht now If we had not Invaded tho field. We aro not trying to Invade or force our rights or desires upon the public, but wo are willing to submit tho franchise to the voters and let them decide whether or not wo shall be permitted to furnish light and power to this city, nnd reduce the present rate. Wo have confidence In their judgment and will let them decide. Whv our public officers continue to fight the corporations battles when they think they are guarding tho public Interest la beyond by compre hension. How long will such be tho cose? Yours very respectfully. JOHN 8TEIDL. Rend, March 2Sth, 1914. LETTER FROM MR. TWEET. Editor Rulletln: A few remarks to Mr. T. II. Foley's letter published In The Rulletln of March 11, 1914. He states In his letter that It would be an Injustice to tho present company In granting of another franchise at this present time. It Is not an Injustice to no body It would be a justice to all the people of Rend, and It would be a jus. tlce to Mr. Stoldl & Tweet who havo been on the ground at Dond for nearly 12 yoars and are In faot tho first company and tho oldest In Rend and It was mora of an Injustice to Steldl & Tweet that Mr. Foley and his company came Into Rond to drlvn 8toldl & Tweet out of their business in which they already had establish ed and a part already In operation. The people of Rend know that Steldl & Tweet havo boosted Rend moro than any other two Individuals In Central Oregon. Somo of tho peo ple of nend know that Mr. Tweet wo3 the first to go east to advertise Cen tral Oregon and spent his own monoy In doing so and now been turned down by Foley, his company nnd somo of the councilmon. Steldl & Tweet did not say anything against tho other company' coming Into Rend to operate another wntor. llcht and powor plant. All Steldl & Tweet Is asking Is that tholr right is 'ro tected by the people- of Rend In which they havo confidence and believe they will do when the proper tlmo comes which will soon be. Steldl & Tweet will not give up their right as easy as Mr. Foley thinks. They aro here to stay. We have expended our money here (about $20,000) and tho other tholr groat monoy power. Wo will take an ovon chnnco with thoni. Yours truly, THOMAS TWEET. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR OOINTY Hl'RVKYOR. I hereby nnnminco myself ns n candidate for the Republican nomi nation for county mirvoyor, subject to tho approval or tho Rupuultonn voters nt tho primary to bo hold on May 15. M0 Adv. R. L. RRHW8TUR. Classified Advertising FOR COr.NTY TRIvAKl'HHH. I bog to announce mysult ns n can didate to succeed tnysult as county troasuror, subject to tho approval of tho Republican voters of Crook coun ty at tho primary election on May 1ft. R. J,. JORDAN. 1-10 Adv. FOR COUNTY inKRK. To tho Voters of Crook County: I hereby nnnounco myself ns a can didate to suecicd mysult to the office ot county clerk, subject to tho appro val of tho Democratic voters of Crook county nt tho prtm'iry uli'rtlon. to bo hold May 15. 1-10 Adv. WARRRa' UilOWN. FOR STATE RKPRKSKNTATIVH. I hereby nnnounco myself us n can didate for re-elootlon as n represen tative In tho Oregon Legislature from this district, subject to the approval ot the Republican voters nt tho pri mary election to be hold May 15. VERNON A. FORRES. 2-11 Adv. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby nnnounco myself ns n can didate for tho office of county com missioner of Crook county, subject to the approval ot tho Democratic voters nt tho primary election. E. W. RICHARDSON. 2-11. Adv. Ail vert iMMiiont hiMMteil under (lilt IimuIIiik nt Hit rate of ONE CENT A WORD each luertlou, L'iiMi intixt accompany nil order from pcnuuiN not having n ri'Hular account with The Rulletln, No mlvertlM'iiient ink (or H'sh than 1,1 cent each liiiertlon. WANTHD. WANTED -Ry capable woman, work by the hour. Inqulro Rulle tln. 3-4 p WANTED To borrow $000 for I or 3 yearn on first tiiortgnKU Hand Income business property. Write llox S, lleuil, Oregon. 3-4p FOR RENT. FOR SHERIFF. I horeby nnnounco myself as a can didate for the offico of Sheriff of Crook county subject to tho approval of the Democratic voters at the com ing primaries, May 15, 1914. 3-10 Adv. E 11. KNOX, Post, Or. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I horeby announce my oandldney for re-election as county eommlsslon er or Crook county subject to the ap proval of tho Republican votors at the primary election May 15. 3-10 Adv. It. H. HAYLKY. FOR RENT Small house partly furnished, $5 a month; also tent house adjoining, Near depot. In quire nt llulletln. 4Utf FOR RENT Offices on Wall street very cheap. Apply llulletln Office. FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo cated. Electric lights and water. Sultablo for housekeeping. Cheap. Apply Rulletln Office. FOR'RKNT Urge store, modem front. Rood location. Apply to F. O. Minor, Deschutes Rank. 27tf FOR RENT Clump. 80 acres 8 K of town In Section C, Township 18. known hh the Kmytliu place. For particulars, nddrosa J. W, Kowltw, care Urevuough Ilro., Spokane, Washington. 3-5 c FOR SHERIFF. I hog to announce myself ns a can didate to succeed myself as sheriff, subject to tho approval of tho Re publican voters of Crook county at the primary election on May 15. 3-10 Adv. FRANK BLKIN8. FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE. I horeby announce myself as a can didate for election as n representative In tho Oregon Legislature from this district, subject to tho approval of tho Democratic voters, at tho primary election to bo held May 15. 3-11 Adv. P. H. DENCER. jrOTltAIE OR KXCHANOE. TO TRADE For good true 1200 pound horse, one with Ji Inch wa gon. Also team small mules with spring wagon nnd harnoM far sale, siau.uu ens ii. i ii. Johnson. Milli on n P. O. 3 tf TO TRADE Ono or two city resi dence lots. Good location. Will trade for anything. Write P. O. Hot 65. SOtf TO HXCHAXtlK 40 ncro one mllo from Redmond. All cleared. Good 4 room house, barn. Will trade for Rend city property. Inquire A. Rulletln. 4Ctf A N economic selling system ' and no rents to pay, provide a saving that is manifested in the pricing of all our ready-to-wear goods. Our operating expenses are so much less than those of the exclusive dealers in these lines that it as plain as day to any thinking man or woman that we CAN and DO sell Ready-to-Wear goods for both men and women at a less price than our competi tors, who have the additional ex pense that we have not. R. M. Smith Clothing Co. LEARN THE WAY. i) FOR HALE. FOR SALE Ilelglan hares. $1.00 per pair. W. P. Downing, Ken wood. 3tf FOR SALE Smith typewriter and office chair. Inqulru nt llulletln of fice. 3-4 o FOR SALE Full blooded Rhode Island Red hens. Inqulro at Wright Hotel. ltfc FOR SALE Second hand parlor organ. Wrlto C. F. Condart, Prlno vlllo. 3tf FOR SALE Thoroughbred White All FOR MEN The Newest Spring Things SUITS HOES HIRTS HATS AND TIES A. L. French REM), OREGON, Orpington, Rhndo Island Ittd and Rlaek l4tHfinn chicken, nko okm for hatching. 0. W, Slirlimr. Park Addition. 48tfc FOR HALE Horse, bunny nnd harness. Rnnable prlco. Splendid home. 0. W. Shrlner, Park Addi tion. 3- FOR SALE Young cow, beef stock, good site, excellent condition; $67.50. Also thoroughbred Jersey, $75. J. II. Bhouse, 3c FOR BALE OR TRADE For good young stock cows, 0 teams good work homes from 1200 to 1400 pound, one team mules, alto one 4 ywtr old full blooded Guernsey milch cow, freshened Mnrch 7. Phono Stanley Ranch Co. 2 tf FOR SALE Cheap. Oardon drill with all attachments. Mrs. R. O. Rruwn, Center addition, oornur of 7th and Hawthorne. 2-3p FOR SALE Ono good Jersey cow, fresh within n mouth, third oalf. A good milk cow. M. (. Coo. life FOR RENT Oood 4 room house and ncro lot ono block from depot. Excellent chance for gardening. In qulro Ed. Rrosterhuus. Iff FOR HALE Lots 12 nnd 13, block 5, Wlestorln addition, llond. Make offer for cash. Mrs. William Woods, Windsor Apartments, Seattle, Wash ington. 2-4p FOR 8ALE Light tonm, wagon nnd harm-so for $185. A. R. Oortson, llond. Itf FOR SALIC Living room nnd bod room furniture. K. F. Greene. Lnrn houso. ltfc FOR HALE Illack Minorca eggs for setting. $1.25 for 13. Iavo or ders nt Author's store. ltfc FOR BALE Absolutely A No. 1 team. Weight about 2000. Good har ness and now llayno wagon. A. R. Uortson, Rond. Itf FOR SALE Cholco eggs for hatching. Puro bred white loghorn Wycoff strain, excellent layers, Icava order now at Thompson's Furniture store. 52tfc FOR BALE-Settlngs ot full blood ed Rarred Rock oggs, $1 a setting. R. Rartlett, at Metropolitan. 62tf FOR SALE Team of mares, har ness and wagon. Address W. N. Ray, Laldlaw, Ore. 62tf FOR SALE All tha lime, good horses, good cows, harness, wagons, etc. J, M. Judd, tho auctioneer. 6 Itf FOR SALE Thoroughbred Whlto Orpington, Itlioilo Island Rod and Illack (.angsliHti chlekeus, G. Y. tihrlner, Park Addition. 4litru FOR HALE 80 acres Irrigated land, close In; water rlaht, etr. $1200. Inquire llulletln Otttce. INtfu FOR SALE Tolmcco nt cut prices. Star nnd Horseshoe 45c lb, llund Cash Grocery, oastot dwpot. 4IH FOIt HALE All kinds of rough nnd dressed lumlr, nt Anderson llrus, sawmill halt ny between Rend and laldlaw, on old Tumalo road. Reasonable prices, rough lumber $10 par M, Delivering to llond or Lald law $3 per M. Telephone. 19tf LOST AND FOUND. LOHT. Ktrayeil or Htoten- HiubII Fox terrier, white with black mark ings. Reward for return to Metropoli tan or fur Information leading to IiIm recovery, 2 tf TAKEN UP 23 miles from Rend on Antelope Spring road, one 5 year old Imy gelding, branded '. with bar across on left shoulder, ami one r your old bay mare with same brand. C. L. Evans. 1-Sp, SPECIAL Short lengths of CALICOS at TP2w A YARD. R. M. Smith Clothing Co. Learn the Way FLOUR At I WHOLESALE ' " Something New in Axminster Rugs, Art - Rugs and FURNITURE that will make your home cheerful at prices which will prove we are right. Our line of Kitchen Ware, China nnd Crockery gives you values for the money. A. L. HUNTER'S OREGON STREET I Have a Carload of Flour Just In Farmers and Ranchers Bunch your orders and get whole sale prices on the best Flour Made 20, 30 and 50 Barrel Lots at big reductions Club together and get low prices "" '" ' "i . .. -- . -.- . -, Shuey's Cash Grocery Lending Ents Store of Bend 1 4