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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1914)
IIKITO IlUMiRTIN, BEND, ORE., WI'I'NEM'AY, MARCH JW, Mi 4. PAOK n EUGES PARCEL POST Mini)' Now Article Admitted Under IllTl'lll ItllllllKN, PontnuiHter (lotiornl lliirlowin con (Iiiiich to oiiInrKo nml lironilon the work of tlio jmrcol pout service, tho lutist oriltir IiiivIiik Just been ap proved by which liuttnr, okkh, frultit, vK(lulitH, pntlltry, nml othor nr tlcli'N In parcels woIkIiIiik from S!0 to !IU pouiulH inny Iki shipped In tlio Hrst nml second soium In Iioxoh mill crates Nlmllnr to Uiohu handled by express o nipiuilun, Tint now rulo na to hniiliK In tlio parcel punt wont Into effect on tlio intli Under It ImioIih limy bo limit l'v parcel pout, If tlio parcel exceeds ' VkIiI oiiiioon In wolttnt. I'rlntuil nmttor, other than now pHpcrn unit periodicals entered na fi'i'omi clnMH matter, win no ncoepi i nt parcel pout rutca In pncliaKe of morn thnn four pounds. If tlio wolKht Im four h)UIii1h or less, tlm third-class rate of 1 cont (or mcli two ounces or (ruction thereof will npply, Pamphlet nml cutnlofts, whother bound In paper or inuro substantial hlndliiK, will Ito rt'Knrilod an books mul will be accepted as such. However, If doiilit exists mi to wthethor nny nmttor come within tlm lurm "hookH" a sninplo khould be submitted to tlio postmnstor for n ruling. It will ho possible under tho now rnlliiK fur political candidate to ship ly pnrool pout bundle of pnm llilftM to tholr friend for dlstrlbu (Ion Heed nml outtliiHH nro also admit ted now by tlm term of n recent law. According t It parcel or seeds, ctittltiKM. bull, roots, scion nml plant woIkIiIhk four ounces or lo am subject to iiostHKO nt tlm flat rat" of I cent for oach ounce or fraction thereof, regardles of distance; on imrrrU exceeding four ounces In weight tlm pound rut! appllcablo to tht respective zones nply. Special "Health Wnrnliiu." for Mnrrh March In n trying month for tlm very young mid elderly people. Croup, i.rumhlal old, lagrlpiMi mid pnou inonlA itrn to he feared mid avoided. 1'i'lfv n llonoy nnd Tar In a groat family mwllolmi Hint will (iilckly top it cmiukIi, ohwsk tho progress of a rold. mid relieve Inflamed and oan nMiid air itflMMNMi. It U safe, pur, and alwaya reliable. Patterson Drug C Adv. FREE ALFALFACULTURES O. A. ('. Will Supply I'lirmer of Htnle. In connection with the offer of alfalfa seed by tho Oregon Trunk Hie followliiK offer of cultures of al falfa bacteria by tlm OroKvn Aierl culturnl College li or Interest nnd Im I'ortauco to nil farmora. "UroKnn farnmra who want to Brow nlfnlfn oan Kot fro culture of alfalfa Imclurln by mm d I tic for them to T I). Ileckwlth, ImcterloloKltt of Ori'Kon Agricultural CoIIoru, Corval III, Alao culture for pea. Imhiu, clover, vetch, mid other legume. Tneao culture nro for tho amo pur pom na thoae put up by commercial firm nnd void to farmers at f 1 to 93 for enough to Inoculate nn acre plant ed h legume. Culture hnvo been enl out from tho College for n num ber of yenr with gont ndvantngo to tho farmer. "Knrmora who wlah to got theao culture hould ontt tholr iiamn. atlpulato tho crop and narcngo, up to K. acre, nnd glvo two weoka' notice. Tim only charge made to tho fanner fdt Home Made Candies Dainty Lunches and Ice Cream AAPt 1 SJ ' TO THE PUBLIC: We hereby nnnounce Unit we have taken over the entire insurance business of M. s S. Lattin k Co, and are prepared to write any kind of a policy you may wish. Bend Insurance Company First National Bank Building Bond, Oregon r O'DONNELL UNION MARKET la tho pnrnnl pout, genornlly alioul ton uimtN n culturo. A grunt many fnrmorH nro going to glvo nlfnlfn a trial for tho flrat tlmo thla your. Ilnotertn mul nlfnlfn nro liiNDimrnbly llukod togutlmr In HiieceitHful production, Chnncea for HimcimH nro grimily Inrronaed by ua liig good ciiltiinm. Kult dlroctloim for iino accompany onnh paokiigo aunt out from tliu collogo." JllNoiilereil KIiIiiojh ('anno Much .MUery. Willi pain mid mlaery by day, nlociMllHttirliliig blmlilor wnnkneHH nt night, tired, norvoiiii, run-down toon mid woimiii ovorywlmro nro glnd to know that I'oloy Kidney Pill rontoro health mid atniiigtli, and tho ngnliir notion of kidney mid lliidt'or. Put ternou DniK Co. Adv. ANNOt'NCHMKNT. To tho lnHchora of Crook county regarding tho Fourth annual mi minor amnion of tho Crook county high achool, May IK, 10H, High soliool building, Prlnevlllo, Oregon. It I tho duly of ovory good aolmol to do whatever It can to meet tho requirement! of tlm county In which It I located. (lood teacher nro ono of tho ro qulronmntn of Crook county, nnd tho Normal graduate nro not, iin yet, NtiUleleiitly uumerou to meet till requirement. Recognizing till fact, tho Crook county high achool offer n one-month auminnr nmnIoii. Thl Nummer nonnIoii will begin Monday morning, May 18, 1DH, and coutluiiH for a term of four week. Tho aim of thl Niimmer achool 1 three-fold. lt. To meet tho de mand of llioao toucher who wlvh to avail theiiiHolvo of the opportun ity to become more proficient In their profiwtlon. Snd. To glvo thoao who ilealro It. review work proparntory to taking the Juno Htnto oxmnlnn- tlou. Srd. To help tho students or Crook county high achool, who need apeelal work, nnd proapectlvo atud euta who wlah to work for credit. Credit will be given according to quality mid itcope of work done. The work to bo covered will In clude the aiibjecl required for teach er' car tinea tee mid diploma, agri culture, uiethoda nnd handiwork. Hpwlal attention will he Klven to achool law, the atato con mo of Htudy mid correlation of aubject matter. The achool la In n poiltlon to glvo a aplvHtlld lalwratory counm In agrl eultura. Itoom and bonrd may bo had nt Walker Hall, the air!' dormitory, for $3.(0 per week and nt rwaMMiable rate at other placs In Prliiwvllle. TIhhih wInIiIiik to reglater Nhoiild write Kuperlnteudent II. C. Itnugti man at once nnd ahould be hero In time to meet with tlm Imtriictora and receive clan achedute Balurday, May 18. Da. m.,lllgh ehool aaem bly room. There will bo no charge to iHitron from thl county or nny other county. For further Informa tion addrewi. II. C. HAUOIIMAN'. Adv 3. I'rliiovtllo, Oregon MAituirr ititi'oiiT. NOItTII POIITUAN1), March 20, Itecelpt for the week hnvo been: cat tle 1161, calve 38, hogs 33'JC, hoop 70S0. Itecelpt of onttlo hnvo been light tlit u'auklr nti.l litiiirnvml fliirnntiil aet the price on nn upwnrd trend. Hulk ateer price twenty-ftvo centn strong er $7.75 to JS. Knncy cow brought l(1.7S to 17 nnd othor butcher claaaea void firm. Hog receipt alio light. with good outlet. Hxtromn top 8.Hb ri.llntr nrm llni nntlrn wink Diirlod. Hhcop houio builnca brink nnd ac tive. Itecelpt allowed nn Increase over last week, llest wool Inmb 17 nnd shorn ahuff C.20; wouiera 10 mm owes ib. Aold HtutTy Wlicty llrcntlilnt TiLn Piilnv'a Hnnii v and Tar Com- imiiml tnr nn InftainiHl and comteated condition or tho air pasaages nnd bronchial tube. A cold devolops quickly If not checked and bronchi tis. In grlppo nnd pnoumonln aro dan gerous possibilities. Harsh racking cough wenken tho system, hut hol ey' Honey and Tnr I snfe, pure and certain In results. Contain no opi nio. Pnttoraon Drug Co. Adv, SUM. CAUI.f)AI 01" IHVTATOIW. Aotlng on tho iropoaltlon recolvvd by Dr. P. H. Dcncor n nutnter of N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER. Estimates on Wall Papr at application Portland Prices Cheapest and Dcst Wall Paper Snmplos in tho county. (let My PriceB. Uox J)0, - - Bend Oregon BROTHERS I ruiichora melon Hnturdny nnd agreed to make up a cnrlond of potntoo for Nhlpment to Ht. LouIn, Tho cur' to bo aent will tnko 22 ton for which tlio ahlppura nro to receive $1.00 n hundred t. o, b. enra. Othor ship jiientn may bo mudo Inter, WHEAT OUTLM PROPSING f.nrgo Yield Menu Proupcrlly I'or N'oi-tliMrat mid lU'iivlHn Here. POIITI.ANO, March 23.-Tho atnto of Oregon, Wiiahlngton mid Idaho will produce it bumper trop of wheat thla yenr. Hxporloncod grain men predict mi outturn or nt leant 70, 000,000 biiahel or thl cereal In the Pnclllo Northweat. Theao vlewa urn bnaed on tho ro innrknbly lino winter whont crop In tho threo state. I'rom tho dnto of planting to tho prevent time, nil con dition of climate, soil nnd molnturo hnvo been Ideal, nnd tho Incrcnuo of acreage tin been about 10 per cent, Heporta from Central Oregon oouti He nro promising, nnd there Is every renaou to believe that territory will receive direct ns well na Indirect ben efit from the crop prosperity of tho coming season. IIL'CJOY PAINT. A clever arrangement of pnlnt can a nnd appropriate advertising material form the basl of no exceedingly nt tractive window In the Ilend Hard ware Co. atoro thla week. A apodal Tonture of tho dlaplny I a aot of old weather limit on carriage K)kw with half of tho Miirfneo of tho spoke treated to ono coat of Aciuo Quality Carriage Paint onch spoke" allowing n different color of paint. The fol lowing statement I made on ono of the dlaplny onrda: "You cnu inako your old buggy look new for n dollar by the use of thla pnlnt." with thl suggestion and tlio very hiunll outlay necevaary, we ore sure that nil of tho ahnbby vehicle In thU territory will Immediately take on a now appearance. Ili-slde being good for nil kind of vehicle, attractive dlaplny atgna II luatrato In colors a great mnny other use for thl wonderful paint In nnd about tho home. Tho display Is creditable ono nnd wall worth In specting. Advertisement, Kvarythlng In fishing tackle at Kkiiiu Hardware Company, Adv. HUT IN TH.I.AMOOK. Hull ha beon begun by tlmbor In toreata In Tillamook county to enjoin tho payment of warranta ImumI by tho county court for tho purchase of road machinery. A similar case brought by the Weyerhaeuser Inter ests Is now pending In Klamath coun ty. In iKith the grounds for tho milt Is tlm fsct that the county has coc ecodod tho legal amount of Indebted ness, Kvorythlng In fishing tackle nt Bkuso Hardwnro Company. Adv. aiVKS INSTANT ACTION. Tho Patterson Drug Co. report A 8INOI.1: DOSrS or simple buckthorn bark, glyoorlno. otc. ns compounded In Adlor-l-kn, the German appendi citis remedy, stop constipation or Kn on tho atomnch INSTANTLY. Mnny Ilend pcoplo nro being helped. Adv. A Tow hours nt n nlco classy, clonn. up-to-date placo especially prepared for gcntlomon. will romovo nil worry and troubles, Tho Metropolltnn.-Adv The Barrels T and Lugs of ov STEVENSVH; Double and Single Barrel SHOTGUNS ji-k Wtcklr Miu4 Mnt -ItVMSUT vtflt Ur (( ttc ArniUUI. Ctapt't limxl ! fM Ss M f km nr tU I4kt 11 tUt, yMltUUTllI'MjVwt. EEiaSaJ hum I'M ( fiuirtu Rnl" t0U4-t. tWt. U lM M ttuu ITCVCKJ tnm r lf-U M lM, 44 M Ul itu M- l -, r(v iuk mcv.. It. STEVENS ARMS v&TOOL COMPANY r,o.oe. yCHICOrU rAUS.MAf t. J Hoofing of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINQ AND Furnace Ctfiitrnctor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights, FOR SUMMER Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN tho Shoo Ropnlr Man. Bond Btreot, Bend, Ore gJlWOflS'l iTiyi,lT SlSidiP YJPMniPVB3 CHURCH NOTICES Union. ' N'orthonat of Ilond, March 20th. Flrat church meeting nt Hlchnrd- sou achool houso, Hundny nohool nt 10 n. m., preaching nervlco nt 11 a. in. Hocond church mooting at Orange Hall, Btinday nohool at 2 p. nv Third church meeting at Arnold school houso Hundny school nt 2 p. in., preaching nt 3 p. m. No collection. KNSOIt WIOMOltB, Pastor. I'rcabylerlnn, At 10 a. m review or the Hundny achool loaaon for the paat 3 montliM. At 11 n. in., the aacratnont or the U)rd Huppor will bo observed. Par ent desiring to hnvo children bap tized at this service should notify the pastor before 10 a. m., Hundny. All professing Christians are Invit ed to participate with us In thl ob servance. Kvenlug sorvlco at 7:30 o'clock. Hpeclnl music by tho choir at both service. O. II. WILKIN8, Minister. KAHTKIt HAI.K. Tho Methodist ladle are planning nn Knster solo to be hold the day be fore Kastor Saturday, April 11 In O'Donncll'a Meat Market. Colored Knster eggs will bo sold In combin ation with tlio regular food sale. MIIB. THOMPSON, Secretary. Tho monthly buslnesa meeting of tho Methodist l.adlca Aid Society will bo held with Mr. It. M. Smith next Wednesday at 2; 30. HWJIHTHATION I'lOUItKH IVBN. According to figures given out by Secretary of Btnte Olcott, registra tion nil over the stnto la proceeding vnrv ntnu-lv. Hn Mr the Hoinocrata aro showing great gain ovor ist year. Tlio rogistraiion 10 oaio in Crook county shows n total of 13C1. of which C99 are Republicans, 611 Domncrata, 26 Progressives and 29 Prohibitionists. Cotnpleto lino of baseball goods at HUuso Hardware Compnny. Adv. NOTICi: OP CON'UiST. Danartmont of tho Interior. United Btato land olllce, Iikoviow, Ore gon. March 12, 1914. To Erik M. Anderson, 209 Washing ton 8t., Seattle, Wash., Contested You aro horoby notified that Mary A. Johnson who gives 11 ox 327, Ilend, Oregon, c-o 8, It. Ilogln. as her post- omce address, uiu on ieceinuer ii, 1913, file In this office her duly cor roborntod application to contest and secure tho cancellation of your home stead entry no.. Serial No. 04785 made June 30, 1911, for KV4, Sec. 1, Township 22 8, Itango 1C E, Wll lamotto Meridian, and as grounds for her contest sho alloges that you have wholly failed to establish and maintain rcsldenco uiion said land. hnvo wholly failed to cultivate and Improvo tho samo na required by law; and hnvo wholly abandoned tho samo for inoro than ono year last past. You aro, therefore further noti ced that tho said allegations will bo taken by this offlco rs having been confessed by you, and your said entry will bo canceled thereunder without your further right to he hoard there in, olthor beforo this offlco or on ap peal. If you fall to file in this offlco within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notico, as shown below, your nnswor, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to tnoso allegations or con test or If you fall within tbet timo to Alo In thla offlco duo proof that you have served a copy of your answer on THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD .The United Warehouse Co. A, M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon tho said contestant olther In person or by rcglntered mull, If this service I mndo by tho delivery of a copy of your answer to tho contestant In por on, proof of such sorvlco must bo cither tho said contcntnnt'a written acknowledgment of his rocelpt of tho copy, allowing tho dnto of Ita receipt, or tho affidavit of tho person by whom delivered; If mndo by register ed mail, proof of such sorvlco must conulst of tho naidnvlt of tho person by whom tho copy wn mailed stating when and tho postomco to which it wn mnlled, nnd this affidavit must bo accompanied by tho postmaster's receipt for tho letter. You should stnto In your nnswor tho name of tho postomco to which you dcslro futuro notices to bo sont to you. JAs. p. nimoRSfl, lleglstar. Dnto of first publication March 18, 1914. Dnto of second publication March 20, 1914. Date of third publication April 1, 1914. Date of fourth publication April 8, 1914. Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. Ilcnil Lodge No. 21H. Regular meeting every Mon day night nt 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hall. Visiting brother cordially welcome. M. A. PAI.MEH, V. U GEO. P. G'iv'E, Hcruiary. Tin: pitATKitXAii imoTiinu- 11001). Fiend Lodge No. 897 meet In Batlior' Hail every Thursday ovonlng, with social on third Thursday onch r..onth. Visiting members cordially Invltod. Mrs. O. W. Shrlner, Pros. Loroy Fox, Secretary. vvtfwmiuwgi Gore Lung and a Dry Hacking Cough can b relltvcd by using Ballard's Horehound Syrup Its effect In tho lung U soothlnir and healing, very gratifying to tboio who aro racked by a painful cough. Re lieves tightness, loosens phlegm, clears tho volco of hoarseness and quiet alt Irri tated conditions, so that tho sleep Is no longer disturbed at night. rrlce 23e BOo and SLOO. Bur tho 11.00 slxe. It con tains flvo times a much a the 25c slxe, and you icet with each bottle a Dr. Htrrick'a Rod Tcp per rorous Plaster tor tho chest. JametF.Oallard.Prop. Et.Louls.Mow 6Uphns Eys 8lv Is a htatlnfl ointment tor oora eyes. laocoAMoRccoMritMntoByl Patterson Drug Co. ini i ISUHIXKBH AND I'ltOPKHSIOXAIj. ItOIIEKT II. (JOUM) Civil Engineer Ilcnil Oregon iiE.vxirrr, binnott H HAMiOMAY Attorney nt Law General Practlco Tho Dallos, - Oregon HOSfl PAItNHAM Attorney At hnvr Ornco In Jono Dulldlng on Wall Street. J. I. Hell A. V. 8lma CltOOK COl'NTV AKSTIIACT OOJII'ANY (Incorporated) Successors to The J. If Haner Abstract Co., Prlnovlllc, Ore. Alwtracta Insurance W. W. FAULKNEIt, D. M. D. UKStriHT Offlco Ovor Postonico Ilond, ... Oregon WILLAUD H. WIItTZ liAWYKIt Prlnovlllo, Oregon. U. C. CO E, M. D. Physician nml Hurgeon Offlco over First National Dank Ofllco Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. IlEND. :-: OnEOOV RODERT V. SAWYER NOTARY I U It MO Dulletln Ofllco, Ilond, Oregon w C. S. BENSON Attorney At Law Dcnson Dulldlng. Wall Street Bend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES liAWYKIt First National Bank Building Bend, :-: .-: Oregon QEOI1GE 8. YOUNO Civil ami Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of Ilend. Room S First National Bank Building II. H. Do ARM ON D LAWYER Satber Building Bend, Ore. II. C. ELLIS Attoruey-nt-Lniv United States ComniUnloncr First National Bank Building BEND. OREGON DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Offlco In Bather Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 5, Sundays and evenings by Appointment. DR. A. B. CROPP Chlrapractor DRl'GLKSS PHYSICIAN Ofllco In old Deschutes Bank Dldg. Hours: 9-12. 1-5. At Redmond Monday, Wednesday and Friday until further notico O. P. NISWONOER, Bend, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalnicr, Funeral Director. Pbone. Lady Assistant. C SWEATT, IEVESQUE & CO. 312 Mohawk Bldj,'. SPOKANE ARCHITECTS Schools and Largo Buildings a specialty vtjm UM