PAOn 2. BEND BULLETIN, I1END, OllK., liDNKSIlAY, MAltCII 83, 1011. CENTRAL CRESCENT. (Spcclnl to Tho Bullotln) ORESCENT, Mnroh 21, Goorso Mnynehl, a wealthy rnnohor of this illstrlot, who hns spout tho winter at Fort Hock, wna nt lila ranch Sunday nnd Monday, looking nftor cnttlo In torcsta. v F. C. RoRan, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was In Crescent tho past weok. Ho spoko of the groat Intor ost that la manifested In that section of Oklahoma, In tho land opentnR of tho Deschutes nnd Paulina forests, nnd predicts a rush of settlors. It Is probablo. from tho reports that liavo coino in, that thcro will bo flvo applicants for every quarter section. Oelbert Sly of La Pino has been driving stago for Carrier Streot, be tween La Pino and Crescent tho past week. Tom Jolly camo In on tho La Pino ctr.Re Monday and Is registered at tho CresconU Ho is editor of tho Silver Lake Leader and is In Crescent on a visit. Karl Austin of tho forest service, nnd D. 0. Stevens, went to Dond Monday In Mr. Austin's car. Ho re turned Wednesday, accompanied by Supervisor '.Merrltt, of tho Bond for estry service, the latter returning Thursday.' H. 0. Ico camo down from his trap lino at Summit Lake, and stopped In Crescent Tuesday on his way to Dond. Hans Zimmerman, who has put in a season of successful trapping near Crescent, returned to town Tuesday. A St. Patrlok's party was enjoyed by a largo number of guests nt tho home of Mrs. E. A. Sogar Tuesday evening. Cards and a numbor of games appropriate to tho occasion were tho diversions and n dollclous midnight luncheon was served. Among tho out of town guests wore Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamner. A. Oldonberg. accompanied by M. Johnson camo in from Uend Thurs day, on his way to Odell Lake whoro he has charge of tho fish hatchery. At Crescent ho was Joined by Tom McCord who will work with Olden h'org. Tho party bought supplies In Crescent and wero takon as far as the Jones ranch ten miles west of town by Walter Smith. From thero on they will make tho Journey on foot nnd pull the provisions on hand sleds. Jimmy Morrison, formerly cook nt tho Hotel Crescent, has accepted o vlmllar position at tho La Pino Hotel, lie went down the first of tho weok. Wanda Stovons, tho two yoar o'd (aughter of H. O. Stevons of. this city, fell from a high chair last Tues day. In such a way as to splinter tho bones In her right wrist. Tho injury was very painful, hut It Is thought that with careful treatment. It will heal successfully. Pearl Lyhos was In from his ranch Wednesday. The Ladles Civic Club was oner talned Friday by Mrs. D. A. Jones, nsslitea by Mrs. Walter Smith, at tho La Folletto residence. Thu semi annual election of officers wus held, with tho following results: President. Mrs. D. A. Jones; vlco president. Mrs. F. M. Clleaves; sec rotary, Mrs. Walter Smith; treasur er, Alice M. Lund. After tho busi ness session, delicious refreshments were served and tho meeting ad journed. The next meeting will bo with Mrs. F. M. Cleaves. Tho first out of town machlno fit the sasen put in its appearance Fri day evening. It was driven by It. P. SchniMr. proprietor of the Redmond Hotel. The large machine Is one of the new Case models and an excep tionally lino car. Mr. Schmeer Is demonstrating this make of automo bile. The other occupants wero Fred Richards, traveling for the Tllum-auer-Prank Co. of Portland, nnd Frank Rose, of Seattle. Tho latter Is here to regain his health, and he spoke of tho noticeable Improvement bIbco coming to the higher altitude. Mr. Roso will spend the summer at the Iioy ranch west of Crescent. STAUFFEIt. (Special to The Bulletin) STAUPPER. March 1C The frost Is all out of the ground and tho far mers of this llttlo valley aro all busy Hooding. Mr. DeWItt reeently dug a well on his homestead- eight feet deep and has two feot of water. Den Rhoeds and Geo. Meer have been working for the Drown Bros, the past two weeks. ChHB. Stautfer has returned from a trip to Bend and report tho roads pretty soft. Fred Overall has osUbllshod resi dence on his homestead and says he oxpeets to clear thirty acres this spring. Mr. Harris built a new horse cor ral this weok. A meeting was held last Sunday to organize a base ball team, but as It was not generally understood, only a few turned out. The dance at Stauffer Saturday night was said by. all to be tho lst of the Mason. A four bone load came over from Butte. Tom Bwlng and Prof. Miller Walk ed vr from Brooking for the daneo. The I-flmax brothers from Texas were In tho valley last weok looking for land. N HIGHLAND. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HIGHLAND, March 10. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hanlln and daughter Lil ian spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. u. W. Palmor. Mrs. M. Hallmeyer vlstted Mrs. J. Settlemeyer Sunday. Mrs. J.' B. Rivera visited at Held Friday. M. P. Nlelson returned Sunday morning from Bend. John Schmeer loft for Portland Saturday where he will spend a week or 10 days. M. Pearson will erturn this week to spend the summer with his dau ghter, Mrs. Danlolsou. Ho has been -- - - OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. in California tho past four months. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wlntora visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Coming Friday. HHLI). (Spcclnl to Tho Uullotln) HELD, Mnroh IB. Martin Hall moyor loft for Bond this morning. Ho expects to bo back Wodnosdny. Warren Llbby will mnko a trip to Prlnovlllo this week for sood grn(n. Peter Nlelson loft hero for Bond last Tuesdny and returned Saturday, March 14, with n lond of goods. John Sohmoor of Highland, Ore gon, started for Portland last weok to bring back, It Is reported, a blood ed stallion. Mrs. C. A. Balsloy visited Mrs. C. Martin Saturday. Tho snow him nil gono oxcopt on tho north slopes nnd seeding has be gun. Wnrron Llbby Is breaking In n very nlco Iron gray horso tls week. Mr. Daniel Reynolds visited Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Evans Sunday afternoon. MILLICAN. (Spoctal to Tho Uullotln) MILLICAN, March 18. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ream entertained their friends with n dnnco nnd oyster supper St. Patrick's night. William Ream Is plowing for L. P. Rooncy. Mr. Roonoy Intonds to clear about 10 acres. Superintendent Myers visited our school Wednesday forenoon. Mrs. Ed Koppcr Is visiting rela tives in tho valley. W. B. McAdow has started to cloar about 20 acres moro of his claim. When this plcco Is finished ho will have about Go acres of his homestead under plow. Mrs. Mary Roonoy spent Sundny afternoon at tho B. E. Davis homo. Mrs. L. P. Rooncy and Miss Annlo Rooncy visited with Mrs. Davis Sat urday. Mrs. P. B. Johnson spent Sunday afternoon at tho Thos. Moffett homo. Thoa. Moffett Is busy clearing an other large plcco of sagebrush. I P. Roonoy and J. L. Davis will leave for Prlncvlllo In a few days. Tho Sku-Ko-Leek Kluh mot nt "Mount Pino Inn" March nth. Agrl eulturo by Annlo Markol was tho topic for tho afternoon. Owing to tho absenco of Miss Mnrkel, Mrs. John son entertained tho club. Refresh ments wore served. Tho meeting ad journed at 4 p. m. to raeot with Mrs. William Reams March 28th. Tho guests at Central Houso for tho weok wero: Mr. nnd Mrs. Carno berry and son, R. C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Oleo Carson and daughter, Imperial. Fred B. Reagon of Tex as, C. B. Lomax, Atnarllla. Tox., and C. V. Lomax of Amarlllo, W. It. Wil liams, Lost Valley, Oregon, M. F. Kossowltz, Albert Mlchards, and V. VIccJavlty, Bend, Mr. nnd Mrs. John son, Chicago, III., .Mrs. Carrlo Plum ley. Bond, J. S. Sande. Imperial. D. P. Boono. Held, Z6. Barrett, Bend, Mr. Lambargar and son Bend. Mrs. Louis Gloss loft for Bend on Monday. Miss Stoner Is visiting friends In ther alloy. Louis Hall and I. L. Owen wore Bend callers tho fore part of tho week. ssn I Farmers ! ! Optimus Squirrel Poison ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED OWL PHARMACY, Agents BRING YOUR CREAM TO PIONEER CREAM COMPANY LARGEST BUYERS IN CENTRAL OREGON QUICK RETURNS OF KM1TV CANS Ofllce.on Wall Street, In Building Where McCuiston Grocery Formerly Was, CONSTANT SUPPLY OF BUTTERMILK AND SWEET CREAM CHECKS MAILED ON THE lRth FOR PREVIOUS MONTH'S CREAM. - - --- iainuYW. (Spcclnl to Tho Uullotln) UMDLAW, March 32. Mrs. Hall tho "Rtvorsldo Inn' hns lieon on of the sick list for somo ,Htni but Is on the road to recovery, Tho "modlclno show" proved n groat success In this vicinity, draw ing largo crowds from In nnd about town. "Hilly" Thorp won tho prlo ns tho homlloRt mnu, but wo don't think ho inorlta It, any moro than Mrs. Hanson does for tho lady wear ing tho "ahoo of No. U." "Polo" Bcnsloy Is tho "most popular bach olor," and Oakvs Wnllnco tho lucky follow who drow tho diamond, and ovoryono Is using "llttx soap." Two of tho Dlobllng's children nro sick with tho moaslos, also two of tho Marlon children. School Is In session ngntn this weok nftor n vacation of a week on ac count of the monsles. Reports from Portland say that Mrs. Mock Is rapidly Improving nnd will return homo nbout iWstor tlmo. Mrs, Palntor hns had chnrgo of tho Rlvorsldo Inn, slnco Mrs. Hull has been 111. Mr. and Mrs. John Wlmor nro In tholr now homo, enjoying "modern conveniences" so rnro In this vicin ity. Tho now tennis court Is progress ing rapidly and will soon bo tho bcoiio of somo lively gnmos. Tho Lnldlaw Sunday sohool Is pro paring an Hastor program, with apo dal music. Mrs. Rogers hns been nulto sick for nbout a weok, but Is reportod bet tor. Mr. Lemon Is going Into tho poul try business In earnest, nlrondy hav ing about 200 young chicks, nnd a 250 egg Incubator about to hatch. PliAINVIF.W. (Special to Tho Uullotln) PLAIN VIEW, March 23. M. W. Knickerbocker was transacting busi ness In Redmond Monday. Missis Bortlm Gibson, Rnohol and Constance Knickerbocker, Gloavea Strahm and Paul Scogglns, Roy Mo Calllster and Johnny Loltchonstoln. spent tho ovenlng at Pulllams Tues day In honor of James Pulllam's birthday. Hazel Wlncklo Is visiting with Dan Wlncklo and wlfo. Mr. and Mrs. Bart Nichols spent Sunday at tho homo of W. F. Lovor cntz. A numbor of peoplo or this com munity attended tho show In Iald law Friday night. Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Levoronti wero trading In Lnldlaw Saturday. Tho Plalnvlow Literary Society had tholr last meeting of the season Sat urday night. The following program was rendered: Dialog by Mr. Donn von and Howard Glllott, recitation T?B Lafollette Nursery Co. I Prineville, Oregon t central I OREGON'S NURSERY 1 A Grain in Time Kills Nine 25c a pound 6 lbs. $1.25 t ..... t fl-ft-M- - ------- --- ----- "--- -- i by Mr. Dotmvoii, dialog, "A Rod Hot MoHHngo," by Roy McCalllator nnd John Loltchonstoln, rocltntlon "Nig ger Unity," by Constance Kulckor bockor, recitation by Gilbert Edging ton, dlnlog, "Mr. Poppor'n Gont," by James Pulllam, Glenvos Strnhm and Hnohol Knickerbocker, song by Gll lott family. Refreshments wuru served nnd wns n largo num ber In nttfltulnnco, Caroline Shotwoll of Lnldlaw spoiU several days of this weok nt tho Strnhm homo. PINEHURHT. PINHHUR8T, Mnrch 83, County road supervisor L, II. Root has boon employed working on the road be tween hero nnd town, tunny Improve ments being mailo. Mrs. L. II. Root nnd dnuuhtor, Mrs. C. L. Johnson wero callers tit Cnmp No. 4 on Tuesday. Mrs. Arthur Jackson was a Lnld law visitor una day Inst weok. Born, to Mr. nnd Mrs, Bradley of Stop the LossFires are WHEN YOU The Bend BEND REAL ilrl. Mrs, F. V. Swisher wax calling on friends nt Camp No. 5 Hnturduy. Mrs. (1. W, Hnydor spent Friday nt Mrs, Jackson's, Ruth mid Llol Lymko onlered uchool Monday making mi enroll ment of nbout IB, POWELL IIUTTK. POWELL 1IUTTM, Mnroh 22 sprlng work goos steadily on, weather staying unusually line I'lio tho for this tlmn of your, Tho wnter la turned In tho oannl for n few days. L, W. Blair lost one of bis Guern sey holfors Inst week. Walter Foster hns rented the J, D. Davidson homestead lor this mia son. E. A, lHmnott will plant some po tatoes on Miss llorthn Gnndsell's hotnostend. Ho will move linok hero with his family nt the end of tho school term. Forrest lllnlr wont to work on the Tiimnlo ditch lust week. POWELL 1IUTTK, Mnrch 23 Road supervisor Wlllcoxnu ntnrted tho work of opening tho Geo. Klsslur roud Tuesday when ho removed every Cnmp No. I, nn Thursday, a n BRICK IS ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON. FLAGRATION. BRICK BUILDINGS NEVER BURN, ALTHOUGH THEY ARE SOME TIMES INJURED BY FALLlNa TIMBERS OR COMBUSTIBLE INTERIOR WOODWORK. A BRICK HUILDNOI8 ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IF WIRE GLASS IS USED IN THE WINDOWS AND IF BURNED CLAY FLOORS ARM USED. ! AN INTERIOR FIRE IN SUCH A BUILDING IS CONFINED TO THE ROOM IN WHICH IT ORIGINATES; NO OUTSIDE FIRE CAN ATTACK IP THE PROPORTION OF BURNED CLAY IN BUILDINO CONSTRUC TION MEASURES ITS FIRE PROOF QUALITIES. BURNED CLAY IS THE ONLY BUILDING MATERIAL THAT HAS BEEN THROUGH THE FIRE UKI'ORE YOU GET IT. IN HUGH A MAN NER THAT IT WILL RESIST FIRE. ALL COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL IS BURNED OUT OF THE BRICK BEFORE YOU GET IT. BUILD USE MUCK. Brick & Lumber Co. PARK COMPANY ES TATE AND INSURANCE Our Real Estate offerings are the most extensive in -Bend, comprising the ORIGINAL TOWNS1TE and PRAC TICALLY ALL THE ADDITIONS. INSURANCE that INSURES Our Insurance Department includes only World Known Companies writing Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Automo bile, Plate Glass and Fidelity Insurance and Bonds. "IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY." LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOALE OR RENT WITH US. Our outside oftices and connections better enable us to find you buyers and tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. third post of the one uillo fence on the lino of tho pnipoHod road, Will coxou Hays tho volunteer help did some exceptionally Duo work on tho Job, adding good natuiedly (hut It wns so exceptionally lino nn to bo al most IiivIhIIiIi), S. I). Musttird cnlolirntoil II. Pat. i day by giving IiIh Iioiihu it nice I'd at of green paint. The finest biiiiuh of beef Htonrs the (Contlntiod on pngo sovon) OF What'stheUse of f rolitlitlnK frrocorlcfi from Dond frcu of clmrKO? Lot JOHNSON pay tho freight. Homcmbur tho plnco, nunr 28 mllo pout, Uend to Hums roud. it MILLICAN, OREGON. i Unnecessary I V, I I i ?