RVER.Y FARMER ON THE C. O. I. CO. SEGREGATION WHO WANTS HIS PATENT SHOULD COME TO THE MEETING IN BEND FRJDAY NIGHT, MARCH 21 THE BEND BULLETIN. Vol. Ml, HIINR, OKEUO.V, WEDNESDAY A I TKHNOO.V, MARCH US, Jj I. no. a. LEWIS TO MEET SETTLERS HERE IMPORTANT MEETING1 FRIDAY NIQHT I'luii Will It" Mubiultteil Wlieniby Water l?Mr Ohi (Jet Title lo Their ImmU by KllmliinlliiK IIiimiM Acreoue From Company I.Ut. Friday evening thorn will bo h Ih.nllhK liMfO Hi (UK) lit til" theatre villi li xhoulil prove of tiio greatest lii'i" nunc In nil settler on 0. 0. I. ('" In lulu, Mtate Engineer .l.wl IU i tho nttrnnttoti ami Iih (inn iiiihIi to prenoiil to IIih water user 'f ml Internal to tliHin. tin rUt; object or (Iih meeting. It I understood, In to make eler viitt the Hh'i Engineer claim to Ih ti. mil maim, nt I It a enmpaur' f t'lii hn rmrnnln Him settlers, unit i inlh to devbK hiii) endorse h plan Ih-ni. patent ptw he given settler whi. lint lived on Mini Improved their land, without further delay. Mr l.wl In Hih pest ha blocked tin' approval or certain patent Hat 'ii tin- ground that IIih dltohe of the ninii i, through Improper wmslruc ll 'ti unit aeoeral Inadequary, In manr liminhrKii fallal to (irovliln miffldont vi-r in make din rwrHhVatloti either 1-bhi it morally right. Naturally I hi l . rkl h hardehlp on settler. wlm a'-ov Hit thing dealred pat ent tu their properly, so lliny wiuld Ixirrnw money for Improvement or .-ll with Hear title. It u now rttMMm It U understood, ti rtnir m plan which the land Hird Hill lie aNd to RCt MpOH. whenin patent llsla will Im approved mIhtk thr cover only land actually -uiili'l hikI farmed, and totally '1iin uatlnc nil unsold property, Hlidh the company might dealr pat iiii'l Ih the past these inHMMHl I i-t it i.fifn Included extensive m re no win. h Ihe romiwHy desired approved fi r patent simply IteeauiHi thoy want r I to nr It, Hint am tl) illtchM wnrn iiliexr tiy liiHitwtuatH to enrn (or nurli Mfl'ltun IIH WMll M IVlMl llf BPltlnl Ht- t lrn lli Inttor nuffrfwl. The tiro iM.fit kchtoiu, It In lHlluveJ, wauli) ire for thw Ihinu IIiIh iiirehMHrii ml i.i.ii.i.lv miiiMl Hii eomixiiiy to mi lirKK im illtrhiM iriiittly to erne fur n'l Hi UniU. IhiIIi of mittlum rhiI vni h it thny wtoh to ll. Mr I.kwI. who nitiH from Um in..n. Uit night nflnr hoUlln n wwt Ihik- it illlchiM jirtiprly to eiirnf or (hk itxri. Ik on lh th ThumIo tiro-i-f tfiiv. null tomorrow will b at I it I'liir In roHHMoUoH with th Mur 9U ltimrit. I OUT HOCK ItOAl) AITIVITV. Airorillnie to Ponwt Rupwrvtwir II. T. Mirrli th Mttlora Ih th Pnrt K i k iiHghiMirhooil ri ahowlriR nr.at lnirwtt In th iroKMM'tl hmw ri.ml fr"iM thMt ilUlrlet to IIohiI hmiI jimin Hrw Hlrmly nt work op It. Tim r 'Mil Hill I Httially yhIhhIiI tq tltn )iniiirtimilrH In thtt northern imri'i'ii of tho rnuiit)' who now burn in ko youth to Kurt llork to nt on ti iri-tii'iit roHil unit tli'ii turn to th ii tin im-'n. I'MiUt tlm iiiw jiUn tii.v Hill Itniily coniH mmlMnt north '.ri'DKh til" fnrtmt until thay utrlkn lit.. HiirnM roHil. Keep Your Valuable Papers In Our Vault Tho Imut unit imfcst plnro In (tin world to K'cvp llli) mill II fo liiMintnro polloU. itotre comltiK due, innrtKiiKi'i. (IoimIm lit fact nil uilunldo pnptn I In n llro-pnmf vault. Itveiy one ciiunol itfTnttl to Imvc n atccl vault, or oven n llro-pnMif aufo In III homo, hut cuM-y "no mil nlToril to keep Id viilu nlilo pnpcifi In our vault Iictuiiho tho rtMitnl (iluitfioil la a notliliiK comparcil with tho protctttloii nrfordod. You run Iinino a nti'i'1 liov with n nun plcidililo, Ynlo lock bin cuoukIi to coiitnlii nil jour valuable puperM IiihIiIo our vault, for only Iji'J.tlO n J oar. Drop lu not tlmo you're pntmlnKt ll Deschutes State Bank HuccoNMor to tho J ' Deschutes Banking & Trust Gomfwwy JlKNO, OllWOON, ao""'1'' i i i i 1 1. P aasss 11, FHHUBLU Proa. F. O. MINOR, Soo'y. 13. M. LARA; Caahlor. DIRECTORS. R. Forroll, F. O. Minor, E. M, Lara CREAMERY GAINS HEADWAY L. C. ROBERTS FAVORS PROJECT ICiiH'rli'iiceil Dnliynum I'olnti Out ,iliinlKrM of till Itrulon for I'm- ilncliiU Milk N'inv Hluln tip Ar1lrli4 of liirortMiriitloit. "Co.oorntlvH nrwiiHiir)'" w the ruIiJhcL hhIii illMiiMitHl nt lh Com itmrrlHl Club IiihcIkmiii IMttinlay, hold nt (Iih llmul IioIhI nnil Httiimlt hy RR. Wlilln lh KHtharlNK fitMrtwl off with iiewlmliim In Hih lr, It bhiIcmI with otitlmlmn, hiiiI n runt stnrt wim mml towHn hhIIIiik IIih nntorirU iinilar wnr( l. U. Itolwrt. who enmo hore from lowit litnt your, iHHilt) Hit) lilKlfot Wind of h hit. Mr. Itolittrtri Iihm iliilryml Hiowt of hi llf. mid 't wh o'ldnt Iih kiiHW Axuetly wtmt IhAiviih mlkltiK nlMiut whmi h wim jiHrmmdd to toll I) It vlewn on the iihimIIoii. Im a nut IihII, thny wr mh'lHl to net thu rrnmiry trtMil m ont, nnil Imllwf thut It would itmke hikhI, even If Ht the outlet IIih C4iwn were few Htid prdflln tloulitful. "I nerer mw n country where cow Kve hetter milk or where tho feed wm richer In iroimrtlmi to It welKltt," iwlil Mr. ItoliorlM. "It 1 Ideal for dnlrylHK here. There are ho nine, and no 18 deKreea ttelow aero, aa In the middle neat. I never mw a cow eutfer from cold here." Would Hi-Iiik Ciihii. Quotliift from Hxpetiencea In other rountrlea, Mr. Itoberta alateil hl he llrf that a wood creatnor)' would rale land value f 10 an acre. He aald he wa ready to coma Into a creamery comiHtny and ttxiireMted the convic tion that JmhI aa soon a mm Hot un der way farmer would liejcln liulld Ink tii herd. J. I'. Keye had flKuroa ready, and IKilnlwI out that even with J00 cow I waa reanonaltle to Itnlleto the pro Jecl rould he Htidertaken with profit, eaiieolnlly n the itromteo of a loca tion at a minimum rent and with verr email Inveetment for etultmeiit and a far lowor derating oxpntiHu than In any compntlnK ereomnry woro eapeclally favornhle condltlnna. I. II. Dnncer, W. O. Wnugh. nnd other were Heard from. After the luncheon n Krouu of farmera KHther e at the duo room and a form of Incorporation article wa drawu un and tentative plana for action ketch- 1 nut. A committee will Ink tbeee durttiK the week In farmer and net all poaalld algneri U. o that by Saturday affair ahould Im In fairly definite form. J. A. Baatea ha of fered the free ue of hl ear. and It la undertood other will contribute linllarty. The lunehean laturday will be at the IMIol lluttn Hotel. HANK HAH IIIUTHUAV. On l'rlilay of laat week the I'lmt National llank eelebratml Ita llflh birthday. It ImvltiK oimned for liuN new on March KO. l'.iOU. The In atltutlon lie ncrtipliMl Ita prenent ituartera alnce January, IV 13. S ItiRiirnnce Commlsslonur's Deputies Submit State ment of Findings- Ball's Report Discredited County Officials Held Blameless True Facts As to Delinquent Taxes for 1907 Stated Tha examination of tho hooka of Crook county under the dlroctlon of thu Htnte Inuninc CommliHloiior, a rwiioUi(l by taximyer, Iiuh been niHile, and the comploto rejHjrt la publUhod heriiwlth. It knooka tho laat propa out from under JiiiIko HprliiKor'a nociiiHttlona HKlnt hla brothor olllclala, nulHtlnn tlatea Tho Ilullutlti'a cliilum that tho "export Iiik" by Hull waa a fnrru, nnd exouorattNi all olllclala wholly. Iiiel deitUlly, thl pHper la Infonned by tho Hlalit nuthorltlo that no clmrgo I iiihiId for the work, and that a completo audit for lfl will bu made later, which latlor will be paid for by tho county, a provided by law. I'orttajnl. Ore., March 18, 191 1 Hon. J. V. KerKUfttin, Mtato I Imuran co Coinmlntoner, Kaliim, OreKoii, Dear Sir: In accordanco with your requeat, we vlelted I'rtuovllUt, the county eeat of Crook county. Oregon, for the pttr IHHte of determining the facta In the matter of an examination of thu ae couuta of (hi county recently mad by a firm of accountant, and addl tlonally to Ismail and arraita for a comidete ayatem of monthly refMirta to till department an railed for un der Chanter X8, Laws of 1811. HavlMK concluded thin attention, we hand you herewith, for your eon Hlderatlon, the followlnx atatamenta: 1. tttalement of financial condi tion of Crook coHHly, December 81, 1911. J. Ntatement of financial condi tion of Crook county, January SI, 1911. t. MtatemeHt of financial condi tion of Crook county, February 28, 19H. 4. Statement or 1907 tax roll. R. Report aa lo controveray over county alTnlra aa baaed on a report made by certain accountant employ od by the oounty. (1. Hoport aa to uniform ayatom and monthly report. Heappetrully aubrnlttwl, JOHN 0. RICHARDSON, K. M. HMITII. Deputle. Crook county, OroRon, Htatement of llannolnl oondltlqn aa ataloae of bualnoM December 31, 1913. AkkcIii. General fund S C.331.9R Ovneral nwd R6R.&I hpeclat nmd 10.33 County koIioo I 4.139.37 Special ioliool 1.R99.0R IIIkm aehool 389.11 Library 134.10 County fair 4 1.39 ItotMl redemptkiH xRO.OO CltlHH 308.CS ftcalu Itounty 337.2 IimtUHte 100.31 Trtwt 339.04 13.939.5J Matdllllre. OutatandlnR warrant ..S IS.SBS.Bl County debt $1R,900.01 Note: The above debt of the coun ty I not nnd Include the credit of apeolal fund for which the oounty acta na an aent only. Tho real oounty debt, applicable to county government la determined by tnkliiK the total of general fund and ' FISHING TACKLE W frr ALL fK $ A COMPLETE LINE OF STRICT- S vp I LV FRESH STOCK TO CHOOSE J (flf?S FROM. OCR PRICE IS STILL S I AT THE 1IOTTOM ( J I Call and See Our j Goods p BEND .. I HARDWARE,. ,. ft ce " ' ' ' iW 1 L. Vt nf iy T ON COUNTY ICE PLANT WILL road fund outstanding warranta and iIoductliiK' therofrom the balance on hand In thoao fund. Htatement of financial condition a nt dote of builneae Janua'ry 31, 1914, Afcfcrt. Onnnral fund . . .' S 2,413.06 (lonurnl road 2,03R,C1 Hpcclal road 30.23 County aohool 4,839.37 Kpeolal hoIiooIh 1, tH7.6l IIIkIi mIukiI 191. IS Library 184.10 County fair 4 4.39 Nchool bond 10,l.00 Intoreat on bond 41.00 llond redemption 230.00 Cltlo ............... Soa.Rw calp bounty 237.28 Inatltuto 100.84 Tnift 289.06 22,271.92 Mnbllltlr. OutatandliiR warranta .. 48.S28.S2 County debt $ 2 1.SSS.S3 Htatement of financial oondltlon aa (Continued on iwae C.) LAND BOARtTJS ROUSED Stormy Mrrtlnx Held Oven Mornon' Iji I'lno Contnict. The tormlet aeeelon the Deeert Itnd Hoard ever held occurred laat Thuraday whon Oovernor Weat tried t.1 Ket the lioard to require tho Dee chutt Iind Co., headed by J. K. Morton of La I'lne. to enter Into a new contract with the atate. Accord ing to retiorta of the meeting a large part of tho time wua apent by the membera of the board shaking their flats In each other' face, shouting at each other and Imputing Improper actlona In reaped to peat dealings with Mortton and hi project. The comiiany's contract with the atato expiree April 1 and Governor Went aotight to have a new contract required providing for the protec tion of the Intereeta of tho aettlora and making the company put up a vow bond In place of the present one which In allged to be worthloee. Treasurer Kay moved that the com pany be given an oxtumlon of time without any changes bolng niado In tho contract, nnd Attorney General Crawford aald that tho company should have an oxtenalon of 90 days to allow the board to look Into the matter. At thla point thing began to happen when the governor charged that Crawford waa lining up with Moraon and Crawford vehemently de nied the allegation. The matter waa Anally cared for by allowing an extenalon of 30 day and In the meantime Engineer Lewie hi to visit Iji I'lne and make an exam ination of the company' project and learn the present atate of affair a on the ground. SATIIKR ADDS TO STORK. U. A. Settlor has recently oomploU eil an addition to hi store property In tho nhnpo of an oil nnd salt store house. It hi or brick aud stands on the alley lu the rear of the store, ad Joining the room formerly occupied by French. COST $12,000 TO OPERATE WITHIN 60 DAYS Power OoiHinriy'n Xwr Hatnbllslimcnt WJII Ilavo Dully Capacity of Ten Turin Mnchlurry linn llcen Piir- olutftcil DullilliiK 10x10 Foct lieforo leaving for the East laat Friday K. H. Miller of tho Bend Water Light & Power Co. announced that hla organization will build an Ice plant here, and Immediately. The miiiuing ami machinery will cost about $12,000 and the capacity will be 1 1 tone dally. T. II. Foley, local manager of the company, returned from Portland thla morning, where he says he has mado all arrangements for the ma chinery, which ha been purchased. The building will be about 40x40 feet. Ita exact also will depend some what upon what decision la reached In regard to the creamery, which may be boused Jointly with the Ice plant. M. J. Danlelson will be In charge of construction and the plant Is to be In operation within 30 day. The new building will adjoin the old power house and excavation for It has already been begun. It will probably be or frame construction al though a decision on that point ha not yet been Anally made. In any case the foundation will be of ce ment to carry the machinery, which according to the manufacturer' guarantee, will be installed within 30 days. The machinery will be fur nished by the Union Iron Works of Seattle. FRANCHISE ISJURNED DOWN Council Vote Four to Three Apilnst Kteldl & Tweet Project. At Ita ndjourned meeting Thurs day night the City Council voted on tho electrical franchise applied for by Steldl & Tweet, and It was defeat ed by tho margin of one vote. Tho wholo matter having been threshed out before no preliminary dlscueslon waa Indulged In. First, certain nmondmontB wero offered and voted on. being turned down. On the tlnal vote, for passage. Councllmen Auno, Sather and Davidson voted for the franchise, and Allen. Collins and Knutsen against It. Mayr Miller then voted against It. saying: "I vote 'no' because, after earefal considera tion, I believe granting a second franchise now would be against the best interests of the town." TO TAKE FRANCHISE TO VOTERS. Mr. Steldl announced thla morn ing that It was hla plan to submit the matter or hla franchise to the voters of the city. Complete plans for this proceeding are not yet made. COU.VTV WARRANTS CALLED Under the dato of March 26. Coun ty Treasurer Jordan will call all reg istered general fund warrants, up to and Including number 2483. Up to March 23 the tax collections were 9S.544.S0 -M The First National Bapk OF BEND, BEND, OREGON U. C. COB, President K. A. SATHER. Vioe- President C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid - - tUSJWO Suriduu S1SJD09 To Homeseekers: Parties contemplating taking Home steads in the new lands just eliminated from the Forest Reserves, should bear in mind that Berd is the closest Banking town to these lands. We are making a special effort to bo of service to new people coming into Gen tral Oregon. Gall and see us and arrange your fi nances, so you will not have any trouble in having your checks cashed. TR FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS ' U. C. Cob E. A. Satheu C. S. Hudson O. M. Patterson n. c. Er.ua SPRINGER ill STARTS SEEKS REMOVAL OF FOUR OFFICIALS W. II. Lucy, Removed From Ofllco Hy CoiiimlMlonrm. Circulates Charges Against Hlkln, Foster nnil Com. inUsloncrx Drown and Roylcy. The first step In an effort to re call County Commissioners Uayloy and Drown, Sheriff Elklns and Asses sor Foster wore Marled hero last night. W. H. Lucy, whom tho Com missioners recently deposed as Coun ty Sealer, Is doing tho work for Springer. Mr. Lucy Is not circulating recall petitions those will como In a few days, ho says but a paper making all sorts of charges against the of ficials In question. It Is an educa tional campaign. Incidentally, tho county la paying ror Mr.Lucy's earn palgn; at least, he bellovca ho Is still drawing down mileage for his trav eling, as he says he Is still county sealer on the ground that the com missioners could hire but not flro him. The paper in question charges ex travagance and Incompetence against the Sheriff and Assessor. Against the Commissioners the charges are more precise. For Instance, they aro ac cused of lending School Superintend ent Myers 1200 of county funds at 6 per cent, allegedly an Illegal act. Then It continues: "They (the Commissioners) have conspired and acted together in defeating the hon ed t offorts of the citizens and taxpay ers to have the books of the tax col lector audited and inveetlgated and a proper report made thoreon. Tboy (Continued on last page.) EPWORTH LH CONVENES Over HO Delegate from Dtwcliutes Valley Exiectcil to Attend. Preparations for tho fifth annual Epworth Loaguo convention, to be bold InJJend on. April 4 nnd 5, are practically complete and the ovent promises to bo one of great Interest and Importance. About 80 delegates are oxpected from tho Desohutes val ley towns, largo numbers coming from Redmond, Madras and Prine vllle. Arrangements for caring for most of the delegates in privato houses has been made. The program for the convention, church, will last from Sunday raorn ehurch will last from Saturday morn ing to Sunday evening sad Includes addresses "by some of the most prom inent ministers lo this soaference. in cluding Dr. W. II. Sellek,of North Yakima, Rev. Chas. MeCnughoy of Spokane and Rev. II. T. Pembqrtoa at Dalles. Mr. Pomberten was focr moriy a missionary in tne Airicaa Hold. In addition to the addresses every meeting will havo special mu sical numbers rendered by tho dif ferent league chapters present. Special rates for the convention of one and one third fares on tho cer tificate plan are offered by the rail roads. The program in full will bo published next week. V5gjy kM& kMy