The bend bulletin. ll Vol. AH. -k JIIC.NI, OMKUO.N, VJ:D.NI:hI)AY AFTKItXOO.Y, .MARCH 18, MM I. NO. 2. I ft E H COUNCIL POSTPONES PINAL VOTE (. II. Miller, of Piemiiit (iiniinn)'i HtnltM Objection to l'ntMitiMl Ac llmi nt lionu Meeting ltt Night. Hteldl noil Do Ainiuiii Aruuu. After three hours of iltdllienUloti Mild opan-uietitliiK debuting, the Ult)' Council last iiIkIU temporarily aide aleppl it ilMlirfvo vela In the sHwMl 'I'wMft twitrlH franchise matter, adjourning until tomorrow night. The MttMtlnn of granting the frnn- i)ila itlrnntlv bail litttili read ,. wait threshed out from nil hiikWm. After City Attorney Forbe lml point ml out omw slight re guard that UilKht made 111 the Aornmont, from tlio city's standpoint, a eMteh-ns-cntoh-ean debate was open 4m1 Hi, IIih ehUf feature of the bout liolm m detailed statemant of th situation, i he h It, from K. It. Wilier of tho llend Water Llsht A Power Company. Attorney Da Ar monil. fur IIih fntuclttMi k-r. tried r. ..mlyi with Ur Millar It till fiMir Mtoltll. Tweet, Key anil oth ers ware heard from Throughout, th- eoMtieiiinen mr Ilh moat part. displayed an , nlMdJ IntHfMtt lu the iIlacuMtott al NEW FRANGH1S HOTLY DEBATED it wu apparent met ai ii r i them ware open to conviction by t -either able. Htchll Htnrt. rimt llteldl stated hi ease briefly. ' MUlHlnK hla pnaliHtii In having a Mwr H on th Irrigation dam and hM thai hli project had already hn delayed through atal lnntlv Ity. Indirectly lit) claimed some credit frr th ipndltun of the 1I.O90 1 rblrh h a Id had Imoii spent liy Ihw Irrigation company mi the dam. De Annoml, rolinwing mm itirwier imni ' noon the (art tttnt Hih HIh.I1 plant oould be built satisfactorily for In rMit than the present iilnrit. Hut the ' fnHHtUtInn of I lid case for tho new franchise wan based tijMn tho assor- , Hon that there waa amnio room for two mmnanlci. nml that another frsnahbm wonltl mean lower ratoa. lUi of which coiitoatlona woro tlt nlml ly tho iithor alclo. To thla Sir Miller nnttworad nt ImiKth. Ilo atated ioltlvly that nolihrr ho nor hla aaaor-lBtoa had ior laVfti n cont from Itnnd, and that dlvldoiMla of an1 kind ware not . pwsliNJ' for yanra. Ho admitted that Hhi rorotiaiiy had not Iwoh oporntlnK nt'a I'm. hMt aald that thn ro(U on , tba Invtwtmant had hwn la than If i. U...UU iiuit kuim titapMd In farm mortmitoa. A atatawant that had aalaatj cirulaUMi to tho Cfrt that Tita pemtMN7 had a monthly Incoma of II.MIO Im hraudad aa ahaurtl. ax nlalNlnic tkat In tha ana month whaa mth 1eoW had hat'ii rplvd. It waa darlTd almnlv from aaitlnn ijt Itbhi rt city for alualor ll(thta. which iMd V M for nlrendy and wore woihl alCQt. ., 'N ratuma on Inviwtment other than thoao repnmantad y our idnnt hero at Hnd nro nxiiotod," aald Mr. llllr. "Other holdliiRa. adfh aa Uio. at llonlium Fnlla. nro not thla company'. Thoro has n no crlil Ham of our aorvlce. If lharo la a iMrttartdant In any town twi twiid a alio In tho I'nlted Btatwt 1 do not Keep Your Valuable Papers In Our Vault The beat nml an feat plnco In tlio woild to keep tlio mill llfo liinm-miro pollolet, nolca eomlng tlue, tuortgnKca, ilewla In fact nil vnllinlilo Niiera la In n llrc-prtMir vniilt. Htery ono cannot nrTortl to linvo it steel vault, or even n (Ire-proof safe In lila homo, but eiery ono enn ulTonl to Keep liH vnlu nbln pitpera In our vault btn-miho tho rental eharged In iih notliliitt couimretl ultli tlio protection nlToi-dcd. Voit emi lensa n atcel bov with n iton lilrknblc, Vnlo lock big enough to contain nil your valuable paper Initio our vault, for only 32.00 n year. h Drop lit next tlmo you're! Winning. Deschutes State Bank Huccessor to tho Deschutes Banking & Trust GomjMMy HrJND, O11K0ON. n. FERIUBLL, Proo. V. 0. MlNOn, Seo'y. H. M, LARA, Gaahlor. know It, mid my IiuhIiiomn la cxuim- luiitlou or ;iuiiilclini tiiortricni m.vh toniH. Wo linvo nmcliad Into ovary nixik nml (xirimr of tho town, ovou niitlnlimtliiK iihuiIh. Ro tho only orlt- IoInui ciiii ho on tho hand or riitoa. Thoio nro two wnya to it ratoa ndJiiHtnd, If thuy nro unfair, he anld. Uno la hy illmct niiponl to hU oom linuy nud thn othor, niiponl to the Htato OoiumUnloii. Kltlior, ho mild. would Kit Imiiiodliito rxaulta If In Juallro oxInUul, In thla counoetlon ho polnti'd out Hint Ilund'a rnloa nl randy nro lownr than thniio of miy Lontrnl OrtiRoii town, lie took tho ntmul Hint dtiillcntlon or pliiuta In ovltahly innuiil thnt tho puhllo would pay lutflri'Kl on tho dolihlo Invoat inntii iin tniitil thnt Imth niinitau- ttta imii'itniiiv unnlil inmi inotior and It would duvolop almply Into n aurrl- vnl or tho Iltteal. witit tlio puonc par ItiK tho oot of lutttln. Ilo emiihntlrnliy danlHil that Htolill could tumult light nml pottor nt the Mxtromnly low riKiiroa tho now oom paur hna httcii iinotlni: In Ha eani rmlun for tho franchlao. Kerloua tloulit na to whnthor Kloldl notnally IHwaeaand anoimh aaaumd wataf to dovalop what Iih rlalmod waa adrxac ad J. P. Kaye. and Mlllr iroKht out the prnbanllltr or lita iM-inK omik; otl to Itulld what ultimately would amount to a trlpla plant. All thla, howevur, waa dntilad hy Mr, IMaldl and hla attornay. Mr. MlllHr wound up hr irandln llm iirmuutMl llinvn ll IH'nllllllllo WaMlH. a black ojro to lleml ao rar aa Invaa inra warn roiimrnixl. nml ii vary Ixtd thliiK for Hie tuwn from all atand- tiolnta. ,l.ll HIC.Vri!N('IW OIVK.V. Dowiity Sheriff Wanantly loft for Kalatti Krldar nlKlit takliiK with 1)1 in John nml Cbarlaa Kotttitan and Uni. HoliwiMid who will bain at one to mrve tho prlaou antHiieH ImiKHHMl on tham at tho rHtnt tarm of Circuit court. Tho aantanco divan tho Kltx mana for huritlary waa from two to flta yaara oach: Ifobwood wit from alx montha to thran yaara for araon. X. B. MILLER HEREi Plnn for (HIMIDO Ice Plant Held I'p TriiiMrnrlly. IC. II. Miller, mnnattar of tha Hand Water Mxht & Power Pompany, nr rlvad Uunday nlxht from Chlcawi. and la npoudlnx moat of tho week i,..r ir xiiiinr rniwiria an linunir- liiK bHilnwta outlook In the Knat, and anya h hellovaa Ha effocta wilt ho apiiareut here Inter. .... . That the capital with which ho la naaoclatt'd haa plana for connldoraldu further Investment In llond wita Mr. Mlller'a atntement when tnientloned na to loattl dvvelopmenl In hla lino of InlertHit. The liiiuiitdlato ennatruo Hon of a flrat clnaa ten ton lee plant, to meet the preneut ncoda of the town In tnl tlirecnon nn to rm apnroxlinntely $10,000, had been de cided main by Ida nmoolattw. ho anld. Ho added, however, that In view of the threatened netlon In regard to frnnchhtea, which they eonalder a di rect attack upon their Intereata here, thoae who Bra putting up tho caah have temporarily withdrawn the lie Plant projact until It hacomea clear what attitude the city will aaeuine toward exlatlnx luveatmcnta. nr.NCKit inaitH itKic nr.z. Dr. P. H. Icncer haa turned an at tentive ear to tho hutxlux of tho po lltlenl bee. anil would follow the al lurliiK aound to Salem. In abort. It haa Juat been learned that Dr. Dencor hna niinounrml hla oandldacy for tho democratic nomliiBtlonMa n ropreaen tntlve In the atate lexlalnture. Thoro are two representative from thla dlatrlct. V. A. I'orbed of llend nud W (). Hmlth of Klamath Palla. ek Inic the repuldlcaii nomination for tha two plncea. WF1" ' COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS OFFICIAL RECORD OF RECENT SESSION Iti'IKMitcd Vole HIiouh How HprliiKcr Woikt'tl for llnll Volo on County Hciilcr AIo Imllcnlho Of Lack of l(conoiii)' Homl Onluta A reKUlar tarm Of the Count) oourt of Crook county. Oregon, eonvaned at l IV. 20 a. in.. Wadnaaday, March i. 1911. U'liun ware praaant: 0. Hprlar, JiuIko. prwaldlnrc; It. H. Itayloy, coun ty oommUlonar; WHIla W. llrown, county commlaalnoor; Krod A. I Ilea, county aurvoyor; frank ISIklna, Klior Iff and Wnrron llrown, county clerk. Whorotiimn tho followlnic urocaetl liiKa were had, to-wlt: In the matter of n potltion for franehlae hy II. P. Hchoal: petltloft t.ruMj.niu.1 liv I II. HrlnV. atlnrtiHr ior ll. I. neiieei, nnnnia mi n i"iiHen jmhiibii in in uhubijii ii elile ncroaa certain eounty roada and land the iwat oltlce ahowInK the to ,... iiuntuln alfunty and mIIuVM flllt. I ...!. for II. P. Hchaul, aaklnic for a fran- over certain atreeta and alleya ont- alde tha corporate nmita or hiui- inn, ror lilt .Meioima, rrineTine ami Kaatorn Hy.; aald petition showing the aald company owned in I landa ad jacent to the atreeta over which the franehlae la anked, and twlnx approv al hv PoiihIv Attorney Wlrtz: order- ad grantett. (8ae order.) in tne mattor or me n. v. aikiii on Head: petition precentett by C. II. Hyuon read and na bond waa found to be lanufllelent. ordered hy court that aald Hyaon deoalt n caah bond In the an in of flOO with the Clerk. Kemonrttrance to aald petition latlng presented by 8. It. Hinder, court nak ed that an aindavlt aa to the quali fication or alxnera of remonstrance lie made. Petition by II. M. Hyaon for an enaement of a road for Immediate ro il.. tiriunnttul lull latar wlthilrawn. In tho matter of reward: iwtltlon presented by H. K. Hmlth, ut al (hav Ihk OS algnaturea) voter and freo holdera, riueitlng that u reward of K00 bo offered for thn arrest and xnnvlptlnn it (ho twrson who set flro in ilm llnilmnnil 1'iilfin Wareliouae Co.'a bulldlnx nt Uodmond, wljlch ro-1 sullen in mo gesiruciiun ut niu building on the morning of February C, 1911: grnnted. in ilm tnntlnr of wnrrnnt So. 135-. Clana 24: Wheroaa It waa ahown to ilw. ron r I Hint M. fi. Mnvflctn had been tho rightful poixeisor of wnr rnnt No. 13&Z. Ulnae i J. or ino sum of $1.S0, liaued Novofnbor 9. 1912. and hna Hwt the aanio: ordered that the anld warrant ImJ canoKlled and the Clerk la Instructed "to draw In tha like aunt and claaa. nhow -warrant td aald M. 8. Mayflnld. In tho matter of wrongful aaaeaa went, itJtlon presented hy J. L. ailawn for a chanx In regard to a certain wrongful naaesammit. but same not being HJiIh the jurladle tlon of thla Court, jietltlou could not be granted. , . In tho mntter nf County roadarlho following road potltlnna wore prn aeiitad, S. W Merrill, et- nl. J. A. Morris, otnl, (Horaonatrance filed: also) IC. T. I.uthy. et nl. ( ronton atranco filed: also) 1). II. Yoeman. ut al: tt. J. Iloeeh, et al In the matter of the Frank Huff- (Continued on pg .) aik. Gasoline Engines " Farming Implements Woven Wire Fence Seeds and Seeders Harness and Pads Incubators Garden Tools and Auto Supplies A COMPLETE LINE TO CHOOSE FROM AT BEND HARDWARE,,'; f . w. . ( H ' , , 'u i v , .1-" t v LANDS THROWN OPEN TO ENTRY ELIMINATION IS FINAL LY ANNOUNCED I.nrKi! Triicta Ncitr I.n Pine, C'reaccnl, Port Iloclc nml Hlvvr lko Tukvii Out of KoreotHctl lenient lt Mnf l Woril Ixiiik Wiiltod. Tho long awaited annouueament of the opening of the lands In the Dos elititwi and tha Paulina foreata for homeataad on try waa made In Port land Hundny. Moat of the land to he opened Ilea In the vicinity of I .a Pine and Craaceut hut there are larga tracta nlao near Port Hock and Silver Iko. Of that In the Meachuterf for mat It I unduratood that the larger part la core rail with withdrawal inmlo on account of the Iteclamatlon Borvleo'a InveatlKatlon of the Hon ham Palla project. Ar yat no de acrlpllnu of the eliminated landa haa Ikmh received but wmim have HMtii Matted In The llulletin oinca Mil If 111 I'lie land will be opened ror aettle iiipM Mav tt rmiI flllnaa will n tier- mltted on and after June S. The announcement aa made In Ttie Oregonlan waa aa follows: More than 400,000 acres or land In the Deadlines and Paulina National forests In Crook, Lake and Klamath counties will lie thrown open for set tlement within 60 daya through an nnlar tuul aleticxl liv 1'roaldent Wil son withdrawing this land from the forest reservations. Oltlclala of the Forestry Ilureau In Portland estimate that or the aggre gate of 410.7(3 acrea thrown open, approximately 120.000 acrea are oc cupied by settlers. These settlers will be permitted Ui remain. Settlera on tho remaining 290,000 noroa will be permitted to take up homesteads of 1G0 acroa each In accordance with tho Federal land laws. Trnnrer llelng Made. Tho rormnlltlea or trnnsrorrlng Uils Innd rrom the Agricultural De partment or tno Keuorai uovernmoni to tho Interior Department now are imirogrosa m wasmnKion. v. . Tho entire area will bo placed un der jurisdiction or tho local land of fice nt Lakovlow and Tho Dalloa. Intending sottlorn nro Instructed to tn uk o Inquiries concerning tho landa nt thoso offices. Or the total, CO. 898 acroa Ho with in tho Deschutoa forest and 849.879 acroa in tho Paulina roreet. Tlie tanu la in the sntno general locality, since the two forests adjoin. - ' 'Ijwgo Area Near Iji Pine. AW'aggregato of 17M40 aorea of the' grow elimination Ilea In the im mediate Ylclnlty of l4i Pine and Crea- cent. Thla Iwreag l coreretl wltH IodgeMle pine, a tinnier apaeiea which In IhW locality. e or low com mi.ri.iai valua Snmo of this land. however. Jiaa already bean nettled. The' proclse area that hna not been settled and that will bo open for entry or new homeateadera now Is bolng calculated nnd Ha nxnot loca tion will ho described ao that settlera will have it minimum of difficulty In locating It. An aggregate of 221.070 acrea. which also Include landa thnt have been settled and lands not settled. Is In the hill about Fort Rock Val ley and la covered with a sparse I growth of liinluer trees mid saxe I brush. Thla land waa recommended for elimination on account of the low value of the timber and the availability of othor National forest timber land nearby for community use for lumber and rue). C'liiinlflcttliiii Not J In ile. The lnnda have not boon finally classified by the Department of Agri culture ns to their agricultural char acter and value. The area, has a mean elevation of approximately 4200 foet and much of It Is well adapted to agricultural purposes. Tho soil over most of the surface Is of volcanic origin. FARMERS IKE DEFINITE PUNS FOR THE CREAMERY Meeting ANer Luncheon on Saturday Deride on Piojxcltloti to Ile rut I'p to The Cow Owner. Little more than "progre" waa reported on the creamery plan at the luncheon on Haturday, but at a far mer's meeting held afterward In the old Commercial club room atepa wore taken to formulate a definite plan to present to the ranchers. Accord ing to It the building of the croamery nnd aesqmbllng ot machinery will he paid ror by the business mon of Kend, aa offered by them. Tho cream ery organization will be In tho hands of the farmer who will take stock at the rate of one share for each cow owned. The par value of the ahares la nlanncul tn h flf flntlant. nf wblch one dollar will tie paid down and tho balance will be pawl ny tne ueoucuon of 10 pei cent monthly from, eaeh subscriber's cream check. The fund so established is to he used to repay the advances made by tne nusinees men ror imlliling tne piatu. i no xar mera will raanago the creamery. The plan waa adopted after a gen eral dlseuealon of Ha merits aa com pared with those or an alternative one by which the amount or oaoh far mer's stock was dependent on other things beside the number of cows he owned. At the luncheon preceding this meeting remarks were made by Dr. P. H. Dancer. J. A. Kaates. V. O. Waugh, and P. C. Garrison, all bear ing on the subject of corporation and Hie need or removing the antag onistic feeling said to exist between the farmers and the business mon. J. P. Koyee reported that the head of the dairy department nt Corrallls might come bore to give advice at a later meeting. Ho also pointed out one dimculty In starting a creamery thla year, In that the Laldlaw rarraora would not Join Just now bocnuso thoy had an oxcollent markot at homo In the Tumalo proJottwAainns, . . ,rn An unoxpectod number attended the luncheon which wna given at the Wright Hotel, nearly CO being pres ent. Tho luncheon noxt Saturday will bo at tho llend Hotel. MAHKKT FOIt POTATOES. Following tho luncheon next Sat urday a meeting of farmers will be held to eonalder a proposition Just received by Dr. Dancer Ior the Bale or one or woro ears or jiotatoea from this region. He haa been In com munication with a middle western buver and haa a ravorable proposi tion ror the consideration of the meeUog. It Is hoped that there will be a eood attendance to consider the proposition. HVILDIXO SMOKK HOl'SKS. O'Donnell Brothers are making an o.i.mtnn in ihnlr market nlant In the shape of two antoke house and a ren dering reotn. All tnreo are 10 ue 01 brick and will stand In the rear of .i. .!,. Imll.llnir (Inn iinnVfl bouse w ill tie for sailBAge and the other for smoked meat. Jack Tanay ia uomg the brick work. (ifff53 The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON U. C. CQE, Pre.ident S, A. SATHER, Vic- President C. S. HUDSON", Cashier Capital fully W Starnlu - -- The new Gurrency Bill is now a law. Panics are a thing of the past. Additional security and safety has been added to the banks of tho U. S., and therefore to the people. This is the greatest piece of construc tive legislation passed in fifty years. We cannot put its many provisions in writing for lack of space, but will be pleased to tell you personally of the many admirable features of this bill, which are for your further safety and welfare. Gall and talk to us about it. kip TK. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND . DIRECTORS U, C Cos E. A. Sathek c. S. Hudson o. M. Patterson II. c. Ellis PLAN NEW RO TO PROPOSED ROUTE IS 20 MILES SHORTER Line to Hun Part AVny Through Por est Watering Place Frequent And Xo Mountains to Oo Over Only One Had Spot in I toad Paopla i(i the Fart Hock country are working up plana for a new road to connect with Head whlah will save 20 miles over the present route. Ia Its current the Fort Rook Times ha this to aay on Uie subject: "The new road to Rend now being planned seems to be an assured thing. The people gonerally nro tak ing a great Interest In Hie proposi tion and Forest Suporvlsor Merritt of llend la being prevailed upon to build the port that runs Hi rough tho national foreat. "The line of tho proposed road, according to thoso who arc In a po sition to know, la a much eislcr grado than tho present road by way of La Pino and ia about 20 miles shorter. The old road baa two moun tains or button to go over, wbilo the proposed road haa none. It will bo an all upland road, on soli that will hold up when the spring thaws begin. Many nines or tne oiu roaji have what might be called no bottom to It for a month or more In tho spring. a "Wntnrlne nlaena nn thn nronosed road will be as frequent or moro ao . a a . a. a nr.i.- man oy mo present ronu. naior can be had at the homestead of G. W. Reels, eight mile north from Fort Roek. at the Ico Cava whleh the road ia proposed to pass and If the road goea through, C. L. Bvans. a rolaUve of Mr. Reels will drill a well on the north aide of the timber on his homestead lu tho Mllllcan Valley. From there to Rend wator can bo had at numerous place. "Tho road Is to run parallel to a number ot gulches thnt are aald to bo on tho north side of tho timber and nil run north and south, tho di rection of tho road. It will Join tho Hcnd-uurna roau, a wen iravoieu automobile road, about one mile cast nf thn nml nf lift run IttdCC. Accord- Irifftoetha.ltfat Information obtain able, the only bail spot on me roau la n atrntph nf lnrn rock, about a dis tance of 150 yards and that is pass able now witn an empty wagon. CARMODY ARRESTED AGAIN Dennis Carmody was arrested nro In nn Kundav In connection With Hie campaign against tho pool halls ana on orders rrom sueriK uukibs. taken to Prlnevllle and held over night He waa arraigned In the Jus tice court there Monday morning and after pleading "Not Guilty." to tho charge entered against him' was al lowed to go on his own rceognixanee. Whether or not the ease will go fur ther depends on the cecislon ho;may make aa to bringing a test case. The arrest ocourred In the aftor noon nnd waa based on the fact that his bowling alleys were being used, although not Ior pay. In tho morn ing he had been arrestod by Deputy Sheriff Fox for having hla place of business open, but allowed to go free on depositing ?50 with Mr. Fox aa ball. ftf.OOO 513,000 FORT ROCK i B. M. Larn B. Forroll, f DIIIECTOHS. F. 0. Minor,