The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 11, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    rAon 8.
npvp nvUiKTiN, rknd, our., wrdnksdav, march 11, ioi;i.
Huhjcct to He Oonslrici-cil nt Confer
ence lu Demer April l.
Announcement has boon mode of
n conference cnlled by secretary ot
Interior Lane to consider the subject
or irritation In tho arid west. The
mm. uniroent in full Is ns follows:
Secretary of tho lntorlur Lane
has cittleMl ft conference on tho gen
oral subject of Irrigation for the arid
west, to moot in Denver on tho Oth
ot April and has requested the nov
um ora of Arlsona. Callforuln, Colo
rado. Idaho, Montana, N'ernda, Utah,
Now Mexico, Oregon. South Dakota,
'Washington and Wyoming to sond
to Uila oonferanco Uioso who are In
terested In tho further extension of
Irrigation In tho wost. This confer
ence will be devoted ospeelally to
consideration of methods of co-oper-
ntlon between states and federal
government, building and mnnnglnt
of Irrigation projects and in consutcr-
ntlon ot ways and moans ot financing
nuoh work.
"Secretary Lane will be ronrosont
od by several members of his staff,
lnoludtng those most familiar with
Irrigation niattors, and invitations
havo alo Ween oxtonded to tho rop
rcscBtntlvea of financial Interests In
terested In tho flotation ot Irrigation
bonds and to tho representatives of
Carey act projects."
I,a ml Hoard tor Cnroy net
Projoot 0
State Bnglncor's OJllco:
Salary nnd expenses...? 10. 000. 00
UjdroRrnphlo maps ... 5,000.00
Desert Ijoml Hoard gra
nted to tako over Onroy
act work.
Stato Water Uoard ot
control crontod to take
over adjudication ot
water rights $4,000.00
State Bnglnoor's Otlldo . . 20,000.00
Stato .Bnglneor's salary
raised to $2,000 nnd cor
tatn fees collectod to bo
iHild Into n survey fund
and spont by htm .....
Statement Shows Amounts of Appro
priations Since 11)01.
Urging his proposition for
curtailment ot tho expenses ot
state In the administration ot Its
arid land and water laws Governor
"West has sent out a statement of the
cost of the administration of these
laws since 1909 when tho state ac
cented the provisions of the Carey
To make theee figures available to
any who are Interested In this sub
ject The Bulletin reprints a portion
of the statement herewith:
la 1100 tho State
laissed a law accepting
the provisions ot the Car
ey Act, providing for the
reclamation of our arid
lands and pin dag Its ad
ministration in the hands
of the State Land Hoard
Deing placed In the hands
ot the State Land Hoard,
no appropriation was ne
cessary. 1901-2 ! 0
1801-4 0
Appropriation for Land
Hoard for Caroy Aot Pro
joot 0
Ornee ot State Engineer
created, salary ot $2100
per annua.
Salary and expense .
Hydregraphlc maps . .
Total $49,000.00
Desert Land Hoard ....$ 8,000.00
State Water Hoard '..... 20.000.00
State Knglueer:
Standing rpproprintlon 10,000.00
Special surveys 13,800.00
Topographic and Hydro
graphic maps 48,000.00
Bend Grocery-
Buy your Groceries at Whole
sale Prices. 2 lots, .delivery horse
and wagon for sale. One block '
east of the depot.
$ 7S.S0O.O0
Total $100,S00.00
. llMiMI.
Dosort Land Hoard ....$ 10,000.00
State Water Hoard 40,000.00
State Knglneor's nfllco:
Standing appropriation 20,000.00
Special surveys 13,800.00
Top. and Hyd. maps . . . 48,000.00
Co-oporatlvo survey . . 1TI,000.00
Colllo Investigation .. 16,000.00
f f ? AIO.,91 VV V
. '"COw-
kicaij ustatk traxskkiis,
(IMicd by Crook County AbMrnct
Bend Park Co., to Bllzabatk Has
museen Ha 23-24, blk. 10E 1st Add
Hond Park, $300.
U. S. to Lemuel A. llrandonhurgh
patent WH SW 22 NW NV 27 NB
NB 2S-1C-1I.
W. M. Wilson to L. A. llranden-
bargh easement d 1 ae in SW SW
The Head Co., to Mrs. Jennie Nix
on It 9 ,blk. IS, Head 'Park Add,
The Head Co.. to Jennie Nixon It.
10. blk. IS, Park Add Head.
La Pine Townslte Co.. to La Pine
Com. Club.. It. G. blk 33 La Pine.
Bstato of John W. White, to R. V.
Polndexter SB NB. NB SB 33, SW
NW NW SW 34-17-12. $1000.
Newlon-Koller Co., to L. D. Wlest
It 1C, blk. S, Its. 3-7-S. blk. 9. Its.
S-7-S, blk. 10, Its. 1-2. blk. 22, Wles
torla. .
H. N. Laurie, to r.oo H. Schlatt
raan, It. 2. blk. 21, Culver. $180.
Nancy A. Hills to La Pine Town
site Co.. NE SB K-22-10.
Alfred A. Aya, to Hrank W. Tomes
It. 32. blk 34, Its. 21-22. blk 32, La
Pine S1000.
U. S. to Frank V. Swisher patent
Hond Park Co., to N. W. Duoll
It. 2, blk 70, Hend Park, $170.
U. S. .to Jessie Hurrls patent W14
SB 14-1C-10.
Jossle C. Hurrls to Amos A. Hur
rls, (baiuo) $610.
Kenwood Prom. Co., to P. Moo,
It, 15, blk. 14, Kenwood.
Hend Park Co., to Jos. P. Ryan Its
9-10, blk 66, Center Add. Hend, $100.
Hend Park Co., to A. Meshor, It.
R. blk. 27. Heml Park, $200.
Adit trnntferjt vhgKpJi)
Hend Co.. to J. W. Dlmlck It. Ill,
blk, 13 Park Add Hend.
J. W. Dlmlck to Nolllo V. J. Dlm
lck. It. IB, blk. 13, Park Add. Hend.
Scanlon Otpeon Lumber Co.. to
Hond Timber Co.. NV, SB 11; NVt
SW 12-17-10; SW 88-17: NVfc 8V4
H; NW 1-1S-10; S4 NK S-1S-11.
Hrooks-Robortson Lumber Co., to
Hond Timber Co.. SK 36-17-10.
R. V. Polndexter to S. R. J'nrbos
easement on Bfe NB of SB 33-17-12.
Hend Timber Co.. to ffeanlon-uln-son
Lumber Co.. SB NB. Wtt NB.
NB NW 1I-19-1-; SB 10; N 16-19-12.
Same to same Timber BVi WH.
SW NW, SW SB 6: Btt NW 7-1 S
12; BU NB 12-18-11.
Hend Park Co.. to J. K. Vrtta,
It. 22 blk. 109. 1st Add Hend Park
Hend Park Co.. to Alfred Wick, ll
22. blk 16, Hond Park, $160.
Same to Nolle l Taylor It. 7, blk
7, N. W. T. Co.'s 1st Add Hend.
So mo to Alexander Ot lyons It.
3. blk. 0, N. W. T. Co.'s 1st Add,
Imporlal Townslto Co., to W. N.
latnmlnger ot al, It. 1 blk. 11, Im
Wm. D. Krrrear to 86rllo H. Fry
rear. W NW, WM-SW 20-16-11.
Town pint SW SB 2S-17-12 Wlos
torla. by I.ovl D. Wlest.
Tbwn pint NW SB 31-17-12 "Ken
wood Hardens" by Hend Land &
Title Co.
(Continued from pugo one.)
Deputy Sheriff Van Allen heforo a
body of taxpayers, I take It that the
olllco Is not going to comply with nn,
order of tho court for Immudlnto no
tion on mild roll because he, Van
Allen, cluluiH thu office la over
worked. "I urn writing you If this order Is
not obeyed notlnu will bo ordered for
forfeiture of bond.
"Yours trul)'.
"(J. SPItlNflBR. .
"Prlnevlllo. Feb. 18. 1914. Judge."
Tho expert. Mr. Van Allen said,
had had the 1907 tax roll In his pos
session some 22 dnya and was nppnr
ontly mo nearer nil ond than over.
"Now that this thing has started."
ho said, "I want a full and complete
Investigation but I want one made by
a competent auditor who will know
what he Is doing."
Tho Mine position was taken by
other olllclals and finally the atten
tion of tho meeting waa railed to sec
tion 10 of chapter SSI ot the 1913
session laws, which reads ns follows:
"From and after-Mannary 1, 1914.
tho state Insurance commissioner
shall at least once each year make a
careful and accurate audit of the
books and accounts of each Institu
tion or oltleer, expending state
money, and of the booka ami no
count of each county of the state."
This section made It clear that an
audit of the county book by the In
surance commissioner waa due to
eomo and that money spent for any
other examination waa thrown away
and resolutions were adopted palling
on the county court to discharge
Bprlnger's "export" at once and re
quest the Insurance coinmlMloner to
make the audit. Judge M. B. Ilrlnk
was delegated to present tho resolu
tions to tlio court, and all trooped
up stairs to the court room.
What Happened lu Court,
llaro the fireworks began. Judge
Ilrlnk told of tho meeting that had
just ended and road to the court
tho ruHolutlnutt Unit had hcou adopt
ed, muting hy iinMiik Ihnt nil who
wore In fuvor of tho resolution to
say 'Ayo." Tho chorus thnt oniiio
showed tho feeling nt tho tnxiuiyurfl
nrenoiit nnd Hhownd Hprliiger that ho
lind dually run Into n snttu. He roue
lo reply, however, ami tried to sug
Host that tho resolutions were Intend
ed simply to end tho Inquiry Into
county nrfalrs, paying no attention
to thu liiHurniu'o cnmiulsHloner end of
them, llu also iinulo ruforonco to
the 1907 tux rolls and crltlqrlsnd
Deputy Van Allen for n hitler he hud
sent out to delluituoiits, Later the
imputy veiuimeiitiy aiiHworml that tlie
lottur rofurred to tho mntter of dou
ble assessments and domiiuded that
(he rolls be returned (o him by Hall he (Van Allen) might llutsh hi
0. P. Putnnm, unswerliig the
jildge'n Insinuation that the resolu
tions oi Intended to put nn end tn
tho audit of tho county books, de
nied thnt those who were In favor of
tho resolution favored the stoppage
ot the Investigation. They wanted
the Investigation1 cnrrlrd on, he said,
mid nil county olllces examined by the
Insurance commissioner as provided
by law.
Following thlH, Springer tried to
belittle the nrralr by saying only n fow
had answered "Aye," whereupon
Judge Ilrlnk called on his supporters
to rise, and nearly ovaryoue lu the
room got niton his feet. "Thai's
(julto n Utile handful, to bo sure."
said Judge Springer, "hut ns many
tast week otod to have Ilia expert
keep on."
"iei..i lir.mnli. tl,u lii,t'l u
voice cnlled out, and then several
voice cried. "Von did."
Hero Judge Hrluk iigalu called at
tention to thu words of the resolu
tion urging that the Inauraneo oom
iifrslouer bo nnked lo main the
Investigation nnd Hall be dlseharged
forthwith, and while he was still talk
ing Comtnlsatoner Haylny said: "I
mnko that motion." Coianrtssloner
llrnwn said: "I second It." and Ihe
motion waa pasted with Judge
Rprlnger still clawing the air.
The Meeting Springer Packed.
Kxartly how Kortnger packed the
house at the previous meeting of the
Court, when his friends stood behind
him In Muffing the eommlMloHsra In
to continuing the "expert", Is shown
by the following letter. It waa sent
out to senrea of voters In the north
end of the county.
Prlnevllle, Ore.. Peb. 3, 1114.
"Dear lr:
"At the request of the Conntv
Judge the Cmiuly Court employed
an expert to go over the tax rolls.
"The Sheriff after oMce hours at
night broke Into the Circuit Judge's
OHIre where the work was being done
and stole away the rolls and refutes
the expert the use nf them except by
piece meal, evidently endeavnrlngSo
prevent a thorough Investigation.
"I telegraphed the fact to Circuit
Judge llradshaw nnd he says he Is
powerless lo art In the matter, I
cnlled hla attention to the fact that
a very large sum, nearly $7,000 of
delinquent taxes Mere very suddenly
handed fn after thli work began.
"I am calling the Commissioner
together next Monday at I o'clock a
m. There will be a large nmnber nt
taxpayers lo nrgo (tin Comhtliitlotinrn
to Miami by mo nnd force nn Invent,
"If you npprnclnto my offoris In
behalf nf honesty nnd iiooiiomy, if
yon want lo iilop tho graft, come in
slid loll your nulKhhorH to do like
wise. "(Signed) 0. MPIUNUBIl."
Ileinl (Mogadon.
Tho Hend dohigntlui In attend
ance nt tho court liiuludod II. 0,
Bills, B. M. Thompson, llnlph Pnlu.
dexter. T. II. l'oloy, W. W. I'niilk.
tier, C. H. lludsou. II. Kerroll. P. 0,
(larrlson, 0. M. MoKny, II. V. Ksw.
yur, V, A. 1'orbos, Krituk May, 0. I.
Iloiell, Charles Brlckson nnd O. P,
(Continued from page one.)
and announced thnt $1000 hnd been
subscribed tuwnrd tho construction
of thu plant by business men of the
town. In addition, ho said, hn had
pledges from other that would bring
tho amount up lo about $1300. The
agreement of the eubsorlbers, ns ex
plained by J. P. Keyea. was to put
up this money and take mpaymeHt
from the farmers with Interest at 0
nr cent, whenever they were able to
tuku the stock over.
In a general discussion following
ways of Insuring a eouslHiit supply
of milk eri connMrirod and the stste
dairy laws as well as the pHtsllillltls
of Ihe adjacent counlrv lu the dairy
ing line, among the speaker Mug
It. M. MhiIIIi, (). C Cnrdwell. Dr. Car
roll and J. W. Hrown. '
It was dually decided that Dr.
Deucer's suggestion nf further Inves
tigation be adopted and the president
authorised to appoint n eommlttee of
live for this purpose. Following the
meeting tho committee wss appointed
as follows:
P. II. Dancer. J. P. ICeyaa. P. A
rCHl. P. II, Plnkstaff and W. 0.
It was voted lo hold the Iuhimh
Theme In attandanee oh atitrday
ware II. I'trrell. V. O. MlHor, John
Bteldl. A. II. Horn. V. C One. It C.
Colver. P. C. Oarrlton. l. M. Thomi
son. T. II. Foley, II. J. Orertarf. Kot
ert II. Oonld. B. M. Urn, (1. Bd Hose,
J. A. Kaatae. Hugh O Kane. II. C Bi
ll. P. II. linear. It. M. Smith. Cole
B. Smith. Torn Merchant. J. I. Kya.
B. M. Fosa. II. W. Skate, Julius Kort
man, II. K. Allett. C. I. Maanhelrner.
A. L. French. W. W. FaHlkner. H
II. Da Ariwtnd. M. 0. DanleUoa. O. V.
Dourer l'rge Atteuitenro,
The Ilnlletln has been asked v
Dr. DtNcer to urge oaperlally good
attendance by farmers at (be nxt
luncheon tn tie held Halardny at the
Wright Hotel. A meeting nf farmers
Is planned to follow the luncheon and
a large attendance Is desired.
It la poaslbln that at the luncheon
a representative ot the dairy depart
ment at Corvallls will be preeaat. A
request has been sent lo CnrmllU
for some one Informed on the snt-
ject of organising co-operative cream
eries and arrangements with farmers.
j5 ....................-.. -- ----------- --- H.M.........r.
pKV .... ---- - ... --- H...MIII -------.-
Complete Stock
Dry, R.ough aid
Maple and Fir
3 SB
For CSose-in Acreage
Let us show yew the property ?
conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment
Pine House and
Irrigation Spout,
Lath, Red Cedar
The Bend Company
- -.f--.... v 4fH
s i. '-