L: IlKNI) lIUUiKTIN, HUM), OltH., WIHtMCHDAV, MAIKTf If, ll I. PAH 7. I I U J POWELL BUTTE tlio a. W, Hityn homo Hittiirdity ut tumlliiK tlio ditnro In tliu uvniiliiK. Colllim V, KlldiiN, tlio I'rtnovlllo iiituchiint, iiu(!(iiiiiMiiloil by it triivnl Iiik ruiiiit)iiiitatvn ii( tliu u. H, Oroitni Hoimrnlor Co., woio visitors In this Huctlon Thurwlny, Tim iliinco kIvihi by A, llnyn Jfitliiidny nvonliiK provud to liu mi jnJoyiiblo nolKhborliood niTnlr for tlio 'Iiuku urowd In iitluiuliinro. Messta. Oho, llnvoii mill Harry Hpnor funilitli oil tlio iiiiimIo. vl Mr. K, A. IliiHHott mill fmnlly who linvn Itooii vlnltltiK horn tlio pant wk wiuil to lltidiuond Hiitiinliiy for H brlof vlull with Mm, lluwintt'H si, tor, Mr, lltmry Yihiiik aftur which they Ml Monday fur tholr homo In Hood Itlvur. Prod Drown cm inn hoinu Hunilny from Vanooiivflr, Waali., wlntru ho 1ms Immi worklim on tlio railroad for tliu punt two yoitra. .Mr. nml Mm. Wnltnr Koatttr inmlo h trip to Prlnavlllo KRttinlHy, rot urn Iiik timiiH Htinday. Air. ami Mm. Allen Wlllooxon nml tlntiislitor, Harriott, nml Mr. ami Mm. flmi. II. Hon, nml MIim Inn Hon, nml J. II. Dohorty warn kiihiIh at a llvo fonrnH illnnar Rlvon by IIhhvhm Will vnxon Hiindny. It In nultl that Ituovns vory aiieruaafully maintained his ri iitMilmi for Mplnnillil hospitality. It In undtirstnod that tharo In to b amtthtir rabbit ilrlvo out our way btfnr Ioiik, tln ilntu of which hn. wit batm ihmlilHil upon. (luy atearn haa tnkttn over tliu John Ithodw jiliono. I ho unhid lining uinvod to th Ronm' houso I'rlday. I.hIh aiiiyhotiKh, who linn boon worklim for (loo. I. Ilrnoio for tho I am iv, t months, linn koiiu to work f . Ilinry IWmil l. A. Iukhi was h vlaltnr at Piijia villa Htinday. Mr. toaiittra nml norm of Tillamook, who hnv lifMui horH slnno Thursday, lafl Monday for llwar Crook whom tltoy mny lioiwtwttad mimh land. 0. l. Cnrolln, tlio aiUHiwwful blddar far th Powoll llutta mnll carriers' job, stale It I hi IntHNtlon to pHt am b auto mnll nml paaMnnver r. via). This sound kimhI mid should Xm a big IihIii toward putting Hit on ib man fur Kwtns. K. X. Hull hM mntml tho C. M. Clark place for tb mason. ri:.vrn.i. powitu. nrrrie. (MfHilnl to The llullctln) CKNTItAI. I'OWKIJ, IIPTTIS. Mar. 10. Bvury body plowing In I hi sec Iton and tha watkor In Man. Mr. nnd Mm. Waleotl nml son, AI frd attended tho dnne at I lay no Saturday Hlieht. They report n olly VMtnrn nt tho T. II. I'umlny rnnch DMHrfny warn Mr. nnd Mm. C. H. Hummth of Moltnn, Wnnh., mid Air. ftohrl MeCoy nnd nlnlor, now nml dauta of TorrolHiiiMH, hut fnnnorly itoUhborn of tho 1'nmley family In ib uptnir OkmiOKnn country of AVnablHKton. Qutiti n fw of tho farraam of thin kiIoh nttoadmt tho J. K. (Imtinm mIo oh th third. ICarl Vflndom pur hai a vttry tlao roflatanal nog. Tow I'Hrahty will unlond n huneh of 0h porkom on tho. Itml markvt In a ftfw ftnyn. Mr. JmIIhm llurkliardt had the mlo fortuna to Imvo a fluo mara badly fwlro cut Alomlay nlbt. l-H)UV. ItpMlal to Tha Itond IlullotlH.) ' IAIDImWV, March Tho IMano Club waa ntortalMiHl Thunulay. ilarth B, by Mm. Iaa Mrnwn and Mm. IMnkaurf. Thirty or moro ladtaa on Jcyod tliu cordial hoMpllnllty of tho HOttwM, tho nf(rnoou IioIiik aiont In ' mwIhk nnd ohnttlnK nnd a rondliiK hy Aim. Hom. Dainty rofronhmontn worn forvod nt four-thirty, nflor ' whlh Mr. Ilrown took tho Jolly lond to town. Tho club will ho onlortnln od Mareh l'Jth. hy Mm. Hewitt nnd Mm. ItiNM, nt the home of Mm. How lit. Axel Hyo nrrlvoil hero rimmdny ntNht after a dollKhtrul trip to hli 'native land, nenwn the noa. He navn lie enjoyed overythliiK hut the rouah water nnd ananot tee why one poor fallow nliAiild bo exported to feed nil the Uali. hut he did hln hoot. Mm. Win. Ilrown la on the alrk lint. It la hoped alie will noon re ' oovar, Mm. Monk lert Momlny fnr Port land to receive madlenl treatment. ' Bbe wna accompanied hy her hua band. Mr. Jnokaon of the llnylov ranch ' I home from Ida vlall In California, fMllnv mu ah Improved In health. . "THIS PIANO ChUII." I.Uten, yu pooplo nnd you shall henr Of n Jolly oliih forinwl Jimt thin year. Compound of ladloa, nlwut two ' nooro, A llvellor Imnoh ne'or mot hoforo. MflOtlnK nt loiiat twlco ovory month With howIiik, ohnttlnK und a dandy liinoh. i All for tho price of Junt ton cantn. llnrrlng from nil tho Mm, the Kenta. Uoinetlinoe iwich ouu tolla it funny yarn aomotlmoB "ronl fnotH" thoy'ro tmro to loarn. ' UmiiIIiikr mid roiikb 1111 In tho apnea Ah hiiiIIhs nppnnr on ovary fnoo. lloomiHO tholr nlm la truly high To pay for tho ohuroh plnno, Hro thlH yonr rolla hy. Thuy moot next tlmo itt tho Howltt homo, Rn all yo ladloa ho auro nnd como, Thoro'll ho n kooiI tluiQ, In Irlah Rtylo, , Bo wimr boiiio groan and n happy Hinlln. Mm. Hanson nnd nmnll nnn nro ' vlnltliiK nt tho homo of Mm. Hnneon'a linrants, Mr. and Mm. Pnlntor. Ooo. It. Itynn, tlmokoouar on tho Tumnlo Projoot lant yonr, hna return od to I.nldlaw nnd will roauino work nt otto of tlio onmpa. h PINK. fHprotnl to Tho Ilond llullotln.l LA PINW, March 0. Mr. nnd Mra. M. Enton woro In from tholr homo- Refinishing Marred, Furniture I Sjw Shabby, scratched pieces of furniture that are unsightly and a discredit to your home can be made to look bright and new at slight ex pense and you can do it yourself. ACME QUALITY VARNO-LAG stains and varnishes at one operation, giving to all kinds of surfaces the elegant effect and dur wujflBnnjBHPPBRTT? Bend Hardware Company Ktofld lat Wednesday and rolurned Thumday, - P. II. Ileal wna tranaacthiK liualiioa In town laat Holiday. Nell Hly and family ware aurprlted laat Saturday nlKht by n number of tholr friend. DruoIiik waa IndulKm' In until n Into hour and a nice lunch Waa nerved at mldiilKht. Aim. I.lulo IS. Itojtue went to Prlnovllle Inat Kunday. Ned Alllter haa taken Ivan Bbultt'e place, drlvlnx stag btwean here and hirt Itiwk. John HoRue made n Imalneaa trip Send for This Catalog We know you tn tire montjr mj grt btf terdt by (riling In illicit touch with )m Utdmg kc1 Iioum. CtnrtfnJrtt lailml TbiChw.ll.tJllyCo.MtlU Don't Piaster BISHOPRIC Snvou Monoy Glvoa Bottor Rosults btlr thn old liinioneu ml.Dlittar" coil am Iniuml oprloWsllUoard. Em to apply Thottiandi of homo liulldrri, eirpenlrri and oontrtrlora nro avlnu tlmo and inonrr by uitnif "lllihoprlo" (or Interior of now houiai. (or bulldlna partitions and tlnlthloif up sttlo or baicmeat roomi, Tlio Will Hoard cornea In atiects t feet quare. ready to nail to atuddlnir. No toola , but aaw and liainrnvr naedad. f ln nn itrv. ' No intiit. Htaya atltf-can't warp. Makea a I tninoiu, lanuary wan, ready ror paint, paper, aUoinlna or hurlaii ai aoon aa appllud. kalioi Wrllo (or Free tiamp '10. Tor New Houaea or Rtmodallmr Uso at a i m " 5 i7a zi j CANT CRACK. BUCKLV.PIIt LI . . Artlatlo anil Sanitary 1 niihpprUwairUoardja a combination of Kiln-" dried lalh and heavvflbra hoard. I thiamin.. bedded In hot Aiplialt-Miitfo under enormoua 1 preaiure. inooniy wauuoira iiureneaoy lath lireiiura wo uwn iua paienu. trpourataUr don't kanilUMurlttui dlnel, Dialtrtwanttd arvu'Atra. Itrlflouay for Deo. aitWKU uuuaa i-uAtsa ana lamjiit, ah riUkli, Central Door & Lumber Co. Ikiand Miottictaiin 189 ClUanSI. PORTLAND, OREGON AUo aliuulactumi ol Vliboprlc litest Ootid Uttir Ilia aunt Uu ai tall liit tun. v. szy' t Beautiful Walls j'jf and Ceilings I I C '.l.'ULBI ;sss , rsii'i a iii,f"iifc. IS EASY AND INEXPENSIVE able, lustrous surface of beautifully finished oak, mahogany, walnut or other expensive woods. Call for color card. to Port Hock tho laat of tho week, returning Monday. Air. and Aim. John Donahue ro turned from. Portland Inat Thursday whero thoy had been caltod hy the auilden denth of Mr. Donahue's nleee. Air. nnd Aim. John Knbrhikle woro tranaactlnR buelneea In town last Sat urday. Mr. nml Aim. I'loyd Mpplncott nro vlaltliiK the latter'a parents at Fort Itock. C.vt your ttl I liiintlnc nml flh Inn llronooa by ninklni: nppllcntlon nt Tlio llullctln otllif. Adv. XOTICK I'OK PL'HMCATIO.V. Doiutrtment of the Interior, V, B. ltnd Olllce hi The Dalle, OreKmi .March -'. 19H. Notlco la hereby gtvon that Jay L. Nichols of I.nldlaw, Oregon, who, on 1-Vhrunry 111, 19011, made IiomoeteAd on try No. 01644, for HKViNKVi, NE V SIC V, . See. 21. nod SV H NW V . NVH8Wt, c. SI, townahlp 10 aouth, rmiRi) 1 1 oast, Wlllnmetto Ale rldlan. haa tiled notice of Intention to make final llvo year proof, to etab IIhIi claim to tho land above described before II. C. ICIIIr, U. S. Coniintwilon or, at Hond. Oregon, on the 20th day or April, 1014. Clalmnnt namea as wltnea'e I'rctl N. Wnllnco, It. II. llayloy, John II. Wlmer, J. II. Nlchola nnd C. 13. Nnchola, all of Ijtldlnw, Oroaon II. KUANK WOODCOCK, 1-Ro HeKlBter. Vienna Cafe REOPEN Wo are now located In the Ottclll Uulldlnc next to the Hllto Studio, (lood ntenls norvcd. Dread nnd nil kinds of pastry for sale. ,.,. ROOMS AND HOARD.... MACHINE SHOP Wo are equipped to do anything In the machine Hue, having Installed new machinery with which we can handle any kind of Job. Automobile Repairing n specialty Doyarmond Machine Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave,. Heiul, Ore. . 0 MAKKKT IU5POUT. NORTH PORTLAND, Alarch 7. Roeolpta for the wcok have been: Cattle 20C2. calvoa 2C, Iiokb G386, ahoop 401C. Cattlo run Monday was tho IdrKeat In the history of the yards, 2700 head being recolved. Prleea oased off but almost regained their farmer level Tuesday. Tho re ceipts the latter part of the week were light. Heat steers sailing throughout the week at $7.65 and remain ateady at this price. Swine liquidation waa also large, choice light stuff closing at slightly leva than last week. Toiw dropped to $8.50 and JS.bO .Monday In bulk with three loads at $S.70. Week's range averaged $8. CO which Is about ton conta under February level. Shcop house activity was limited hy u short run and tho trade nbeorln od ovorythlng In sight greedily. Roth wool and sheared stuff was offering with prlmo fat wool Iambs soiling Is It Done Right? If It ta, tet well enough alone, tlut un leas It la up to the mark In ovary detail coma and e ua. uOV FRICnS, DETTER SBRVICE Bend Steam Laundry. Put Your Uuds In Our Suds" Tnaoc Manna DCaiQNS COPVBIQHTS AO. Anyone tending a aaeleh and dttcrlpllnii mar qui lilicnlloa It pruliablr palanlahla, roninmnlrit. uirair MlYriniii our upiiiiou ( wuv Ir lucarmiu our ohiiiimi tree oneiner an lloiiiatrlctlT rlctWrouilUeiillaL IIAK m. (iliWit aancr for a, rnnuiueiiiiai. i(Aruouua oui'Aienia l.ldit aiianpv fir acurlnir lutaiila. rmenia taken tbrouirh luiin : l Mi rUlml. nlthoutctiane, lutho aula lakan throuirh alunll A Scicniific Etiicrlcdi!. A handiomoir lltntlralad weeilr. Ijirsot fir. rmlll "t uar loniiuo urinil. Tvrn a. tl a renr. I luriuoiiiua.ll. BulU byull newaUeultira. MUNN&CoNewYqrk Urauctt 0alc, Ci5 Y PU WMtitutuu, 1. 0, (who "l "f? M a does ( x8msj$L tlaWMf OVCR os YEARS' around $0.80, wothom $5.7C, yonrl Ings $0.00 nml owes $S. A differen tial of B0 conta was tnado for ahoar od stuff. Sheep fnnrkot has ft do cldodly upward trend. NOTICK J'OR I'irilfilCMTIO.V. Dopnrtmont of tho Interior, V. 8. Land OHlco at Tho Dallos, Kohru- nry 27, I0H. Notice Is heroby given that Allnnlo C. U)w, of Deschutes, Oregon, who, on .March 11, 1009, inado homestead entry No. 04034, for BW4 NW, doe. 27. And on Decoinhor 11, 1009, made nddttlftnnl homestond entry, No. 0BC37, for 8 NK4 and NV NKH, Section 28, Township 10, South, Range 12 oast, Wlllnmetto Meridian, has filed notlco of Intontlon to tnnko final five year proof, to es tablished claim to the land above de scribed, hoforo II, C. Kills, V. H. Com missioner, at Ilond, Oregon, on the 15th tiny of April 1914. Claimant names ns witnesses: Goo. FOR FAMILY USE OUR PURB JERSEY MILK AND CREAM IS IJBST. Clover Leaf Dairy P. W. STAATS, Prop. ALTAMONT HOTEL I Modern lUxim $ Attractive Surroundings $ Htontn Ileal, Hot nml Cold J Water With Ihttli Privilege llrcnkfafits Kcned J Alius A. I). Hjinldlng, Proprietor J IIKXII, OIIKGO.V J The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It N n fireproof building It la thoroughly modern ' " It Is comfortable, commodious, clean DOOMS FHOM SO CKXTS UP AIIUUS KHOAI 23 CKNTS UP The wants of nil tire satisfied well nt TIIH WRIGHT IIOTKfj THE WRIGHT H0TEL Central Oregon's Leading Insurance, Agency Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass, Automobile, Surety Bonds REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property f PO K I a IX)TS $130 T0 833 " J IvV IX. Le-XJL Terms: 93. cash and $3, tnonthlr J. A. EASTES Ofllco on 11KX1), Headquarters for Commercial Men Ulectrlc Lighted Throughout THE BEND HOTEL HUGH O'KANE. MANAQSR BEND, OREGON (lood Rooms Free bus to and from trains I Pilot Butte Hotel 1 . . tc j. f. iauuakIi I'roprieior, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatment Reasonable Rates, Free Auto Service to Trains. Dining Room Service the Uest In Uend. Headquarters for auto lines to all : points south and southeast. ?' ' 444)i ONE CENT A WOUD-is all It. Ilutts, Uoorgo llolton, Lemuel A. Ilrnndonluirgh, all of Desohutes, Ore gon, Clinrlos R, Lowe of Ilond, Ore gon. W. FRANK WOODCOCK, l-6c . Register. 'SYNOPSIS OY TIIE ANNUAL STATEMKN Maryland Motor Car Ins. Co. of Wllifllnitnn, In the Slate of Deleware, an the Stat day of Deeember, 1WI3, rnaSe 14 the Iniuranee Cnmlnlmr of the Stat of Orecn, purauatit Is law: CaiHtal. Amount of capital ateelc paid up.MO.0OO.OO Inrnmr. Net premluma rld during Uio yaf .UI.91S.00 Intareet, dlrMefida ami ranla ra- eir4 durlaa- ta rT 13,8MJ lni tnm athtr avtireea re. eatred durlnf ttn rear 4I1.ST Total lnm m,J!S.M l)lbormrnla. Bat leu.a pM duttflc tk ftT..t 49.tM.OJ IrldaiMe peW durtaf tk yaaren ,. eapttal atek ,. 1J.0OO.W Commlailma and aalarln paM .,,, durliia IM lr 4S.J74.TI Taaaa. tUeM and faa patd dur- Id tk lt 8,420.08 Amvuftt of all other ieodltura. 4MS8.4! Total eipeadltura '. 410J.M1M Aaata. Valuo of atelie and kooda onel tmarkat alu) jf'ST'tt Oak Hi kanka and n hartd 1J.MI.7.I Pramlama la eaMirie of f4letla wrlttea atooo Seplantir SO, . iota sMJa-w Intareit 4 reota due and ae- eru.J .1W.4 Total ataeta iUMtl.Tu Tertal auata adraltled In Ortao..lll,sll.JO I.UI.IIIIIra. Oroaa eUlma for laaa uapaM... 1S.039.IS Amount of ua-erfwd pfeeatana on all ouUtandloa- Make 11,0113 Duo for eaunmlMloa and kroker- ...... ace T.2IT.41 All other llaWlltUa B.a. Total llabllltleo neluahre f capital atk of JSW.WW I W.013JT Total premluma In fare Ieero- ... Mr Si, 191J Ha.J505J Uuilnna In Orraoa for tba Yrmr. Total rlaka written durlna he rttr SI.1Z3.40 Oroee preoihtnui reeelred durln the year 1.193.04 I'r.mlume returned durlof tho yaar . iTa.i Unu paid durlaa- tk year S,M Iaita Inurrel durlnc Ike year.. SJS Total aniouot of rlaka eutatand- Inr In Oreson December 3J, ltl I 4JSJOW JLVUVUVNI) MOTOH CAH INHUKAJfCK By C D. HEEVIW. Beeretary. Statutory aooeral agent and attorney for terrtee. J U Harunan. Portland. Or. llartmas -Tkonpeon, Stale Areata. remand. . . J. A. IvASTKS, District Agent, IIH.VD -, Oregon Street : - : ORHGOX Special Attention to Transient Travel Qood Meals f All arrangements made for persons f desiring to go south and east of hero f . i a little want ad will cost you. i )