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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1914)
iav a. BEND BULLETIN, BEND, ORE., WEDNERDAY, MAItCH 11, 1014, c liiH BbINU (Uublltlied Every Wednesday) GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM Editor and Publisher. RORERT V. SAWYER Aeioclato Editor. An Independent newspaper stand ing f9r tho squnro dent, clean bust ness, clean ikjIUIcb nnd tho best in terests of Bend and Ceutrnl Oregon. una year. $1.50 Blx months 80 Thrco mouths .50 13ULL.BT1N nnd no leswves full credit for It. Fur- mui, uiu imill iiu umiiiira iui w.u distribution of Its expenditures ap pears to plcnso nil sections pretty well. Tho money nnd tho Improvements will bo wolcomed. Probably they would hnvo como auywny. Perhaps they wcro assured eamo timo npo. nut that Is no reason why tho auth orization of such largo expenditures should not nppenr In tho court rec ords, and such authorliatlon. and final clinching nssurnuco of tho monoy, is what tho people hnvo desired. All subscriptions are duo and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration aro mailed subscribers and If renewal is not niado within reason able tlmo tho paper will bo discon tinued. Ploaso notify us promptly of any change of address, or of tatluro to re ceive the paper regularly, utnorwise wo will not bo responsible for copies missed. Make all checks and orders pay able to Bend Bulletin. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1914. WHY DID SPRINGER OBJECT. Considerable criticism of The Bul letin ban been voiced In tho past year becauso of tho stand it has taken against Judge Guyon Springer. For this stand Tho Bulletin has no apol ogy to make. No malice has actuat ed It and no hopo of favor from other sources has urged It on. It has seen In the man nt the head of Crook county affairs a vanity and Incompe tence mat nave produced friction and Inefficiency as well as wasteful ness nnd extravagance and It has folt It necessary to point out to tho tax payers and voters of the county what it saw. To all who would still crit icise, Tho Bulletin recommends a careful study of tho following facts. Last December Judge Springer hired A. McE. Ball to "expert" tho books of tho county and since then Mr. Ball has been intermittently In Prlnevllle and at work on tho books. Early In February he made a report on a number of the county officers In which It was plain that he had tried to show his worth by going down tho line with criticism for every officer he touched. For tho most part he sought to fortify his criticism by citations from tho statutes of Ore gen that only served to show his un fitness for the work he was doing. His complete lack of understanding of the situation and needs of Crook county was indicated in his comment on the high school agriculturists, "Wo do not believe your county has reached a stage of advancement when this department should bo maintain ed." For what has been done to date in this direction the county Is out not less than $1200. If hostilo minds aro now saying that In the preceding we are offering conclusions as facts we ask that they bear In mind the two undoubt ed facts, that Springer hired Ball and the cost has been high. Then wn ask them to observe this fact that the last session of tho legislature provided that the sate in surance commissioner should annu ally make an audit of the books of each county at the expense of the county, and this that when the tax payers sought to put an end to the expenso connectea wltb Hall's em ployment and to substitute for him the Insurance commissioner Springer fought them. These are Incontrovertible facts. What does their study suggest? Tin Insurance commissioner must make an audit of the county books some time this year. The law so provides and officials to be Investigated have demanded it. Why did Springer try to postpone the Investigation by the state official? He denies that poll tics bad anything to do with the em ployment of Ball. Why did he fight to retain him? Springer has made professions of economy. Is it econ omy to pay for work that must be duplicated? Whj did not Springer seek out the Insurance commissioner in the first place? Is he Ignorant of the statutes of Oregon? Those who would defend the coun ty judge in this matter are In a dif ficult position. He has wasted the county money in the unnecessary em ployment of an accountant, be has sought to continue tho employment and Increase tho waste, he has sought to prevent the employment of the state official by whom tho work should properly be done, and be has fought against an Investigation of all the county offices. Why has he done these things? TO A REAL ESTATE AGENT. Tho following paragraph Is quot ed from n letter recently received by Tho Bulletin. "I would llko to ask you for a lit tle Information. When I was In Bend a year and a halt ago I (ook up some, matters In a business wny with tho firm known as . I have heard nothing from them for a long while and fall to ndto their card or advertisement In the paper. May 1 ask whothcr they aro still in business or not? I am desirous of keeptng In touch with some ono In that section who Is making a business of looking out for the development of the lumber business. "1 would greatly appreciate hear ing from you regarding this matter and If the firm mentioned is not now doing business, kindly refer me to a good reltablo firm Interested in tho handling of tho timber proposition. ' On this eleventh birthday of Tho Bulletin It ts necessary to record Its loss of one who has contributed greatly to Its success. U. N. Hoff man, who has been managing editor for nearly thrco years, has left the paper and will leave Bend. His abil ity and painstaking loyalty to Tho Bulletin and to tho town aro recog nized, and havo been of very mater ial old In tho development of both. His departure from this office Is a matter of sincere regret to thoso who have worked with him, nnd who wish him well In whatever fresh fields he seeks. L. II. McMahan of Salem Is think ing of running for the Progressive nomination for Governor. Ho prob ably wants another turn at tho Tum olo low through tho recall of Judic ial decisions. Although wool no longer enjoys boncflts of a protective tariff, It Is selling at a higher price than that ol. talned last year. So la Prasldout Wil son Justified. li man v club roses. The Ladles Library Club havo several hundred cholco rose bushes which they aro now offoring tor sale. There are eight varieties, two yoars old. cverbloomlng roses, grown at an altitude similar to Bend and are ex ceptionally strong nnd hardy. They are selected with great caro and will bloom this year. Tho entlro pro ceeds from tho sale of theso roses go to tho library fund. The prlco Is 25 cents per bush, and roses can bo had at any tlmo by calling at Mrs. C. S. Hudson's. When Springer's "export" Ball was combing the statutes of Oregon to find something to quote against oth er officials showing their extrava gance and disregard of the law he roust .have come across Chapter 28C with its provision for an audit by the Insurance commissioner. Why did he not call Springer's attention to It nnd point out the wastefulness of paying blm for the work that must be done again by the state official? Ho criticised everyone else for spend ing a little more than be thought the statutes allowed. Why no criticism of Springer for incurring the expense of a double audit? Why? BETTER ROADS. About that road mutter again. The figures given by Tho Bulletin, show ing expenditures for roads In differ ent districts, simply concerned last year. Wo are awnre that many sub stantial Improvements were niado In many districts in previous seasons on both sides of the county. For in stance,.tho Bear Creek road received attention under the Ellls-Bayley re gime. , It la; now pledged that the west portion of the county Is to get $27. 800. That is almost entirely due to tbo effort of Commissioner Bayley, PROTESTS AGAINST FRANCHISE. To The Editor: - An application Is beforo the City Council for a franchise to furnish electric light and power to the citi zens of Bend In competition with tho present company. I think the grant ing of another franchise at this time would be an Injustice to the present company, and would be against the best Interests of Bend, for the fol lowing reasons: The owners of the Bend Water Light & Power Company have been Interested In this city Jut llttlo over a year, and In that time they have expended over $50,000 In Improve ments In tho power plant, with the result that Bend has the .test power equipment In tbo United Sates, size considered, so that when strangers come hero It is pointed out as an un answerable argument that big people have faith In tho future of Bend. No more effective way could be de vised to drive capital from Bend than to destroy the value of the Investor's property before they have bad a chance to even begin to get a return on their investment, as would bo the case should a franchise be granted a competing utility In a town as small as Bend. While wo do not admit that our rates are in. any way excessive. It Is not necessary to take our word for It. Oregon has a Public Utilities Com mission whose business It is to pro tect the public against excessive charges by public service corpora tions. It has been stated that com "titlon Is rod in anv business, but the furnishing of light and power ts not a business in the accepted sense of tho term. It Is simply sell ing service, and I think that any thinking person will agree that it would be foolish to pay two servants if one can be made to do tho work. Competition In the light and power business in a tofrn the size of Bend would be a losing proposition for everyone concerned. Splitting th business In a small town means that both companies lose money, and aftor they have exhaustod themselves finan cially In useless competition It usu ally ends by one company getting control of the other and the public would be paying two servants and getting the service of but one. What Bend needs is no duplication of public utilities, but new enter prises. For Instance, If a new gro cery or other store should como to town, under present conditions, It would not help the town it would simply take business from the other stores who already have ll'tlr enough. But If a factory came to town, even It It employed only two men, something would be gained. Bend is a progressive town, and when anyone comes forward with a proposition that requires money to encourage capital to locato here, al most every man will dig down Into his pooket to help. Why, then should tbo city, ns represented by the Coun cil, destroy the confidence of the capital already Invested by granting a new franchise, particularly when it Is shown that nothing can lib gained tor tho city, If tho applicants for tho franchise nro sincere and really aro able and moan to compote for tho business? It this company was not progres siva and did not take aiuplp caro of tho enlarging needs of tho town, or even gnvo poor sorvlco, thcro might bo a question; but such ts not tho case. . For tho Information of anyone who docn not understand tho functions of tho Stato Public Utilities Commis sion, I would say that If nt any tlmo tho mombers of tho council or private citizens wish to know whether they nro bolug ovor-chorged, tho on ly action nocoBsnry Is an application to tho Commission for an Investiga tion nnd n revision of tho rates. Whllo tho Commission can compel lower rates, It also, in soma Instances raises rates, it It Is found they nro lower than will allow a fair return on tho Investment. A reason for this Is that tho so-called power trust can como Into n town nnd rIyo rates so low that they can drive a weaker lo enl conumnv out of business, nhd when that is accomplished tho rates' aro raised again. Tbo object or tho Commission ts to protect both tho public nnd tho companies. Thcro nro hundreds or instances in mo Norm writ where speculators havo applied for franchises anil nut In a rattle trap plant to harass tho existing company I into buying mom ou:. For tho Information of the public I will sny that ours Is ono of tho tow Independent power companies In tho West. Even In tho Deschutes and Crooked River valleys every town, with tho oxcoptlon of Bond, Is paying tribute to tho so-called trust. No doubt It gives tho trust great satis faction to look on whllo two local companies scrap, becauso In tho end tho trust will got thorn both nnd Bend would became but a small cog In tho big power trust wheel. In conclusion I might sny that per sonally nnd privately, as n citizen of Bend, I honestly bollovo that tho as sociation of tho men behind tho Bend Water Light & Power Company with Bend ts ono of tho best things that over happened to tho town. I only ask for thorn tho snmo fair treatment that wo havo always tried to glvo, and are always willing to glvo. They can succeed only If Bond succeeds. Very truly yours. T. H. FOLEY. Bond, March 11, 1914. h3 ttw v it YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND OUlt OPENINO AND IHHI'liAY OK PATTERN HATH .MARCH 1U AND III ORIGINAL MODEI.H AND COPIHH , FROM OUR WORK 1IOOMH WILL PMCAHIC YOU. NEW (IOOD.4 ARRIVING .y MltH, K, li, MclNTOHII ,v fc i koslMlh&VkTMXMUJiinrtXm OREGON TRUNK TRAIN Arrives 8 a. ni, Leaves 8:30 p.m. O.-W. II. N. TRAIN. Arrives 7:45 p. m. -- Leaves 7:25 n. m. STAGE LINE MOUTH. Arrives .7:30 p. m. -t- Leaves 10 a. m. - AUTO LINES. - Cars dally to Burns and points south nnd southeast. POSTOITICE HOURS. - General delivery open dally 10 a. m. to 0 p. m. General delivery open Sunday 10 to 10:30 a. in. Night train mall closes 7 p. m, -- Day train mall close 0:30 n. in. TELEGRAPH HOURS. Western Union dally 7-12, 1-J, 7-10. Sunday 8-10. 4-0. TELEPHONE HOURS. - Pioneer Co. dnlly 7 n. m.-9 p. tn. Sunday 8-12 nnd 6-8. -- MoKAY (!KTS MORK GAME. Clyde McKay returned from Port land this morning, after attending a meeting of tho Orogon Forest Fire Association, of which ho is a trustee. Mr. McKay reports that ho has secur ed from the state game authorities a shipment of Hungarian partridge and pheasants, which will be In noxt week. NOTICE. Tho attention of alt owners of poultry is called to City Ordinance No. 34, providing that fowls shall not be allowed to run at largo In the city. All such owners nro wnrncd to keep their poultry yarded. S. E. ROBERTS, 1.2c Chief of Police. KKPORT OH THK CONDITION OH The Deschutes State Bank No, t. tDoJ,lnlhUtrSf Ofrn. t the cl ol KKSOUKCKS ' Iani ami dltCTwnU... . ...... -W.79' J OittrfrafU. urtd Bd unttunc... 41 4 Bond. and Warrant.-- -. W POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR RENT Oood 4 roam house and aero lot ono block from dopot. Excellent chanco for gardening. In qulro Ed Brosterhous. FOR RENT Thrco room liouso, partly furnished, $8 a month, Park Addition. G. W. Shrlnor, ltfc FOR SALE Full blooded Ilboilo Island Red hens, Inquire nt Wrlitht Hotel. ltfc WANTED. High school girl not under 15 wanted to work for board. Good treatment for neat work. Inquire at Bulletin. 51tf TO TRADE OR EXCHANGE. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. I hereby announce myself as a oandldnte for the Republican nomi nation for county surveyor, subject to tho approval of the Republican voters at tho primary to be held on May 15. 1-10 Adv. R. L. HRRW8TKR. Furniture na rutsrw. ... - ay 74 ic from appre rtnre !... . ' ii i J.040 4J li. I.. from DDratrd rrxnre tank...... Chrtk. and other ah Herat... Ciith oo hnd.....v...- -HipenK ....... . - Total ....fc . UAIIIUTIHH Capital ttock pld la lljoooo Undl.Mcd moU ........- 4 71 Due to Uioli ol tnkt -..... 4 J- Id.IItUiuI depmltt tultct to chk 7.6 7 Time CeruftaUM of UioIU. jjjooo -tiojAl i Total ...... ........ STATK OF OS BOON, I County 01 croot. I. .... . . I. O. M. Lire, CiuhltT of the' sbore-otmed bank, dotoltianly twetr that the lre atatc. ment It true to (he ' r.,n,?'" tT nd btllrf. It M. tAKA.CttliUr. Hub.ciltxd and tworn to before me llilt leth day of March, If 14. ... Notary I'uMlc Correct Atttttt B. FKMKLL. F O. Mixoi. btrtctora. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE aeNCRAL orncca NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I bog to announco myself ns a can didate to succeed myself ns county treasurer, subject to tho approval of tho Republican voters of Crook coun ty nt tho primary election on Moy 1ft. 1-10 Adv. it. I. JUHUA.N. TO TRADE Ono or two cltyresl ilonco lots. Good location. Will trade for anything. Write P. O. Box 55. 50tf TO EXCHANGE 40 acres one mllo from Itcdmuiid. All oleared. Good 4 room house, bnrn. Will trade for Bond city property, Inquire A, Bulletin. 40tf To TRADE For team or hones lot nnd cabin or lots, 3Vi blocks from First National Hank. Inqulro Bulletin. 4ttf FOR HA I.E. FOR COUNTY cdHRK. To tho Voters of Crook County: I hereby announce myself ns a can didate to suce'ed myscir to trio omco of county clerk, subject to tho appro val of tho Democratic voters of Crook couuty at tho primiry oiertlon to bo hold May 16. 1-10 Adv. WARRE. DHOW N. Classified Advertising AtlvrrtltcnentM Inserted under this Iiendlnir at the ruto of ONE CENT A WORD each Insertion. Cosh mutt accompany nil order from persons not having n regular account with Tho Hulletln. No mlverlUement Ink for less than 13 rent each insertion. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Small houso partly furnished, $5 a month; also tent houso adjoining. Near depot. In quire at BulletliT. 40tf FOR RENT Offlces on Wall stroet very cheap. Apply Bulletin OlTico. FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo catcd. Electric lights nnd water. Sultabla for housekeeping. Choap, Apply Bulletin OfTlco. FOR RENT Largo store, modorn front Good location. Apply to F. O. Minor, Deschutes Bank. 27tf FOR SALE Two good cook stoves No. S. W. II. l.esh, lot D, blk IB, Center Addition. 63tf FOR SALE Light team, wagon and harness for $185, A, II. Oertcon. Bond. lit WANTED A woman to do family washing. Sot tubs. Apply nt Bul letin olllco. 1 FOR 8ALK Living room nnd bod room furniture. U. F. Ureeno, Lnra houso. ltfc FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs for setting, $1.35 for 13. Leave or ders at fiather's store. 1 tfc FOR SALE Absolutely A "No. 1 team. Weight about 2000. Good har ness and new Bayna wagon, A. II. Uertson, Bend. Itf FOR SALE Cholco eggs for hatching. Puro bred whllo Leghorn Wycoff strnln, excellent layers. Leave orders now at Thompson's Furniture store, 63tfc FOR SALE Good pigs nnd shoots 8V4 cents per lb. at the farm or de livered In Bond. A. O. Walker, Alfalfa, Oro 53-lc FOR SALE A first class Incuba tor, $0.00 140 egg capacity, Mrs. Klmbroll. Lytic Addition. lc FOR SALE Doublo cinch saddle. Prlco reasonable. Inqulro at Bulle tin, life FOR SALE 00 head of Durham and Hereford cow and calves, Inqulro at Bulletin office. 52-63p FOR SALE Ono good Jersey cow, fresh within a month, third calf. A good milk cow. A G. Coo. ltfc FOR HALE Lots 12 nnd 13, block 5, Wtestorla addition, Bond. Mnko offer for cash. Mrs, William Woods, Windsor Apartments, Seattle, Wash Ington, lc FOR BALE Timothy nnd clover hay, G miles northeast of Bond on Prlnovlllo road. S. A. Dutt. ltfc FOR SALE-Sottlngs of full blood ed Barred Rock eggs. $1 a setting. R. Bartlott, at Metropolitan, 62tf FOR BALE Team of mares, liar noss and wagon. Address W. N. Ray, Laldlaw, Oro. 52tf FOR SALE Rhodo Island Red eggs for hatching, $1 a sotting, Mrs. Rohort Webb. 62-1 FOR SALE Jerusalem artichoke soed at 2 cents a pound, P. H, Don cor It. F. D, No. 1. 62-lc FOR BALE Ton full bloodeil Lf g horn laying hens. Bend Grocery. 52tf FOR HALE Improvad Inconiti paying lot, 50 x 140, 50, Call or address Bond Grocery. 52lf FOR BALE Hamilton organ, IV octavo, good condition. Will sell cheap . Also, range, davenport, bonk casa and Incubator, Must soil in 30 days. Wrlto W. G. Wilson, Box 102, Bend. 62 FOR HALE All tho time, guod horses, good cows, harm, wagons, etc. J. M, Judd, tho auctioneer, 61tr FOR HALE Good two-sealod hauk. Inqulro at Bulletin. 51-1 FOR SALE Mule team. Inqulro at It. D. George's barber shop. Bend. 60tr FOR SALE Thoroughbred Whllo Orpington, Rhode Island Red nuil Black LaiiKihan eblokoiis, G. W. Hhrlner, Park Addition. 48tfa FOR HALE 80 acres Irrigated land, clone In; water right, etc. $1200, Inqulro Bulletin OUice. 4Stfa FOR SALE Full blood wl black Minorca roosters and pullets. Ed llalvorson, 47tf FOR 8ALIS Tobacco at cut prlco. Star and Horseshoe 45e lb. Bond Cash Grocery, east of depot, 4!t COMPELLED TO 8151.!, Two 10 foot lots, ono of them a corner. City water. Or one lot with tent 11x11. Four blocks from First National Bank. A bargHln for some one. In qulro Honklo & Ryan. COtf FOR HALE All kinds of rough nnd drcssod lumber, nt Anderson Bros, sawmill half ft ay between Bentt and Laldlaw, on old Tumalo rond. Reasonable prices, rough lunibor $10 per M. Delivering to Bond or Lald law $2 por M. Telephone 19lf - iUL.1. U l!W -.- MIST AND FOUND. TAKEN UP 23 miles from Bend on Antelopa Springs road, ono 5 year old bay gelding, branded 7. with bar across on left shoulder, and one S year old bay maru with same brand. C. L. Evans. l3p. MISCELLANEOUS. Roslstored Duroo Jersey boar for sorvlco. Ed llalvorson. 44IC Wo Lead. Others Follow i . ii . . I. I . Ladies: What would the r-ko of Amo3 e Ginghams ko today if the R. M. Smith Cloth ing Co. hod not, put in a lino of dry goods? Amoskeag Ginghams 7 cents. R. M. SMITH Clothing Company LEARN THE.WAY "MARCH IS HERE House Cleaning Cornes Very Near and You will Certainly need some New Rugs and Carpets Linoleum Oil Cloth Matting 'at such attractive prices as you can get at A. L. HUNTER'S OREGON STREET Do You Eat? ' YKB, Ol' COURSE YOU DO. Do You Buy Groceries? YHS, OF COURSE YOU DO. Liken No juii'uiiut kooiI IIiIiikh to enl kmI Ki'ocfileN, There Is no reiixcMt i1iv you Hhould not mipply yourself uml family villi the licut in llio eiuliu; Hue, Tho let lins nhvnj'N been, lll nhvnyH he, tho rheupoNt, That In Uy you should liny nt Shuey's Cash Grocery Lending Eats Store of Bend