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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1914)
I1K.V0 JIULLKTI.V, IIHND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, MARCH II, 101 1. PAflB 0 - .. , The Fertility of Central Oregon Irrigated Lands Ily II. I). Hciiddor, AKiortomUt, Oitu'mi xci-luiriit Million, Uu tho Ciiiilral Oregon Irtlmitml land tlio fnrtlllty (jui'Htton Ih of vorv Krvnt Importance. Ilocnuso of tho InrKo ylold or IrrlitHti-d crops, tliu plant foods iiru rapidly cuiiriiiiiuiI. In nddltlon, iliuro In oonMdorablu danger of direct loss of plant foods from tlio null leaching where oxci-rn wiitor Ih up Plli'd. Again, tliu crops iiiorI commonly Hold from Irrigated lauds In Ore gon at tlio present tlmn nm alfalfa, olnvur liny, grain nnd potatoes. All of tlusti crops when old off tliu fnrm tuko nway hvitvy coiiRlKtimontH of plant foods, ItufurrlMK to tlio table bulow, n striking comparison between tlio .rTfct of marketing nlfalfn or clover liny nnd Imttiir or pork mny liu seen, Trim nvuriiKo market vnluo of tlio crop pur acre Ih compared with tlio notunl market vnluo of tlio chief fortuity iloiionU or plnnt foods nitrogen (N), plioipliuniH (P) nnd putiiRNlum (K)J nctunlly contained In tlio crop sold. PHR ACRK -PER 40 Mnrkot Vnluo Crop $ 720.00 720.00 1300,00 4000,00 2800.00 2400.00 FARM acres Mnrkot Vnluo N.P&K $1424.00 1230.00 t,nxo 004.00 164.80 20.00 Mnrkot Mnrkot Vnluo Vnluo Crop N.P&K Alfalfa hay 3 tons nt 10 f 18.00 3&,r, Clovttr hay 3 tona at $0 18.00 30.00 Timothy Imy, 3 ton nt 910.... 20.00 12.04 Potatoes, 0 T (2oo Uu.) nt COo. 100.00 12.00 Pork, looo Iba., nt 7 conta 70,00 3,87 lluttor, 2ooo lbs., nt 30 cents . . 00.00 .05 Heat to Peed liny Cro. Tho common practice of selling nirnlfn or olovor liny from tlio Irri gated fnrm, It cnn do nvou nt once, la n rulnouH ono from tliu fortuity stand ixilnt. It la n rather atnrtlltiK fnct, when ouo realizes It, thnt tlio runner URiinlly nulla nlfnlfa liny nt n price which la Junt ono-hnlf tho nctuiil mnrkut vnlun of tho fertility elements It contain. It Ih trim thnt approximately one-half tho nltroKvu contained in thli ton of liny la obtnlnod by tho plant from tho ntmoaphori, honco f lf worth or tho fortuity vuluo of threo tona of nlfalfn has boon mnnufacturml hy tho plant Itaulf from tliu air; but It la by means of thla roally wonderful factory thnt tho farmer mtiHt mnlutaln hla ultroKtin fortuity In tho land, nnd not uau It to aull nt hair It vnluo on tho mnrkot. Where Uioro cropa Instead nru fed to cowh nnd pIkh, na mny lio evn, praotlcally all their fertility la rutnlned In the moII, Tho nlfalfn and tliu clover Ih a raw product which tho cow mid tho pig mual convert Into n DuUhud form, leaving their valuable by-product for hoII restoration. A K'hmI k radii cow will producu about 300 pouuitH or butter fat per year, which la worth ICO; 7000 pound of ukltn milk, which, whou rod to plgit Ih worth about 60 coiita per hundred, or $J6; and 16 tonn of mnnuni, which Ih worth nt leant $37. Ah In tho en mi of many IndtiRtrlea, tho hy-producU trom tho cow If utilized nru worth moro than tlio product Itaoir. Thin Ih especially true on tho Irrigated IntidR, for hero aa on other Eastern Oregon Roila tliu humua and nltroKun nru dullcleut ami of vital Importance. Heavy cropa of alfalfa, clover, pettitoes, and other Irrlgutud cropa, how ever, cotiRumu lariio amount of potassium and phoRphorun an well an nl. troxHi. On the conran Ritndy soils of tho llurmlstou region nnd the Handy loaiaa of tho Deschutes valley, neither potnMlum nor phoaphorua la na HiMiudanl hh Ih diwlrablti. Thin Ih true to Mich an extent that thesu ele ment, particularly tho potnMlum, mut bo replaced, and this mny profitably tm iIoiih by HppllcntlMUa of eomuiHrclal fertilizer. Application of potaah on potatoMi nh compared with gyom or "land planter" on alfalfa and clover, at Itedmond In 1V12, gsvn tho folluwIiiK rwMilla: Siniiiimry of I'prtlllror Trial", Ittilmoiul, IIU-. Crop, potato, fertlllier treatuiHiit, won, yield, 147 bushels; Potatoes, fartlllittr treatment. IUM01, 1U U., )ImIiI, 236 bUMhfls, gain bushels, sluw or Mil I n 1 4 4.UO,; coat or fertlllier, $4.00, profit over fertlllier cokt, $4uu0, Clever, fertilizer treatment, non. 3.33 T., Clover, fertlllier treat men i, K3K04. 180 lint., yield 6.04 T, gain 1.71, value of khIu l&.lf, cost or rortlllier $4.00, profit over fertlllier nut, 111.39; Clever, fertlllier treat ment, (lypsum, 80 pounds, yield 3.48 T, gain .26, value of Rain $3.26, coat of (rtlllxer $.16, profit over fertlllier eot, $1.80; Alfalfa, fertlllier treat i.ini. none, leld 3. on T. Alfalfa, fertlllier treatment. KXM04, 1C0 pounds, yield 3.866 T, Knln .'JC, value of gain $8.8, coat or fertlllier $4.00, profit uvvr tout of teitlliaer, It. fin, AHnifa, fertlllier tnwtment, Uypaiim, no l,a yield 3.41 T, Main .11, value of khIii 3.01, t or fertlllier ,46, prollt over fertlllier coat, $3.24; Alfalfa, fertlllier treatment. KUI. io itouuila, yielil 3.27 T, khIii .27, value of Knln $2.43, coat of fertlllier $4.00, profit over fertlllier coat $1.67; tfctmo Alfalfa, fertlllier treatment, none; 1913, fertl Uxor troatmant Potaali 1012, yield 2.34 T. khIu .CO, value or Rain $C.21, co I of lertillier, noun, profit over fertlllier coat $0.21, PolntoM In the above paragraph nru at 60 eonta per bualiol nnd alfalfa and clover hay at $0 per ton. While tho reaultN for only ono year aro available on tho potntoca and clover, there Ih little doubt In tho wrltor'n mind that they would have given reaultH the aecond year equally an Hood an did tho alfalfa. Certainly ihcuo rraulta aro aufTlclent to Indlcato tho toaalhlllty or Incrrnlnic tho proflta by Judicious uro of commorclnl potnmlum ferlllliern and nt tho auino time IncreaRltiK tho aoll content In thla dotlclent olemout. Commorclal appll catlona of either potawlum or phoaphorua ahould not bo inndo wholoaalo. however, without drat deturmlulnR thu actual benvflta on each ludlvldunl farm by meana or trial atrip. A Rood trial application la 1C0 pounda or aulphatn or otnali per aero on ono atrip, preferably alfalfa, clover or potn toti, which nru heavy pulaaRlum conRumera, and another trlnl atrip of 160 pound for aero of auporphoaphato on rucIi a crop aa corn, root, nlfalfn or clover. Poland anil Itml Planter. Of apcolal Intoreit In tho Itedmond trial noted Is tho comparison of nlphnlo or potanh with land plaatur. hand planter la widely uted on tho Crook county Irrigated lands and Ronernlly In oxcinwlve amount, and thla la a daiiKuroua practice. It ahould bo fully understood thnt land plniter la n stimulant and not In any way a plant food. Ita ofleet la to mako tho jk. , InMltim of the roII aoluhle or avallablo for plant uo henco, applied to 'audi cropa aa alfalfa or clover, which require large nmounta of potuiwlum. It Klvea a marked Inereaao In yield, but thla "a obtained at tho ox pome or (he soil. On thu other hand, whom thu artunl KJtaalum Itseir la applied aa commercial fertlllier, It not only kIvuh a larger Increase In tho crop, aa la shown by tho residual effects of tho first yoar'a application on thu alfalfa thu second year, but It eurlchca tho soil in thla Important plant food. Further, where 200 pounda of land planter par aero la usod, thore la llttlo question that In sandy aolla under Irrigation, leachlnR and a direct loss of plant rood la itosstblo. Tho writer doea not heaitato to recommund careful triala of commorclal potassium furtllliora on potatoes and li'Kumoa, and n illcontinunnco of tho usu or innu piaster. IVo of Manure Itccommcutleil. Heavy applications or barn yard manures on thoo noils 10 to 20 tona per aero will lvo wonderfully Increased returns, particularly on Much gross feeders aa corn. maiiRols. rutabnKna, rape, and tho like. On thq Irrigated lands whore barn ynrd manure la not nvntlablo In large quantltloH, Kroen manures, which are even moro effective In rapidly Increasing tho nttrogon nnd humua content, may be ukoiI with groat profit and Rhoulil take n regular place In tho rotation. Appllcatloua or commorclnl rortllliera ahould bo made oarly In tho soring nfter plowing, thu furlllzora belli applied broadcast with a grain drill, or tho like, nnd then disked In. Wlioro the land Ih nlrondy In crop tho fortllliors named may bo broadcasted over tho crop In April after tho ground J thawed out and Just before tho growth atnrta. In tho caao or alfalfa, thu application may bo thoroughly disked In. In potato fluids tho application should bo either hroadenatod aa described or appllod In tho fur rows by meana of fertlllier attachment to tho planter. AppllontloiiH ot ma nure nro most effective If thoroughly disked In buforo bolug plowod under and thla Ih truo also of green manuretf, particularly whore tho nppllcntlon Ih heavy nnd likely to dry out tho Roll or Htop capillary notion or root growth wlioro turned undor without Ural bolug thoroughly Incorporated with tho nurfneo aoll. Thosu anndy Irrigated aolla, common to Central Origon. glvo n wonderful response, especially to upptlontloua of mnnuroa of any kind, MIND imvuuwf DKHKHVKH J'HAIHK Tho Pnttoraon DniK Co, dcnorvoH prnlso from Uond people for Introduc ing hero tho simple buckthorn bark nnd glycerine mixture, known ub Adlur-I'kn, TIiIh simple Qorman rorn. ody flrnt beenmo fnmouH by curlnit nj potidlultlH und It Iioh now boon discov ered thnt A HINOU: DOHH romovea Hour atomnch, gna on tho atomnch nnd constipation INSTANThV. Adv. A Tow hours nt n nlco clnsty, cloan, up-to-dnto plncn oupcclally propnrcd for gentlemen, will remove nil worry and troubles, Tho Motropolltnn.-Adv NOTICi: I'OU PUHMCATIO.V, Dopartmont of tho Interior, U. B. Land Olllco at Tho Oallea, Oregon, December 10th, l'J13, Notice Is hereby given that I-'fJlo M. Kopper, widow of Krod B, Koppor, tleconsed, or Prlnnvlllo, Oregon, who, on Docombor 24th, 1010, mndo homo atend entry No. 078C0, for UK 'A HWVi, aHC'i, rcc. 27, and NK NWV4 and N24, aec 34. township 10 Houth, range 1C oast, Wlllamotto Meridian, hns fllod notlco of Inten tion to mako final three-yenr proof to catabllah claim to tho land nbovo described, before 11. C. Kills, U. p, Commlsslonor, at Mend, Oregon, on tho 21st day or March, 1014 Claimant names m witnesses: Aocldtnta to the flh will happen, no matur how cartful you ar. Ballard's SNOW LINIMENT TCeot nlwara In tho hotuo la a nuarnnieo or. prompt treat rnrnt wlionorr tficro Is a cut. cuarnnteo ot prompt treat burn, tirulsv or other Injury to tho flash of any tnembsr of tha family. Tlio sooner trine vrouna nro treated, the rrcaier certainty that tncy will hral without much pain or loss of time, it is tho torture ot neuralela and sclatloa, lama baric etirr necK and lu wilt tie raieil. and tho disrate cquaur certain inai rneumawim. (nordlly driven out of tho body. If vou hnvo It on hand the urrerlnr is short and tho cure la epecuy una complete. frlce 33c, COo aod BIXX) per llolllc. Jsmf r.Dllrd,rrop. OtLouls.Mo. 1 Otephens Cye Calve eyes. Cures Sort LoAMoHccowncwptoDvl Patterson Drug Co. Koo'flnp; of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering-, Spouting, Comicea and Skylights. FOR WINTER Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN tho Shoo Repair Man. Dond street, Dend, Ore TO THE PUBLIC We hereby nnnounce thnt we hnve tnken over the entire insurance business of M, S. Luttin iV Co. nntl nre prepnred to write nny kind of n policy you mny wish. Bend Insurance Company First National Bank Building Bond, Orogon O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET J THE WHITE IS KING HrmlSSrBs!! wmmEm iaaBRncWwr WhSHtisS95ii M -1 Jltl iHaHaBllHNCCalaaBBkJfX? Tho BESTnll-round Family Sowing Machino that can bo produced. Mndo in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR stylea. Tho rotary makes . both LOCK nnd CHAIN stitch. Tho latest up to tho minuto steel attach ments with each machino, Sold on easy payments, Send namo nnd address for our beautiful II. T. catn loguo freo. White Sewing Machine Co. 610 Merchants National Bank Bldfr. San Francisco, California Ocorfio Mllllcnn and Ada I). Mllllcan of Mllllcan, Oregon; Otis C, Ilonklo anil h. 0. Unker or Dend, Oregon, II. WANK WOODCOCK. 10-1 HoKlRtor. NOTICH OK CO.NTIJ8T. Dcpnrtmcnt of tho Intorlor, Unltod Htntca Land Office, Tho Dallci, Orogon, January 31, 1014, To II. Hwirt, of I'rlno- viuo, ureKon, uontettco: You aro hereby notified that John !'. Ames, who kIvch c-o C. 8, lionson, llend, Orogon, aa hla post-oillco nil dross, did on Docombor 29, 1913, fllo In thla office hla duly corroborat ed application to contest and secure tho cancellation of your homestead Kntry No. , Serial No. 064G4, inado April 10, 1910, for Wl& Boctlon 15, Township 20, 8., Itango 20, E. Wll lamotto Meridian, and aa grounds for hla contest he alleges that aald Wil liam II. II. Hwlft has wholly failed to establish hla rcaldonco on aald tract; has totally railed to cultivate and Improva sarno aa required hy law and haa abandoned tho samo for moro than one year Inst past. You are, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will be taken aa confessed, and your aald entry will bo cancollod without fur ther right to bo heard, cither beforo this office or on appeal, If you rail to fllo in this office within twenty days after tho FOUHTH publication of thla notice, aa ahown below, your answer, under oath, specifically re sponding to thoso allocations of con test, togothor with due proof thnt you liavo served a copy or your an- !swor on tho aald contestant either in person or by reglstorod mail. You ahould stato in your answer the nnmo or tho post office to which you dcslro futuro notices to bo sent to you. H. THANK WOODCOCK, Keglator. Dflto of first publication Feb. 18, 1014. Unto of second publication Feb. 2ft, 1014. Onto or third publication March 4, 1914. Datn of fourth publication March 11, 1914. JU'Hl.VKHH AND I'ltOFKH.SIO.VAIi. Fraternal Societies I. O. O. V. Ilend LoiIko No. 218. Hogular mooting every Mon day night at 8 o'clock in Bath er's Hall. Visiting brothers cordially wolcome. M. A. PALMER, N. O GEO, P. 0'v"E, flccrornry. TIIK FHATKIINAIj imOTIIEU 1IOOI). Ilend Lodgo No. 897 meets In Bather's Hall every Thursday evening, with social on third Thursday each &,onth. Visiting members cordially Invited. Mrs. O. W. Shriner, Pros. Lcroy Fox, Secretary. XC'XC'XiiBBSsieBaBssaBBasBBaaaMaaHMi-vM-'-''-'' ' XX'X-XX'X'XImHMsrrmrmrmssr iitii,,,,",- -v-v.-v-v.jy ,',' i :X:X: ::: ...-- i ftllaM im'ii .v.v kvX- Can Any Reason be Sufficient to cause you to delay remodeling the old bathroom ? IS IT PRICE? Wc can furnish a Guaranteed bathroom outfit at a price within the reach of every home owner. ISN'T IT REALLY JUST CARELESSNESS? You have intended to get a modern set of fixtures all alontr but that old thief Procrastination has made you lose the daily convenience, the protection to health, the satisfaction of possessing a beautiful 'Stcmclru'ci" modern bath room. How's that? No bother to remind you at all, wc assure you. We'll bring our cata logue right away. X-X v.v. XvX 5tantlarr "CLAJUON" HATH m m "Xv" ,.,.'Xfc.v......-. J. J. RYAN LICENSED I'LUMHEU Minnesota Street. ..- aHsBBHsBBRBlBBBBBBBfllBSRVRBBBBRBBRRHRBBBRHSRW . 7k THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY m i Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants w WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD The United Warehouse Co. A, M, Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon kom:kt it. no via) 1 M ' i Ilend ill I 7 Oregon C'lrll If IlnKlnccr V IIK.NXI7TT, 8INNOTT & (ALIXnvAV Attornoya at Law General Practice Tho Dalles, Oregon 11088 FAItNIIAM Attorney At L-aw Offlco in Jones Building on Wall Btrcct. J. U. Uell A. W. 81m5 CHOOK COUNTY AI1STIIAOT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. II. Haner Abstract Co., Prinevlllo, Ore. Abstracts Insurance W. W. FAULKNEH, D. M. D. HKN'TIHT Offlco Over Postoftlco Ucnd, ... Oregon WILLARD II. WIItTZ LAWVKIl Prlnevllle, Oregon. U. C. COE, . I. Pliyalclnn and Surgeon Office over First National Dank Offlco Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. ItKND. :-: OrtnOON ROIIERT W. SAWYER NOTARY I't'lllilO Dullotin Office, Ucnd, Oregon C. S. DENSON Attorney At Law Itonson Dulldlng, Wall Street Dend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES LAAVYKIt First National Dank Dulldlng Dend, :-: :-: Oregon GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Knglneer. City Engineer of IJenil. Room 5 First National Dank Dulldlng H. H. D e AKMOND L.UVYEK Sather Dulldldg Dond, Oro. H. O. ELLIS Attorney-ut-Law Vnltcil States Commissioner First National Rank Dulldlng DEND, OREGON DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Office In Sathor Dulldlng. Hourc, 9 to 12. 1 to 6. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. DR. A. D. CROPP Chlrapructor nitUGLKSS PHYSICIAN OfTlco In old Doachutoa Dank Dldg. Hours: 9-13. 1-5. At Redmond Monday, Wednesday and Friday until further notice O. P. NISWONGER, Dend, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalmer, Funeral Director, Phono. Lady Assistant. SWEATT, LEVESQUE & CO. 312 Mohawk Dldf. SPOKANE ARCHITECTS Schools and Largo Buildings a specialty MM l