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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1914)
PAGE 2. bulletin, mwn, our., Wednesday, march 11, ioi-i. --- CENTRAL HAMPTON BUTTE. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON BUTTE. Mnroh 2.- Wind nnd minshlno nro drying up tho mud mid roads nro improving. Mrs. Hnsstor. Miss Alice Brook lna. Miss Mnry Stnuffcr and Fred fitnufiar of Stauffer woro visiting nt Horace Brookings' Saturday and Sun ilnv. itftrl. Rogers mid Mrs. M. V. Shop- pnrd mado a business trip to Iliioli Creek and Ftfo Inst week. T. C. Kwlng was In Hampton on buslnoss Friday. James llrlokoy Sr. left last week for Forost Grovo and Woodlmm to visit relatives. Jesse Monroe la cutting poets (or C. V. Aahlmugh. Tho latter Is ox- ltocted homo soon. lldwin Schroder and Kmll Carrot took In tho dnnoo at lluck Crook on Friday night and visited relatives Saturday. L. li. Kenno) and W. C. Spencor on their way In from Hums be came mired near Glass Butte and had a hard tlmo getting through. Jack Smith of Stauffer was buying seed rye from Horace Urooklngs last Friday. C. J. Stauffer loft for Bond Friday for a load of supplies. Charles Da vta left for a load or freight Mon day. Itoy 'Fou la returned from Silver Crook with a team of young mares ho purchased recently. Ho will be busy now breaking tho team. T. C. Kwlng and Henry Menslor have mado application to prove up before Commissioner Fogg at Hamp ton. A. T. Shaver has Just finished a woll for Hook and Wells, going 172 feet and getting SS feet of water. HAMPTON BUTTE. Fob. 26. -The rabbit drlvo on tho 16th was not n auocess. Thore woro SS settlors out but only 16 rabbits wore killed. Herman Miller. Paul Urooklngs and T. C. Kwlng took In tho dance at Stauffer the 21st and report n One John Perry returned from Boud Sunday, bringing in equipment for hs well drill and new tools. Rhna Stauffer of Stauffer has re- mIvm! nn auiMlntment aa notary nubile and also as U. S. commission er. He has fixed up a very neat poat- nOlee in connection with his rest dence and expects to have a govern ment route from Hampton osiauusn ul wwin. T. C. Rwlnc caiiKht another bob- rnt the oast week, Bobeats seem to bo iilentlfwl In this locality. Coyote in aim cattincs too numerou to milt tho ownors of hens and other fowls. A Innatine acont for a Russian ool ony was here on a visit of Inspection recently Roy Fouta bought a team from Mr. Williams of Silver Creek. HIGHLAND. (Special to Tho Bulletin) highland. March 2. Mrs. C llnlsley Is spending a fow days at tho home of Mrs. A. Martin. W. Martin from Post. Ore., Is vls- ltiN his parents for a few days. The woll drill Is again busy at E. Wilson's Koine. At tho prosent writ ing It Is down 175 feet. Mrs. A. CottingBam and Mrs. F. Hamlin visited at Hold last Friday. Mrs. Chas. Mills visited Mrs. Blroh stoff Friday. Mrs. B. Danlelaos visited Mrs. Pete Stetson Friday. O. Ilaebe spent the past week at the Johnson ration. HELD. (Spcolal to The Bulletin) HELD, Maroh 2. Warren Llbby paid a visit to the Highland store Saturday. Abner Martin returned home from the Myers and Brown ranch on tho Crooked river where he la working this winter. He expects to start beck Tuesday. Jack Rivers, proprietor of the Highland store, Intends to go out to work abut April 1. Mr. artd Mrs. Walter Ransom and Mtes Bertha Hanson made a trip to the Highland store Thursday even ing. A Valuable mure belonging to Mrs. Frank L. IUmeay fell In a ditch and died last week as a result. Fred Lund and Frank Mlkula, who are digging a well for F. L. Ram say, nr down more than 60 feet. nut have struck no water. IMPERIAL. (Special to The Bulletin.) IMPERIAL, Mareh 3. In order that ll may he able to vote at the primaries in May and at the general election in the fall, everybody should register. Imperial proelnct No. 46 la tho vot ing nreelaet for all those living In township 22, rangoa 17, 18, 19, 20 and Si Sherman Montgomery Is midst rr at Imperial, A. S. Fogg at Hampton and V. Schroder at Rolyat. Mrs. Robert C. Johnson has re turned to Oklahoma to visit rela tives. Mr. Johnson's Bon Soaburn has arrived from Chicago and In tends mine on a homestead. Warren McConnell was in Bond nftor n load of groceries a fow days po. He reports the roads very mud dy now. Ivan Knotts returned a fow days ago from his ranoh near Bond, with a load of bay. He intends to raise more than ho will need on his ranch bore this vqar. A petltlonhas been circulated and over 100 signatures secured asking for a twlco a weok mall service. This is badly needed. Wnrl tinu lmnn started on the new wu..i north (ram lmnnrlnl In connect with tho old road near warm springs. AlkM'i four miles has already been oomiiletad. If all interested In this OREGON NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWS. - - - - - - road, which will shorten (ho dlstauco to Held (where we got our mail) six miles, will put In n couplo of daya each on tho road It will soon bo com pleted. A very onjoynblo danco was hold at Volght's hall on tho night of the 16th. As It wnB a private affair tho crowd was not large, but nil report a good tlmo. It has boon uotod horo that tho snow disappeared from two to threo wcoks earlier from cleared ground than from that nn wiiioh thoro Is still sagebrush. Tho frost Is nbout all out of tho ground and plowing Is being stnrtod. II. II. Parsons and wlfo hnvo re turned to their homestead after a live months loavj of absonco nt Van couver, Wash. IMPERIAL. March 1. Mr. Noaly and wlfo loft for llond this week. William Titus Is building n house on his homestead which was hold as a desert olajni by his brothor anlll recently. Tho temporaturo this winter has gone bolow xoro only twlco. Warren McConnell has boon get ting up somo horses off tho range and oxpects to break thorn In during spring work. A crowd of young peoplo gathered nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Knotts Saturday and spout tho evening In playing cards. Mrs. Ring has gone to Portland to resume her work as a weaver. MILL1CAN. (Special to Tho Bulletin) MILL1CAN. March 1. A. A. all more had a horse severely cut by barbed wire recently. Tho snmo an tmnl mot with n similar ncoldont last fall. B. E. Davis loft for Prlnovillo on Friday. Clifford Roam drovo to Bond Fri day to do somo shopping, nlso expect ing to meet his sister, who Is coming from tho East to visit with hor folks. Tho Sku-Ke-Lcok Klub met with Mrs. McNeal Saturday. Luncheon was served by tho hostess. Tho Klub will meet with Miss Auno Market on tho 14 th. The directors of school district No. 87 hold a meeting at Johnson's store Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ream are planning to entertain their friends at a sup per St. Patrick's night, the 17th. Mr. Goodman and family are ox pocted In from Portlnnd to tako up residence on their claim, formerly the Willis Noland homestead. PINKIIl'HST. (Special to Tho Bond Bulletin.) PINEHURST. March 8, 1014. Mrs. F. V. Swisher wns a Laldlaw vlsltor one day last weok. Mrs. E. G. Dietrich spent ono day last week with her parents. L. II. Root and C. L. Johnson wont to Bond one day last week. G. W. Snydor was a Bond caller Saturday. Mr. D. W. Dietrich and wlfo woro transacting business In Bond Satur day. Mrs. Houghtllng wss a school vis itor one day last week. Mrs. Delia Nichols returned Fri day night to her home here. The Plalnview and Plnehurat Lit erary Societies mot Saturday oven Ing on the debate, "Resolved that li quor causes more crime than money.'' The decision was In favor of the af firmative (Plalnview.) Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Jackson and family and Chris Oaleburg went to Bend Saturday. Reginald Bayley spent Saturday night with Lester Snyder. Miss Mary Dietrich visited with her brothor and sister-in-law Sunday. CLINK FALLS. (Special to The Bond Bulletin.) CLINK FALLS, March 10. It. M. Bishop met with a serious aocldont one day this week. Ills team ran BRING YOUR CREAM PIONEER CREAM COMPANY LARGEST BUYERS IN CENTRAL OREGON QUICK PJJTURNS OF KMPTV C.NS Ofllce on Wnll Street, In IlulldlnR Where McCuUtou Grocery Foriuerly Wns. CONSTANT SUPPLY OF BUTTERMILK AND SWEET CREAM CHECKS MAILED ON THE lHtli FOR PREVIOUS .MONTH'S CREAM. STALLIONS WE HAVE 25 IMPORTED PERCHERON BELGIAN AND SHIRE STALLIONS, TWO TO FOUR YEARS OLD, WEIGHINO FROM 1800 TO A TON, WITH PLENTY OF BONE AND AC TION, THE GOOD RUOGED KIND, THE KIND THAT WILL DO YOU LOTS OF GOOD IF IN THE MARKET FOR A STAL ION OF EITHER BREED, OR IF YOU HAVE AN AOED.8TAL ION OR OELDING YOU WISH TO TRADE IN WRITE US YOUR WANTS, OR BETTER STILL, COME AND SEE US. 8. METS5 & SONS 40 to 3-1 lp Pendleton, Ore. ---'- - - - - - - - - - - - away while hitched to tln-dlsk mid ran Into n wlro fence, outtmn one of the horses pretty Imdly . It wl'l probably bo a month before tho horsb, can bo used again mid tho disk was broken considerable. Frank Uonlnvy has boon suffering with n Initio foot for n tow iliiyH, caused by ono of tho horses stopping on It. Mlssos Kllxabetli I.cdbettor and An na Uonlnvy visited Miss Bntos' room In the public school In ltcdmpnd last Tuesday afternoon. P, F. I.odhotter has been nulK) 111 this past weok, R. M. Bishop la employed on tho Good Hopo ranch this week, Mlssos Elisabeth Lodbottor mid Anna Uonlnvy and Messrs, Robert I.odhotter, John Uonlnvy, Leslie Wright mid Irvln Rugga attended tho ontortnlnmont nt Iho Redmond school Iiouso Friday evening. Mr. Lowrlo of Redmond linn rented tho Frank White placo for tho com ing yonr. Mr. While Intends to go to Mcdford to look after his fruit ranch for awhile. l.lttlo Vera Beck with has been quite 111 the last fow days. crescent. (Special to Tho Bond Bulletin.) CRKSCKNT. March 7 D. A. Jonos and son, Paul, camo In from the ranch west of Crescent Monday. .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith wero out at tho Mayflold ranch Tliuradny. Kddlo Santry mid Jimmy Morrison returned to town Tuesday after spending sovernl days at tho Snntry ranch. II. O. Ice enmo In from Summit Lake Mondav, making tho (rip by way of Crosconl Lake and Iho Hov ranch. He stopped n short time In Crescent boforo going on to Fish Lake, nnd roports a very unprofitable season of trapping. In -returning to his trap lino at Fish Lake, ho took out tho mall for Sam Welch, the latter hav ing been snowed In and unable to come for his mall for four months. Mr. Welch's ranch Is at Boavor Olimana Qlll TESTED SEEDS. nrowrroot 1914 CATALOG U PLANTERS GUIDE Lbticf A ci rrrr Ousf ( MuUrt nl IWom nc ) J df"1 IfA Quarter o a Cm toy of Sacctft In unlng Northwuttrn Grouun ouobUl u to UVM VOU. "Afik for Catalogue No. 700. r - -- ----- WIIKN VOL' VISIT The Tumalo Project STOP AT I THORP'S FOR IIKPIIKHIIMKNTK. FRUITS, HWI'UT .MEATS AND FINE CIGARS t ----- ---- TO - - - - - - - - - ------ Mnrsh, !H miles south of Orescent, but during tho wlutor tho roiul Is not kept open, so travel la Imposslblo. E, G. ltourk loft Saturday, Intend ing to go to Klamath Falls, via Portland. Tho Ladles Clvlo Club mot Friday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Wal ter Smith. After tho IiusIiiosh ses sion the club wns troatod to dullohms refreshments by tho hostess, POWELL HUTTK. (Speclnl to The Bulletin) POWELL BUTTE, March O.Loo Molilm shipped n car of hogs lo tho Portland market Wednesday, Clarko Morso accompanying thorn. "Grandma" Soars wns 111 several daya last weok, Hooves Wlllcoxon has rented tho John Rhode plnce of 80 noros nnd Is busy getting ready to put In the crops. Miss Adn Morso has boon In Prlno villo for tho pnst two weeka whoro Stop the LossFires are The Bend BEND EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 't better enable us to find you buyers and alio Is employed In tho olllco of tho JCrook County Abstract Co. N, P. Alloy, tl. L, llriixoo, Guy Honrn and Mr, Lludqulst woro boforo tho county court Wednesday and Thursday In n road damago claim brought by tho two former men. Mrs. Pauls entertained tlui Horn nls at an nil day meeting nt her homo Wednesday. A largo nltoiidntico was present nnd nn enjoyable tlmo had, Following an excellent dinner In Iho serving of which Mrs. Paula was as sisted by her daughters, the tlmo waa pnsMod nt fancy work and tho logular olub busluuss. Mrs. Will I niu Nanny of noschutos visited Thutsday with Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon ami (ho two Imlloa made a trip to Bond Friday, Joo Elliott received word of tho serious Illness of his mother hut weok and Immediately left for Al bany, Oregon, to bo nt hor bod side. Loo RlgHS, a Hampton Undo far mer pud brother, J, A. RIkks, visited tho latter and numerous friends horo tho latter part of Iho wookJ Allen Wlllcoxon was n iiiislnen visitor at Prlnovillo Wednesday nnd Thursday, Alias Glady and llaiol Bayu nccompnnled him homo fur n few daya visit. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mustard, Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Rico, and Mr. nnd BRICK IS ABSOLUTELY F1IIE PROOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON FLAGRATION. ' BRICK BUILDINGS NEVER BURN, ALTHOUGH THEY ARE SOME TIMHS INJURED BY FALLING TI.MIIHH8 OR COMBUSTIBLE INTERIOR WOODWORK. A BRICK BU1LDNG 18 ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IF WIRE GLASS 18 USED IN TEE WINDOWS AND IF BURNED CLAY FLOOItH ARK USED. AN INTERIOR FIRE IN SUCH A BUILDING IH CONFINED TO TEE ROOM IN WHICH IT ORIGINATES; NO OUTSIDE FI1IE CAN ATTACK IP THE PROPORTION OF BURNED CLAY IN BUILDING CONSTRUC TION MEASURES ITS FlltE PROOF QUALITIIM. BURNED CLAV IS THE ONIjY BUILDING MATERIAL THAT HAS BIIHN THROUGH THE FIRE BEFORE YOU GET IT, IN HUGH A MAN NHR THAT IT WILL EKtilKT FIRE. ALL MATIIItlAL IS BURNED OUT OF THE llltlOK BEFORE YOU GHT IT. WHEN YOU HUILD USE MUCK. Brick & Lumber Co. PARK COMPANY Our Real Estate offerings are the most extensive in Bend, comprising the ORIGINAL TOWNSITE and PRAC TICALLY ALL THE ADDITIONS. INSURANCE that INSURES Our Insurance Department includes only World Known Companies writing Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Automo bile, Plate Glass and Fidelity Insurance and Bonds. "IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY.'W . LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SAjag OR RENT WITH US. Our outside ofliccs and connections BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Uuilding, Seattle, Wash. . , . Mrs, W, (1, MuHtnrd woro ituoatH at tho Commercial Club Immiuet nnd hall nt Rodmoiid Wednesday evening returning homo Thurmlay. Miss Paulino Triiesdnlo nnd Mar garet (loyor, two C, C. II. H. girls, visited at (ho former's homo for the week end, lottirulng (o Prlnovillo on Sunday, Mrs, ICtln Arnold nnd son L'rnost nnd Mrs, Button of Bond, visited nt (Continued on pago so von) W 5 ONLY a FEW of my prlcos, everything In proportion, Dons It pay to liiiul your groceries over 2K miles nt rough, rocky road 7 Best cane sugar 14 lb lbs, $1 Blue Stem Hour, per Mil. $5 Good sun ttrlod peaches 13 lbs for $1 P. B. JOHNSON'S ESsSBBEERBKS OREGON, fa MILLH'AN, i Unnecessary teliants. K . I t 4