The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 11, 1914, Image 1

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The bend bulletin
iii;nd, oitfcuox, vi:i)m:hay aiti;rn.on,
MARCH J I, Kill,
NO. 1.
i JSffPtjJr
I. MI. "
tt ULU lllll
(I'm Moil Flioil liy Court Over
MliiKur't Pi-nluat Tiupnyt'ra Re
mind Auilon Hxpwixe to the
County Ho I'm- Out 8 1, SOU.
X, V
i riiai ijati.htSwow at
I woiUT.
PRINBVILl.rOlnrch 11 J.
l. KICHttrilWOII, Cllr fteCOUtltatlt
f the slate department itf In
1 luranee niul K. M. hmtth. of Hie
tlepartmcnt, have arrived In
PrlMvllle to audit thn county
hook hh rueted by Comutl
lloner Uayloy and Hrown over
Judge Springer' protest. It In
understood Hint when Sprlimur
i taw thMl tun state nuillt wn tin-
.voidable Ite twlMCrt1il the In-
luranee ,Mimm!Mlunr asking
that lil iMtm l Mat "to ap
jirove" tbe work already don
liy "aipert" Hall. Commission-
r Ferguson, however, la going
Into tbe audit mm n new affair,
taking nothing for granted anil
when bM moo are through they
will report direct to lilm.
. MeB. Mall, the "expert" Import
4 by County Judas Sprlnaer to In
Hlirata hi fallow oWcera, tost bis
,t on the chuck wagon at the meet
; of tbe eourl last Wednesday anil
tbe mm tlma the way wa paved
a complete) and thorough examl
Ion Into the county affair ly an
etesed state official, thn Insurance
bmtestoaer, designated by statute
do the work. The nation eatna In
imalle form anil after n vain at
ipt by Springer to retain Hall and
. want the appeal to tho Insurance
amlaeloaer demanded by the tax
rare present In lb court room.
Is ova respect tba action came loo
I, for during the seeslon Sprluger'
ikMM nut In bta LIU for lloto.'S.
atflflUiWgto tliW Springer' lawyer
irgM Trtl.tO. and ibo special
irt m salon coat proiwhly ISO.
XII through tbe forenoon people
re arriving In town for tba neealou
tba court and rumor wow Hying '
rywoere mat in tan count) or too
t Sbfnethlojr would I don to aep-
jia "Eiport" Hall from tba tax mil
laaa auvitoaod to bo oianlnlui and
in tba payroll aa wall. Arrordlnji
tboaa who had aaan rtall'a m-n
rk. I hair atudy of tba former dcu
ht waa MMfaly a gawa to hoop 'n
b with to lattar, and thrv i..
I lo think that rm If aompon bad
. -tan away wltb noma county coin It
1 bid bo obaanar to tat him keap It
jt-tp bar Rail look for It.
Mwillw of Tiiui)i'i.
oma SO or S0 man Mnthorad for a
i!u aarly In th nf(ornoHi anil
wjad to atatainantH from vtrnl
bc-aiHtuty oltlcow who hail )wn
lead by Ball, bIvIbr tliolr able of
. waiter. Deputy Van Allon of tha
aia" oio. who hail come In for
"tleularli' iwvaro orltlcUm In con-
lltON wltb Uih ilalluiuat tax nmt
, daoiol particular sllontlon to
. atylMK that In ltnx. whn tba
)1 tax roll waa balancad. thera waa
Keep Your Valuable
Papers In Our Vault
4 ' The linut nod nfcM pluro lit tlio world lo
l'it(p Hi ci mid life liiHiiriitiro polli'lce, iiotc
coiiiIiik due, iuoiIuiiki'h, dct'il-lii fnit nil
vnluiiblo piiKrn In In u Hit-proof vault.
ICtcry oiio riinnot ulford to luivo n uteri
vault, or cvon a tiro-proof nnfo in hi homo,
but every onu cjhi ntfoiil to keep hi valu-
, nblo piiperN In our vault because the rental
i-liiiiKi'ii In iih iiollihitr coinpiueil with tlio
protection ulTunleil,
You can lenso u ateel box with n nun
plcknlile, Yule lork -bl euouuli to eoiitnln
nil your valuable papers IiinIiIo our vault,
for out t'-.Otl a year.
Drop In next tlmo you're punning.
Deschutes State Bank
Kuccc8or to the
"p: Deschutes Banking &,
t . . JWnl, OIIKCION,
" n. FRRRISLL, Pros.
" ittmmtli unlux viiiamor,
v D. ForjQjl? F. O. Minor, E. M.
fnuiiil lo lie (lollnqiicmt $15,821.11,
of which JJOr. 1,71 IihiI kIikh liocn
Uilil iiml t7B80.4l) pttriiiaiiiitilly on
nliiHil, lonvliiK n hUlwnce of J 1201.88.
(Jf thla iiiiiouut, i-HRkoiiliiK on the
Imiila oatnlillilieil by llko chhim, prole
ably nil but lo pr cant waa uiinol
IiicIIIiIk aa bnliii double (iMWiMtient,
whlrh loft Mllihtly ovor $-100 iluo.
With thoan facta oiplalnoil, the fol
InwInK Ifitor by Nprlnnar to tlio Unlt
i'i Klntoa Flilnllty ft Ounrantao Co.
of llHltltnnru. thn nhurllt'M miretlim,
(IIcihihi1 the mnllKiiant Itiacctirney of
tlio IiuIkh:
"uentViinnn: A pnrtlnl InvtMtlRn
Hon of tio ilnlniUMiit tax roll ilia
oto-'w the fnot thnt thore are aovarnl
liiinilroil llmimniiil on audi Hat nml
thn liiiportdul inntlur at t It It mo.
mont la that naarly twenty thouaanil
on the 1007 tax roll will be outlaws!
on May lat next. Krom n apoech by
.(Continual on laat prkh.)
HbcillT llliiiki'lf AimhIh Camtotly nml
l'niiilcltirf. of Metropolitan,
Further devulopinmt" In the pro--eciitlon
of the oo halia on account
of Huinlay oTanlnK ncriirred laat Huii
ilay whan Sheriff ICIklna came over
from I'rlncvllla ami iiaraonally aerr
(il warranta of arreat on Dennl Cnr
inoily nml on Innaa, Davhlaon anil
Hartlett of the Metropolitan. Thla
waa for ilni open on the Hunday
lirecmlliiK, the Metropolitan Imvlna;
Imcii olimml laat Sunday.
According; to theae defedant they
eMtct to tie tried in the Juitlce oiurt
In I'rlnorllle Mime time thbt week,
there having: heu no arrauMtnonta
made for trial In the circuit court
now In reaalon.
Deputy rihcrlrt'e Olllco I llimy After
Imw llrcnkcrti.
An unu-ual amount of bualneaa baa
baan roIiik on In the local deputy
aharlff a ofnee In the pa at week cov
ering nrraata and arranRamonta for
nrreata In other towna.
On complaint from Texaa ('. I..
Mimax waa nrreated for ateallnx a
mule before he left that atata a few
month a bo and la now In the Jail at
I'rlnevlllo awaiting the arrival of
the aharlff from hi former home to
take him baak for trial. lie came
to Mend In January and waa arretted
at that time but waa not held becauae
tbn paper- were delayed in oomlnR
from the Texaa official. He recent
ly took n trip to ltkevlew anil on
ht return waa arretted.
A, 0. Lund-Mft. wbo wm bote Iraw
Reattle about two Weak aao ulklnx
of puttlna; In an auto truck aarvlc.
raabed a fw wort hiatal check- before
leaving town, all coming back with
firoteat faea to pay. A warrant waa
wiled for I.undgart and he waa
caught In Seattle but not held, on hla
relmbiiralng the local men who bad
caahfd lh check for him.
Home time ago D. W. Heeler of the
MUHcen mlghiMirbood ioat a valu
able -n. It having been taken
from M rlalin during bta ahaeoee.
on MoihUv deputy ahertg Wenaudy
went nut Into the country to gather
in a number who were thought to
know aometbtng about tne bolt. They
were all taken to I'rlnavllle to testi
fy before the grand jury, while !.ae
ltlKge. or Hampton, waa taken, charg
ed with the theft.
The Irish will hold their fourth
St. Patrick day ball In Bather' Hall
on Tueadny evening The committee
cf arrangement have made preimra
tlon to give their gueata an enjoy
able eveulug. Mu-le for dancing will
be furulahed by Knrreet'a orchewtra.
Trust Company
f. 6. MINOR, Soo'y.
Kiriner- nml lltinluo Men lleir
1'llrtlicr DUciiioiIoii of Project
Cimvn In .Veluliborliooil NiiiiiImt
100 l.unrlieou Held Weekly
Further (IImuihiIom of the oo-oper
atlva creamery project oecnpted the
tine at the Commercial Club lunch
eon on Saturday and another atop
toward carrying out the plan wa
taken. Only about half aa many at
tended -aa hat been pro-en t at the
preceding meeting but there had ap
parently been consideration of the
aubjeel In the paaj week and a more
concrete nnd definite dlacuaalon re
sulted. Roportlng on the number of cow
In the territory adjacent to Hand.
Dr. P. II. Dancer aald there were
about 400, of which 40 were In the
Arnold dlatrlct. 7S at Alfalfa. 90 In
the Orange Hall neighborhood and
the ret oh tbe Hear Creek road out
of Uend. Of these he believed that
about SO tier cent, only could be
looked upon a producer for a
creamery. In his opinion It waa nee
esaary to make a further Investiga
tion of tbe aubjaet to learn more
about ooaU, charge and method of
management In olber places.
Robert H. Oould. manager of the
Commercial Club, read tbe form of
subscription that had been circulated
(Continued on laat page.)
"Where, the examluatlon of county affair now In progress by
nlleged expert la cblafly actuated by political malice, I Incompetent, -
1 arriving at no beneficial result, und la clearly a waste of money, --
nnd -
"Whorea. under Chapter 188 of the General Ijiws of Orogon, --
1912, It I specifically atated that the State Insurance CommhwtoHer -
shall at least oiue each year make a oaroful and accurate audit of the --
books and account of oacli county of the atate, and --
"Whereaa, the otUcers whoie nffalra aro now under Investigation --
have already requested the State In lira nee Commissioner to make --
egteial Investigation ofbolr olSaaa. ntyl.
"Whereaa. we unanimously agree tbat only through such ciScflu --
Investigation ran a fair and Impartial Investigation of the affair of --
all county ontrera lie obtained, therefore --
"tie It Resolved by these taxpayers of Crook Countv now assom-
bletl that we resiieotfully request the Court that tbe Alleged export
be relieved forthwith from further employment at tbe expense of
tbla county, and official ateiw Imi at onos taken to secure a proper --
exirtlng by tbe ' .surance CommUaloner aa provided by atatuto. ' $"
Cbapter 2(0 of th Oeueral Ui of Oregoa, pi
.Lagwlatars). contana wo roiiowing:
"Soctlou 10. rron and after Jamary 1, 1S14, tbe State Inaur
anoe Commissioner aball at least one aach year make a careful aad
accurate audit of the booka ami acoounts of each iusUtutkm of oA
cor, expending Stale money, and of tbe hooks and accounts of each
county of tbe State.
"Section 11. The expense of each such audit shall be certified
by tlio State Insurance Commissioner to tbe county of which such
audit wa made, and shall be paid by such county direct to the per
son nuking the audit.
"Sect Ton 18. The State Insurance Oom in lesion or Is autborlied
to Issue Bubpoeuaca. awcar witnesses and take tetlmony In relation
to any of the matter provided for lu tbla act, and for such purposes
shall have tlio same authority, to be exercised In the same manner,
a a Judie of the circuit court."
s Gasoline Engines
Gasoline Engines
Farming Implements
Woven Wire Fence
Seeds and Seeders
Harness and Pads
Garden Tools and Auto
3 - f r TtT f - rv -v t-- sssf C
IRK IS llfiili
Ttw Hull ARnliut City of Itcnil He-
nultiiif I'roni Jttattcr Construction
InJiirloM llnveHtlll lo lla Tried
Ciooked River Cnf Hctllcil.
The work of the Circuit Court,
which oonvonwl at Piinavllle Holi
day, haa been vory light and la nl
roady practically flnlahed. In two of
the rrlmlnal case the defondanta
pleaded guilty and In another the de
fendant waa bound over to the next
grand Jury. The different civil caaee
have taken little time, most of them
going over for amendment so that
trial will not be held until the next
term of court.
Qeorge Hobhouae, who waa charg
ed with arson, having burned a hay
stack belonging to John Wilson,
pleaded guilty, aa did also John and
Cbartee Kotzman who had been In
dlceted for burglary. These latter
defendant were arrested early last
week and a large rinantity of home-
Header' property found In their pos
session. The case againat Klggs
who waa arreated by Deputy Sheriff
Wenaudy on Monday In Hampton,
wa continued in order to give the
state time to obtain further evidence.
Tbe civil case of Jones v. Brick
son resulted In favor of the plaintiff.
Two case against the city of Bend
brought by John l.lmter and tbe
heir of Richard Wile were up, in
tbsjormer the plaintiff being given
by tbo lfia -
" r
CO. .-:
leave to file an amended complaint
and the defendant's demurrer In the
latter bang overruled. No reaulta
were reachod In the several case by
tlio CO. I. Co. againat settlor,
that againat Cote K. Smith being re
ferred and the Other passed.
This aflernoon the court I taking
np the Crooked River water adjudica
tion caiofl.
Fire wa dhteoverod lat Thursday
night a few minute before 10 o'clock
In the J. P. Johnson building, on the
third floor. It had caught from a
flue. A lino of hose was rooh laid
und carried up Into the building and
the fire put out. Most of the dam
age done, amounting to -ovoral hun
dred dollars, waa by water. There
waa a fine preseHro, a stream being
thrown from a second line of bote
IS or 20 feet above the top of tbe
thre story building. Repairs arc
now being made and a new root be
ing put on.
PRICE JIHS 565,000
Property Knut or Rend Owned by
riUwrim, IIIJc anil Douuiui- Houht
liy D. .. Finn of I'ortbind.
The largest realty transfer rec
orded In Crook county for many
moon waa put through In Portland
laat week, when tbe Ten Bar ranch.
10 miles eaat of Head, changed band
at a price reported to be $65,000.
The purchaser I I). J. Finn of
Portland. The former owner were
Jesee Stearns. A. II. Biles and F. O.
Downing. The deal was made chief
ly through Max Lueddeman, former
ly a resident of tni country and one
time owner of the Madras Pioneer,
who Is now In the real estate business
In Portland. The new owner will
occupy hi property In a month or so.
The ranch, which la one or tho fin
est In this section, Include 640 acre
of Irrigated land, 400 aerea of It in
alfalfa, and la thoroughly stocked
and equipped.
Xcw Ofllcer Clioen nt Meeting In
De-chutes Saturday.
At a meeting of the shareholders
of tbe Swaliey Cltch Co. held In
Deschutes on Saturday officers for
the coming year were elected as fol-
Laura- flipLa- HaviI iwaaliluii' W'll.
ftMff X. Rtiaasn. fWe-pvesldent: bit
aeorge s. Young, secretary, u A.
Hrandenburgh waa elected a director
16 serve wltb the two first named.
Tbe company adopted a new policy
In respect to maintenance fees, de
ciding to levy this year according to
tbe Irrigable acreage and not the
acre In crop aa In past year.
Tbe queatioa of back assessments
was considered and the manner M
collecting them left to tbe directors
with power to act. Today the di
rectors are making an Inspection cf
the dltchee of the company to decide
on tbe aeeda in the way of repairs
and changa.
The Bend Odd Fellows gave a par
ty Monday evening In honor of U. N.
Hoffman, vice grand of the lodge,
who I leaving Bend th.'s evening.
The Rebekaba were Invited and an
enjoyable ovonlng was spent by the
50 or more persona present. Card
playing was Indulged In during the
first part of the evening, followed by
dancing. Forreat'a orchestra furnish
ed the music.
The First National Bank
U. C. COE, Pre.ident E. A. SATHKR, Viee- President
C. S. HUDSON. Cashier
Capital fully mild - - $86,000
Surplus 13,000
The new Gurrency Bill is now a law.
Panics are a thing of the past.
Additional security and safety has been
added to the banks of the U. S., and
therefore to the people.
This is the greatest piece of construc
tive legislation passed in fifty years.
We cannot put its many provisions in
writing for lack of space, but will be
pleased to tell you personally of the many
admirable features of this bill, which are
for your further safety arid welfare. Gall
and talk to us about it.
U. c- Con E. A. Satheu . 0. S. Hudson
O. M. PATTgnsoN n. c. Ellis
At Redmond .Meeting Support of
Weil Hide Dlnlrict I Pledged To
liflldlntr Mnn No Other Cnmlt
dote Hnilorscd by DclcgntcaJ
fHdltorlal Cflrrespondencerj
RMDMOKD. March lib At a meet
ing held hero tonight, in which the
west sldo territory waa well repre
sented, It was unanlmou-ly decided"
to support R. II, Uayley of Laldlaw,
present county commissioner, for
re-olectian. Not only a solid support
wa pledged Mr. llnyloy by tho rep
resentatives of the various sections,
but stop were taken to go to work
actively for him In a campaign which
will have behind It tho united back
ing of all weet-slde voters und a largo
body of oastern men who feel that
this territory I ontltlcd to represen
tation In the County Court.
M. A. I.yneh of Redmond acted as
chairman and B. M. Lara of Rend as
secretary. A dozen Rend men had
ffutoed down, and there was good rea
refOntation from Madras and Culver,'
while the sentiment of Laldlaw and
Sisters hsd already been recorded
without special need of representa
tion. The purpose of the meeting waa
outlined; to get together on candi
date for the eommlMtonerahlp. Tbe
chairman, first stating that Redmond
had so axe to grind, called on the
Bond delegates for suggestion. O.
P. Putnam expressed the opinion tbat
Mr. Bayley's record and ability left
no room for doubt that' ho was the
man all tho west side wunVd. Other
speakers. Including representatives
from Redmond and Bend subscribed
to the lontlment. and a resolution
was unanimously adopted endorsing
Mr. Bayley.
The question of endorsing other
candidal, among them P. J. Dough
erty of ftedntoae! tor treasurer, was
advanced. This, however, met with
considerable opposition: the wieeat
policy It was decided, waa to concen
trate on Mr. Bayley. eliminating fric
tion or wMUfLetfort elsewhere. Many
agreed although this aide of tbe coun
ty undoubtedly was entitled to sev
eral offices. Mr. Rayley'a eaadbJaey
waa bound to meet with greater ap
proval on the eaat side If no effort
waa made to "bog" Just now
Those in attendance from Rend
were: C. S. Hudson. B. Ferrell, R.
B. Oould. rraak May. W. W. Faulk
ner. Claude Mannhelnwr. T. II. Fol
ey. U. C. Cos. O. M. Patterson. H. M.
Lara and G. P. Putnam.
Preparations are tinder way for
holding a meeting hero of all tho Odd
Fellows' lodge of Crook county on
Monday. April 27. The oecaslan 1
the 95th anniversary of tho founding
of the order. Invitation are being
sent to the Laldlaw. Redmond, Prlao
vllle. Culver. Terrebonne nnd Madras
lodges, and all of them are expected
to send delegations.