The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 04, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    l'ACIN 8.
urvii nn.uvriN, HKNi?, om:., wr.DNKsoAV mauw i, mm.
- - - '
G. 0. 1. CO.
Additional l,nil to Ho Sold Only n
HxtMmtfLlSCTtfaqtj ii ro Cancelled.
JwRmreUinnw Sftcimgc- Stopped
A truce between the Desert Land
lioard and the Central Oregon Irri
gation Company qn the subject of
Moiling additional lands heforo tho
oannts are enlarged was entered Into
at a meeting' of tho board and. ropre-
8ontaUve of the com turn. v at SalomJ
Jast Aveunesday. state Engineer
Lowls iad reeommeutled that thp
ointfany'bo forbidden to sell further
liuTOiLjunUl the en n aid are enlarged
mTuillieJeeeoaKe Question settled, baa-
ln1&STflrmmendatlon on the report
ijmuow jonn uuuuis as to me con
dition of the canals and the loss tr
water by seepage.
The question of the capacity of the
cannta and whether there Is enough
water for the lands sold, patented,
listed for latent oieu for sale
wa& a ran mI for several hours. Mr.
l.ovvlsiowVniling that the company's
canels are not auincient In sua to
A iun SAcumcK ion ijfiru ihsi'qsai.!
cost now
Whllo Kmuncleil llodslcnij 9 t)..1t
Spring nnd Muttrv UMM 7.
Hull Tree, Mission Oak, I'rvncli
Hovel 5llmr Ht) -i.un
I.lhnirr Tnblcf MKslon Onk M.00 n.tJO
IS Dining Clintr. MNslon Oak, Ocuiiluo , .
leather upholstering ... .' ttdL n
Kitchen Tnlilo 'J.-n J.l
2, Snmll ltujw J.'- jsM
Charter Onk,llcntlnK Ktoe lS.00 TB Oil
TcnnfoMUtekct B.00 .30
Wardrobe Cabinet S.IM) 1 .."H
He sank M'tventh the raging tiinlii,
In tnltig other llvoa to sne.
lie wwii down lo ft wat'ry Kruve.
A few hours at n nice classy, elfmii.
up-to-date place e;,erlAliv prepared
for gentleman, will remove all worn
and troubles. The Metropolltan.-Adv
c mtinueu from page true,)
m . jssw nwajsesKiMiw-a
trt C. O. Merrill nnd John
stein, county commissioners; J. W.
Vli.T the required amount of water ! Selmens. treasurer aud ex-onrrio eel
Inn next Monday in tho federal court
whim tlin dafendnnt countv olllclnla
may show cause why tho Injunction!!
praved for ahould not no Issued
The plnluilffs are the Wterhneu
ser Land Company of St 1'anl. the
Western J'ucMc I.and & Timber Co
of Minneapolis nndjtbe Oskosh Iand
& Timber Co. of Qahkosh, Wlscon
sin. Named aa defendants In the
Mil of complaint are William 8. Wor-
den, county J mine of Kianmtu conn
Itond on which lilt mother. Martha
McPliernon, and Mrs 0 Springer,
wife of the count Judge of this coun
tv, were the sureties. He will no
Im rMi'ie)tel to sere the remainder
of his sentence
to th lands, while Ruacoa Howard
nnd tesoe Steartia, for the totwawny.
lnN!.d that ther AM. Finally Mr. said that h-oauoellatiou of
vontracts with btiyew was exoeMtng
the acreace sold at the present time
i.t, I it v.ns aureeil that new sales
hi'il(t i'ot ie made of any greater
uiuoiint r land than the acreage
t uk This leaves the gues
ti .!"! ir farther argument y
lli' u.'ri ;awed a resolution re-ni.-itln.
tfi company to enlarge the
muK 'tinier dispute this season, If
lector of taxes : C. C Low. sheriff and
ex-otnek) collector of delinquent
taxes: C. It. De lp. countv clerk:
Ileal! Jk Co.. Coast Culvert Kluwe
Oo.. Security Vault ft Metal Work.
Wlllametfe Tent ft Awning Co, cor
porations, and C. K. Stone, attorney
in fact for Ueall ft Co. and the Coast
Urtdge Co.
timber Cotnpeule Wimid Stop I'ny
ment of WarrantN.
i Mtorthtnd Journal)
Confending ihat Klamath countv j Pherson case
ukKiah are spending large sums or
money lavishly and without consid
eration for the people who pay the
tuxes, thre large timber holding
oeNttmBias have brajtsht the
UnJtftiP States ,oonrt in this elty to
niW the aaslilRt? of warrants is
wied te the aggregate sum of about
34SC.6A0. Including Interest.
The matter wiU come up for hear-
DefeiKlunt in AmiiiH fuse Mint Serte
1IU l'enlteutlary Term.
(Special to The Bulletin)
PRIXEVILMC. March 3. District
Attorney Wlrts received word yes
terday from the clerk of the Supreme
Court at Salem that Judge llradshaw
had been HiUrined in the Igan Mc
pherson case. Mcl'berson was con
victed last Septemler of assault with
Intent to commit rape upon tne per
son or Mrs. louls Toi.ln and was
HAn.aMA .n larw nt frnm fill ta
f ttn years In utenltiiUary.
Mr. Wlrtx nrosDated tn oaee in
behalf eTthe- sMb at Snietel JlelS
ary 16. K. II. Dafur anil w. p. Mr
era renrosented the defendant. Mc
Pherson is now at liberty on a $5000
Ildliuv Woman U A lit loir of l'leee
: lintltlwl "silitl Star."
A Laldlnw woman has recently
composed n ao$ and had It printed
The title- of the pleee la "Soul Star"
and Its author ,ls Mrs. Jessie White-ker-rkinoraa.
The musk Is by C.
M. Arthur ijud the publishers nr the
C. U Partee Music Publishing m..
of New York. Tne follow lug are the
words of the song:
While sailing over the deep, blue
My toye a question naked rf me:
"What are the atars that ahlne
And thus 1 anawored to my love:
"Kach sur jfou mo there In tho
Km shone for centuries gone by:
Kach point Uf light np there above
Is the soul of soma departed love.
Soul Star, tuy Soul Star,
I wonder where yo ure:
.Up there in. the Heavens blue,
Away so very far;
Soul Sur. my Soul Star,
I'll be trtte to you:
Is It your light I see tonight?
Ah. how I wish I knew.
An we sailed along that night.
iA Uimpest rose In nil Ha might;
y wind anil water wildly tossed.
The ship, with many Uvea, wm lost.
My love I never saw again.
Hli .lolutcoiiK of San frnnrlem),
eml'tiirliig elnto to -10.000 aorws, Ilea
solid nlottg Hie wont tank of th Des
I'liutes, oxtemllux from u iHilut ii
invtltrmtoly three and a half tulles
southwest of lleml to a pnlnt on (he
river 13 miles south. Most of (ho
tit-anloiiolilpnoii (or lirnnka) lioltlltiK
are Mocked out directly south ami
eouthnHsterly front Hend, they also
now liuvliiK 1R00 ncre-i directly ho
side the prertout mill, formerly Uor
er'ri vroporty. all so situated that It
will tin milled here. The Mueller
hnldttmn nro nit blocked a doum
lilies Hiiuth of Hend. The Stturllus
tluier In this vicinity, embracing
a mu SO, 000 acres, la now well ldock
r.t nil htiutheasterly from Hand, com-
, t)iTcliiK some live miles south and
extending down to township II and
ranse 14, and nil so situated that It
will romo to Hend for manufacture.
The tmillnjt has been a big work,
and ha lieen In progress for tiuun
tiionttm. In one afternoon. It Is un
derstood, 3?, 009 acres ere awapiied
Just about aa one might trade pocket
knives. There were sevwnU district
trades, as, for Instance, when the
Deschutes cotnpanv exchanged 15.000
acres with the "hevllns. and then
turn ml ow that acreage to the ling
er Interests,
"This trading mesne a saving of
not less than fi.fto a thonaand when
It eomes tn logging and handling the
Umber." said Mr. Kyan. "U means
more to Central Oregon lumbering
thsn anything thai ha thus far hap
pened. Now that we have the tim
ber all blocked out. It's fair to sy
there Isn't a locsllty lp the faded
States where tlmlier cm be manu
factured as economically as here: the
solid bunching of the holdings, good
aronnd, topography and climate
make the situation about ideal."
The Deschutes psopie now have all
their timber north of the Klamath
county line.
(Continued from lage One)
dor nireet although no trial has ieeu
In the case of the Metropolitan,
the deputy came in about noon and.
as at Catnudr's, ordered the pool
room closed, saying that a padlock
would lie put on the door If the or.
4er were not complied wkh. ft.
Hartlett. who was tn charge et the
time, then closed the room. He also
undejetands that he was arrested bet
thai he la now "off."
.11 hi understood that Carmodr
UttHfcer will bring suit for damages
t Deputy wenandy. alleging
unuitrrAiiti'd liitiMfori'iicn with tlp-ir
l)iiHliiif.N mid fa o tti'MHit. anil In
that esse the utiswer of Hie deiut,
villi lie. iici'ordltig to Hie uisiimi'Mnns
or those HFiiunlnted with Hie nmHsr,
that all lie did was on Instructions
from his superiors In I'tliievllle,
The Wh"l teller.
The letter signed by Mr. Wlest ami
sent to Hie fbnernnr rnllmvs:
Hend, Oregon. Kelt. II, 10 II.
Hon. Oswald '"t.
' Shioiii, Oregon,
Dear Governor:
I wish to lirltiK to your Httentltm
certain mural cuikIIHoum oxlstliig here
In Hend, the renimty rtir which up
poars to lie net Ion other than liinil.
Wo ImvV operatltig In town two
pool nnd klllltirtl ronms, one of ilium
having ii IiowIIiik nils In connection.
mill oiio en r ii nnd soft drink estaii
llshiiient. nil of which until verv re
cently wore keepliiK open for iraltlc
ou HiiihIii.vs In violation of No. tlK'
of 1 0. I. The curd room proprie
tors have kept their plnee of business
closed on Huiiilava slime receiving a
letter from District Allomov Wirt
to tho effect Hint prosecutions would
be brought unless the law was eout-
plled with. Tho sumo latter was
written by Mr. Wlrlx to (he pronrle
tors of the (wo pool anil billiard
rooms nod the howling nlley, but the
same whs whollv 1 snored and both
places continue to remain upon ami
operate on Suiidav,
A committee of rlt liens llret took
the mntter of closing these places ui
with the ellv nltlclals, hut ther took
Hie sIhiiiI that, nlthough Hie cltv had
passed aa ordinance licensing and
otherwise regit lattug pool and bllmrd
rooms, they had no Jurisdiction I"
enforce Snndsv closing for the reason
that the ordinance did not rover that
feature tif the law, and refusing to
do anvthlng In the matter.
The matter wss net take'i no w'th
the District Attorney. Mr. Wlrls. who
wrote the proprietors aa above
forth, and directed the arrest or the
neoprtetora who refused to close
This was done and two trials were
had. loth resulting In Immediate ver
dict a of arou'nal at the hands of the
lr!. and both of the part lea de
fendant were defended liv the Cltv
tlornev, The defendants In Ntn
egees admitted (he (acta In the cae -thai
the places had Iwen kept ooeu
for trnttie on the ffundav In nueetlon
-and secured acquittal In the face
of their admleeione. which mske It
evident to (he people here that con
vict Ions csnnot lie had locally on ac
count of the power that Is bark of
those who are attemptlns to keep the
town open, aa even men who earnest
ly desire to see these places closed
are afraid, when na a )urv, to vote
for conviction, knowing aa thev d
hat It will bring neon their heads
the lire of thv opnoaltlon.
One of (he three proprietors of
one of the mol rooms Is s rnomlwr
nf the cltv council, and. aa set forth,
the Cltv Attorney (Mr. V A. Korhesi
defends them In their violation of the
law. Thev make no nueetlon as to
what the reading of tne atatule Is.
but take the stand that the law can
not tw enforced her aud open I r def
attempts ai enfareemeni.
These mailers eoweiltm hut a
link In a chain of conditions here
ehleh has for some time Imhmi onnre-
hv mo laiiliftH rouiloK
ultlilii Miir tiruvtiHK, slid I present
1 1 in in sell in A lulviiiii cltlsull 111
th" interwa of law unforcsinuiit. The
sllinillnii fieius heoud tho ppwor of
our iirlvn o iltlretiM Ikms In Ilnnd to
J r meily, i uch ss iniiiiv r us uleli It
none, aiu wo turn to von ror rniici,
knowing a we do the ttrin atnuil you
liave tuh i III matters or Hill lUilil.
; 'our very truly.
signed) i., i). wtton1.
Ill vlsv'f the IiiIIiiihIHmi uutttnlnsil
In i his IBter in respect In tho fosrs
u( iIih injmhsrs of the Jurlofl who w.
In Hie rf'inwr rates hrhJiihI tho pin
prletarslir the nool rooms, n repre
seniallvf of The I.iiM.Hii saw nil Mio
niemiietl of one Jury ami nil hut one
nf the ijlier anil put this inst!on to
them, IVere you alrald to volo for
eouvlctHu In the ool riKini mtso?
The HiiiMers wure nil forcibly) In the'
It is not known what, If nnv, In
strucllotis were sent by the (lovnrnnr
to Hie I'rltievillo oltlrlulM vvhlcili pro
diirml peputy Wensmly's Hi'tlon on
Open Hitiiilny In Hnlt'tii.
Arcordlug to u niessuge reflelved
by The linlletln from Us Salem cor
resi'tiilcni. both ihmiI rmims nnd
howling nllsys are open In Snlum oi
(C Mit loued from I'sae One)
IumhmI on so that It will rng whet -etee
there Is a call.
V ixKiih for talking In tko -chasge
oltlce has lieen pni In so i
them Is left space fur the addition of
another whenever It Is needed.
llioiit inon feet nf cal'le has hex.i
string (o carry (he Hoes to the of
fice. Thle does 'away w'th tnarv
wln-s. All the wires now on lie
poles along the main street will ie
transferred in (he new pelMilh the
a H) a, Manager I'oim state.
Three oierators will he In eltsri-e
of the exchange. MIjm Kllx1"- Ii
Imvls Is chief: Mrs M. J Main Ii n
the night shift, and Miss Nun h
Dstibs, one of (he elflrlent opera!' s
at I'rlnevllle, ta filling In temMri
l here until n third niieralor Is
Manager Pope Is getting up a "
rsrtory of the entire Pioneer ai I
lonnectlng services, which will i
pmdlnhed shortly, and afler Ihls Is
plsced In the hsnde of suicHlrs
irobsbly about April 1 thev will
retiulrqa to call h) number Inatead f
In connection with long dlsim-
is I la. an automatic stamping marh'
regulated by a chirk, has been iut n
It automatically it mi on a thVi'
the exact hour, minute and sen. .
tho parties begin talking and rsioi.1
the aame deUlli hn the coeirr .
lion ta ended. This otivlstai nm
outs aa regards length of tlmn ta
ed. font cloeks connected elr.t
ally with this master clock will pr
ably be Installed In aa many i'
business hoiiees.
Oct lour till I IniiilloK nnd f
log llifimi by tunkliiK nppllcndoi
The linlletln oniio. Adv.
- ---- -
--- - --.
.ii ii. i -
PP - V - --- --e
--- "4V-- --- --- -
Complete Stock
Dry, Rough and
. Maple, and Fir
. Flooring
ft r 4 t i ' i
s ' e ii iw,,a-ii'
trtMi)' mi '
I 0S 101 Ji
Hiilrj, hut i
aaaur1 iiiuaiagi
s& L0 1 o
For Close-in Acreage
Let us show yon the property vincd' 1
conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment
Pine House and
Irrigation Spout,
Lath, Red Cedar
e Bend Company
l :.
- -rL.. 4 t4 '
....IHtlt... K..M. tttttt4 --.
WTWWWWWWV V w-v-m-v --- --- .ft f Mtttl t 9 t IMI.M.MHII
, (,W
. f.
I "I
" ' 'j,' "
---, -- 9 '-. - -- - 4S S-S-4 1 -
S -- - -- ---..4 ---.
------- - -- -----t --- -- -- - ----f-,-t---" t