JIHNI) IIULMCTIN, HICXIJ, 011L'., WKDNTHDAY MAItCH 1, iOlf. vxon . Permanently Located Wn nm now loiiilcil In our periimneiit tiimtcirf ami nriuihlo lo nito joii better. Wo hl!W II t'OIII- plrto now Ndtik 'mill mil' price tin iilun) liM'L ciitinUloiil wild iimllly. Wo wnnt you li rouxldcr our ntorti oiir nlmi mill let ii m Im your iIiiiuuUIn, Patterson Drug Co. LOCAL NEWS ITEA1S II. A. Miller In on tho sick list thin wiiok. ' ' Wnlter llrownn Jr. nf Portland spout Inst Friday In Ilond. W. C. Crawford wont lo Itodmund this inoruliiK on business. II. II. Do Ariiiond njtmit Hftlurdsy ' In Prlnuvlllo on legal hualntwa. , Tim iivmiltiK "600" rlilli hit Ht- pound It meeting Utltll next wvek. llnrmty O'Donnoll went to Prlno Vlllo Monday on it biialnos trip. , Minium Anno and (lArlrude Mar- kol itru (u from lliolr homestead this week. ' William I.. Marka of New York City vsnii u guest of thu Futuams torday. U. N. Ilaffmiin expects to leave Hitxt week for Portland and Marsh llttld. II. A. Mmlth was bee the alrk ' tint fur the pant wek httt Ii roeov iiHhk. , Mm. II. O. Oady 'f UWIiw baa ben visiting frieadn Ik town thk week. Hurl Caldwell's ImIUihc ilW Mon day, presumably the nwult of mI oalng. The llrldge Club will b entertain- wl Friday nfUirwMin by Mm. C. M MclCuy. II. A. Mlllnr rHturnml fntm lib trip to 8wtttlo nnd l'(irtlml oh Tliurndny ( mornlHK. ' tluy JaniMon of Hllvwr l.nkn. mm licen In town thin wttk, n KUtml of . ttiu WrUht. I. I lfox Hunt tvr to I'riimvlllit on Illinium on Tliurili mturulHK t tlio rniinn day. Jnok Taimy lit lnilldli'K n nix room hrlok ImnRttlow In Kouwoud for hit on ocoupnnay. Hurl Smith of l.nldl.iw w.bii a llvnil vliltor Hunday, nKlurud ut tint liotiil WrlKht, ' I. O. Minor lm inovod hi a orileo to tlio now liulldliiR of thu I)ouhiit.-n , InvMtmcnt Co. 0. It. Cooper, of tho I'lonr Cim Company, rnlurned to I'rlunvttW Mooday tnornlnic. Hlnr Mclalml returned Friday , from l'fuamtnjc, Mich., whero ho ha upeiit tho winter, David II. Morlny, n BoatlUi eon- tractor, la hultdlnic two framo bua nalowa In Kenwood. , Frank and Knlph JntnUon. thn cut tlpiuon, arc In town this wvek, atny Iiik at tho llund llotul. W. I). Church of Wnlln Walla, Waih., waa n Ilond UI(or Hnturdny, roRUtiirvd nt tho WrlKht. Mm. PowmUoh vlaltitd her niothcr i tm flrat of thu wiik, thu Intlur IvIiik .III nt hnr homo nt IMnlnvluw, , W. II. Ilonlloy. formerly renldent ! hero, onmu In Saturday nlKht from W Tho Dallea for u fuw dn)'a' atny. A doleicntlon of Ilond people went .over thu I'rlnevlllo thla mornltiK nttond tho County Court rond ineot- ItlK. i a Clndqra frdm tho pit noar town 'T.avo boon ploood on tho rond to Konwood noroaa tho powor eoipiinny .lirlilKo. Tho Dutch Hiippor nt tho (Irnnno I Ilnll nnat of town, which wna pimt- R SPRING TIME Will aiMin Im heir, then joii will coiumenco cImiuIuk mill lenoviilliiK our Iioiim fiom celhir to j;mi'ut. DON'T FORGET It will bo to your ndvmitiiKo to Unit thla atom for nny tlihiK )'ti want U replnco jour fuiuUliluKx. Entirely now I'ntlcniH In.l'iii'lor, lied Itoom, IHnlnit ' Hooin mill Kltclicn. Now l.luo l.lnoleiiiiiN, CitipetN, 11ukH Slnttln. I E THOMPSON Bond, Oregon 1 Imvo u new rp-tlilntf iiinrlilno for vepnlrliiK worn out . Imby buK' wliccla Dry Goods Wo Invite your inspection of our complete stock of dry goods. A complete line of LADIES' SKIRTS lias just arrived. Come in to see them, and get prices. R. M. Smith Clothing Co. LEARN THE WAY. Hined recently, will lie held thla oven I UK. II. K. June him moved hla pnlnt Ktnrn to the liulhllUK on Wall atrcet recently vacutod hy tho I'uttfirsoii Drux Co. Tho Fratermil llrotherliood will hate a Imix Hiipper nod dnncu tomor row eeulUK. The ludlea uru uakeil to brliiK hnaki'ta. An eleetrl hIkii wna Iiiiiik over tho etitrnuro to tho It. M. Hmlth atore )inti'rday. I'ntternon Iiiih hIko lind a IiIr ilKU lint up. C K. McCurtlu, rondimiater of tho O.-W. It. M N. wna lu town Inat wct-k. P. C. OiirrUon waa lu I'rluuvlllo on hualuiHHi Inat week. Mlaa Floreuro tlrremi arrived Frl day nlKht from Toklo, Jaiwu, to keep houa for her brother, IC. F. Oreeim, at thn t.ra houne. Tin Itoyal NelKhlMtra will kIvi n bar tliti dnnce TuiHulay oveiiltiK at Kalhor'a Hull. I'rliwi will bo kIvhh to tho two beat character. TkH lititldlHK which aloud In tho rar of tlm I'llol llutte Hotel, for morly iks-hpImI by tho lleml gleam laundry. Iihn beoii lorn down. Mr. If. I.. Molouy nf Alfalfa and two amall children loft ttaturday NHirnliiK for I'eudleloH In Join Mr. Moloii). who la workiuK there. Mrn. (1. II. Htaplcton la hero for n month 'a vhilt with her pareula. Mr. and Mra. ICaaltta, while hor huaband la on a bunlHww trip lo Hpokane and OtllW MllHt. Carl JcmuMi and Vita l.o lleau were married nt Mr. Ileau'a apnrtmuula nt the lleau liulldlliK Huturdny ut 9:30 p. m. I) Juitlce of the Fence Orcutt, Follow Ihk the ceremony thorn wna a Dutch aupper. Tin. (lit. I IVIIiiuh nn arrnnKlnir u octal incutlng for next Monday oven Iiik to which all the rtcheknha are In vited. All Uilu reiiowa nro aiao ex pected to no preaent. 'I'll.. Inrvn alun nf Tll.l Ilillll) Plllll- . ,.i ..,' pi.ii . .. ...- . pan) wlilrli wat auapenueu noroaa Wall atrcet at Ohio la In bo taken down. Fart of the work una been dotio already. Will am ". 'if.hea f Kan Francla en haa ooina lo lleml and taken n half iNteroat wtih C. J. I .vert'tt In bl real ettatu bualuea. They have opened an oMIce In tho lloyd bulldlUK oeil to the WrlKht Hotel. N IC. Gilbert returned Inat Wod ueaday nlRht from (Irrelojr. Colo., whero he apent aoveral munthi. The Irish announce their fourth annual dnuco on Kt, Fatrlck'a day, Tuoaday,, March 17. It will bo hold In Hnthur'a hall, and aa unual will un doubt prove to bo nn enjoyable nf fulr. William DoukIqi received word nt week ot tho doaUi of hla halt brother. Hov. John Ford, of llwaco, Wnali., after an lllmna of 18 munthi. Ho wna an native ovniimillut for many yviira, II. CornUh, who linu been working lu lleud this winter, left Monday to return' to hla homeatoud nt Cliff. Ho ahlppud 250 pouuda ot auppllua to Bllver I.nko by freight, plannliiK to frolKht thorn from there. Hurley Hokuo, a homesteader lu tho Hampton country, wna lu towu hint week for aupplloa. Ho reported Hint tho froat la out of tho ground mid that tho ranchnra am buRlnnlnK aprlup plowlui:. Tho winter Rraln In lu tine condition, ho asld, Tho llnptltt Woman's M Union Cir cle will meet with Mra, A. O, Jonea Thuradny nfternoon at 2:30, nt her home nenr tho Faulkner renldence. Tho nubject will bo "The Wonderful Change In lliinnn." A apeclnl train brought In yeator dny nfternoon omclula of tho OroKOit Trunk. In tho party wero Oonornl Milliliter Kcott, den. I'aaa. Agent Wilki-y, Chief ICnRlneer l.npfer, (Sup erintendent llrnlunrd. J. l.lndKoy, Mr. Whitfield and J. T. Hardy. At h meetlnK Hunday, (IcorKo H. Yoiuik waa elected chairman of the New Thought Hoclety nnd Mm Yoiuik, necrctary. Mra. A. Orcutt waa choiicu trimturer. Meeting of thu Micli'ty will be held every Htindny Mftornoon at 3 o'clock in Artlaan hall. The children of the Young achool will give mi entertainment and late kot aoc'al at Oie Orange Hall an Fri day ercnliig. March 13, lo which the public la Invited. The proceed of the evening will no to help pay for an organ for the achool. I'atleraon'a otionlni: Saturday waa largely attended. Ill caah reglator' recorded (i23 miImi, and Mr. Falter aon iwtlmatiMi that 1000 people vlalt inI the atore durliiK the day. Flow era, china and eandy wore given awnv, and there waa mualc by For ruat'a orcheatra. Itev. O. II. Wilkin preached a peclul aermon laat Sunday evening to thu Odd Feltowa and Hebokaha There wore about 10 momhors of tho order In attendance. In their regnlla. There waa a nolo by Mra. Pownlvon and nlo one by MIm Hivitrlca.WJn gate, n Itebekah. Tho theme of the veriiion wna "The 'Good Snuinrltnn," or the aecond degree of Odd Fellow ship. ItlI. IWTATK THANSFHIW. (Weekly ri'iMirt Uaunl by Crook County Abktract CoinNiny,)t Northern Pacific Hy. Co. to Hcnd Timber Co., NW NK. 84 NK, NE NW H, 19-11, J10C0. )ake M. Itechtell to Wlllard II. WlrtOt 10, blk. 12, 4th add Frlne vllle. I.lda A. Ilcchteli to Wlllard JI. Wlrtx, KH It. t), blk. 12, 4th add Prlnrvllle, Imperial Townittn Co. to Cbarle Dunham It. I, lilk. 29. It f. blk. 2C; It. 11, blk. IC: It 12. blk 10; Ita. 3, i, blk. 32 Imperial. (The fore going are contained in 5 separate POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Dlrclory of tub Cllr, Toa and VMM, llvltc dMcrlpllta aktlch ot th plar, locution, population. t!i arapb, (lilpplne aod banking point y M C!ul& Dtrtctorr, comptl! by butlBM an) pfclfHlon., k. x. rout co4 bkattub We are showing some Very New Creati ions in Spring Skirts and Dresses Tho. newest woolen fnbrlcs In Plulds, Checks, Neat Stripes, Rluea nnil Dlncks, priced from . $3.75 to $8.50 For your Uemly-to-Wenr go to MANNHEIMER'S A deed, total cons deral'in J .00 i .1, M, .111 (M lo France Caldwell ItH ft, 0, lilk. II, l(lmond. Oregon niul Western C'lloniraflon Co., lo . F. TwIUhull HW 13-H-II. William M. 'iMudel to Lltlo M. Cum NIC NIC, 818 MC NW NIC 1-17-11. Llj-srln M. Coen to 0. W. Bandel, NW NIC 1-17-11. A nil ! M, MnyJloId lo Marlon May Hold water right for 80 were In W HIC (!, W'4 NIC, 8I NW 7, 17-17. J. 8. Psrmlulor to Albert C. Luran NIC fit, 1.1 ft. It. 3, lJk 1 llfrul. Jlettloa ICrlckmm to A. O. Living ston parcel 19 Lytle ttcio tracts, Ilond, 426, llnnil I'nrk Co., to II. K. Illlderbark It. 7. blk 120, lit mid lleml I'Hrk, $200. Ilond I'nrk Co., toA. J. Mills, ot nl, It. 1, tdk. 8D. Ilnnrl Park, Ilond Co., to I. II. flnoll, It. 1, 10, lik. 38, Center Add. Ilond. Contra! Oregon Irrigation Co., td Dorrnnee Smith, conveyance water right W NW, N HW, 32-11-13, Klrnur Nlswonger to W. O. Waugh NB HI-: of HIC 4, 18-12. Wo hove aomo very fancy chotcn candy, bought at h aacrlflce, gelling nt wholeaalo. Tho Metropolitan Adv KACIIKD COSl'l'MT AltltAVOKI). At tho I'reabyterian church next Hundny evening a ancred concert will bo given under Mr. Forrest' direc tion. The program la na follow Anthem. "Joaua I Aly Crotn Have Taken." nolo, "Oh, Loving Father, ' Mra. Fowolaon, with violin obtlgato by Mm. Ward; duot. 'My Fnlth hooka Up to Thee," Ml lllark and Mra. Forrest; nolo. Mnater Illtncr. violin wdo, Mra. Ward, trio, "Lift Tliino Kyea to the Mountains,'' Mlnaea Trnutner and lllack nnd Mra Forrest; nolo, "The .:an of Sorrnwa," Mra. Ilrlnkley: quartet, "More I.lko JoaUH Would I lto, ' Mlaaw Hunting ton nnd Tralitner, MhimUiihw Fowol wn nnd Forrest; anthem, "8(111, Still With Th " (liurcli of the Itiellieren. fkirvlcea each alternate Snndsy at 3 p. in. In the M. IC. church. Korvlcos noxt Hunday. M.UtKICTKKI'OltT. NORTH 1'OKTI.AND,, Koh. 2S. Kecolpta for the wek have been: Cattle 1721. calves 20, ho 1.434, sheep S2A4. Thla week cattle trade allowed .a few Mift spot but wan generally kooiI. The hie Monday run of sloera dipped about 10 renta off former prices. Since Monday the re ceipts have been light Butcher atock un the other hand, waa Arm throughout. Iet raw brought $7 and (7.05. bulls IB 'and ealvea $8 Klllera have not been over supplied on sho stuff and the market appears very ateady. Hog tops dropped Imck to $8.70 Thursday, which la 15 cents under Monday's price of $S,S5 It Is scarcely probablo that March receipts will bo on n tr with Fobni ary. hut so many unexpected things Imvo occurred In tho awlue market this year the doctors have gone to cover. Market steady with outlook good. Mutton and lamb prices hit tho high places this week. Tuesday, - OltHfiON TltVNK TltAIX Arrives .8 a. ni. - Leaves 8:30 p.m. O.-W. 'It. & X. TltAIX. - Arrives 7.45 p. m. Leaves 7:2S a. m. STACK I.IXK KOITII. - Arrives 7:30 pK m. - Leaves 10 n. m. AUTO JMXRS. Cars dally to Hums end points - south nnd southeast. ltlSTOFFICK HOntS. General delivery open dally 10 a. tn. to G p. m. - General delivery open Sunday 10 to 10:30 a. in. - Night train mall closes 7 p. m. Day train mall closes 6:30 a. m. TKLKdltAI'n nouns. Western Union dally 7-12,1-6, - 7-10. Sunday 8-10. 4-6. - TKI.KI'HONK HOURS. Pioneer Co. dully 7 a. rn.-9 p. nt. Sunday 8-12 and S-S. N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERHANCER. Estimntes on Wall Paper nt application Portland Prices Cheapest and Best Wall Paper Samples in the county. Ret My Prices. Box ill), - - Bend Oregon Home Made Candies Dainty Lunches and Ice Cr earn ffijfc. t -V a - vtat K Sl ' s? ,?,rv', a'Ar. ICJ V VVVWIV 'f11 'TTli firfi lit sr 1 t r i t S V A X JrsmJr Mi Spring Opening Authoritative ' Styles Ru$t7roofCbrseta Paris litis spoken, and Dress Fashions have there fore been set for Spring. iVozv Is The Time To Select Your Corset. Choose a Warner's for n Warner's is designed to accurately set ofi'the fashions of the season wear it for a couple of weeks, and then have your Spring suit or gown fitted over the new corset. You will he surprised how much easier the fitting will be and how much more satisfactory the result. The Nciu Warner Styles Meet Every Detail of Fashion's Edict. New gowns are fluffy and full over the hips, and Warner's Corsets have long skirts inset with elastic gores or lacings to permit the freedom necessary without disturbing the drape of the gown. Your Waist this Season Must be Natural and for certain extreme gowns reflecting the Venus de Milo pose, there are Warner Corsets designed to create this pose in easy, natural lines corsets de signed to support the figure, too. The Spring showing of Authoritative Styles of Warner's llust-Proof Corsets can be had at our counter all this week. Choose your Warner's now. Wear it whenjitted to your new gown The result is satisfaction. WARNER'S RUST-PROOF CORSETS $1 to $5 Every Pair Guaranteed Mannheimer' s Wednesday nnd Thursday wore bar- peared In the run; old wethers sold, ron of recolpts, but Friday saved tho "oft cars" at $G.S5, ewea $4.70 for week mul market from stagnation, tops and $4.50 to $4.65 :; hulk fea Momlny waa tho big day and fat unit- turod. Lamb doniand excelled sup ton or lambs wero attractive com-1 ply nnd the prlmo fnt kinds found au modltlos. A few $C yoarllnga np-j easy outlet at $6.75. QSBB8BEH WK ll.WK JUST HHCUIVKD A laituii stock of Lilly's UVKKYTIIIXa FOU Till: FAHMKIl AND GAKDICXKII. SKUSE HARDWARE CO. CALL AND OKT OUU CATALOGUM BSMsS'TS Deeds ,. fmmmmmmmm y